Concerning salmon paid to the refectory of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
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Almsgiving for deceased brothers of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
Almsgiving for Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, c.1235
Concerning salmon paid to the refectory of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235
Salmon dues could be commuted as sturgeon or a payment in shillings, as detailed on the previous folio.
66v (select folio number to open facsimile)
Mutatio Salmonum De Wldeham, de Suthfete, de Frendesberia, de
denitune de Stokes IIII salmones, si hii mu-
tati sunt in sturgun, scillingas in XXXII frustis. De Frendesberia et de Stokes XXX agnos ad pascha.
Hos habet episcopus contra cartam Gundulfi episcopi.
De Salmonibus, qui expenduntur in Refectorio. IN Refectario octo salmones de pulcesoribus qui inve-
niri possunt, quos invenient custodes maneriorum,
scillingas. Hedenham duos salmones. Derente duos
salmonest Stokes duos salmones. Frendesberia
tres partes de uno salmone. Est denintone quartam
partem. Suthflete dimidiurn salmonem.
[W]ldeham dimidium salmonem.
Alternatives for salmon:
Concerning Wouldham, concerning Southfleet, concerning Frindsbury, concerning Denton, concerning Stoke: four salmon, alternatives in sturgeon, shillings, in 32 pieces.
Concerning Frindsbury and Stoke, 30 lambs at Easter. These are the bishops as per the charter of Bishop Gundulf.
Concerning salmon that are paid to the Refectory:
In the refectory eight salmon of the best looking which can be found by the custodians of the manor, or shillings. Haddenham two salmon. Darneth two salmon. Stoke two salmon. Frindsbury three parts of one salmon. And Denton a quarter part. Southfleet half a salmon. Wouldham half a salmon.