Almsgiving for Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, c.1235

Almsgiving for Ernulf, Bishop of Rochester, c.1235

Translation from Latin of Custumale Roffense, c.1235, folio 67r by Jacob Scott.

This details the dues to be paid as alms to the poor on the anniversary of Ernulf. Ernulf (1115-1124) was the ruling bishop when Textus Roffensis was produced.


67r (select folio number to open facsimile)

De Ernulfo Roffensi Episcopo.

Elemosina in anniversario Ernulfi episcopi pauperibus distribuenda.
De ecclesia de Hedenham panem valentem XV solidos.
In Refectorio fratribus piscem vel aliquid aliud valenis
sexdecim solidos.


For Ernulf Bishop of Rochester:

Alms on the anniversary of Bishop Ernulf to be distributed to the poor.

The church of Haddenham, bread worth 15 shillings.

In the Refectory of the brothers, fish or some other valuing sixteen shillings.

Jacob Scott

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Concerning salmon paid to the refectory of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1235


Almsgiving for Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, c.1235