Conifer, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

Conifers are evergreen trees with seed-bearing cones. Conifers are primarily cultivated for their timber, which is a softwood, and used in various ways including construction, and the production of paper.

The name "conifer" is a Latin word, being a compound of "conus" (cone) and "ferre" (to bear). Conifers can be found all over the world but most often in the cooler Northern Hemisphere. Conifers can range in height from one metre to over one hundred metres.

In Celtic mythology, fir trees represent truth, honesty, strength, hope and wisdom.



Abies dicitur quod pre ceteris arboribus eat lon-
ge et in excelsum promineat. Cuius natura expers est
terreni humoris. Atque ideo habilis et levis habetur
De qua virgilius. Et casus abies insura marmos. Quia
ex ea naves fiunt. Et est candida et sine nodo.
Cipressus grece. dicitur; quod capud eius a rotun-
ditate in cacumen erigitur. Unde et conus vocatur.
idest alta rotunditas. Hinc et fructus eius conum dicitur
quia rotunditas eius talis est; ut conum imitetur. Unde
et conifere cypressi dicuntur. Huiusmodi lignum cedro
pene proximam habet virtutem. templorumque trabi-
bus aptum; inpenetrabili solitudine(dots underneath) soliditate;
numquam honeri cedit. sed ea quam inprincipio fuerat solidita-
te; perseverat; Antiqui ramos cipressi prope rogum in -
quo dampnati urebantur; ponere solebant. ut odorem
cadaverum dum urerentur; opprimerent iocunditatem
sui odoris. Est enim cypressus odorifera arbor. alta. inpu-
tribilis. viriditatem. et iocunditatem come sue; nullo ven-
torum inpulsu; umquam amittens. Apta quoque medici-
ne humane; ut ferunt medici. Habet mediocritatem
calidi et sicci. Huius poma cum sunt recencia; inscisionem
noviter factam; consolidant et crepituram. Et si emplastra
ex eis fiant. et super testiculos pnantur; intestino
ad texticulos descendendi; repugnant. Frondes eius eius
cum aceto trite; capillos tingunt. Et multis aliis est
utilis hec arbor. Nomine cipressi significantur sancti virtutum
culmine eminentes. Unde in canticis. Tigna domorum
nostrarum; cedrina. laquearia cipressina;

The fir tree is said to go far ahead of other trees and to stand out on high. The nature of which is expurgated by earthly humor. And therefore it is considered handy and light. Of which Virgilius And the fall of the fir insures the marbles. Because ships are made of it. And it is white and without a knot. In Greek, it is called cypress; because its head is raised from its roundness to the top. Whence it is called a cone, that is, a deep roundness. Hence also its fruit is called a cone, because its roundness is such; to imitate a cone. Hence the conifers are called cypresses. A wood of this kind has almost the same strength as cedar, and is suitable for the beams of temples; impenetrable solitude with solidity; he never yielded to honor, but to that which he had been unprincipled with firmness; he continues The ancient branches of the cypress near the pyre, on which the damned were burned; they were wont to put it in order to smell the corpses while they were burning; they would be overwhelmed by the pleasantness of their smell. For the cypress is a fragrant tree, tall, incorruptible, green, and pleasant to its fruit; by no impulse of the winds; ever losing Suitable also for human medicine; as the doctors report. It has a moderate temperature of hot and dry. When the fruits of this are fresh; a newly made incision; they consolidate and crack. And if plasters are made of them, and placed over the testicles; to descend to the bowels; they are incompatible Its leaves are ground with vinegar; they dye their hair. And this tree is useful to many others. By the name of the cypress are signified the saints standing at the height of virtue. Hence in the songs. The logs of our houses; cedar, ceiling cypress.


With thanks for the researches of library volunteers Alan and Jean Minnerthey.