Cedar, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

The Cedar is a large evergreen coniferous tree which can grow to a height of thirty five metres or more. It has a very distinctive shape, with clearly defined horizontal layers of grey-green foliage.

They are native to the Western Himalayas, and the Mediteranean, it also grows in Lebanon, where it is the national emblem, and appears at the centre of the Lebanese flag.

In ancient times, Cedar was used in the construction of temples and other major buildings, due to it's size and durability.Cedar wood is also the source of an essential oil which was used to make cough medicines, ointments and antiseptic, and it was also used in Egypt for embalming. In Lebanon, cedar wood is used as an insect repellent.

In several ancient cultures and traditions, cedar is spiritually associated with peace, protection and purification. Cedar also represents incorruptibility, and eternal life, and it was a Jewish custom to burn cedar wood to celebrate New Year. There are several references to cedar trees in the bible:

He would speak of trees, from the cedar that is in the Lebanon

1 Kings 4.33

The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches

Psalm 80.10

the scent of your garments is like the scent of Lebanon.

Song of Songs 4.11



Cedrus dicitur. quam greci cedros vocant ides est arboris
humor ardentis. Huius folia cipressi similitudinem cypressi habent.
Lignum est iocundi odoris. et diu durans. nec a tinea
unquam exterminatur. De qua persius. Et cigno digna lo-
cutus est. scilicet propter durabilitatem et perpetuitatem;
Et est arbor magna et alta. cuius resina cedria dicitur.
Que in conservandis libris adeo est utilis; ut perlini-
ti ex ea; nec tineas paciantur; nec tempore conse-
nescant. Nascitur in creta. affrica. et in siria.

It is called cedar. What the Greeks call cedars is the burning moisture of the tree. The leaves of this cypress resemble a cypress. It is a wood of pleasant odor, and lasting a long time, and is never exterminated by the moth. Of which more And he spoke worthy of a swan, namely, because of its durability and perpetuity. And there is a great and tall tree, the resin of which is called cedar. It is so useful in preserving books; as perlintine from it; nor do they make peace with moths; nor should they come to an end in time. It is born in chalk, Africa. and in Syria.


With thanks for the researches of library volunteers Alan and Jean Minnerthey.