Thyme, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230

Fresh Thyme has small leaves that grow in clusters on very thin stems. The leaves can be green, grey-green, and slightly yellowish green, which smell not only of thyme but also of lemon.

Thyme is indigenous to the Mediterranean region. Ancient Egyptians used thyme for embalming; the ancient Greeks used it in their baths, and burnt it as incense in their temples, believing it was a source of courage. The spread of thyme throughout Europe was thought to be due to the Romans, as they used it to purify their rooms. In the middle ages, women often gave knights and warriors gifts that included thyme leaves, as it was believed to bring courage to the bearer. Thyme was also used s incense, and placed on coffins during funerals as it was supposed to assure safe passage to the next life.

Thyme grew prolifically in the Holy Land. Because of its abundance, it was used as food for the animals, and is said to be one of several plants that would have filled the manger in which the infant Jesus was laid.



Timus sive ligne tima; sunt rotunda. quasi pinea.
sed multo candidiora. et fulgentia valde. et inputri-
bilia. et spinosa; in similitudinem albe spine. Dicitur
quidam quod aliud sit timus arbor. alius tinius sive
timum; herba vel frutex. cuius flosodorem refert. De
qua herba dicit virgilius. Redolentque timo. fragran-
tia mella. Epitimum grecum nomen est quod latine dicitur
flos timi. Nam flos grece; timum vocatur. Est autem
flos timbre similis. Tima ligna significant predicatores.
Sethui sive ligna sethin; sunt semper durabilia.
incorrupta. munda. perfecta. fortia. unde habent signi-
ficare perpetuitatem. durabilitatem. invincibilitatem;

We are afraid or we are afraid of wood; they are round, like pine trees, but much whiter, and very shining, and incorruptible, and thorny; in the likeness of a white thorn. It is said by some that a tree is one thing; a herb or bush, whose flowery smell it bears. Of which herb Virgilius says. They smell of thyme, the fragrance of honey. Epitimo is a Greek name which in Latin is called the flower of Thyme. For a flower in Greek; it is called fear. And the flower is like a stamp. Tima trees represent preachers.

Sethui or sethin wood; they are always durable, uncorrupted, clean, perfect, strong, whence they have to signify perpetuity, durability. invincibility.


With thanks for the researches of library volunteers Alan and Jean Minnerthey.