Dolphin, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230



Delfines certum habent nomen. quod voces homi-
num sequantur vel quod ad simphoniam grega-
tim conveniunt. Nichil in mari velotius istis. nam ple-
rumque naves salientes transvolant. Quando autem
ludunt in fluctibus et undarum se mollibus saltu pre-
cipiti feriunt; tempestates significant. Hii proprie sal-
mones nominantur. Est et delphinum genus in nilo flu-
mine dorso serrato qui cocodrillos tenera ventrium
secantes interimunt;

Dolphins have a certain name, because they follow the voices of men, or because they gather in groups for a symphony. Nothing in the sea is faster than these, for usually the ships fly over by leaping. But when they are playing in the waves and the waves hit them with a soft jump of the precipice; they mean storms. These are properly called salmon. There is also a race of dolphins in the river Nile with serrated backs who kill crocodiles by cutting their tender bellies.


Whale, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230


Porpoise, Rochester Bestiary, c.1230