Henry I confirms Geoffrey Talbot's gift, c.1100-1109

Henry I confirms Geoffrey Talbot’s gift to St Andrew’s, Rochester, and Bishop Gundulf, Transcription and translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, ff. 187r-187v by Jacob Scott. Edited with additional notes by Dr Christopher Monk.


187r (select folio number to open facsimile)

de litle uuroteham.

Henricus rex anglorum, Anselmo archiepiscopo,


et haimoni uicecomiti, et omnibus baronibus suis
francigenis et anglis de chent, salutem. Sciatis
me concessisse donum illud quod gausfridus
talebot dedit ȩcclesiȩ Sancti Andreȩ et episcopo Gun-
dulfo de rouecestra pro anima sua, scilicet me
dietatem parui broteham.1 Testibus, anselmo archiepiscopo,
et Roberto episcopo lincoliȩ, et Roberto comite de mel-
lent, et Roberto filio haimonis.


Concerning Little Wrotham:

Henry, King of the English, to Archbishop Anselm and Sheriff Hamo, and to all his barons, Frenchmen and Englishmen of Kent, greetings. Know that I have granted that gift which Geoffrey Talbot gave to the church of St Andrew and Bishop Gundulf of Rochester for his soul, namely, half of Little Wrotham. Witnessed by: Archbishop Anselm, and Robert, bishop of Lincoln, and Robert, Count of Meulan,2 and Robert Fitzhamon.


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1 Variant spelling of ‘Wroteham’. See Judith Glover, The Place Names of Kent, p. 213.

2 Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester, Count of Meulan (c.1040/50-1118).

Jacob Scott

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Fishings rights in the Thames, c.1103-1107


Monuments in St John the Divine Church, Chatham