List of various donors and their gifts to Rochester Cathedral and Priory, recorded c.1123
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List of Royal Donations to Rochester Cathedral from 604 to the reign of William II, recorded c.1123
Offices and masses for monastic houses in confraternity with St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester, c.1123
List of various donors and their gifts to Rochester Cathedral and Priory, recorded c.1123
Sawyer suggests folio 202 (i.e. 202r-202v) may be a later twelfth-century addition to the manuscript: See Peter Sawyer, Textus Roffensisart II, Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, 11, p. 12.
201v (select folio number to open facsimile)
Ricardus bellus et ernulfus de strodes
cum uxoribus sius acceperunt societatem
nram’ et dederunt nobis omniem decimam
suam etiam de mobili pecunia et sepetiem’. Godingus de hou in infirmitate qua et mor-
tuus est int’ cęta’ sua quę co’mendaiut
et distribuit . affensu uxoris sue et filiorum atq;
[ ] amicorum suorum qui presentes fuer’t’. concessit
nob’ singlis annis quataior solidos. Qd’ eius
donum uxor illi’ cristina per cultellum super altare
sancti andreę posutt et omnium anno hos ipsos quattuorr
solidos. In die festiuitatis sancti Paulini a se et asuis
heredibus in perpetuum reddendos et super altare po-
nendos statuit. Similiter fr’ ipsius godingi > hugo < in ipsa festiutate
a fe et heredibus suis dandos concessit duos solidos Pulco filius hugonis de niwweham quando acce-
pit societatem n’ram cum uxore sua concessit nobis
affentiente ipsa uxore sue singlis annis decem
solidos in festiuitate sancti michalis qs’ dabit alexander
et heredes ei’ de terra de blecemere . sicut ipsos debebant
dare ipsi hugoni pro ipsa terra singlis annis. Q’d si
ipse alexander heredebus n’ habuerit . ut ipsa terram
tenere n’ potuerit ut’ noluerit : habebim’ ipsa terram
loco decem solidorum quieta’ ab omnibus censu et c’suetudine Rannulfus constabularius dedecime n’ra
quam tenet : dat nobis per annum octo soli-
dos ad mediu’ quadragesime. Hugo de stochers dat nobis per annum de nra’
decima qua’ tenet . v . solidos ad festiuitatem
sancti Andree . et . v . ad pascha. De aslingham terra sancti andreę . quam
episcopus Gundulfus dedit goiffrido talebot.
retinuit idem episcopus omne’ decimam omnium
rerum ad opus monachorm suoru’ . quam
et dedit illis ęternalit’ possidendam;
[ ]cotlandus de ęscedene . seputas a nobis honorifice
tribus filius ei’ sub breui tempore defuncus . uenit in
caplin nrin cum uxore sua et plibus amicus suis . et
dedit nobis in ętuii’ possidendam quandam terram uxta
murum umeę nre’ ad orientalem plaga’ solida’ et
quieta’ ab omnium censu et consuetudine . excepto qd’
quando ciuitas scotabit decem libras tune et
nos scotabim’ p’ ipsa terra ad idem scotu’ tres denarios. Ipse autem et heredes ei’ acq’etebunt ea’ cum cęt’o feudo
suo qd’ tenent de heltone erga ipsu’ heltonem et
hęredes ei’ . De q’da q’q; prato qd’ [ ] Stephanus
filius goduini tenebat de illo unde habebat singulis
annis sedecima denarios . octo denarios concessit nobis.
qa’ ahof[?] octo ante dederat hospitali domui infir-
moru’ Pretea’ quia plimo tempore et suo et patris sin
haberani’ decima’ sua; de annona tantum : ipsa die
nobis concessit et super altare cum memoratis donis posuit
tune et deinceps in perpetuum totam decimas sua’ sicut
de annona ita et de itulis et agnis et porcellis. Has donationes dedit nobis pro anima sue et coniugis
suę . et patris et matris suę . et liberorum fuorum.
Richard Bellus and Ernulf of Strood with their uxoribus received the company of the nram and gave us all their tithes also of the movable money and the fence.
Godingus de Hou died in sickness among his company, which he ordered and distributed. in spite of his wife and children; of his friends who were feeling sorry for him. He granted us four hundred solids every year. What was his gift to him, his wife Cristina put with a knife on the altar of Saint Andrew, and in the year of all these very solidos. On the day of the feast of Saint Paulinus, he decreed that the heirs of himself and his heirs should be returned in perpetuity and placed on the altar.
In the same way, Hugh, brother of Goding himself, on the festival itself, granted two shillings to be given by faith and to his heirs.
Fulco, the son of Hugh of Niwweham, entered into partnership with his wife, he granted to us, in the presence of his wife, ten solidos every year on the feast of Saint Michael, which Alexander and his heirs will give him from the land of Blecemere. just as they had to give the land itself to the Hugos for individual years. What if Alexander himself had no heirs? that she was not able to hold the land because she did not want to: I will have the land instead of the ten solidi that was given to all the census.
Randulf the constable, ten of the land he holds: he gives us eight shillings a year at the mid-forties.
Hugh de stochers gives us for a year the tithe of which he holds five shillings for the feast of Saint Andrew and 5 at Easter
Of Aslingham, the land of Saint Andrew. Which Bishop Gundulf gave to Goiffrid Talebot. The same bishop retained every tithe of all things for the work of the nuns. Which he gave them to possess eternally; [ ]Cotland of Escedene buried by us with the honor of his son, who was buried in a short time, he came to Caplin with his wife and many of his friends, and he gave us a certain piece of land to be possessed in Ætuii, near the wall of the ume, on the eastern side, solid, and that which was according to the census and custom of all. except that when the city will collect ten pounds then and we will collect from the land three pennies at the same price. But he and his heirs shall receive it with his own fee, which they hold from the helton to himself, the helton and his heirs. About what gives what; the meadow which [ ] Stephen the son of Goduin held of it, from which he had every year sixteenth of denarii, he gave us eight pence, qa' ahof[?] had given eight weeks before to the hospital for the sick at Pretea's house, q'a prime time, both his own and his father's without Haberani's tithe; of the allotment: he granted it to us on the same day and placed on the altar with the mentioned gifts then and thereafter forever his whole tithe, as well as of the allotment and of the goats and lambs and piglets.
He gave us these gifts for his soul and for his spouse, and his father and mother, and the children of the children.