Confirmation of the privileges of St Andrew’s Priory by Archbishop William de Corbeil, c.1123-1136
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Monumental Inscriptions on the ledgerstones inside All Saints Church, Maidstone
Confirmation of the privileges of St Andrew’s Priory by Archbishop Theobald of Bec, c.1139
Confirmation of the privileges of St Andrew’s Priory by Archbishop William de Corbeil, c.1123-1136
No rubric or display initial.
203r (select folio number to open facsimile)
Willelmi dei gratia cantuar archiepiscopus. Fedis
aplice legatur. Omnibus hominibus et amicis
suis ta’ perlatis quam subditis. Cui’ cunque con-
ditionis sint ęcclę filiis salutem, deique benedicti-
onem et suam. Noscant presentes et profuturi me
reddidisse et firmit’ concessisse. et ex parte
dei et beati petri et n’ra uire in concusso hoc
presenti scripto meo confirmasse consilio et affen-
su clericorum et laicorum n’rorum ecclesie sancti An-
dree roffensi et dilecto filio n’ro Iohi’ episcpopo
omnem potestatem et iura episcopalia illi per-
tinentia in maneriis n’ris et clericis et
laicis sui episcopatum sic’ unque meli’ ut honora-
bili’ tenuerit antecessores sui Gundul-
fus ut Arnulfus episcpopi. Testibus hele wis archiepiscopus
cant’. et fulc’ p’ore sancte ofide. et Abel cano-
nico. Alueredo priore sancti gregorii. Rad-
cadus cum multis aliis clericis et laicis
apud canto roberiam.
William, by the grace of God, Archbishop of Canterbury, read the following pledge. To all men and their friends in the areas in which they are subjects. To whom no matter what condition, those things are sufficient for the children of God and his and his blessing. Let them know that I have repaid and strengthened the present and the advantage to have granted them. and on the part of God and blessed Peter and n'ra, in concusso my present writings, the council of the clergy and the laity of n’rorum church of Saint Andrew in Rochester and to our beloved Bishop John all the power and episcopal rights that pertain to him in the manors, n’ris[?], clergy, and laymen of his bishops sic’ always meli’ that that Gundulf held as honorable as his predecessors, like Arnulf the bishop. Witnessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and fulc’ p’ore sce’ ofide, and Abel the canon. Aleredo the Prior of Saint Gregory. Radcad with many other clerics and laymen in Kent roberiam[?].