
Rochester Priory Library list, c.1123
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Wills of Gillingham Shipwrights 1621 - 1852
Æthelberht’s Code, c.600 CE
Rochester Priory Library list, c.1123
The Benedictine Priory of Rochester Cathedral was commenced by Gundulf, William the Conqueror’s architect/engineer, close to the site of the original Cathedral of St. Andrew at Rochester dated to AD604. The Venerable Bede informs us that the original cathedral had lay clerics supporting the Bishop, not a monastery or priory as did other such early cathedrals.1 By the time of the Norman Conquest the community of St. Andrew’s Anglo-Saxon Cathedral church had descended into extreme poverty with only a Bishop and four Lay Clerics remaining. After the Conquest a Benedictine community of monks at Rochester Cathedral Priory had been commenced by c1082/3. Thereafter, building of a much more substantial cathedral church was also begun by Gundulf, who became the second Norman appointed Bishop of Rochester. By the c1120s the monks had brought together a sizeable library collection, largely by their own considerable industry. Reading as well as prayer was a most important part of the life of a Benedictine monk. They would have borrowed exemplars to copy from other religious libraries, such as Christchurch Canterbury and further afield e.g. the New Minster, Winchester and beyond to enlarge their library. This was no mean effort when taking into account the relatively small number of monks in the Priory at its maximum were only 60. A catalogue, compiled largely by one scribe, of the priories books, was bound into the manuscript which became known as Textux Roffensis, the Rochester Book. A scribe has written in a later hand Textus de Ecclesia Roffensi per Ernulfum espicopium indicating that they believed the work to have been carried out during the Bishopric of Ernulf who was Bishop from AD1114 to 1124. There are many facets to this Ms., not least that it is essentially two documents which have been bound together, the first containing the earliest known Anglo-Saxon Law Codes and much much more. As far as is known, it contains the earliest written record of the Old English language. The second document is in Latin as might be expected in later mediaeval ecclesiastical houses. But it also contains many more aspects of early mediaeval history. The monks clearly regarded this little book as a very precious possession. Its contents have also proven to be as precious through the centuries to the present day for the wide range of knowledge it contains. At the time of the Reformation, when the great Cathedral Abbey/Priories were dissolved and their library collections removed to the libraries of King Henry VIII, this little Textus remained at Rochester, possibly hidden by those monks still remaining. The Catalogue within it, on Folios 224r to 230r dating to 1123/4, records some 93 items. It provides good evidence of the range of written works available for religious communities in the early 12th century. Sadly very few, however, have remained in Rochester. The 93 Mss. were eventually given to the British Museum, from other library collections such as Sir Hans Sloane, Sir Robert Cotton and Robert & Edward Harley in 1753 to form a part of this country’s (free) National Library. From there they were transferred to the newly built British Library for which construction started in London in 1973. The RochesterEx Libris penned into the front covers of many of the Cathedral’s Mss. listed in the attached Catalogue by a later scribe show where they were once owned and that they are now safely stored in the British Library in London. In later centuries the Textus Roffensis went through many travels. Loaned to antiquarian historians, one of whom mislaid it to the hands of a person who misappropriated it and refused its return. The Cathedral was then obliged to pay to get it back. It was dropped in a river causing water damage, but has survived relatively unscathed as the result of previously very good binding with strong metal clasps holding it tightly shut. As the possible result of damp, however, the first record on folio 224r commences on line four with ‘Expositionum ejusdem super psalterium in tribus voluminibus’. The first three lines are now too faint to be accurately transcribed and although water damage has affected a large part of the right-hand side of the folio, that is still clearly legible. Many, but not all of the individual manuscripts recorded commence with a rubricated letter ‘I’ for ‘Ite(m)’, the letter ‘m’ being a scribes superscript abbreviation. Other rubricated capital letters and one large green letter commence the title of parts of the Scriptures, commentaries thereon and a number of sermons and extracts. The ‘hands’ throughout are mostly crisp, clear and legible, but for the sake of space saving this document contains many scribal abbreviations. Textus Roffensis is considered in the main to have been written by a single scribe. There is, however, evidence of different hands throughout the complete Ms. and also in the c.1124 Library Catalogue.Beverley Dee Jacobs
31st October 2021
Literal Translation (see Translation Notes)
224r (select folio number to open facsimile)
Expositionem eiusdem super psalterium . in ·iii· uol.
Exposition on the psalms, in 3 volumes2.
Librum ipsius de civitate dei . in ·i· uol. Expo-
On the city of God, in one volume3
sitionem eiusdem super epistolam sancti iohannis apostoli in ·i·
Exposition on the letters of Saint John the Apostle, in one
uol . in quo et sermo ipsius inter pressuras . et
volume4, in which his sermon on pressures, and
apocalipsis . et cantica canticorum. Item aug-
the revelation, and song of songs. Also,
ustinum contra faustum in ·i· uol. Enkiridi-
Augustine against Faustum, in one volume5.
on ejusdem . et librum beati ambrosii de bono mor-
A handbook of the same, and the book of blessed Ambrose, on the good
tis . librum quoque; domini lanfranci archiepiscropi con-
death. The book also; lord Lanfranc Archbishop
tra beringerium in ·i· uol. Item librum eiusdem
against Beringeria, in one volume6. Also the same book
contra felicianum . et librum domini anselmi ar-
against Felician, and the book of Lord Anselm
chiepiscopi Cur deus homo . et librum de asseneth cum
Archbishop, why was God a man[?] and the book of asseneth
quib; dam aliis opusculis in ·i· uol. Item librum
in one volume7. Also, in the book
ipsius de trinitate in ·i· uol. Item librum ipsius
on The Trinity, in one volume8. Also a book
contra . v. hereses . et sermonem eiusdem de muli-
against five heresies, and sermons about a
ere forti . et librum didimi de spiritu sancto . expo-
strong woman, and the book we have received from the Holy Spirit,
sitio quoque; bedae super . xxx. quaestiones in libros regum
also an exposition on Bede. Thirty questions in the book of kings,
item expositio eiusdem de templo solomis . et ex-
likewise an exposition of the same concerning the temple alone. and
positionem super canticum abbacuc . epistolam quoque
an exposition on the song Abbacuc[?]. Also the letter of the
mansueti episopi ad constantinum in ·i· uol.
meek bishop to Constantine, in 1 volume9.
Item librum Ipsius de concordia evangelistarum . et ipsium expositionem de sermone domini in monte
The same book on the Harmony of the Gospels, and on his own interpretation of the Lord's Sermon on the Mount
et librum ipsius de blasphemia in spiritum sanctum .
and book on the blashphemy against the Holy Ghost,
et sermonem ipsius de decem plagis : in ·i· uol.
and sermons on the ten plagues, in one volume10.
Item de doctrina christiana et de vera reli-
The same Christian Doctrine and the true
gione et de paenitentia : in ·i· uol. Item
religion and unknown, in one volume11. The same
contra caelestianos et pelagianos . et de na-
against the Celestians, and the Pelagians, and of the
tura boni . et dialogus eiusdem ad ieronimum
nature of the good, the Dialogue of the same to the ieronimum,
et de cura pro mortuis gerenda, et regula
on behalf of the dead, and, carrying out about the care of,
eius ad monachos in ·i· uol. Item exceptio-
and its relation to the monks, in one volume12. The same
nes de augustino super iohannem et aliae plu-
exceptions of Augustine on John, and
res exceptiones de libris ipsius in ·i· uol.
the exceptions of the book, in one volume13.
Item librum eiusdem de agone christiano cum aliis
Also the same book on Christian agony with
pluribus minutis opusculis in ·i· uol
many other small works, in one volume14.
Sermo eiusdem de pastoribus et sermo de ovibus . liber
Sermon on the shepherds and sermon on the sheep. A book
quoque adversus donatistas de baptismo . liber eiusdem
also against the Donatists on Baptism. In the same book
etiam de baptismo parvulorum et epistola ad marcellinum
also the baptism of infants, and the letter to Marcellus,
et liber de unico baptismo et liber eiusdem de spiritu lit-
and the book of the only baptism, and the book of the same from the spirit
tera in ·i· uol. Libri confessionum eiusdem6
of the letter[?] In one volume. A book on confessions
in ·i· uol‡ Item liber retractationum eiusdem et liber
in the same one volume15. Also a book of retractions of the same and a book
de ortu vita vel obitu sanctorum patrum qui in scri-
on the birth or death of the holy fathers who are
pturarum laudibus efferuntur . liber etiam sancti ysi-
extolled in the praises of the Scriptures. Also a book by St.
dori quidam . catalogus quoque beati ieronimi de ca-
Isadore. A catalog of St Jerome on the
tholicis scriptoribus et catalogus gennadii episcopi
catholic writers and catalogue of Bishop Gennadius
post6 ieronimum et catalogus ysidori de illustribus
after Jerome and catalogue of Isadore,
viris . et decretalis epistola gelasii papae de reci
and the decree letter of Pope Gelasius the
[There is an empty line here followed by:]‡ et Liber eiusdem de diversis heresib; 6
and the book of the same on different heresies.
piendis & non recipiendis libris liber quoque catholici
receiving[?] and not receiving the books of the Catholic
senatoris de institutionibus divinarum litterarum
senator on the institution of the divine letters
et liber prohemiorum sancti ysidori episcopi in ·i· uol. Item
and book preamble by St Isadore the bishop in one volume17. Likewise,
liber eiusdem de nuptis et concupiscentia et respon-
a book about married women and their lust, and
sio ejusdem sancti augustini contra cartulam missam
the response of the same Saint Augustine against the letter sent
valerio comiti a quodam reprehendente eius-
to Count Valerio by a certain man criticizing
dem librum et libros vi. contra iulianum episcopum pe-
the same book and five books against Bishop Julianus,
lagianae heresis defensorem in ·i· uol18. Item de
defender of the Pelagian heresy in one volume19. Likewise
praesentia dei ad dardanum et epistolae senicae ad
concerning the prescense of God at Dardanus and the old short[?] letter
paulum et pauli ad senicam et liber rathramni
of Paul to Senica and the book of Rathramnus
de co quod christus ex virgine natus et liber ejusdem
that Christ was born of a virgin, and of the same book
de anima et sermones de assumptione sanctae
of the soul and sermon on the assumption of the blessed
mariae et sermo pascasii diaconi in genea-
Mary and sermon on Passover, and the deacon in
logia christi et sermo sancti ambrosii de nativitate sanctae
Christ’s genealogy, and the sermon of St Ambrose concerning the birth of the blessed
mariae et quoddam scriptum anselmi archiepiscopi in ·i· uol.
Mary, and a document written by Archbishop Anselm in one volume20.
Libri beati ieronimi : sunt isti.
These are the books of blessed Jerome:
Epistolae ipsius in uno volumine. Commentarium eiusdem
His letter, in one volume21. Commentary on the same
super matthaeum in ·i· uol. Item libri eiusdem
subject in Matthew, in one volume22. Also a book
super xii. prophetarum et super danihelem in du-
on twelve of the prophets and on Daniel, in
obus voluminibus. Item liber eiusdem contra iovinia-
two volumes23. Likewise a book against
num hereticum in ·i· uol. Item expositio
the heretic Jupiter in i volume24. Also the exposition
eiusdem super epistolam ad titum et isidorus super
of the same on the letter to Titus and Isidorus on
genesim in ·i· uol. Item liber eiusdem7 de essentia et
Genesis in one volume25. Likewise a book of the same on the essence and
in effabilitate dei . cum aliis pluribus; minu-
in the effability of God, with many
tis opusculis in ·i· uol. Item liber eiusdem
other small works, in one volume26. The same book also
in vitam sancti pauli heremitae . et sancti bilarionis .
on the life of the hermit St. Paul, and St. Bilarionis,
et aliorum plurimorum sanctorum patrum . etiam
and many other holy fathers, even
actus monachi captivi . cum vita sancti an-
the actions of the captive monks. with the life of St.
tonii . et liber heraclidis qui paradysus ap-
Anthony, and the book of Heraclides which is called
pellatur in ·i· uol. Vetus et novum6 testamentum quam
Paradise, in one volume27. The Old and New Testament which he
(trans-)6 tulit de hebreo (sic) in latinum in duobus voluminibus. Quorum
(translated) from Hebrew into Latin, in two volumes. Of which
primum continet hos libros . Quinque libros moy-
he first contains these books; the five books of
si . Iesum naue . Iudicum . Ruth . Psalterium
Moses. Judges, Ruth. The psalter,
Proverbiorum Ecclesiastes . Sapientiae Ecclesi-
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, wisdom of the church[?]
asticum Hezram et neemiam . Paralipomenon
chronicles of Hezram and Nehamiah. Chronicles
duos libros et quatuor evangelia. In alio vero vo-
in two books and four Gospels. In another
lumine continentur quatuor libri regum Iob
volume the four books of the kings of Job
Liber tobie . Iudith . Hester. Libri machabe-
are contained in the Book of Tobie. Judith. Esther. Book of
orum duo. Libri prophetarum omnes . Actus apostolorum .
two Machabees. All the books of the prophets. The Acts of the Apostles.
Epistolae pauli aliorumque apostolorum. Apocalypsis.
The Epistle of Paul and other Apostles, and Apocalypse28.
Item expositio eiusdem super ysaiam prophetam
Also an exposition of the same on the prophet Isaiah
in ·i· uol. Expositio eiusdem super ysaiam prophetam
in one volume29. Exposition of the same on the prophet Isaiah
in ·i· uol. De hebraicis quaesti-
in one volume30. On the Hebrew
onibus in genesi . et de mansionibus filiorum israel
questions in Genesis and concerning the dwellings of the sons of Israel,
et de distantiis locorum et interpretationes
and of the distances of places, and the interpretations
hebraicorum nominum . et quaestiones in li-
of the Hebrew names, and questions in
brum regum . et in paralippomenon . et de decem
the book of kings and in the Chronicles and concerning the ten
temptationibus et canticum debborae et lamen-
temptations and the canticle of Deborah and the
tationes ieremiae in ·i· uol. Item tra31
lamentations of Jeremiah, in one volume32. Also in
tatus eiusdem in libro ihesu naue libri quoque
the same book of Jesus his book on the
duo beati augustini doctoris de adulteri-
two St Augustine, doctor on
nis conjugiis et liber unus de mendacio et
adulterous marriages, and one book on the lie and
alius contra mendacium et liber eiusdem ad
the other against the lie, and the same book
renatum de natura et origine animae . et ali-
for the birth of the nature and origin of the soul, and
us liber de eadem re ad petrum presbyterum ad
another book about the same thing to Peter the priest,
vincentium victorem quoque duo libri de
to the victorious conqueror also two books on
eadem re et sermo arrianorum et liber sancti
the same subject, and the speech of the asians, and the book of St.
augustini respondentis contra arrianorum
Augustine, answering against the treachery of the Asians,
perfidiam et libri duo eiusdem contra adversa-
and two books of the same against the
rium legis et prophetarum in ·i· uol. Ixposi-
adversary of the law and the prophets, in one volume33.
tio super ezechielem prophetam in ·i· uol.
Exposition on the prophet Ezekiel in one volume34.
Item quinque libros moysi in uno volumine
The five books of Moses in one
novo. Iesum nave . Iudicum . et . Ruth in uno
new volume35. Jesus in a ship, Judges, and Ruth in one
volumine novo. Item explanatio eiusdem
new volume36. Also an explanation of the same
in ieremiam prophetam in ·i· uol. Item super
in the prophet Jeremiah in one volume37. Also on
ecclesiastem et Bedam de tabernaculo et vasis eius et
Ecclesiastes and Bede, on the tabernacle and its vessels, and
super actus apostolorum et improperium ad monachos
on the acts of the apostles, and the reproach to the monks,
et responsiones cujusdam in ·i· uol.
and the answers of one of them, in one volume,
Leaf filled in a later 15th/16th century hand, very faint but showing donations to the monastery, e.g.;
Piscaria de Gillingham data monachis
Archiep. C. dat, etc. etc.
Libri beati ambrosii : sunt isti:
The books of blessed Ambrose are these:
De officiis in uno volumine. Exameron
The Offices, in one volume. Exameron
eiusdem in uno volumine. Item liber eiusdem
of the same in one volume. Likewise the book of the same
de virginitate . et de viduis . et de lapsu
on virginity. and of widows and of the fall
virginis ·i· uol. Item liber eiusdem de conflictu
of the virgin, in one volume. Likewise the book of the same on the conflict
vitiorum et virtutum . et oratio sancti effrem
of vices and virtues. and the speech of St. Augustine
de compunctione libri etiam iuliani episcopi de
on the compunction of the Book of Bishop Julian
prognosticis et plures sermones sancti augustini
concerning the diagnoses and the many sermons of Saint Augustine
et liber paschasii de corpore et sangui-
and the Book of Easter concerning the body and
ne domini in ·i· uol. Epistolae ipsius in ·i· uol11.
Blood of the Lord, in one volume. His letters, in one volume.
Item expositio in evangelium lucae evange-
Also an exposition on the Gospel of Luke
listae in ·i· uol. De fide ad gratianum im-
the Evangelist, in one volume. On the faith and grace of
peratorem lucae evangelistae in ·i· uol. Item de paenitentia conra
the emperor[?] Luke the evangelist, in one volume. Also concerning penance against the
novatianos . et liber sancti augustini de u-
Novatians, and the book of St. Augustine on the
tilitate credendi et liber eiusdem de fide
utility of creed, and the same book on faith
ac simbolo . et liber liber illius ad inquisitiones ianu-
and creed, and book book[?] of that inquiries of
arii et epistola ad armentarium et paulinam
January, and the letter to the armory, and Pauline,
et sermo de perjurio et sermo de excidio
and sermon on the destruction of the
urbis romae et sermo de faciendis elemo-
city of Rome, and sermon to be performed on the giving of
sinis et sermones de fide . de caritate . de
alms, and sermons on faith, charity, the
timore domini . et liber iustini in libris trogi
fear of the Lord, and the book of Justin in the trophy[?]
pompeii in ·i· uol. Item liber de mysteriis
of Pompeii, in one volume. Likewise, a book on the mysteries
sive initiandis et sermo de sacramentis
or initiations, and sermons on the sacraments
neophitorum habitus in synodo . et epistolarium
of the neophists held in the synod, and the letter of
ivonis carnotensis episcopi in ·i· uol.
Ivonis the bishop of Chartres, in one volume.
Libri sancti Gregorii papae sunt hi ;
These are the books of the blessed Pope Gregory.
Moralia eiusdem in duob; voluminib; Pastora-
The morals of the same in two volumes;
lis et dialogus in ·ii· uol. Liber ipsius super eze-
Pastoral care and dialogue, in two volumes. The book of
chielem in ·i· uol. Registrum in ·i· uol. Specu-
Ezekiel, in one volume. Register, in one volume.
culum12 in ·i· uol. Gregorius super ezechielem in duobus
Mirror[?], in one volume. Gregory on Ezekiel in two
Pastoralis anglicus in ·i· uol.14 Prosper in ·i· uol.
English pastoral care, in one volume. Prosper, in one volume.
Egesippus in ·i· uol. Itinerarium petri in ·ii·
Egesippus, in one volume. Peter's Travels, in two
uol. Rufinus in ecclesiasticam hystoriam in uno .
volumes. Rufinus in ecclesiastical history, in one
uol. Canones et decreta pontificum in ·i·
volume. The canons and decrees of the Pontiffs, in one
uol. Exceptiones de eisdem in ·i· uol. Orosius
volume. Exceptions to the same, in one volume. Orosius
cum gothorum hystoria in ·i· uol. Iohannes crisosto-
with the history of the Goths, in one volume. John
mus de reparatione lapsi . libi quoque eiusdem de com-
Chrysostom of the reparation of the fallen. Book of the same for
punctione . liber etiam ipsius de de psalmo quinqua-
compunction[?], also his book on the fiftieth psalm,
gesimo . et liber ipsius de eo quod nemo laeditur nisi
and his book on that which no one is injured except
a se ipso . et de expulsione sua, sermonesque be-
by himself, and concerning his expulsion, and the sermon of
ati augustini de simbolo et oratione dominica .
St Augustine concerning the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer,
quoddam quoque miraculum sancti martini . et scri-
also a miracle of St Martin, and
ptum fulberti de eo quod tria maxime sunt neces-
it was written of Fulbert about the three things most
saria christianae religioni . item scriptum fulberti
necessary for the Christian religion, also written by Fulbert
de sacerdote et hostia quam accipit cum or-
about the priest and the victim which he receives when he is
dinatur . libri quoque alcuini ad Karolum de
ordained. also a book of alcuini to Charles on the
trinitate in ·i· uol. Liber scintillarum
Trinity in one volume. The book of sparks[?],
in ·i· uol. Diadema monachorum in ·i· uol.
In one volume. The crown[?] of the monks, in one volume.
Institutiones regum anglorum in ·i· uol.
Institutes of the kings of the English, in one volume.
Librum amalarii abbatis de officiis divinia
The book of Abbot Amalarii on the divine services,
in ·i· uol.
In one volume.
Descriptio locorum que vidit bernardus sapiens
A description of the places which Bernard the wise man
quando ivit ierusalem vel rediit . et vita } Karoli magni
saw when he went to Jerusalem and returned, and the life of Charles[?] the great
regis . et itinerarium christianorum in ierusalem contra paganos
king, and the journey of the Christians into Jerusalem against the pagans
et hystoria }15 normannorum in ·i· uol.
and the history of the Normans, in one volume.
[Blank leaf]
Libri venerabilis baedae presbyteri sunt isti:
These are the books of the venerable Bede:
Hystoria anglorum in ·ii· uol. Eiusdem de tempo-
History of the English, in two volumes. Of the same
ribus . et de aequinoctio cum Alberico de compoto
period, and about the equinox with Alberic on his account,
in ·i· volumine.
in one volume.
De arte metrica et de scematibus
On the art of prosody, and of semates,
et de miraculis sancti cuthberti versifice compo-
and of the miracles of Saint Cuthbert, composed in verse
situm cum libro Karoli et alcuini de dialectica
the book of Charles and Alcuinus on the dialectic
libellus quoque petri damiani cuius nomen dominus vo-
book of Peter Damian, whose name is lord
biscum et sexaginta sex quaestiones orosii
with you and sixty-six questions of Orosius
ad augustinum et sermo beati isidori de cor-
to Augustinus and the speech of blessed Isidore concerning
pore et sanguine domini . et liber sancti augustini
the body and blood of the lord. and the book of St. Augustine
de agone christiano in ·ii· uol.16 Super tobiam et
on the agony of Christians, in two volumes. On Tobias and
>ezram . et liber eiusdem in verbis neemiae in ·i·
Ezra, and the book of the same in the words of Nehemiah in one
uol. Item expositio eiusdem super apocalipsin cum alia
volume. Also an exposition of the same on the apocalypse with another
expositione sine titulo in ·i· uol. Commen-
exposition without a title, in one volume.
tarius eiusdem super marcum evangelistam in ·i· uol.17
The commentary of the same on the evangelist Mark, in one volume.
Item martyrologium de nataliciis sanctorum et re-
Likewise the martyrology on the birthdays of the saints and
gula sancti benedicti consuetudinesque lan-
the rule and customs of the blessed blessed
franci archiepiscopi in ·i· uol.
Archbishop Lanfranc, in one volume.
Regula sancti iohannis cassiani in ·i· volumine.
Rule of St John Cassian, in one volume.
Iginus de spera mundi et hystoria longobardo-
Iginus concerning the sphere of the world and the history of the Longbardi
rum et gesta alexandri regis macedonum in ·i· uol.
and the exploits of Alexander king of the Macedonians, in one volume.
Expositio super apocalipsin sine titulo in ·i·
Exposition on apocalypse without a title, in one
uol. Collationes de dictis vel factis pa-
volume. Conferences on the sayings or deeds of the
trum in ·i· uol. Collationes abbatis moysi
fathers, in one volume. The Conferences of Abbot Moses
et libri sancti effrem . cum pluribus; omeliis et
and the Holy Book with many homilies and
multis aliis opusculis : in ·i· uol. Vita sancti
many other works, in one volume. The life of St
dunstani . et passio sancti Aelphaegi cum sermo-
Dunstan, and passion of St Aelphaeus with
nib; de dedicatione aecclesiae in ·i· uol. Epistolae
sermons, about the dedication of the church. A glossed Epistle
sancti pauli glosatae in ·i· uol. Epistolae domini lan-
of St. Paul, in one volume. Letters of Lord
franci archiepiscopi cum aliis minutis opus-
Lanfranc the Archbishop with other small
culis in ·i· uol. Liber de ratione et peccato-
works, in one volume. A book on the nature and
re cum pluribus opusculis in ·i· uol. Liber
sinner, with many works, in one volume. Book of
prognosticorum in ·i· parvo uol. Passionalia
prognostications[?], in one small volume. Passionalia[?],
in . iiii . uol. Sermonalia anglica in ·ii·
in four volumes. English sermons, in two
uol. Sermones diversarum solennitatum
volumes. Sermons on different festivals and of
diversorumque; auctorum : in ·i· uol. Omedia-
different things; authored, in one volume. Two
ria duo : in duob; uol. Unum de dominicis :
omedaries[?], in two volumes; one on Sundays,
aliud de sanctis. Lectionarii duo ad matuti-
the other on saints. Two lectionaries at
nas in duob; uol. Unus de dominicis alius : de
Matins, in two volumes: nne on Sundays, another on the
sanctis. Benedictionalia in duob; uoluminibus.
saints. Blessings in two volumes.
Tripartitum psalterium in ·i· uol. Iosephus in
The Tripartite psalter, in one volume. Joseph, in
·ii· uoluminibus. Solinus . et dares . et liber18 per gesis
Two volumes. Solinus, the daresm[?] and the book through the acts,
.i. de situ terrae prisciani gramatici urbis romae . et va-
about the situation of the land of the ancient grammarian of the city of Rome, and the
ticinium sybillae . et historia britannorum in ·i·
prophecy of the sybil, and the history of the Britons, in one
Epistolas beati pauli in uno volumine.19
The letters of St Paul, in one volume.
Collationes diversorum auctorum in uno volumine.
Collations of different authors, in one volume
Lectionaria in tribus voluminibus. Novum20 Testamen-
Lectionary, in three volumes. New
tum in uno volumine. Haimonen in uno volumine.
Testament in one volume. Haimonen[?] in one volume.
Ysidorum de ordine creaturor . et miracula sanctae
Creator of the order of Isidore and the miracles of the blessed
mariae in uno volumine.
Mary, in one volume.
[One half line, one full line and a further half line have been scraped off here]Quinque libri
The five books
moysi et Iosuae et iudicum in uno volumine
of Moses, and Joshua, and Judges, in one volume.
Collectiones ecclesiasticarum regularum domini iuonis carnotensis.21
Collections of the ecclesiastical rules of the lord of Chartres.
[Apparent erasure of one possibly 3 lines here.]
[Text on the verso of folio 230 includes the date:]
Further reading
Folios 224r. to 230v. used for comparison from the Textus Roffensis with the following:
Rev. R.P.Coates: Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of St. Andrew, Rochester, from the Textus Roffensis. Published in Archaeologia Cantiana, Vol. 6 1866.
Colin Flight: The Bishops and Monks of Rochester – 1076 – 1214. Published by Kent Archaeological Society, Maidstone 1997.
N.R. Ker, Ed.: Medieval Libraries of Great Britain, A list of Surviving Books, 2nd Edition, London 1964.
1 Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of The English People, Eds: Judith McClure and Roger Collins, Oxford 1999.
2 All three volumes extant in the British Library, known as Enarrationes in Psalmos, Royal 5 D I (volume 2), II (volume 3) and III (volume 1)
4 British Library Royal 5 B VI.
5 Contra Faustum Manicheum, British Library Royal 5 B X.
6 Enchiridion, De bono mortis, De corpore et sanguine Domini, British Library Royal 5 A XV.
7 De Trinitate, British Library Royal 5 B IV.
8 De Consensu Evangelistarum, Rochester Cathedral Chapter Library.
9 British Library Royal 5 B XII.
10 Not listed in the 1202 catalogue or known to be extant.
11 British Library Royal 5 B XLII.
12 Cambridge University Library ff.4.32.
13 An original rubricated mark righthand margin, refers end of this leaf for an omission of the next six words ‡.
14 Post’ somewhat doubtful.
15 British Library Royal 5 B XVI.
16 Lambeth Palace 76, ff. 1-147.
17 Bodley 134.
18 Cambridge Corpus Christi College 332.
19 British Library Royal 6 D II
20 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super matheum in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
21 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super xii prophetas et Danielem in ii vol.’. Not known to be extant.
22 Eton College 80.
23 British Library Royal 3 B I.
24 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Ysidorus super Genesim cum aliis in I vol’. Not known to be extant.
25 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Vita sanctorum patrum in ii vol.’. Recorded in the Butterfly Fragments as ‘radysus appellatur in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
26 Huntington Library MS HM 62.
27 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super ysaiam in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
28 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Psalterium eius in I vol.’, and in the Butterfly Fragments as ‘Expositio quoque eiusdem super psalterium in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
29 Cambridge Trinity College 1238.
30 Bodley 387.
31 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super ezechielem in I vol.’, and in the Butterfly Fragments as Expositio super ezechielem in I vol.’ Not known to be extant.
32 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Pentateuchi moysi in vol. Novo’, and in Royal 10 A XII: tertiam partem novi bibli armarii Roffensi quarum I pars est Genesis’. Not known to be extant.
33 Possibly British Library Royal I C VII.
34 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super jeramiam in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
35 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super exxlesiasten et aliis pluribus operibus in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
36 British Library Royal 6 A IV.
37 British Library Royal 6 A I and 7 A XI, ff. 19-24.
38 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘De virginitate et viduis in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
39 British Library Royal 5 A VII.
40 Not known to be extant.
41 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super lucam in I vol.’ Not known to be extant.
42 British Library Royal 6 C IV.
43 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Dre penitentia cum trogo pompeio et aliis in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
44 British Library Royal 6 B VI.
45 British Library Royal 3 C IV and 6 C VI.
46 Possibly British Library Royal 5 E II and 6 B II.
47 Recorded in the Butterfly Fragments as ‘Liber ipsius super ezechielem in duobus vol.’.
48 British Library Royal 6 C X.
49 Recorded in 1202 catalogue and the Butterfly Fragments under same title.
50 British Library Royal 4 B I.
51 British Library Royal 5 E X.
52 Edinburgh National Library Adv. 18.3.9.
53 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Itinerarium petri in I vol. Not known to be extant.
54 Possibly Cambridge Corpus Christi College MS 184.
55 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Canones et concilia in I vol.’ Not known to be extant.
56 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Exceptiones ex decretis pontificum et registro’. Not known to be extant.
57 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Orosius cum historia gothorum in I vol.’. Not known to be extant.
58 British Library Royal MS 6 A XII.
59 The first of the two parts of Textus Roffensis.
60 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Amalarius in I vol.’.
61 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Hystoria ierusalem cum pluribus aliis in I vol.’.
62 Harley MS 3680.
63 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘De temporibus in I vol.’ and the Butterfly fragments as ‘..ribus et de aequinoctio cum alberico de c…. poto in I vol.’.
64 Cambridge Trinity College 1128.
65 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super tobian in i vol.’ and the Butterfly fragments as ‘Super tobian et ezram, et liber…’.
66 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Super apocalipsim in I vol.’
67 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Martirologium cum aliis in I vol.’.
68 British Library Royal MS 8 D XVI.
69 Possibly British Library Royal MS 12 C IV.
70 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Collationes patrum cum multis aliis in I vol.’.
71 Vatican MSS, Reg, Lat. 646 ff. 1-48, 458 ff. 1-36, 598 f. 8r.
72 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Item epistole pauli glosate in alio vol. parvo’.
73 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Epistole lanfranci et anselm[i] cum aliis in I vol’.
74 British Library Royal MS 12 C I.
75 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Passyonaria iiii’.
77 Possibly Vatican Lat. 4951^2.
78 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Omeliaria ii.’
79 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Lectionaria v.’.
80 Recorded in 1202 catalogue.
81 British Library Royal MS 15 A XXII.
82 British Library Cotton MS Vitellius A XIII.
83 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Item epistole pauli sine glosa’.
84 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Lectionaria v.’.
85 Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery 57^3.
86 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Haymo in I vol.’.
87 Recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Ysidorus de ordine creature cum miraculis sancte Marie et aliis in I vol.’.
88 Possibly recorded in 1202 catalogue as ‘Decreta yvonis in I vol.’.
5 Apparently added in a different hand, preceding the continuation of the previous paragraph on Folio 225r.
7 Inserted above the line.
8 Gundulph’s Bible.
9 ‘Trans’ added afterwards in same hand.
10 Page ends with ‘tra,’ next page begins with ‘tatus,’ In this way the c was omitted.
11 Double underlined and appears to have been scored out.
12 ‘Cu’ ends a line, and is repeated at the beginning of the next.
13 Very faded ink.
14 Crossed through – no explanation as to why.
15 Written in a later hand. Poorer ink.
16 The total paragraph has been crossed through, but also underlined. Alcuinum has been superimposed over ‘arte metrica’ possibly at the same time.
17 Complete line underscored and crossed through.
18 P Periegesis. Priscian paraphrased the Periegesis of Dionysius.
19 90. to 96. Appears to be a later hand!
20 Underlined.
21 Considered a much later hand.