Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Capel-le-Ferne Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Capel-le-Ferne Church. Noted 25th September 1892 by Leland L. Duncan.


The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
                                                                                 Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey

Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007

Capel–le–Ferne Churchyard.
South side of yard.
128. Thomas BROMLEY and Susanna his wife. He died 6th October 1781 aged 64. She died 10th October 1790 aged 69: Left three sons and two daughters: Mary, James, Ann, ….., Elizabeth, Susannah and Hannah.

129. Thomas Hammond SIMS died 19th April 1805 aged 19 years.

130. Thomas HAMMOND died 23rd December 1750 aged 63. Left one son and one daughter.

131. George ANDREW of this parish, Yeoman, who left issue by Jeane his wife, daughter of Stephen ROBESON, two sons and three daughters. He dyed 13th September 1681 aged 71 yeares.

132. William ANDREWS died 15th May 1748 aged 65 years and six months. Left six sons and four daughters.

133. Elizabeth ANDREWS wife of William Andrews, 6th June 1758 aged 68. Left six sons and three daughters.

134. Here lieth interred the Body of John KNOTT, yeoman, son of Stephen KNOT of ye parish of Folkestone who had issue by Frances his wife two sons and two daughters of whom John only surviving. He departed this life ye 28th day of September 1705 aged 65 years and five months.

135. Frances KNOTT wife of John Knott Yeoman, died 18th July 1698 aged 56. She had issue three sons and one daughter. [Please note; if related to above there is contradiction as regards children].

136. Mary wife of John KNOTT died 27th January 1781 aged 90. Left surviving one son and one daughter: Underdown and Frances. Also John son of aforesaid John and Mary Knott died in infancy.

137. Here lieth Interr’d the Body of Jane wife of Mr John KNOTT of Dovor who was twice Mayor of that Town and Port. She left issue by him one son who now survives. She departed this life the 25th ay of April 1732 aged 69 years.

138. Here lieth Interr’d the Body of Mr John KNOTT of Dovor who was twice Mayor of that town and Port. He departed this Life June the 14th 1727 aged 52 years. He was son of John and Frances Knott he left issue one son.

139. Mr John KNOTT died 3rd January 1770 aged 67. Also John son of above died 1st November 1769 aged 34.

140. Underdown KNOTT Died 4th January 1793 aged 64. Left Rachel his wife and two daughters; Mary and Frances.

141. George ANDREWS died December 30th 1792 aged 52. Left his widow and one daughter. Also Elizabeth Andrews widow of above Died 2nd March 1813 aged 67.

142. George ANDREWS, 10th May 1804 in 82nd year. Left Elizabeth his wife and one daughter.

143. Elizabeth wife of George ANDREWS, 21st August 1821 in 88th year. Left one daughter.

144. Ann wife of John SPAIN of the parish of Alkham died 11th February 1822 in 64th year.

145. Ellen TOUGH  passenger in "Northfleet" drowned 22nd January 1873.

146. Lucy daughter of George and Elizabeth HOGBEN, 13th April 1874 aged 22.

146a Old flat tomb- illegible.

147. Jeremiah ANDREW died 26th March 1720 aged 66. Left four sons and two daughters.

148. Thomasin wife of Jeremiah ANDREW, 15th January 1731 aged 79. Left four children: George , Jeremiah, Jane……..….under grass.

149. John GINER, cordwinder in Huffam, dyed ye 19th of January 1698 aged 74. Had issue by Sarah his first wife one dafter and by Frances three dafters.

150. John HAMS of ye parish of Folkestone? Ye son of Thomas and Susanna Hams and Grandson of John and Frances JOYNER who died ye 6th August 1704 aged 30.

151. Martha HAMMOND wife of Adam Hammond died 16th January 1713 aged 58 years. Left three sons: Adam, John……. …. …Under grass

152. Adam HAMMOND, 13th January 1760 aged 77.

153. Stephen SIMS, 17th November 1780 aged 74. Left his wife, one son and one daughter: Robert and Jane. Ann his wife, 14th September 1802 aged 82.

154. Elizabeth wife of John KIMBER of this parish, 8th October 1684 in 75th yeare.

155. Elizabeth wife of George ……..O……..NE died 22nd January 1678 aged …. Yeares.

155aHeadstone:- low (old) under grass and illegible.

156. Eleanor wife of John SNELLING Died 19th November 1818 aged 63. Above John Snelling, 16th January 1819 aged 82. Left five sons and three daughters.

157. Elizabeth wife of Osborn Snoulton MEAD at Boughton under Blean and youngest daughter of William GILBERT of this parish, died 9th November 1825 aged 24. Left one child named Osborn aged 2 years.

158. Ann wife of William GILBERT of this parish Died 26th April 1820 aged 62. Left three sons and three daughters. Above William Gilbert died 21st January 1837 aged 74.

159. Osborn MEAD died July 17th 1850 aged 27, after a long and painful illness.

160. Jesse SINCLAIR died 31st March 1875 aged 78.

161. Ingram TUCKER died July 23rd 1854 aged 87. Esther his widow died February 26th 1856 aged 87.

162. Elizabeth wife of William ROBINSON Died 9th July 1840 aged 21.

163. Wood:- Susannah TUCKER died May – 1834 aged – yeares.
Eastern Portion.
164. Elizabeth wife of John DEAL, 3rd June 1811 aged 48. Above John Deal, 18th March 1814 aged 61. Richard only son of above, 20th June 1812 aged 24.

165. Footstone: W. A. 1823.

166. Lydia DEAL daughter of John and Elizabeth Deal late of the parish of Acrise, Died 10th November 1824 aged 24.

167. Elizabeth Alice only daughter of William and Susanna SQUIRE of Dover, 16th November 1827 in 12th year.

168. Frances ALLEN daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Allen, 16th March 1857 aged 27.

169. Edward ALLEN late of Dover died 12th September 1838 aged 62. Walter Edward and Susanna children of above died in infancy. Left- with Elizabeth his widow, one son and one daughter: Edward and Frances. Above Elizabeth died 27th May 1865 aged 79.

170. Mary DEAL daughter of John and Elizabeth Deal died 19th January 1844 aged 50.

171. Thomas SQUIRE late of Dover 26th January 1844 aged 52. Thomas Squire son of above, 17th June 1855 aged 36. James Squire grandson of above, July 1853 aged one month.

172. Thomas HATTON of Dover, 9th January 1865 aged 64.

173. William BROMLEY, 14th August 1878 aged 70.

174. Sarah wife of William BROMLEY, 31st August 1878 aged 76.

175. Sarah Ann wife of William BRIGGS and daughter of Ingram FRY and Charlotte BROMLEY, died 19th April 1872 aged 60.

176. Ingram BROMLEY died 30th May 1864 aged 53.

177. Ingram Fry BROMLEY Died February 3rd 1859 aged 73. Charlotte Bromley relict of above Died September 29th 1871 aged 86.

178. Austen John BROMLEY July 22nd 1828 aged 11. Henry Rivers Bromley died December 29th 1837 aged 15. Ann Bromley died October 24th 1854 aged 26.

179. Jane Caroline MARSH died 20th April 1858 aged 34. Robert Austen Marsh son of above, 23rd February 1857 aged eight months.

180. William BROMLEY died 22nd May 1859 aged 79.

181. Robert BROMLEY, 13th April 1863 aged 86. Jane PALMER sister of above, 22nd June 1870 aged 97.
Ann Bromley sister of above, 17th December 1871 aged 96.

182. Sarah Green ROSE died 25th July 1810 aged 21.

183. Mary wife of William GILBERT of Capel died 22nd January 1875 aged 75.

184. William GILBERT eldest son of William and Mary Gilbert of Capel died September 5th 1851 aged 19.

185. Frederick G… GILBERT youngest son of William and Mary Gilbert of Capel died December 6th 1854 aged 12. John GILBERT second son of William and Mary Gilbert of Capel, 7th April 1855 aged 21.

186. William HART (formerly of Great Chart) Died 9th June 1862 aged 80.

187. Laura Ellen Hart daughter of William and Ann Hart, died 30th December 1877 aged 40 after a long and painful illness. Also Ann Hart died 24th April 1886 in 88th year.

188. A broken pillar:- Thomas Barker Wawne BRIGGS and Annetta his wife and their (?) faithful servant Alice MARSH. Annetta Briggs (nee GRISBROOK) Born 12th March 1820 Died 9th November 1877. Alice MARSH born 28th January 1830 died 7th March 1882. Thomas Barker Wawne Briggs Born 24th July 1825 died 1st April 1883.

189. Mary DRAY wife of David Dray of Dover died 21st March 1842 aged 45. Above David Dray, 19th September 1849 aged 47. Left Jane his wife and one son George who died 7th April 1875 aged 30 and is interred in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Dover. Jane widow of above, 16th January 1876 aged 75.

190. Thomas DRAY died 2nd November 1839 aged 60. Left one son and two daughters: David, Mary and Ann.

191. Maria wife of James JANTON died 29th July 1875 aged 77. James Janton, 16th November 1881 aged 80. Also James, Edward and Thomas who died in infancy.

South-West of porch.
192. (Old):- Henry AUSTEN… … …… … … ……

193. Anne second wife of Ingram BRONDEY of this parish died 7th May 1757 aged 57years and seven months. Left four sons and three daughters: William , George, Ingram , Robert, Mary, Ann, Caroline Jane and Susanna.

194. Francis COXEN late of Dover Died 6th March 1838 aged 81. Mary his wife died 22nd June 1837 aged 79.

195. Alice wife of Robert COXEN Died August 11th 1832 aged 66 years and eleven months. Also Robert Coxen, April 18th 1836 aged 72.

196. William son of Thomas and Sarah BROMLEY died 9th June 1789 aged 25.

197. Ann Marsh of Wootton,5th July 1795 aged 43.

198. Benjamin FRIEND, 20th November 1807 aged 60. Left Mary his wife and five sons: Viz George, Benjamin, Joseph, Richard and John.

199. Mary SHARP wife of Vincent Sharp, 23rd June 1761 aged 47. Vincent Sharp late of the parish of Hougham, January 13th 1775 aged 72.

200. Wooden Slab: Frederick COURT died 18th February 1888 aged 13.

201. Philipina HARVEY, 16th May 1873 aged 44.

202. Mary youngest daughter of the late Joseph and Hannah RUCK of Brockhampton, Gloucestershire, died 23rd June 1885 in 36th year.

203. John KINGSMILL, 1st July 1863 aged 94. Margaret his wife, 9th April 1849 aged 70. Left one son and four daughters.

204. George son of John and Margaret KINGSMILL of this parish died 31st January 1862 aged 43. Left Eliza his wife and one daughter.

205. Ann wife of John ROUSE of Hawkinge, 25th November 1886 aged 73.

206. Thomas PAPSON, 30th April 1873 aged 83. Sarah wife of above, 22nd March 1872 aged 80. Stephen SIMS, 27th July 1877 aged 64.

207. Elizabeth wife of Joseph COCKS of this Parish, 1st July 1875 aged 53.

North Side;
208. Jeffery FOAT died 26th February 1849 aged 15. George Foat, 14th March 1849 aged 12. Daniel Millgate Foat, 24th May 1852 aged 10.

In Capel-le-Ferne Church.

Tablet on the North wall of the Nave and also a flat stone in the chancel with this inscription

209. Alice MINET widow of the late Rev. John Minet Rector of Eythorne died XV August MDCCLXXVIII aged LXXVII. Also Mary Minet wife of Hughes Minet of London Esquire died XXI November MDCCLXVIII aged XXXI.

210. Another tablet: Sophia Louise MINET fifth daughter of Charles William Minet and Leah FORTRIE his wife, born at Brasted in this County April XXVIII MDCCCXXXIX Died at Dover December XVIII MDCCCLV.

Northern Window Capel- Le-Ferne. (illustration).

North wall of Nave- with early diaper work in red on white ground.

211. Tablet in tower- which has been largely rebuilt: Ashurst MORRIS Dedit Nov. 1890.

Flat stones in Nave;
212. Here lieth interred the Body of Captain Alexander RIDLEY, jurat of the Corporation of Dover. He departed this life the 26th of June 1762 aged 58 years. Left surviving two sons. Mr John Ridley son of the above died 7th September 1802 aged 62 years.

213. Heare lieth Interred ye Body of Mrs Mary HUGHES dafter of Mr Henrey and Mrs Elizabeth Hughes who departed this life ye 2nd of March 1699 aged three weeks.

214. Brass on North Wall of Chancel: Arms: (illustrated)
Figures of man and woman
Three daughters (missing) and four sons. Pray for the soullys of John GYBBIS and Margaret his wyff he decest ye III day of October in the yere of Our Lord MCCCCCXXVI.
                                                                                            End of Capel- Le- Ferne   25th September 1891.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007

Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton          

Funeral Inscriptions at Capell Le Fern in Kent - 1759.

In the Chancell.
1. One Flat Stone without Inscription. Remains of good painted Glass, in ye Windows.

2. The Chancell is parted from The Body, by 3 Mitred Arches, supported by 4 low Pillars. Over these Arches is a large Aperture in the Wall, like a Window; this has a much rounder Arch – I imagine, by some Stone Brackets still remaining in The Walls that the Rood Gallery was in this Place.

3. In the Body – On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred The Body of Mrs. Mary HUGHEs, Datter of Mr Henry and Mrs Elisabeth Hughes, who departed this Life the 2d. of March 1698/99. Aged 3 Weeks.

4. Four Other Flat Stones not legible.

5. This Church consists only of The Chancell and Body, and a low Tower at the West End, in which hangs 1 small Bell without Inscription.

6. In The Church Yard, is 1 Ancient Altar Tomb, without Inscription; and Memorials of Persons of The Names of ANDREWS, BROMLEY, HAMMOND, KENTER and KNOTT.

7. This Church was dedicated to St. Mary. It is accounted only as a Chapell, and is annext to Alkham, which see.

8. (No note of brass of Jn. GYBBIS (ob. 3 Oct. 1526) & w. Margt. now on N. wall of Chancel. Probably covered over in B.F.’s time. But M.S. cozens (c.1795), vol 2, p.384, describes this bass as on Chancel floor (the sons already gone).

Index of Names and Places

Name Index
ALLEN 168, 169
ANDREW 131, 132, 133,
   147, 148, 6
ANDREWS 141-143
AUSTEN 178, 179, 192
Barker 188
BRIGGS 175, 188
BROMLEY 128, 173-178,
   180, 181, 196, 6
COXEN 194, 195
DEAL 164, 166, 170
DRAY 189, 190

FOAT 208
FRY 175, 177
GILBERT 157, 158, 184-186
GYBBIS 214, 8
HAMMOND 130,151,152, 6
HAMS 150
HART 186, 187
HUGHES 219, 3
KINGSMILL 203, 204
KNOT 134
KNOTT 134-140, 6
MARSH 179, 188, 197
MEAD 157, 159
Millgate 208
MINET 209, 210
Rivers 178ROBESON 131
ROSE 182
RUCK 202
SIMS 129, 153
Snoulton 157
SQUIRE 167, 171
TUCKER 161, 163
Wawne 188

Places Index
Acrise 166
Alkham 144
Boughton under Blean 157
Brasted 210
Brockhampton, Gloucestershire 202
Dover 137, 138, Dover 167, 171, 172,
   169, 172, 189, 194, 210, 21
St. Mary’s Cemetery 189

Folkestone 134, 150
Great Chart 186
Hawkinge 205
Hougham 199
Hougham Huffam 149
Eythorne 209
London 209
Wootton 197General
Captain 212
cordwinder 149
Corporation of Dover 212
drowned 145
jurat 212
Mayor 137, 138
Rector 209
ship "Northfleet" 145
Yeoman 131, 135


                        Capel near Tonbridge with index of names and places at end

Back to Churchyards listed

Below is a transcription of the un-numbered pages at the end of Volume VII 
of Mr L.L. Duncan's notebook on the Martin Family.
                                                                      Noted by Leland L. Duncan

                                              Typed up by Zena Bamping

South side.
1.  Elizabeth daughter of William and Mary Martin of this Parish died 25 May 1793 aged 22.

2.  William Martin of this Parish died 6 February 1804 aged 66. Also Mary his wife died 24 September 1809 aged 66. Left issue 3 sons and 4 daughters viz Andrew, William, John, Mary, Ann, Susanna and Sarah.

3.  Susanna daughter of William and Mary Martin of this Parish died 28 January 1806 aged 28.

4.  Sophia Martin daughter of John and Ann Martin died 23 April 1808 aged 7.

East of the Chancel.
5.  Susanna Martin late of East Peckham died 8 December 1833 aged 54.

6.  Next is a row of Hubble tombs. The stone next to Mrs Martin's is to Sarah wife of Thomas Hubble who died 14May 1801 aged 24. Left one daughter, Ann. Thomas Hubble died 29.4.1831 aged 57.

7.  One of the Hubbles (Thomas, who died 14 January 1773 aged 73 and Elizabeth his wife who died 31 July 1764 aged 59) had a son John who died 4 September 1763 aged 37 and a son Martin and daughter Elizabeth all of whom died young.

In the new part to the West
8.  George Martin died 1 December 1910 aged 69. R.I.P.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Hubble 6, 7.
Martin  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

East Peckham 5

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Canterbury, St Jesus Hospital

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Canterbury, St Jesus Hospital, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758.

1. In The Chapel – On a Tablet on The N. Wall. (Taken from his Monument in The Cathedral of Canterbury) Johanni BOYS de Fredville Equiti aurato, Juris Anglicani Consultissimo, quinq Archiepiscopis Cantuariae, in Temporalibus, Seneschallo; Tribus quinq Portnum Custodibus in eorum Cancellariâ Assessori; Civitatis Cantuariae Recordatori; Hospitalis Jesu, in Suburbio, Fundatori. Viro, Pietate, Gravitate, et Mansuetudine singulari. Qui duas duxit Uxores; Dorotheam PAWLEY, et Janam WALKER; Sed nulla Prole relictâ, Christo Servatori devotam Animam reddidit Die 8 Augusti, Anno Salutis 1612. Aetatis suae 77.

2. On Another Tablet on The North Wall.

[I. Arg. on a fess betw. 3 trofils slipt az. 3 plates.
II. Az. a fesse betw. 3 whelk-shells arg.]. Thomas WELTON, The Elder, Brother of this Hospitall, went into the Wars of Germany, under the Command of The LORD MARQUISS HAMILTON, Anno Dom. 1630. Serv’d 6 Yeeres in Gustavus ADOLPHUS, King of Sweedland his Army – was taken Prisoner by ye Imperiall Forces at the Famous Battle of Marling; and, from that Time serv’d in the Emperor’s Army 8 Yeares; where he was a Drum Major in the Regiment of the Right Honourable the Lord Christopher CETCH, Head Marshall of the Feild.

3. In The East Window is This Coat, with ye date 1600. [BOYS - ¼ly, wt. escut. of pretence imp.
¼ly: 1). Or, a griffin segreant & a border gu.
2). Sa. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 buckles or.
3). Arg. on a fesse sa. betw. 3 lions’ heads erased gu. 3 plates.
4). Per pale & per fesse indented erm. & gu. wt. sct. of pretence:
Gu. 3 lions passt. arg. over all on a bend az. 3 molets or. imp. Lozengy or & gu. on a chief arg. a lion passt. sa].

4. On The Same Wall are The following Coats.

[I. (Arch. Bp. PARKER) See of Cant. imp. Gu. on a chevn. betw. 3 keys, wards up, arg. 3 stars of 5 pts. gu.
II. (Arch. Bp. GRINDALL) Ditto imp. ¼ly or & az. a + countercharged sa. & arg. in 1&4). a martlet sa. 2&3). a martlet arg.
III. (Arch. Bp. WHITGIFT). Ditto imp. Or, on a + patonce sa. 4 bezants].
5. On The South Wall, is an Atchievement, with BOYS impaling as before.

6. The Following Inscriptions and Dates are cut on small Square Stones, which are placed here and there in ye Outward Wall, next the Street.
Sr. John BOYS Knight, founded this Hospitall, Anno. 1595.
James NICHOLES the 3d. Warden March 23 1609/10.
Edward OWER the 4th Warden the 8th of February 1625/.
William TWYSDEN the 5th Warden the .. of January A.D. 1633/.
Thomas JONES the 6th Warden. Sept the last. A.D. 1639.

7. This Hospitall is situated at the further End of Norgate Street, on the East Side of the Way, a little beyond St. Gregory’s. Its Society consists of 8 Brothers, and 4 Sisters. The Warden reads Prayers in the Chapel. They bury at ye several Parishes to which they belong, and have no Burying Ground belonging to the Hospitall. 1758.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
BOYS 1, 3, 6, 6

WHITGIFT 4General Index
Battle of Marling 2
Burying Ground 7
Drum Major 2
Warden 6

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

In The Chancell.

1. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Bodies of Christopher BROWNE of this Parish Gent and 4 of his Children, by Mary his relick Wife. Hee died 20th of Septr. 1657 of his Age 37 having Issue surviving 3 Sonnes and 2 Daughters, by his said Wife.

2. On Another, with this Coat. [Az. on a chevn. arg. 3 molets sa. (ROBERTS) imp. ditto]. Here lyeth the Body of Drayton Roberts, late of this Parish, Gent. Son of Edward Roberts Esq. He married Joanna Daughter of Joseph Roberts Esq; and had Issue by Her, 7 Sons, and 4 Daughters. Joseph, Drayton, Edward, William, John, Tiddeman, Thomas, Eliz-Joanna, Eliz-Joanna, Ely-Anne, Ely-Anne. 4 of them, viz. Joseph, Eliz-Joanna, Ely-Anne, & Thomas, died before their Father. He departed this Life Sept. 29th 1712 in the 40th Year of his Age. Joseph the Son died Feby. 12th 1710/11 in the 13th Year of his Age.

3. On Another Flat Stone. Here lye The Bodies of Thomas SCRANTON, Esq and Elisabeth his Wife by whom he had 1 Daughter Elisabeth Scranton who died the 16th Day of January 1719/20. At whose Desire and Charge this Stone was laid In Memory of her Death.

4. On Another. Certa Spe Resurrectionis Hic Jacet Corpus Thomae SCRANTON, Theologi. ex hâc Vitâ migravit x Die Junij A.Dni 1648. Aetatis suae 47. Elisabetham Uxorem Thomam et Franciscum Filios; Elisabetham, Filiam Deflentes reliquit.
Marmoreo Lecto liceat Tibi ducere Somnos/Chare Pater, spes est, luxerit alma Dies. T.S.
Depositi Uxoris Cineres in Urnâ Mariti Elisabeth SCRANTON Francisci BARTON Armigeri, Filia Natu Secunda decessit è Vitâ 30 Die Januarij A. Salutis 1683/4. Aetatis 72.

5. On Another Flat Stone. In Memory of Elisabeth SCRANTON, who having lived a Vertuous & pious Life, died the 9th Day of February, in the 47 Year of her Virginity, and, of Man’s Salvation 1685/6.

In The South (Or Roper’s Chancell.
6. On The West Wall.
[I. ROPER imp. Sa. on a bend arg. voided sa. & cotised arg. 3 lions passt. arg. (BROWNE).
II. ¼ly: 1). ROPER.
2). Sa. a chevn. betw. 3 leopards arg.
3). Erm. a fesse vairy or & gu.
4). Sa. a cross or voided sa.
III. ROPER imp. Gu. a chevn. betw. 3 lions’ paws arg.].Siste gradum qui pergis, & haec, (ut vivere possis/utque Mori melius discere) Pauca legas./Negligis ecce brevi, forsan dum negligis, et Tu/Humanae Specimen Conditionis eris./Sacrum Pietati et Parentibus Thomas ROOPER, Armiger, Thomae Mori (Quod nec modico huic Familiae Honori fuit) ex Filiâ Margareta Nepos, Haeres Moribus; post Patrem Gulielmum (cujus in eo Munere consors videri priusquam Successor poterat) in Foro seu Banco Regio, suprema totius Regni Curia, Protonotarius, viginti quatuor, aut eo amplius, Annorum Spatio (tam suo magno Merito, quam summo Omnium Studio) Fide bonâ et publica egit, non Actoribus non reis aut dare unquam Verba solitus, aut nimio vendere. Uxorem habuit eamq Unicam Luciam, Filiam Antonij BROWNE ex illustri Montacutensi Familiâ oriundam Equitis, Equorumq Regi Henrico Octavo Praefecti; cui, etiam, a Concilijs fuit. Ex Illâ bis Senos pari Sexus Discrimine, Liberos suscepit. Mirus utrisq et Merus Amor, Magna Concordia, et mutua Veneratio; Ita publicus in Foro, Domi Privatus, sanctè ubiq agens et Modestè, ubi tranquilliter senuisset, dormienti Similis, Anno Aetatis suae sexagessimo Quinto, requievit in Christo vicesimo Primo Januarij Anno 1597 Indulgentissimo Parenti Piissimus Filius Gulielmus ROOPERUS, LI ME PO (Libenter Memoriam Posuit). Respice, quid prodest praesentis Temporis Aevum!/Omne quod est, nihil est, praeter amare Deum./Quid Caro, quid Sanguis, quid Pulvis et Umbra superbis?/Quid laetare Miser, Vermibus Esca satus?/Qui Mundum immumdum captas, captaberis ipse:/Et, qui cuncta cupis, Te brevis Urna capit./Pauca potest vivo Mundus Solatia ferre;/Nullaque post Mortem Commoda Damna potest./Quae damnant fugiens Animam, sic instrue vivens/Vivat ut in cœlis beata Deo./Mortuus haec moneo Moriturum: Perge, Memorque/Esto Meae Sortis; Sed magis Ipse tuae.
[2013-09-23 Corrections and photograph kindly supplied by Geoffrey Allibone September 2013]

Roper Monument

7. Under this Chancell is a very large Vault, in a Nitch in the East Wall of Which is preserved the Head of the great Sr. Thomas MORE, who was Lord Chancellor in the Time of KING HENRY 8 – and was executed in ye Year 1535.

8. On The South side of this Chancell are 2 very Ancient Altar Tombs, let into the Wall, which have both had Brasses on them, now lost. And 6 Ancient flat Stones on the Floor, wch. have also all been inlaid with Figures, Coats armorial etc. except 1, wch. however has no Inscription (this one = a plain slab).

9. Here stands a very Old Wooden Eagle, on a Pillar of Marble, which has been used for a Reading Desk. It has been covered with Brass; Its Head is of that Mettal.

[D. summarises the following thus: "Here follow from Somner"].

In the South Isle.
10. On the Wall near the Belfrey, on a very neat Oval Monument, with the following Inscription and Coat. [Az. on a fesse engrld. arg. 3 serpent-like coils gu. and in base a sun or]. Near this Place, lies interr’d the Body of Claudius RONDEAU Esq., His Majesty’s Resident at the Court of Russia from the Year 1730 to the year 1739. He was born 28 March 1695 and died at Petersburg Oct. 5 1739. This Monument was erected to his Memory, by his Widow Jane, Daughter of the Revd. Mr GOODWIN, & Relict of Thomas WARD Esq., Son to the late Ld. cheif Baron Ward. Here also lies interr’d His Posthumous Daughter, Claudia Rondeau, born May 8 1740 and died the 31st of the same Month.

11. On a Flat Stone, nearly under ye Mont. with the same Coat. Burial Place, design’d for the Family of Mr Claude RONDEAU, Merchant at Canterbury, Refugee in England, for the Protestant Religion. Here lieth the Body of John James RONDEAU his eldest Son, deceased the 18th Day of March 1703/4. Aged 22 Years. Here also lieth the Body of the said Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life the 12th of Nov. 1720. Aged 72 Years. Likewise, Mary BUCK his Daughter, Wife of Mr William Buck of London who died Nov. 3 1743. Aged 51 Years. And Anne, Wife of the aforesaid Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life the 19 Jany. 1744. Aged 84 Years. Here also lieth Sarah the Wife of Fran ALKIN of Lewes, Gent, and Daughter of the abovesaid Claudius Rondeau, who departed this Life 11 Dec. 1751. Aged 56.

12. On a Small Flat Stone. Within this Vault lie interred the Bodies of Francis, William, Benjamin, Sons of Thomas and Susan ALKIN, who died 26 Aug. 1748, 1 Feb. 1752, 21 July 1752.

In the Body.
13. On a Neat Mural Mont. on ye N. Wall, close to the Pulpit. Near this Place lieth the Body of Daniel HALL, twice Mayor of ye City of Canterbury. His first Wife was Leah RIGDEN who, with her 3 Children lyes buried under this Place. By his Second Wife Sarah SAFFERY, he had 2 Sons; Daniel and Samuel. He was a Loving Husband, an indulgent Parent, and an impartial Magistrate. He died Oct. 3 1742 in the 81st Year of his Age. Near this Place also lies the Body of Daniel, his eldest Son by his Second Wife. who was diligent and skilfull in his Profession or Surgery and Pharmacy; dutyfull to his Parents, & belov’d by all. He exchanged this Life for a Better, on Feb. 20 1740/1 in the 24th Year of his Age.

14. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Leah the Wife of Daniel HALL, who departed this Life the 12th of Octr. 1703. Aged 32 Years. Likewise, the Body of David, son of Daniel and Leah Hall who departed this Life the 25th of April 1701 in the 3rd Year of his Age. As also Mary Daughter of Daniel & Leah Hall who departed this Life the 25th of April 1707 in the 7th Year of hir Age. Here lieth also interr’d Daniel, Son of Daniel & Leah Hall, who departed this Life the 7th Day of March 1715/6 in the 22d. Year of his Age.

15. On Another. Here lyeth the Body of Leah HALL who departed this Life the 12th of October 1703 Aged 32 Years. Here also lieth David Son of Daniel Hall, and the above said Leah his Wife.

16. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Marcy, Wife of Michael LUCKET, who departed this Life, March 3 1734/5. Aged 64 Years. Here also lies the Bodies of their 3 Sons; William, he died June 16 1702. Aged 2 Years, and 5 Months. George died Aug. 4 1706, aged 7 Months, And William he died, May 2 1711. Aged 7 Months. Here also lies Mary, Daughter of William and Sarah ALLEN, of this Parish, and Wife of Michael Lucket, the Younger, by whom She had Issue 5 Sons and 2 Daughters, viz. Mary, William, Thomas, Charles, Sarah, Michael, and George. Of whom, Mary died Feb. 2nd. 1735/6. Aged 4 Years. Thomas died May 20 1736. Aged 1 Month. She (Maria, mater) died Sept. 23 1746. Aged 37.

17. On Another Flat Stone. Here Lyeth the Body of Sarah SPENCER, who died March 21 1742/3 aged 27 Years, Daughter of Hudson and Alice Spencer of this Parish; who lie interr’d in the Parish of Holy Cross Westgate, with their 8 Sons, and 5 Daughters.

18. Here are 5 Other Flatt Stones, none of which are legible. One of them has been enlaid with 3 Brass Figures.

19. This Church consists of, The Great and South Chancells, The Body, South Isle, and a small Chapell at the North West End; This Chapel was founded by one Henry, sirnamed of Canterbury, in 1330, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, together with a perpetual Chantery, committed to the Care of the Hospital of Poor Priests in Canterbury (see Battely P.168). It is now made Use of, for a School House.

20. The Tower stands at the West End of South Isle. In it hang 5 Bells, thus inscribed:
1. Joseph HATCH made Me, 1629. Autho. ROPAR…… ric: Spencer Oeconomicis.
2. Thomas PALMAR made Me, 1660. Tho. SIMPSON, Ch. Warden.
3. Joseph HATCH made Me, 1605. J.F.C.W.
4. Ave Maria Graciâ Plena; Dns. Tecum.
5. T.P.M. (Thos. PALMAR) 1675. Henrey LANMAN; John FLACTNO C.W.

21. In The Church Yard, are Head stones for AUSTEN, BAKER, CADMAN, CHILD, EASTMAN, ELLIS, HORNE, LOT, PARKER, PILCHER, HOMERSHAM, THORP & WATTS; and 2 Ancient Altar Tombs whose Inscriptions are lost.

22. It is a Vicarage, in the Gift of the Arch Bishop, and was dedicated to St. Dunstan, as its present name shews. The Present Vicar is the Revd. Mr. Isaac JOHNSON 1758.

23. The following Lines are on an Headstone in the Church Yard, inscribed to the Memory of Mrs Mary KNIGHT, who died Sept. 12 1757 aged 42 and of Mr Charles MADDOX, who died Feb. 4 1762 aged 31. Hearken, ye Young, ye hoary Sires attend!/Hear, all who breathe, the Ashes of a Friend!/To you they speak; on you benign they call,/Heirs of the Tomb, &, Part’ners of the Fall./Return (they cry) to Earth return again;/He bids, Who made, nor mocks the Sons of Men./But, can you view, and, can you, thoughtless, read/This kind Alarum, this Summons from the Dead?/Can you, unmov’d, the gen’ral Sentence hear,/Nor sigh one Wish, nor shed one genuine Tear?/ In vain, if so, would Worlds entomb’d arise,/To rouse your Fears, or, point You to the Skies!/.

24. In the Well, belonging to Mr ROBERTS’s House, on the Top of St. Thomas’s Hill in this Parish, was found abt. 60 Years ago (c.1700), a flattish Wooden Bowl or Dish with a broad Rim of Silver Gilt, on wch. is engraved, in very Old Church Text, "Fille the Kuppe, and drink to Me, In the Name of the Trinite". In the Bottom is a Screw on which, I suppose, stood an Image of the Virgin Mary; for others of the like sort see V.3, P.142* & 138** of this Volume.*St John’s Hosp, Sandwich. **Wickhambreaux. (3.142 mentions the St. Dunstan’s one, & 4 more at Harbledown Hospl.).

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ALKIN 11, 12
Drayton 2
HALL 13, 14, 15
LOT 20
RONDEAU 10, 11
ROPAR…… 20
SCRANTON 3, 4, 5
WATTS 20Places
Lewes 11
London 11
Petersburg 10
Church Warden. 20
Court of Russia 10
Mayor 13
Merchant 11
Refugee 11
Surgery and Pharmacy 13

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of St Giles Churchyard, Shipbourne

A full transcription of the memorial inscription found by Mr L.L.Duncan when visiting Shipbourne Churchyard, Kent, in 1923. These notes have been taken directly from his field notebook which he compiled on site. Readers should bear in mind when reading this notes that Mr Duncan was purely interested in the early memorials and not those of a late date.
                                                                                             Completed by Frank Bamping, 7 March 2001

The South Western area

1. Margaret, wife of Jonathan Richardson died 17.4.1857 aged 47.

2. William Blackman, late of Bridge Street, Southwark, died 21.2.1845 aged 59. Susannah Blackman his wife died 24.4.1872 aged 78.

3. Ann Shelton, niece of Mrs William Blackman died 9.11.1864 in her 51st year.

4. John Blackman, son of Peter and Elizabeth Blackman of this parish died 1.4.1818 aged 59.

5. Thomas Blackman died 25.8.1835 aged 80. Jane his wife died 22.5.1817 aged 63. They left issue two sons, William and Thomas.

6. Frederick Blackman son of Thomas and Caroline Blackman died 29.5.1847 aged 22.

7. Peter Blackman of this parish died 9.3.1804 aged 86. Elizabeth Blackman his wife died 6 December 1798 aged 73. They left issue three sons and one daughter.

8. Mary Ann Blackman, wife of Thomas Blackman died 29.9.1813 in her 26th year. Left issue one son and two daughters; William, Sarah and Mary Ann.

9. Thomas Blackman died 15.5.1850 aged 61. An affectionate husband and father &c. Caroline Blackman his wife died 20.12.1867 aged 78.

10. A flat stone. In a vault beneath are interred the remains of the three daughters of John and Rachell Simpson of this parish who were suddenly taken of [sic] by the scarlet fever, viz. Elizabeth Rachell died 13.10.1805 aged 9, Ann died November 1 1805 aged 4 and Amelia died November 1 1805 aged 2 years.

11. Elizabeth Maria Moyce, widow of Henry Moyce of Bromley, Kent, who died at Shipbourne 11.9.1873 aged 64.

12. William Moyce died 30.12.1851 aged 50. Edward Moyce died 10.7.1856 aged 58. Remillion Moyce died 6.9.1865 aged 73.

13. Edward Moyce of this parish died 13.3.1810 aged 42. Mary Moyce his wife died 28.2.1848 aged 69. They left issue 5 sons and 4 daughters. Sarah Moyce died 8.5.1877 aged 69.

14. Portrait. Well cut. Ann the first wife of Henry Moyce of this parish died October ye 11 1754 aged 25. Left issue one son and two daughters; viz. Henry, Elizabeth and Ann.

15. John, son of Robert and Mary Torte of this parish died September ye 3 1765 aged 32.

16. James Torte of this parish died 5.7.1771 aged 42.

17. George ye sone of William and Mary Moris aged 15 years. 1725.

18. (1) H ... lie .... body (2) lyeth ... of Allis ... of Geo ..... July ye ... aged 44 years. [? two halves of a mid 18th century memorial - L.L.D.]

19. William Bowra, son of Edward and Eliza Bowra died 2.6.1857 aged 4 years and 1 month.

20. John Bellingham died 17.6.1786 aged 45.

21. Mr George Cripps died 6.11.1785 aged 30.

22. John Dutnal died 26.4.1776 aged 5 weeks.

23. Maria Rebecca Walter died June 5 17(?6)- aged 32 (?12 or 72).

24. John, son of William Hampson and Susanna Walter of Trench in the parish of Tunbridge. He died February ye 8 1759 aged 21 months.

25. William Carier died 22.1.1796 aged 70. Mary his wife died 11.8.1797 aged 65. They left issue a daughter Maria who married William Coleman.

26. A coped stone. William Timewell died 14.7.1874 aged 66. Mary Ann his wife died 19.8.1874 aged 64. Arthur Thomas, second son of the above died at Westcliff 26.8.1906 aged 65. William and Mary Ann Timewell late of this parish and formerly of Islington, London. Henry William Timewell, their eldest son died at Durban, Natal, 2.9.1896 aged 61. Alfred, youngest son of the above died in London on Christmas Day 1898 aged 54 and is buried at Abney Park.

27. Edmund Cocket late of this parish died 30.5.1761 aged 68.

28. Thomas Cockett died 22.5.anno domini 1730 aged 41. Eliza wife of Thomas Cockett died 7.11.1755 aged 64. They left issue three daughters; Elizabeth, Mary and Martha.

29. Martha, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Cockett of this parish died May ye 30 1737 aged 7 years.

30. William Bellingham died 11.12.1792 aged 7 years.

31. .... Ye body of Mary, daughter of John and Jane Bellingham
(date gone - 18th century - L.L.D.).

32. William Cripps late of this parish died 13.8.1767 aged 55. Lucy his wife died 15.3.1778 aged 68. They left issue five sons and two daughters; viz. Edward ...... (the rest under grass. L.L.D.)

33. William son of William and Lucy Cripps died 26.5.1767 aged 29.

34. Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Obee of this parish died 11 February 1769 aged 18.

35. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Obee ....... 1762 aged 9 ........ (stone broken - L.L.D.).
South of the Church

36. Thomas, son of John and Rachel Simpson of this parish died in infancy 19.4.1801.

37. Rimmelton, wife of Richard Tharpe of this parish died 22.1.1768 aged 53.

38. Richard Tharpe late of Sevenoaks died 7.3.1785 aged 67.

39. Richard and Josias, sons of Richard and Rimmelton Tharpe of this parish died; Richard 6.3.1749 aged 14 days and John 7 February 1756 aged 1 month.

40. Josias Tharpe died 19 February 1771 aged 88 years.

41. Mr William Bellingham of this parish died 21.7.1818 aged 78. Mrs Sarah Bellingham wife of William Bellingham of this parish died 6.9.1800 aged 50. Left issue eight children; William, Sarah, Jeremiah, Aaron, Henry, Philadelphia, John and Rimmelion. Also Mary, Henry and Frances who died in infancy. Also Elizabeth wife of Mr William Bellingham of this parish died 18.7.1825 aged 71.

42. William Latter ..... died August 13 1825 aged 66. He left two sons; William and Thomas. (Right hand side left blank - L.L.D.)

43. James Collens, son of Henry and Ann Collens of this parish died 25.11.1807 aged 31.

44. Henry Collens of this parish died August 10 1807 aged 68. Ann Collens his wife died February 20 1808 aged 64.

45. Nanny, wife of Henry Elliott of this parish died 9.5.1843 aged 64. Left issue five sons and three daughters; Frances, James, David, Stephen, William, Ann, Richard and Mary. Henry Elliott died 10.8.1848 aged 76. Stephen Elliott died 31.8.1846 aged 39.

46. James Elliott died 18.7.1861 aged 60. Sarah Elliott his wife died 19.4.1872 aged 74.

47. Sarah Bellingham, daughter of Jeremiah and Lucy Bellingham of this parish died 26.4.1820 aged 8. Also Harriet their daughter died 30.8.1823 aged 2.

48. Edward Boarer died 1.7.1875 aged 34.

49. A small cross, broken. Edward Skinner died 30.1.1870 aged 6 months. Albert Owen Skinner died 1.2.1877 aged 6 days.

50. The flat top of an altar tomb. Two sunken panels on either side with a skull. The ?mid 18th century inscription perished L.L.D.

51. Martha wife of Cuthbert Smith of London died 11 February 1718 aged 33. Martha their daughter and wife of Robert Smith of London died 24 November 1764 aged 50.

52. Mr William Edlow late of Claygate in this parish died 19.12.1767 aged 68. Mary his wife died September ye 21 1765 aged 73.

53. Thomas son of George and Elizabeth Jeffery of this parish died January ye 10 1773 aged 27.

54. Edward Jeffery son of George and Elizabeth Jeffery of this parish died 3 January 1780 in his 42nd year.

55. James Jeffery late of the parish of Sevenoaks died 9.5.1782 aged 34.

56. Thomas Hodges died 9.11.1854 aged 48.

57. Thomas Knight, senior, died December ye 18 1722 in his 58th year. Mary Knight relict of Thomas Knight died 23.11.1743 aged 74.

58. Thomas Knight, junior, dyed May ye 4 1729 aged 31. He left issue two sons and one daughter.

59. William Knight son of Thomas and Margrt [sic] Knight of Fairlawn. He died June ye 6 1746 aged 15 years.

60. William Jeffery died 21.5.1855 aged 47. He left issue three children; William, Frances and John.

61. William Jeffery of this parish died 14.12.1845 aged 73. He left issue three children; William, Frances and Ann Susannah. Also Sussannah his wife died 17.3.1858 aged 74.

62. ..... lyeth .... of William son of Arthur and ...aris Woatoon. He dyed May ye 17 1731 aged 19.

63. Richard Knight of Buds... who dyed December 11...?1706 aged 58. The rest of the inscription is decayed except for 1724.

64. Jane Farrant ye wife of Richard Farrant. She was the daughter of Richard ...... [?Knight] of Buds who dyed .... 1724 aged 34.

65. Elizabeth wife of George Jeffery died November 28 1792 aged 85. George Jeffery died May 11 1783 aged 74.

66. William Jeffery died 28.12.1790 aged 50. Frances his wife died 22.12.1812 aged 72. Left issue two children; William and Fanny.

67. Elizabeth Knight wife of Thomas Knight died 28.2.1746 aged 48. Left issue six sons and two daughters.

68. The base of an old stone. ... e November 15 .... aged 50 years.

69. Ann, wife of Richard Sutton of Dartford and daughter of Thomas and Mary Knight of Shipbourne died June ye 3 1741 in her 41 year. She left one only son, Thomas by Thomas Dalton her first husband.

70. Emma, wife of Robert Roberts died 11.12.1866 aged 43. Also infant children.

71. A large stone with iron rails but no inscription.

72. Sarah wife of John Brooker died 1.4.1873 aged 84. Also John Brooker died 18.10.1874 aged 90.

73. A wooden rail. Sophia Marsh wife of John Marsh of this parish died 27.5.1833 aged 26. Left two sons and one daughter; John, William Bridger and Mary Ann.

74. William Shorter of this parish died 6.1.1819 aged 59. Also Elizabeth Shorter his wife died 14.2.1830 aged 64. Also Sophia and Emma daughters of the above William and Elizabeth Shorter. Left surviving issue three sons and six daughters; Mary, William, Elizabeth, Thomas, James, Ann, Sarah, Susannah and Naomi.

75. Charles Thorne died 12.3.1881 aged 55. Mary his wife died at Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, 3.9.1901 aged 75.

76. Sarah Fry died 19.7.1876 aged 75.

77. Ann Symonds died at Hookwood in this parish 29.5.1883 aged 75.

78. Small cross. Mary wife of James Crowhurst died 8.1.1882 aged 29.

79. Frank Baty died 22.4.1882 aged 41.

80. Jesse Cunningham died 9.4.1883 aged 21. Erected by his brother and sister.

81. Richard Bellingham died 28.5.1799 aged 88. Mary his wife died August 12 1795 aged 95.

82. An old low altar tomb. Here lyeth the body of Jeremiah Jonestone, Citsen and Vintner of London. He departed this life June in 1728 aged 55 years.
East of the chancel

83. Let into the East wall. This church was rebuilt by -rle Christoper Lord at his own proper charge in the year of our Lord 17-0. On a stone below. The above stone was removed from the church erected by Lord Barnard and is preserved as a memorial of the same.

84. Let into the East wall. This church was erected by Edward Cazalet, esquire, of Fairlawn, and the memorial stone was laid by Mrs Edward Cazalet on the 24th October A.D. 1879.

85. Harriett wife of Samuel Wheelhouse died 16.7.1869 aged 38. The above Samuel Wheelhouse died 15.8.1877 aged 63.

86. Reuben Kinning, yeoman, formerly of this parish and late of Tunbridge died 2.3.1823 aged 48. Also Sarah Kinning his wife died February 9 1851 aged 82.

87. Reuben Thomas Dudson Kinning of this parish died 30.1.1829 aged 27. Sarah Kinning his wife died 21.2.1873 aged 70.

88. Reuben Kinning, yeoman, formerly of Deptford but late of this parish died 2.4.1820 aged 84. Sarah his wife died 24.5.1829 aged 95.

89. A scroll. Sarah, daughter of R. and S. Woollett died 1.5.1857 aged 10 years.

90. Ann, daughter of Thomas and Martha Blatcher died August ye 1 1729 aged 11.

91. William Blatcher died 29.4.1864 aged 69. Sarah his wife died 13.12.1857 aged 58.

The North churchyard

92. The War Memorial Cross.

93. Henry Winn for 39 years parish clerk of this place. This headstone is erected by his fellow parishioners. He was born 4.6.1804 and died 19.2.1881. Amen

94. Phebe ye wife of John Chapman died January ye 4 1733 aged 29.

95. Thomas Martin son of Henry and Mary Martin of 101, Crawford Street, London, died 3.11.1849 aged 11. Albert son of the above died 13.2.1867 aged 23.

96. Henry Martin of this parish and 39, Baker Street, London, died 26.7.1866 aged 62. Mary Martin his wife died 17.11.1887 aged 84.

97. Charles Martin of this parish died 5.5.1873 aged 64.

98. James Martin of this parish died 8.1.1867 aged 71.

99. Sally Martin, daughter of James and Jane Martin of this parish died 30.1.1836 aged 35.

100. Mary Ann wife of Joseph Bayliss of the Borough of Southwark and daughter of James Martin of this parish died 19.6.1826 aged 28. A dutiful daughter, an affectionate wife and sincere friend. Also Mary Ann Bayliss daughter of the above died in infancy.

101. Jane wife of James Martin of this parish died 27.11.1824 aged 61. The above James Martin died December 17 1834 aged 68. Also John, George and Jeremiah Martin sons of the above died in their infancy.

102. Ann daughter of William and Charlotte Cunningham of this parish died 9.6.1810 aged 19.

103. A wooden rail. William Older, husband of Sarah Older of this parish died 17.8.1840 aged 53. He left 5 sons and 2 daughters; John, William, James, George, Henry, Elizabeth and Ann.

104. A narrow altar tomb. Mrs Margaret Sager, daughter of John and Mary Sager of Mattin in the West Riding of Yorkshire, died 29.7.1840 in her 64th year.

105. Joseph Elliott of this parish died 29.12.1839 aged 84. Amy Elliott wife of the above died 21.3.1811 aged 79.

106. Mr Joseph Elliott died 22.10.1806 aged 73. Mary Elliott his wife of this parish died 3.5.1801 aged 74. They left issue 8 children; William, John, Richard, Elizabeth, Thomas, Sally, Stephen and Henry.

107. William son of William Martin of Brockport in the United States of America died 9.2.1863 aged 46.

108. James Martin of this parish, son of William Martin of Brookport in the U.S. of A. died 20.7.1883 aged 62.

109. Albert, infant son of James and Mary Ellen Martin of Godden Green, Seal, born 20.8.1885 died 19.6.1886.

110. Caroline Dines died 24.9.1862 aged 23.

111. Ann wife of Edward Dines died 18.3.1864 aged 62. The above Edward Dines died 17.2.1888 aged 86.

112. A large, old altar tomb. South side.
Here lyeth the body of Margaret the wife of Stephen Fremblen and daughter of Henry Colens who departed this life December ye 11 1732 in ye 58 year of her age.
North side. A.C. 1708 aged 20 years.
Top. Here lyeth the body of Stephen Fremblin of this parish. He departed this life M[?arch] ye 22 1713 in the 75 year of his age. Here / lyeth ye body of James / Edmeds who departed this life May the 22 1714 / aged 42 years who was the / intired servant of Stephen / Fremblen who lost his life in / a dismal manner to the / grief of all his friends [said to have been shot.]

113. William Collens of this parish died February ye 8 1797 in his 88th year. Mary his wife died 26.11.1799 in her 71st year.

114. Rimmelion, daughter of William and Mary Collens of this parish died October 19 1767 aged ............ under grass.

115. Sarah daughter of William and Mary Collens died 16.1.1802 aged 52.

116. Henry Barrett of this parish died 13.2.1762 aged 35.

117. William Swan son of William and Alice Swan of this parish died 23.3.1864 aged 12.

118. Phillis Swan died 2.5.1863 aged 64. For 44 years the faithful servant of the Dowager Countess Torrington.

119. Mary wife of William Lepper of Little Brington and third daughter of William Main of East Haddon, Northamptonshire, died at Shipbourne 18.6.1872 aged 76.

120. Coped tomb. Mary Wynne died 8.9.1878 aged 60.

121. George Willsher, son of Stephen and Sarah Willsher died 22.12.1835 aged 21. John Willsher died 30.5.1838 aged 30.
Henry Willsher died 4.6.1846 aged 33.

122. Stephen Willsher of this parish died 12.3.1849 aged 72. Sarah, wife of the above died 24.7.1866 aged 89. Left two sons and one daughter; Stephen, William and Sarah.

123. Mercy wife of George Sayer of this parish died 28.9.1846 aged 49. Also Frances Mary, daughter of the above died 13.12.1846 aged 18. Erected as a tribute of sisterly regard.

124. James, husband of Ellen Chalklin who died at Shipbourne 7.2.1879 aged 37. Left one son, James Archibald.

125. Henry Barrett of this parish died 28.3.1816 aged 57. Ann Barrett his wife died 19.1.1826 aged 63. Issue; six sons and three daughters; Richard, Henry, William, George, Aaron, Jeremiah, Mary, Fanny and Elizabeth.

126. Henry Barrett of this parish died 8.6.1844 aged 58. Mary his wife and daughter of William and Mary Goodsir of West Peckham died 2 October 1851 aged 62.

127. Sarah Barrett, wife of William Barrett of this parish died 16 January 1831 aged 60. The above William Barrett died 24.2.1849 aged 87.

128. Elizabeth North, daughter of Henry and Ann Barrett of this parish died July 19 1837 aged 53.

129. William son of John and Catherine Barrett of this parish died 3.2.1812 aged 24.

130. Mary Bellingham, daughter of James and Frances Bellingham of the parish of Sevenoaks died 11.4.1810 aged 39.

131. James Bellingham died 14.4.1800 aged 58. Left Frances his wife and six children; James, George, William, Frances, Mary and Ann.

132. Richard Barrett late of this parish died 2.2.1764 aged 35. Left issue by Mary his wife five sons and four daughters.

133. Richard Barrett of this parish died 22.9.1743 aged 45. Sarah his wife died 11.1.1777 aged 73. Issue one son and one daughter; Richard and Sarah.

134. Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah Barrett died 2.7.1744 aged 14.

135. Jeremiah Cripps died 30.8.1849 aged 64. Ann his wife died 20.4.1853 aged 64. Jeremiah, son of the above died aged 6 months.

136. James Cork died 9.5.1893 at Hookwood Cottage aged 73.

137. Erected by Edward Cazalet in memory of Robert Arnold for 12 years head gamekeeper on the Fairlawn Estate died at Fairlawn from the effects of a gun shot wound accidentally received in the discharge of his duty. Born December 2 1819 died 10.11.1880 aged 61. Also Eliza Arnold his wife died 3.8.1885 aged 67.

138. Isabel wife of William Cheesman died 21.7.1898 aged 48. Frank George Cheesman son of the above, a Lance Corporal in the 2nd Somerset Light Infantry died of enteric fever at Bloemfontein 10.2.1901 aged 19.

139. Esther wife of Jonathan Carter died 21.2.1903 aged 65. Jonathan Carter died 25.3.1919 aged 78.

140. Harriett Hayes wife of George Hayes born 2.6.1843 died 21.4.1914. George Stephen Hayes, husband of the above died 23.8.1918 aged 75.

141. A slab in curbs. Henry Diprose died 21.5.1908 aged 72. Maria his wife died 2.8.1910 aged 74. Charlie, son of the above died 19.4.1897 aged 18.

142. A slab in curbs. David Haylor died 18.3.1915 aged 85. A beloved husband and father.

143. Julia Cripps died 16.4.1894 aged 73. William John Cripps, a Corporal in the 9th Lancers and grandson of the above was killed in action, Poplar Grove, South Africa, 7.3.1900 aged 23. Henry Cripps son of the above interred 21.10.1896 aged 44.

144. Thomas Fowler died 9.1.1886 aged 74. Caroline Augusta his wife died 12.9.1904 aged 89.

145. A cross by the North side of the church. John Yates died at Fairlawn 7.10.1837 aged 29.

Note: A few stones in the North West and North East, and stones in the South part South of the path are not included being recent.
                                                                                                                                L.L.D. 3rd July 1923.

An index to the M.I.s in Shipbourne Churchyard
                                                                                                   Compiled by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Arnold, 137.
Barnard, 83.
Barrett, 116, 125-129,
Baty, 79.
Bayliss, 100.
Bellingham, 20, 30, 31,
       41, 47, 81, 130, 131.
Blackman, 2-9.
Blatcher, 90, 91.
Boarer, 48.
Bowra, 19.
Brooker, 72.
Carier, 25.
Carter, 139.
Cazalet, 84, 137.
Chalklin, 124.
Chapman, 94.
Cheesman, 138.
Cocket, 27-29.Coleman, 25.
Collens, 43, 44, 112-115.
Cork, 136.
Crowhurst, 78.
Cunningham, 80, 102.
Dalton, 69.
Dines, 110, 111.
Diprose, 141.
Dutnal, 22.
Edlow, 52.
Edmeds, 112.
Elliott, 45, 46, 105, 106.
Farrant, 64.
Fowler, 144.
Fremblen, 112.
Fry, 76.
Goodsir, 126.
Hampson, 24.
Hayes, 140.
Haylor, 142.Hodges, 56.
Jeffery, 53-55, 60, 61,
          65, 66.
Jonestone, 82.
Kinning, 86-88.
Knight, 57-59, 63, 64,
          67, 69.
Latter, 42.
Lepper, 119.
Lord, 83.
Main, 119.
Marsh, 73.
Martin, 95-101, 107-109.
Moris, 17.
Moyce, 11-14.
North, 128.
Obee, 34, 35.
Older, 103.
Richardson, 1.
Roberts, 70.
Sager, 104.Sayer, 123.
Shelton, 3.
Shorter, 74.
Simpson, 10, 36.
Skinner, 49.
Smith, 51.
Sutton, 69.
Swan, 117, 118.
Symonds, 77.
Tharpe, 37-40.
Thorne, 75.
Timewell, 26.
Torrington, 118.
Torte, 15, 16.
Walter, 23, 24.
Wheelhouse, 85.
Willsher, 121, 122.
Winn, 93, 120.
Woatoon, 62.
Woollett, 89.
Yates, 145.

Place Index
Abney Park, 26.
Bloemfontein, 138.
Brockport, U.S.A.,107, 108.
Bromley, 11.
Buds, 63, 64.
Claygate, 52.
Dartford, 69.
Deptford, 88.
Durban, Natal, 26.East Haddon, Northants, 119.
Fairlawn, 59, 84, 137, 145.
Godden Green, Seal, 109.
Hookwood, 77, 136.
Islington, London, 26.
Little Brington, 119.
London, Baker Street, 96.
London, Crawford Street, 95.
London, 51, 82.
Mattin, West Riding, Yorks., 104.Poplar Grove, South Africa, 143.
Sevenoaks, 38, 55, 130.
Southwark, Bridge Street, 2.
Southwark, 100.
Trench, Tunbridge, 24.
Tunbridge Wells, Camden Road, 75.
Tunbridge, 86.
West Peckham, 126.
Westcliff, 26.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of St Johns the Baptist West Wickham

The contents of field notebook containing the continuation of St Johns the Baptist West Wickham. Taken on 1st August 1891 - Leland L. Duncan. Transcribed by Frank Bamping 5 March 2001.

West of the church

1. A headstone. Mrs Jane Tosh died 23.5.1843 aged 63.

2. A headstone. Mary, wife of Henry Giles, died 29.8.1868 aged 73. Also the above Henry Giles died 13 April 1869 aged 80.

3. A pedestal with a flat cross. George Lyon Thomas, son of Henry and Eliza Thomas who died at Penge, Surrey, 17 February 1855 aged 27. Also Henry Thomas, father of the above, of Penge and 35, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, died at Penge 24.6.1859 aged 65. Also Eliza Thomas wife of the above died at Penge 12.1.1877 aged 83.

4. A cross. Sacred to the memory of Edward Stanley James, M.A., vicar of Letcombe Regis, Berks., who died at West Wickham July 24th 1868 aged 46. Also Frances Catherine wife of the above who died September 4 1887 aged 70 years.

5. A cross. Sacred to the memory of Sarah widow of the Revd. Edward James, canon of Winchester Cathedral and vicar of Alton, Hants., who died February 13th 1877 aged 79. Also of Arabella Matilda their youngest daughter who died September 2nd 1880 aged 46 years.

6. A headstone. Mr Edward Hutson of this parish died June 11 1792 aged 74.

7. A headstone. Mary Childs late of Down in Kent died 5.8.1847 aged 86. Also Thomas Chapman died August 15 1882 aged 68.

8. A large tomb within iron railings. On the South side. In the vault beneath repose the mortal remains of Harriett wife of Admiral Sir John West, K.C.B. A faithful wife, an affectionate mother, a true friend. She was born August 5th 1783 died March 11th 1858. On the North side. Here lie interred the remains of Admiral Sir John West, Knight Grand Cross of the most Honourable Order of the Bath and Admiral of the Fleet. Born July 28th 1774 died April 18th 1862. He was the son of Temple West, Esquire, a Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Regiment of Guards, and representative of the family of the Wests. Formerly of the counties of Buckingham and Northampton to whom a tablet is inscribed in this church.

9. A headstone. Mr Richard Crittall of this parish died May 26 1863 aged 73. A fond husband and father. Also Mary Crowder Crittall wife of the above died January 29 1881 aged 81.

10. A headstone. Henry Lenton Crittall died suddenly March 15th 1855 aged 23.

11. A cross. Catherine, only child of Cornelius and Catherine Moffat died January 21 1871 aged 22.

12. A headstone. Lucy wife of Amos Sevenoakes died July 4 1880 at West Wickham aged 55. Also Amos Sevenoakes died February 18 1885 aged 62.

13. A headstone. Ann Holland died 17 December 1872 aged 58.

14. A headstone with cherub's face. Mary Goosey wife of Thomas Goosey of this parish died 2 December 1765 aged 26. Also Mary Goosey daughter of the above died ye 12 of December 1765 aged 1 month.

15. A headstone with skull, glass and snake. Isaac Jackson who died in the year 1733. Also Thomasin wife of the above died 5 May 1766 in her 78th year.

16. A white marble cross. Alice Emily, wife of James William Gladstone died March 1st 1887 aged 25 years.

17. A headstone. Mrs Sukey Small (spinster) born 24 November 1734 at Salisbury in Wiltshire. She enjoyed an uninterrupted series of good health and lived to the advanced age of 99 years and 7 months, much respected by all who knew her. She died in this parish 14 June 1834.

18. A headstone. Mrs Ann Humby daughter of Mr John Alexander of this parish died 10.3.1836 in her 28th year.

19. A headstone. Mrs Ann Alexander wife of John Alexander of this parish died 9.5.1837 aged 67. The above Mr John Alexander died 13 November 1845 in his 84th year.

20. A headstone in rails. John Anderson, Esquire, of this parish died May 9 1838 aged 68.

21. A white cross with "Home" thereon. Henry Thomas Butler, late Colonel of the 13th Hussars died 16 December 1881 aged 39 years. Thomas Butler, father of the above died 9 October 1893 aged 79. Emma Elizabeth, second wife of the above Thomas Butler and daughter of Admiral Bertie Cator died 2.5.1895 aged 82.

22. Frances Beake Rush ob. 9 February 1809 aet. 24.

22a. Katherine Jane Elizabeth, daughter of William and Jane Tyndale and niece to Frances Beake Rush, who like her died after a long and painful illness. Died 26 December 1816 aged 23.

23. A flat stone. Emily, daughter of the late Henry Seward, Esquire, formerly of Bromley, Kent, died 28 September 1868 aged 79. Also Charlotte, twin sister of the above and last surviving daughter of the said Henry Seward, Esq., died 16 January 1871 aged 81.

24. A flat stone. Henry Seward, Esquire, died 28 May 1793 aged 51. Charlotte his wife died April 9 1828 aged 75. Also Katherine wife of Henry Hake Seward, Esquire, (son of the above) died 28 February 1847 aged 67. Also above named Henry Hake Seward, Esq., died 19 January 1848 aged 69.

25. A very fine altar tomb:- On top. To the memory of Richard Seward, Esquire, who died 31st March 1764 aged 32. Samuel Beachcroft, Esquire, ob. 30 April 1796. Also Elizabeth, widow of the above ob. 10 March 1803. Also Mary wife of Thomas Beachcroft, Esq., died 4th May 1865 aged 46 years. Thomas Beachcroft, Esq., eldest son of Thomas Seward Beachcroft, Esq., born 24th February 1800 died 22nd October 1878.

  On the South side. SARAH !!! (sic) wife of Matthews Beachcroft, Esquire, died 27 October 1793 aged 27. Also Matthews Beachcroft, Esq., died 6th April 1823 aged 63 years.  On the East end. Elizabeth, second wife and widow of Matthews Beachcroft Esquire died 30th January 1865 aged 82 years.  On the North side. A faculty for the vault underneath this tomb was granted to Samuel Beachcroft, Esq., 6th June 1764.

26. A flat stone. Thomas Seward Beachcroft, Esquire Obiit XV February MDCCCXIX Aetat XLIII. Also Charlotta, relict of the above obiit XXIV October MDCCCLVII aetat LXXVII. Also Robert Beachcroft, Esq., obiit XVII August MDCCCLVI aetat XLIV. Also Charles Beachcroft, Esq., obiit XXI October MDCCCLXVI aetat LII. Also Sarah Beachcroft died 6 August 1881 aetat 72.

27. A headstone. Joseph Asbury died May 10 1886 aged 59.

28. A headstone. Mabel wife of Richard Rhod Swann died 19.3.1885 aged 20.

29. A flat tomb. Mrs Frances Dunlop wife of Robert Buchanan Dunlop, Esquire died August 17 1833 aged 61. Also Robert Buchanan Dunlop, Esq., died January 13 1837 aged 80. Elizabeth Dunlop, daughter of Robert Buchanan Dunlop the eldest son of the above died December 17 1839 aged 2 months. Frances Harriet his 3rd daughter died December 29 1845 aged 17 years and 8 months. Emma wife of the last named Robert Buchanan Dunlop died March 16 1851 aged 36. James 2nd son of the first named Robert Buchanan Dunlop died December 20th 1859 aged 56 years.

30. A small cross. Michael Philip Ashcroft born July 9th died August 10 1884. 31. A headstone. Easter Wescoe died July 10 1790 aged 75. Erected by the family whose vault near unto adjoins in recognition of her faithful services for 31 years during which she attended 14 of their children from their infancy.

32. George eldest son of Major Basil Jackson and Frances his wife born November 12 1837 died December 2 1841.

33. An altar tomb in iron rails.  South side. In this vault / are deposited the remains of / Harriet Elizabeth Courtenay / only daughter of / William Courtenay, Esquire, and Lady Harriet his wife / she was born May 31st 1809 and died October 3rd 1826 / aged 17 years and 4 months. The modest virtues sweet temper and steadiness of religious principle / which endeared her to all those who knew and could appreciate her retiring character / and particularly to her sorrowing parents and relations / gave the blessed comforting assurance that the all merciful God / had prepared her at this early age for her removal / to an happy eternity / Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God / St Matthew Ch.5 v.8.   
   West end. Within this vault lie the remains of Hugh the beloved child of William Reginald Courtenay and Lady Elizabeth his wife born November 10th 1833 died March 13th 1835  aged 1 year and 4 months (Job 1.21 follows)    

   North side. Sacred to the memory of Harriet, Countess of Devon / daughter of Sir Lucas Pepys, Bt., and Jane Elizabeth, Countess of Rothes / and wife of William 10th Earl of Devon / born May 25th 1777 died December 16th 1839/.      
  To her, whose gentle and guileless character was loved and respected by all who knew her / whose mild and benevolent disposition made her as indulgent to the failings / as she was charitable to the wants of others (and often alas: to the sacrifice of her own health) / led her to spend her life in ministering to the happiness of those around her / who as a daughter dutiful and affectionate as a wife and mother tender devoted and self denying / exemplified in her daily conduct the graces of the Christian character / and whose humble piety and entire reliance on the merits of her Saviour / afford the confident hope of her acceptance through Him / to her this stone is inscribed by her sorrowing husband and children /in token of their thankfulness to God for the blessing of having belonged to her / and of their earnest hope and prayer that they may by His Grace be enabled so to benefit by / her example that they may through Christ become partakers of the same glorious inheritance in Heaven. She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness / Her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her./ (Proverbs XXX 26.29) [sic should be 26,28]Her remains are deposited beneath this stone in the spot which she most loved on earth and hallowed by / her daily visits and prayers the resting place of the remains of a beloved daughter and infant son. On the East side. Here also are deposited the remains of Edward Courtenay / the beloved infant of William Courtenay, Esq., and Lady Harriet his wife / he was born May 3rd 1813 and died January 16th 1814 aged 8 months and 13 days.

34. A pedestal and urn. Louisa Georgiana Roe only daughter of William Roe, Esquire, of Withdean in the County of Sussex, formerly Chairman of the Board of Customs. She died 2 March 1848 after a long and wearisome illness aged 65. Her remains are deposited here according to her wish next to those of a dearly beloved friend.

35. A grey granite cross. John Thomas Austen, B.D., 28 years rector of this parish born 11 June 1794 died 10 June 1876.

36. A white marble cross. Claude Lynnford Bicknell born XXIV October MDCCCLX died 1 July MDCCCLXXXII.

37. A white marble cross. Emma wife of Edward Cripper born March 17 1813 died July 14 1889. Also Edward Cripper her husband born August 28 1815 died Sunday March 8 1891. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die". At rest until the day break and the shadows flee away. Revisited 1st June 1919 - L.L.D.

38. A coped tomb with a foliated cross on top. Eliza Farnaby died A.D. 1861 aged 39 years. Charles Francis Farnaby died A.D. 1859 aged 31 years.

40. A marble cross. Maria Diana Cator, daughter of the late General Sir William Cator, K.C.B., born 20.5.1819 died 29.3.1892.

41. An altar tomb in rails covered with ivy. On the South side. John Percival, Esquire, late Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Royal Artillery at Woolwich died December 1830 aetat 62.

42. A headstone. Mrs Frances Lenton, wife of Mr Thomas Lenton of this parish died May 18 1833 aged 40. Also the above Mr Thomas Lenton died 23 November 1860 aged 61.

43. A headstone. Mrs Mary Crittall, wife of Mr Richard Crittall of this parish died March 30 1810 aged 53. Also Mr Richard Crittall, a native of Rotherfield in Sussex but for 67 years a much respected inhabitant of this parish died April 26 1845 aged 87.

44. A headstone. Mrs Rose Berrington died August 6 1822 aged 57. Also Mr Francis Berrington, farmer, and for many years churchwarden of this parish died 26.10.1834 aged 76.

45. A headstone. Frances, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Paget died June 7 1837 aged 8 years. Also Mrs Jane Crittall died January 26 1851 aged 93.

46. A headstone by yew bush. Mr John Percival died January 15 1801 aged 78. Also Mrs Eleanor Percival wife of the above died July 28 1811 aged 70.

47. A headstone. Mary Ann Percival died October 12 180(?2) aged 25. Mr Jonas Percival died May 20 1811 aged 32 years. Also Eleanor Percival died .... 1804 aged 10 years.

48. A headstone. Richard Paget of Guildford died 14.12.1879 aged 42.

49. A headstone. John Churcher of Wickham Court Farm in this parish died at Torbay January 7 1810 aged 30. Also Mary Eaton, widow of the above died April 1813 aged 31. Also their daughter Mary aged 1 year. Also John, elder son of the above died April 8 1824 aged 17. Also John, last surviving son of William and Elizabeth Churcher died March 5 1877 and is interred beside his mother at Worthing.

50. A headstone. William Churcher of Wickham Court Farm in this parish and younger son of John Churcher was drowned in the Solent November 1 1860 aged 51. Also Elizabeth widow of the above died at Worthing January 29 1903 aged 83. Also their infant children: Arthur, Kate, Edith and Ernest.

51. A white marble cross. Elizabeth wife of Peter Paget died at Croydon July 16 1868 aged 73. Also the above Peter Paget died at Croydon October 26 1879 aged 83.

52. An altar tomb much covered in ivy. On the South side. Mr Philip Eaton died August 23 1835 aged 52. On the North side. Mrs Susanna Eaton ........ April 1858 aged (?7)0 years.

53. A headstone below the West window of the North aisle Frances Blake Rush, ob. 19 February 1800 aet. 24.

54. A headstone. Katherine Jane Elizabeth, daughter of William and Jane Tyndale and niece of F.B. Rush died 26 December 1816 aged 27.

This ends those up to a line from the North Transept wall. Stones to the North of the church, beginning at the N.W. angle of the North Transept.
55. A headstone. John William Brasier son of John and Patty Brasier ..... 180(?2) aged 13 years.

56. A headstone. John William Brasier son of John and Patty Brasier of this parish died June 26 1789 aged 7 weeks. Also Patty Brasier, daughter of John and Patty Brasier late of the parish of Coulsdon died January 5 1801 aged 2 years. Also an infant of the above.

57. An altar tomb covered with ivy. Mr Thomas Kemp departed this life August 28 1808 aged 60. Also Mrs Averill Kemp relict of Mr Thomas Kemp died February 24 1828 aged 68. Also Elizabeth wife of Mr George B. Kemp of High Street, Croydon, departed this life May 26 1857 in his 70th year.

58. An altar tomb covered with ivy.

59. Another tomb quite covered with ivy. On the North side. Sacred to the memory of John Alexander, Esquire, of Greenwich, died February 11 1819 aged 85 years.

60. A cross. Eleanor Eliza 3rd daughter of John Farnaby Lennard and Julia his wife born February 2 1853 died December 22 1854.

61. A granite cross. Sir John Farnaby Lennard, Bart., of Wickham Court, born September 27 1816 died December 21 1899. Julia Maria Frances, wife of the above and daughter of Henry Hallam, the historian, born December 1 1818 died July 15 1888. Isabella, widow of Sir John Farnaby Lennard, Bart., born October 5 1833 died March 24 1918.

62. A headstone. James, son of James and Ann Alexander of the parish of Edenbridge died April 9 1799 aged 6 years. Also Eliza daughter of the above died 9 November 1819 aged 18.

63. A headstone. Mrs Anne Stretton, wife of Mr John Stretton of Lambeth, died August 11 1840 in her 53rd year. Lamented by her husband and children.

64. A cross. Sarah Bristow born March 2 1821 died August 9 1870. For 17 years a servant in the family of Colonel Farnaby Lennard of Wickham Court.

65. A headstone. William Stephen Divall died February 2 1870 aged 25 years. Amelia Divall, mother of the above died April 6 1878 aged 73. Also Stephen Divall, husband of the above died February 3 1881 aged 71.

66. A headstone. Mrs Ann Marchant died 14 September 1833 in her 35th year.

67. A headstone. Charles Alfred, child of Joseph and Hannah Slatter born May 30 1882 died November 23 aged 5 months.

68. An altar tomb. Here lieth the remains of Elizabeth wife of Peter Wright of Pall Mall in the City of Westminster who died 14 October 1794 aged 48 years.

69. A headstone. Charlotte Emma, daughter of Charles and Charlotte Christiana Toller born 31 January 1839 died 9 July 1841.

70. A granite headstone. Walter John Charles Parrell died April 7 1889 aged 7 months. Also Sarah Jenkins died September 29 1889 aged 17. Also Hilda E. Parrell died July 10 1891 aged 6 months. Also F.P. Jenkins husband of the above died January 23 1894 aged 52.

71. A headstone. Samuel Ellis of this parish died October 30 1787 aged 45. What a husband and a father ought to be he was. Hannah Pearce, wife of the above died January 23 1806 aged 61. Selina Burlington, granddaughter of the above died March 12 1815 aged 7 years and 10 months.

72. A headstone. Mrs Sarah Brewis died February 11 180 (?3 or 8) aged 78. Also Mr Robert Brewis, husband of the above died at Finchley in Middlesex 13 December 1850 aged 81. A native of Warkworth in the County of Northumberland.

73. A cross. Elizabeth Young, wife of Henry Young of this parish died August 1868 aged 43. Henry Young died May 8 1876 aged 60. Henry Coleman Ginger, grandson of the above died 31 August 1892 in his 21st year.

74. A headstone. Captain Samuel Fowell, R.N., died 30 March aged (?4)0 years in the year 1823.

75. An altar tomb. On the North side. To the memory of Joseph Martin, Esquire, of Hayes in this County died April 8 1777 aged 36 years.

76. Two stones at the head and foot. E.R. 1805.

77. A headstone. Mr John Scott of this parish died (? August 8) 1810 aged 74. Mary Scott, widow of the above died June 10 1812 aged 70.

78. A headstone. Charlotte Combe, daughter of Henry and (Christian) Combe died December + 1787 aged 21 months. Also Elizabeth Grant died 10 June 1787 aged 10 years.

79. A headstone by the East door of the North transept. Susanna Newman, wife of Thomas Newman of this parish died February 13 1832 in her 71st year. Also the above Thomas Newman died 24 February 1834 aged 72.

80. A headstone. Ann Newman wife of Thomas Newman died 2 April 1801 aged 45.

81. A wood rail. North. Thomas Newman died October 6 1882 aged 54. South. William Newman died 15 September 1878 aged (?90) years.

82. A headstone. Alicia Hillier, late wife of James Hillier died October 23 1783 aged 23.

83. A headstone. Hannah Hillier, wife of William Hillier of this parish died February 27 1788 aged 72.

84. A headstone. William Hillier of this parish died September 24 1782 aged 64.

85. A headstone. ?Thomas, son of ....... .......

86. A headstone. John H...... 1777 died in the 66th year of his age.

87. A headstone. Ann, wife of William Hillier of the parish of Croydon died December 12 1792 aged 33.

88. A headstone. John Hillier of the parish of Croydon died .....(?1803) aged 4(?) years.

89. A cross. Joseph Becket Hillier died at Southsea, Hants., November 1 1878 aged 53 and is interred here. Also John Griffin died 18 September 1884 aged 45. Also our dear sister Emma wife of the above John Griffin died aged 68 years (no date given - L.L.D.)

90. A small headstone. Georgina Ethel Dubber died January 5 1885 aged 10 years and 6 months.

91. A headstone. John Cooper of this parish died 17 December 1883 aged 73. Also John Cooper died 15.3.1902 aged 87.

92. A headstone. Esther Histed Carton died March 25 1895 aged 54. Also Alfred Carton died August 28 1895 aged 55. Erected by their children.

93. A headstone. Charlotte Demorin died ? June 1779 aged 57. Also Emelie Jus(?ill) sister of the above died July 1798 aged 78.

94. A headstone. Hugh Knowlings, Esquire, of West Wickham in Kent died July 18 1780.

95. A headstone. Mr Samuel House of Bromley Common died 20 March 1846 aged 62. Mrs Frances House, relict of the above died 19 May 1851 in her 82nd year.

96. A cross. Florence Edith, wife of John Ward born 11.4.1880 died February 27 1910.

97. A granite cross. To my beloved wife Annie Eleanor Woolman died 22.2.1918 aged 52.

98. A headstone. Frances Hodges wife of Richard Hodges, Esquire, of His Majesty's Customs died 26 January 1823 aged 50. Also their daughter Harriot Spencer wife of Lt. T. Locke Lewis of the Royal Engineers died September 7 1827 aged 25 years.

99. A headstone covered with ivy. Mr John Cook of this parish died 17 December 1793 aged 63. A tender husband.

99a. A headstone covered with ivy linked with above ....... .......

Two footstones - J.C. 1793 and ....... 1802.

100. A headstone. Annie wife of John Beal of West Wickham, Kent, died August 12 1883 aged 36. Also William Hollamby brother of the above died January 11 1910 aged 65.

101. A cross. Ellen Olive died February 13 1902 aged 57. Phoebe Ann Day eldest daughter of the above died 1 June 1891 aged 28. John Olive, husband of the above died 19.3.1917 aged 78.

The end of West Wickham. The remaining stones are mostly at the foot of the hill on the North side are all modern i.e. since 1891
                                                                                                                                  Whit Sunday 1919 - L.L.D.

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A transcription of a further Leland Duncan notebook for West Wickham also called "Book II" and starting with Plot I. dated July 25th [no year].

102. Headstone. Rebecca Coote wife of Thomas Coote of this parish died November 6th 1858 aged 54 years. Also Mary Coote died October 8th 1853 aged 14 years 8 months.

103. A small cross. Edwin Roots died March 12 1875 aged 10 years.

104. A cross. "Annie" / Hannah Eliza / dearly beloved daughter of Robert and Hannah Palfrey Harman born June 28 1846 died December 22 1889.

105. Headstone. Captain Thomas Wills of the brigantine Trusty of Torquay, Devon, who died at Demerara September 22 1837 aged 34 years. Also Eliza Wills, relict of the above who died at West Wickham August 17 1869 aged 66 years. Also Felicia Carolina daughter of the above died at St. Johns, Newfoundland, November 22 1837 aged 11 months. Also Richard Palfrey Yabsley died April 4 1881 aged 74 years. Also Mary Palfrey Yabsley died August 29 1879 aged 74 years. Brother and sister of the above Eliza Wills.

106. Headstone. Ann daughter of Robert and Hannah Palfrey Harman of this parish died May 11 1842 aged 2 years and 3 months. Also Thomas Wills Harman died September 8 1843 aged 16 months. Also John Yabsley Harman died October 29 1847 aged 3 years and 3 months. Also an infant died on January 6th 1858. Also Sophia Harman daughter of the above died July 7 1869 aged 21 years. Also Hannah Palfrey wife of Robert Harman died April 16 1881 aged 69 years. Also the above Robert Harman who died May 9 1885 in his 75th year.

107. Headstone. Mrs Mary Vine late of Uckfield, Sussex, who died in this parish January 21st 1839 aged 89 years. Also Charlotte wife of Robert Lindsay of the Old Kent Road, London, and daughter of the above who died February 25th 1848 aged 63 years. Also Thomas Harman many years resident in this parish died August 30 1859 aged 78 years. Also Ann widow of the above Thomas Harman died May 21 1860 aged 81 years and the daughter of the said Mary Vine. Also the above Robert Lindsay died June 23 1868 aged 73 years. Also Sarah widow of the late William Maynard and daughter of the above Mary Vine died January 12 1866 aged 86 years. Also Sophia daughter of the above Mary Vine died April 25 1877 aged 87 years.

108. Headstone. Emma daughter of Richard and Frances Harman of this parish died August 3 1843 aged 14 months. Also Charlotte Harman died October 3 1853 aged 9 years. Also Frances wife of Richard Harman died November 21 1883 aged 74 years.

109. Headstone. Caroline wife of Thomas Mathie of this parish died December 2 1871 aged 45 years. Also Marian Rous Mathie youngest daughter of the above died January 5 1884 aged 18 years.

110. Headstone. Jane wife of Thomas Leech of this parish died May 2 1840 aged 35 years.

111. Headstone. Frederick Hall died 9 march 1845 aged 80 years. Also Mary Ann Rea, sister of the above died 29 April 1846 aged 80 years. For 23 years a faithful and attached servant to Lieut-Col. Cator's family.

112. Headstone. Mrs Esther Stevens died October 31 1843 aged 75 years. Also Joseph Stevens husband of the above died 15.6.1854 aged 80.

113. Headstone. Catherine wife of Horton Stockwin and fourth daughter of the late John Cooper of this parish who died January 8 1864 aged 39 years.

114. Headstone. John Cooper of Waits Farm of this parish who died May 11 A.D. 1860 aged 83 years. Also Elizabeth Cooper wife of the above died August 1 1867 in the 80 year of her age.

115. Headstone. Elizabeth youngest and beloved daughter of William and Hannah Cooper of this parish died August 18 1865 aged 8 years. Also Hannah Hillier wife of William Cooper died February 28 1888 aged 71 years.

116. Headstone. William Sargent died May 6 1856 aged 58 years. Also Harriet Sargent wife of the above died July 4 1877 aged 74 years.

The following three headstones are enclosed within iron rails.
117. Mr William Best, formerly of Layham's Farm in this parish died at Dorsett Gardens, Brighton, February 4 1864 aged 65 years.

118. Mr John Best of Layham's Farm in this parish died 30 November 1831 in the 65th year of his age.

119. Ann wife of John Best of this parish and daughter of George and Mary Staples of the parish of Knockholt in this county died 8 October 1823 in the 54th year of her age.

120. Headstone. Mar William Best son of Edward and Mary Best of this parish died December 3 1815 aged 59 years.

121. Headstone. Thomas, son of Edward and Mary Best of this parish died 21 March 1795 aged 54 years.

122. Headstone. Mary wife of Edward Best of this parish and daughter of Thomas and Mary Plumer died January 18 1795 aged 69 years.

123. Headstone. Mr Edward Best of this parish died February 12 1786 aged 70 years.

124. The following two memorials are within iron rails.
(a) Mr William Tiffin, son of Thomas Tiffin, died January 16 1789 aged 51 years. Also Amey relict of the above William Tiffin who died at her house in St Albans Terrace, Lambeth, on the 27 December 1831 in the 83 year of her age.
   Flat stone below the above headstone. Also Amy Tiffin daughter of the said William and Amy Tiffin died 26 February 1844 aged 69 years. Also Elizabeth Jane Herring, relict of John Herring, esquire, of Lambeth and last surviving daughter of William and Amy Tiffin died 10 June 1852 aged 81. Also Henry Norton son of Jeremiah Norton of Colebrook Row, Islington, died March 20 1800 aged 10 months. Also Mary Norton eldest daughter of the above Jeremiah Norton born October 13 1794 died October 23 1867 aged 73. Also William Norton second son of the above Jeremiah Norton born 26 December 1800 died 12 January 1871.

124. Mrs Ann Tiffin wife of Mr Thomas Tiffin of this parish died (b) February 9 1753 aged 45. Also the above Mr Thomas Tiffin died March 22 1765 aged 69. Also Mrs Ann Tiffin wife of the above died December 6 1782 aged 69.

  A flatstone below the above headstone. Elizabeth Norton, third daughter of Jeremiah Norton, esquire, died at Clifton, April 24 1883 aged 80 years.

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The final transcription of L.L. Duncan's notebooks for St John Baptist, West Wickham, titled "Book I to be read with Book II".

                                                                                                                                              26th July 1890. L.L.D.

125. A flat headstone within iron rails. John Gothard, Baron de Rehausen, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty The King of Sweden and Norway at the Court of St James's born in Lisbon June 8 1802 died in London March 2 1854.

126. Headstone. Alice Elliott died November 2 1868 aged 75. William Elliott her husband died October 12 1873 aged 85.

127. Headstone. Joseph Staple of Florence Place, Deptford, in this county, died March 18 1845 aged 72. Also Mary Staple eldest daughter of the above (interred at Nunhead Cemetery) who died November 27 1857 aged 61. Also Sarah Ann Staple widow of the above Joseph Staple died February 9 1862 aged 72.

128. Headstone. Mrs Carolina Staple wife of Joseph Staple of the Borough of Southwark died 21 December 1815 aged 44. Also Caroline Staple daughter of the above died 3 July 1817 aged 19.

129. Headstone. Joseph and Eliza, son and daughter, of Joseph and Caroline Staple of St George's Southwark. Joseph died 17 October 1806 aged 1 year & 2 months. Eliza died 23 January 1807 aged 7.

130. Headstone. Mr Thomas Staple of the Parish of Hayes died 16 November 1808 in his 64th year.

131. Headstone. Mrs Mary Staple wife of Mr Joseph Staple of Hayes died 11 July 1789 aged 47.

132. Headstone. Joseph Staple died 1 June 1780 aged 50.

133. A large tomb. George Matthew, late of Groveton, who died October 7 1814 aged 62. Also Samuel, second son of the above who died January 20 1811 aged 22. Also Mary wife of the above George Matthew who died January 14 1810 aged 50.

134. Headstone. Mrs Mary Washford died 7 October 1791 aged 61.

135. Headstone. Mary Washford wife of John Washford died October X 1770 aged 79. Also George Washford son of John and Sarah Washford died January 8 1772 aged 47.

136. Headstone. Sarah Washford wife of John Washford died September ye 18 1734 aged 43.

137. Headstone. Elizabeth Washford, spinster, died February 20 1768 aged 82. Also John Washford died July ye 13 1770 aged 75.

138. Headstone. Thomas Bargrove died September 28 1791 aged 74.

139. Headstone. Thomas Bargrove, of the parish of Croydon, son of Thomas and Mary Bargrove, many years residents of this place. He died July 20 1797 aged 47.

140. Headstone. Mr John Bargrove died March 26 1828 aged 77. Maria Bargrove wife of the above died March 10 1843 aged 75.

141. A headstone with an organ engraved on top. Robert W. Rennison died September 12 1870 aged 25. This stone was erected by the choir of St Matthew's Croydon as a lasting tribute of respect to an esteemed friend.

142. Headstone. Thomas Blundell died February 3 1866 aged 75. Also Maria wife of the above died January 12 1880 aged 87. Also George son of the above died April 3 1855 aged 43. Also Ada Florence who died May 5 1866 aged 1 year.

143. Headstone. Mr George Overy, plumber, of this parish, died April 4 1808 aged 71. Also Ann relict of the above George Overy died May 4 1813 aged 69.

144. Headstone. Mr John Phillips late tanner of Lambeth in the county of Surrey died 9 May 1780 aged 50.

145. Headstone. William Dawkins of this parish died March 21 1787 aged 84. Also Sarah Dawkins wife of the above died January 11 1780 aged 75.

146. Headstone. Mr George Clinch who died at Rowes Farm in this parish on 17 December 1872 aged 49. Also Caroline wife of the above also died at Rowes Farm in this parish December 2 1887 aged 65.

147. Headstone. George Amor died 7 January 1876 aged 87. Matilda Branch Amor wife of the above died 26 January 1879 aged 87. Also Caroline Louisa Amor daughter of the above died August 23 1888 aged 68.

148. Headstone. Thomas Plummer son of Thomas and Mary Plummmer of this parish died February 23 1800 aged 65.

149. A headstone with cherub's head and wings. Here lieth the body of / Mrs Mary Plummer / of this parish who died / the 28th December 1757 / aged 59 years. / Also the body of / Mr Thomas Plummer / late of this parish husband / of the above Mary Plummer / who died the 30th April 1765 aged 75.

150. Headstone. Mr William Best late of the parish of Croydon died August 17 1786 in his 78th year. Also Mrs Hannah Best wife of the above died May 26 1786 aged 83.

151. Headstone. Ann Jackson late wife of William Jackson of Addington in Surrey, who died 20 July 1767 aged 43.

152. A headstone with cherub's face and wings. Here lyeth the body of / Thomas Phillips / of this parish who died / March 25th 1733 aged 58 / and Mary wife of the said Thomas / died June 4th 1763 aged 80.

153. Headstone. Mr Thomas Stokes of the parish of Bromley in Kent died 10 January 1777 ....... [age underground - L.L.D.]

154. A headstone with skull &c. Mary Wilkenson, wife of Richard Wilkenson died March 23 1742 in ye ....... [ age underground - L.L.D.]

155. Headstone. Sophia Smale Burtwell wife of Augustus Frederick Burtwell died February 25 1888 in her 23rd year.

156. Headstone on one side. Henry Payne of Brighton died February 26 1870 aged 50. Also Francis Mallilieu Payne son of the above died at Tucacas, Venezuela, where he rests December 20 1881 aged 23.

  On the reverse side. Sarah Atwell, wife of George Sweeting died June 23 1831 aged 27. Also three children of the above; George Atwell died August 1 1831 aged 3 months, Sarah Atwell died August 7 1834 aged 8 years, Mrs Elizabeth Ann Field died January 7 1867 aged 38, daughter of the above George and Sarah Atwell Sweeting and wife of Frederick Thomas Field. Also of Elizabeth Sweeting wife of George Sweeting died November 25 1875 aged 68. Also George Sweeting died October 23 1886 in his 84th year.

157. Headstone. Mary Ann daughter of William and Ann Sweeting Tapsell died June 15 1888 aged 55.
   On the reverse side. Mrs Martha May of the parish of Bromley who died November 14 1781 aged 75. Also Ann Sweeting Tapsell wife of William Tapsell of this parish died June 6 1848 aged 57. Only daughter of the late Edward May of Bromley, Kent. Also William Tapsell husband of the above Ann Sweeting Tapsell died October 23 1851 aged 49.

158. Headstone. Ann wife of Thomas Sweeting of this parish died 28 August 1838 aged 69. Also three of her children. Also Mr Thomas Sweeting , husband of the above died 4 October 1852 aged 74, leaving a widow and three children to lament his loss.

159. Headstone. Mary wife of Mr John Bennett of this parish died May 20 1828 in her 43rd year. A tender mother.

160. Headstone. ....... daughter of William and Mary Bennett who died January 20 1795 in the 23rd year of her age.

161. Headstone. William Bennett of this parish died 1 January 1781 aged 49. Also Mary Bennettt his wife died 29 December 1780 aged 50.

162. Headstone. Mr John Kemp of this parish died September 5 1811 aged 63. Also Elizabeth Kemp wife of the above died November 29 1839 aged 74.

163. A small cross. Ethel May Kemp born March 4 1879 died February 7 1880.

164. Headstone. Thomas Kemp born July 8 1813 died June 12 1879. Also Priscilla wife of the above born July 2 1822 died August 24 1878. Also Thomas born August 13 1842 died April 11 1879.Also Augustus born June 30 1857 died February 28 1877. Sons of Thomas and Priscilla Kemp.

165. Headstone in the same enclosure as above. William son of Thomas Kemp of Eynsford, Kent, died February 19 1836 aged 21. Also George born July 2 1846 died October 14 1849. Also James born September 4 1850 died November 4 1856. Sons of Thomas and Priscilla Kemp.

166. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of James Winget of this parish died 26 January 1854 aged 48. Also James Winget died 20 November 1859 aged 55.

167. Headstone. George Barnes died March 21 1874 aged 38. Also John Sweeting died August 25 1880 aged 40.

168. Headstone. William Cooper of Addington died May 3 1848 aged 68. Also Eliza daughter of the above died January 12 1849 aged 33. Also Anne wife of the above died April 28 A.D. 1862 aged 77.

169. A small headstone. A.M.C. 1771, I.C. 1773, B.C. 1773, S.C. 1771.

170. Headstone. Mr John Cooper of this parish died August 1 1820 aged 79.

171. Headstone. Mrs Goodworth Cooper wife of John Cooper of this parish died January 24 1807 aged 62.

172. Headstone. Ann Hillier Cooper of this parish died June 31 1850 aged 35. Also Jane Crittall wife of John Cooper died July 18 1888 aged 72.

173. Headstone. Anne daughter of the late John and Goodworth Cooper of this parish died February 1 1849 in her 74th year.

174. Headstone. Richard Cooper of this parish died May 9 1784 aged 80. Also Bennett wife of the above Richard Cooper died January 9 1785 aged 70.

175. Headstone. Sarah Cooper daughter of Richard and Bennett Cooper died 12 February 1771 aged 21 years. Also one daughter and two sons of Francis and Ann Calvert: Anna Maria died 29 August 1771 aged 7 weeks, Francis died 19 April 1773 aged 3 years, Charles died 21 December 1773 aged 17 months. Also Sophia Charlotte Calvert died 19th of....... (rest underground - L.L.D.)

176. Headstone. Bennett Carter wife of James Carter and daughter of Richard and Bennett Cooper of this parish died May 25 1774 aged 31. Also the above James Carter died July 17 1776 aged 34. Also John Poltny who died February 24 1774 aged 34.

177. Headstone. Joseph Cooper, esquire of Shirley in the Parish of Croydon and page to the late Queen Charlotte died January 20 1832 aged 86. Also Mary Amelia wife of the above Joseph Cooper died August 12 1812 aged 65.

178. Headstone. Christopher Vickers, smith and farrier of this parish died January 11 1850 aged 62. Also Mary wife of the above died January 24 1853 aged 79. Also Peter Vickers Field grandson of the above died November 13 1853 aged 4 months. Also Mary Ann Marchant died June 18 1854 aged 9 months. Also Ann Matilda Field died December 19 1856 aged 4 months, granddaughters of the above. Also George Vickers Field died February 20 1859 aged 14 months. Also Susanna Vickers Field the daughter of Charles and Ellen Field of this parish born at West Wickham November 30 1854 died at St Leonard's on Sea November 19 1860 and lies under this stone.

179. Headstone. Edward Cook of this parish died 3 December 1789 aged 80.

180. Headstone. Mrs Ann Cook wife of Mr Edward Cook of this parish died June 25 1766 aged 53.

181. A small headstone. Thomas Stacey died April 1st 1727 aged 27.

182. An altar tomb opposite the tower entrance. Mr Richard Whiffen, son of Mr Richard Whiffen of Leyham in this parish who died 1 November 1766 in the 70th year of his age.

183. Headstone. Richard Whiffen, late of this parish, died May ye 1st 1739 aged 78 years. Mary Whiffen, wife of Richard Whiffen, died January ye 20th 1746 aged 86 years.

184. Headstone. Elizabeth Callant wife of Robert Callant late of Croydon and daughter of Richard and Mary Whiffen of this parish died October 14 1778 aged 89.

185. Headstone with cherub's head, wings and trumpets, &c. Here lieth interred the body of / Jane Whiffen late wife / of James Whiffen of / St. James', Westminster, who departed / this life the 14th of August 1765 / aged 73 years.

186. Headstone with skull between two griffin's wives. Richard Whiffen / son of James and Jane / Whiffen of ye parish of / St. James', Westminster / died October 22nd 1732 / aged 3 years.

187. Headstone with skull surrounded with laurel leaves. Here lieth interred the body of / Mr James Whiffen of St. James' / Westminster, oil man and son / of Richard Whiffen and Mary his wife of Layhames in this / parish who departed this life / the 22nd of April 1769 aged / 69 years.

188. Headstone. Mr John Johnson of this parish died July 17 1820 aged 56. Also Elizabeth wife of the above and daughter of the late John and Goodworth Cooper of this parish died April 11 1842 aged 72.

189. Headstone. James Nisbit, the son of James and Ann Nisbit of this parish died March 29 1793 aged 2 years and 7 months. Beneath, a sleeping infant lies, To earth his body's lent, More glorious he'll hereafter rise, But not more innocent, When the archangel's trump shall sound And soul to body join, Many would wish their lives below Had been as short as thine.

190. Headstone. Mr William Hilder late of this parish died 9 November 1829 aged 81.

191. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of George Cooper of Shirley died July 22 1842 aged 59. Also George Cooper late of Shirley died 20 July 1847 aged 72.

192. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of Robert Squires of Addiscombe, late of this parish died April 28 1847 in his 70th year. Also Mary Ann Groom wife of George Groom of Thavies Inn, London, and daughter of the above who died 6 November 1852 aged 47. Also Robert Squires died 8 January 1856 aged 82.

193. A headstone with a coat of arms [a drawing] inlaid in brass. John Tyler obit 12 July 1866 aetat 77.

194. A wooden cross. Amy wife of Richard Percival of this parish died August 26 1885 aged 39.

195. A wooden cross. Amy Eveline Percival died January 26 1881 aged 11 months. Also George Percival died December 29 1885 aged 4 months.

196. A granite cross and flat tomb within iron railings William McAdam Stewart of West Wickham, Kent Born 29th January 1784 

Died 6th October 1867. On another small stone in the same enclosure Charles Stewart Born 3 December 1863 Died 27 March 1864.                                                                                           ***
A cross and footstone, on the latter Adam Stewart Gladstone died 5th June 1863 aged 48.

197. Headstone. John Carttar formerly of St Paul's, Deptford, in this county, gentleman, died 2 April 1835 aged 61.

The end of the stones in this part of the yard.


Plot II - Stones in piece East of the tower and South of the Chancel.

198. Headstone with clouds, skull, book &c. Joane Martin late wife of George Martin of this parish died May ye 21 and was buried May ye 25 1727 aged 74 years.

199. Headstone with cherub's head, wings, flowers &c. Elizabeth Lampard wife of Round Lampard and granddaughter to George and Joane Martin of West Wickham died first of June 1760 aged 58 years.

200. Headstone with two cherub's heads &c. Near this place lies ye bodys of Elizabeth, James and William, daughter and sons of Charles Martin and Mary his wife. Elizabeth died September 12 1719 aged 9 months, James died September ye 29 1723 aged 7 weeks, William died May ye 21st 1727 aged 6 months.

201. Headstone with cherub's head, wings &c Charles Martin son of George and Joane Martin of this parish died 15 July 1741 aged 58. Also Mary Martin wife of Charles Martin of this parish died ye 7 April 1760 aged 72 years.

202. Headstone. Sarah wife of Stephen Rutley of this parish died June 6 1837 aged 34. Also Stephen Rutley of Birchwood House, Godstone, died September 5 1870. (no age given. L.L.D.)

203. Headstone with cherub's head and wings - and a grotesque face above. Here lyeth the body of / George son of Charles / Martin and Frances his / wife. He died August ye 31 1731 / aged 23 years.

204. Headstone. Mary Gresham daughter of Charles and Mary Marten and wife of Henry Gresham of Lewisham, died October 23 1779 aged 67 years. Also Mary Bennett daughter of the above and wife of Edward Bennett of Kennington Lane who died 2 August 180- aged 53.

205. A large tomb. George Robbins, formerly a Captain 17th Lancers and Major Hampshire Militia, died November 29 1873 aged 71 years.

206. Headstone. Amy Martin late of the parish of Bromley, Kent, died November 15 1801 aged 77.

207. Headstone. Mrs Elizabeth Martin daughter of Mr Charles and Mrs Mary Martin died October 7 1792 aged 73. Also Mrs Ann Martin sister of the above died 15 November 1801 aged 77.

208. Headstone. Thomas Martin son of Charles and Mary Martin of this parish died March 31 1781 aged 63 years.

209. Headstone with skull, cherub's head, book, hour glass &c. John Martin son of Charles and Mary Martin of this parish died 10 December 1760 aged 39.

210. Headstone with cherub's head, trumpets &c. Charles Martin son of Charles and Mary Martin of this parish died 15 August 1760 aged 47 years.

211. Headstone. Janet wife of the late John Wallace of Springfield, Fife, died January 7 1873 aged 99.

212. Headstone. Catherine Lillico died 18 March 1860 aged 9 years and 10 months.

213. Headstone. Mary wife of John Wallace of this parish died September 20 1885 aged 79. Also John, husband of the above died April 1 1889 aged 80.

214. Headstone. Nathaniel Lewis of this parish died July 13 1793 aged 55. Nathaniel Lewis lieth here Who did the God of Glory fear.

215. Headstone. Sarah Arnold late of Croydon died 6 April 1828 aged 59 years.

216. Headstone. Thomas Whiffin son of Richard and Mary Whiffin of Layhames in this parish died December 4 1772 aged 82.

217. Headstone with skull, bones, &c. Thomas Whiffen son of Thomas and Sarah Whiffen died 5 November 1730 aged 3 days. Also Sarah ye daughter of Thomas and Sarah Whiffen died 15 February 1731 aged 7 weeks and 3 days.

218. Headstone with cherub's head, wings, &c. Sarah the wife of Thomas Whiffen died 29 December 1735 aged 41.

219. Headstone. Marianne wife of W.H. Stokes died March 9 1881 (no age given L.L.D.)

The end of those in this piece.


Plot III - Stones to the East of the chancel

220. Headstone. Mr William Little of this parish and late of Belgrave Place, Wandsworth Road, died June 24 1863 in his 87th year. His languishing head is laid to rest Its thinking and acheing are o'er His quick immovable breast Is heared by affliction no more His heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing pain It ceases to flutter and beat It never will flutter again. Also Dinah Loveday Little daughter of the above died September 1st 1884 in her 76th year.

221. A flat stone. Mr Edward Little of this parish died 7 February 1880 aged 57.

222. Headstone. William Holloway late of Exeter Street, Knightsbridge, in the county of Middx., died November 11 1819 aged 53.

223. Headstone. James Rogers died March 21 1884 in his 95th year.

224. A white marble cross near the lych gate. Walter Daniel Powell died January 24 1885 aged 22.

225. Headstone. Dorothea Heysham Milne daughter of the late Thomas Milne, esquire, of Manchester, died 23 April 1828 aged 26.

226. Headstone. John Howden died February 6 1864 aged 46.

227. Headstone. Mr Thomas Sharp died June 5 1842 aged 54. Also his wife Ann Sharp died 13.3.1861 aged 70.

228. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of Drew Outram died September 5 1803 aged 45. Also Mr Drew Outram died November 6 1820 aged 81.

229. Headstone. Matthew George son of Matthew and Amy Wise of St Martin's Court, Ludgate Hill, London, died 26 May 1839 aged 6 years. Also William Wise died June 27 1843 aged 3 months and 15 days.

230. Headstone. George son of George and Ann Weaver of Rowe's Farm in this parish died off Bombay in the East Indies on board the Honourable East India Company's ship The Berrwickshire from the effects of the climate June 11 1830 aged 22. Also to William twin brother of the above named George who died after a very long and painful illness January 12 1831 aged 23.

231. Headstone. George Weaver of Rowse Farm in this parish died June 28 1843 aged 66. Also Ann his wife died August 21 1848 in her 68th year.

232. Headstone and cross. Harriett wife of Edward Dunger died April 22 1862 aged 30.

233. Headstone. Harriett wife of Peter Poplett of this parish died November 4 1875 aged 64. Also Peter Poplett died April 13 1886 aged 72. Also William Pursley, son-in-law, of the above aged 30. Also Willie his son aged 4 years died September 8 and 9 1888.

234. Headstone. Alfred Poplett died 1 October 1863 aged 9 years.

235. Headstone. Mrs Wilmshurst of this parish died April 2 1842 aged 45. Sincerely lamented by her husband and friends.

236. Headstone. Mr George Taylor of this parish died May 6 1831 aged 66. Also Mrs Susannah Taylor wife of the above died 10 August 1833 aged 68. Also Mary Ann wife of Robert Smith and daughter of the above died January 1 1836 aged 35. Also Mrs Ann Caroline Taylor died February 15 1843 aged 33.

237. A small white marble cross. Marion, youngest child of Walter and Edith de Zoete died 10 August 1884 aged 2 years and 7 months.

238. Headstone. John Ledger of this parish died 15.9.1870 aged 81. Also Lucy Ledger wife of the above died 21 January 1877 aged 85.

239. Headstone. Charles Ledger of 47, Borough Road, Southwark, died January 20 1882 aged 33. Also Marian wife of the above Charles Ledger died October 16 1884 aged 34.

240. A cross. Jane wife of Charles North, esquire, of Leeds, Yorkshire, died 11 May 1884 (no age given. L.L.D.)

241. Headstone. William Winter died June 6 1840 aged 47.

242. Headstone. Thomas Winter died 26 October 1833 aged 42. Also Thomas Winter, senior, died January 28 1837 aged 75. Also Mary wife of Thomas Winter, junior, died October 31 1849 aged 46.

243. Headstone. Robert John Tyers of this parish died 15 September 1866 aged 64.

244. Headstone. John Mallyon died March 20 1856 aged 85. Also Anne youngest daughter of the above died October 29 1880 aged 62.

Index of names and places only

Compiled by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Alexander, 18, 19, 59, 62.
Amor, 147.
Anderson, 20.
Arnold, 195
Asbury, 27.
Ashcroft, 30.
Atwell, 156.
Austen, 35.
Bargrove, 138-140.
Barnes, 147.
Beachcroft, 25, 26.
Beal, 100.
Bennett, 159-161, 184
Berrington, 44.
Best, 117-123, 150.
Bicknell, 36.
Blundell, 142.
Brasier, 55, 56.
Brewis, 72.
Bristow, 64.
Burlington, 71.
Burtwell, 155.
Butler, 21.
Callant, 164.
Calvert, 155.
Carter, 156.
Carton, 92.
Carttar, 197.
Cator, 21, 40, 111.
Chapman, 7.
Childs, 7.
Churcher, 49, 50.
Clinch, 146.
Combe, 78.
Cook, 99, 159, 160.
Cooper, 91, 113, 114, 115, 148-157, 168, 171.
Coote, 102.
Courtenay, 33.
Cripper, 37.
Crittall, 9, 10, 43, 152.
Dawkins, 145.
Day, 101.
de Zoete, 217.

Demorin, 93.
Divall, 65.
Dubber, 90.
Dunger, 212.
Dunlop, 29.
Eaton, 49, 52.
Elliott, 126.
Ellis, 71.
Farnaby, 38.
Field, 156, 158.
Fowell, 74.
Giles, 2.
Ginger, 73.
Gladstone, 16, 176.
Goosey, 14.
Gothard, 125.
Grant, 78.
Gresham, 184.
Groom, 172.
Hall, 111.
Hallam, 61.
Harman, 104, 106, 107, 108.
Herring, 124.
Hilder, 190.
Hillier, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 115, 152.
Hodges, 98.
Hollamby, 100.
Holland, 13.
Holloway, 202.
House, 95.
Howden, 206.
Humby, 18.
Hutson, 6.
Jackson, 15, 32, 151.
James, 4, 5.
Jenkins, 70.
Johnson, 168.
Jusill, 93.
Kemp, 57, 162-165.
Knowlings, 94.
Lampard, 179.
Ledger, 218, 219.
Leech, 110.
Lennard, 60, 61, 64.Lenton, 42.
Lewis, 98, 194.
Lillico, 192.
Lindsay, 107.
Little, 200, 201.
Mallyon, 224.
Marchant, 66, 158.
Martin, 75, 178-181, 183, 184, 186-190.
Mathie, 109.
Matthew, 133.
May, 157.
Maynard, 107.
Milne, 205.
Moffat, 11.
Newman, 79, 80, 81.
Nisbit, 169
North, 220.
Norton, 124.
Olive, 101.
Outram, 208.
Overy, 143.
Paget, 45, 48, 51.
Parrell, 70.
Payne, 156.
Pearce, 71.
Pepys, 33.
Percival, 41,46,47,174,175.
Phillips, 144, 152.
Plumer, 122, 148, 149.
Poplett, 213, 214.
Powell, 204.
Pursley, 213.
Rea, 111.
Rennison, 141.
Robbins, 185,
Roe, 34.
Rogers, 203.
Roots, 103.
Rush, 22, 22a, 53, 54.
Rutley, 182.
Sargent, 116.
Scott, 77.
Sevenoakes, 12.
Seward, 23, 24, 25.

Sharp, 227.
Slatter, 67.
Small, 17.
Smith, 216.
Squires, 172.
Stacey, 161.
Staple, 127-132.
Staples, 119.
Stevens, 112.
Stewart, 176.
Stockwin, 113.
Stokes, 153, 199.
Stretton, 63.
Swann, 28.
Sweeting, 156-158.
Tapsell, 157.
Taylor, 216.
Thomas, 3.
Tiffin, 124.
Toller, 69.
Tosh, 1.
Tyers, 223.
Tyler, 173.
Tyndale, 22a, 54.
Vickers, 158.
Vine, 107.
Wallace, 191, 193.
Ward, 96.
Washford, 134-137.
Weaver, 210, 211.
Wescoe, 31.
West, 8.
Whiffen, 162-167, 196-198.
Wilkenson, 154.
Wills, 105.
Wilmshurst, 215.
Winget, 146.
Winter, 221, 222.
Wise, 209.
Woolman, 97.
Wright, 68.
Yabsley, 105.
Young, 73.
E.R., 76.

Place Index
Addington, Surrey, 151, 168.
Addiscombe, 192.
Alton, Hants., 5.
Belgrave Place,
   Wandsworth 220.
Birchwood House, 
   Godstone 202.
Bombay, 230.
Brighton, 117, 156.
Bromley, 23, 95, 153, 157,
Bucks, 8.
Coulsdon, 56.
Croydon, 51, 57, 88, 139,
  141, 150, 177, 215.
Demerana, [sic], 105.
Down, 7.

Edenbridge, 62
Exeter Street, Knightsbridge,
     Middx., 222.
Eynsford, 165.
Finchley, Middx., 72.
Greenwich, 59.
Guildford, 48.
Hayes, 75, 131.
Islington, 124.
Kennington Lane, 204.
Knockholt, 119.
Lambeth, 63, 124, 144.
Layham's Farm, 117, 118,
     182, 216.
Leeds, Yorks., 240.
Letcombe Regis, Berks., 4.
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 3.Lisbon, 125.
Manchester, 225.
Newfoundland, 105.
Northampton, 8.
Nunhead, 127.
Old Kent Road, London, 107.
Penge, 3.
Rotherfield, Sussex, 43.
Rowe's Farm, 146.
Salisbury, Wilts., 17.
Shirley, 191.
Southsea, Hants., 89.
Springfield, Fife, 211.
St. Martin's Court, Ludgate Hill, London, 229.
St. Paul's, Deptford, 197

St. George's, Southwark,
 128, 129, 239.
Thavies Inn, London, 192.
The Solent, 50.
Torquay, Devon, 105.
Tucacas, Venezuela, 156.
Uckfield, Sussex, 107.
   Northumberland, 72.
Westminster, 68, 187.
Wickham Court Farm, 49,
   50, 61, 64.
Winchester, 5.
Withdean, Sussex, 34.
Woolwich, 41.
Worthing, 49, 50

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Luddesdown Church

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Luddesdown Church. Noted by Leland L. Duncan  11th September 1921. Including Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Luddesdown Churchyard.

1. Joanna daughter of Robert and Elizabeth WELLER died June16 1714 aged 12 years

2. Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Eliza WELLER of this parish died 6 July 1714 aged 19 years

3. Eliza PHILLIPS wife of William Phillips of this parish died February 5th - - - (perished) Footstone: E.P. 1732

4. Mary wife of John SAVAGE of this parish died October 9th 1735 in his 33rd year

5. John SAVAGE of this parish died –o age - - - 1 - - - - - - - years (perished)

6. Robert SAVAGE son of George Savage of this parish who died 20th of January 1725 in his 64th year

7. John SAVAGE son of George Savage of this parish died December 3rd 1714 in his 51st year

8. Robert SAVAGE died 24 January 1773 aged 39 years

9. Phillip STILE? Of this parish died 20th March 1811 aged 79 years. Elizabeth his wife died 1st April 1802 aged 77 years. Fear not dear children in this world etc, etc

10. Robert WELLER of this parish died 24th May 1736 aged 75 years. Left issue one son and one daughter Thomas and Mary. Also Elizabeth his wife died 9th September 1737 aged 73 years

Plot East of Porch
11. (flat) Samuel TIESDELL of the parish of Chatham died 24th December 1802 aged 65 years

12. Sarah wife of Thomas WELLER of this parish died June 6th 1726 in her 27th year

13. Ann TIESDELL wife of Samuel Tiesdell of the parish of Chatham died 25th December 1794 aged 57 years

14. - - - SAN - - - (?Sanders) of this parish who died - - day of February January 1779 in the ?64th year of his age. - - - - Also the ?daughter of Elizabeth wife of the said Thomas SA-DERS who died July 3rd 1787 aged 77 years.

15. - - - - (all gone) 174 - Eliz . . . 1742 . . . .
      Footstone: W. S. 1740

16. (Headstone now flat) Walter? BALDUCK? Died August 13th 1759 aged 39 years. Sarah his wife died 20th December 1779 aged 65 years

17. Mary wife of Samuel TIESDEL of this parish died 14th April 1748 aged 31 years

18. (Low tomb) Richard BURGES? Son William Burges? died 16th February 1735 aged 48 years. Elizabeth Burges? wife of Richard Burges? Died 6th March 1755 aged 76 years. She was the daughter of Rev. Mr William HOPKINS Rector of Swanscombe and Vicar of Sutton at Hone in Kent
Eastern Part
19. William BENNETT of this parish died 23rd December 1835 aged 70 years.

20. Thomas BENNETT of this parish died 15th May 1846 aged 68 years

21. Will FRENCH son of Richard French of this parish died April 7th 1733 aged 45 years

22. George FRENCH son of Richard French of this parish died April 10th 1731 aged 48 years

23. (cross) Alfred son of Thomas and Jane STROWBRIDGE died 30th May 1876 aged 23 years

24. (wooden cross) WA.? STROWBRIDGE died August 3rd 18(81?) aged four years

25. (cross) Thomas STROWBRIDGE 30 years Parish Clerk and member of the Choir born 3rd September 1822 died 27 February 1886

26. Glover MUNGEAM son of the Rev Glover and Elizabeth Mungeam born 6 February 1816 died 20 February 1891

27. (low tomb) The Rev Glover MUNGEAM M.A. ten years Curate of this parish died 15th May 1853 aged 77 years

28. (low tomb?) Elizabeth MUNGEAM died 1st November 1869 aged 80 years

29. (low tomb?) Mr Joseph MARTIN late of Southwark died 29th April 1859 aged 75 years

30. (cross) Benjamin BENNETT of this parish died 18th January 1879 aged 64 years.

31. (cross) Thomas WOOD of this parish died January 16th 1890 aged 66 years

32. (cross) Thomas George WOOD of this parish died 11th August 1869 aged 16 years.

33. William BOAR of this parish died 14th June 1720 in his 42nd year

34. Susanna wife of G – o: (George?) WELLER of this parish died January 28th 1747 aged 75 years

35. (tomb) Francis Henry Hayman SHEPPERD eldest son Edward John Shepperd Rector of this parish
and Catherine Hayman his (?wife) born 20th - - ?1833 died 8th May 1848
North Yard
36. (low tomb) Jeremiah SOLOMON of Gravesend ?in this parish? died 23 November 1803 aged 73 years

37. (?low tomb) Mrs Ann SOLOMON wife of Mr Jeremiah Solomon died 8th October 1818 aged 84 years

38. (?low tomb) Jeremiah SOLOMON of this parish died 23 March 1815 aged 50 years

39. (?low tomb) Mrs Anne SOLOMON wife of Mr Jeremiah Solomon of this parish died 11th June 1843 aged 72 years

40. (?low tomb) Mary daughter of Jeremiah and Anne Solomon of this parish died 9th March 1821 aged 27 years

41. (?low tomb) Henry BELLCHAMBERS of Walworth, Surrey died 7th April 1855 aged 61 years. Also Ann Bellchambers who died 10th March 1889 aged 91 years

42. James ?OOCK son of Francis and Dorothy Coock of this parish died January 29th 1728 in his 21st year. Also Elizabeth wife of James BOREYER and daughter of Francis and Dorothy Coock died May 11th 1728 aged 29 years. Also the baby? of Coock – James son of Francis and Elizabeth Boreyer he died July 4th 1728 aged 7 weeks

43. (cross) Henry BING born 10 August 1814 died 24th May 1871

44. (cross) Richard WATERMAN died 11th December 1865 aged 74 years. Martha his wife died 24 February 1873 aged 74 years

45. A. K. 1810

46. J. S. LOTT 1825

47. (low tomb) Joshua LOTT died 12th December 1807 age 21 years. Ann NIGHT? Died 24th October 1810 aged 50 years. Daughter of J.A. L. sister of the above. Also John S. Lott died 8th November 1825 aged 73 years

48. (low tomb) Rickeby(?) Roger SANDERS son of Rickely and Lydia Sanders of this parish died 24th page 15
December 1793 aged 22 years. Also two children of the above who died in infancy

49. (large cross) William Downes JOHNSTON M.A. 27 years Rector of Milton next Gravesend sometime Curate of this Parish died 29th April 1887

50. (cross) Eleanor Rhoda COGGER of this parish died 9th July 1870 aged 22 months

51. (cross) Charlotte wife of John HOLLANDS died 1841. John Hollands died 1879

52. Alice Maude Mary HOLLANDS born 1st September 1890 died 15th September 1891. Bernard Lewis Hollands died 26 September 1891

53. Herbert Glover HOLLANDS son of Alfred and Harriet Hollands born 11th June 1884 died 30th July 1884

54. Thomas PEARLESS son of Thomas and Mary Pearless of this parish died 23rd March 1764 aged 27 years

55. Charles ADAMS died 19th February 1882 aged 55 years

56. (low tomb) Edward OLIVER died 17th November 188 aged 44 years

57. (cross) Job? OLIVER died 5th March 1858 aged 66 years

58. (cross) Thomas COLLINS died 6th December 1868 aged 87 years. Amelia his wife died 15th March 1869 aged 86 years

59. Phillis PHILLIPS died 10th December 1878 aged 77 years. Richard Phillips her husband died 18th September 1881 aged 87 years.

60. Alfred son of James DAY born 4th June 1842 died 16th November 1845

61. Ruth daughter of Thomas and Rebecca COGGER born 30th September 1852 died 29th October 1872

62. (low ?) John LINGHAM died 29th April 1880 aged 64 years. Eliza Lingham his wife died 8th October 1891 aged 79 years

63. Thomas CAPPS died 27th May 1887 aged 65 years

64. Mark CAPPS died 28th July 1883 aged 21 years

65. William Henry DAY M.D?. of Holly Hill in Kent and Stratton St Margarets Wiltshire born 30th November 1830 died 22nd October 1907
In North West Corner
66. (a large stone) Mr CHEESMANS Vault

67. (coffin) Ellen daughter of Hare and Esther CHEESMAN died 31st July 1850 aged 2 years

68. Edward son of Richard and Mary CHEESMAN who died 30 August 18(?3)0 aged 9 years

69. Names on War Cross

George E. A. GOODWIN
Reginald HORTON
William WOOD

I could see no inscriptions in the church. – except the War Memorial Tablet. The church consists of Nave and Chancel and very narrow south Aisle and little chapel. The church was largely rebuilt in the 19th century but the arcade of the South aisle and the South door are original. 15th Century work and the greater part of the East window of the little chapel [St Katherines]. Also parts of the head tracery of the two perpendicular windows in the South aisle and one of those in the North wall of the Nave. The tower is probably 14th century as the door leading into it from the nave seems of that date. It may be earlier.
                                                                                                                     L. Duncan 11th September 1921

Index of Names and Places

BENNETT 19, 20, 30
CAPPS 63, 64
COGGER 50, 61
DAY 60, 65
Downes 49
FRENCH 21, 22
Glover 26, 27, 53
Hayman 35
A. K. 45
LOTT 46, 47
MUNGEAM 26, 27, 28
OLIVER 56, 57
PIPER 69S W. S. 15
SANDERS 14, 48
TIESDELL 11, 13, 17
WELLER 1, 2, 10, 12, 34
WOOD 31, 32, 69Places
Chatham 11, 13
Gravesend 36
Holly Hill in Kent 65
Milton next Gravesend 49
Southwark 29
Stratton St Margarets Wiltshire 65
Sutton at Hone 18
Walworth, Surrey 41General
Choir 25
Curate 27, 49
Parish Clerk 25
Rector 18, 35, 49
Rev 18, 26, 27
Vicar 18


Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Luddesdown Churchyard

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church. Typed up by Frank Bamping.

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church. Typed up by Frank Bamping.

A transcription of the un-numbered pages at the end of Volume VII of Mr L.L. Duncan's notebook on the Martin Family.

Inside Church - N.E. corner - a cross.

Stephen Godfrey died 28 October 1846 aged 78. Susan his wife died 26 April 1851 aged 80.

Index of Names and Places


Name Index
Godrey 33

Place Index

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of Down Church

A transcription of the memorial inscriptions recorded by Mr Leland L. Duncan 3rd June, 1919.

                                                         Transcribed by Frank Bamping, 19 January 2001

Stones on the South side beginning at the gate.
1. Headstone. James Fountaine, son of James Fountaine of this parish and Frances Elizabeth his late wife. He was devoted by his father's wishes and his own to the ministry but God has withdrawn him to an early rest in his 20th year. His seizure was sudden but not quite unawares for he was allowed to utter one compendious sermon.
In the midst of life we are in death. God's will be done.
Thursday saw him cheerful and grateful for health. Saturday, August 6th 1825, a pale corpse for a season farewell.
2. Headstone. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Cox late of this parish, butcher, who departed this life April 21st 1745 in the 80th year of his age.
3. Headstone. Nathan Cox, son of Thomas and Ann Cox died December 1768 aged 71. Footstone N.C. 1768.
4. An altar tomb. In memory of Mary Eleanor, born September 23 died October 16 1842, and of Charles Waring born December 6 1856 died June 28 1858. Children of Charles Darwin.
5. A low tomb. The tomb of the giver of The Church House.
6. A flat stone. The family vault of Edward Price, esquire, where lie the bodies of Amy wife of Edward Price of this parish who departed this life June 27 1842 in her 68th year. Also Amy Mary niece of Edward Price died 3 June 1849 in her 46th year. Also Edward Price died 24 January 1850 in his 79th year.
The other side of the path.
7. A low altar. Sarah Wedgwood of this parish died November 6 1856 aged 80. Also Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffordshire, died November 8 1880 aged 86.
8. Headstone. Elizabeth daughter of John and Sarah Phillips died July 7 1812 aged 3 years and 8 months. Also William, George and Henry, brothers of the above who died in their infancy.
9. Headstone. Sarah wife of John Phillips of Eynsford, Kent, died 16 April 1821 in her 41st year.
10. Headstone. Mr John Phillips of Eynsford, Kent, died 2 December 1838 aged 62.
Here is a large yew tree
11. A headstone by the porch.
Mrs Sarah Wood, late wife of Mr John Wood of Bromley died 16 September 1785 aged 48.
12. An altar. In memory of George Phillips, late of Keston in Kent, who departed this life May 17 1773 in his 74th year. Likewise Mr Thomas Phillips, late of Northsied Farm, who died 6 February 1816 in his 73rd year. Also Mrs Alice Phillips wife of the above Mr Thomas Phillips who departed this life 21 October 1819 in her 68th year. Also Ann Noah who died 11 October 1859 aged 80. Also William Waker Phillips who died February 4 1868 aged 69. Also Mary, widow of William Smith and fifth daughter of Thomas and Alice Phillips died at Downe 30 July 1876 aged 85.
13. A low tomb. Here lyeth interred the body of Hugh Durling, late of Greenwich, cooper. He departed this life 4th December 1733 aged 60 years. Also Mary Durling ................. [rest gone]
14. A low tomb. In memory of Mr John Durling, late of this parish who departed this life the .... day of June 1782 in the 57th year of his age.
15. A flat tomb. Here lieth the body of Mr George Durling, junior, who was buried December 7th 1747 aged 26 years. Also here lieth the body of Mr George Durling, senior, who was buried December 8th 1754 aged 81 years and also here lieth the body of Mrs Sarah Durling wife of the above George Durling senior who was buried December 8 1730.
16. A flat stone. In memory of Mr William Allen .............. [the rest is quite illegible].
17. A double headstone In memory of Mr Thomas Harding who died September 25 1830 aged 72 years. Mrs Mary Harding who died August 13 1830 aged 77 years.
18. A coped granite tomb. In memory of Mrs Elizabeth Harris died 27 February 1865 aged 84. Also Frederick William Harris her youngest son died 10 September 1890 in his 83rd year. Also Thomas Phillips Harris her eldest son died 26 January 1892 in his 87th year.
19. A cross headstone. Mary Emily, wife of Charles Pearry died February 15 1878 aged 26.
20. A cross headstone. Mary Ann, wife of William Warner of Downe, Kent, died December 11 180?77) aged 41.
21. A cross. Henry Vivian aged 5 died March 18 1876. Mary Ruth aged 7; Oliver Wedd aged 2; Oscar Wedd aged 1. The last week of November 1877, children of Wallis and N.A. Nash.
(Joan N. Nourani writes to say the Wallis and Louisa A'hmuty Desborough Nash 
were her great grandparents. It is possible that Duncan misread the L for an N.)
22. A cross. George Uzzell. November 6 1873 aged 38.
23. Headstone. Helen Smith died November 1 1878 aged 44.
24. A cross headstone. To the memory of the following children of John and Charlotte Roberts of Greenwich, Kew [sic] -
Elizabeth died February 4 1836 aged 1 year and 6 months;
John died June 11 1839 aged 2 years and 6 months;
William died June 24 1848 aged 7 years and 5 months;
Louisa died November 15 1848 aged 1 year and 6 months.
On the back. In memory of Eliza Spearing died December 9 1864 aged 21. Also Frances Hook, sister of the aforesaid Charlotte Roberts died November 21 1838 aged 28. Also William Spearing, brother of the aforesaid Charlotte Roberts died September 3 1844 aged 32. Charlotte Spearing wife of William Spearing died February 14 1860 aged 73. William Spearing, husband of the above died August 28 1863 aged 81.
25. A coped tomb. Thomas Stringer died 6 August 1861 aged 71.
26. A granite tomb. Albert Stringer, late of Leaves Green, Cudham, died 19 June 1857 aged 55. Also Mary his wife died 15 May 1871 aged 70.
27. Headstone. Eliza 4th daughter of William and Sarah Stringer, late of the parish of Cudham, died 7 March 1842 aged 46. Also Charlotte wife of Thomas Smith and second daughter of William and Sarah Stringer born at Cudham Lodge, 1788, died at Bickley, May 25 1849 aged 61. Also William second son of William and Sarah Stringer died at Sundridge, June 18 1863 aged 69.
28. Headstone. In memory of the dear wife of William Stringer. Born at Down Court, the 27 April 1767, died at Leaves Green 9 July 1831. Buried here the 13th. Also William Stringer of Leaves Green in the parish of Cudham, died 1 January 1837 aged 78.
29. Large tomb - South side. In memory of Mr John Smith of this parish died 5 April 1788 aged 77. Also Susannah wife of the above died July 26 1802 aged 77. North side. In memory of Thomas Smith, son of John and Susannah Smith died January 22 1788 aged 33.
30. Tomb. To the memory of John Smith of this parish died 5 March 1821 aged 70. Also Ann Smith relict of the above died 16 March 1825 aged 66.
Next to the Church.
31. A tomb - South side. To Josiah, second son of John and Catherine Smith died October 5 1862 in his 32nd year. Also Sarah second wife of the above John Smith died February 15 1863 in her 57th year. East end. Mary daughter of John and Catherine Smith died May 6 1853 aged 26. North side. Catherine wife of John Smith of this parish died 24 November 1846 in his 52nd year. Also the above John Smith died January 16 1853 aged 56. East end. Hilkiah, youngest son of John and Catherine Smith died January 30 1855 aged 17 years.
32. A flat stone with a carved coat of arms. To William Ravenhill, esquire, of the Rookery in this parish, died 23 January 1838 in his 92nd year. Also Ann his wife died 11 July 1830 in her 75th year.
33. An old thick headstone now quite indecipherable.
34. A headstone next to the church. Thomas, son of Richard and Elizabeth Wood of this parish who died December 17 (?() 2 aged 6 years.
35. A double headstone. Mrs Elizabeth Wood wife of Richard Wood, senior, of this parish who died 21 October 1804 aged 52. Mr Richard Wood late of this parish died 17 March 1814 aged 61. Also to Sophia Wood died August 25 1884 aged 63.
36. A cross headstone. Sarah Wood died January 30 1837 aged 7 weeks. George Wood died May 8 1837 aged 12 years. William Wood died July 17 1842 aged 4 years. Mary Ann Wood died July 21 1842 aged 10 months.
37. Headstone. To the memory of William Mills, son of William and Janet Mills who died April ye 14th 1729 aged 21 years. Also Elizabeth who died an infant.
38. A flat tomb. Mrs Catherine Johnson died 7 May 1831 aged 92 years.
39. A low tomb. John de Horne Christy, esquire, of Cudham Lodge in the parish of Cudham, Kent, died 1st August MDCCCL in the XXXVI year of his age.
40. Headstone. In memory of the dear wife of George Snow who died December 15 1879 aged 68. Also George Snow, husband of the above died December 4 1885 aged 74.
41. A headstone by the fence. Robert Town died February 2 1826 aged 81. Also Richard Town, son of the above died 5 February 1813 aged 38. Also Richard Town, brother of the above Robert Town died 29 June 1816 aged 72.
42. Headstone. Susan Duberry died 7 January 1864 aged 55 and Richard Duberry, husband of the above died 6 September 1868 aged 59.
43. Headstone. Eliza Sutton daughter of Thomas and Jane Sutton died 24 May 1838 aged 16. Also Edward Sutton died 5 November 1845 aged 23. Also Mary Ann daughter of the above died July 8 1844 aged 26.
44. A cross. Thomas Sutton died January 8 1852 aged 65.
45. A low flat stone near the chancel. (Early 18th century)
Here lyeth interred ye bodye of ?Isacc Owsley who departed this life ye 10 day of October 17(?57) aged 61 years. Here also lyeth ye body of Jo(?a)n wife of the aforesaid who departed this life
......... November 17(?28) aged 4(?5) years.
46. Headstone. Mr Thomas Phillips late of the parish of Orpington born March 31 1775 died January 15 1852. Also Parnell relict of the above died 7 March 1866 aged 86. Also Mary alice elder daughter of the above died 10 January aged 57.
47. Headstone. Thomas, eldest son of Thomas and Parnell Phillips of Skeet Hill Farm in the parish of Orpington died 19 November 1844 aged 34. Also Ann Phillips sister to the above born September 17 1816 died September 15 1849.
48. Headstone. George third son of Thomas and Parnell Phillips died 18.5.1827 aged 13. Mr William Phillips late of Skeet Hill, Orpington, died 21 November 1865 aged 54.
49. A tall granite cross. "Requiescat in Pace". [No names. L.L.D.]
50. Marble curb. William James Palmer October 15 1894. Catherine, his wife December 5 1901.
51. A flat granite tomb. In memory of Erasmus Alvery Darwin, eldest son of Robert Waring Darwin, M.D., Born 29th December 1804 at Shrewsbury died 26th August 1881 in London. And of his brother Charles Robert Darwin who lived for forty years at Down House in this parish. Born at Shrewsbury 12 February 1809 died at Down 19th April 1882. His body lies buried in Westminster Abbey and of Emma, wife of Charles Robert Darwin, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffordshire born May 2nd 1808 died at Down October 2nd 1896.  
52. A grey granite coped tomb. Mary Ann Smith died December 8 1909 aged 75. John Smith of Downe Court died 21 February 1873 aged 44.
53. A flat stone. Here lieth interred the body of Mr George Werry of the parish of St George, Southwark, who died February 27 1770 aged [?8]1 years. Here also lieth interred the body of Martha the wife of the above George Werry who died September the 18 1771 aged 61.
Stones to the East of the Chancel
54. A flat stone. Here lieth the body of Mrs Mary Woodward wife of Richard Woodward ...... esquire of Fulham in Middlesex who departed this life the ... of November in the year of our Lord 1701 [?] aged 70.
55. Headstone. Samuel Lettington died August 22 1834 aged 46. Mrs Amy R. widow of the above died 3.3.1861 in her 65 year.
56. Headstone. Amy second daughter of Mr Charles Sawyer of Down Mill departed this life January 1863 aged 9 years ..... months.
57. Headstone. James Fegan born 5.8.1808 died 11.1.1880 and of our beloved mother Ann Fegan died 23.7.1907. [no age L.L.D.]
58. Headstone. Mr John Mitchell died May 17 1850 in his 54th year. Martha wife of the above died April 20 1860 in her 66th year.
59. Headstone by the chancel wall. Mr Isaac Owsley died 15 February 1799 aged 61. Also Mrs Elizabeth Owsley wife of the above died September 7 18001 [sic] aged 66 years.
60. Headstone. Dan Town born 30.1.1829 died 22.3.1894. Also Naomi wife of the above born 27.1.1823 died October 5 1897.
61. Headstone. Elizabeth Sales wife of William Sales of this parish died December 24 1829 in his 66th year. Also the above Mr William Sales died August 4 1836 in his 73rd year.
62. Headstone. Mr Timothy Sales died 2 January 1841 in his 55th year. Also Mrs Elizabeth Sales wife of the above died 8 April 1850 in her 67th year.
63. Headstone. Mrs Sarah Poole wife of Mr Thomas Poole of Orpington died August 3 1836 aged 22.
To the North of Chancel
64. A flat stone. Elizabeth, wife of Mr William Sawyer of this parish died November 18 1835 aged 47.
65. Headstone. Helen Bedwell daughter of John and Eleanor Bedwell late of this parish died 3 June 1812 aged 17.
66. Headstone. Hannah Ranson daughter of John and Ann Ranson of this parish died 26 August 1824 in her 20th year.
Stones in the Northern slip, beginning at the East.
67. Headstone. John Whiteheard (Woodman) died 11.9.1885 aged 51. Ann wife of the above died December 15 1886 aged 48.
68. Headstone. John Thomas Whiteheard, eldest son of John Whitheard died November 25 1886 aged 24.
69. A small cross. Ann Sarles, wife of Mr Charles Sarles of Hastings, died 30 ....... ?1884 aged 26. Also Mona Gertrude Sarles daughter of the above died November 16 188(?3) aged 3 years.
70. Headstone. Morgan Best died 27.3.1895 aged 78. Elizabeth wife of the above died 24.3.1905 aged 82. Ann daughter of the above died 8.3.1902 aged 51.
71. Headstone. Thomas Price died July 1st 1893 aged 71.
72. Headstone. Mr James Marchant died 17 September 1852 in his 78th year.
73. Headstone. In memory of Joseph Parslow died 4.10.1898 aged 86. Faithful servant and friend of Charles Darwin of Down House in whose household he lived for upwards of 36 years. Also of Eliza his wife who died 12 July 1881 aged 69.
74. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of George Chapman died 18.9.1863 aged 37. Also Horace Chapman son of the above died 18.2.1867 aged 11.
75. A headstone cross. William Henry Tunbridge died 6.3.1893 aged 59. Also Robert son of the above died March 16 1894 aged 26.
76. Headstone. Mr James Carter died 24.8.1861 aged 63. Mrs Ann Carter wife of the above died 29.9.1851 aged 63. Jane Carter died 1.2.1855 aged 27. Martha Carter died 17.8.1855 aged 25.
77. Headstone. Elizabeth Horwood died 16.1.1868 aged 43.
Stones in a piece to the North of the Church and Tower.
78. Headstone. Richard Harding of this parish died 30.12.1860 aged 65. Sarah his wife died 23.4.1879 aged 84.
79. Headstone. Edward Elliot died August 180 (?4) aged ?71 years. Also Elizabeth Elliot wife of the above died ....... 1780 aged (?6)...... Also Edward Elliot, son of the above who died ...
..... 1790 aged 3 (?3) years.
80. Headstone. James Elliot son of Richard and Elizabeth Elliot of this parish died 20 June 1807 aged 15.
81. Headstone. Henry Osborne died 17.9.1880 aged 73. Amy Osborne wife of the above died 29.7.1886 aged 80.
82. A small cross. Lily Osborne died February 17 1879 aged ..... and 8 months. Also May Osborne died June 20 1879 aged 8. Also Alfred Osborne died March 1880 aged 12
On the South side of the Tower.
83. A monument with crucifixion. In loving memory of Claude Holdsworth Hunt, Captain R.A. Staff, died of wounds in France April 2nd 1917 aged 30. Also of Colin Harragin and Katherine, his wife the eldest daughter of G.N. Murton of Petleys, torpedoed on board the S.S. Apapa November 28th 1917.
 The end of Downe.                                                                                 Finished Whitmonday 9.6.1919 - L.L.D.

An index to the M.I.s in Downe churchyard                 Compiled by Zena Bamping

     Names - Index

    Allen, 16.
Best, 70.
Bedwell, 65.
Carter, 76.
Chapman, 74.
Christy, 39.
Cox, 2, 3.
Darwin, 4, 51, 73.
Duberry, 42.
Durling, 13-15.
Elliot, 79, 80.
Fegan, 57.
Fontaine, 1.

Harding, 17, 78.
Harragin, 83.
Harris, 18.
Hook, 24.
Horwood, 77.
Hunt, 83.
Johnson, 38.
Lettington, 55.
Marchant, 72.
Mills, 37.
Mitchell, 58.
Murton, 83.
Nash, 21.
Noah, 12.Osborne, 81, 82.
Owsley, 45, 59.
Palmer, 50.
Parslow, 73.
Pearry, 19.
Phillips, 8-10, 12, 46-48.
Poole, 63.
Price, 6, 71.
Ranson, 66.
Ravenhill, 32.
Roberts, 24.
Sales, 61, 62, 69.
Sawyer, 56, 64.
Smith, 12, 23, 27, 29-31, 52.

Snow, 40.
Spearing, 24.
Stringer, 25-28.
Sutton, 43, 44.
Town, 41, 60.
Tunbridge, 75.
Uzzell, 22.
Warner, 20.
Wedgwood, 7, 51.
Werry, 53.
Whiteheard, 67, 68.
Wood, 11, 34-36.
Woodward, 54.

PLACES INDEXBromley, 11.
Cudham Lodge, 27, 39.
Cudham, 39.
Down Mill, 55.

Eynsford, 9, 10.
France, 83.
Fulham, Middx., 54.
Greenwich, 13, 24.
Hastings, 69Keston, 12.
Leaves Green, Cudham, 26, 28.
London, 51.
Maer Hall, Staffs., 7, 51.Orpington, 46, 47, 48, 63.
Petleys, 83.
Shrewsbury, 51.
St. George's, Southwark, 53
The Rookery, 32.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions in  Chelsfield Churchyard

A transcription of Mr Leland L. Duncan's field notebook II containing the monumental inscriptions in Chelsfield Churchyard taken on the 15th July 1890. Frank Bamping, 15 January 2001.

Chelsfield Plot 1 in the S.W. corner.
1. A cross on the East side. William Griffiths died in Guy's Hospital April 24th 1871 aged 66 years. On the North side Jane Patience wife of Stephen Covil Griffiths who died suddenly October 15th 1874 aged 28 years.
2. Headstone. John Dunmall died February 10th 1870 aged 91. Also Sarah wife of the above died January 20th 1872 aged 85. She was a devoted mother. Also the four beloved children of William and Lucy Dunmall, grandchildren of the above. E.S.D. died March 24th 1865, E.L.D. died April 21st 1865, J.W.D. died May 6th 1865, A.L.D. died May 30th 1871, S.J.D. died February 7th 1875.
3. Headstone. Sarah Everest late of this parish died August 31 1801 aged 72 years.
4. A double headstone. Robert Allen of this parish, yeoman, died October 20 1742 aged 74 years and six months. Grace Allen wife of Robert Allen died February 10 1762 aged 80 years and 8 months.
5. Headstone. Mrs Mary Allen died 14 June 1776 aged 63 years. Also Mrs Sarah Allen died 26 February 1782 aged 53 years.
Plot 3 on the S.E. side.
6. Headstone. Here lyeth the body of Henry, son of Henry Martin of this parish, died March 24 Anno Domini 17?1?4 aged 22 years.
7. A vault within rails, on the South side. George Hallett late of Goddington in this parish and of Holland Road, Kensington, died July 22 1873 in his 62nd year. On the North side. Marianne wife of George Hallett died October 21 1873 aged 77 years.
8. Headstone. William Buster son of Francis and Alce Buster of this parish who dyed August ye 7th 1725 aged 29.
9. Headstone. Mr Henry Know died 12 October 1777 in his 66th year.
10. A flat stone. Mary Turner, wife of William Turner died 3 January 1733 aged ..... years.
11. Headstone. John Chapman, bachelor, of the parish of St Paul's, Deptford. Son of Thomas and Allice Chapman of this parish Obt. November 27th MDCCXL in the XX year of his age.
12. A low tomb with a cross, on the South side. Charlotte Baugh died April 16th 1862 aged 82.
 By the S.E. corner of the chancel.
13. Headstone. Here lyeth the body / of John Allen of this parish / who dyed April ye 16th 1731 / aged 67 years / He was well beloved in / every step of life / He was a kind husband to / his tender wife / to whom did peace and charity belong / who bore no / malice and who / did no wrong /.
Plot 4. By the South wall of the yard.
14. A cross on the West side. George Phillips born March 20 1829 died August 20th 1880. Also George Waker Phillips died 17th April 1858 aged 68 years. Also Anne, relict of the late George Waker Phillips died 25 March 1882 aged 87 years. On the South side. Elizabeth Spence, relict of George Phillips died January 20 1885 aged 50.
15. A cross. William Fuller Waring, second son of William and Mary Wall Waring died April 26 1871 aged 24 years.
16. A flat vault within rails. James Harris, esquire, late of Goddington in this parish died 16 September 1837 aged 72 years. Also John Harris, second son of the above died 4 September 1873 in his 81st year.
17. A low vault in rails.John, second son to the late rector of Lower Mediety of Malpas in the county of Chester, the Revd. William Wickham Drake (Eliza Susanna his wife) he died in London the 20th January 1837 aged 25 years.
18. A cross. Elizabeth Dunmall died September 29 1864 aged 63 years.
19. A little cross. Cecil Lennett Wright born February 25 1873 died August 31 1873 aged six months.
20. A flat vault in rails. General Henry Williams died at Chalk Farm, Farnborough, February 16th 1845 in the 81st year of his age. Also of Catherine his wife died July 7th 1848 in her 78th year.
21. Headstone. John Bath, late of Croydon, Surrey, died May 24th 1806 aged 73 years.
22. Headstone. Thomas Crockford died 14th August 1848 aged 72 years. Also Eleanor Crockford wife of the above died June 13th 1858 aged 74 years. Also Thomas, son of the above died February 1st 1839 aged 21 years.
23. A small upright stone. T.C. 1839.
24. Headstone. Sarah Graves wife of Thomas Graves of this parish died January 5 1877 aged 84.
25. Headstone. Robert Watson of Pratts Bottom in this parish died February 18th 1873 in the 66th year of his age. Also Eliza Watson widow of the above who died on Christmas Day 1885 aged 74 years.
26. Headstone. Richard Graves of the parish of Chelsfield, Kent, died January 22nd 1875 aged 53 years. Also in loving remembrance of my dear mother Mary Glover died January 11th 1887 aged 103 years and ten days.
Plot 5. The North part of the yard working South.
27. Headstone. Michael Reeves died January 13 1876 aged 56 years. Also Kitty Reeves died June 9th 1880 aged 56 years.
28. Headstone. Jane Dolley wife of Mr J. Dolley died December 11th 1875 aged 40 years.
29. A wooden cross. Mary Ann Thomas died November 25 1879 aged 32 years. Also Eliza Thomas daughter of the above died October 31st 1882 aged 11 years.
30. Headstone. Sarah Ann wife of Samuel Springett died October 19th 1879 aged 24.
31. A wooden cross. Henry William Latter died January 18th 1884 aged 5 years and 6 months.
32. A cross. William George Alborough died February 5th 1886 aged 18 years.
33. A cross. Ann wife of the late Richard Morgan died February 10th 1886 aged 78 years.
34. A memorial card in a glass case. Emma Blundell died August 6th 1888 aged 24 years.
35. A cross. Ann Walter, for 39 years the much respected nurse in the family of Mr Waring of Woodlands in this parish died February 25 1885 aged 62 years.
36. A cross. Mary Wall Waring wife of William Waring of Woodlands in this parish died September 15 1886 aged 66 years.
37. In the N.W. corner by itself. William Ashdown died March 25 1884 aged 52,
38. Headstone. James Graves of this parish died 4th November 1822 aged 70 years.
39. Headstone. Mary Graves wife of James Graves died 23 November 1811 aged 54.
40. Headstone. John Graves died August 15 1867 aged 85 years. Also Elizabeth wife of John Graves died March 13 1808 aged 30 years. Also Thomas Graves of the parish died February 21 1868 aged 83 years.
41. Headstone. John Graves died July 20 1785 aged 75 years. Also Susanna Graves wife of John Graves died February 13 1816 aged 96 years. Also Thomas Graves son of the above John and Susanna Graves died November 20 1781 aged 38 years. Also Susanna Staples daughter of Thomas and Hannah Staples died 12 August 1795 aged 15 years. Also John Staples son of Thomas and Hannah Staples died December 24 1810 aged 29 years.
42. Headstone. Robert Brooker died November 4 1810 aged 63 years and of Sarah Brooker wife of the above died November 18 1828 aged 76 years. As a memento of their strict honesty this stone was erected by a friend. Also of Ann wife of William Coomber daughter of the above Robert and Sarah Brooker died 8 August 1831 aged 42.
43. Headstone. Elizabeth Brooker wife of Thomas Brooker of this parish died 4 June 1824 aged 59 years.
44. A wooden rail near the North West gate of the yard.
Sarah Wood ..... [the rest all gone]
On the other side - William Brooks Wood died July 13 1846 aged 54.
45. Headstone. Mary Hills wife of John Hills died September 8 1833 aged 77 years.
46. Headstone. John Hills died July 29 1829 aged 77 tears. Also Mary Ann Morgan grand-daughter of the above died August 18 1830 aged 10 years and 4 months.
 The stones which follow are near the North side of the church and tower. July 22 1890
47. Headstone. Edward Dunmall died February 27 1856. Also of Jane Dunmall wife of the above died October 16 1862 aged 81.
48. Headstone. George Dunmall son of Edward and Jane Dunmall died 16 January 1870 aged 56 years.
49. Headstone. Elizabeth Tester died 2 April 1837 aged 73 years. Also of Stephen Tester died 16 September 1839 aged 76 years.
50. Headstone. Ann Gainsford wife of John Gainsford died 2 June 1817 aged 60 years. Likewise the above John Gainsford died 3 March 1820 aged 80. Also John son of the above died in his infancy.
51. Headstone. Jane wife of John Gainsford died March 27 1789 aged 39 years.
52. Headstone. William Brooks died 5 February 1834 aged 56 years. Also of Ann wife of the above died 22 November 1853 aged 72 years.
53. Headstone. Thomas Brooks died 11 October 1821 aged 81 years. Also Ann wife of the above died 16 of June 1829 aged 80 years.
54. Headstone. In memory of Mr William Brooks of Halstead, Kent, died May 8th 1810 aged 68 years.
55. Headstone. Mrs Hannah Brooks wife of Mr William Brooks of the parish of Halstead died January 31 1797 aged 55 years.
56. A flat stone. William Brooks, late of Shoreham, Kent, died 1st day of January 1816 aged 49. Also Harriott Scott Brooks daughter of William and Ann Brooks died 6 August 1820 aged 6 years.
57. Headstone. The infant son and daughter of Mr William and Mrs Ann Brooks of Colegates of the parish of Shoreham. William Brooks died December 22 1796 aged 4 months. Mary Ann Brooks died November 12 1800 aged 1 year and 3 months. Also George Brooks died October 8 1805 aged 7 years and 2 months.
58. Headstone. John Round of this parish died 22 July 1796 aged 77. Also Mrs Jane Round wife of the above died 28 May 1809 aged 97 years.
59. Headstone. Mr George Mace of this parish died February 20 1780 aged 84. Also Mrs Alice Mace wife of the above died 28th day of May 1763 aged 76 years.
60. Headstone. Thomas French late of this place, carpenter, died 5th November 1813 aged 70 years. Also Elizabeth French wife of the above died 22 December 1828 aged 82 years.
61. A flat stone. In memory of John Leigh, citizen and skinner late of the parish of St Michael's, Crooked Lane, London, died September ...... 176(?8) aged ...... years. Also Susan Leigh wife of the above died 11 January 1788 aged 77 [or 33 years. -L.L.D.]
62. An altar tomb - on top, much broken. Mary Harris daughter of Robert and Grace Harris of this parish who departed this life the 5th day of November 1771 in the 4th year of her age. Also Mrs Grace Harris wife of Mr Robert Harris of this parish died November .... (?1778) aged 60 years. Likewise Sarah Harris daughter of the above died 2nd October 1788 aged 28. Also the above Mr Robert Harris died 9th May 1799 aged 71. Likewise Mrs Elizabeth Fuller wife of Mr Thomas Fuller of Farningham and daughter of the above died 14 February 1816 aged 61.
On the North side. In this vault are deposited the remains of Mr John Harris late of Farningham in this county who died December 23 1834 aged 79. Also Mary Harris wife of the above died April 29 1836 aged 68.
On the South side. Thomas Harris, surgeon, late of Sevenoaks in this county, son of the aforementioned John and Mary Harris died 30th of ...... 1837 aged 34 years. Also James Harris, surgeon, of Riverhead in this county, died 23 April 1848 aged 38. Youngest son of the above named John and Mary Harris.
The end of Chelsfield churchyard - 22 July 1890
Copied L.L.D. 25.7.1890



A transcription of Mr Leland Lewis Duncan's undated small field note book No I containing his record of some additional monumental inscriptions in Chelsfield churchyard.
                                                                                                          Frank Bamping, 17 January 2001Plot I - in the S.W. corner
63. Headstone. Mr Thomas Hall late of this parish died 9 March 1780 aged 63. Also Mrs Sarah Hall wife of the above died 16 January 1781 aged 60.
64. A headstone with hourglass. Here lieth ye body of / Michael Mitchel / of this parish he died / May 20th 1708 aged / 65 years / Also Elizabeth his / wife died April 5th / 1722 aged 78 years.
65. A headstone with cherub's head. Robert Relph of the parish of Tunbridge died September 24 A.D. 1763 aged 80. Also Elizabeth wife of the above died December 16 A.D. 1741 aged 52.
66. A headstone with skull. William Alwen of this parish, bricklayer, died July 3 Anno Domini 1717 aged 77 and hath left a wife and issue, three children; William, John and Elizabeth, who have erected this stone in memory of their father.
67. Headstone. Robert Allen, the younger, of Hewett Farm in this parish, died 25th of September 1761 aged 52 years. Also Sarah Grace Pilkington, granddaughter of the above aged 10 weeks.
(No date given - L.L.D.)
Plot II - West of the Porch.
68. Here lyeth / the body / of William Kestel the / elder buried / October 14 / aged 63 / 1716 /.
Here / lyeth the / body of / William / Kestel the / younger / buried August / 16 aged .... / 1717/.
69. A small stone. W.K. MDCCXVI
70. A small stone. 1717 W.K. MDCCXVII
 Plot III - South East side.
71. A small stone. F.B. (? date)
72. A flat tomb. John W..... who died ..... 17-3 also ...... relict of ..... W.... who died ......1739 aged .....
73. A low stone. S.F. 1811.
74. Headstone. John Cox late of this parish died 13 October 1778 aged 52.
75. Near the South East corner of the chancel. Mary wife of James Bath died February 21 1793 aged 38.
Plot IV - by the East wall of the yard.
76. A small cross. H.P. (no date)
77. A white marble cross. Emily Mary daughter of William and Mary Wall Waring died October 13 1869 aged 20.
78. A coffin-like tomb - South side.
Thomas Fuller Waring, eldest son of William and Mary Wall Waring born February 2 1844 died June 21 1845. North side.
Thomas Fuller Waring eldest son of Thomas and Sarah Waring of this parish died June 6 1829 aged 23. Also Henry second son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died December 6 1831 aged 23. Also Robert sixth son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died September 2 1836 aged 21. Also John Fuller, youngest son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died May 5 1844 aged 22.
On the West end. Sarah wife of Thomas Waring of this parish died May 29 1842 aged 62. Also the above Thomas Waring died July 9 1851 aged 74.
79. A flat stone under a canopy of iron work.
Sacred / to the memory of the / Rev. Robert Cottam, M.A., / Lecturer of / St John's Church, Swansea / who died while on a / visit to his friend / the Rev. James Williams, A.B., / curate of this parish / February 6th 1828 / aged 56 years / He was a faithful / and energetic preacher / of the glorious gospel / of the Blessed God / and it is humbly, hoped / that his spirit / redeemed by the Blood / of the Lamb / is now rejoicing / annidot that happy, company / who, having turned many / to righteousness /shall shine as the brightness / of the firmament / and as the stars for ever / and ever / He left this vale of sorrow / looking for the mercy of our / Lord Jesus Christ / unto eternal life / This monument was erected / as a tribute of affectionate regard / by his only surviving brother.
80. Flat tomb with iron railings. Sacred / to the memory of / the Rev. / John Edward Tarleton / D.C.L. / fourteen years rector / of this parish / died 16th January 1849 / aged 65 years.
81. Headstone. Joseph Pickering died March 24 1853 aged 59.
82. Headstone. Mary Ann Clark wife of Richard Clark of this parish died 4 December 1826 aged 37. Also Richard Clark died 24 September 1833 aged 39.
83. Headstone. Mr Thomas Martin died 22 April 1776 aged 47.
84. Headstone. Mrs Rebekah Bath died 6 May 1773 aged 66.
85. Headstone. Mr Andrew Bath died 31 July 1794 (or 1) aged 88. Also Mr William Bath son of the above died 29 September 1786 aged 39.
86. A flat tomb. Henry Crawford, esquire, died 27 July 1818 aged 74. Also to the children of Robert son of the above Charles died 23 May 1824 aged 1 year and 7 months; William Cane died 26 June 1828 aged 7 months; Emily Martha died 10 may 1831 aged 1 year and 3 months; John Irving died 4 April 1832 aged 5 years and 10 months. Elizabeth wife of Robert Crawford above mentioned died at Bath January 16 1850. At the foot of this stone are buried the mortal remains of Mary Sales of this village for upwards of forty years the faithful and devoted servant of the above Elizabeth Crawford and their family. She died January 25 1853 aged 72.
 Plot V - North part of the yard working Southwards
87. Headstone. Harriet wife of John Titchener of this parish died November 3 1876 aged 61. Also Dear Little Hartie, granddaughter of the above died December 11 1887 aged 21 months.
88. A cross. Anne Morgan died June 12 1878 aged 68.
89. A wooden cross. John Miles died October 30 1881 aged 76. Also Sophia wife of the above died January 18 1874 aged 64.
90. Headstone. William Latter died September 13 1873 aged 65.
91. John Paine born October 30 1827 at Mout Hall in this parish died August 24 1873. Also John and Ann Paine, mother of the above buried at Hartley.
92. A small headstone. William Osborn died March 3 1873 aged 13 years.
93. A wooden cross. Edgar Thomas Stone son of John and Mary Ann Stone died April 29 1882 aged 1 year and 10 months.
94. An iron cross. Robert Dunmall died July 25 1883 aged 83.
95. Headstone. William, husband of Eliza Grafter died April 3 1883 aged 65.
96. Headstone. Ann wife of Richard Stacey died October 7 1888 aged 61.
97. An iron cross. Charles William Hills died August 10 1888 aged 51.
98. A cross. George Brooks for 30 years clerk of this parish died November 18 1884 aged 83.
99. Headstone. Thomas Blanchett of Southend, Eltham, died August 1 1884 in his 64th year.
100. A headstone in white marble. Philip Archibald Rock, M.R.C.V.S., died June 1 1884 aged 70.
101. A marble tomb with a flat cross. South side. Erected in memory of / Ann Wall the beloved wife of the Reverend Folliott Baugh / rector of this parish / she died 17th May 1886 aged 41 years / North side. Also of / the Revd. Folliott Baugh / 39 years rector of this parish / died 7th December 1889 aged 80 years.
102. Headstone. Thomas Verrells died March 8 1858 aged 69. Also Mary Verrells daughter of the above died March 9 1853 aged 15. Also Eliza Wesley Verrells daughter of the above Thomas Verrells died February 24 1867 aged 20.
103. Headstone. Mr Henry Skinner of this parish died 22 May 1831 aged 62. Also Mrs Elizabeth Skinner wife of the above died 20 April 1834 aged 64.
104. Headstone. Maria wife of Richard Hickmott of this parish died June 6 1865 aged 68. Also Richard Hickmott died May 2 1869 aged 72.
105. Headstone. John son of William and Mary Hardstone died 13 August 1817 aged 25 years. Also the above William Hardstone died 19 May 1838 aged 81 and the above Mary his wife died 27 May 1838 aged 78. Also Sarah and Mary Ann, children of the above William and Mary died in their Infancy.
106. Headstone. Francis Edwards died June 12 1782 aged 76. Also Elizabeth wife of the above died June 14 1782 aged 66. Also James son of the above died June 18 1782 aged 47. Also Elizabeth Skinner died May 22 1816 aged 76.
107. Headstone. Mr Thomas Rock died after a very short illness 2 November 1843 aged 51. Also his two sisters; Lydia Rock died 9 November 1843 aged 54 and Barthenay Rock died 25 May 1844 aged 49.
108. Headstone. Catherine wife of James Rock died 24 December 1821 aged 28. Also Catherine daughter of the above aged 1 year and 11 months and William son of the above aged 10 months.
109. Headstone. Lydia Rock wife of William Rock of this parish died 7 May 1842 aged 89. Also Cecilia Rock great granddaughter of the above died 22 July 1859 aged 3 years and 10 months. Also William Rock of this parish died 2 July 1823 aged 65. Also Thomas Rock great grandson of the above died 16 August 1859 aged 6 years and 10 months.
110. Headstone. Ann wife of Thomas Yeates died 7 May 1827 aged 51.
111. Headstone. Thomas Morgan died 22 December 1833 aged 83. Also Mary wife of the above died 19 August 1846 aged 84 years.
112. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of James Morgan of this parish died 30 December 1815 aged 24.
113. Headstone. Sarah Cordery died 19 October 1843 aged 42. Also Mary Brooks, sister of the above died suddenly 3 November 1843 aged 43.
114. Headstone. Richard Morgan died January 24 1862 aged 66. Also Isabella wife of Thomas Morgan son of the above died August 25 1863 aged 39.
115. Headstone. Mary Morgan wife of William Morgan died February 12 1845 aged 66.
116. Headstone. Mary Hills wife of John Hills died September 8 1833 aged 77.
117. Headstone. John Hills died July 29 1829 aged 77. Also Mary Ann Morgan granddaughter of the above died August 18 1830 aged 10 years and 4 months.
118. A low flat cross tomb. Sarah Hills died July 17 1862 aged 69. William Hills died September 1 1868 aged 79.
The stones which follow are near the North side
of the church and tower.
119. An altar tomb. Mr Thomas Judd late of this parish died 4 June 1786 aged 80. Also Mrs Barbara Judd widow of the above died 4 January 1788 aged 81.
120. An altar tomb with a carved arms. In memory of / Henry Nurse late of / Cliffords Inn, London, gentleman, / died 16 November 1745 aged 37.
121. Headstone. Edward Everest died November 22 1815 aged 75. Also Elizabeth Everest wife of the above died in the year 1766.
122. Headstone. Mr Thomas Tilden late of Orpington died 19 October 1820 aged 62.
123. Headstone. Mr Charles Tilden late of Horsbr..... Farm in the parish of Cudham died 9 September 1789 aged 61.
124. Headstone. Mrs Catherine Tilden wife of Mr Charles Tilden of the parish of Cudham died October 17 1780 aged 49.
125. Headstone. Catherine Tilden daughter of Charles and Catherine Tilden of the parish of Cudham died February 19 1779 aged 18 years.
126. An altar tomb. Mrs Mary Fanell late of the parish of Bromley died 31 December 1769 aged 59. Also Mr James Aynscomb late of this parish died 1- January 1783 aged 68. Also Mrs Mary Aynscomb wife of the above died 11 December 1793 (?55 years). Also Mary daughter of James and Mary Harris died 12 January 1796 aged 7 years. Also Emma daughter of James and Mary Harris died 16 April 1813 aged 1 year and 9 months. Also Elizabeth daughter of James and Mary Harris died 11 September 1813 in her 10th year. Also Mary wife of the late James Harris, esquire, of Goddington in this parish died 18 December 1846 aged 77.
127. Headstone. Mr James Ebbett late of this parish died 5 June 1781 aged 51. Also Elizabeth Ebbett wife of the above died 28 July 1785 aged 65.
128. Headstone. Mr James Ebbett son of James and Elizabeth Ebbett died 24 December 1784 in his 34th year.
129. Headstone. Ann wife of Mr John Ebbutt died February 2 1830 aged 69.
130. Headstone. Mr John Ebbutt late of Orpington died February 11 1814 aged 54.

The end of Chelsfield Church yard      22nd July 1890 - Leland L. Duncan

                                                                                                 Copied L.L.D. 25.7.1890 (not known to where)

An index to the M.I.s in Chelsfield Churchyard

Names Index
Alborough, 32.
Allen, 4, 5, 13, 67.
Alwen, 66.
Ashdown, 37.
Aynscomb, 124.
Bath, 21, 75, 84, 85.
Baugh, 12, 101.
Blanchett, 99.
Blundell, 34.
Brooker, 42, 43.
Brooks, 52-57, 98, 113.
Buster, 8.
Chapman, 11.
Clark, 82.
Coomber, 42.
Cordery, 113.
Cottam, 79.
Cox, 74.
Crawford, 86.
Crockford, 22.
Dolley, 28.
Drake, 17.
Dunmall, 2, 18, 47, 48, 94.
Ebbett, 125-128.
Edwards, 106.
Everest, 3, 119.
F.B., 71.
Fanell, 124.

     French, 60.
Fuller, 62.
Gainsford, 50, 51.
Glover, 26.
Grafter, 95.
Graves, 24, 26, 38-41.
Griffiths, 1.
H.P., 76.
Hall, 63.
Hallett, 7.
Hardstone, 105.
Harris, 16, 62, 124.
Hickmott, 104.
Hills, 45, 46, 97, 116.
Judd, 117.
Kestel, 68-70.
Know, 9.
Latter, 31, 90.
Leigh, 61.
Mace, 59.
Martin, 6, 83.
Miles, 89.
Mitchel, 64.
Morgan, 33, 46, 88, 111, 112,
                 114, 115.
Nurse, 118.
Osborn, 92.
Paine, 91.
Phillips, 14.

Pickering, 81.
Pilkington, 67.
Reeves, 27.
Relph, 65.
Rock, 100, 107-109.
Round, 58.
S.F., 73.
Sales, 86.
Skinner, 103, 106.
Spence, 14.
Springett, 30.
Stacey, 96.
Staples, 41.
Stone, 93.
Tarleton, 80.
Tester, 49.
Thomas, 29.
Tichener, 87.
Tilden, 120-123.
Turner, 10.
Verrells, 102.
Walter, 35.
Waring, 15, 35, 36, 77, 78.
Watson, 25.
Williams, 20, 79.
Wood, 44.
Wright, 19.
Yeates, 110.

Place Index
Bath, 86.
Chalk Farm, Farnborough, 20.
Clifford's Inn, London, 118.
Croydon, Surrey, 21.
Cudham, 121, 122, 123.
Farningham, 62.
Goddington, 7, 16, 124.
Halstead, 54, 55.

     Hartley, 91.
Hewett Farm, 67.
Holland Road, 
     Kensington, 7.
London, 17.
Lower Mediety, Malpas,
     Chester, 17.
Mount Hall, 91.
Orpington, 120, 128.

Sevenoaks, 62.
Shoreham, 56, 57.
Southend, Eltham, 99.
St. Paul's, Deptford, 11.
St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 
    London, 61.
St. John's, Swansea, 79.
Tunbridge, 65.
Woodlands, 35, 36.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of the Upper burial Ground, Dartford

A transcription of Mr Leland L. Duncan's field notebook, dated 10 June 77 [1877], commencing "Dartford Churchyard....".   Frank Bamping, 11 January 2001.


Recent research shows that the following M.I.s were recordered by Leland Duncan at the "Upper burial Ground", now known as St Edmund's Pleasance, off East Hill.  April 2012.


1.   An altar tomb. Carved within a circle, arms, a chevron between three leopard's heads. Crest, a leopard passant tail extended chain reflexed the back ducalled crowned standimg on stump of tree fessways.

To the memory of John Pettet, esquire, of this parish who departed this life 30th day of August 1771 aged 66 years. Also Mrs Sarah Pettet, sister of the above said John Pettet, esquire, who departed this life the 30th day of October 1772 aged 69 years. Likewise to the memory of Benjamin their brother died July 19 1793 aged 79; Ann their sister died February 9th 1795 aged 88 and Mary their sister died July 23rd 1801 aged 85.


2.   An altar tomb. Arms, a chevron between three leopard's heads
Here lyeth interred the body of Mr John Pettet, merchant, who departed this life the 13 day of September Anno Dom. 1700 aged 42 years


3.         An altar tomb surrounded by iron rails.

South side. Mrs Mary Budgen, wife of William Budgen of this parish, gentleman, died 31st July 1805 aged 51 years.

East side. Sacred to the memory of William Budgen, esquire, who departed this life the 27th day of April 1826 in the 75th year of his age.

North side. Elizabeth Budgen daughter of John and Elizabeth Budgen died 24th May 1755 aged 4 years and 10 months. Sacred to the memory of John Budgen, esquire, son of William Budgen, esquire, who died November 26th 1827 aged 38 years.


4.         In memory of Mr John Budgen late of this parish who departed this life the 5th February 1780 aged 71. Also Mrs Elizabeth Budgen relict of the above who departed this life the 17th June 1782 aged 67 years.


5.         In memory of Edward Stigger late of this parish, wheelwright, who departed this life the 11th December 1785 aged 81 years. Also Elizabeth Stigger wife of the above who died the 7th January 1788 aged 77 years and of Mary Stigger their daughter who died the 1st June 1789 aged 53 years.


6.         Here lieth interred the body of Mrs Ann Smalley late of this parish who departed this life April ye 1 1770 aged 37 years. Here also lieth the body of Mr Thomas Smalley late of this parish who departed this life June ye 2nd 1773 in the ............


7.         Sacred to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth Banty wife of Mr James Coupland Banty of this parish who departed this life the 15th of April 1848 aged 29 years.


8.         In memory of James Dale of this parish who died July 27th 1845 aged 73 years. Also Mary Dale his beloved wife who died August 26th 1849 aged 71 years. Also Maria wife of John Richmond, mariner, and daughter of the above who died August 22nd 1849 aged 41 years.


9.         Thomas Hill died February 18th 1842 aged 1 year and 9 months. John Hill died November 30th 1854 aged 1 year and 3 months.


10.       In memory of Ann wife of Thomas Hill of this parish, victualler, who died November 12th 1847 aged 33 years.


11.       Sacred to the memory of Sarah Maria Millet Warns daughter of Robert and Esther Warns who died April 1st 1841 aged 14 years.


12.       Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of William Rufus who was born in the year 1798 at Coalbrookdale in the parish of Madeley Salop and departed this life 27th of February 1853 aged 55 years.


13.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Hannah Durrant wife of Mr John Durrant of this parish who died 25th August 1851 aged 47 years. Also Mr Thomas Durrant who died 28th February 1853 aged 76 years. Also Mrs Sarah Durrant wife of Mr Thomas Durrant who died 4th April 1841 aged 65 years. Also Mr John Durrant of this parish who died 9th September 1854 aged 45 years.


14.       To the memory of Mr George Green of this parish who died the 4th of April 1839 aged 36 years. Also William Whitmore Green son of the above who died the 12th of July 1836 aged 1 year and 9 months.


15.       In memory of Mr Joseph Ballard of this parish who died July 14th 1851 aged 42 years. This stone is erected by his wife in affectionate remembrance of her beloved husband.


16.       George Best died 7th April 1840 aged 9 months and 2 weeks.


17.       In memory of Mrs Mary Jegon of this parish who died the 28th day of August 1824 aged 78.


18.       Sacred to the memory of Mr Henry Pilcher who departed this life the 29th of June 1838 aged 36 years. This stone is erected as a testimonial f respect by the members of the amicable society of Dartford.


19.       Beneath this mound lie the remains of John Dunkin who died suddenly December 22 1846. A brass tablet is erected on the North side of the Ladye Chapel, Dartford Church.


20.       In memory of James and Sarah Gibson [sic] son of Charles and Sarah Gibson who was baptized the 13th of November 1704 in the parish of Saint Mary the Virgin in the town and port of Dover after spending many years in this parish he died on the 26th of February 1810 in the 106th year from his Baptism.


21.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Ann Nettlefold wife of Mr William Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life the 15th of August 1830 aged 57 years. Also Mr William Nettlefold who departed this life the 30th July 1834 aged 61 years.


22.       Sacred to the memory of Sarah Nettlefold daughter of William and Elizabeth Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life the 16th of December 1820 aged 42 years.


23.       In memory of Mr William Nettlefold who departed this life the 18th of September 1789 aged 45 years. Also Amy Nettlefold daughter of the above who died 25th April 1783 aged 18 months and Elizabeth Nettlefold died 29th August 17 aged 4 years. John Nettlefold departed 4th September 1783 aged 5 weeks.


24.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth Nettlefold wife of Mr William Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life January the 11 1804 aged 54 years.


25.       Here lieth the body of Mrs Ann late wife of Mr Robert Emery of this parish who departed this life the 9th day of February 1745 aged 42 years. John son of the above said Robert and Ann who died in the year 1746 aged two months. Also to the memory of Ann daughter of the above said who departed this life ye 5th of September 1749 aged 11 years.


26.       Here lyeth interred the body of Richard Lardner of Ramsden near Witney, Oxon, clerk to Mr John Pettet, brewer, of Dartford who departed this life January ye 27th 1752 aged 43 years.


27.       Elizabeth Perfect died 13th November 1763. This stone is erected by her husband William Perfect of West Malling, surgeon, to perpetuate the memory of a wife whose life was a constant lesson of virtue.


28.       Sacred to the memory of John Woodham late of the parish of Greenwich, baker, formerly of this parish who departed this life the 8th day of May 1771 aged 41 years. Also two children of John and Elizabeth Woodham; one died 1 April 1769 aged 4 years Elizabeth died 15th May 1771 in the 5th year of her age. Also James Woodham son of the above who died 15th of September 1771 aged 9 years.


29.       In memory of Mrs Ann Wright wife of Thomas Wright of this parish, smith and farrier, who departed this life the 16th day of August 1831 aged 55 years. Also Eliza Wright daughter of the above Thomas and Ann Wright who departed this life the 6th day of April 1831 aged 17 years.


An index to the M.I.s in Dartford churchyard              Compiled by Zena Bamping


I N D E X      

     Name IndexBallard, 15.
Banty, 7.
Best, 16.
Budgen, 3, 4.
Dale, 8.

Dunkin, 19.
Durrant, 13.
Emery, 25.
Gibson, 20.
Green, 14.
Hill, 9, 10.Jegon, 17.
Lardner, 26.
Nettlefold, 21-24.
Perfect, 27.
Pettet, 1, 2, 26.
Pilcher, 18.Rufus, 12.
Smalley, 6.
Stigger, 5.
Warns, 11.
Woodham, 28.
Wright, 29.

Coalbrookedale, Madeley, Salop, 12Greenwich, 28.
Ramsden, Witney, Oxon, 26.St Mary the Virgin, Dover, 20.
West Malling, 27.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Churchyard, St Mary Cray

What follows is a transcription of one of the many pocket field notebooks belonging to the noted author and antiquarian, Mr Leland L. Duncan. For many years right up until his death Duncan visited Kent churches and churchyards and noted in his own shorthand the memorial inscriptions contained therein. These inscriptions he compiled are not "as carved in stone" but in his own standard form. Sadly he used a stub of a blunt HB pencil on cheap paper which over 100 years later is sometimes hard to read. However, in the period which has elapsed, many of the inscriptions are now even more difficult to read which makes L.L. Duncan's efforts all the more valuable.                                                                                                       Frank Bamping  12 December 2000

The Memorial Inscriptions in the Churchyards of Saint Mary Cray, Kent, taken on the 13th August 1921.

1. Eliza, wife of Thomas Martin, died July 21 1878 aged 38.
2. Edwin Blackman died 3.11.1880 aged 24.
3. Here rests Mary Hallahan, the mother of Margaret Tobin. Also William Edward Epsom died 10 February, 1880 aged 15 years.
4. Esther Augusta Sibley died 30.6.1873 aged 30.
5. C.E. Dabnor died 4.9.1897 aged 61. Mary his wife died 3.9.1900 aged 62.
6. John Spearing died 23.3.1873 aged 55. John Spearing, son of the above died 4.11.1878 aged 33.
7. James Mylne died 6.10.1862 aged 24. John Mylne ...... [gone]
8. Mrs Sarah Townsend wife of Charles Townsend of this parish died 5.3.1819 aged 26. George Henry Donmall, grandson of the above died 4.1.1846 aged 5 months. Eliza Donmall wife of George Donmall and daughter of the above Mrs Townsend died 13.2.1850 aged 32. George Donmall, relict of Eliza Donmall died 4.9.1860 aged 52.
9. Mrs Ann Thick who after fulfilling the duties of a wife and mother died 16.6.1856 aged 66.
10. Abraham Jordan died 27.3.1867 aged 42. Sarah Jordan, his wife died January 1 1886 aged 72. Formerly of Shoreham in this County.
11. A wooden cross on which no inscription remains.
12. Mrs Ann Child, wife of Mr Henry Child .........parish who departed this life the .... day of January ......years ... place. Also ...... Mr Henry C...... who ......March the ...year... Footstones: A.C. 1784. H.C. 1793.
13. Mr William Child, late of Kevington in this parish, yeoman, died 9.11.1808 aged 65. Also Mrs Elizabeth Child relict of the above died 19 July 1825 in her 75th year.
14. Here lye.. ....body of Char... Kettell wife ..... Kettell .... [gone] Footstone: R.K. 1752.
15. Thomas Child of this parish died 19.12.1828 aged 87.
16. Mary the daughter of ...... Dale .....B.... who departed this life July 1790 aged 5 years. Also Mrs Sarah Dale late of this parish died 12.9.17-0 after a long and painful illness occasioned by a cancer in her breast aged 62.
17. Mercy and Ann Fenn, daughters of James and Sarah Fenn of Lawrence Pountney, London. Mercy Fenn died the 20.9.1777 aged .... days Ann Fenn died 15 November 1780 aged 22 months.
18. Mrs Elizabeth Lane wife of Mr Richard Lane ]?] ....... died 1792 aged ?47. ........ Footstone: E.L.1792.
19. Mr John Baker of this parish died 26.10.1815 aged 82. John Baker son of the above died 9.11.1797 aged 35.
20. Charles Holyoak died 6.5.1876 aged 56. Harriet Holyoak wife of the above died 12.1.1894 aged 68. Mary Ann Holyoak, daughter of the above died 18.3.1873 aged 22.
21. Mr William Sparks of this parish died 4.1.1840 aged 32.
22. An old coffin shaped stone with no inscription.
23. Mr John Duke of this parish, bricklayer, died 20 July 1833 aged 43. Rosy Ann, his daughter died 27.3.1833 aged 10.
24. Thomas Duke died 2.12.1852 aged 42. Charlotte his wife died January 13 1888 aged 77.
25. An altar. In the memory of Catherine Lay, daughter of Samuel and Martha Lay, late of Sittingbourne, Kent, died 18 June 1818 aged 28. Also Samuel Lay son of the above died 18.8.1818 aged 31.
26. Mrs Jane Snelling, wife of Mr John Snelling of this parish, miller, died 31 January 1756 aged 38. Also Mrs Elizabeth Wright wife of Mr Richard Wright of Rotherhithe, Surrey, shipwright. Daughter of the above died 16 December 1797 aged 57. Mr Richard Wright died 25 January 1801 aged 67 years and 4 months. There is a carved coat of arms.
27. An altar. Frances Snelling, youngest daughter of the late Mr Joseph Snelling of this parish died 4.9.1846 aged 26. Georgina Snelling died 26.8.1899 aged 82, widow of Joseph Snelling of this parish.
28. A low tomb. Robert Waring died November 19 1829 aged 43.
29. An altar. Thomas Snelling of Bexley, son of Joseph Snelling senior of this parish died 14 April 1810 aged 36. Also the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 15 April 1810 in his 81st year. Also Mrs Frances Snelling widow of the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 20 February 1820 aged 82. Fanny Snelling daughter of the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 15.1.1865 in her 92nd year.
30. An altar. Elizabeth wife of Joseph Snelling senior of this parish died 14.7.1834 aged 53. Also the above Mr Joseph Snelling senior died 16.6.1846 aged 71. Also Elizabeth Snelling eldest daughter of the above died 29.8.1840 aged 36.
31. Mr Robert James Smith late of this parish died 7.7.1863 aged 48. Elizabeth Stedman Smith wife of the above born 13.3.1820 died 3.10.1877.
32. Mr Robert Smith of this parish, plumber, died 19.11.1852 aged 62.
33. Elizabeth Smith wife of Mr Robert Smith of this parish died 13.2.1833 aged 41. Eleanor Elizabeth Smith daughter of the above died 27.1.1837 aged 18. Mrs Hannah-Maria Crane sister of the above Mr Robert Smith died 10.1.1842 aged 58.
34. Mr George Laurence of this parish died 13.5.1843 aged 81. Mrs Ann Laurence wife of Mr George Laurence of this parish died 29.8.1824 in his 64th year. Also 6 children who died in their infancy.
35. Mr George Laurence of this parish died 18.9.1858 in his 74th.
36. Mrs Amy Laurence wife of Mr George Laurence junior of this parish died 17.9.1821 aged 37. Also Sophia wife of Mr John Beadle and daughter of the above died 16 May 1847 aged 36. Also Amy Sophia daughter of John and Sophia Beadle died 13.6.1858 aged 17.
37. Mrs Ann Aillud wife of Mr John Aillud of this parish died 9.12.1832 aged 70. Also the above Mr John Aillud died 19.7.1839 aged 74. Also Ann Aillud daughter of the above died 8.12.1858 aged 65. Henry Aillud grandson of the above John Aillud born 17.5.1881 died 8.5.1886.
38. A cross. Elizabeth Havergal born 28.6.1800 died 25.11.1873. Elizabeth Ann Chapman daughter of the above and wife of William Chapman of Crouch Farm, St. Mary Cray, died 27.3.1875 aged 37.
39. Mr Matthew Taylor of Hockenden in this parish died 26.8.1859 aged 70. Elizabeth wife of the above died 16.9.1860 aged 75.
40. Mr William Chapman of this parish died 24 February 1778 aged 33. Also Thomas son of the above died 21 February 1778 aged 1 year and 6 months.
41. Mr Thomas Kemp of this parish died 2.4.1772 aged 64.
42. Mrs Mary Kemp died 23 July 1779 aged 64.
43. An altar. Charlotte wife of Mr Joseph Snelling of this parish died 7.10.1844 aged 36. William Carnell aged 14 days and Thomas Carnell aged 16 days: twin sons of the above Joseph and Charlotte Snelling. Also the above Joseph Snelling died 9.7.1878 aged 71. Joseph Carnell Snelling eldest son of the above Joseph Snelling died at Brisbane, Queensland, 10.8.1895 aged 66. George Carnell Snelling second son of the above Joseph Snelling died 17.3.1898 aged 57.
44. Mr John Watkins died 12.4.1787 aged 68. Mrs Ann Watkins wife of the above died 7.9.1802 aged 71.
45. Mr Richard Abbott died 20.12.1786 aged 54.
46. Septimus Abbott died 11.7.1763 aged 59. Ann Abbott his wife died 23.11.1764 aged 69.
Under the East window of the North aisle
47. A flat stone. Mr Nehemiah Gibson, ironmonger and citizen of London in the parish of St. Sepulchres died 22.3.1734 aged 38. Mrs Meriall Gibson his wife died 9.9.1740. Miss Eleanor West died 9.3.1792 aged 16 years and 6 weeks. William West died 27.12.1807 aged 75. Esther Tuck died 11.8.1825 aged 65.
48. Thomas Richard Crowhurst died 19.3.1877 aged 66. Betsy his wife died 5.4.1889 aged 82.
49. An altar. Here lieth the body of Henriette Hodsoll daughter of Edward Bussey, late of Little Bookham in Surrey, gentleman, deceased, and wife of William Hodsoll of this parish died 7.2.1758. Also the above William Hodsoll the second son of William Hodsoll of South Ash in this county, gentleman. He died 6 October 1760 in his 75 year. Also Edward Hodsoll, esquire, late of this parish and of the Strand, banker died October 7 1794 aged 74. Also William Hodsoll, esquire, son of the above died 11.11.1794 aged 38. Also Mrs Matilda Hodsoll, widow of the above Edward Hodsoll, esquire, 1.7.1807 aged 86. [carved coat of arms for Hodsoll and ]
50. Jane Chapman daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Chapman of this parish died 27.2.179[?5] aged ?11 years.
51. Mr Thomas Chapman of Crouch Farm in this parish died 2.3.1824 aged 73. Mrs Elizabeth Chapman, relict of the above died 16.2.1838 aged 83.
52. Ada Alice daughter of Albert and Elizabeth Martin of this parish died 21.12.1873 aged 4. James son of the above died 25.12.1873 aged 6.
53. Mr Thomas Stapley died 15.2.1802 aged 63. Mrs Lucy Stapley wife of the above died 22.6.1825 aged 77. Left issue one daughter Ann.

54. A flat stone. Mr William Weekes late of this parish died 30 March 1771 aged 61. Ann Weekes late of this parish, widow, died 12.2.1800 aged 80. Ann Mosyer daughter of the above and relict of Mr Joseph Moyser died 21.2.1822 aged 69.
55. Mr James Holmes died 25.12.1801 aged 26. Ann his wife died 12 February 1831 aged 57. Leaving issue two daughters; Lucy and Mary who erected this stone.
56. Here lyeth the / body of Ann the / wife of .......[gone] c.1700.
The following three are under the East window
57. A broken headstone, now flat under East window. Mr William Deane of Deptford, distiller, son of Mr William Deane (of .... the .... S....... officer) .....January 1767, aged ..... years.
58. An altar. Here lyeth the body of Catherine Wythings, spinster, daughter of William Wythings, esquire, who departed this life the 19 May 1716 in ye 82 year of her age and she left to the poor of this parish bountiful provision for ever. [coat of arms]
59. Here lyeth the body of Frances Wythings, widow, of William Wythings of Eltham in ys county of Kent, esquire, daughter of Robert King, gentleman, of this parish who departed this life 2 June 1687 in ye 82nd year of her life. [coat of arms]
 In the South Eastern slip
60. Mrs Elizabeth Stokes wife of Mr Isaac Stokes of Bexley died 30.12.1805 aged 58. Mrs Mary Stokes died 11.4.1815 aged 45. Mr Isaac Stokes late of Blenden in the parish of Bexley died 13.2.1816 aged 64.
61. Mr John Brown of this parish died 12.4.1740 in ye 47th year. Mrs Mary Brown wife of the above died 30.12.1765 aged 72.
62. Mrs Elizabeth Brown wife of Mr Henry Brown of this parish died 4 October 1779 aged 66. A tender mother &c also two children of Mathias and Sarah Durling viz Elizabeth and Mary.
63. William Munn of this parish died 11.1.1796 aged 37. Martha North his mother who died 9.2.1793 aged 75.
64. Mrs Elizabeth Jackson wife of the late Richard Jackson died 20.1.1782 aged 74.
65. Mr John Roots late of this parish died 3 October 1770 aged 64.
66. Richard Jackson late of this parish died 27.6.1747 aged 49.
67. Mrs Ann Taif-r of this parish died 31.7.1760 aged 56.
68. William and Rachel Day, William and Thomas their sons erected by one who mourns their loss as a daughter and a sister, departed this life William Day senior 5.7.1836 aged 83. Rachel Day died 11.2.1831 aged 73. William Day junior died 16.4.1827 aged 35. Thomas Day died 11.4.1830 aged 31.
69. A War Memorial Cross, 1914-1918. [No names]
70. A wood cross [No name]
71. Sarah Farrant, daughter of Christopher and Ann Farrant died 6.11.1794 aged 9. John Farrant son of the above Christopher and Ann died 29.12.1794 aged 7.
72. Mr Christopher Farrant of this parish died 30.3.1802 aged 45. Mrs Ann Farrant, relict of the above died 21.10.1824 aged 66.
73. A.C. [No date]
74. Mary Coout, daughter of John and Ann Coout died 31.1.1734 aged 27.
75. I.C. [No date]
76. Henry Johnson late of this parish died 12.3.1749 in his 26th. William Johnson of ye said parish died ye 16.3.1749 aged 28.
77. John Pittman died 1.5.1701 aged 41. Elizabeth his wife died November ye 14 1726 aged 61.
78. Mr Thomas Abbott late of this parish died 24.5.1773 in his 75th. Near lieth Mrs Sarah Abbott his wife who died 22.1.1769 aged 64.
79. Elizabeth, widow of the late Charles Kerr of Brighton born 28.8.1790 died 6.2.1873. Joseph Parkin son of the Rev. John Jones and grandson of the above born 5.9.1853 died 7.4.1854.
80. Mr James Jackson son of the late Mr Richard Jackson of this parish died 6 February Anno Dom. 1763 Aetat 28.
81. Isabella, eldest daughter of Charles and Isabella Jewell of Birchwood Corner in this parish died 14.1.1852 in her 20th year. Emma, sister of the above died 10.9.1836 in her 4th year. Above Charles Jackson son of George and Philadelphia Jewell died 25.10.1854 aged 61. Charles George eldest son of the above Charles and Isabella Jewell died 9.2.1856 in the 34th. Isabella Jewell wife of the above Charles Jewell died at Southall, Middx., 27.11.1869 aged 75.
82. Philadelphia, wife of Mr George Jewell late of this parish died 9.8.1832 aged 66. Mr George Jewell died 18.12.1843 aged 89.
83. Thomas Weller, for 18 years parish clerk born 11.7.1818 died 24.5.1876. Sarah Weller his wife died 23.4.1910 aged 91. Interred at Elmers End.
84. A low tomb. In a vault beneath lie the bodies of Mister / Henry ......./ ...... only son and / daughter of / ....... esq. and Sarah his / wife of ...... He died December 4 / 1742 ....... he September 11 / 174. .................... [gone]
85. A headstone now flat. Henry Johnson of this parish died 21.4.1748 aged 58. Margaret Johnson died 18.3.1749 aged 62.
86. A headstone now flat. Ann, wife of John Kemp died 31.8.1783 aged ..... John Kemp late of .........hill in the parish of Eynsford died December 1788 aged 7? A footsone J.K. 1780.
87. A headstone now flat. Sarah Bird died 25 August 1807 aged 45. Samuel Bird son of the above died 25.8.1813 aged 21. Sophia Bird daughter of the above died aged 7 weeks.
88. A flat stone. Mr Richard Bird of the parish of Tooting in Surrey died 9.10.181?3 in his 63rd year.
89. A flat stone. Elizabeth [? wife] of Mr John Trinder of this parish died 1 [or4] May 1836 aged 87.
90. A flat stone. Mr John Trinder [?Trender] died March 1811 aged 59.
91. A flat stone. Mr Edward Rables of Welling in the parish ....... died ... April 1801 [or4] aged 7-?.
92. A flat stone. Mr Thomas Rables late of the parish of St. Clement Danes in Middx. died 9.10.1793 in his [?68] year.
93. A flat stone. Mr John Rables [?Rablus} late of the parish of St. Paul's Cray died 29.2.1786 in his 6 [?8] year.
94. A flat stone. Elizabeth Rables died 11.3.180 [3or 5] aged [?8] -

95. Here lies the body of William Chapman son of Thomas and Ann Chapman of this parish died 22.11.1756 aged 41. Footstone: W.C., A.M.C.
96. Mary ye wife of Thomas Chapman and six children who departed this life June ye 18 1707 aged 41.
97. Thomas Chapman senior of Hockenden, yeoman, of this parish died March ye 13 1749 aged 88.
98. Ann Chapman wife of Thomas Chapman of this parish died May ye 23 1755 aged 79. Jane Chapman wife of Edward Chapman of Kingsdown and daughter of the above Thomas and Ann Chapman died 13.4.1792 aged 81.
99. Edward Ellett senior died 27.10.1758 aged 72. Mary Ellett daughter of the above died May 5 1760 aged 37.
100. Mrs Elizabeth Ellott of this parish died 31.3.1762 aged 49.
101. Elizabeth wife of Will Swan of this parish and daughter of Robert and Alice Coe died 12.3.1707 aged 33.
102. Mr William Swan of this parish died 16.12.1742 aged 75. Also here lyeth the body of Mary Boult. [no dates]
103. Mr John Boult senior of this parish died June 25 1761 aged 77. Also Mary wife of the above died 18.10.1777 aged 92.
104. Rachel wife of George Slade of Hampton Court and daughter of William and Rachel Day of this parish died 10.12.1850 in 60th.
105. A low tomb on which the inscription has perished except for a few letters.
106. A cross by the porch. Joshua Welch born 2.4.1788 died 29.1.1869. Mary Welch born 11.9.1790 died 28.8.1848. Dorothy Fairfax Richardson born 22.8.1814 died 7.9.1875. Herbert Langdon Ogle Welch born 25.8.1869 died 3.8.1870.
107. James Ebbet of this parish .............. Footstone J.E. 1714.
 In a plot South of the tower.
108. Mr William Biggs of St. Mary Cray died 9 September 1780 aged 5?5.
109. Mary Pratt of the parish of St. Paul's [?Deptford] died August [?8] 1786 aged 26.
110. Mr John Biggs late of the parish of Eirth died 13.7.1773 aged 59.
111. John Biggs junior died 25 February 1761 in his 21st year.
112. A cross. Joseph William Hunter, late Captain Royal Artillery, died 23.1.1881 aged 55. Charlotte Hunter the widow of the above died 26.11.1902 aged 77.
In the Southern yard
113. Ethel, daughter of John William and Florence Bachelor died 14.2.1879 aged 5 weeks.
113a. Mary wife of Joseph Ayre of this parish died 20.12.1865 aged 71. Also Benjamin Joseph eldest son of Benjamin and Eleanor Ayre and grandson of the above born October 5 1863 died 3.4.1866.
114. John Baker Hardstone of this parish died 5.6.1860 aged 43. Caroline wife of the above died 30.5.1874 aged 54.
115. Mary Ann wife of Mr Edwin Chittock and second daughter of Mr William and Sarah Hardstone of this parish died February 1850 aged 42.
116. Sarah Clarke daughter of William and Sarah Hardstone of this parish died 28.1.1885 aged 29.
117. Mrs Sarah Hardstone wife of Mr William Hardstone of this parish died 17 October 1844 aged 63.
118. Mr William Hardstone of this parish died 21.10.1855 aged 71.
119. Elizabeth Gux wife of George Gux died October ye 13 1757 aged 35. Also Mary Gux daughter of ye above died December ye 16 1736 aged 9 weeks.
120. William Taplin of this parish died 15.12.1804 aged 40.
121. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Figgess senior of Lower Hockenden, St Mary Cray, died 1.7.1874 aged 61. Thomas Figgess died 7.3.1879 aged 79.
122. Laura wife of Mr Thomas Figgess junior of Hockenden, St Mary Cray, died 28.9.1867 in his 24th year. Also Thomas Figgess died 25.6.1918 in his 84th year.
123. John, second son of Mr Thomas and Elizabeth Figgess of Hockenden in this parish died 21.6.1864 aged 24. Arthur, brother of the above died 4.10.1848 aged 1 year 8 days. Elizabeth Figgess born 21.8.1833 died 31.8.1914. Laura Figgess born 17.11.1851 died 14.2.1915.
124. A cross. Mary Ann Figgess born 30.4.1838 died 19.5.1916. Emily Figgess born 30.4.1842 died 11.12.1916.
125. A cross. Eliza Figgess born 1.1.1836 died 3.6.1918.
126. A cross with an anchor. George Graham Duff, Captain R.N., born 29.8.1835 died 21.11.1878 from the effects of wounds received whilst leading a storming party at the Gate Pah during the war in New Zealand. Mary Duff wife of the above born 7.1.1843 died 28.1.1913.
127. A cross. Solomon Brigden died February 7 189(?8)6 aged (?7)5.
128. A cross. William Winter of this parish died 29.4.1874 aged 67. Mary his wife died 1.2.1877 aged 6(?9).
129. John Heath died July 24 1733 in his 65th year.
130. Mary Heath wife of John Heath of this parish died 14 July 1742 aged 72.
131. Jane, daughter of Edward and Jane Fuller and wife of Richard Clark of this parish died 16.3.1758 aged 32.
132. Mr Richard Dunmull of St Mary Cray died 22.1.1850 aged 67. Mary Ann Dunmull second wife of the above died 6.5.1858 aged 66.
133. Mr Henry Miller died 24 December 1789 aged 75. Mary Brown daughter of the above died 4 February 1790 aged 33.
134. Kitty Dunmull of this parish died 9.10.1851 in her 71st year.
135. Sophia Dunmull of this parish died 29.2.1856 aged 66.
136. Mr Henry Miller Dunmull of this parish died 30.1.1865 aged 80.
137. Jemima Dunmull died 14.11.1876 aged 85.
138. Mrs Lucy Luck, daughter of the late Mr W. Jordan, builder, of Edenbridge in this county died 9.1.1875 aged 59. Also Eliza Foster sister of the above died 27.12.1902 aged 85.
139. A cross. Harriette, second daughter of Mr W. Burgess of Goudhurst, Kent, and wife of James Winser of this parish died 3.7.1866 aged 28.
140. Thomas Natt of this parish died 14.11.1718 in his 57th year.
141. A wood cross. To our dear father and mother. Isaac Whiting died 16.3.1879. Ellen his wife died 26.8.1894 aged 79. Also John, Thomas and Charlie three sons of the above.
142. Mr James Reed died 12.12.1795 aged 26. Also Sophia Tinkley, relict of the above died 21.10.1807 aged 39. Also James Reed son of the above died 1.5.1811 aged 18, and David Reed son of the above who died in infancy.
143. Thomas Furbank died 1.6.1813 aged 27.
144. William Nobbin died 26.6.1812 aged 35.
145. Elizabeth daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Waring died 25.3.1802 aged 51. John Walter son of Richard and Elizabeth Waring born 14.11.1795 and died 20.5.1802. Maria Ann daughter of William and Elizabeth Nash born 11 December 1806 died 4.9.1807.
146. Elizabeth wife of Walter Waring of this parish died 23.2.1759 aged 26.
147. Mr James Southernwood of this parish who died after a short illness of a few hours died 27.8.1832 in 37th year. Mrs Elizabeth Southernwood, widow of the above died 21.4.1880 aged 81.
148. William Southernwood died 20.11.1818 aged 29. Eleanor wife of Mr John Young of Sydney, N.S.W., and second daughter of the late Mr James Southernwood died 23.6.1885 aged 56.
149. Mrs Ann Southernwood wife of Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 31.3.1812 aged 52. Also three of their sons who died in their infancy.
150. Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 24.2.1838 in his 78th.
151. Mrs Mary Southernwood of this parish died 15.11.1823 aged 51.
152. Joseph Samuel Cox died 16.12.1869 aged 22.
153. Sarah Newman died 11.7.1830 aged 55. Harriot Newman died 19.1.1833 aged 52.
154. Mr Thomas Newman died 2.2.1795 aged 43. Mrs Elizabeth Newman died 17.4.1814 aged 68. Mr William Newman died 16.2.1824 aged 47.
155. Mary Quelch died 27.4.1772 aged 19.
156. Henry Phillips died 10.8.1756 aged 66. Also Richard Phillips son of the above died October 1 17(?5)2 aged 28. Also Rose Phillips wife of Richard Phillips died 28.3.1771 aged 48.
157. Ann wife of William Phillips and daughter of John and Elizabeth Rablus of this parish died 5.7.1818 aged 72. Also two of their children; John aged 1 year 9 months and Ann 1 year 7 months.
158. Jane Blundell died 7.4.1872 aged 79. Richard husband of the above died 20.1.1879 aged 93.
159. John Mace of this parish died 4 July 1748 aged 72. Mary Mace wife of the above died July ye 5 1760 aged 83.
160. Lousia daughter of William and Louisa Hards of this parish died 23.9.1832 aged 7 weeks.
161. William W(?aller) ............(all gone) Footstone W.W. 1770.
162. A cross. Malachi Davey born 5.7.1788 died 26.11.1866. Jane Elizabeth Davey born 6.11.1859 died 20.10.1863.
163. Mrs Eleanor Hickson died 7.1.1865 aged 51. Mr James Hickson husband of the above died 16.10.1883 aged 80.
164. Elizabeth Mary Shindler died 24.12.1862 in her 70th. George Shindler her husband died 3.3.1879 in his 92nd.
165. Ann wife of Henry Sunter of this parish died 27.1.1823 aged 72.
166. Ellen Elizabeth Hume Brown died 14.8.1868 aged 31. George Brown her husband died 4.4.1894 aged 54.
167. An enclosure - no stone.
168. A small cross. I. H. C. November XI 1858.
169. Thomas Carrier died 8 December 1710 aged 48.
170. Mr John Smith of this parish died 31.7.1855 aged 58. Sarah his wife died 3.2.1884 aged 80.
171. William Aldous Smith born 5.12.1865 died 25.11.1866. Also Eliza Smith born 22.8.1867 died 21.12.1872.
172. Mr Thomas Weller the faithful and efficient parish clerk of St Mary Cray for 52 years died 28.12.1860 aged 81. Also Alice his wife died 16.11.1844 aged 64.
173. Parnel Weller died 21.3.1836 aged 35. William Weller her husband died 25.6.1875 aged 72.
 In the church before the font in the nave is a flat stone to:-
174. Mary wife of Thomas Scott of this parish died 11.5.1788 aged 44. Thomas Scott her husband died 26.3.1827 aged 83. Margaret Scott late wife of the Rev. Thomas Scott, B.D., Chaplain of Bromley College and Vicar of Isleham died 2 December 1831 (or4) aged 72.
175. In the South Chapel are Hodsoll ledgers with arms 1756 and a tablet to Matilda Hodsoll widow of Edward Hodsoll, esquire, late of this parish and of the Strand Bankes and mother of William Hodsoll, esquire. She was the daughter of Joseph Ashe, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife of Langley Burrell Wilts, and grand-daughter on her mother's side to the Countess Dowger of Denbigh and Sir John James, knight. She died 14.7.1807 aged 86. Her remains are interred in the family vault in the churchyard. Also to Mrs Matilda Morgan only daughter of the aforesaid Edward and Matilda Hodsoll she died 14.11.1822 aged 66. Her remains are interred in a new built vault underneath this family chancel seat.  
Finished the churchyard inscriptions 13.VIII 21  L.L.D.
For the older inscriptions in the church see Thorpe's Registrum Roffense. Modern graves are in the cemetery about ¼ mile away alongside the railway to Swanley.  

Names IndexAbbott, 45, 46, 78.
Aillud, 37.
Ashe, 175.
Ayre, 113a.
Bachelor, 113.
Baker, 19.
Beadle, 36.
Biggs, 108, 110, 111.
Bird, 87, 88.
Blackman, 2.
Blundell, 158.
Boult, 102, 103.
Brigden, 127.
Brown, 61, 62, 133, 166.
Burgess, 139.
Bussey, 49.
Carrier, 169.
Chittock, 115.
Clark(e), 116, 131.
Chapman, 38, 40, 50, 51, 95,
   96, 97, 98.
Child, 12, 13, 15.
Coe, 101.
Coout, 74.
Cox, 152.
Crane, 33.
Crowhurst, 48.
Dabnor, 5.
Dale, 16.
Davey, 162.
Day, 68, 104.

Deane, 57.
Donmall, 8.
Duff, 126.
Duke, 23, 24.
Durling, 62.
Ebbet, 107.
Ellett, 99, 100.
Epsom, 3.
Farrant, 71, 72.
Fenn, 17.
Foster, 138.
Fuller, 131.
Furbank, 143.
Gibson, 47.
Hallahan, 3.
Hards, 160.
Hardstone, 114-118.
Havergal, 38.
Heath, 129, 130.
Hickson, 163.
Hodsoll, 49, 175.
Holmes, 55.
Holyoak, 20.
Hunter, 112.
Jackson, 64, 66, 80.
James, 175.
Jewell, 81, 82.
Johnson, 76, 85.
Jones, 79.
Jordan, 10, 138.Kemp, 41, 42, 86.
Kerr, 79.
Kettell, 14.
King, 59.
Lane, 18.
Laurence, 34, 35, 36.
Lay, 25.
Luck, 138.
Mace, 159.
Martin, 1, 52.
Miller, 133.
Morgan, 175.
Mosyer, 54.
Munn, 63.
Mylne, 7.
Nash, 145.
Natt, 140.
Newman, 153, 154.
Nobbin, 144.
North, 63.
Phillips, 156, 157.
Pittman, 77.
Pratt, 109.
Quelch, 155.
Rablus, 91, 92, 93, 94, 157.
Reed, 142.
Richardson, 106.
Roots, 65.
Scott, 174.
Shindler, 164.
Sibley, 4.
Slade, 104.Smith, 31, 32, 33, 170, 171.
Snelling, 26, 27, 29, 30, 43.
Southernwood, 147-151.
Sparks, 21.
Spearing, 6.
Stapley, 53.
Stokes, 60.
Sunter, 165.
Swan, 101, 102.
Taplin, 120.
Taylor, 39, 67.
Thick, 9.
Tinkley, 142.
Tobin, 3.
Townsend, 8.
Trundle, 89, 90.
Tuck, 65.
Waller, 161.
Waring, 28, 145, 146.
Watkins, 44.
Weekes, 54.
Welch, 106.
Weller, 83, 172, 173.
West, 47.
Whiting, 141.
Winser, 139.
Winter, 128.
Wright, 26.
Wythings, 58, 59.
Young, 148.
I.H.C., 168.

Places Index
Bexley, 29, 60.
Birchwood Corner, 81.
Blenden, 60.
Brighton, 79.
Brisbane, Queensland, 43.
Bromley, 174.
Crockenhill in Eynsford, 86.
Crouch Farm, 38, 51.Denbigh, 175.

Deptford, 57.
Edenbridge, 138.
Elmers End, 83.
Eltham, 59.
Erith, 110.
Goudhurst, 139.
Hampton Court, 104.
Hockenden, 39,97,121-123.
Isleham, 174.
Kevington, 13.Kingsdown, 98.
Langley Burrell, Wilts, 175.
Lawrence Pountney, London, 17.
Little Bookham, Surrey, 49.
London, 47.
New Zealand, 126.
Rotherhithe, Surrey, 26.
Southall, Middx., 81.
Shoreham, 10.Sittingbourne, 25.
South Ash, 49.
St Clement Danes, Middx.,92.
St Paul's, 109.
St Paul's Cray, 93.
Sydney, N.S.W., 148.
The Strand, 49, 175.
Tooting, Surrey, 88.
Welling, 91.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of the churchyard of St Margaret, Darenth

Monumental inscriptions of the churchyard of St Margaret, Darenth, Kent. Completed 1st August, 1920, by Leland L. Duncan.

From the 1890s onwards until his death the Lewisham based antiquarian and author, Mr Leland L. Duncan visited as many as 80+ Kent churchyards and recorded the memorial inscriptions in a field notebook using a shorthand and standardised form of recording. This is a transcription of his little notebook in which he noted all the stones which were of interest to him in the churchyard at Darenth.

Frank Bamping 31st October 2000
The churchyard of St Margaret, D A R E N T H, Kent.
Completed 1st August, 1920, L.L.D.
1. Mary E. Mulligan died at Long Reach 1.3.1884 aged 19.
2. Frances Ann Coates died on Sexagesima 1869 aged 17 years and 8 months. Robert Coates, Lieutenant, R.A., died 22.1.1870 in his 26th year.
3. Alexander Hassell of the Clock House, Darenth, died 3.5.1885 aged 64. Sarah Hassell, wife of the above died 6.11.1885 aged 63.
4. Alexander Thomas Hassell died 22.3.1863 aged 11. Frederick, his brother, died 12.11.1863 aged 13.
5. George, son of Richard and Ann Wilks of this parish died 7.4.1819 aged 11 years and 8 months. Mr Richard Wilks, of this parish died 2.8.1837 aged 78. Mrs Ann Wilks, wife of the above Richard Wilks died 28.9.1839 aged 70.
6. A cross. Lillias Mackay, wife of Percy Hassell of the Clock House, Darenth, died 10 April 1905 aged 49. Also Percy Hassell died 18 October 1905 aged 54.
7. William Cripps of this parish died December 5 1861 aged 82. Charlotte, wife of the above died November 10 1845 aged 54.
8. A coped stone. Peter Trant Murray Payne, Col. R.M.L.I. died 18.8.1889 aged 80. Anne, widow of Col. Payne died October 25 1891 aged 71.
9. A coped stone. Richard Ferguson Jarvis died 25.8.1879 aged 46. Anna Maria, widow of Richard Ferguson Jarvis died 10.6.1909 aged 64. Richard Thomas Trant Jarvis elest son of the above died at Maritzburg, South Africa, 31.8.1903 aged 36.
10. A small cross. Maud Eveline Jarvis born 8.10.1868 died 1.12.1870.
11. ? An old footstone which appears to have initials -
J.O...... W.E.R. F. ?S. O. (L.L.D.)
12. Emily Carpenter died 7.11.1898 in her 39th year. Annie Louisa died 8.5.1884 aged 5 years 4 months. Alfred Frederic died 12.5.1884 aged 2 years 7 months. Children of the above. Winifred E. Carpenter died 17.1.1903 aged 18. John Carpenter died 6.8.1908 aged 53.
13. Richard Tyler died 26.8.1888 aged 59. Sarah Jane, wife of the above died 12.8.1898 aged 73.
14. Sarah Ann Godwin died 21.2.1884 aged 61.
15. Mary, wife of John Evered died 1.3.1902 aged 55. Mary Gibbons died at Tientsin, China, 4.5.1910 aged 35. John Evered Gibbons, Lieut., R.A.F., son of the above killed in action at Moeuvres, France, 9.10.1918 aged 20.
16. Large altar tomb outside the East end of the chancel.
On top. Here lyeth the body of Mr William Farrant late of this parish who departed this life on the 18 day of January 1716/17 in the 43rd year of his age. Having left behind him Mary his beloved wife together with five sons, Thomas, William, John, Henry and Samuel; two daughters Elizabeth and Edde [sic]. He was the son of Mr Henry Farrant formerly of the parish of Cudham in Kent. Here lyeth the body of Mrs Mary Farrant, the wife of Mr William Farrant who departed this life on the 26 day of March 1729 in the 51st year of her age. Also Mrs Elizabeth Hodges, widowed daughter of the above who died 2 January 1788 aged 82 years. Also lyeth the body of Mary, the daughter of Mr William Farrant who died September the 23rd 1713. Also lyeth the body of Henry the son of Mr William Farrant who departed this life September the 14th 1722 in the 14 year of his age. Also lyeth the body of Thomas son of William and Mary Farrant who departed this life September the 30th 1737 in the 36th year of his age.
South side. And in memory of Mrs Elizabeth Chapman, wife of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's in this parish who died 10th August 1821 aged 40. Likewise 3 infants. Also the above mentioned Thomas Chapman who died 12 October 1848 aged 70. Also the body of Henry Chapman of the Court Lodge in this parish, 2nd son of the aforesaid Thomas Chapman who died 11 July 1855 aged 47. Also the body of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's eldest brother of the above Henry Chapman died 5 March 1863 aged 57.
East end. Also Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's Esquire and Elizabeth his wife died 15.6.1869 aged 56.
North side. Also lieth the body of William, son of the above Mr William and Mary Farrant late of this parish died 12 September 1762 in his 58th year. Having left behind him Jane his beloved wife together with one son and two daughters William, Jane and Elizabeth. Also lieth the body of Jane, wife of William Farrant who departed this life February 5 1763 aged 42. Also the body of William the son of the last mentioned William and Jane Farrant who died 21 December 1788 aged 37.
West end blank.
17. Covered in ivy. Margaret Dort late of Chester Place, Kennington, ...... who died 14 July 180(?1) aged 87.
18. Covered in ivy. Elizabeth Munn, wife of Thomas Munn died 29 July 1741 aged 48. George Dort died 13 January 1805 aged 60.
19. An altar tomb covered with ivy. North side. Sarah, wife of William Garrow of Pegwell in this county died June 30 1808 aged 56. (The rest smothered in ivy)
20. Nicholas Middleton of the parish of Dartford died 9 March 1778 aged 33. Also 2 of his sons who died in infancy. He left issue one son and 2 daughters, William, Jane and Mary.
21. Mr John Millen late of this parish died June 11 1786 aged 82. Mary his wife died 8 November 1787 aged 87.
22. Mrs Mary Pitt wife of Mr Charles Pitt and daughter of Mr Richard Thorpe of this parish died May 23 1847 aged 39,
23. Mr George Durham died 14 May 1810 aged 74. Mrs Elizabeth Durham his wife died June 8 1780 aged 40. Mrs Esther Durham wife of the above Mr George Durham died 20 December 1790 aged 29. Jane Durham daughter of the above George and Elizabeth Durham died 18.4.1791 aged 19. George Durham son of the above George and Elizabeth Durham died 7.3.1792 aged 21. William Henry and Ann Durham died in infancy. Also Sarah Broad wife of John Broad and daughter of .........(rest in grass)
24. Richard Thorpe November 16 1859 aged 85. Mary wife of the above died February 14 1838 aged 60.
25. Percy Richard Dukes, child of William and Mary Anne Charlotte Beresford born 22.1.1847 died 16.12.1857.
26. Joseph Mepham of this parish died 22 October 1819 aged 79. Margaret his wife died 25.6.1782 aged 51.
27. A cross. Emma Clara Gull died 17.7.1915 aged 66.
28. Mr Richard Thorpe of St Margaret's in this parish died January 14 1868 aged 60.
29. Mr John Sutherden died January 1 1792 aged 74. Jane his wife died February 22 1794 aged 64. Sarah, wife of Mr William Sutherden died 9.3.1812 aged 57. Mr William Sutherden son of the above died 1.3.1820 aged 63. Richard son of the above William and Sarah Sutherden died 14.3.1823 aged 37.
30. Mary Reynolds wife of William Reynolds of this parish died 26.1.1850 aged 72. William Reynolds, the aforesaid died at Leicester 19.4.1857 aged 78.
31. William Thomas Reynolds son of William and Mary Reynolds of this parish died 27.4.1838 aged 22.
32. Mr Samuel Peirce died 19 July 1820 aged 38. Elizabeth Peirce daughter of the above died 24 April 1814 aged 4 years and 6 months.
33. A wood cross. R.I.P. in loving memory of my dear daughter Lilian M. Allam who died 8.11.1918 aged 22.
34. Henry Hill of the parish of Stone died October 24 1761 aged 38. Elizabeth his wife died January 12 1779 aged 49.
35. Elizabeth Hart, mother of Elizabeth Hill died 8 April 1773 aged 80. Sarah Hill, sister of Henry Hill died 23 March 1759 aged 23.
36. Mary wife of Thomas Beale of this parish died 14 May 1768 aged 60. Left issue Mary the wife of Thomas Couchman of the parish of Swanscomb.
37. Easter wife of Robert Hinkley of this parish died 9.11.1825 aged 65.
38. Sophia wife of Mr Robert Wilks of the parish of Dartford died 26.2.1866 aged 48.
39. Sophia wife of Augustus Applegath of Dartford died 23.8.1848 in her 56th year. Her children arise up &c. Also Richard Drew Applegath second son of the above died 22.2.1850 aged 29. The above Augustus Applegath died February 9 1871 aged 83.
40. John Beard died 13.1.1871 aged 48.
41. Emily Beard daughter of R.R.W. and M.M. Beard of this parish died 14.7.1846 aged 28. Also Mary Maria Beard, mother of the above died 29.8.1848 aged 59. R.R.W. Beard husband of the above died 30.10.1856 aged 81.
42. A wood cross. Private G.A. North of the 60th Canadians died aged 27 years. (No date - L.L.D.)
43. Mrs Sarah Palmer died 23.4.1838 aged 63.
44. Here lieth ye body of Judeth wife of Thomas Small of this parish who died June ye 15 1758 aged 50 years.
45. A wood cross. No. 22540 Private W. Stoner of the Royal Defence Corps died 3.11.18 aged 54.
46. Thomas Williams died 28.8.1918 aged 67.
47. Mr Pharez Smith of this parish died December 29 1859 aged 52.
48. James Parker died June 22 1885 aged 68. Erected by Edmund and Harriet Amelia Mackney of this parish.
49. Edmund Mackney died 6.4.1883 aged 40. Harriet Amelia wife of the above died 21.2.1886 aged 37.
50. Mr George Knight Mackney of this parish died 10.7.1860 aged 55. Sarah Ann daughter of the above died in infancy. Henry George son of the above died at Meerut, East Indies, 30.10.1857 aged 28. Sophia widow of the above George Knight Mackney died 31.1.1866 aged 60.
51. Edmund, only child of Edmund and Harriet Amelia Mackney died 25.9.1872 aged 2 years and 5 months.
52. Elizabeth Ware late of the parish of Gravesend died 5.4.1831 aged 76. Near here lies John Ware father of the above died 17.9.1775 aged 59. Also Mary wife of John Ware and mother of the above died January 14 1803 aged 84.
53. Hannah wife of William Ware of this parish died 12.7.1839 aged 63. Also William Ware died 21.7.1842 aged 63. James Ware son of the above died 12.5.1871 aged 70 who was buried at Kensall Green. John Ware died 16.5.1877 aged 72. William Ware died 16.5.1877 aged 70. Sarah Ware, wife of the above (? which L.L.D.) died 31.1.1881 aged 67.
54. Frederick Smith, son of James and Ann Smith of this parish died 25.10.1822 aged 1 year and 8 months.
55. Mr Mark Bratton who was accidentally killed April 11 1806 in his 34th year. Near here also lieth Mrs Elizabeth Clement wife of Mr Mark Clement of Swanley and relict of the above who died 2.8.1829 aged 53.
56. A border. Margaret, wife of Thomas Webster died 27.10.1918 aged 33.
57. Mr George Brakefield died August 15 1816 aged 45. He lies buried at St George's, Southwark. Also Mr John Whiffin died 10.8.1822 aged 50 and Rebecca Whiffin relict to each of the above who died 3.7.1837 aged 64. Also Eliza Brakefield daughter of the above died 3.9.1819 aged 7.
58. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Vickers, victualler, late of Green stead Green aged 41.
Oh! the liquor he did love, but never will no more
For what he lov'd did turn his foe
For on the 28th of January 1741 that fatal day
The debt he ow'd he then did pay.
59. Mr Edward Vickers late of this parish died 10.3.1775 aged 79.
60. Mr Thomas Vickers late of the parish of Horton Kirby died 4 December 1786 aged 54. Here lyeth the body of Mary Moxey wife of William Moxey of Horton Kirby first married the above Thomas who died ................. (the rest under grass. L.L.D.)
61. Mrs Elizabeth Ring died 17 January 1806 in her 78th year. Mary Tufnail, granddaughter of the above died 21.9.1803 aged 5. Thomas Ring died 9 October 1816 aged 87. Mr Philip Tufnail died 3.9.1819 aged 57.
62. Elizabeth wife of Mr Henry Payne late of Greenwich died 19.1.1829 in her 66th year.
63. Alice Wallis died 25.3.1914 aged 65.
64. A cross. Charlotte wife of John Wallis died 20.2.1897 aged 83. John Wallis died 7.7.1903 aged 84.
65. George Tufnail of the parish of Stone died 11.4.1843 aged 58.
66. James Barnes died 27.5.1863 aged 33.
67. A tomb. South side. In memory of Frances Charlotte John Martha wife of Mr Frederick Thorp of this parish died January 5 1866 aged 56. Also Frederick Thorpe died 26 August 1880 aged 70.
West end. Julian Frederick, eldest son of Frederick and Frances C.J.M. Thorpe died 24 May 1867 aged 22.
68. Mr William Pummell late of the parish of Crayford died 5.4.1804 aged 58. Likewise 2 sons of the above, John and Henry died in infancy. William Pummell grandson of the above Mr William Pummell died July 5 1817 aged 15.
In a triangle on the North side.
69. Mr John Williams, bookseller, of Fleet Street, in the parish of St Dunstan's in the West, died 16 January 1779 in his 44th year.
70. Mrs Mary Holmes of this parish died 20 October 1838 aged 57.
71. J. K. 1838
72. Mrs Ann Kelham wife of Mr Joseph Kelham of this parish died 10 October 1822 aged 65. Also Mr Joseph Kelham died 4 February 1838 aged 73.
73. A wood rail. Jane Mercer died ? July 1 1849 aged 9 years. James Mercer died May 27 1850 aged ? 5 years.
74. A tomb in rails, North side. In memory of James Swaisland, gent., of this parish died 18 April 1823 aged 49. Elizabeth, relict of the above died 13 July 1834 aged 64.
75. Erected by the boys of the Home for Little Boys in loving memory of their friend and first superintendent Mr George Stocks who lived for God and died in Christ. 9 August 1869 aged 52.
76. A wood rail. Ann Rogers died 13.9.1859 aged 61.
Along the Western border
77. A cross. Jesu Mercy. Percy Edward Smith died 31.3.1916.
78. Here lieth interred the body of William Hibb, carpenter and son of William Hibb of this parish who departed this life the Nineteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and twelve in the twentyeth year of his age. Footstone W.H. 1712.
79. Mrs Elizabeth Sedgwick late wife of Mr William Sedgwick of this parish died September 29 1798 aged 40. Also Mr William Sedgwick husband of the above died 6 May 1802 aged 46. Also Giles Sedgwick who died 6 March 1796 aged 7 months. Also Susanna wife of Mr William Sedgwick of Crayford died 7 July 1822 aged 33.
80. William Sedgwick died 3.4.1877 aged 88. Samuel Thomas Sedgwick son of the above died December 22 1886 aged 66.
81. Mr Robert Viner of this parish died 11 December 1836 aged 79. (Cut over 69. L.L.D.) Sarah and Frances, children of the above who died in their infancy. Also Mrs Mary Viner wife of the above died 29 July 1847 aged 80. Also Charles Nash, grandson of the above died May 17 1843 aged 21.
82. Catharine wife of James Seager of this parish died 1.10.1848 aged 53. Harriot Hicks granddaughter of the above died 26.2.1854 aged 14 months. The above James Seager died 25.6.1871 aged 67. Also Tryphosa Jane widow of the above James Seager died 20.5.1890 aged 79 and was interred in Swanscombe Cemetery.
83. Mr John Morbey of this parish died 3 January 1840 aged 50. Also 3 children who died in their infancy, viz Mary, Samuel and Samuel. Also the above Mr John Morbey for many years resident of this parish who died August 15 1842 aged 56. [sic]
84. Mary Ann Morbey daughter of Edward and Catherine Morbey of this parish died 12.5.1832 aged 18. Also Sarah, sister of the above died 7 July 1844 aged 18.
85. Mary wife of George Houlton of the parish of Dartford died August 3 1810 aged 70. Sarah wife of William Houlton of Greenhith died 8.8.17 aged 25. Also 2 children of the above, Emma Barton who died October 16 1816 aged 1 year and 5 months; and Frederick James who died February 26 1817 aged 4 months.
86. Elizabeth Bromley daughter of George and Mary Bromley of Dartford died August 16 1806 aged 6 weeks.
87. George Bowers born 29.9.1790 died 14.1.1881. Also Jane wife of the above died 12.5.1895 aged 74.
88. Fanny, wife of Henry White of this parish died 21.1.1868 aged 75. Henry White died 24.9.1874 aged 84.
89. George Jesse only son of Robert and Adelaide Larner died 24.2.1902 aged 30.
90. Sarah wife of Jesse Bowers of Darenth died 30.6.1867 aged 43. The above Jesse Bowers died 14.1.1904 aged 80.
91. John Hutchings died on St Andrew's Day 1867 aged 85.
92. Annie Mary White daughter of James Daniel and Ann White died 17.5.1871 aged 4 years and 9 months. James Daniel White died 14.4.1879 in his 52nd year.
93. Jonathan Bowers died 19.2.1895 aged 74. Harriet Bowers wife of the above died 15.6.1901 aged 77. George-Jesse and David, sons of the above died 13th and 11th June 1863 aged 3 years and 1 year.
94. Thomas William Pankhurst of this parish died 2.6.1862 aged 62. Thomas, eldest son of the above drowned in New Zealand October 1861 aged 21. Alfred youngest son died 28.12.1849 aged 5.
95. A. P. 1850.
96. Mr Robert Stoneham of this parish formerly of Little Badder, Essex, died 13.12.1852 in his 85th Year.
97. Henry William Albert Goodwin only son of Henry and Mary Ann Goodwin died July 8 1873 aged 18.
98. Mary Ann Goodwin, wife of Henry Goodwin died 10.2.1882 aged 54.
99. Henry Goodwin died 16.10.1887 aged 56.
100. Fanny Price died January 16 1895 aged 23.
101. Harold Frederick Elliston died December 24 1891 in his 13th year.
102. George Henry Rogers died 22.5.1894 aged 25.
103. James Mepham died 15.1.1885. (no age given, L.L.D.)
104. Maria Pinson died 18.8.1902 aged 79.
105. Winifred Emma Crabbe died 5.8.1888 aged 8½ months. Emma Ellen Crabbe the mother of the above died 18.9.1890 aged 46.
106. A rose bush in front. (L.L.D.)
107. Frances Elliott died 8.8.1908 aged 87. William Elliott the husband of the above died 22.5.1865 aged 48.
108. William Gilbert died 7.4.1888 aged 65.
109. My dear wife Rosa Cage died 3.10.1909 aged 54. Also Rosa Mary the daughter of the above died 15.5.1895 aged 14.
110. Fanny, daughter of William and Caroline Olding of Hampshire died 16.22.1889 aged 31.
111. Ann Hassell wife of the late Thomas Hassell of the parish of Swanscombe died 16.12.1885 aged 88.
112. A granite tomb near the gate. Erected to the honoured memory of a devoted mother by her deeply sorrowing son. Elizabeth Morton died 16.2.1883 aged 89. Also John Thomas Morton son of the above died 11.9.1897.
113. Arthur Bovey, the only son of Arthur and Sarah Bovey died 19.12.1885 aged 17.
114. A wood cross. 2580 Private R. Briggs, Army Service Corps, aged 52, died on 5 December 1916.
At the end of the West slip.
115. William Henry, husband of Mary Mullings died 13.4.1907 aged 52.
116. Margaret Nicol, born 18.12.1809 died 6.2.1895.
117. Ann Charlotte Murphy, wife of Edwin Murphy born 18.6.1859 died 11.3.1888.
118. Queenie G. Cleaver died 7.8.1919 aged 5 years. Also Sgt. Maj. Thomas Cleaver who died in France 8.5.1917 aged 42.

                                          INDEX TO DARENTH M.I.s   Compiled by Zena Bamping

Names - Index
Allam, 33.

Applegarth, 39.

Barnes, 66.

Beale, 36.

Beard, 40, 41.

Beresford, 25.

Bovey, 113.

Bowers, 87, 90, 93.

Brakefield, 57.

Bratton, 55.

Briggs, 114.

Broad, 23.

Bromley, 86.

Cage, 109.

Carpenter, 12.

Chapman, 16.

Cleaver, 118.

Clement, 55.

Coates, 2.

Couchman, 36.

Crabbe, 105.
Cripps, 7.

Dort, 17, 18.

Durham, 23.

Elliott, 107.

Elliston, 101.

Evered, 15.

Farrant, 16.

Garrow, 19.

Gibbons, 15.

Gilbert, 108.

     Godwin, 14.

Goodwin, 97, 98, 99.

     Gull, 27.

     Hart, 35.

     Hassell, 3, 4, 6, 111.

Hibb, 78.

Hicks, 82.

Hill, 34, 35.

Hinkley, 37.

Holmes, 70.

Houlton, 85.

Hutchings, 91.

Jarvis, 9, 10.

Kelham, 72.

Larner, 89.

Mackay, 6.

Mackney, 48, 49, 50, 51.

Mepham, 26, 103.


Mercer, 73.

Middleton, 20.

Millen, 21.

Morbey, 83, 84.

Morton, 112.

Moxey, 60.

Mulligan, 1.
Mullings, 115.

Munn, 18.

Murphy, 117.

Nash, 81.

Nicol, 116.

North, 42.

J.K., 71.
J.O.,  F.S.O., 11.

Olding, 110.

A.P., 95.
Palmer, 43.

Pankhurst, 94.

Parker, 48.

Payne, 8, 62.

Pierce, 32.

Pinson, 104.

Pitt, 22.

Price, 100.


Pummell, 68.

Reynolds, 30, 31.

Ring, 61.

Rogers, 76, 102.

Seager, 82.

Sedgwick, 79, 80.

Small, 44.

Smith, 47, 54, 77.

Stocks, 75.

Stoneham, 96.

Stoner, 45.

Sutherden, 29.

Swaisland, 74.

Thorpe, 22, 24, 28, 67.

Tufnail, 61, 65.

Tyler, 13.

Vickers, 58, 59, 60.

Viner, 81.

Wallis, 63, 64.

Ware, 52, 53.

Webster, 56.

Whiffin, 57.

White, 88, 92.

Wilks, 5, 38.

Williams, 46, 69.


Chester Place, Kennington, 17
Clock House, Darenth, 3, 6.
Court Lodge, 16.

Crayford, 68, 79.

Cudham, 16.

Dartford, 20, 38, 39, 86.
Fleet Street, St. Dunstan's in
        the West, 69.


     France, 118.

Gravesend, 52.

Greenhith, 85.

Greenstead Green, 58.

Greenwich, 62.
Hampshire, 110.

Home for Little Boys, 75.

Horton Kirby, 60.

Kensall Green, 53.

Leicester, 30.

Little Bedder, Essex, 96.

Long Reach, 1.

Maritzburg, South Africa, 9

Meerut, East Indies, 50.

Moeuvres, France, 15.

New Zealand, 94.

Pegwell, 19.

St. Margaret's, Darenth, 16, 28.

St. George's, Southwark, 57

Stone, 34.

Stone, 65.

Swanescombe, 36, 82.

Swanley, 55.

Tientsin, China, 15.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Keston Church

In the late 1890s the Lewisham author and antiquarian Mr Leland L. Duncan embarked on a project of recording the early memorial inscriptions in a large number of Kent churchyards. In visiting the sites he carried with him a small pocket field notebook in which he recorded the inscriptions in his own shorthand, in pencil, and what follows is a careful transcription of what he noted in the churchyard at Keston 

Frank Bamping 13th October, 2000


                                                                                Taken on the 2nd May, 1891.  -  Leland L. Duncan.

Plot I.
1. A flat tomb with a cross raised. In memory of Abraham Smith, late of Keston Court, who died at Down, Kent, February 14th 1873 agaged 78 years.
2. A headstone. Catherine, wife of Henry Alwen of Biggin Hill and 4th daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith of Keston Court. Died April 29 1861 aged 65. Also the above Henry Alwen died April 14 1868 aged 77.
3. A headstone. Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith of Keston Court died July 11 1857 aged 57. Also Charlotte 6th daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith died June 17 1872 at Down, Kent, aged 73.
4. A headstone. William Smith born at Selsdon in the parish of Croydon, December 16 1760 died at Keston Court 8 May 1847.
5. A headstone. Elizabeth wife of William Smith born at St Mary Cray February 4 1766 died at Keston Court July 6 1834.
6. A headstone. Catherine Duff, 3rd daughter of Meredith Jones and Sarah Elizabeth Powell died May 19 1868 aged 13. Also Meredith Jones Powell, father of the above died November 18 1890 in his 77th year.
7. A headstone. Beckett Chapman, 4th son of Henry Chapman of this parish born 26 November 1832 died 13 November 1854. Charles Chapman died June 4 1856 aged 26. James Chapman died June 14 1857 aged 19. Also Anna Matilda Chapman, mother of the above died December 25 1867 aged 70.
8. A headstone. Elizabeth wife of Charles Churcher of this parish died December 31 1837. Also the above Charles Churcher died July 8 1849. (No agess - L.L.D.)
9. A headstone. Charles, son of Charles and Elizabeth Churcher died September 24 1836.
10. A headstone. Maria, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Churcher of the parish died August 16 1824.
11. A flat stone by the N.W. corner of the church.
Here lieth the body of Hannah Whiffen, late wife of John Whiffen who departed this life December the 12 1791 aged 64 years. Also The above said John Whiffin who departed this life August the 26th 1795 aged 75 years.
12. A table tomb. Thomas Hamelton, Esquire, of Bromley Common, Kent, and late of Copthall Court, City, died October 3 1821 aged 55. Also Mrs Mary Ann Hamelton, wife of the above died February 1 1825 aged 51 years.
13. A headstone. Joseph Barton of Mark Lane, [City of London] merchant, died 7 March 1799 aged 60.
14. A headstone. Here / lyeth interr'd / the body of Elizabeth / the daughter of Thomas / and Amey Elliot who / departed this life the / 25th of May 1744 in the / 10th year of her age.
15. A headstone. Amey ye daughter of Thomas and Amey Elliot died ye 27th of September 1746 in ye 16th year of her age.
16. A headstone with a face on the top. Thomas Elliot died May ye 9th 1750 aged 57.
17. A headstone. Amey Elliott, widow of the late Thomas Elliott of this parish died June 1 1775 aged 74. Also Joseph son of John and Hannah Barton of the parish of St Saviours, Southwark, and grandson of the above died April 5 1775 aged 5 years. Also John Barton, second son of the above died 24 October 1777 aged 13 months.
18. A headstone. Hannah Barton, wife of John Barton died 2 April 1793 aged 55.
19. A headstone. Ann Shallcross, of the parish of St Margaret's, Westminster, and mother to Amey Elliott died December 5 1758 aged 82.
20. A headstone. Mr John Barton, late of Grange Road, Bermondsey, Surrey, died April 27 1821 aged 82. Also Mrs Rachel Barton, widow of the above died 2 November 1834 in the 81st year of her age.
21. Two headstones. Mrs Elizabeth Marsh died April 18 1855 aged 75.
22. A headstone in an iron enclosure by the gate.
(1). Fanny 3rd daughter of Thomas and Ann Ellis of this parish died May 8 1856 aged 14 years. Also Elizabeth 2nd daughter of the above died July 30 1862 aged 23 years.
(2). Thomas Ellis of this parish died April 5 1871 aged 60. For 18 years churchwarden. Also Ann the widow of Thomas Ellis died August 2 1881 aged 73.
Plot II. North of the church and chancel begining at Porch.
Taken June 1919 - L.L.D.
23. A cross. James Bowen died June 30 1887 aged 63. Sidney Hennings died July 2 1891 aged 5. Also Sarah Bowen wife of the above died June 2 1916 aged 87.
24. A headstone. Jane, 4th wife of Henry Head Bowen of this parish died December 5 1866 aged 71. Also Henry Head Bowen died 27 February 1871 aged 76.
25. James Bowen of this parish died 30.5.1856 aged 55. Martha Prior died 8 December 1865 aged 84. Elizabeth wife of the above James Bowen died 10 April 1866 aged 59.
26. A headstone. James Frederick Bowen son of James and Elizabeth Bowen of this parish died 25.5.1855 aged 67 and 9 months.
27. A headstone. Mrs Frances Bowen wife of Henry Head Bowen of this parish died 9.4.1824 aged 39. Also Mrs Mary Ann Bowen second wife of the above died 27.6.1831 aged 38. Also George son of Henry and Frances Bowen died 8.12.1831 aged 9. Also Mrs Hannah Bowen 3rd wife of the above died 28.4.1849 aged 64.
28. A headstone. Mrs Martha Bowen wife of Mr Thomas Bowen of this parish died January 21 1830 aged 65. Mr Thomas Bowen husband of the above died 23.5.1844 aged 89.
29. A headstone. Mr Robert Nelson, son of Robert and Ann Nelson of New Malton, in Yorkshire, died at Hollwood in this parish 23.4.1811 aged 50.
30. A headstone. Jane Hensher of Straitway Road, Strutton, Staffordshire, and servant in the family of Col. Toone for 20 years died January 6 1831 aged 60. Erected by her three brothers.
31. A headstone. Caroline Gissing died November 1 1878 aged 57. Also Harriett Gissing died February 12 1902 aged 82.
32. A headstone. Mrs Rebecca Hill, wife of William Hill of this parish died 10.3.1803 in her 40th year. Also Richard son of the above died 24.3.1803 aged 1 month and 2 days. Also Rebecca Hill daughter of the above died 1.2.1873 aged 71.
33. A headstone. William Bowyer died April 1 1868 aged 67. Ann Bowyer wife of the above died May 6 1876 aged 71. Samuel Bowyer son of the above died July 20 1876 aged 42.
34. A headstone Harriett, wife of Samuel Gissing died October 23 1853 aged 60. Also Samuel Gissing died November 17 1859 aged 70.
35. An altar tomb, nothing apparently on top. L.L.D.
On the South side. Sacred to the memory of / Mrs Hannah Weatherhill / of this parish who died the 6th of July 1826 / aged 54 years.
On the North side. Sacred to the memory of John Weatherhill of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, who departed this life the 21st of April 1819 in the 75th year of his age. Also Mary Weatherhill wife of the above John Weatherhill who departed this life the 6th of January 1821 in the 75th year of her age.
36. A headstone. Thomas Chapman son of John and Sarah Chapman died 1 October 1826 in the 15th year of his age. Also Sarah Chapman, mother of the above died November 15 1860 aged 68 years.
37. A headstone. Mr John Chapman died 24 January 1812 aged 29 years.
38. A headstone. Mr William Chapman died 22 June 1809 aged 29 years.
39. A headstone. Mr Thomas Chapman late of Keston Court died 13 July 1810 aged 55.
40. A headstone. Mr William Chapman late of Keston Court died 18.4.1821 aged 61.
41. A wood rail. To the memory of the children of Robert and Hannah Jay. Anne died 15 February 1842 in her 4th year. Robert Henry died February 17 1842 in his 8th year. Hannah wife of Robert Jay and mother of the above children died November 18 1856 aged 54. Robert Jay, husband of Hannah Jay and father of the above children died May 18 1861 aged 56.
42. An altar tomb by the gate.
On top. Beneath lie the remains of George Kirkpatrick of this parish who was born at Madras 1 June in the year 1762. He died 10th March 1838. Also Eleanor, wife of the above George Kirkpatrick born 17 October 1782 died January 1809.
On the South side. George, second son of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick whose body lies buried at Copenhagen where he died whilst travelling to the North Cape 20 June 1831 aged 21. William third son of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick, lieutenant in the Honourable East India Company's Horse Artillery died at Sholapoor in the Presidency of Bombay 11 August 1831 aged 22.
On the West end. Elizabeth Peach, who died on the 19 November 1850 in her 91st year.
On the North side. Katherine Kirkpatrick, eldest daughter of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick died (about one) on the morning of the 16 June 1824 aged 7 years and 8 months.
On the East end. Post crucem + corona.
James Dundas Kirkpatrick using this motto in daily reading 3rd. October 1862 the day of his death marked by it a brief comment on 2 Cor. 5c. 17v. Born in this parish, grandson of George Kirkpatrick, Esquire, and of the Rev. J.W. Martin. He died aged 24 at Fletching, Sussex, where his body rests. His father and mother, J. and E.A. Kirkpatrick have hope in his resurrection and trust to go to him for the sake of the Redeemer.
43. A small stone beneath the East window.
Here lyeth ye body of Mary the daughter of George and Mary Pearch sen: of Cudham who died July 23 ......... aged 37 years. (early half of the 18th Century - L.L.D.)
Plot III. To the East of the church
44. A large flat table top stone. Here lyethe the body of George Pearch of this parish who died the 17th day of September 1673 and was buried ye 22nd day aged 6(?0) years.
45. A large altar tomb covered with ivy. Here lieth the body of Johanna wife of George Perch of Kiston Court .... was buried 12th September 1729 aged (?5)0 years. Also George Perch of Keston Court who was buried .. died 23 December 1730 aged ?53 years. Charles Frederick Perch, son of Edmund Perch and Ann his wife who died 16 September and was buried the 18th 1734. Also Ann Perch died 9 March 1734 aged 2 years and 7 months.
46. A large altar tomb covered with ivy. On top - Here lieth the body of Frances wife of (?Mr Joh)n B(rasier) of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 19 August 1714 aged 40 years. Also the body of John Br(asier) of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 15 September 172... aged 50 years. Likewise lyeth Sarah wife of Mr Richard (?Jackson) of Cudham and daughter of the said Mr (?John) Br.......who departed this life 16 June 1729 aged 20 years.
On the East end. Also Anthony Wood Brasier, son of Mr James Brasier who died May ye 5 1742 aged 6 months.
On the West end. Also Frances, daughter of Mr James Brasier of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 30 March 1728 aged 11 weeks.
On the South side. John the son of the said Mr James Brasier who departed this life the 27 February 1734 in the ninth year of his age. Also Jane daughter of the said Mr James Brasier who departed this life the 17 June 1738 aged 13 years.
(Nothing on the North side - L.L.D.)
47. A large flat stone towards East window covered with moss & grass. No inscription now legible ? to a Pearch or Brasier L.L.D.)
48. A headstone. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth the wife of James Brasier who died January ye 15 1758 aged 55 years. And also lyeth the body of James Brasier who died January ye 20 1763 aged 56 years.
49. A headstone. Here lieth the body of Frances Walter wife of John Walter, citizen and fletcher of London, daughter of James Brasier of Cudham Lodge who died March the 27th 1764 aged 32 years.
50. A headstone. James Brasier who died September 1767 aged 35.
51. A headstone. Ann daughter of John and Ann Brasier of Cudham Lodge died ...... 1791 aged 17 years.
52. A wood rail, South side. Sarah .... who died ...1870 aged 56 yrs.
North side. In memory of Humphery Iverson of this parish who died February 1 18... aged 73 years.
53. A granite slab and cross. Here rest in God, the mortal remains of Robert Monsey Rolfe, Baron Cranworth. Born December 18 1790 died July 26 1868. Here rest in God the mortal remains of Laura, wife of Robert Monsey, Baron Cranworth. Born March 30 1807 died February 15 1808. [sic!]
54. A headstone. Mr William Lewis of this parish died March 19 1829 aged 48. Also Mrs Ann Lewis, wife of the above died 3 June 1829 aged 56.
55. A headstone. Mr William Lewis of this parish died 15 June 1813 aged 69.
56. A headstone. Mrs Mary Lewis, wife of William Lewis died 18 December 1808 aged 60.
57. A headstone. Mrs Grace Fuller, wife of Mr Jeremiah Fuller of this parish died April 10 1762 aged 36 years. Also the above Jeremiah Fuller died September 21 1791 aged 70.
58. A headstone. Mrs Sarah Kempton, wife of John Bones Kempton late of the parish of St Ann's, Limehouse, died 20 July 1861 aged 63.
59. A headstone. The Rev. Henry Ludlow Dixon, late chaplain to the Bromley Union Workhouse and formerly a missionary in the Island of Jamaica. Ob. 25 January 1848 Aet. 42 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife ob. 13 December 1856 Aet. 54 years.
60. A headstone. Elizabeth Barrell Russell died September 14 1865 aged 21. Also Jannet Russell died June 17 1877 aged 28. Also near lie the remains of George Russell aged 13 years.
61. A headstone. Sarah Gardner, daughter of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon. Died May 17 1810 in her 27th year.
62. A headstone. Mrs Mary Davis, daughter of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon, died September 17 1810 in her 30th year.
63. A headstone. Mrs Sarah Gardner of Croydon in Surrey, died November 27 1819 in her 73rd year.
64. A headstone. Robert Foord, late of Oxted in Surrey. Born October 11 1804 died May 11 1877. Also Eliza Foord, his sister born March 1 1808 died July 19 1881. Also Mary Burley sister of the above born December 21 1798 died November 2 1866.
65. A headstone. George Poynter, the younger, who died at Keston June 24 1864 in his 35th year, leaving a widow and a daughter. Also James Poynter who died February 11 1869 aged 37. Also Mrs Amy Poynter wife of George Poynter, senior, of Keston and mother of the above died June 18 1881 in her 83rd year.
66. A headstone. Mr Richard Alwen of Croydon and son of Richard and Mary Alwen of the same place died October 3 1809 aged 54.
67. A headstone. Mr George Gardner of Croydon, Surrey, died June 3 1805 aged 32.
68. A headstone. John Gardner of the parish of Croydon died June 8 1802 aged 53.
69. A headstone. Richard Gardner, son of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon died in 1799 aged 24 years.
70. A headstone. Mr Richard Alwen late of Selsdon in the parish of Croydon died June 22 1761 aged 37. Also Mrs Mary Alwen wife of the above who died September 4 1793 aged 70.
71. A headstone. Anne Kadwell died in December 1880 aged 92 years. Also Hannah Kadwell daughter of the above died November 4 1888 aged 73.
72. A headstone. James Isard died June 23 1877 aged 57. Also Eliza Isard wife of the above died April 6 1903 in her 80th year.
73. A headstone. John Rumsby of this parish died December 29 1861 aged 66. Hannah his wife died November 30 1865 aged 78.
74. A flat tomb. Mr Charles Beecroft of Fressingfield in Suffolk died in this parish November 23 1854 in his 69th year. Also Robert Beecroft, youngest son of the above died at Chelsea June 26 1863 in his 38th year. Also Jane the wife of the above Charles Beecroft died January 11 1864 in her 80th year.
75. A small cross. Agatha Gertrude, child of Henry John and Caroline Maria von Ronn died May 5 1887 aged 1 year and 7 months.
76. A headstone. Robert William Purdy died August 2 1891 aged 47.
77. A headstone. Frances, daughter of William and Sarah Purdy of this parish died 14.4.1865 aged 23. Also William Purdy father of the above died 27.9.1890 in his 85th year. Also Sarah Purdy died 19.8.1892 aged 82.
78. A headstone. George Clark died December 31 1885 aged 49. Also the loving son of the above (no name - L.L.D.) died March 18 1883 aged 18 years.
79. A headstone. Sarah Lee, wife of John Lee of this parish died March 16 1867 aged 65. Also John Lee, husband of the above died January 31 1875 aged 85.
80. A headstone. Archibald Findlay died June 20 1828 aged 14 years.
81. A headstone. Susannah Goodman died May 12 1874 aged 78. Also Benjamin Goodman, brother of the above died May 27 1877 aged 79. Also Phoebe Goodman died February 20 1881 aged 72.
82. An altar tomb under a yew. Here lyes the body of Mrs Frances Wilson, relict of the Honourable Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Wilson who departed this life on the 15th day of September 1726 in the 77th year of her age.
83. A coped tomb with a foliated cross. In this tomb are the remains of Browne Eneas Henry Roberts, B.A. of Oxford, third son of the late Browne Roberts, Esquire of Ravensbourne Park, Lewisham, Kent. Born 11 August 1830 died 9 May 1863 aged 32 years 8 months 29 days. Also the remains of his beloved relick (sic) Augusta born 27 November 1819 died 30 April 1871.
84. A marble slab under a yew. Francis Hastings Toone, Esquire, of Keston Lodge. Born 24 August 1788 died 31 June 1873. Also his sisters; Maria Elizabeth, wife of Lionel, 6th Earl of Desart born 1 February 1790 died 15 February 1869 and Laura Catherine born 22 May 1794 died 15 March 1869. Three of the children of Colonel and Mrs Toone of Keston Lodge whose remains are interred in a vault in St John's Wood church, London, and also William Lionel Felix Tollemache, Lord Huntingtower, son of the above Maria Elizabeth, Countess of Dysart. Born 4 July 1820 died 21 December 1872. Also Mrs Elizabeth Parker and old and respected servant of the above F.H. Toone born 26 March 1793 died 2 April 1868.
85. A cross by the East gate. Charlotte Cole died 31.3.1879 aged 52. Her dear son George died at sea November 13 1876 aged 18. His body was committed to the deep in the North Pacific Ocean.
86. A headstone. Maria, wife of Charles Pangbourne of Keston, Kent, died June 3 1880 aged 56. Also the above Charles Pangbourne died April 11 1892 aged 67.
87. A headstone. Elizabeth Ann wife of William Ingram of Keston died February 24 1878 aged 52. Also the above William Ingram died March 16 1886 aged 65.
88. A headstone. Eliza, wife of Nicholas Gay died March 15 1881 aged 47.
89. A cross under a yew bush. Alfred, husband of ...............
90. A cross. Richard Karl Mutzell, Esquire, born 25 August 1838 at Danzic, Prussia, died 8.4.1883 at Fernlea, Hayes Common, and husband of Maria Eleanor Mutzell, 4th daughter of John Featherstone Briscoe, Esquire.
The rest are all quite modern stones in this part of the yard.
Plot IV. On the South side of the church.
91. A headstone. William Joyner of this parish died March 20 1803 aged 57. Also Richard son of the above William Joyner died September 1800 in his 12th year.
92. A headstone. (?Ann) Joyner wife of William Joyner who died ..... 1798 aged 48.
93. A headstone. To the memory of Joseph Thompson for nearly 18 years rector of this parish. Born at Carnbane, Lisburn, Ireland, 7 March 1819 died at Keston 31 October 1876.
94. A headstone. Daniel Mackney died 16 January 1859 aged 55. Also Mary wife of the above died 17 December 1865 aged 62.
Plot V. West of the church
95. A headstone. Here lieth St. John Buck, junior, from Greenwich who died July 11 1759 aged 15. Two sisters, Mary and Bridget, infants. Also the body of M. St. John Buck who died March 22 1763 aged 52.
96. A headstone. Here lieth the body of John Whiffen of this parish who died 4 November 1765 aged 65. Also Mary wife of the above John Whiffen who died 9 May 1769 aged 75.
97. A headstone. Ann Shearman wife of William Shearman of Bromley, Kent, died September 19 1825 aged 51. Also William Shearman husband of the above died December 11 1851 aged 84. He was interred at Littleham, South Devon. Also John Whiffen Shearman eldest son of the above died at Bromley January 2 1875 in his 78th year.
98. A headstone. Richard Ingram of St. James, Market Layton, died June 5 178(?9) aged 64. Also Sarah Ingram wife of the above died January 10 1790 aged 69.
99. A headstone. Frances Whiffen died December 27 1786 aged 68. Also Elizabeth Whiffen died September 29 1791 aged 71.
Plot VI. South of the church
100. A headstone. Sarah Jane daughter of William and Caroline Dunmall died 5.10.1881 in her 32nd year. Also William Dunmall of Keston and father of the above died 18.5.1888 in his 70th year. Also Caroline Dunmall wife of the above died August 27 1889 in her 68th year.
101. A headstone. Matilda wife of Jim Dunmall died August 30 1912 aged 62.
102. A headstone. Anne wife of the Rev. Joseph William Martin, L.L.B., rector of this parish died 6 December 1822 in her 42nd year. Also the above Joseph William Martin died 12 November 1858 in the 83rd year of his age and 59th of his incumbency of this parish.
103. A small cross. Frances Potter died April 3 1880 aged 17 months.
104. A small stone. Anthony Crane died July 5 1894 aged 66. Amy wife of the above died April 23 1898 aged 66.
105. A cross. John Crane died October 4 1893 aged 26.
106. A headstone. John Bryant of this parish died 14 August 1889 in his 74th year. Mary, widow of the above died 26.8.1891 aged 72.
107. A headstone. Henry son of John and Mary Bryant of this parish died August 30 1868 aged 26. Also James son of the above died May 21 1870 aged 24. Also Alfred son of the above died October 31 1887 in his 40th year.
108. A headstone. Emma Frances wife of Robert Wood died February 23 1854 aged 39. Also Robert Wood, clerk and sexton of this parish for 56 years died March 6 1897 aged 81.
109. A headstone. Mary Ann Solman died April 17 1899 aged 78. Also John, husband of the above died March 5 1902 aged 79.
110. A headstone. Luke Pocock, Esquire, of Ashmore House died 3 December 1829 aged 83. Also Thomas Pocock, Esquire, died 13 September 1826 aged 67.
111. A headstone. Charlotte Sopp died 24 December 1874 aged 24.
112. A headstone. George Wood of this parish died 10 January 1850 in his 71st year. Also Mrs Sarah Wood, wife of the above died 27 July 1865 in her 86th year. Also Ann Wood daughter of the above died 8 September 1874 in her 66th. Also Esther Wood granddaughter of the above died 13 April 1875 aged 20. Also Robert Frederick Wood grandson of the above died 31 July 1875 aged 5 years,
113. A headstone. Caroline Sophia Heimsath died January 10 1872 aged 54 at Ravensbourne in this parish. Also Mary Gowing, widow, died January 6 1879 aged 63 having faithfully served in the same family for 12 years. Also Charles Thomas Cole accidentally drowned July 16 1883 in his 17th year. Also George Beadell died in his 85th year September 20 1883 after 26 years service with his last employer.
114. A headstone. Mary, widow of Charles West born in the parish of Cudham in the year 1777 died January 17 1878 aged 101 years.
115. A wood rail. William Peacock died 31 August 1864 aged 77.
116. A wood rail. Mary Nightingale died March 5 1889 in her 73rd year.
117. A wood rail. Francis Elliott, April 29th 1880. Thomas Elliott December 24 1867.
118. A headstone. Thomas Bentley died May 27 1893 aged 71. Also Charlotte wife of the above died February 23 1898 aged 76.
119. A granite tomb by the S.E. corner of the chancel. George Bentham RAE., born 5 February 1846 died on 23 February 1909. 
[Mary Victorine Thompson, married George Bentham Rae.  Information provided by Alan Nicholson 16-8-2008
   1901 Census, 
   George B. Rae, 55, stock share broker,  b   Lakeshire Birkenhead
   Mary V.,           43, wife,                        b  San Francisco CA
   Mary E. V.,      21, dau,                         b  NY
   Alice L.,           19, dau,                         b  NY
   Gwynedd,          8, dau,                         b  Norwood SE London] 
120. A low old tomb. Here lyeth the body of Robert Day, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London who dyed the 19th day of December Anno Domino 1713 aged 48 years.
121. A headstone. Alfred Harding husband of Charlotte Harding died 2 June 1903 aged 58. Also Emma Francis Harding died 9 September 1896 aged 14.
122. A headstone. Anna Harding of this parish died September 26 1872. Also Thomas Harding of Peckham, Surrey, late of this parish died April 13 1879 in his 83rd year. Also Remelion Harding relict of the above who died at Peckham, Surrey, November 25 1885 in her 88th year.
123. A headstone. George Francis Duck of the Fox Inn in this parish died June 12 1867 aged 46. Also Jane wife of the above died April 6 1891 aged 67. Her children rise up and call her blessed.
124. A headstone. Mrs Mary Lisney wife of James Lisney of Dorking died 10.4.1860 aged 75. Also Mary wife of Thomas Ricketts and daughter of the above died at Wandsworth, Surrey, April 6 1885 aged 78.
125. A headstone. Jasper son of John and Mary Hills of this parish died 19 January 1868 aged 19. Also Frederick youngest son of the above died 4 November 1876 aged 22, Also John, father of the above died 5 April 1879 in his 85th year. Also the above Mary Hills died 28.4.1889 in her 70th year.

The remaining stones in the new part of the churchyard are all modern Kings Birthday 3rd June 1919 - L.L.D.


                                                                                                                      Compiled by Zena Bamping

Names Index

Alwen, 2, 66, 70.
Barton, 13, 17, 18.
Beadell, 113.
Beecroft, 74.
Bentley, 118.
Bowen, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.
Bowyer, 33.
Brasier, 46, 48, 50, 51.
Briscoe, 90.
Bryant, 106, 107.
Buck, 95.
Burley, 64.
Chapman, 7, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Churcher, 8, 9, 10.
Clark, 78.
Cole, 85, 113.
Crane, 104, 105.
Davis, 62.
Day, 120.
Desart, 84.
Dixon, 59.
Duck, 123.
Dunmall, 100, 101.

Elliot(t), 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 117.
Ellis, 22.
Findlay, 80.
Foord, 64.
Fuller, 57.
Gardner, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 69.
Gay, 88.
Gissing, 31, 34
Goodman, 81.
Gowing, 113.
Hamelton, 12.
Harding, 121, 122.
Heimsath, 113.
Hennings, 23.
Hensher, 30.
Hill, 32.
Hills, 125.
Ingram, 87, 98.
Isard, 72.
Iverson, 52.
Jackson, 46.
Jay, 41.
Joyner, 91, 92.
Kadwell, 71.
Kempton, 58.
Kirkpatrick, 42.
Lee, 79.
Lewis, 54, 55.
Lisney, 124.
Mackney, 94.
Marsh, 21.
Martin, 42, 102.
Monsey, 53.
Mutzell, 90.
Nelson, 29.
New York 119
Nightingale, 116.
Pangbourne, 86.
Parker, 84.
Peach, 42.
Peacock, 115.
Pearch, 43, 44.
Perch, 45.Potter, 103.
Powell, 6.
Poynter, 65.
Prior, 25.
Pocock, 110.
Purdy, 76, 77.
Rae 119
Ricketts, 124.
Roberts, 83.
Rolfe, 53.
Rumsby, 73.
Russell, 60.
San Francisco 119
Shallcross, 19.
Shearman, 97.
Smith, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Solman, 109.
Sopp, 111.
Thompson, 93. 119
Tollemache, 84.
Toone, 30, 84.
von Ronn, 75.
Walter, 49.
Weatherhill, 35.
West, 114.
Whiffen, 11, 96, 99.
Wilson, 82.
Wood, 108, 112.

Places Index
Ashmore House, 110.
Biggin Hill, 2.
Birkenhead 119
Bromley, 97.
Bromley Union, 59.
Bromley Common, 12.
Carnbane, Lisburn, 93.
Chelsea, 74.
Copenhagen, 42.
Copthall Court, City, 12.
Croydon, 4, 61, 62, 63, 66,
        67, 68, 69, 70.

Cudham Lodge, 46, 49, 51.
Cudham, 43, 114.
Danzic, Prussia, 90.
Dorking, Surrey, 124.
Down, 1, 3.
Fletching, Sussex, 42.
Fressingfield, Suffolk, 74.
Grange Road, Bermondsey, 20.
Greenwich, 95.
Hayes Common, 90.
Hollwood, 29.Jamaica, 59.
Keston Lodge, 84.
Keston Court, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
          39, 40, 45.
Knaresborough, Yorks., 35.Littleham, Devon, 97.
London, 49, 120.
Madras, 42.
Mark Lane, City, 13.
Market Layton, 98.
New Malton, Yorks., 29.
North Pacific Ocean, 85.Oxted, 64.
Peckham, Surrey, 122.
Ravensbourne Park, 83, 113
Selsdon, 4, 70.
Sholapoor, 42.
St. Mary Cray, 5.
St. Saviour's, Southwark, 17.
St. Ann's, Limehouse, 58.
St. John's Wood, 84.
St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19.
Strutton, Staffs., 30.
Wandsworth, Surrey, 124.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Wilmington

The following paper is, as far as possible, an exact transcription of a field note book compiled by the Lewisham antiquarian and author Mr Leland L. Duncan. It is one of a number which he compiled over a uncertain span of time. In carrying out his work of listing the memorial inscriptions he used a shorthand which at times is difficult to interpret particularly as it is written in pencil on poor paper. Frank Bamping October 3rd 2000

Completed 28th August 1921 Leland L. Duncan    

Eastern part of the churchyard

1. Mary Webster, wife of George Webster of the parish of Saint Andrews, Holborn, London, and daughter of Robert and Ellenor Carpenter of this parish died 16 October 1751 aged 36.

2. Ellenor Carpenter, wife of Robert Carpenter of this parish died 27.9.1751 aged 61.

3. An altar tomb. Here lyeth interred the body of Daniell Langworth, youngest son of Francis Langworth who ended this life October 13 1665 aged 17 yeares 5 moneths 7 dayes.

4. Here lies the remainder of Mary Langworth, daughter of Francis Langworth who departed this life April 30 1663 at the age of [?18] years 3 months and - days.

5. Altar tomb. Here rest the bodyes of Francis Langworth, gent., and Mary his wife who lived in wedlock sixty years and were married ye 7th of July 1628. The parents of seven sons and three daughters. He died the 1st day of June 1688 aged 91 years and 3 months being the 5th son of John Langworth, D.D. decd. Born February 25th 1597. She dyed the 29th day of January 1701 aged 98 years and 10 months being the second daughter of George Tucker, Esq., of Miltoni uxta Gravesend, decd. Born March 1st 1602.

6. Altar tomb. Here lyeth interred the bodyes of Sarah and Bartholomew Langworth. She dyed ye 5th of September 1650 aged 19 yeares 9 moneths. He dyed April 24th 1653 at ye age of eight yeares 1 moneth 22 dayes. She was the eldest daughter and he the 6th sonne of Francis Langworth. Here rest the body of Elizabeth Sedley daughter of Francis Langworth, gent., of this parish and relict of George Sedley citizen of London by whom she had issue 2 sons and 5 daughters. She died ye 8 of October 1693 aged 61 years 15 days.

7. An altar tomb by the East window. In the memory of Mr Robert Selby, late of London, who departed this life June 14 1772 aged 31 years. Likewise of Mary his wife who survived him untill April 16 1795 aged 50 years. Whose remains with their infant daughter are deposited under this stone. Honour thy father and mother.

8. Mr John Gar[?r]ison many years blacksmith in this parish died 26 July 1807 in his 71st year.

9. Elizabeth Fauchon late wife of William Fauchon of the parish of Sutton at Hone died 27.2.1767 aged 61. Also her children Elizabeth died May ye 12 1742 aged 3 months, Michael died March ye 9 1745 aged 18 months and Mark died February ye 8 1748 aged 15 months.

10. William Fauchon late of Sutton at Hone died 12 ....ry 1781 aged..
(the rest covered by the footstone - L.L.D.)

11. James Harman died 13.12.1750 aged 68. Ann Harman his wife died 19.7.1730. Also on the North side lyeth the body of Barbara Harman ...[the rest covered by footstone - L.L.D.]

12. Ann Parsons late wife of John Parsons of this parish died 23.11.1777 aged 60. In memory of John Parsons late of this parish died .... 1798 [the rest covered by footstone]

13. Edward Polhill died August ye 2 1736 aged 31 years.

14. David Polhill, yowman of this parish died January 28 1735 aged 59.

15. Jane wife of David Polhill died 16 August 1736 aged 60.

16. A footstone. J.C. 1777

17. Mr James Harding late of this parish died 28.2.1799 in his 60th year. Also Mrs Frances Harding his wife died 5.10.180(?8) in her 60th year. [Wilmington Burial Register -Frances Harding buried Oct. 10 1802 aged 69. Buried the same day as her sister Elizabeth Ingram aged 73.]

18. Mr William Killick late of this parish died 16.11.1835 aged 78. Jane his wife died 11.4.1796 aged 35. Jane, daughter of the above died 22.9.1788 aged 9. Elizabeth daughter of the above died in the parish of Lee, Kent, 8.7.1813 aged 58.

The Southern part
19. A tomb within rails. Anne Golding only daughter of Mr John Sears of Dartford and wife of Mr John Burn, surgeon of the same place died 18.12.1858 aged 42.

20. Margaret Lander late wife of William Lander of Dartford died 25.7.1782 aged 52. Also N....... {the rest covered by footstone]

21. Elizabeth Eager daughter of James and Mary Eager of this parish died 14.8.1747 aged 10. [or possibly 19]

22. Wooden rail. William Eves of this parish died May 15 1807 aged (?68). Mary Eves wife of William Eves who died ...... .aged 71.

23. Elizabeth Fisher wife of William Fisher of this parish died 9 February 1776 aged 51. Mary Fisher daughter of the above died 18.10.1789 aged 35. Likewise William Fisher husband of the above died June 180.. [the rest covered by footstone]

24. John Fenn of this parish died 27.11.1758 aged 69.

25. Mrs Mary Wickhurst wife of Mr Thomas Wickhurst died 25 August 1802 aged 38. Also Mrs Elizabeth Wickhurst who died August 30 1793 aged 78.

26. Mrs Ann Jenkins wife of Mr Timothy Jenkins died 28.9.1782 aged 42. Mr Timothy Jenkins was for many years clerk of this parish died 7 February 1809 aged 88.

27. Mr Jacob Sutton of this parish but formerly of St Pancras, Middx. died 25.3.1860 aged 67.

28. Richard Glover died 2.8.1770 aged 60. Mary Glover his wife died 2 December 1738 aged 27.

29. A.M. Weller 1858; M.A. Weller 1864.

30. An altar tomb, South side. M.S. Stephani Stephani Richardi Dena Guilielmi Hobbs Gen. Parentum Annae et Torum Annae Dorotheae Dorotheae etiam terliae Guilielmi se Perchara Conjuge Elizabetha Dickson suscepta Prolis. Ille 1654 57 Obiit Ista Anno D. 1671 Aet. suae 67 Haec 1682 7 Hoc suae erga suos pietatis monumentum Unus omnium superstes Et utring iam orbatus Guilielmus Moerens posuit North side. Guilielmus Hobbs civis Londiniensis. Pharmacopoeus in materia medica cuniprimus versalis. Fato. Quod aliis strenue prot. lauit... acquam milate summa cessit. Anno Domini 1685 Ats 52.
West side. Coat of arms surmounted by a falcon crest [drawing]
East side. Coat of arms surmounted by a crest [drawing]. (A fine tomb: LLD)

31. The family vault of George Russell, Esq. of Wilmington Hall. Sacred to the memory of George Russell eldest son of George Russell, Esq. of Wilmington Hall died 24.3.1852 aged 27. Jane wife of George Russell, Esq. died 16.8.1855 aged 62. Also George Russell of Wilmington Hall Esq. died 14.2.1856 aged 61.

North part of churchyard
32. Phillis wife of John Flewin of this parish died 25.6.1866 aged 76. John Flewin died 18.12.1867 aged 81. Also 2 of their grandchildren; Thomas Weller died 4.4.1865 aged 16 and John Weller died 21.6.1869 aged 12.

33. Thomas Allchin son of William and Martha Allchin of the parish of Dartford died 10.9.1852 aged 38.

34. Martha wife of William Allchin of the parish of Dartford died 18.10.1843 aged 73. The above William Allchin died 23.6.1867 aged 89. James son of the above died 25.12.1842 aged 35. Mrs Sophia Ward, daughter of the above William and Martha Allchin died 23.11.1850 aged 45.

35. Mr James Allchin died 15.12.1829 aged 42. Mary Allchin his wife died 17.12.1830 aged 28. Ann Allchin, mother of the above James Allchin died 12.10.1835 aged 92.

36. B.P. Parsons 1863.

37. Mr William Parsons of this parish died 20.8.1863 aged 35. Benjamin Parrick Parsons, son of the above died 8.9.1863 aged 4 years and 4 months. Mary Jane wife of the above died 16.11.1892 aged 63. William James Parsons, son of the above died 7.9.1905 aged 47.

38. A cross. Harry Edward Parsons died 30.6.1912 aged 49.

39. Elizabeth Chapman, born at Shire Hall in this parish died at the house of her nephew, William Ewsters of Wood Street, Cheapside, 20.2.1814 in her 82nd year. Adjoining lie Henry and Elizabeth Chapman her father and mother.

40. Mr Richard Harman of this parish died 6.3.1793 aged 74.

41. A headstone now flat and broken. Thomas Natt late of this parish died 28 December 1798 aged 71.

42. Mrs Mary Natt wife of Mr Thomas Natt died 5.8.1811 aged 87.

43. Mary Natt wife of Mr John Natt of this parish died 3.6.1790 aged 50. Also the said Mr John Natt died 24.6.1808 aged 79.

44. A monument against the church. Hester Fowke daughter of Richard and Susannah Holland and wife of Edward Fowke who raised this monument. She left one only child and died July 27 1750 aged 26.

45. A coped granite stone. Mabel Boverton Reed the daughter of Ernest and Annie Reed died at Raamsdonk, Holland 18.1.1902 aged 19 and is here interred.

46. Gladys Mary, twin daughter of Charles and Letitia Florence Hind born 3.12.1892 died 12.6.1895, at Hawley Grange. Also Florence Ethel Hind born 27.1.1888 died 9.4.1900 and Charles Frederick Hind born 12.7.1884 died 12.5.1909.

47. A cross. Arthur William Morgan born at Hulsewood 17.3.1892 died 16.6.1892 aged 3 months. Also James Morgan born at Hulsewood 19.1.1898 died at Malvern College 8.10.1913.

48. A cross. Harold Herbert Glyn died at Broom Hills, Bexley. 26.12.1898 aged 21. Donald Lewis Glyn died and buried at sea 20.3.1899 aged 17.

49. Mr William Cartwright for many years a farmer in this parish died 3.8.1841 aged 86.

50. Edward Moss for nearly 16 years a faithful servant of Mr William Cosier of Wilmington Hall, died 24.2.1866 aged 55.

51. Mr James Fauchon died 22.11.1811 aged 60. Mr Robert James Fauchon the son of the above died 3.11.1830 aged 56.

52. Mr Thomas Cartwright of Beaden Well, in the parish of Erith in this county, farmer, died 28.3.1831 aged 78. Also Mr Robert Steer died 23.10.1869 aged 64 and Mary Ann wife of the above Robert Steer died 15.3.1901 aged 91.

53. Mrs Elizabeth Cartwright, 43 years wife of Mr Thomas Cartwright of Beadon Well in Erith, farmer, died 10.12.1824 aged 61.

On the North wall of the vestry

54. This Race all run but Crownd alone is he Whose daye's conclude in Grace & Pietie Then Fear, Love, Hate, Attend God, Goodness, Sinn The End [Three dragon heads] A drawing of a coat of arms crested by an animals head as in 1st quarter Possibly a Langworth but no name or date. L.L.D.

Western end of the yard beginning at the South
55. A low tomb. Mrs John Mortis of this parish died 14.2.1858 in her 65th year. Mr John Mortis died 5.3.1862 in his 69th year. Mrs Elizabeth Phillips daughter of the above died 1.9.1861 in her 42nd year.

56. A tomb. Charles Hussey Fleet, Esq., of Hulsewood in this parish died 31.10.1862 in his 80th year. Also Agnes Cotton Fleet, widow of the above died 11.12.1878 aged 85.

57. A large coffer-like monument. Mary Ann wife of Edward Thompson, Esq., of Salter's Hall, London and Wilmington House in this parish, youngest daughter of Dr Richard Marshall, formerly of Totnes, Devon, died 6.3.1855 in her 42nd year. A Tender Mother. Also Edward James Thompson, Esq., born 15.7.1790 died 3.12.1874.

58. A large flat stone. In the vault beneath lie the remains of the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Hulse, Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Field Marshal in the Army, Colonel of the 62nd Regiment of Foot and Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. He was the second son of Sir Edward Hulse of Breamore in the County of Hants., Baronet and nephew of Richard Hulse, Esq., to whose estate in the County of Kent he succeeded in the year 1805. He was born on 2 March 1746 and died on the 3rd of January, 1837.
This is then followed by his career in the Army, etc.
Also in the same vault are deposited the remains of Charlotte, Lady Hulse who died on the 6 February, 1842, in her 90th year. A drawing of two coats of arms and a note that there is a large hatchment within the church.

59. A canopied monument with a urn and snake in the same enclosure as the previous stone. East side. Here lieth the body of Sir Edward Hulse, Bart., First Physician to his Majesty George the Second. He practised in London for forty years with reputation and success and retiring from business in the later part of his life died April the 10th 1759 aged 77. Also Dame Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters of Sir Richard Levet, Knight, Citizen of London. She died 15th January 1741 aged 47. North side. Mrs Ann Hulse, sister to Sir Edward died in 1745. William Hulse, Esq., Late of Stone Castle in this County, brother of the above Sir Edward died in 1761. Mrs Elizabeth Hulse, relict of the above died in 1763. Mrs Mary Southwell late of Stone Castle died in 1768. Thomas Hulse, Esq., of Hutton in Essex 3rd son of the first Sir Edward Hulse died in 1767. Elizabeth Magdalen Berens, daughter of Joseph Berens, Esq of Hextable in this County and Elizabeth his wife daughter of the second Sir Edward Hulse died 28.5.1786 aged 11 years South side. The Rev. Westrow Hulse, 3rd son of the 2nd Sir Edward Hulse and Hannah his wife died 23.4.1787 aged 37. Edward Hulse eldest son of Edward Hulse, Esq., of Aldersbrook in Essex died 9.9.1789 aged 19. Sir Edward Hulse of Breamore House in Hampshire, Bart. died 1.12.1800 aged 85. Dame Hannah Hulse daughter of Samuel Vanderplank, Esq., relict of the last Sir Edward died 16.12.1803 aged 83. South side. Richard Hulse, Esq., formerly of Baldwyns and since of Blackheath in this County. He served the office of High Sheriff for this County A.D. 1768 and continued till his death to act as a magistrate in the Com. of the Peace with distinguished ability and integrity. He died 27.10.1805 aged 78. Also in memory of J. Buller Hulse 4th son of Sir Charles Hulse, Bart. of Breamore, Hants., who died 1.10.1861 aged 45.

60. A small cross. Mabel, child of Harry and Annie Thomas died 25.6.1899 aged 1 year 9 months.

61. A cross. Beatrice Edith wife of Edward Richard Wetherall of the Hyderabad Contingent and daughter of the Rev. Robert Jamblin, M.A., for 16 years Vicar of this parish and Edith his wife. Born at Rochester 19.4.1872 died in Marylebone 2.5.1899 aged 27. Edith Jamblin wife of Rev. R.Jamblin died 13.6.1920 aged 72.

62. Martha Williams died 28.6.1865 aged 80. This stone placed by those she served faithfully for 55 years.

63. John Wandin for 50 years the beloved and loving servant of the Rev. F. Heberden and family, also clerk of this parish died 7.3.1890 aged 89.

64. Frederick Heberden, Lieut. of H.M. 55th Regiment and only son of the Rev. Frederick Heberden died 27.3.1859 in his 22nd year. Also Frederick Heberden 36 years vicar of this parish who died 6.9.1876 aged 65. Also Eleanor St Barbe, widow of the above died 25.4.1879 in her 68th year. Also Eleanor St Barbe, elder daughter of the above died 28.4.1912 aged 76.

65. A tomb. Rosina, wife of Thomas H. Chapman of this parish died at Bexley Heath 18.8.1865 aged 47.

66. Thomas Furner of this parish died 5.11.1821 aged 45. Susan Furner his wife died 19.2.1872 aged 80.

66a. Martha, relict of the late William Buckland of Dartford died 20.2.1865 aged 65.

67. Mr James Black Miskin of the parish of Dartford died 10.8.1859 aged 40. Also his brother Mr Henry Charles Miskin of this parish died 14.3.1871 aged 43.

68. Thomas Edmund Farley of this parish died 11.11.1864 aged 54.

69. A curb. Louisa Vaughan died 18.8.11. [sic]

70. Thomas Smith, Esq., of the parish of Paddington died 22.1.1854 aged 86. Charlotte daughter of the above and wife of Mr Robert Wilks of the Parish of Dartford died 2.7.1862 aged 57.

71. Clarence Pigou, Esq., of the parish of Dartford died 28.12.1858 aged 60.

72. A small cross. Eirene Mary, daughter of Robert Jamblin, M.A., vicar of this parish and Edith his wife died 22.3.1881 aged 4 months.

73. In gothic letters now decayed. Tlmining Clul Hurndis died 7 February 1856 aged 77.

74. Edward Taylor died 30.1.1870 aged 70. Also Mary his wife died 12.4.1847 aged 44 and Thomas, son of the above died 22.12.1861 aged 28.

75. Ann Dora Rosa only daughter of Charles Robert and Caroline Eugenie Thompson of Notting Hill, Middx. died 18.9.1853 aged 5.

76. Gertrude, third daughter of William S. Sewell, Esq., sheriff of Quebec died aged 26 at Dartford on Xmas Eve 1859.

77. Edmund Turner Watts died 27.11.1860 aged 56. Also Leaver Borlase, son of the above E.T.W. and Elizabeth his wife died 22.9.1835 aged 11 weeks.

78. Elizabeth child of William and Elizabeth Cosier of Wilmington Hall died 4.12.1859 aged 2 years and 6 months. Robert Dunbar 2nd son of the above died 11.11.1862 aged 27.

79. A flat stone. Daniel Culhane, M.D., formerly of Glin, Limerick, Ireland, died 20.6.1801 aged 48.

80. Thomas Wood, son of William and Sarah Wood of this parish died 17.11.1850 in his 16th year. Catherine Wood sister of the above died 16.6.1877 in her 38th year.

81. Charlotte wife of William Blackman nearly 19 years the schoolmistress of this parish died 10.1.1864 aged 54. Nearby are interred the grandmother and sister of William Blackman.

82. Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 9.2.1811 aged 84.

83. Mary wife of Mr Richard Thomas of this parish died 2.2.1850 aged 62. The above Mr Richard Thomas died 14.5.1861 aged 78, and Harriot Thomas 5th daughter of the above died 5.10.1889 aged 72.

84. Mr James Harman Farley late of this parish died 1.10.1848 aged 36. Charlotte Emma Farley daughter of the above died 24.10.1848 aged 3 years and 3 months. Also Esther Farley wife of the above died 15.8.1896 aged 89.

85. A low tomb. Robert Macky, Esq., died 28.2.1814 aged 79.

86. Mr George Novice late of this parish died 11.9.1804 aged 70. Mrs Anne Novice widow of the above died 19.1.1808 aged 71.

87. A wooden rail. William Hales died 12.3.1853 aged 60. The faithful servant for many years of Mr Shorts, 333, Strand Hotel, London. Also Sarah Hales widow of William Hales died 12.12.1858 aged 77. On the other side:- Sarah Wain died 10.7.1866 aged 83, also Thomas Wain 11.2.1870 aged 87.

88 Ann wife of Charles Northall of Shire Hall in this parish died 2.10.1836 aged 50. The above Charles Northall died 25.5.1865 aged 79.

89. Mr Joseph Gover late of Dartford and formerly of this parish died 6.5.1849 aged 73.

90. Charles Halsey Stevens infant son of the Rev. Henry Stevens, vicar of this parish died 6.1.1840.

91. A tomb in rails. John Harrison of Dartford died 19.5.1846 aged 59. Frances Harrison, wife of John Harrison died 24.4.1838 aged 48.

92. An altar tomb. The Rev. John Bradley, late curate of this parish and master of the Grammar School at Dartford. He was born July 29 A.D. 1752. He died June 2 1827. (Exordium on his life & character)

93a. Anne Elizabeth Tasker, wife of William Tasker of Hawley, youngest son of the late John Tasker of this parish died 23 ? 1830 aged 39. Elizabeth Tasker second wife of William Tasker, Esq., died 7.7.1847 aged 55. William Tasker, Esq., died 23.1.1864 aged 67.

93b. Elizabeth Tasker the second daughter of John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Tasker his wife, died October 1822 aged 24. Henry Tasker second son of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker, Hon. Canon of Ely and for (?11) years vicar of Soham, Cambridgeshire, died 17.1.1874 aged 79. Also Sarah Tasker eldest daughter of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker died 26.3.1879 aged 87. Also Mary Tasker youngest daughter of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker died 13.1.1884 aged 84.

93c. John Tasker, Esq., of this parish died 12.9.1824 aged 64. Sarah Effield Tasker, relict, of the above John Tasker, Esq., died 3.5.1845 aged 88. John Campbell Wheatley Tasker, clerk in Holy Orders, eldest son of the late John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford and Ann Campbell, his wife died 26.4.1895 aged 70.

93d. Ann Campbell Tasker, second wife of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford, the eldest son of the late John Tasker, Esq., of this parish died 27.12.1823 aged 27. John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford died 25.1.1868 aged 77. Duncan Campbell Arthur Tasker, only son of the above John C.W. Tasker and grandson of the above John and Ann Campbell Tasker died June 1903 aged 34.

93e. Isabella Tasker third daughter of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford and Harriot Susan his wife died May 1843 aged 24 years and 3 months. Harriot Susan Tasker third wife of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford died June 1848 aged 47. Agnes Elizabeth Tasker second daughter of the above John Tasker and Harriot Susan his wife died December 27 1868 aged 28.

94. E.C. 1826

95. Edward Cresy, Esq., died 23.11.1838 aged 74. Lydia Cresy, relict, died 17.8.1848 aged 83.

96. A cross. Thomas Bowyer died 12.12.1917 aged 78. Edyth Muriell, Arthur and Percy Bowyer died in their infancy.

97. An altar tomb. Mr William Young of Dartford died 17.10.1837 aged 69. Mrs Ann Young, wife of the above died 2.9.1841 aged 69.

98. An altar tomb. Mrs Sarah Young, wife of Mr James Young of this parish died 27.4.1829 aged 65. Mr James Young died 23.7.1835 aged 77.

99. Mr John Clark died 11.9.1833 aged 72. He was for 14 years blacksmith of this parish. Mrs Jane Clark, widow of the above died 26.1.1856 aged 86.

100. Henry Still died 20.2.1840 in his 30th year.

101. William Still son of John and Lydia Still of this parish died 23.3.1836 aged 31. Emma his sister died 7.11.1828 aged 8. Thomas Still died 7.7.1841 aged 34.

102. A cross. John Alexander born at Grange Foyle, Strabane, died 17.10.1844 at Rowhill Grange 21.7.1915.

103. James Roots died 1.1.1863 aged 63. Henrietta Roots, wife of the above died 26.4.1899. Thomas Roots, son of the above died 5.12.1867 aged 16.

The Western yard (Second Plot)
104. William Weller of this parish died 23.1.1868 aged 77. Ann his wife died 17.11.1879 aged 87. Also the following children; Ann died 13.2.1820 aged 1 year, William died 19.4.1837 aged 2 years and John died 24.6.1837 aged 16.

105. The children of Benjamin and Isabella Miles of this parish; Walter James died 3.8.1865 aged 11 months and Isabella died 9.6.1866 aged 8. The footstone has W.J. Miles 1863.

106. J. Weller 1837. ? footstone to No.104 above..

107. Timothy Hood died 26.5.1828 aged 39. Mary Hood, widow of the above died 25.5.1881 aged 90. Louisa Hood died 10.7.1908 aged 83.

108. Thomas Hood died 12.12.1900 aged 78. Elizabeth Hood, his wife died 7.7.1911 aged 81.

109. William Miller died 14.5.1859 aged 3 years.

110. James Latter Huntley of this parish died 23.4.1868 aged 82. Martha Huntley, wife of the above died 23.8.1831 aged 49. Henry Huntley, son of the above died at North Cray, Kent, 22.11.1868.

111. Mary Bickers died 5.10.1862 aged 83.

112. Mrs Sarah Mills, wife of Mr John Mills of Dartford died 23.10.1818 aged 66. Also Mr John Mills died 14.9.1821 aged 67.

113. Mary, relict, of the Rev. Henry Trimmer died 23.4.1851 aged 52.

114. Mrs Ann Weller wife of Mr John Weller died 21.11.1808 aged 57. Also Mr John Weller died 14.9.1833 aged 77.

115. An enclosure covered with ivy. No stone to be seen.

116. Mr Thomas Lee Brooks of this parish died 15.12.1868 aged 64. Sarah Martha his wife died 28.9.1876 in her 71st year.

117. Sarah Brooks, daughter of Thomas Lee Brooks and Sarah Martha Brooks of this Parish died 21.9.1848 aged 21. Charles Brooks son of the above died 31.5.1837 aged 4 years 1 month.. Priscilla Brooks daughter of the above died 19.8.1837 aged 2 years 3 months. Joanna May Aunt of the above died 20.7.1829 aged 20.

118. A small stone. Joanna May.

119. A small stone. Charles Brooks and Priscilla Brooks.

120. Charles Brooks died 10.2.1851 aged 50. Mary Ann Brooks, widow of the above died 10.2.1861 aged 64.

121. Edward Smith of this parish died 13.3.1868 aged 75. Mary Ann daughter of the above died 21.8.1834 aged 15 years. Sarah Ann, wife of the above Edward Smith died 9.10.1874 aged 77.

122. Jacob Earney died 18.2.1890 aged 80. Sophie Earney, wife of the above died 26.11.1893 aged 79. Emma Earney died 30.5.1905 aged 56.

123. Mr Thomas Hawes of the parish of Dartford died 9.3.1849 aged 57. Hannah, wife of the above died 18.1.1880 aged 90.

124. Mr Thomas Hawes of this parish died 1.12.1836 aged 69. Mrs Ann Hawes the widow of the above died 13.2.1844 aged 80.

125. Erected by Mr T.M. Wyatt to the beloved memory of Mrs Mary Hoare who died 7.11.1873 aged 88.

126. A cross. William Bone died 3.12.1906 aged 73. Sarah Ann Bone died 19.12.1916 aged 77. William Bone died 5.12.1903 aged 97.

127. Mr John Ashdown of this parish died 29.5.1839 aged 82. Mrs Ruth Ashdown, widow of the above died 2.1.1842 aged 79. Also Sophia Ashdown wife of James Ashdown (son of the above) died 1.11.1856 aged 58.

128. A granite coped cross. Augusta Amelia, wife of Frederick Mühlenkamp died 18.2.1906 aged 61. Christian Frederick August Mühlenkamp died 29.10.1915 aged 69.

129. A small stone. Kathleen Nina the child of Henry and Emily Mühlenkamp born 23.4.1911 died 21.5.1911.

130. Susanna Bennet, wife of Samuel Bennet died 3.3.1828 aged 79. Also the above Samuel Bennet died 16.7.1839 aged 79.

131. A cross. Letitia Mary, wife of H.E.O. Reeves died 14.7.1902 aged 57. Also Henry Edward Owen Reeves born 31.10.1832 died 18.1.1911.

132. Mr John Natt late of this parish, wheelwright, died 11.7.1805 aged 33.

133. Mr Thomas Natt of this parish died 8.12.1825 aged 55. Mrs Elizabeth Natt, widow of the above died 12.11.1843 aged 75.

134. Mr John Natt, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Natt of this parish died 28.5.1832 aged 33.

135. Mr George Brooks of this parish died 30.8.1835 aged 77. Mrs Mary Ann Brooks, wife of the above died 12.11.1846 aged 74.

The remainder of the memorials in the Western yard are quite modern

On the North side is a piece of burial ground added about 1870 in which all the stones are modern and date from then. Amongst them is a large block of granite to:-
136. Charles William Minet, Esq., of Baldwyns. Born 27.5.1803 died 27.2.1874.

The church, except for a portion of the tower (Norman) is new and debased gothic of circa 1830 (?). The slabs given by Thorpe to Bathurst and Harman are at the East end of the nave and the tile to Mrs Morgan is let into the West wall. There is a good wood pulpit dated 1655 with a drawing attached here. L.L.D.

Appended to the above notes is a newspaper cutting from:- West Kent Advertiser dated 26.8.1921 (Snowden - Dartford).
Notes on Old Wilmington
The following notes, contributed by Sir Geo. Whitehead, Bart., appear in the current Parish Magazine:- "At one time there was a handsome brass to Oliver Godfrey, Esq., who died in 1610, the figure being that of a man, a modern inscription being inserted beneath." I am quite unable to discover when the brass was removed. -"Many generations of yeoman lie buried in the churchyard. A writer in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1747 stating, for instance, that in the preceding year a quantity of Henry IV's coins had been dug out of a grave, but the registers for burials do not commence till 17th Century" - "Baldwins, where the Asylum now stands, is, of course, in Dartford Parish, but it is interesting to note some of its owners. Sir John Baude Kut[sic] (from whom it derived its name), the Abbot of Lessness, Cardinal Wolsey, and Eton College. The last occupant before the mansion was razed before the Asylum was erected in 1879-1900 was Mr (afterwards Sir) Hiram Maxim, engineer and inventor."


                                                                                                           Compiled by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Alexander, 102.

Allchin, 33, 34, 35.

Ashdown, 127.

Bennet, 130.

Berens, 59.

Bickers, 111.

Blackman, 81.

Bone, 126.

Bowyer, 96.

Bradley, 92.

Brooks, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 135.

Buckland, 66a.

Burn, 19.

E.C., 94.  
J.C., 16

Carpenter, 1, 2.

Cartwright, 49, 52, 53.

Chapman, 39, 65.

Clark, 99.

Cosier, 50, 78.

Cresy, 95.

Culhane, 79.

Dickson, 30.

Eager, 21.

Earney, 122.

Eves, 22.

Ewsters, 39.

Farley, 68, 84.

Fauchon, 9, 10, 51.

Fenn, 24.
Fisher, 23.

Fleet, 56.

Flewin, 32.

Fowke, 44.

Furner, 66.

Garrison, 8.

Glover, 28, 89.

Glyn, 48.

Golding, 19.

Hales, 87.

Harding, 17.

Harman, 11, 40.

Harrison, 91.

Hawes, 123, 124.

Heberden, 63, 64.

Hind, 46.

Hoad, 107, 108.

Hoare, 125.

Hobbs, 30.

Holland, 44.

Hulse, 58, 59.

Huntley, 110.

Jamblin, 61, 72.

Jenkins, 26.

Killick, 18.

Lander, 20.

Langworth, 3- 6, 54.

Levet, 59.

Macky, 85.

Marshall, 57.

Miles, 105.

Miller, 109.

Mills, 112.

Minet, 136.

Miskin, 67.

Morgan, 47.

Mortis, 55.

Moss, 50.

Mühlenkamp, 128, 129.

Natt, 41, 42, 43, 132-134.

Northall, 88.

Novice, 86.

Parsons, 12, 36, 37, 38.

Phillips, 55.

Pigou, 71.

Polhill, 13, 14, 15.

Reed, 45.

Reeves, 131.

Roots, 103.

Russell, 31.

Sears, 19.

Sedley, 6.

Selby, 7.

Sewell, 76.

Shorts, 87.

Smith, 70, 121.

Southernwood, 82.

Southwell, 59.

St. Barbe, 64.

Steer, 52.

Stevens, 90.

Still, 100, 101.

Sutton, 27.

Tasker, 93a-e.

Taylor, 74.

Thomas, 60, 83.

Thompson, 57, 75.

Trimmer, 113.

Tucker, 5.

Vanderplank, 59.

Vaughan, 69.

Wain, 87.

Wandin, 63.

Ward, 34.

Watts, 77.

Webster, 1.

Weller, 29, 32, 104, 106, 114

Wetherall, 61.

Wickhust, 25.

Wilks, 70.

Williams, 62.

Wood, 80.

Wyatt, 125.

Young, 97, 98.

Place Index

Aldersbrook, Essex.

Baldwyns, 59.

Beaden Well, Erith, 52, 53

Bexley Heath, 65.

Blackheath, 59.

Breamore, Hants., 58, 59.

Broom Hills, Bexley, 48.

Dartford, 19,20,33, 34,66a,

Glin, Limerick, Ireland, 79.

Grange Foyle, Strabane 102

Hawley Grange, 46

Hawley, 93a.

Hextable, 59.

HulseWood, 47, 56.

Hutton, Essex, 59.

Lee, 18.

London, 6, 59.

Malvern College, 47.

Marylebone, 61.

Milton iuxta Gravesend, 5.

North Cray, 110.

Notting Hill, Middx., 75.

Paddinton, 70.

Quebec, 76.

Ramsdonk, Holland, 45.

Rochester, 61.

Rowhill Grange, 102.

Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 58

Salter's Hall, London, 57.

Shire Hall, 39, 88.

Soham, Cambs., 93b.

St. Pancras, Middx., 27.

St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1.

Stone Castle, 59.

Strand Hotel, 87.

Sutton at Hone, 9, 10.

Totnes, Devon, 57.

Wilmington House, 57.

Wilmington Hall, 31, 50, 78

Wood Street, Cheapside 39

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Nursted

What follows is a transcription of one of the many pocket field notebooks belonging to the noted author and antiquarian, Mr Leland L. Duncan. For many years right up until his death Duncan visited Kent churches and churchyards and noted in his own shorthand the memorial inscriptions contained therein. These inscriptions he compiled are not "as carved in stone" but in his own standard form. Sadly he used a stub of a blunt HB pencil on cheap paper which over 100 years later is sometimes hard to read. However, in the period which has elapsed, many of the inscriptions are now even more difficult to read which makes L.L. Duncan's efforts all the more valuable.

                                                                                                            Frank Bamping  22 September 2000

                                                   N U R S T E D


There is a large oast near the Church -   E   H + A  1771

North yard. [Western side] 3 in rails near gate.                                 


1.         A headstone. Henry Edmeades of Nursted Court. Died 16.10.1820 in his 79 year left issue 3 sons, Henry, William and James. Above James Edmeades died 12.2.1855 aged 86


2.         A tomb. Henry only son of Henry and Mary Edmeades of Owletts, Cobham in this County, died 27.9.1833 aged 35. Emma Edmeades daughter of Henry and Mary Edmeades of Owletts, Cobham, born  11.5.1796 died 10.6.1875. Henry Edmeades, Esquire of Owletts in the parish of Cobham, died 7 December 1835 in his 71st year. Mary his wife died 3.9.1840 Aetat 68.


3.         A tomb. Captain Thomas Baker formerly of Boley Hill, Rochester, died at Owletts, Cobham, 8.1.1871 in his 78th year. Maria his wife, the eldest daughter of the late Henry Edmeades, Esquire, of Owletts, Cobham, died 27.12.1847 aged 52. Also four of her children who are buried in St. Nicholas Church, Rochester, Louisa died 27.12.1830 aged 2 years, Frederick died 29.12.1830 aged 7 months, Louisa died 18.6.1835 aged 5 weeks and Maria Catherine died 23.2.1839 aged 12 years.


                                      Nos. 4 & 5 in same enclosure

4.         A flat stone. Lillian Baker died 18.3.1859, infant daughter of Thomas Henry Baker, Esquire, of Owletts, Cobham.


5.         A cross. Maria Frances, child of Thomas Henry Baker, Esquire, of Owletts, Cobham, born 28 February 1856 and died 21.12.1861.


6.         A cross. Thomas Henry Baker of Owletts, Cobham, son of Thomas and Maria Baker, born 27.3.1825 died 25.7.1904, and Frances Georgiana Baker born 7.10.1830, married 15.6.1852 and died 21.12.1916. 


7.         Mary wife of John Bennett of this parish died 31.10.1881 aged 67. Elizabeth daughter of the above died 8.7.1862 aged 7. The above John Bennett died 2.1.1891 aged 76.


8.         Sarah wife of John Seager died 5.12.1895 aged 81. The above John Seager died 24.11.1901 aged 89.


9.         A cross. Isabella wife of William Stevens died 13.1.1898 aged 63. The above William Stevens died 21.11.1906 aged 74.


10.       Small granite flat stone. This slab marks the spot upon which the Rev. W.H. Edmeades, Rector of this Parish, for 59 years suddenly expired on his way to perform Divine service on Whit Sunday June 13 1886.


                                              Northern yard (East)


11.       Hugh McPherson died 16.1.1888 aged 44. Maria wife of the above died at Gravesend 30.1.1900 aged 52.


12.       Charles Lester born 12.8.1795, died 9.11.1865. Charlotte Elizabeth Lester daughter of the above born 22.5.1847 died 16.6.1871 aged 24. Charlotte wife of the above died 12.1.1884 aged 75.


13.       Here lyeth ye body of John Edmeades who departed this life ye 25 day of September in ye yeare 1710 aged 25 years.


14.       William Langford died at Nurstead Court 18.12.1858 aged 61. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.


15.       Jane eldest daughter of John and Elizabeth Harris of St. Just Lane, Cornwall died at Round Street, Cobham, 17.3.1884 aged 51.


16.       A cross. Richard William Bishop Marsh, Priest, born 6.2.1817 died 9.9.1902. Catherine his wife born 27.4.1818 died 7.12.1909.


17.       A cross. Mary Elvira widow of John H. Cutting, M.A., born 17.4.1807 died 17.2.1886.


18.       A cross. William Hicks late of H.M. Navy died 5.7.1893 aged 77. Elizabeth his wife died 29.2.1908 aged 86.


19.       Susannah widow of the late C.L. Mills of West Malling died 8.6.1895 aged 67.


20.       Frederick Simmons for 40 years resident in this parish died 5.1.1897 aged 70. Ann his wife died at Horton Kirby 20.7.1897 aged 71.


21.       A cross. John Saxby died 2.3.1895 aged 81. A faithful servant at Hazell for 61 years. Sarah his wife died 29.1.1899 in her 89th year.


22.       John Saxby died 24.10.1827 aged 45. Rebecca his wife died 4.10.1874 aged 83. Edward their son died 9.7.1818 aged 6 years. Elizabeth their daughter died 23.1.1823 aged 7 years. James their son died 21.6.1829 aged 10 years.


23.       Maria Davis died at Nurstead Court after 46 years of faithful service. January 16 1880 aged 64.


24.       Robert son of Richard and Elizabeth Parker died 22.8.1877 having been clerk of this parish for 23 years. Also A [?Alice] .... ark.... wife of the above died 31.3.1888 aged 72.


25.       A flat slab & cross. William Spencer Dawson died 6.3.1887. Sarah Frances Dawson born December 17 1820 died April 27 1909.


26.       A cross. Roger Ernest Rands died 1.12.1917 aged 17.



                               Eastern part - in front of East window.


27.       An altar tomb in rails. Elizabeth wife of William Edmeades, Esquire of Nursted Court in this parish. Died 30.9.1836 aged 62 after 8 years chastening of the Lord. Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth Edmeades died 7.6.1808 aged 6 years. Robert the youngest son of the said William and Elizabeth Edmeades died 26.11.1836 aged 25.


28.       A cross. Gladys, only daughter of Charles Gibson, rector of this parish and Florence his wife died 18.6.1872 [sic] aged 12. Alan Leslie their son who fell in action 23.4.1917 aged 22. Charles Gibson, M.A., Priest and Rector of Nurstead with Ifield from 1899 - 1912, died 23.1.1912 aged 62.


29.       The Rev. William Crakelt, M.A., of Northfleet, 36 years Rector of this parish died 24.8.1812 in his 71st year.


30.       A cross. Mary Elizabeth wife of Major General H. Edmeades of Nursted Court and daughter of the late Rev. W.T. Collings, Seigneur of Sark, died at Ashley House, Folkestone, 12.2.1887 aged 38.


31.       A small cross. Amye, child of Henry and Mary Edmeades died 28.12.1880 aged 4 years.


32.       Small cross. Philip twin son of Henry and Violet Edmeades died 14.11.1912 aged 4 months.


33.       A cross. Major General Henry Edmeades, Royal Artillery, of Nursted Court, died 16.4.1914 aged 78


34.       A cross headstone. Mary Ann Taylor for many years resident at Nursted Court and latterly at Eltham where she died 14.2.1886 in her 86th year.


35.       A cross. Caroline Frances Ford died suddenly at Nursted Court 31.5.1901


36.       A cross. Elizabeth Fenner born 22.6.1807 died 18.9.1887. For 45 years faithful housekeeper to John Alfred Edmeades of Hazells.


37.       A cross. William Wellard died at Hazells 24.11.1890 after 50 years of valued service, aged 68. Mary his wife died 28.3.1909 in her 84th year.


38.       Coped stone. John Alfred Edmeades of Hazells, the second son of William and Elizabeth Edmeades of Nursted Court died 12.2.1882 aged 73.

                                                  The South yard


39.       A cross. In loving memory of Lt. Col. James F. Edmeades, M.V.O., West Kent Queen's Own Yeomanry, of Hazells born 1843 died 1917.


40.       William eldest son of William and Sarah M.J. Edmeades died 12.5.1885 aged 51.


41.       A cross. Sarah wife of the Rev. W.H. Edmeades of Nurstead Court died 27.1.1885.


42.       The Rev. William Henry Edmeades of Nurstead Court. 59 years rector of this parish born 27th July 1803 died suddenly at the church door when about to perform morning service on Whit Sunday 13.6.1886.


43.       Coped stone. Jane Edmeades born August 18 1773 died May 8 1852.


44.       Headstone. Sarah Edmeades of Wrotham died 23.11.1838 aged 67. Jane Edmeades sister of the above born 18.8.1773 died May 8th 1852.


45.       William Edmeades, late of Yaldham, who died 5.5.1831 in his 56th year.


46.       Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Ann Edmeades of Nicells in the parish of Wrotham died 31.12.1823 aged 4 years 7 months.


47.       Rachel Edmeades of this parish died 5.2.1813 aged 69. Mary her sister died 23rd October 1833 aged 94.


48.       William Edmeades of Yaldham in the parish of Wrotham died 25.7.1803 aged 57 leaving issue Sarah, Jane, William and Robert. Sarah his wife died 8.5.1818 aged 74.


49.       Robert Edmeades of Nicells in the parish of Wrotham died 20.7.1821 aged 43. He left issue 2 daughters; Mary Ann and Sarah Elizabeth.


                                                South of the tower


50.       A cross. Mary wife of Jesse Garratt died 14.12.1909.


51.       Beside it a curb. Hilda Mary Garratt died 15.8.1914 aged 16 days.


                               Inside the church - the floor nave West


52.       Philip, son of Henry and Elizabeth Edmeades died 22.1.1770 in his 15th year.


53.       Ann Maria, daughter of Henry and Ann Edmeades died 23.11.1795 aged 25.


54.       Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Henry and Elizabeth Edmeades died 25.4.1761 in her 24th year.


55.       Mr Henry Edmeades of Nursted Court, died 10.12.1756 aged 42. He left issue Elizabeth, Mary, Henry, Rachel, William, Amy, Robert, and Philip.


56.       Elizabeth, wife of Henry Edmeades of this parish died 22.8.1765 aged 44.


57.       Louisa, daughter of Henry and Mary Edmeades of Owlets in the parish of Cobham died 17.1.1794 aged 6 months.  Elizabeth Allen, daughter of said Henry and Elizabeth Edmeades died 28.6.1803 aged 3 years. 


58.       Ann, wife of Henry Edmeades of this parish died 17.7.1776 in her 33rd year.


59.       William Edmeades of Nursted Court died 23.1.1713 in his 63rd year, who married Amye, daughter of Henry and Amye Lane of Horton Kirby by whom he had issue 5 sons viz William, Robert, John, Henry and Thomas; and 2 daughters, Amye and Sarah who died in their infancy. He married his second wife, the widow of Richard Masters of Meopham by whom he had one daughter, Mary.


60.       Amye wife of William Edmeades of Nursted Court who was buried 27.7.1691 aged about 33.


61.       Susanna nuper uxor Ruishij Wentworth arm. obiit sep. 23.1681. A coat of arms consisting of 3 lion's faces and mulet on the left side and 3 cherubs heads and 2 bands on the right. [drawing]


62.       Same coat of arms. Ruisshei Wentworth, Arm. 8 Junii 1686. (see Thorpe for long latin inscription.)

                                                    Mural. - North

64.       Susanna coupi Rushi. Wentworth 23.9.1681. (see Thorpe)


65.       Henricus Edmeades died 27.9.1833 aged 34.


                                                     On East wall


66.       A tablet. ? Craggus. ?Nicholas Craggs (see Thorpe for latin.)


67.       A brass. The East window replaces one which bore the inscription  The gift of Thomas H.A. Poynder and Mary Ann his wife 1854.


68.       A large mural on the South side of window. John ?Adye of Dodington in Kent with arms see Thorpe. [drawing]


69.       The East window glass is to the memory of Major General Edmeades died 1914 see No.33.

                                                      South side


70.       To Lt. Col. James Frederick Edmeades, M.V.O., West Kent Queen's Own Yeomanry erected by the Regiment. He was gazetted Cornet April 1863 and retired October 1907 after 44 years devoted service, beloved by his comrades of all ranks. Born 9.7.1843 died 6.2.1917.


71.             A window memorial to Robert Edmeades from his brother John. He died 26.11.1836. Includes the Edmeades coat of arms [drawing].

                                                                                                 Compiled by
Zena Bamping

Name Index
Adye, 68.
Baker, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Bennett, 7.
Collings, 30.
Craggs, 66.
Crakelt, 29.
Cutting, 17.
Davis, 23.
Dawson, 25.

Edmeades, 1, 2, 3, 10,
  13, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33,
  36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
  43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
  49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
  57, 58, 59, 60, 65, 69,
  70, 71.
Fenner, 36.
Ford, 35.
Garratt, 50, 51.Gibson, 28.
Harris, 15.
Hicks, 18.
Lane, 59.
Langford, 14.
Lester, 12.
Marsh, 16.
Masters, 59.
McPherson, 11.
Mills, 19.Parker, 24.
Poynder, 67.
Rands, 26.
Saxby, 21,22.
Seager, 8.
Simmons, 20.
Stevens, 9.
Taylor, 34.
Wellard, 37.
Wentworth, 61, 62, 64.

Place Index
Nursted Court, 1, 14, 23, 27, 30, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41,
                          42, 55, 59, 60.

Owletts, Cobham, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 57.
Boley Hill, Rochester, 3.
St. Nicholas Church, Rochester, 3

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Ifield Churchyard

What follows is a transcription of one of the many pocket field notebooks belonging to the noted author and antiquarian, Mr Leland L. Duncan. For many years right up until his death Duncan visited Kent churches and churchyards and noted in his own shorthand the memorial inscriptions contained therein. These inscriptions he compiled are not "as carved in stone" but in his own standard form. Sadly he used a stub of a blunt HB pencil on cheap paper which over 100 years later is sometimes hard to read. However, in the period which has elapsed, many of the inscriptions are now even more difficult to read which makes L.L. Duncan's efforts all the more valuable.

Frank Bamping  22 September 2000       



In the church - chancel mural - North

1.         Sarah wife of the Rev. John Tucker died 12.2.1798 aged 40, and their children; Elizabeth 1.4.1790 aged 6 and Jane Brunswick 22.2.1798 aged 3 years.


2.         A flat stone. Thomas Reynolds Parker, Gent., late of Milton next to Gravesend, died January 5 1795 aged 75.


3.         A flat stone. Nicholas Child, Gent., Lord of this Manor at whose care and cost chiefly, this church was repaired and beautified, who changed this life for a better place died ye 7 November and was here interred November ye 10 A.D. 1638.


4.         A brass. Here lyeth ye body of Elizabeth Parkir the only daughter of Robert Parker and Elizabeth his wife who (being of ye age of 10 years and 7 months) departed this life and was buried ye 14 day of April in ye yeare of Our Lord God 1670.


5.         George Lauder, rector of Ifield and Nursted died April ye 26 1720 aged 84. Scotia me gemuit &c.


6.         Beatrice Stanley wife of Thomas Colyer Fergusson of Ightham Mote and Wombwell Hall, third daughter of the Rt. Hon. Prof. MacMüller died 17.6.1902 in her 38th year. [drawing of coat of arms]    


7.         A tablet. Louisa, wife of Sir James Ranken Fergusson, Bt., of Spitalhaugh, Peebleshire, and Hever Court in this parish. Born 1846 married 1877 died 1878. [2 shields of arms] 


8.         A brass mural in chancel. Newcombe Willis, B.A., T.C.D., Clerk Rector of this parish from 1884 and of Nurstead cum Ifield from 1887 - 1899. Born November 1817 died August 1906. Anne his wife born April 1831 died November 1902.



In the church yard - East - (old part)

9.         A monument to the children of Isaac and Elizabeth Brown. Deborah Ann died 15.11.1839 aged 4; Thomas Clinch died 20.11.1839 aged 9; John Vinson died 25.11.1839 and is interred in the burial ground of Princes Street Chapel, Gravesend, aged 2; Codelia Elizabeth died 30.6.1847 aged 14; Ann died June 13 1847 aged 1 year.


10.       A cross. Joseph Davies born in the County of Hereford 15.4.1828 died in the parish of Ifield 2.6.1878. Susannah his wife born 12.7.1828 died 22.3.1894. George their son born 29.7.1856 died 28.12.1858. Esther Matilda their daughter born 19.11.1858 died 24.11.1885.


11.       Henry, youngest son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Solomon died 10.3.1863 aged 16. Edward their 4th son died 13.7.1875 aged 36.


12.       Elizabeth, wife of Jeremiah Solomon of this parish died 6.11.1876 aged 74. The above Jeremiah Solomon died 24.4.1878 aged 77.


13.       Joseph Solomon of 40, Darnley Road, Gravesend, died 29.10.1880 aged 77.


South side of the church


14.       Mary Frances, daughter of Richard Frances and granddaughter of Stephen Squier died 11.3.1713 in her 20 year.


15.       William Squier died 15 July 1692 aged 13.


16.       Stephen Squier died 17 Aprill 1692 aged ..... [unreadable]


17.       Mary Squier, late wife of Stephen Squier died 20 May 1713 in her 71st year.


18.       John Squire, late of this parish died July ye 30 1732 aged 63.


19.       Rhoda, wife of Thomas Redsell and eldest daughter of William and Emma Deadman died 9.10.1917 aged 70.


20.       Wooden cross. Helen Amy, daughter of Gabriel and Helen Deadman died 8.7.1893 aged 2 years 5 months.


Western yard - South side.


21.       John Bodman, son of John and Mary Bodman of this parish died 11.5.1757 aged 22.


22.       John Bodman of this parish died 24.2.1763 aged 67. Mary his wife died 9 February 1745 aged 38. Also of their children who died in their infancy.


23.       Mary, wife of Benjamin Hubble of this parish died 25.8.1768 aged 37. Also 3 children died in their infancy. Benjamin Hubble died 1.6.1797 aged 62. Also Mary wife of the above died 31.1.1838 aged 85. 


24.       George Hubble died 21.10.1811 aged 32. Also two of his children; Benjamin died 27.7.1814 aged 6 and Ann died 5.8.1814 aged 9.


25.       An altar in rails. Mary, wife of Henry Jones, Surgeon to the Garrison of Gravesend and Tilbury Fort died 9.7.1796 aged 32. Also their daughter Mary died in infancy. Also the above Henry Jones died 24.11.1814 aged 66. Also Benjamin Henry [?son of] the  aforesaid Henry Jones by Mary his wife died 6 August 18.... aged 23


26.       Mr William Elliott died 3.12.1827 aged 61. Charlotte, daughter of the above and wife of John Weller died 19.9.1839 aged 28. Elizabeth wife of the above Mr William Elliott died 21.4.1855 aged 81.


27.       Elizabeth, wife of John Butcher of Shinglewell in the parish of Northfleet died 27 March 1790 aged 47. The above John Butcher died 2.10.1800 aged 60.


28.       Annie Wickham died 1.2.1881 aged 31. Lydia Still, granddaughter of the above died 12.4.1892 aged 3. Edward Wickham husband of the above died 28.1.1917 aged 72.


Western yard - North 

29.       A cross. Percy Michael the child of the Rev. James Randell, rector of this parish and Angelina Julia his wife died 17.7.1878 aged 3 months.


30.       A cross. Frances Elkins Edwards, widow of Henry Charles Edwards (of Bargo Hill, Penrith, Cumberland), died 14.7.1888 aged 63.


31.       The family grave of Robert & Patience Page.

Elizabeth and Ernest Page died in infancy. Robert William Page eldest son of the above died 30.5.1897 aged 35. The above Patience, wife of Robert Page died 25.5.1899 aged 61. Ida, youngest daughter of the above died 23.1.1908 aged 27.


32.       Hannah Missing died 29.7.1864 aged 60. James Missing, brother of the above died 18.6.1864 aged 66. George Palmer Missing their nephew died 3.6.1864 aged 44. Harriet Goodyer sister of the above died 23.11.1867 aged 84. Thomas Graves died 4.9.1877 aged 69.


33.       Mr Thomas Clinch of Northfleet died 21.2.1860 aged 81. Mr William Clinch of Gravesend and son of the above died 10.8.1865 aged 47. John Ninson Clinch son of the above died 9.6.1860 aged 48.


34.       A coped stone. Hannah, wife of George Palmer Missing died 28.3.1904 aged 72. Also W.T.P. Simmons 2nd husband of the above died 16.1.1891 aged 71.


35.       John Edmund Burningham Curtis died 28.12.1868 aged 53. Edith Rosa, daughter of the above died 1 day of the same month aged 3 years 4 months.


36.       A coped stone. Mary the wife of Thomas John Leavens Sowter of the parish of Milton next Gravesend died 8.6.1862 aged 53.


37.       William Henry Owen, surgeon, died 19.6.1882 in his 80th year. Cordelia, his wife died 15.10.1894 in her 81st year. Cordelia, daughter of W.H. & C. Owen obiit 15.12.1911 aet 70.


38.       Richard Barnard died 28.3.1871 aged 65. Frederick Barnard son of the above died 3.1.1869 aged 19. Mary the wife of the above Richard Barnard died 5.1.1892 aged 85. Henry Kenward son-in-law of the above died 23.8.1907 aged 68.


39.       Emily, wife of John Vinson Barnard died 22.3.1892 aged 38. The above J.V.B. died 26.9.1896 aged 55.


40.       The family grave of James and Maria Naomi Choat.

Maria Sophia Choat daughter of the above died 16.10.1869 aged 9. Ada Mary Ann Choat daughter of the above died 27.3.1870 aged 6. The above Maria Naomi Choat died 14.5.1874 aged 43. Also the above James Choat died 24.6.1889 aged 51. Eleanor Jane Choat 2nd Wife of the above died 8.11.1917 aged 75.


41.       Francis Rose Collison, wife of Daniel Collison died 9.3.1869 aged 45. Left issue one daughter, Eliza. The above Daniel Collison died 21.9.1897 aged 81.


42.       A cross. Mary, wife of John Light, late of Mortlake, Surrey, who died at Gravesend 23.8.1873 aged 68.


43.       A monument. William Bellingham, eldest son of the late William Bellingham Esq., of Ravensdale, Co. Kildare, Ireland, and late Captain in County Dublin L.I. died 14.1.1875 aged 32. Erected by his wife Grace Bellingham.


44.       An altar. Fanny Stewart, fifth daughter of Charles Andrew and Elizabeth Becket died 6.11.1863 in her 22nd year. Also Elizabeth Anne wife of Dr H.G. Thompson and daughter of Charles Andrew and Elizabeth Becket died 24.1.1875. Also Mary wife of Dr Charles Rigg and eldest daughter of C.A. & E.B. died 3.4.1894. Elizabeth wife of Charles Andrew Becket died 25.12.1855 in her 33rd year. Charles son of C.A. & E.B. died 9.11.1847 in his 11th year. Ann 4th daughter of same died 8 January 1858 in her 18th year. Charles Andrew Becket died 21.1.1858 in his 63rd year.


45.       A coped stone. Maria Henrietta Ridsdale only daughter of James and Martha Maria Alewyn died 26.4.1875 aged 67.  Also her godson and cousin Henry Fagel May who was drowned off the Cape of Good Hope 20.8.1859. Martha Maria Alewyn died 16.6.1880 aged 93.


46.       Mr John Francis Pensotti of Gravesend died suddenly 21.3.1873 aged 47. Sarah Parker Pensotti his wife died 27.7.1884 aged 60.


47.       Mr Mark Hubble late of West Malling who departed this life the 15.12.1803 aged 60. Mrs Elizabeth Hubble wife of the above died 29.6.1811 aged 66. Left issue one daughter, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Hubble of this parish.


48.       Ann Ingleton died 15.5.1866 aged 49. Mary Ann, wife of James Waterman died 20.12.1897 aged 76. The above James Waterman died 27.6.1913 aged 88.


49.       Mary, wife of Jonas Cleveland formerly of Mundsley in Co. Norfolk, died 27.6.1867 aged 81. Henry Waterman, son in law of the above died 24.1.1869 aged 56. Louisa Elizabeth wife of the above died 19.10.1879 in her 58th year.


50.       Hannah Hook died 15.2.1880 aged 75. James Hook, clerk of this parish for 40 years died 15.6.1880 aged 72. Mary daughter of the above and wife of Caleb William Beichteller born 11.3.1848 died 10.4.1895. And their daughter Eliza Hook died 13.8.1902 aged 68.


51.       John William Hook died 24.11.1859 aged 13. [Above is a small carved ship. L.L.D.]


52.       William Parsons died 21.9.1885 aged 73. Alice his widow died 25.6.1904 aged 74.


53.       Robert Baker Obee died 13.5.1874 aged 64.


54.       Ann Caroline Mackie died 12.11.1865 aged 42.


55.       Harriott, relict of Thomas West late of Kennington, died 26.11.1872 aged 78.


56.       A cross. George Bartholmew died 17.10.1901 aged 39.


57.       Coped stone. Patience Tickner wife of William Bliss died 5.9.1888 aged 76. William Bliss died 21.11.1902 aged 90. Also William Henry the infant son of William and Patience Tickner Bliss died 1.9.1851 aged 8 months.


58.       Charles Alfred Dunn born 26.8.1841 died 14.12.1897. Ellen Mary, his wife born 25.11.1844 died 17.8.1915.


59.       A cross. Bernard James Wilmot Buxton born February 17.1876 died 9.8.1896.


60.       A monument. John Wood died 2.7.1898 aged 78. Fanny his wife died 29.7.1884 aged 64. Harry Wood born 24.10.1844 died 29.11.1877. Ernest second son of the above [i.e. Harry. L.L.D.] died 1.1.1880 aged 6. Sarah Harriet wife of the above Harry Wood died 6.12.1891 aged 53. To Muriel daughter of George and Gertrude Wood who died 31.8.1883 aged 11 months.


In the new, Eastern part is the grave of Colyer Fergusson's wife with a curb and fallen cross.

The others also are quite recent.  L.L.D. 4.9.1921


Ifield Church is very small. The nave is not more than 27 feet long. This is followed by a small plan and notes of the features of the church

Outside by the roadside is a large plain stone cross to the men who died in the War.


In the village of Shinglewell is a good house with what no doubt was the door originally. Over the date is a globe ornament.



       R  *  E

         1675     ?Robert and Elizabeth Parker.


In 187? the house seems to have been altered and added to and a new porch and entrance made. The house is built of red brick with black `headers' and has the usual cornice over the first or ground storey with moulded bricks below. Plain corbel table under the eaves.

N.B. Hasted says this was the Parker's House and afterwards Benjamin Hubble's of Town Malling.

Index of Ifield
                                                                                  by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Alewyn, 45.
Barnard, 38, 39.
Bartholomew, 56.
Becket, 44.
Beichteller, 50.
Bellingham, 43.
Bliss, 57.
Bodman, 21, 22.
Brown, 9.
Butcher, 27.
Buxton, 59.
Child, 3.
Choat, 40.
Cleveland, 49.
Clinch, 33.

Collison, 41
Curtis, 35.
Davies, 10.
Deadman, 19, 20.
Dunn, 58.
Edwards, 30.
Elliott, 26.
Fergusson, 6, 7.
Frances, 14.
Goodyer, 32.
Graves, 32.
Hook, 50, 51.
Hubble, 23, 24, 47.
Ingleton, 48.
Jones, 25.
Kenward, 38.Lauder, 5.
Light, 42.
Mackie, 54.
MacMüller, 6.
May, 45.
Missing, 32, 43.
Obee, 53.
Owen, 37.
Page, 31.
Parker, 2, 4.
Parsons, 52.
Pensotti, 46.
Randell, 29.
Redsell, 19.
Ridsdale, 45.
Rigg, 44.Simmons, 34.
Solomon, 11, 12, 13.
Sowter, 36.
Squier, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Squire, 18.
Still, 28.
Thompson, 44.
Tickner, 57.
Tucker, 1.
Waterman, 48.
Weller, 26.
West, 55.
Wickham, 28.
Willis, 8.
Wood, 60.

Place Index
Bargo Hill, Penrith,Cumb.,30.
Cape of Good Hope, 45.
Darnley Road, 13.
Gravesend, 33, 42, 46.

Gravesend & Tilbury Fort, 25.
Hereford, 10.
Hever Court, 7.
Ightham Mote, 6.
Kennington, 55.
Milton next Gravesend, 2, 36.Mortlake, Surrey, 42.
Mundsley, Norfolk, 49.
Northfleet, 33.
Princes Street Chapel, Gravesend, 9.
Ravensdale, Co. Kildare, 43.Shinglewell, 27.
Spitalhaugh, Peebleshire, 7.
West Malling, 47.
Wombwell Hall, 6.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Wrotham

  What follows is as far as possible an accurate transcription of two of L.L. Duncan's field notebooks for West Kent memorial inscriptions. They are written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site, on rather yellowing, aged paper. The starting date for his work is not given but he dates the last entry as 25.5.19.    His little, 6"x 4" note books were purchased near his home from "Lydall & Son, High Class Stationers and Fancy Goods Importers of 75, High Street, Lewisham"!  
         The entire collection of Mr Duncan's notebooks and other materials are lodged with the Library of the Kent Archaeological Society.

Frank Bamping,  27 August 2000


                                  W R O T H A M



1.        James Fry of this Parish died October 11 1847 aged 47. Also Mary Ann his wife died December 30 1855 aged 55. Also Mary Ann their daughter who died November 25 1849 aged 26. Also Emily their daughter died March 5 1855 aged 17.


2.        Thomas Fry of this Parish died December 16 1821 aged 56. Also Eleanor wife of the aforesaid Thomas Fry died January 13 1831  aged 70. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter, Thomas, James and Ann. Also Charlotte the affectionate and beloved child of James and Mary Ann Fry of Nepicar in this Parish died July 7 1849 aged 16. Also Elizabeth, John and William who died in their infancy.


3.        Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah Fry died July 29 1831 aged 6 months. Also Selby son of the above died September 21 1843 aged 2 years and 7 months.


4.        A linked stone -            In memory of

                                       John Fry

                                of this Parish who

                                 departed this life

                                  May ye 31 1769

                                  aged 72 years.


                                    In memory of

                                     Dyer wife of

                                    John Fry who

                                 departed this life

                               January ye 26 1774

                                  aged 74 years.


Near this place lie two daughters of John and Dyer Fry viz Issabeela [sic] and Elizabeth.


5.        Sarah daughter of John and Ann Fry who died October .... 176[?8] aged [?6] years.


6.        Another stone with an illegible inscription but to a child of John and Dyer Fry 178[?].


7.        John son of John and Dyer Fry died 8 June 1796 aged 65 years.

Also [?Ann] wife of John Fry and daughter of John and Mary Bowles of Pembury died the 12 May 17[?8}8 aged 48 years. They had issue 3 children viz Sarah who died in infancy, Thomas and John who survived them.


8.        Lydia wife of John Fry and daughter of Thomas and [?Ann] Chapman of this Parish who died .... 1800 aged .... years. Also of above John Fry died 28 January 1846 aged 81 years and of 3 children, George died 18.1.1797 aged 5 years, Thomas died in November 1797 aged 9 months.   Ann died 9 February 1804  aged 16 years. They left 3 surviving sons, John, Clempson and Charles, and two daughters, [?Lydia] and [?Sarah].


Name Index
Bowles 7
Chapman 8
Fry 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Place Index
Nepicar, Wrotham 2
Pembury 7

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in Elmstead Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in Elmstead Church noted by Leland L. Duncan and Caroline Duncan. Typed up by Dawn Weeks, checked by Zena Bamping. Also Some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 22nd August 2007.

Notes from the church:-
In the Chancel.
Two small slabs on the floor.
1. Thomasine daughter of Sir Edward HONYWOOD Baronet and Elizabeth his wife aged 74 years Interred 25th of April 1734.

2. Repositæ sunt hic Exuviæ Virginis Dignissime et pietate singulari Ornatœ Dominœ Eliza HONYWOOD Filiœ 3tice Domini Thomœ Honywood Equitis Avrati. Obiit XX die Februarii Anno Dom 1628 Ætatis 44
[Drawings of arms]

3. On the church floor [pencil sketch of shield] Here lyeth ye body of John TAYLOR ye only sonne of Thomas Taylor Esquire by Katherin his first wife, he died before marriage ye 14th of November 1642 in ye 18th yeare of his age.

4. On the chancel floor [pencil sketch of arms] Here lyeth ye body of Ms Katheren Taylor Gentlewoman fourth daughter of Sir Thomas HONYWOOD late of ys place Knight who lived most religiously, being in all hir actions grave and provident (and as Grace had filled her with inward Beauty so had nature adorned her with outward comlyness) She dyed in childbed ye first of October 1625 ye 30 yeare of hir age leaving to hir husband 4 children, ye eldest not above 6 yeares ould vid: John, Elizabeth, Mary and Katheren, in memory of home Thomas Taylor of Willesborow Gentleman hir loving husband placed here this stone 1626
In the South chancel.
5. On the floor a brass. [pencil sketch] The inscription is lost.

6. On a brass plate: Here lieth the body of Sir William HONYWOOD Baronet who died the 8th of June 1745 in the 94th year of his age.

7. Brass in the south chancel: Hic iacet alma Parens miserisq salvtifer Ignis Quem Liquido extinæit frigore dirus Hydrops Tantus amicorum fletus defluxit in Ægram Ut nimio accepto flumine, mersa perit In fœlix iterum tristisq supervenit Unda Et minor est alijs obrutus orbis aquis. Psalmus LXIX Serva me Deus quia perueniunt aquœ usq ad animam. Maria filia Thomœ Godfrey de Lid armigeri nupsit Johanni Honywood de Elmsted militi cui superstites reliquit tres filios et quatuor filias obijt November Septimo Anno Domini 1638.

8. Brass inscription in the south chancel:- Dame Anna Christiana HONYWOOD wife of Sir William Honywood Baronet Second daughter of Richard Newman of Fifehead-Magdalen in the county Dorset Esquire aged 79 years Interred the 3rd of November 1730.
In the South chancel
9. Dignissimus vir D Joh HONYWOOD de Elmested eques auratus, filius et Heres D. Thomas Honywood equitis aurati, iuxta unicam charissimam coningem Mariam hic in Domino obdormit novem omnino liberorum septem superstitum Edwardi, Guilielmi, Johannis, Elizabethæ, Mariæ, Janæ et Katherinæ necnon plurimorum orphanorum prudens providus et indulgens Pater Qui erga Deum sincera religione erga Patriam summo studio et amore in gravissimus justitiæ negotiiis indefessa industria inter proximos pacis & unitatis fideli conciliatione erga pauperes amica miseratione Pientissimi patrissabat Natus Dec 27 1584 Denatus November 26 1652 Ætatis sue 68.
In the North chancel
10. Here lieth interred the body of Edward HONYWOOD Esquire youngest son of Sr William Honywood Baronet Judge Advocate of his Majesty’s Navy, who died April the 16th 1724 aged 39 years Also Mary his wife eldest sister of Sr Clement Wearg Knight his Majesty’s Solicitor Generall who died February ye 15th 1726 aged 43 years.

11. Here lieth the body of Annabella wife of John HONYWOOD Esquire of Holt in this parish. She was daughter of William Goodenough Esquire of Langford in ye county of Berks She died the 22nd of July 1737 aged 33 years. She left issue two sons and two daughters William, Edward, Annabella Christiana, Thomasine

12. Here lieth the body of Anna Christiana wife of Walter BRAEMS of Bridg in this county Esquire Lieutenant Colonel in the army and widow to John DOD of Broxton Esquire in Cheshire and daughter to Sir William HONYWOOD Baronet of Evington. Died March 23 1738/9 aged 62 years. Also the abovesaid Colonel Walter Braems Obt March 16 1741 Æt 71

13. Here lieth interred ye body of John Harbord DOD of Broxon in the county of Chester Esquire, Controller of ye Revenue of Tenthes and First Fruites Grandson of Sir William Honywood Baronet He married Elizabeth daughter of Charles Matthews of Exeter in the county of Devon Gentleman who as a memorial hath caused this stone to be laid He died July 3 1752 aged 34.

14. On the floor a brass plate (coat of arms lost): Here lyeth buried the body of John ?C?LOKE late of Northleighe in this parish Gentleman who departed this life the 21st of January Anno 1617 Ætatis sue 58 Veni vidi vici Thus death triumphs and tells us all must die Thus we triumph, to Christ by death to flie To live to dye, is not to dye but live To dye to bliss is blessed life to give Aske how he lived and thou shalt know his end He died a saint to God, to poore a friend.

15. Here lyeth the body of Mrs Susanna MATTHEW who departed this life April the 27 1769 aged 68. Here also lyeth the body of Mrs Elizabeth Whitmell her sister and the widow of the ……………………. Whitnell of ……………………. October the …………………….aged 67 …………………….Matthews their sister …………………….85 aged 75 years.
In the North chancel are also tablets to
16. Dame Mary Ann HONYWOOD wife of Sir John Courtenay Honywood Baronet who died at Isleworth House Middlesex 10 March 1841 aged 50 erected by her children. Coat Honywood. Impaling arg a chevron sa cotised gu between 3 trefoils slipped.

17. Also a mural monument to: Sir John HONYWOOD of Evington Baronet by his first wife Annabella daughter of William Goodenough of Langford in county Berks Esquire he had William, Edward, Annabella, Christiana, Mary and Thomasine. By his second wife Dorothy daughter of Sir Edward Filmer of East Sutton Baronet he had Filmer, John and Mary. He died 26 June 1781 aged 71. In the same vault lies Dame Dorothy Honywood second wife of Sir John Honywood died October 7 1781 in 70th year.
In the North and South chancels are many further monuments to the Honywood family.

18. A flat stone in the nave:- In memory of John LUSHINGTON late of Helchin in this parish who died the 12th day of June 1770 aged 37 years. He left issue by Mary his wife four children Mary, Elizabeth, John and Sarah.

End of notes from Elmstead Church August 1890
The ChurchyardNotes from South East corner of Elmstead churchyard

19. Dorcas wife of Daniel Sutton of this parish died 14 March 1850 aged 79. Also above Daniel SUTTON died 19 September 1851 aged 85.

20. Mr George NEWPORT late of this parish died October 21 1835 aged 75. Susan wife of above and daughter of Mr Thomas KIDDER of Hastingleigh died June 25th 1850 aged 78.

21. Mary eldest daughter of Joseph and Sarah GAMBRILL who died October 27 1882 aged 50.

22. Sarah wife of Joseph GAMBRILL formerly of this parish who died April 8th 1866 aged 74. Also the above Joseph Gambrill who died July 26th 1879 aged 84.

23. Elizabeth Ann daughter of John and Catherine GAMBRILL who died June 18th 1866 aged 4.

24. John GAMBRILL of Chartham late of this parish died February 20 1882 aged 58.

25. Thomas son of Joseph and Sarah GAMBRILL died April 13 1853 aged 21. Also their daughter Jane died June 4th 1836 aged 2.

26. Joseph GAMBRILL of this parish died February 5th 1829 aged 75. Jane his wife, died May 16 1845 aged 82. They left surviving two sons Joseph and Stephen.

27. Mary Ann wife of Stephen GAMBRILL of Waltham died October 7 1849 aged 50. Stephen GAMBRILL died March 16 1870 aged 72. Also Ann his wife died October 24 1873.

28. Sarah wife of Stephen LEGGETT daughter of John and Sarah HARVEY of Petham who died 21 October 1824 aged 50. Leaving issue 5 children, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Stephen and William.

29. Thomas GAMBRILL died 13 November 1803 aged 9. Also Jane Gambrill died 27 October 1803 aged 4.

30. John LEGGETT formerly of this parish but late of Ramsgate died April 24 1854 aged 70.

31. Thomas MARSHALL died 11 April 1878 aged 85. Also Susanna wife of above died 28 September 1832 aged 38 and of Mary Elizabeth relict of above died 6th August 1887 aged 82.

32. Harriett Sutton MARSHALL daughter of Thomas and Mary Marshall of this parish died January 16 1854 aged 31.

33. Sophia second daughter of Henry and Sarah GAMBRILL died 1st April 1856 aged 31. Also Mary Jane daughter of above died October 9 1867 aged 47.

34. Sarah wife of Henry GAMBRILL died February 28 1849 aged 58. Also Henry Gambrill of this parish died September 23rd 1871 aged 79.

End of Elmstead Notes August 1890 Leland L Duncan

End of church notes taken August 1890 Leland L Duncan Caroline E Duncan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 22nd August 2007
Typed up by Pat Tritton

In The Chancell.
35. On 3 Blue Flat Stones, enlaid with White Marble are ye Following Arms & Inscriptions – Within ye Comn. Rails. [Arg. on a chief sa. 2 boars’ heads couped or imp. Arg. a Λ betw. 3 hawks’ heads erased az. (HONEYWOOD)].

36. Here lieth ye Body of Mrs Katherine TAYLOR, Gentlewoman, Daughter of Sr. Thomas Honeywood late of this Place Knt. who liv’d most righteously: being, in all her Actions, grave and provident. And, as Grace had fill’d her with inward Beauty, so had Nature adorn’d her with outward Comelyness. She died in Child Bed, the First of October 1625, ye 30th Year of her Age; Leaving to her Husband, 4 Children. The Eldest not above 6 Years Ould, viz: John, Elisabth, Mary, and Kateren. In Memory of home, Thomas Taylor of Willesborough, Gent, her Loving Husband, Plased this Stone. 1626.

37. Repositae samt Hic Exuviae Virginis dignissimae, et Pietate singulari ornatae, Dominae Elisa HONEYWOOD, Filiae 5x Thomae Honeywood Equitis Aurati. obijt 20 Die Februarij Anno Dom. 1628/9. Aetatis 44. On ye Same Stone. Thomasine, Daughter of Sr. Edward HONEYWOOD, Bart, and Elisabeth his Wife, Aged 74 Years. Interr’d 25 April 1734.

38. Here lies ye Body of John TAYLOR, ye only Son of Thomas Taylor Esq. by Katherine his First Wife. He died before Marriage, ye 14th Day of Novemb. 1642 in ye 18th Year of his Age.

39. Without ye Com. Rails are 3 very Ancient Flat Stones without Inscriptions. One of them has been inlaid with Brass, wch. is gone.

South Chancell.
40. On a very fine Mur. Monument on ye S. Wall. Optimo Viro D. Tho. HONEYWOOD Militi Aurato, ejusdem Familiae de Honeywood Haeredi Primario, qui, hic intra, una cum Jana Conjuge ejus Prima, in Domino obdormivit. Religiosus erat, atq. R.P. Faelicitatis studiosus. In gravissimis justitiae Negotijs versatus. Pacis et Amicitiae Procurator fidelissimus; Pauperumq Amiens amicissimus. Primam habuit Uxorem Janam Filiam Edvardi HALES de Tenterden apud Cantianos, Armigeri. Equa suscepit 7 Filios, Filiasq, Septem. Secundam vero duxit in Uxorem, Margaretam, Filiam Francisci BULLER de Comitatu Cornubiae, Armigeri. Illa eum supervixit; Unamq Filiam reliquit. Obijt Ille 4 Die Decembris Anno Dni. 1622. Aetatis 64. Johannes Honeywood, Eques auratus, Filius Natu Maximus, ad Aeternam Patris Memoriam, et Amoris Tesseram, hoc Monumentum devotissime posuit.
On ye Top of the Monument is this Coat. Quarterly. 1. HONEYWOOD., 2. Argent a Cheveron gules, charg’d with 3 Lionels Passant, Or., 3. Sable 3 Coverd Cups, Or, within a Bordure of ye second., 4. Argent 3 Bars Sable. On One Side. HONEYWOOD impaling HALES. On ye Other Side. Ditto, impaling BULLER. At ye Bottom, Ditto impaling GODFREY.

Between ye Above and ye East Window, on a neat Mural Monumt.
41. Near this Place lies interrd, Mary ye Youngest Daughter of Sr. William HONEYWOOD, Bart. She died in ye 25th Year of her Age. May 25 1708. On ye Top of this Mont. in a Lozenge is ye Same Coat as that on ye Top of Sr. Thomas Honeywoods, above mention’d, with ye Addition of the following Quartering, viz: Gules, 3 Crescents Argent.

42. On ye South Wall more to ye W. End is a very neat Mural Monument Shield: Fashion, with ye following Arms and Inscr. [HONEYWOOD as before imp. ¼ly 1&4). Sa. 3 molets arg. 2&3). Arg. In pretence: Gu. a portcullis crowned or (all sa. by error)].
43. Near this Place lies the Body of Sr. William HONEYWOOD Bart. of Evington in this Parish. Who died June ye 8th 1748 in ye 94th Year of his Age. He married Anna Christiana, Daughter of Richard NEWMAN of Fifehead Magdelan, in ye County of Dorset Esq. Who died Oct. 26 1736. Aged 79 Years.

44. Underneath this Monument on a Black flat Stone, with the Same Coat as that on ye Monument of Mrs Mary HONEYWOOD above described – with the Addition of this Quartering, viz: A Chev. bet. 3 Martlets. Colours not express’d.

45. The Body of Edward HONEYWOOD Bart, Eldest Son of Sr. John Honeywood Knt. He died n ye 42nd Year of his Age, leaving 2 Sons and 3 Daughters behind him. Interr’d ye 14 of September 1670. Near this Place also lies interr’d Mary the Wife of Edward HALE of Devonshire, his Eldest Daughter. Under the Monument of Sr. Thomas Honeywood, On a Flat Bl. Stone, with ye Same Arms, as on ye last mentioned.

46. Dignissimus Vir. D. John HONYWOOD de Elmsted, Eques Auratus; Filius & Haeres D. Tho. Honeywood Equitis Aurati, juxta *Unicam charissimam Conjugem Mariam, hic in Domino obdormit. Novem omnino Liberorum, septem Superstitum (*See her Epitaph, No. 40) Edvardi, Gulielmi, Johannis, Elisabetha, Mariae, Janae et Katharinae, nec non plurimorum Orphanorum, prudens, providus, et indulgens Pater. Qui, erga Deum, sincera Religione; erga Patriam, summo Studico et Amore; in gravissimis Justitiae Negotijs, indefessa Judustria; inter Proximos Pacis et Unitatis, fideli Conciliatione; et erga Pauperes, Annica Miseratione; pientissime patrissabat. Natus. Dec. 27 1584. Denatus Nov. 24 1652. Aetatis suae 68.

47. At ye Foot of ye last Mention’d is another Black Flat Stone.

48. Here lies ye Body of William HONEYWOOD, Esq. Eldest Son of Sr. William Honeywood Bart. Who died October the 13th 1719. Aged 43 Years.

49. On ye N. Side of ye Last is a Free Stone, not Legible.

50. (Now gone: slab is in floor near S.E. L of S.C.). Here is also a very Ancient Altar Tomb on ye Flat Stone of which have been 4 Coats of Arms, and 3 Figures (a Man & 2 Women) in Brass. 2 of ye Figures are lost; that wch. remains is of a woman standing in a praying Posture – 1 Of the Coats also is lost. The 3 remaining re as follows. [3 shh. in line: I. 1&4). Gu. crusilly & 3 lions rampt. or (GAY). 2&3). Per pale arg. & purp. on a Λ arg. 3 +s botony sa. II. (GAY, ¼ly) imp. Az. a lion rampt. or. III. The Same as The Second (written)].
51. On a Pillar over this Tomb is ye Figure of An Angel (in Stone) holding a Brass (sic – really stone) Scroll before him, on wch. is written in very Anc. Characters.

58. Pray for The Sowlys of Cristofer GAY, Agnes and Johan his Wyfes, ther Childer, and all Cristen Sowlys – On Whose Sowlys, Jesu have Mercy. Under ye Angel is a Lyon Rampant, as in ye Above Coat. (* This Gay, according to Philpot was ye Possessor of Evington, before it came into ye Hands of ye Honeywoods – he tells Us, that, One Christopher Gay, sold it to John HONEYWOOD Esq. abt. the beginning of the Reign of HENRY 7).

59. On ye South Side of This Tomb is a very large Flat Stone with the following Coat - & 3 Large Plates inscribed as follows.[¼ly 1). Arg. a Λ betw. 3 hawks’ heads erased az. (HONEYWOOD)
2). Arg. on a Λ gu. 3 lions passt. or. (HALES)
3). Sa. 3 covd. cups in a border or. (BOTELER)
4). Arg. 3 bars sa. imp. Sa. a Λ betw. 3 pelicans’ heads erased or (GODFREY).
60. 1st Plate. Hic Jacet Alma Parens, Miseris Salutifer Igris;/ Quam liquido extinxit Frigore dirus Hydrops./ Tantus Annicorum Fletus, defluxit in Aegram,/ Ut, nimio accept Flumine, Mersa perit./ Infaelix iterum tristisq, supervenit Unda,/ Et Minor est alijs obrutus Orbis Aquis./ Psalmns 69 – Serva Me, Deus, quia pervenerunt/ Aquae usq ad Animan … Maria Filia Thomae GODFREY de Lid Armigeri nupsit Johanni HONEYWOOD de Elmsted Militi; cui Superstites reliquit tres Filios, et quarnor Filias; obijt Novembr. Septimo 1638.

61. 2d. Plate. 9. Dame Anna Christiana HONEYWOOD, Wife of Sr. William Honeywood Bart, 2d Daughter of Richard NEWMAN of Fifefield Magdalen, in ye County of Dorset Esq. Aged 79 Years, interr’d ye 3d. of Nov. 1736.

63. 3d. Plate. 10. Here lieth ye Body of Sr. William HONEYWOOD Bart. Who died the 8th of June 1748 in ye 94th Year of his Age.

64. In the East Window of this Chancell, among ye Remains of Old painted Glass, are 2 Modern Coats of ye Honeywoods.

North Chancell.
65. Near ye Communion Rails, on a Fl. Stone with this Coat. [Sa. on a chief arg. a demi-lion rampt. isst. sa. imp. HONEYWOOD (written)]. Here lieth ye Body of Anna Christiana, Wife of Walter BREAMES of Bridge, in this County Esq. Lieutenant Colonel in ye Army; and, Widow to John DOD, of Broxton, in Cheshire, Esq. and Daughter to Sr. William HONEYWOOD Bart of Evington – died March 23 1738(9). Aged 62 Years. …. Also the above-said Colonel Walter Breams obijt March 16 1741/2. Aetatis 71.

66. Another with this Coat. [¼ly 1&4). HONEYWOOD (written). 2&3). A chevn. betw. 3 guttes(?) sa.].

67. Here lies ye Body of Annabella, Wife of John HONEYWOOD Esq. of Holt (Holt Fm. in N. of psh) in this Parish. She was Daughter of William GOODENOUGH Esq. of Langford in ye County of Berks. She died the 22d. of July 1737. Aged 33 Years. She left Issue 2 Sons and 2 Daughters, viz: William, Edward, Annabella Christiana, and Thomasine.

68. Another with this Coat. [Erm. on a fesse gu. 3 crescents or imp. betw. 2 bars wavy sa. Arg. a lion rampt. sa.]. Here lies interred ye Body of (John) Harbord DOD of Broxton in ye County of Chester Esq. Controwler of the Revenue of Tenths and First Fruits. Grandson to Sr. William HONEYWOOD Bart. He married Elisabeth, Daughter of Charles MATTHEWS of Exeter in ye County of Devon Gent. Who, as a Memorial, hath caused this Stone to be laid. He died July ye 3d. 1732. Aged 34.

69. Another with ye Arms of HONEYWOOD. The Body of William HONEYWOOD Esq. Second Son of Sr John Honeywood Knt. He died a Batchellour in ye 80th Year of his Age. interr’d here the 21st of August 1711.

70. On a Mural Monument on ye N. Wall – with ye Arms of HONEYWOOD. 5. Hic Expectatione Christi requiescit Corpus Gulielmi HONEYWOOD, Filij Secundi Thomae Honeywood Militis Aurati: dum vixit Tribus Temporibus Magister electus Societatis Metaxariorum in Civitate Londini: et, cum Aetate consumptus, Octoginti et Unins Annorum, obijt 27 Die Junij A.D. 1669.

71. On a Loose Plate (now fixed again into N.C. floor) Here lyeth buried the Body of John CLOKE late of North Leigh (in N.E. of psh. just off Stone St. W. side) in this Parish, Gent. who departed this Life ye 21st of January A. 1617/8. Aetatis suae 58. Veni, Vidi, Vici. Thus Death triumphs, and tells us all must die./ Thus We triumph, to Christ, by Death, to fly./ To live; to die, is not to die, but live./ To die to Bliss, is, Blessed Life to give./ Ask how he liv’d, and thou shall’t know his End./ He died a Saint; To God, to Poor, a Frend.

72. In the East Window of this North Chancell are ye Remains of very Fine Glass: among which is a Group of 5 Figures on their Knees. Over their Heads, on a Scroll, Jesu, Fili Dei, Miserere Mei.

73. The East Window in ye High Chancell has also been a very fine One but little of it now remains. The 2 following Coats are still to be seen. [I. ¼ly 1&4). Az. a lion rampt. or. 2). Sa. on a fesse arg. 3 +s botony sa.
3). Broke. II. Broke imp. Az. a lion rampt. or.].

74. In ye Body of ye Church are 4 Ancient Flat Stones not Legible. The Church is built of Flints; and consists of the Body, and Great Chancell, 2 Side Chancells, 2 Side Isles, and a small Vestry (W. end of N.A.). The Tower is at ye W. End, built also of Flints; but has been heighten’d with Wood, and has a shingled Spire.

75. The Bells are 6 in Number and are all of a late Date (cast, as I find since by John WAYLET abt. 1721).

76. In ye Ch. Yard are 3 very Old Altar Tombs, of some of the Family of LUSHINGTON.

77. *This is a Vicarage in ye Gift of ye A. Bishop. The present Incumbent is the Rev. John CONANT A.M. 1757. (*This Church was dedicated to St. James ye Apostle, on Whose Day here is a Fair Annually).

78. (Inscription on a Picture at Evington, in Elmstead, The Ancient Seat of The Family of The Honeywoods, and now ye Residence of Sr. John HONEYWOOD, Bart. Mary WATERS, Daughter & Coheir of Robert Waters, of Lenham in Kent, Wife of Robert Honeywood, of Charing in The said Countie Esq. There lawfully descended from Her, 367 Children; 16 of her own Bodie; 114 Grand Children; 228 in The 3d. Generation; and 9 in The Fourth. She led a most Pious Life; and, in a most Christian Manner died at Marke’s Hall in Essex, in the 93d. Year of her Age. And 44 of her Widowhood. viz: 10 May An.Dom. 1620).

79. Vicars of Elmstead.
John FARBRACE 1586.
James SHAW about the Year 1612.
John WILSON 1624.
John TAYLOR 1631.
Js. SHAW 1659.
Arthur KAY 1667.
Sl. RICKARDS 1675.
Lawrence WRIGHT 1686.
Egerton CUTLER 1707.
William SPRAKELING 1717.
John CONANT 1736.

80. The Aylebourne, which occasionally, runs through Petham etc. rises, first, in ye cellar of a Farm, in this Parish, call’d Deane (in N.E. of psh); and, whenever it runs through, as they call it, it empties itself into the Stour, between Shalmford Bridge (in ye Parish of Chartham) and Chilham. This running through, does not happen above Once in 50 Years, if so often, as I am told. It run through about ye 24th of February this present Year, viz: 1772. Br. Faussett.


Index of Names and Places

Names Index
BREAMES 12, 65
CLOKE 14, 71
CONANT 77, 79
DOD 12, 13, 65, 68
Filmer 17
Gambrill 21-27, 2,9 33, 34
GAY 58

GODFREY 7, 40, 59, 60
GOODENOUGH 11, 17, 67
HALES 40, 59
Harbord 68
Harvey 28
HONEYWOOD 35, 36, 37,
   40-45, 48, 58-70, 78
Honywood 1, 2, 4, 6-13, 
   16, 17, 46
KAY 79
Kidder 20
Leggett 28 30
Marshall 31 32
Matthew 15
NEWMAN 8, 43, 61
Newport 20
Sutton 19
Taylor 3 4
TAYLOR 36, 38, 79
Wearg 9
Whitmell 15
Whitnell 15

Names Index
Bridge 12, 65
Broxon, Chester 13
Broxton, Cheshire 12, 65
Broxton, Chester 68
Charing 78
Chartham 24, 80
Chilham 80
Elmstead 7, 9
   Deane 80
   Evington 12 17, 58, 65, 78
   Holt 11
   Holt Farm 67
Devonshire 45
East Sutton 17
Exeter, Devon 13
Exeter, Devon 68
Fifehead Magdelan, 
   Dorset 8, 43, 61
Hastingleigh 20
Helchin 18
Isleworth House, Middlesex 16
Langford, Berks 11, 17, 67
Lenham 78
Lid 7
Marke’s Hall, Essex 78
North Leigh 71
Northleighe 14
Petham 28, 80
Ramsgate 30
Shalmford Bridge 80
Tenterden 40
Waltham 27
Willesborow 4General
Baronet 1 6 8 9 12 13 16 17
Controller of ye Revenue of
   Tenthes and First Fruites
       13, 68
Judge Advocate of his 
Majesty’s Navy 9
Knight 4 9
Lieutenant Colonel 12, 65
River Stour 80
River Aylebourne 80
Solicitor Generall 9

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Bartholomew's Church, Sydenham

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St Bartholomew's Church, Sydenham. Kindly supplied for the website by Richard J. Travell.

Gravestones recorded in 1974 by Guy Nevill, and published in 1974 by Mrs Doris Pullen in her book "Sydenham", with many added genealogical details. We are grateful for Mrs Pullen for allowing us to reproduce them here. Additional M.I.s from the Church and more modern M.I.s have been added by Richard J. Travell. Further information about the names individuals may be found in "Sydenham and Forest Hill Past", published 1999 by John Coulter of Lewisham Library.

The majority of the gravestones date from the thirty years after the church’s founding. This is because of the vast metropolitan cemeteries which took over here from May 1858

Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to a plan drawn up by G.V.R. Pullen

1. [86.] James WARDLOW, Joseph COPPING, George Rolph SMITH, George TOPILAM [TOPHAM], William HARDY, John FOREMAN, William JAMES, Henry FIELDING, Henry READING and William HARRIS. All died on 13th August 1853, by a fall from the roof of the Crystal Palace. By Coroner’s order.

Curates in charge
2. Thomas BOWDLER MA 1831 – 1843
3. Charles ENGLISH MA 1843 – 1854

4. Charles ENGLISH MA 1854 – 1867

5. Augustus LEGGE MA 1867 – 1879
  Augustus was the last of three sons of the Earl of Dartmouth (patron of the living) to be vicars of Lewisham from 1797 to 1891. His uncle and predecessor Rev Henry LEGGE DCL b 1803 d 13 Feb 1887 was Vicar of Lewisham from 1831 – 79 and was reputed to visit his parish from Blackheath with his pockets "full of half crowns and packets of tea" – his is the fourth boss of six on the north side of the nave. Augustus DD Oxford was a descendant of King Charles II, age 1 ½ in 1841, was born 28 Nov 1839 Sandwell Hall, northeast West Bromwich and died 15 Mar 1913 at the Palace, Lichfield having been Vicar of Lewisham from 1879 – 91 and Bishop of Lichfield till his death. His will proved 27 May 1913 and he married 1877 Fanny died 1911 daughter of William Brune STOPFORD-SACKVILLE by Caroline, niece of Charles, last Duke of DORSET. His boss is fourth of six bosses on the south side of the nave, and his brother William Walter LEGGE, 5th Earl of DARTMOUTH is the fifth boss of six on the north side of the nave.

6. Rt Rev Huyshe Wolcott YEATMAN-BIGGS MA DD 1891 1879 – 1892
Born 2 Feb 1845 Manston House of Stockton House, Wiltshire and Stock Gaylard, Dorset d 14 Apr 1922 Bishops House, Coventry. Married 24 Nov 1875 Barbara Caroline age 6 months in 1841, 10 in 1851, born at Sandwell Hall, died 5 Jan 1909 daughter of the William, 4th Earl of DARTMOUTH and next sister to his predecessor. He assumed 1898 by Royal Licence the additional name and arms of BIGGS, a canon of Rochester 1884 – 91 and consecrated Bishop of Southwark 1891. Bishop of Worcester 1905 – 18 and was the first Bishop of the revived see of St Michael’s cathedral, Coventry, 1918 – 22. Beneath the huge window of the Lady Chapel (Draper’s Chapel) lies his bronze statue & tomb, which was the only thing within the cathedral to survive the blitz!

7. Walter Alan MOBERLEY MA 1892 – 1905 Canon Walter Allan MOBERLY was baptised 1 Mar 1851, Winchester College, where his father was headmaster, age 30 in 1881 and died 11 Dec 1905 at the Vicarage, Sydenham, his will proved 19 Jan 1906. He was the tenth child, of at least 12, of George MOBERLY, Bishop of Salisbury 1869 – 85, whose father Edward was British consul-general in St Petersburg, Russia, and Mary Anne baptised 23 Oct 1812, Lambeth St Mary, daughter of Thomas CROKAT. Two of his sisters married uncles of Rev Wilbert Vere AWDRY, author of "Thomas the Tank Engine", one, Rev William AWDRY, married 4 Aug 1868 Brixton, Hampshire, was Bishop of Southampton, 1895 – 6, in Osaka 1896 – 7 and of South Tokyo, 1897 – 1908.
Another sister, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth, baptised 28 Oct 1846 Winchester College, died 5 May 1937 4 Norham Road, Oxford was the first principal of St Hugh’s College, Oxford, founded in 1886, later attended by such people as Mary RENAULT and the Burmese politician, AUNG SAN Suu Kyi. Her successor as principal was Eleanor Frances JOURDAIN, 1864 – 1924, and the two ladies visited the Petit Trianon, Versailles palace, 10 Aug 1901, which happened to be the anniversary of the sacking of the Tuileries in 1792, where they underwent a psychic, timeslip experience in which one claimed to have seen the Queen Marie Antoinette painting in the garden (for more see, for example,, about which the pair wrote a book "An Adventure" which was published in 1931, said to have influenced Frodo’s dreams in "The Lord of the Rings".
Walter married first 1884, registered Keynsham, Mary Aprilla died 1886 (age 31) registered Axbridge, Somerset, daughter of Rev Henry Nicholson ELLACOMBE, Rector of Bitton, Gloucestershire and Emily Aprilla of Bawtry, Yorkshire, daughter of Thomas James WEMYSS, by whom he had Mildred Agnes age 4 in 1891 and 13 in 1901, born Blackheath 1886. Walter married secondly 1892 registered Alderbury, Wiltshire, Hilda Elizabeth Larcome 8. 8. BURROWS, age 24 in 1891 born St Pancras, died 1893 Lewisham (age 27) daughter of Rev Henry William BURROWS of Malta, Canon of Rochester (and Maria, daughter of Thomas Brame OLDFIELD shipowner of Camberwell) and sister of Venerable Winfrid Oldfield BURROWS Archdeacon of Birmingham, living in 1906), by whom he had a son, Henry Walter MOBERLY born 1894 Sydenham, age 7 in 1901.

9. William Perowne HOLMES MA 1906 – 1917 Born 30 Apr 1855 Wakerley Rectory, Stamford, Northamptonshire died 17 Apr 1929 Bush Steep, Porlock, Somerset, will proved 29 May 1929 to widow Ethel Margaret, son of Rev Edward BA, Rector of Wakerley, Northamptonshire. He was Rector of Paston 1890 – 93, Vicar of St Peter, Leicester 1893 –1906, and Rector of Porlock, with Stoke Pero, Somerset 1917 – 27. He interested himself actively in the movement to save the Crystal Palace.

10. William Henry Boyne BUNTING MA 1917 – 1929 transferred to North London where he and his wife died in a suicide pact circa 1934.

11. Lucius Palmer SMITH MA 1929 – 1943 He was canon of Southwark 1936 – 43, had been Vicar of St Margaret, Streatham Hill, 1910 – 16 and of St Paul, Herne Hill 1916 – 29. He was age 27 in 1901, born 8 Nov 1873 148 Denmark Hill, London died 21 Jan 1968 at Manormead, Tilford Road, Hindhead, in Surrey, will proved 30 Oct 1968 son of James SMITH of Lambeth, manager of a leather company, and Harriet Elizabeth of Bloomsbury, Middlesex daughter of John T. SKINNER Carpenter.

12. Joseph Walter HUNTER 1944 – 1947 (see tablet).   He served in the Far East. He and his wife had to be dug out when the Vicarage was bombed and they were hiding in the cellar.

13. Arthur Sidney PERRY MTh BD 1948 – 1957 Curate of St Peter, Norbiton 1938 – 42 and of Caterham, Surrey 1942 – 48. Vicar of St Barnabas, Dulwich 1957 and Rural Dean of Dulwich, 1967.

14. Maurice Charles GARTON MA 1958 – 1970. Graduated from St Augustine College, Canterbury 1923. MA 1937. As Priest-in-charge at Peking Cathedral, 1938 – 39, when the Japanese invaded, he was held prisoner with his wife and two children. Curate of St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol 1946-48, Rector of Fishtoft 1948 – 52, and Vicar of Emmanuel, West Dulwich 1952 – 58. Retired, 1970.

15. Frederick Ernest PINDER MA 1971 – 1979. Heart attack (died in office). Curate of St Andrew, Lower Streatham 1950 – 51 and East Wickham 1951 – 54. Vicar of St Barnabas, Eltham 1954-64 and Crofton Park with Brockley 1964 -.

16. Bernard MOBBS Apr 1980 – Jan 1987   Left to be Vicar of St John, Dormansland.

17. David Robert JACKSON BDS 1987 – 1993 formerly a Dentist.

18. Michael Joseph KINGSTON BD 1994 - Area Dean of West Lewisham.

19. In chapel: In proud and loving memory of the men of this Parish or Congregation who gave their lives in the Great War, this chapel is furnished & dedicated to the honour and glory of God, 1919.

Frederick George ANDREWS
Erroll BACK
Norman BAKER
Albert J. BARNES
Augustus H. BEALE
Gordon Victor BENFIELD
Frank L. BODY
Walter George BRETT
Edwin Percival Wildman BROWN
William John Henry BROWN
Reginald Harry CARTWRIGHT
John Arthur CHAMPION
Reginald COLLINS
Eric William COULSON
Henry Guy Chaplin COULSON
William CRIPPS
Alfred Charles DANIEL
William DAVIES
Arthur Albert DAVIS
Gordon GLIDE
Daniel Cottle GREEN
Robert Cottle GREEN
Joseph Thos. GREER
George C. GRIGG
Noel William GROOM
Phillip Lewis GROOM
Patrick Gordon HENDERSON
Thomas Frederick HOLLIS
Albert HOWES
Gordon Mar Gregor HUGHES
Edwin Christopher HYTTEN
Trevor Blake JOLLY
Edward JONES
John Myddelton JONES
Sidney George MARSHALL
Charles MAY
John William MORGANCharles Edward NICHOLLS
George Samuel OSBORNE
Percival Victor PEARCE
John Andrew PIGGOTT
Ernest Allen ROBERTS
Charles PALMER
Sydney George SAMWAYS
Frederick William SEADEN
William Vaughan SCULTHORPE
Herbert SCULL
John George SIMPSON
Edwin Ernest SMITH
Frank Louis SMITH
Herbert Samuel STEVENS
Oliver John STONE
Orlando Napier STRUTT
Alfred Montague SYRETT
Harold John TOMKINS
Leslie Howard TURNER
Arthur Edward John VEAL
John Davenport WILES
James Henry Chas WORSELLRest Eternal grant unto them O Lord

20.  The names recorded are of those who died with His Majesty’s Forces in WWII.  1939 – 1945

David John BELL
Jean Ellen BLUNT
Michael J.W. CASSY
Harry CLAYTONCornelius S. DREW
Frederick J. FRANCIS
Kenneth A. HARMANKenneth HORLOCK
Henry George WOOD

Civilians who died in WWII


Ethel Cox
Stanley W. MARTIN
Arabella SHEARD
Mildred SHEARD
Gladys UNWIN

21 [65.] buried.

22. [9.] (Celtic cross?)

23. [20t.] (ashes) not legible. Feb…

24. [87.] (not legible, 2006).

25. [144.] b 28 Feb, died 1 Feb.

26. [117.] 1834.

27. [57.] Eliza Louisa

28. [10.] Isabella

29. [41.] John Henry

30. [20.] William

31. [114.] William

32. Sarah ABLETT Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 73, 8 Panmure Road born 1872 in Denham, Suffolk, daughter of David ABLITT Farmer, deceased of Horham, Suffolk.

33. (Brass) In memory of Anna Maria ADAMS widow of Rev Dacres ADAMS sometime Vicar of Bampton, Oxon Eldest daughter of Baldwin FULFORD Esquire, Great Fulford, Devon who departed this life at Sydenham 5 Jun 1896 aged 90 years. The Lord grant unto her to obtain mercy of the Lord in that day. She died at 39 Peak Hill Gardens.

34. (Brass) In memory of Anna Maria who died on the 23rd Feb 1895 aged 85 and was for 53 years the dearly beloved wife of Mayow Wynell ADAMS Esquire of the Old House, Sydenham and daughter of Major HODGE (killed at Waterloo) and Maria daughter of Sir Edmund BACON Premier Baronet. "My Peace I give unto you." John chap 14 v 27.

35. [20a.] (ashes) In memory of Colin ADAMS 1948 – 1993 sadly missed.

36. [20j.] (ashes) Colin ADAMS b 1948 d 1993. He shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old. (Colin Robert ADAMS died 30 Jul 36 Longton Grove, will proved 23 Sep 1993.)

37. (Brass) In memory of Eliza Mary ADAMS (daughter of William Dacres ADAMS Esquire) she died at Sydenham on the 6th Sep 1891 aged 80 and was buried in the Cemetery at Elmers End. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ." Alias Elizabeth died Waverley, Sydenham, will proved 20 Oct 1891.

38. (Brass) In loving memory of Herbert George ADAMS youngest son of William Dacres ADAMS of Bowdon, Devon and of Sydenham, Esq. Vicar of Cornwood, Devon who died 25 Nov 1851 (age 37). Also his widow Eleanor (5th daughter of Baldwin FULFORD of Great Fulford, Devon, Esq.) who died at Peak Hill, Sydenham 12 Feb 1900 (age 83). She died at Lynton. Her will proved 15 Mar 1900 to Baldwin Dacres ADAMS Esquire of 161 Auckland Road, Upper Norwood and George Francis ADAMS Esquire of 14 Peak Hill Avenue.

39. [147.] Chest tomb. Louisa Sawyer ADAMS born 12 Feb 1783, died [in this parish] 9 Oct 1867, daughter of the late William ADAMS of Bowden in the county of Devon, Esquire M.P. for Totnes. William Dacres ADAMS of Bowden, Devon and of Sydenham, born Dec 1776 died Whitsunday, Jun 1862. (at end) Also Mary Wynell MAYOW died St Thomas Day 1856 (age 80 years). Louisa buried 16 Oct (age 84), will proved 21 Nov 1867. William Dacres ADAMS died 8 Jun, buried 14 Jun (age 86), will proved 29 Aug 1862 to sons Rev Dacres ADAMS and Mayow Wynell ADAMS Esquire. William Dacres ADAMS, age 65 in 1841, was private secretary to William PITT the Younger 1804 – 06, when he was Prime Minister, and to the Duke of Portland in his second Premiership from 1807 – 09. His boss is the first of six on the north side of the nave. His collection of letters, the "Dacres Adams Papers", are deposited in the National Archives, and include a number of letters from PITT’s niece, the explorer, Lady Hester STANHOPE. "Hester grew up a beauty of the brilliant rather than the handsome order. She was early distinguished by invincible cheerfulness and force of character, which enabled her to exert a complete ascendancy over her sisters." (from the Dictionary of National Biography.)
William’s mother, Anna Maria DACRES was the sister of two admirals and was wetnurse to the king’s youngest daughter, Princess Amelia and nursed her in her last illness, which led to the king’s eventual decline. King George III and his family were regular visitors to the wells at Wells Park. Princess Amelia’s bedroom is on view at Kew Palace. William’s uncle, John Parr WELSFORD was a banker who was Secretary of the Committee of the Patriotic Fund, and secretary to the Waterloo subscription, raised after the battle in 1815, buried with his wife and her sister in a grave at St George’s, Beckenham.
The WYNELL were a clergy family originating in Somerset from where Thomas WHINNELL age 21 in 1583 became Rector of Askerswell near Bridport in Dorset who was grandfather to Henry WYNELL Gentleman of Deptford, will proved 1733 whose nephew John gentleman of Saltash (son of Rev Philip) married the sister of Thomas MAYOW Esquire of Bray, Cornwall who stipulated in his will that his nephew Philip and his sons Philip, John Salt and Mayow should take the additional name and arms of MAYOW. The youngest son, Mayow WYNELL MAYOW Esquire, Major in the Lewisham Volunteers was a solicitor in the Excise Office and one of those Chancery officers alleged in a History of Sydenham to have bought up land cheaply arising in Chancery cases, settling in Sydenham in the 1780’s, where he died, will 14 Feb 1807 proved 8 May 1807. He married before 1789, Mary will 13 Jul 1824 proved 19 Apr 1827, of Guildford Street, Russell Square, daughter of Thomas PAULIN Esquire of Chelsea, baptised 17 Dec 1729 St Paul, Covent Garden (the son of Thomas of Fulham), and Elizabeth will 1812 proved 1813, niece of James VERE Esquire, Citizen and Merchant Tailor of London. Their children were Mary, age 63 in 1841, buried 27 Dec (age "79") will 26 Nov 1856 proved 9 Feb 1857, the friend of Thomas CAMPBELL the poet; Elizabeth died before 1821 at Ely Place, married 1804 Holborn St Andrew to the above William Dacres ADAMS; Frances or Fanny 58 in 1841, buried 15 Jan 1874 (age 91); Anne d Dec 1860, married 5 Apr 1805 St George, Bloomsbury to Thomas Peregrine COURTENAY MP of Clay Hill, Kent and Lincolns Inn age 59 in 1841, brother of the Earl of DEVON, and son of the Bishop of Exeter, whose son Dr Reginald was later Bishop of Kingston, Jamaica; and Caroline, described as "an angel without wings", wife of Rev Henry James WHARTON Vicar of Mitcham, Surrey. Wynell, Dacres and Mayow are names of local roads, and in Dacres Road was the German Evangelical church, at which Dietrich BONHOEFFER, involved in the plot against HITLER, was pastor from 1933 to 35.

40. (Panel above lytch gate) Erected in memory of Mayow Wynell ADAMS 1900.

41. (Brass) In memory of Mayow Wynell ADAMS of the Old House, Sydenham 3rd son of William Dacres ADAMS of Bowden in the County of Devon and of Sydenham, Esquire born 11 Oct 1809 Departed this life 18 Feb 1898. "My trust is in the tender mercy of God for ever and ever." Mayow Wynell ADAMS wrote a brief History of Sydenham, 1878.

42. (Brass) + In memory of William Pitt ADAMS (eldest son of William Dacres ADAMS Esquire of Bowdon, Co. Devon) born 11 Dec 1804 H.M. Minister at Lima, Peru where he died 1st Sep 1852 and of his wife Georgiana Emily (daughter of Robert LUKIN Esq’re) born 5 Feb 1815. She married secondly General Sir Henry WARRE KCB and died at Luxor, Upper Egypt 23rd Jan 1892. William had a daughter Emma Cecilia, under 21 in 1852.

43. C(harles) O(ctavius) ALDOUS Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 84, Parklands, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road. Lived at 13 College Road, Upper Norwood. Born 8 Mar, baptised 5 Apr 1857 St James, Piccadilly, son of James pawnbroker and Alice of 67 Berwick Street, Westminster, marriage registered 1889 Lambeth to Mary Corderoy HIGGS, age 27 in 1891 born Streatham, daughter of George, Admiralty civil servant and Anne S. born Pimlico, of 3 Gothic Villas, Church Road, Brixton St Matthew. Charles’s will proved 23 Jan 1941 Llandudno to son Basil Charles ALDOUS age 1 in 1891, born Streatham and Alice Mary, wife of Henry Sidney LANE.

44. [40.] Mr George ALLEN, architect of Tooley Street, Southwark, died 28 Jun 1847. Also of daughter, formerly of Gracechurch Street, who died at Bayswater May …. Tooley Street, Borough, buried 2 Jul (age 49), will 8 Aug 1840, proved 21 Oct 1847. He married 1 Jul 1835 Newington St Mary, Maria DAY and had 9 children, George Frederic, baptised 15 Mar 1837 St Olave, Southwark, Mary Frances 12 Dec 1838, Charles William 22 Apr 1840, Emma Louisa 28 Apr 1841, Maria 27 Jul 1842, Julia 15 Dec 1843, Henry Thomas 30 Oct 1844, Alfred Henry 20 Feb 1846 and Emily Georgina Drew 23 Jul 1847.

45. [95.] William AME.

46. Frederick George ANDREWS see War Memorial. Lieutenant 4th battalion the Kings (Liverpool) Regiment. Died 21 Oct 1914 (age 43), born New Zealand, son of Mrs ANDREWS of West Hill. (Le Touret memorial)

47. [17.] column fallen William Rowland ARNOLD Esquire late of the South Sea House, departed this life May 14 1856, aged 74. A. MACDONALD Sculptor, Aberdeen. Accountant of Park Grove, Sydenham, buried 22 May (age "73"), of St Olave and St Thomas, Southwark, will 1 Feb 1856 proved 26 Jul 1857 to wife Elizabeth. He married 1 Oct 1814 St Luke, Old Street, Elizabeth CROCKER and had a son, Edmund Samuel Foster, baptised 22 Mar 1820 Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen.

48. Frank ATTREE see War Memorial. Possibly Arthur Frank ATTREE gunner d 15 May 1916?

49. Erroll William Alfred BACK see War Memorial. Killed 3 Sep 1916 (age 20) rifleman 10th battalion, KRRC age 5 in 1901 and a clerk at Lloyds Bank (Thiepval memorial). Son of Alfred Herbert E., registrar to a public company, born Turkey who married 1891 registered St Olave, Southwark, Minnie Gertrude REGLLER and lived at Lyndhurst, Inglemere Road, Forest Hill. They also had Hilda A.M., age 7 in 1901 and Wyndham A.S., age 1 in 1901.

50. Norman BAKER see War Memorial. Killed 24 May 1915 (age 24). Born Sydenham, rifleman, 8th (City of London) battalion, London regiment (Post Office Rifles), age 9 in 1901 of 13 Edney Street, St Philip, born Sydenham. Son of Henry Francis gardener, of Staines, Middlesex, married there in 1877, and Elizabeth born Winckfield, Hampshire of 74 Haynt Walk, Merton Park. (Post Office Rifles Cemetery, Festubert, pas de Calais)

51. [78.] (large, square tomb) Sacred to the memory of Henry BARBER, died 16 Feb 1858 (age 75) blessed are the dead which die in the Lord and his wife Mary Anne died 12 Oct 1888 (age 94) also in memory of the children of the above: Frank, Lieutenant Madras N.I. born 14 Nov 1822 died 26 Jan 1845 Cannanore, E I. Charles, born 7 Feb 1824 died 14 Feb 1826. Charlotte born 26 Jul 1825 died 23 Feb 1827. Frederick born 24 Jan 1833 died 20 Nov 1833. Eleanor born 2 Nov 1829 died 26 Oct 1920. Emma BARBER born 18 Aug 1834 died 29 May 192-(not legible). Charlotte Georgiana BARBER born 7 Sep 1828 died May 31 1923. Henry died suddenly in a railway carriage between London Bridge Station and New Cross Station, buried 23 Feb (by Coroner’s warrant), will proved 18 Mar 1858 to his brother James, merchant of Leadenhall Street and son Charles colonial broker of 6 Mincing Lane, City of London. He was an East India colonial broker of Bell Green, in Lower Sydenham and married 16 Oct 1821 St James, Westminster, Mary Anne PONTET, born there, died Sunnydene, 171 Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon buried 18 Oct, will proved 3 Jan 1889 value £1620. They had children, Frank baptised 6 Dec Lambeth St Mary, Charles 10 Mar St Mary, Newington, Charlotte 31 Aug there, Charles baptised 23 May 1828 Dorking, Charlotte Georgiana the same day (died Kingston Lodge, will proved 5 Jul 1923 to Herbert Henry, colonial broker, Constance Ellen and Mabel Emily BARBER), Eleanor 29 Dec 1829 Chigwell, Essex died Kingston Lodge, 36 Canning Road, Croydon will proved 7 Dec 1920, Edward 6 Sep 1831, Frederick 8 Apr 1833, Emma 25 Sep 1834 and Frederic John 1 May 1836.

52. Albert J(ohn) BARNES see War Memorial. Killed 1 Oct 1918 (age 18). Private, 1st battalion, Princess Victoria’s (Royal Irish) Fusiliers, formerly 20th London Regiment. Born Blackheath, son of Samuel and Annie of 21 Halifax Street. (Dadizeele New British Cemetery)

53. (Brass. South chancel) To the memory of Caroline Pittman, wife of William Henry second son of Frederick BARRY. Born 27 Mar 1827 Died 2 April 1872. Buried at Norwood.

54. (Brass, south chancel) the window above is erected To the Memory of Frederick BARRY who was born 15 Feb 1797 and died 11 Mar 1842 and of his widow Elizabeth BARRY who was born 24 Oct 1797 and died 25 Feb 1875. Both buried at Norwood. Also of his fifth son Arthur BARRY who was born 9 Dec 1830 and died 30 Oct 1877 buried at Norwood. And of his son Lewis who was born 16 May 1833 and died 10 Jun 1858. Buried at Echunga. And of his daughter Elizabeth who was born 17 Jul 1819 and died 12 Oct 1859. Buried at Norwood. Frederick BARRY Stock Broker age 44 in 1841, of Birchin Lane, City of London will 12 Nov 1841, proved 24 Mar 1842, brother of James BARRY Wholesale Stationer of Queenhithe, City of London and Charles BARRY esquire, and married 1 Sep 1818 St Matthew, Friday Street, Elizabeth, of Sydenham Park, born London age 63 in 1861 died Westwood, West Hill (will proved to her sons William Henry baptised 1 Jan 1824 Christ Church, Southwark and Horace, stock brokers of 7 Birchin Lane, City of London) sister of John Thomas ROWSELL Esquire solicitor, of 35 Cannon Street and relative of a Samuel ROWSELL. Frederick BARRY had children, Elizabeth age 21 in 1841 baptised 13 Aug at St Mary, St Marylebone Road, received 1 Jan 1824 Christ Church, Southwark, died Westwood will proved 19 Nov 1859, Frederick clerk age 19 in 1841, Charles clerk age 15 in 1841, Arthur BARRY Gentleman age 30 in 1861, born Stoke Newington, died Westwood will proved 10 Nov 1877, Lewis age 17 in 1851, born Stoke Newington and Eleanor Emma 24 in 1861, born Stoke Newington.

55. (Brass, south chancel) To the memory of Frederick Edward eldest son of Frederick BARRY born 10 Dec 1821 d 13 Jul 1870. Buried at Norwood. Frederick Edward bachelor baptised 10 Dec 1822 St Mary, Lambeth and received 1 Jan 1824 Christ Church, Southwark, died Westwood, Sydenham, Administration 17 Aug 1870 to his brother William Henry.

56. [126.] Mary BARTLETT [wife of] John BARTLETT 26 Jun 18--. A Mary buried 3 Jan 1833 (age 39).

57. [20k.] (ashes) Gordon Walter BEDNALL b 19 Jun 1914 d 19 Jun 1985. (He died 3 Nicholas House, Lawrie Park Road, will proved 16 Oct 1985.)

58. David John BELL (DFC) H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Squadron Leader, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Died 3 Jun 1942 (age 30) of the Anchorage, Cottesmore. Administration 19 Sep 1942 to widow Winifred Emma ("Wynne"), son of Charles and Maud Frances. Buried St Nicholas, Cottesmore, churchyard extension, in Rutland.

59. Gordon Victor BENFIELD see War Memorial. Killed 5 Feb 1917 (age 19). Private "D" company, 26th battalion, Royal Fusiliers. Age 3 in 1901, born Kingham Hall, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (he had a brother Edward Young, age 4 in 1901), son of Tom Barker schoolmaster, born Cambridge of Gladstone House, Redhill, Surrey and his second wife Ellen Itty MASTERS age 42 in 1901 born Kennington, marriage registered 1895 Faversham, of 49 Homecroft Road, Sydenham. (Klein-Vierstraat British Cemetery, Heuvelland, West Flanders, Belgium)

60. [47.] BENNETT died 1845 age --.

61. [20s.] (ashes) In loving memory of Betty Joyce BERRIMAN born 5 Oct 1928 died 14 Jan 2004. A loving wife and devoted mother.

62. (Brass in hall) In loving memory of George BINKS of this place and for many years connected with this Church and Parish died 5 Mar 1899 (age 82) and of Fanny his beloved wife who died 12 Nov 1893 (age 70 years). Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. erected by their affectionate sons. Gentleman, clerk in the Bank of England age 64 in 1881 born Kennington, baptised 24 Jun 1818 Newington St Mary, Surrey, son of George BINKS Merchant’s Clerk who married 11 Apr 1810, St Dunstan in the East, Caroline FAWCETT born Southwark (remarried there 15 Sep 1811). He married 1850 Camberwell, Fanny born Rainham, Essex, daughter of Rev Charles URQUHART of Westerham, Kent and Frances of Warminster, Wiltshire. Their children were George H. age 9 in 1861, born Peckham, Surrey, Charles H. 18 in 1871, clerk to a tea broker, born Peckham, Frances Harriet born Sydenham, age 22 in 1877 (married here 13 Sep 1877, John Menham PLOTTS MD of Ryde age 26 in 1877, son of James, gentleman), William U. age 24 in 1881, clerk to Ship in Agent, John J., clerk in merchant’s office age 45 in 1901 of Croydon and Alfred T. 30 in 1901, clerk in U. Bank of Scotland of Penge.

63. [20z.] (ashes) Peggy Lovell BLOXHAM b 27 Jul 1920 d 11 Dec 1989. John BLOXHAM b 20 Mar 1917 died 4 May 2004.

64. Jean Ellen BLUNT H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 16 Sep 1942 (age 28), serjeant RA (Auxiliary Territorial Service). Daughter of Davenport Fabian Cartwright and Edith Isobel of Sydenham. (Adel St John the Baptist churchyard, Yorkshire)

65. [134.] J.B. 1857. Charles BODLE Carver of wood born Camberwell, Surrey buried here 4 Nov 1856 (aged 92), of 1 Wells Place married Catherine born Brecknock, buried 23 Dec 1851 here (age 93) and had issue John chairmaker, baptised 5 Sep 1803 Shoreditch St Leonard, who had a cottage and garden in Wells Road buried 9 Feb 1857 (age 56), will 17 Jun 1856 proved 13 Apr 1857, James baptised 5 Sep 1803 chairmaker, age 42 in 1841, Mary Ann 5 Sep 1803, Richard 9 Jul 1804 and Ann 27 Oct 1806 married Henry CRIPS and had a son Henry apprentice carver, baptised 20 Sep 1835 St Matthew, Bethnal Green. John married Hannah and had children Charles James, baptised 30 Oct 1820 Shoredtich St Leonard, Ann Charlotte 20 Aug 1823 dressmaker (married 1848 Camberwell, Robinson JACKSON, Steam Engine Fitter age 34 in 1851, born Durham of Mason Street, St James, Hatcham. Their daughter Elizabeth Catherine was baptised 15 Sep 1847 St John the Baptist, Croydon and a son Charles was born at Stockport, Cheshire), (Phoebe) Elizabeth 6 Apr 1828 and Robert age 10 in 1841 baptised 20 Sep 1831.

66. Frank L(ydford) BODY see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 18 Jun 1917 (age 25). Captain, 8th battalion, Bedfordshire regiment, son of Charles Ash BODY JP and Mrs BODY of the Cedars, 34 Sydenham Hill. (Bethune town cemetery, pas de Calais)

67. A.S. BOLWELL see War Memorial. Alfred Samuel, corporal, 303rd siege battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Died 17 Sep 1918 (age 21), son of Mr S. BOLWELL of 135 West Road, Shoeburyness. (Shoeburyness (or South Shoebury) St Andrew churchyard, Essex)

68. [71.] Ann wife of A.D. BOTTOMLEY of London, departed this life 29 ---- (age 91).

69. [145.] (on church wall) Elizabeth BOWDLER, born 20 Sep 1814 died 20 Apr 1833. Buried 26 Apr (age 18).

70. [146.] (on church wall) Jane Duff BOWDLER born 2 Apr 1819 died 24 Sep 1839. Buried 1 Oct (age 20).

71. (Brass, south chancel) Ihc. To the Glory of God and in Memory of Thomas BOWDLER MA Prebendary of St Paul’s the first Minister of this Church, who entered into Rest 12 Nov 1856 and whose Remains were deposited in the Churchyard beneath this Wall. The East Window with the Reredos and Altar Railing were Erected Whitsuntide 1858. "I look for the Resurrection of the Dead, And of the life of the World to come." Hart and Son London. (Images of Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

72. [142.] Cross by church. Thomas BOWDLER 1856 (age 76). Phoebe BOWDLER 28 Nov 1854 (age 67) (not legible, 2006). Thomas was born 13 Mar 1782 Hayes, Kent the son of John, esquire, author of Eltham, Kent and nephew of Thomas BOWDLER MD b 11 Jul 1754 Ashley, near Bath, died 24 Feb 1825 Rhyddings and buried Oystermouth near Swansea, who edited the "Family Shakespeare" 1818 and whose edition of "Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" was published by his nephew, in 1826. Two of his sisters, Jane and Henrietta Maria, were authoresses. Thomas junior died 12 Nov 2 Onslow Square, Brompton, London SW7, and buried here 19 Nov 1856 (age 77) was appointed curate at Leyton, 1803, Rector of Hopton Wafers, Shropshire 1806 – 20, Rector of Addington, Surrey 1820 - 34 and prebend of St Paul’s Cathedral, 1849, and was the author of a large number of published sermons. His is the third boss of six on the north side of the church nave. He married about 1804 Phoebe (died Brompton, Middlesex, buried 2 Dec (age 69)), daughter of Joseph COTTON Esquire of Low Leyton, Essex and they had nine children, of whom Mary died Brompton, buried 28 Feb 1849 (age 32).

73. George BOWYER see War Memorial. Killed 18 Aug 1917 A/Sergeant "C" Battery, 5th Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery. (Duhallow ADS Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium)

74. F(rederick) T(homas) BOYES Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 (age 49) AMICE, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road. Married to Julia Victoria of 42 Addington Road, Sanderstead and age 10 in 1901 born Camberwell, son of Thomas flour factor agent and Alice age 38 in 1901 born Lingfield, Surrey of Park Lodge, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks, Kent.

75. Walter George BRETT see War Memorial. Drowned, at sea, 31 Dec 1917, Lance Bombardier, Sussex Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Born 1897 Upper Sydenham, and age 3 in 1901.

76. Kathleen (Edith) BRIDGEMAN Civilian 2nd World War. Died 25 Sep 1940 (age 35), injured 24 Sep 28 Longton Grove, of 30 Longton Grove. Daughter of H. and E. of 18 Park Road, Great Harwood, Lancashire. Died at South-Eastern Hospital for Children.

77. (In chancel floor) Sacred to the memory of Emma, wife of Robert Collinson BROOKSBANK who died 10 Dec 1881 aged 70. Age 69 in 1881, died Neville Lodge, Church Street, Sydenham Holy Trinity, her will proved 28 Apr 1882. Born Peckham, baptised 26 Nov 1811 St George the Martyr, Southwark, daughter of John LYON Esquire of Thirza Place, Old Kent Road, Surrey and Mary. Her sister (Eliza) Thirza age 34 in 1851, married Thomas Matthew HUSBAND Merchant age 52 in 1851, born Yorkshire of Frognal, Hampstead St John.

78. (In chancel floor) Sacred to the memory of Robert Collinson BROOKSBANK of Sydenham Hill who died 7 Sep 1869 aged 62. Merchant born Leeds, Yorkshire baptised 1 Jul 1807, Hunslet died Neville Lodge will proved 8 Mar 1870 leaving £25,000 son of Abraham and Ann who moved to Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen in 1811. He married 17 Apr 1833 St Giles, Camberwell and had issue William Lyon, esquire, leather factor age 26 in 1861 baptised 18 Sep 1834 St Luke, West Norwood of Glebe Knoll, Bromley and Ravenswood, West Wickham, Alfred John baptised 31 Mar 1837 St Luke, West Norwood, Emma Thirza 7 Nov 1838 Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen and Clara Kate, age 10 in 1851 baptised 2 Oct 1840 Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen.

79. Edwin Percival Wildman BROWN see War Memorial. Died 4 Sep 1916, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st battalion, Norfolk Regiment. (Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval (Somme))

80. [128.] (flat on ground) Elizabeth Ann, wife of Mr Edmund BROWN, 24 Dec 1840 (age 40 years). Edmund a house agent and Registrar of Births and Deaths born Erpingham in Norfolk of Lower Sydenham, buried 31 Dec. He married secondly, Martha age 41 in 1851, born Holborn St Andrew and had children Sarah Martha 17 in 1861 baptised 25 Jun 1843 and Edmund Thomas, 6 in 1851, clerk to Mr BAKER of Lime Street, City of London baptised 11 Aug 1844, St Bartholomew, and married 8 Aug 1875 St Giles, Cripplegate to Elizabeth Sarah HONEYBUN.

81. William John Henry BROWN see War Memorial. Died 4 Sep 1916. Captain 3rd battalion, attached to 15th battalion, Norfolk Regiment. (Thiepval memorial)

82. [27.] Alison Chalme[r]s, wife of Robert BROWNE Esquire, Forest Hill who died 4 May 1851, and also the body of a son still-born on 2 May 1851. St John chap XI ver 35. ACB obit 1851 resurgam. Alison Chalmers BROWNE born SWAN at Hythe, Kent [2-] May 1807. Robert BROWNE, retired West India, or East India Merchant of 13 Park Terrace, St Matthew, Lambeth, age 60 in 1861, born Glasgow, Scotland marriage registered 1840 Elham, Kent, Alison aged 43 in 1851 buried 9 May 1851 (age 45) and had children Alison Chalmers, 8 in 1851 and 18 in 1861, birth registered 1842 West Derby, Liverpool, Margaret born 2 Jan baptised 29 March 1844 St Mary, Edge Hill, Lancashire, and Ellen 5 in 1851, 15 in 1851 baptised 24 Jun 1846, Ann(ie) Nairne 4 in 1851 baptised 11 Aug 1847 and Amy 2 in 1851 baptised 2 May 1849, all at St Bartholomew.

83. John (Lovett) CANDY see War Memorial. (Jack) age 9 in 1901 born Sydenham, died 18 Feb 1917 (Mesopotamia), private, 2nd battalion Buffs (East Kent Regiment). (Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery) Son of Arthur, coachman, age 40 in 1901 born Frome, Somerset and Sarah LOVETT, (married 1885 Croydon) aged 42 in 1901 born Fonthill Gifford, Wiltshire, daughter of William, agricultural labourer.

84. [125.] a chest tomb near the church. Francis CARLTON Esq, [many years a] managing director of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, last surviving son of [the late] John CARLTON Esq of High Park, in the County of Dublin, died 22 Oct 1848 (age 48[th year]), (at end) also Sarah, wife of (completely disintegrated…). Buried as CARLETON 27 Oct (age 48). He married 3 Mar 1836 Ambleside, Westmorland, Sarah NORTH, age 30 in 1841 and 44 in 1851 born Rydal, Westmorland, of Tyrolean Villa, Norwood, and of Sydenham Hill in 1851, and had children, William age 4 in 1841 and Louisa, 3 in 1841, 13 in 1851, both born in Ireland.
The "P & O" shipping line is now part of Dubai Ports World.

85. [20b.] (ashes) James Thomas CARROLL (Jim) beloved husband to Pat and much loved father and grandfather b 10 Dec 1925 d 5 Apr 2002.

86. Reginald Harry CARTWRIGHT see War Memorial. Died 27 May 1917 (age 42), Master "Ancona", London. (Mercantile marine), wife Annie of 19 Collingtree Road, Sydenham and son of the late Reginald of Louth, Lincolnshire and Annie L., of Leigh-on-Sea. (Tower Hill memorial)

87. B(lanche) G(wendoline) CARWARDINE Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 45, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road, wife of Egbert Athelstan, of 11 High Street, Penge.

88. E(gbert) A(thelstan) CARWARDINE Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 63 at 19 Crystal Palace Park Road, husband of Blanche Gwendoline, qv.

89. Michael J(ames) W(arrender) CASSY H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 2 Oct 1944 (age 23). Lieutenant, Grenadier Guards, son of Douglas Warrender and Gwendolyn Minnie of Sydenham. (Castiglione South African Cemetery, Italy)

90. John Arthur CHAMPION see War Memorial. Killed 22 Aug 1917 (age 37), Lance Corporal, 8th battalion, Seaforth Highlanders. Age 20 in 1901 born Westminster, clerk in the Civil Service son of William CHAMPION, French Polisher, born Pimlico of 6 College Place, Westminster, St John the Evangelist and Mary A., born Somers Town. Married 1905 Rochford, Essex, Georgina Sophia draper’s assistant age 23 in 1901, born Canewdon, Essex of 41 Rowland Grove, Sydenham daughter of George HARDINGHAM, Police Constable of Woolpit, Suffolk and Mary of Easton, Norfolk. (Tyne Cot memorial, Zonnebeke, West Flanders)

91. [20p.] (ashes) John Michael CHAPPELL b 12 May 1931 d 4 Dec 1992.

92. (Brass in hall) Also of Henry Haskett CHILTON eldest son of Henry Charles and Fanny Harrison. Major 4th Dragoon Guards. Born 29 Apr 1837 died 1 Jun 1876. Henry and his brother, Alfred Richard Tickell, Captain Royal Bengal Artillery were baptised 23 Jun 1837 and 17 Jul 1838 at St Bartholomew. Fanny Harrison was baptised 12 Jul 1810 and her sister, Mary Ann Harrison 28 Sep 1808 at Lewisham St Mary, children of Paul MALIN Esquire of Sydenham who married 7 Nov 1807 Mary Ann, the daughter of Haskett SMITH Esquire (qv). Henry Charles, solicitor age 78 in 1881, born London was son of George CHILTON Esquire of Chancery Lane and Susan, buried 26 Aug 1853 (age 93)..

93. [76.] Henry CHITTENDEN (illegible 2006). Corn Merchant born 11 May 1803 Ashford, Kent of Dartmouth Road buried 7 Sep 1853 (age 50) formerly a clerk of 40 Lombard Street son of Humphrey and Sarah, married 13 May 1834 Chaldon, Surrey, Ann BROWN age 37 in 1841 and 47 in 1851, born at Chaldon.

94. [20e.] (ashes) Geoffrey Edward CHUBB b 11 Mar 1923 died 4 Dec 2003.

95. [2.] Joseph James CHURCH departed this life 18 Aug 18[45?] (age 79). Mary CHURCH wife of the above. J.J.C. 1815. M.C. 1817. T.W. 1819.

96. Harry CLAYTON H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Henry John died 27 May 1942 (age 30), trooper, 3rd Royal Rank Regiment, RAC. Son of Henry James and Ellen Emily of Sydenham. (Alamein memorial, Egypt)

97. A(lice) CLIFFORD Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 66, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road, widow of Dr R. Edmund CLIFFORD and daughter of Alfred deceased and Catherine HOWARD of Elvaston Place, Queens Gate, London.

98. [12.] Charles CLINCH, died 18 May 1849 (age 50 years). Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. (Charles was buried 24 May.)

99. [77.] Morgan, second son of Mr Richard CLOADER of Wi-l Street b Feb died Sept.

100. [70.] –iam CO-B born 1 Jan – died 27 May – (broken 2006). Note Rebecca Jane COBB buried 2 Oct 1848 (age 8).

101. [34.] Louisa wife of Rev John COCKIN who departed this life 6 Dec 1849 (age 67 years) also Edward who died April 14 1835 (age 22 years). Clara d 1 Nov 1839 (age 19 years). George Alfred d 16 Jun 1840 (age [21 years]). Frederick Sep…. John curate of the Old Chapel, Sydenham, 1841 educated at Cambridge University, married 23 Jan 1808 Birmingham St Martin, Louisa JONES.

101. [34.] Louisa wife of Rev John COCKIN who departed this life 6 Dec 1849 (age 67 years) also Edward who died April 14 1835 (age 22 years). Clara d 1 Nov 1839 (age 19 years). George Alfred d 16 Jun 1840 (age [21 years]). Frederick Sep…. John curate of the Old Chapel, Sydenham, 1841 educated at Cambridge University, married 23 Jan 1808 Birmingham St Martin, Louisa JONES.

102. [66.] Stone on large slabs. T.C. 1846. G.C. 1851. L.C. 1867. C. 185-. C.P.C. 1842. 1871. Thomas COLSON Engineer died Anerley, of New Lane, Croydon age 50 in 1841, will 23 Jun 1844, proved 8 Mar 1845 married 19 Jun 1808 St Matthew, Ipswich, Suffolk, Lucy POWELL died Walworth, buried 30 Mar 1867 here (age 80) as "Louisa", and had children Thomas Chapman and Henry both baptised 5 Feb 1812 Stepney St Dunstan, George and William, both 14 Jan 1816 Lewisham St Mary, Francis Jeremiah, baptised 14 Jul 1818 St Nicholas, Deptford, Charles Powell age 20 in 1841 baptised 4 Aug 1819 Deptford St Paul, died Penge buried 24 Sep 1842 (age 23), Lucy Powell, age 15 in 1841 26 Sep 1821, Mary 7 May 1823 there, of Grosvenor Street, Camberwell, buried here 5 Aug 1871 (age 45), Alfred age 10 in 1841 baptised 2 May 1827, and Emma 26 Mar 1830. George COLSON of Lambeth was buried 1 Sep 1851 (age 38). Clara Shaw, daughter of William COLSON Contractor and Maryan baptised 19 Jan 1853 here.

103. [80.] (pillar. on grave) Jane Mary, wife of E.D. COLVILLE, Jun died 20 Jul 1838 [1853](age 38). Florence Gertrude 1853 (age 2 years). Jane Mary died St John, Paddington and was buried here 6 Aug (age 39). Edward Dod COLVILLE and Rebecca had Edward Dod baptised 14 Dec 1809, Sophia 4 May 1814 and Marianne 31 Dec 1822 at St Mary, Marylebone Road, Middlesex. The younger Edward Dod esquire age 41 in 1851 Registrar of the High Court of Chancery of 11 College Road, Eastbourne died 13 Mar 1886 (age 76) Eastbourne, Sussex and married Jane Mary PRICHARD, age 36 in 1851, born London and secondly 1855 in Kensington, Maria Lucretia HENDERSON, born in Columbia and he had children, Edward Richard baptised 12 Jul 1837 St Bartholomew, Mary Jane age 12 in 1851 8 May 1839, Hubert Noel 17 Feb 1842, Edith Marian aged 7 in 1851 15 Dec 1843, Arthur Lyndhurst 6 in 1851 9 May 1845, Rebecca Selina 3 in 1851 15 Aug 1847, Clara Anne 2 in 1851 20 Mar 1849 and Florence Gertrude 4 months in 1851, 12 Jan 1851.

104. Brass (west end) In memory of Lidiard Millicent COMPTON nee BRADBERRY who died at Milan 1 Nov 1912. She was for some time a pupil at the Sydenham High School and a worshipper in this church. Millicent married registered December quarter 1907, Paddington, Albert Henry COMPTON.

105. W(ilfred J(ames) COOK see War Memorial. Age 8 in 1901. Died of wounds 13 Aug 1918 (age 26). Lance Corporal 10th (Royal East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry) battalion, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), formerly of 3/1st West Kent Yeomanry.. Educated at Teachers’ orphanage, Sydenham 1901- 1907, son of the late (James) William, printer and compositor of Southend and Rose Ellen BROWN born Chart Sutton, Kent. Born Milton next Gravesend, of British School, Northfleet. (Aire Communal Cemetery, Frances (pas de Calais)

106. [86.] Joseph COPPING qv. Of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853.

107. Eric William COULSON see War Memorial. Killed 30 Apr 1918, private 20th (County of London) battalion (Blackheath & Woolwich), London Regiment, formerly of Royal West Kent Regiment. Age 5 in 1901, born Guildford, Surrey, brother of Ronald W. age 1 in 1901 and Florence M., age 9 in 1901, and of the next. (Jerusalem War Cemetery, in Israel)

108. Henry Guy Chaplin COULSON see War Memorial. Died 17 Feb 1917 (age 24), Lieutenant, 1st Royal Marine Battalion, Royal Naval Division, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Born Guildford son of Harry, solicitor, aged 34 in 1901 born Guildford and Florence Ellen CHAPLIN County Council accountant, age 35 in 1901 born Clare, Suffolk, of 64 Kirkdale. (Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy, Pas de Calais, France)

109. [38.] Next to church (behind railing) Thomas COVELL, died 31 Aug 1849 (aged 44). Alfred COVELL youngest son of Thomas and Elizabeth COVELL died 5 Feb 1873 (age 29). Also Elizabeth COVELL wife of Thomas, who died 22 March 1879 (age 76). Thomas COVELL Butcher age 36 in 1841 buried 2 Sep, came from Sevenoaks will 30 Aug proved 26 Nov 1849, and was son of William COVELL Butcher of Deptford Broadway. Elizabeth buried 26 Mar, daughter of Catherine STREETS, was a "butchress", and they had Thomas 14 in 1841; William Saxby 12 in 1841 born 28 Feb here, baptised 29 Mar 1829 Beckenham; Ann 24 in 1856 baptised 29 Jul 1832 at Lewisham St Mary and married here 14 May 1856 to Henry Montague, age 27 in 1856 son of Montague POLLETT, Draper; James George 17 in 1851, baptised 19 Feb 1834 St Bartholomew; Edwin farmer, baptised 1 Jan 1836 and married 15 Jul 1856 here to Ann Drusilla, daughter of Charles RUSH, Butcher; and Alfred aged 24 in 1868, baptised 3 Jan 1844, buried 12 Feb 1873 and married 10 Mar 1868 St Bartholomew to Rosa Elizabeth, age 23 in 1868, daughter of William DEAN, Baker..

110. Brass. In memory of Reginald CUTBILL of Southwood, Lawrie Park, Sydenham who died 8 Aug 1882 (age 33). This tablet is erected by his friends in affectionate remembrance of his kind and unselfish exertions in promoting the happiness of others.

111. In the hall. This window is dedicated to the Glory of God, and in loving memory of Thomas Samuel CUTBILL of Southwood, Lawrie Park, Sydenham who died on the 24th Apr 1867 (age 62) and of Elizabeth his widow who died on the 8 Jan 1900 (age 90). Thomas Samuel, gentleman son of Thomas and Sarah, was baptised 7 Apr 1805 Christ Church, Spitalfields and married Elizabeth NEWTON 12 Apr 1834 Shoreditch St Leonard. She was 72 in 1881, born London, and they had Ellen Sarah, age 27 in 1863 married 13 Aug 1863 here to Alfred, age 27 in 1863, Barrister, son of Alfred Robert CUTBILL Gentleman, Adela E. 39 in 1881 and Walter J.C., 38 in 1881, both born Maidstone, Kent, Edward stock broker age 33 in 1877, married here 11 Oct 1877 to Louisa age 20 in 1877, daughter of Augustus SILLEM Merchant, Laura M. 33 in 1881, born in Dalston and Reginald, merchant 32 in 1881, of Southwood, Avenue Road, Beckenham, also born in Dalston.

112. Alfred Chas. DANIEL see War Memorial. Killed 1 Sep 1918 (age 19). Rifleman 9th battalion, London Regiment (Queen Victoria’s Rifles). Born Beckenham, age 2 in 1901 of Penge, son of Alfred pawnbroker’s assistant, age 38 in 1901, born Upper Holloway, London and Lucy Florence age 24 in 1901, born Croydon of 55 High Street, Upper Sydenham. (Longueval Road Cemetery, the Somme, France)

113. [149.] Jane DARBY died 5 Sep 1856 after many years of patient suffering (age 49).

114. [105.] (gravestone near lytch gate) William DAVIDSON, late of St Martins in the Fields, died 26 Apr 1851 (aged 40). Buried 5 May here. Tailor and Clothes Salesman of 25 Russell Court in the parish of St Michael, Burleigh Street, will 20 Mar proved 25 Jun 1851 to wife Mary Ann WOODHALL married 16 Jul 1827, St Pancras Old Church. He was 39 and she 36 in 1851, born St Martin in the Fields and had children, William Stephens, carpenter 18 baptised 25 Nov 1832, James 22 Mar1835, James 14 baptised 25 Jun 1837, Joseph 10, Mary Ann 5 and Frederick aged 3.

115. Arthur Albert DAVIS see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 10 Sep 1917. Rifleman 13th battalion, Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own), of East Ham. Born Islington. (Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, pas de Calais)

116. [14a.] "Walter son of George and Sarah DAWES of Perry Rise, Sydenham 23 Feb 1853 (age 7 weeks)". George attorney at law age 50 in 1861, blind with age born Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, baptised 1 May 1811 St Bartholomew Exchange, City of London, son of Thomas DAWES Attorney at Law of Mottingham Place, St Marylebone and Hester. He married 1841, registered at Rye, Sussex, Sarah age 44 in 1861, baptised 20 Oct 1816 Winchelsea daughter of Richard STILEMAN Esquire who married 23 Nov 1815 St Giles, Camberwell, Sarah Curteis, daughter of William CROUGHTON Esquire of Champion Hill, Camberwell and Sarah, daughter of Richard CURTEIS Esquire of Tenterden, Kent. George and Sarah had children George 30 Nov 1842 and Thomas Richter 8 May 1844, baptised St Giles Camberwell, Hester 3 Nov 1847, Mary 22 Jun 1849 and Walter, baptised 11 Feb, buried 1 Mar here and Weedon 30 Apr 1855 and Frank both baptised 2 Aug 1858 at St Margaret, Lee.

117. Chancel brass (organ). In memory of George William DENTON who died on the 6th Jan 1898 while holding the office of Churchwarden. The improvements to the organ initiated by him were completed as a memorial of him Sep 1898. He died South Hill Lodge, Lawrie Park (age 62), will proved 18 Feb 1898 London to his widow Caroline. Presumably born 19 Jan 1835 baptised 23 Mar 1836 at Bishop Street Wesleyan, Leicester, son of Joseph, surgeon of Leicester St Margaret and Eliza RAWSON; age 55 in 1891, married Caroline HEELAS, born Wokingham, Berkshire.

118. A(ndrew) D(ouglas) DICK Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 61, MPS 45 Crystal Palace Park Road, will proved 6 Jun 1941. Son of Andrew deceased and Elizabeth of Douglas, Isle of Man.

119. E(lizabeth) DICK Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 60, 45 Crystal Palace Park Road, administration 6 Mar 1941 wife of Andrew Douglas qv and daughter of Thomas Henry CORKILL Miller and Elizabeth of Greeba, Brockham Green, Betchworth, Surrey.

120. Cornelius S. DREW H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 6 Jun 1944 (age 29), sergeant 515 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Husband of Elsie Suzanne of Forest Hill and son of William Edward and Mary. (Runnymede memorial, Surrey)

121. [36.] Sarah Harriet DREW, wife of John Edward DREW, who died 10 Mar 1832 (25th year), also Sarah ANDERSON, aunt of the above, who died Apr ----. Eliza. Sarah Harriet was buried 18 Mar (age 24) and Eliza Sophia was buried 1 Feb 1858 (age 12).

122. M(ary) E(thelreda) DUJARDYN Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 1 Aug 1944 age 48, 54 Park Court, Lawrie Park Road. Born Camden Town, age 4 in 1901, daughter of Mrs Emily A. BRIANT (Music Teacher, born New Cross age 28 in 1901) and wife of Raymond Theodore.

123. R.T. DUJARDYN Civilian 2nd World War. Raymond Theodore born Belgium killed 1 Aug 1944 age 47 at 54 Park Court, Lawrie Park Road.

124. S(tella) M(arian) S(cott) DURRANT Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 28 at 19 Crystal Palace Park Road, daughter of William Scott deceased (birth registered 1860, Hastings) and Alberta DURRANT of Engadine, Park Hill Road, Croydon, Surrey. Lionel Scott’s birth was registered 1906 St Olave, Bermondsey.

125. [138.] chest tomb. [Mr] Thomas DYTEMAN, died 23 [25th] Jul 1837 (age 73). Also Mrs Mary WRIGHT, daughter of Thomas DYTEMAN. Charles WRIGHT. Also DYTEMAN, age 76 years. Thomas Gardener DYTEMAN, Builder buried 2 Aug was born 20 Aug and baptised 22 Aug 1764 Croydon St John the Baptist and married 22 Jul 1783 Southwark St Olave, Lucy, daughter of William RAY or BAY. His will 8 Apr 1829, proved 18 Aug 1837 left £25,200 to his daughter Mary, born 9 Apr and baptised 26 Apr 1789 Sydenham, registered at Dr Williams’ library, who married 1 Jan 1838 Croydon St John the Baptist, Charles WRIGHT Esquire of Deptford. She died 6 Apr buried 12 Apr 1872 (age 83) and her husband died 3 Dec and was buried 8 Dec 1876 (age 75), here.

126. [91.] Edward EDNEY. … EDNEY. (barely legible, 2006). Edward EDNEY smith age 60 in 1841 buried 11 Dec 1846 (age 65), will 2 Nov 1846 proved 5 Nov 1847 had a wife Ann age 43 in 1841, who died Penge buried 24 Feb 1851 (age 52) and a daughter Amy, age 12 in 1841. Perhaps a son of the Edward EDNEY who married 29 Jun 1775 Mottisfont, Hampshire, Diana MATTHEWS?

127. [90.] Thomas EDNEY, of Sydenham, died Jun 1849 (age 51 (recte 71) years). Mrs Rosamund EDNEY [relict of the above who died…] 1869. Thomas George EDNEY, son of the above, died May 1846 (age 26). Thomas smith and farrier buried 23 Jun (age 71), will 7 Sep 1848, proved 24 Jul 1849 to his wife Rosamond. His children were Thomas George baptised 15 Dec 1822 at Lewisham St Mary buried here 3 Aug (age 24); Henry baptised 7 Nov 1824; Mary Roberts 13Aug 1826; James Gibbs 8 Feb 1829; David, blacksmith aged 33 in 1866 baptised 16 Sep 1832 and married here 27 May 1866 to Eliza, age 33 in 1866, daughter of James ALLUM [Farrier?]; and Elizabeth Meager baptised here 26 Feb 1836.

128. [6.] William EDWARDS, died 1851. Ellen Jemima 1855 (age 14). Alice (age 10). A William Richard EDWARDS Government clerk age 29 in 1841, baptised 7 Jul 1813 Lambeth St Mary, son of John Andrew and Elizabeth, married Amelia age 25 in 1841 and had Georgiana Augusta Frances, baptised 1 Sep 1841 here and Flora Amelia 10 Jul 1844.

129. N(ellie) ELLUM Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Sep 1940 age 59, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road. Nurse, daughter of late Mr, and Mrs Nathan ELLUM of Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire. Will proved 1 Jan 1941 to Mabel Annie and Edward, a retired baker.

130. [67.] unusually shaped grave with a roof in the shape of a cross (there’s a similar grave at Beckenham). Ihs. Sacred to the memory of Charles ENGLISH, priest [of this parish for][MA] twentyfour years incumbent of Sydenham, he died in the Lord on the morrow of Ascension day, May 31st 1867 age 57 years. This monument has been erected by his flock in affectionate remembrance.

131. (Brass, south chancel) + Laus Deo In Memory of Charles ENGLISH MA who for twenty-three years ministered in this Church, and became the first Incumbent of this Parish. In sure and certain Hope of the Resurrection to Eternal Life through Jesus Christ, he rested from his labours on the 31 May 1867 aged 57 years. His Body is laid in the adjoining Church-yard to await his perfect Consummation. "I believe in … the Communion of Saints." (images of Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Charles, age 31 in 1841 at Butleigh, Somerset, matriculated from Trinity College, Cambridge in 1829 age 19, BA 1833, MA 1841, He was born Shaftesbury, Dorset son of John and Matilda MARSHALL of London (buried here 23 Jul 1857 (age 77)), married 8 Oct 1810 St Martin in the Fields. He died at the Parsonage and was buried 5 Jun. His boss is the third of six bosses on the south side of the nave. He married Emily (perhaps CORKE, registered 1843 Ticehurst, Sussex) age 31 in 1851, born Whitchurch, Hampshire, and was presumably the father of Charles Frederick William baptised 20 Mar 1864 and Minnie Emily 27 August 1865 at Bromley.

132. (Brass in chancel, near altar) To the Glory of God and in memory of Amy ENTHOVEN who entered into rest 11 May 1892 and of Frederick ENTHOVEN her Brother who passed from this earthly life on 23rd Apr 1901. The Decoration on the South side of the Sanctuary is dedicated by their Relatives and Friends. Cox and Buckley, London. Henry John ENTHOVEN Esquire of Moorgate Street, City of London and of 103 Westbourne Terrace, Middlesex was a naturalized British subject 1874 and a merchant born in Holland who died 15 Apr 1874 Lawrie Park, Sydenham, will proved 2 Jul 1874 valued at £3000. He married Ann F. b Holland d 1884 (age 88) and they had children Harriet 12 Nov 1819, James 4 Apr 1823, Frances 24 Aug 1824, John 24 Mar 1827, Lewis 20 Aug 1827, Emma 7 Sep 1829, Catherine 14 Feb 1833, Frederick 31 Mar 1835, Amelia (Amy) 4 Oct 1839 all registered the New Synagogue, London, and Julia age 18 in 1861. Of these, Catherine, Frederick, Amelia and Julia were baptised 7 Jan 1870 St Luke, Old Charlton. Frederick esquire, merchant and lead manufacturer of 17 Gracechurch Street, London died at the Gable House, Sydenham and left £21, 462. Amy died aged 51.

133. [18.] (gravestone angled to point) Elizabeth EVANCE, widow of this place, died Feb 27 1837, aged 65 years. Buried 6 Mar.

134. [8.] Mary, the beloved wife of Edward FEDERAU of this parish, born 24th May 1801 died 17February 1843. Also Miss Mary Browning, daughter of the above, died Apr 1837 (age --). Mary BROWNING, widow of Upper Sydenham, buried 25 Feb (age 42) married 1830 St Andrew Undershaft, Edward FEDERAU and had children, Charlotte Euphrosyne, age 46 in 1881, born Clapham and baptised 27 Jun 1838 St Mark, Kennington, and Sarah Browning age 44 in 1881, baptised 27 Jun 1838, of 14 St James Road, Tunbridge Wells in 1881, married 5 Jan 1870 St James, Piccadilly, Heinrich Joachim Ludwig POSSEHL, who died before 1881.

135. [20d.] (ashes) Perle FERGUSON b 1914 d 1983.

136. [86.] Henry FIELDING qv. Of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853.

137. [86.] John FOREMAN qv. Alias William FREEMAN, of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853 (age 23). A Harriet FOREMAN of Leather Market, Bermondsey was buried 29 Nov 1853 (age 10 months).

138. Glass (north wall in entrance). A copy of the deed of conveyance for the parcel of land on which St Bartholomew’s church was built. John FORSTER Esquire of Southend, Lewisham £238 18s, formerly part of Sydenham Common but now enclosed 8 May 1829. Adjacent to his land on the north-east and north-west sides. John died 1 Dec 1834, Southend and was son of Rev John FORSTER Rector of Elton, Durham and Walsoken, and he married Elizabeth d 25 Jan 1837 daughter of Rev Ralph DRAKE-BROCKMAN of Beachborough in Kent. John’s grandson Major John FORSTER of Exbury House, Hampshire was father of Henry William, Lord FORSTER of Lepe, created 12 Dec 1919, MP for Bermondsey, 1892 – 1918 and for Bromley 1918-19, and Governor General of Australia 1920-25 who donated Forster Memorial Park in Downham to Lewisham Council in 1922. He married Rachel, daughter of 1st Lord MONTAGU of Beaulieu, Hampshire and one daughter was the mother of Michael PITT-RIVERS and the other married the uncle of Eric LUBBOCK, Lord AVEBURY.

139. Cyril (Charles) FOUNTAIN H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Of 32 Girton Road, died (8th or) 9th May 1942 16 Dukesthorpe Road, Sydenham (age 23). Lance Corporal, Royal Army Ordnance Corps and son of Charles and Mary of Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire. (Beckenham Crematorium and Cemetery, v. 3 Grave 18611)

140. [19.] with railing Thomas FOX Esq. Late of York Gate, Regents Park, died 17 April 1852 (age 56). Also Maria Louise[a], wife of Thomas MARLING Esquire who died at Springwell House, Clapham Common, 14 [unclear 2006] Jan 1858 (aged 37). Also Rev Howell HARRIES BA of the Terrace, Clapham Common, who died April 15 1860 (age 37). Also Emily Annie FOX daughter of the late Thomas FOX, died July 29, 1863 (age 15). Joseph OVERBURY Esquire died Cheltenham, will 14 Sep proved 2 Nov 1844 came from a family of woolstaplers and married 1807 Cliffe Pypard, Wiltshire, Elizabeth PIKE. Their children were Joseph 28 Dec 1809, John 28 Dec 1809, Anthony 29 Dec 1814, Nathaniel 29 Dec 1814, Edward 29 Dec 1814, Helen Elizabeth 23 Sep 1817 and Maria Louisa baptised 4 Apr 1820 (buried 9 Jan) all at Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Helen Elizabeth, age 33 in 1851 married 16 Apr 1845, at Frant, Sussex, Thomas FOX Merchant of 9 King William Street, City of London and of 11 York Gate, age 54 in 1851, born Stoke (Damerel?), Devonshire and buried 26 Apr (age 57) "by Coroner’s Warrant". Emily Annie of Lee, Kent was buried 4 Aug (age 16). Maria Louisa, age 31 in 1851 married before 1844, Thomas MARLING, landed proprietor age 47 in 1851, born Woodchester, Gloucestershire of East Cliff, Dover, and Claremont House, Gloucester died 11 Nov 1879 (age 76) Horton Court, Wotton, Gloucester, having married again, his will proved 16 Dec 1879 with estate valued £100,000 to nephew William Henry esquire of Stanley House, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. Thomas Fox’s children were, probably Thomas P. FOX age 4 in 1851, born Streatham, Surrey, Emily Annie age 3 in 1851, Francis O. FOX age 2 in 1851 and William B. age 6 months in 1851, all born St Marylebone, Middlesex. Howell HARRIES BA age 26 in 1851, curate of Holy Trinity, Darlington was born Rudbaxton, Pembrokeshire and baptised 13 Oct 1824 at Ebenezer Calvinistic Methodist, Haverfordwest (buried 21 Apr (age 36))son of Thomas HARRIES Minister of Inhill St Nicholas, Glamorgan and Mary HOWELL.

141. [83.] Chest tomb. Mary Ann widow of George FRACKLETON, died 26 Dec 1885 (age 79)[79th year]. Dear Jesus come quickly. George FRACKLETON, of the parish of St Faith[s] the virgin under St Pauls, died 15 [13] Apr 1858 [1838] (age 51) "an affectionate husband deeply regretted" also Ann PAIN, late of Windsor, departed this life 10 Dec 1855 [1853] (age 78), the affectionate aunt of James POCKLINGTON. (At end) James POCKLINGTON (two panels unused at side). Ann age 73 in 1851 born Clewer, Berkshire died Upper Sydenham and was of New Windsor and aunt to both James and Mary Ann. Mary Ann of 37 Belgrave Road, St Johns Wood, died at 14 Venetia Road, Finsbury Park, the home of her niece Mary Ann POCKLINGTON. George FRACKLETON buried 21 Apr. James POCKLINGTON MPS Chemist and Druggist, age 30 in 1851 was born St Faith, Middlesex.

142. Frederick J. FRANCIS H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Perhaps Frederick John died 26 Mar 1942 (age 24), Stoker 1st Class son of William Edith and married to Evelina Lavinia of Charlton, Kent. (Portsmouth Naval Memorial)

143. [53.] John FRASER Esq.

144. Helena (actually Eleanor Beatrice) FREEBREY Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 50, 9 Panmure Road, daughter of Alfred J. FREEBREY of 158 Seal Road, Sevenoaks.

145. John GARLAND see War Memorial. Killed 13 May 1917 (age 36), rifleman Kings Royal Rifle Corps, postman age 10 in 1891, 20 in 1901 son of George age 6 in 1861, coachman of 42 Willow Walk, born Galhampton, North Cadbury, Somerset and Elizabeth J. born Heathfield, Sussex of Mount Villas, Sydenham Hill, born Sydenham. They also had issue Bessie M. aged 11 in 1891, and Caroline E. age 6 in 1891. (Tilloy British Cemetery, Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, Pas de Calais, France)

146. [82.] Tombstone George GARRATT departed 7 (age 70). George buried 14 Mar 1854 (age 70), a baker age 66 in 1851 was presumably baptised 2 Jan 1786 at Eyworth, Bedfordshire and his wife Mary, age 64 in 1851, was also born in Bedfordshire, and perhaps Mary LANDON, married 23 Jul 1834 at Wigginton, Hertfordshire. His will 19 Feb 1853 was proved 17 Apr 1854.

147. [29.] David GIBSON Esq of the Stock Exchange, 1865 (age 70). Also Martha daughter (not legible, 2006). Widower age 55 in 1841 born Aldgate of 1 James’s Place, Hackney Road, St Peter, Bethnal Green, Middlesex with daughters Jemima age 25 in 1851 of Trinity Square, Newington St Mary, Surrey, Martha age 13 in 1841 and 23 in 1851, death registered 1857 Lewisham, both born Hackney, Middlesex, Elizabeth age 12 in 1841, and Katharine born Homerton, age 10 in 1841 and 19 in 1851.

148. [21.] Ellen GILLMAN, wife of Mr Robert GILLMAN, who departed this life Aug 1840. 1848. Ellen buried 4 Sep 1840 (age 21). Robert a merchant of Mediterranean ports of Cumming Street, Clerkenwell son of Robert of 12 Amwell Street, Finsbury and his wife Ann, married 1841 Islington, Caroline age 31 in 1851 (death registered 1870 at St George, Hanover Square, age 50) daughter of Elizabeth BOVET of Plymouth, Devon, moved to Muswell Hill and died 1892 (age 88), registered at Guildford having had children Robert A age 7 in 1851 and Fritz, 5 in 1851 and both born at Hornsey, Middlesex.

149. [31.] (cross – 1 arm broken) Edward [(Arbuth)not] von GLE[H]N born 19 Sep 1844 died 8 Apr 18[54]--. --. Baptised 30 Oct, buried 13 Apr (age 10), his death registered at St Marylebone, Middlesex.

150. (Floor of chancel) A faithful friend is a strong defence and he that hath found the same hath found a treasure. In loving memory of Mary Emilie "Mimi" third daughter of Robert and Agnes von GLEHN born 13 May 1842 died 8 Jan 1886. This pavement consecrated by undying affection was placed here by her Brothers and Sisters and friends. Mimi was a celebrated pianist and had a twenty-year long relationship with musicologist, Sir George GROVE who was Secretary of the Crystal Palace and wrote the Dictionary of Music and Musicians (born 13 Aug 1820, died 28 May 1900) having settled at Sydenham in 1852. GROVE’s biographer writes of "delightful Sunday afternoons, [at Peak Hill Lodge,] with Mimi von GLEHN at the piano and STOCKHAUSEN, with unwearied voice and unflagging enthusiasm, singing Schubert, Schumann, Bach and Brahms, or with Canon AINGER or GROVE reading poetry aloud in the garden in summer, or round the fire in winter". She died of "consumption" (TB - tuberculosis). Sir Charles Villiers STANFORD 1852 – 1924 playing the organ at her funeral.

151. (Chancel Floor) The Blessing of the Father establisheth the houses of children. Coat of Arms (three ears of corn growing in a field, in chief two asterisks). Sacred to the memory of Robert William von GLEHN of Peak Hill Lodge, Sydenham, born at Reyel in Russia 6 Jan 1801 died at Sydenham 22 Jul 1885. Reval, or Revel is the capital of Estonia, now known as Tallinn, where there is a GLEHN Castle, built by prisoners at a Tallinn penitentiary. Robert was an East India merchant with a Scottish mother and a Scottish wife, Agnes DUNCAN, who he married circa 1837 and he was naturalised a British subject 6 Mar 1846. His children "never felt him as a play fellow, his German nature I think made it difficult for him to unbend. I never saw him play the fool, and I think he was always puzzled at English jokes, particularly when older people talked nonsense". His 10th child, Louisa Hume CREIGHTON b 7 Jul 1850 Sydenham d 15 Apr 1936 5 South Parks Road, Oxford was wife of the Bishop of London 1897 – 1901 at the same time that two former vicars here were Bishops of Lichfield and Southwark, and she and her husband wrote historical books which in her case included publishing biographies on the Black Prince, Sir Walter RALEIGH and the Duke of MARLBOROUGH. She married 8 Jan 1872 at St Bartholomew, Mandell CREIGHTON DD, then fellow and tutor of Merton College, Oxford born 5 Jul 1843 Carlisle, Cumberland d 14 Jan 1901 at Fulham Palace, eldest son of Robert CREIGHTON and Sarah, daughter of Thomas MANDELL of Bolton, Cumberland. A book about their lives and letters is "A Victorian Marriage", 2000 by James Thayne Covert, published by Hambledon & London.
Robert’s grandson, Wilfrid Gabriel de GLEHN d 1951 Stratford Toney, Wiltshire and his wife Jane Erin EMMET were subjects of a painting by John Singer SARGENT at the fountain at Villa Torlonia, Italy. Both artists, she was a cousin of the novelist Henry JAMES

152. Gordon GLIDE see War Memorial. Killed 20 Oct 1918. Private, 2nd battalion, Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire) Regiment and formerly of Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Gardener, age 15 in 1901 born Tooting, son of William, gardener, born Staines, Middlesex and Sophia of Renham, Berkshire. He married 1912 Hampstead, Elizabeth M. SULLIVAN, of 48 Mount Ash Road, Upper Sydenham. (St Aubert British Cemetery, near Cambrai, France nord)

153. Daniel Cottle GREEN see War Memorial. Killed 25 Feb 1917 2nd Lieutenant, 22nd Battalion, London Regiment (Machine Gun Corps (infantry)). (Basra memorial in Iraq)

154. Robert Cottle GREEN see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 29 Aug 1917, Sergeant, 319th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery formerly 31st Royal Fusiliers. Born Pretoria, South Africa. (Sainte Marie Cemetery, Le Havre)

155. Joseph Thos GREER see War Memorial. Died 21 Sep 1917 (age 20) Gunner, 59th Division ammunition column, Royal Field Artillery, age 3 in 1901 born Sydenham, son of William, furniture packer of 39 Providence Place, Brighton St Bartholomew born Ireland, and (Constance) Edith HUGGETT of Fletching, Sussex, marriage registered in 1886, Brighton, and of 15 Peak Hill Gardens, Sydenham. (Birr Cross Roads Cemetery, Ieper, West Flanders)

156. Brass (west wall). To the Glory of God and in loving remembrance of Frances GREGG, of Jesmond, Sydenham, for more than 20 years a constant communicant in this church: born 28 Feb 1812 entered into rest after a life of great suffering 18 Dec 1891 and is laid in Elmers End Cemetery. "The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God." The Ascension Window near this brass, was placed in this Church by Frances GREGG to the memory of her mother.
Brass (west wall). To the Glory of God and in memory of Frances ELLISON who fell asleep at Waverley House in this parish on Ascension day 1872 (age 85). Her body rests in the Jesmond Cemetery, Newcastle "waiting the resurrection of the just" 1 Thess 4 chap 14 V.

157. [20y.] (ashes) Cherished memory of Walter GREGORY 11.5.1933 – 24.3.2002.

158. Dorothea (Endora) GRIFFITH Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 46 at 10 Panmure Road. Born 1898 Sydenham and age 2 in 1901 daughter of George GRIFFITH Electrical Engineer, age 32 in 1901 and Eliza BURROWS, age 27 in 1901 born Oundle, Northamptonshire, married 1896 Lewisham.

159. The Ian GRIFFITHS Hall. Opened by Rt Rev Peter HALL 6 October 1996.

160. George C(ecil) GRIGG see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 12 Apr 1917, private Army Cyclist Corps born Eltham, Kent, of Upper Sydenham. (Tilloy British Cemetery, Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, Pas de Calais)

161. Noel William GROOM see War Memorial. Age 2 in 1891, 11 in 1901, born Chelmsford, son of John GROOM Architect, age 42 in 1891, born Holloway and his second wife, Florence Browne, age 34 in 1891, born Stroud, Gloucestershire, daughter of David J. EVANS Journalist of Rhayader, Radnorshire

162. Phillip Lewis GROOM see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 4 May 1917. Rifleman (lance corporal), 13th battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Age 9 in 1901, brother of the last, born Hornsey of Streatham. (Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais)

163. 88. George GUILLMORE, engaged of London Palace Railway, died 1854 (age 46 years 11 months).

164. [23.] Mary wife of Will H.

165. [140.] Louisa Ann HARDSTONE born 4 May 1807 died 10 Jul 1859.

166. [16.] George HARDY died Sep 1848. Licensed victualler at the Lion public house age 36 in 1841, buried 9 Sep (age 43), will 30 Jul proved 20 Sep 1848 formerly of Colonnade Mews, St George, Bloomsbury (where he appears in the census adjacent to Philip MAYOW, Solicitor). Married Susannah, age 36 in 1851, daughter of Mary A. REEPE of Hurst, Berkshire and had children, William age 16 in 1851, born 23 Aug Hatfield Broad Oak, baptised 23 Nov 1834 Hatfield Heath independent, Essex; Joseph baptised 6 Feb 1837, St Pancras Old Church; Emma 9 Jan 1839, age 12 in 1851; George 28 Mar 1841, buried here 30 Oct 1848 (age 10); Henry born Faversham, Kent, baptised 19 Mar 1843 here; Maryann 17 Jan 1845; and Thomas baptised 19 Dec 1847. Susannah married secondly 19 Oct 1849, All Souls, St Marylebone, James TREHEARN Dairyman and Licensed Victualler (qv), age 35 in 1851, born Lewisham.

167. [86.] William HARDY qv. Of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853.

168. (brass in hall) To the Glory of God and in affectionate remembrance of Francis (sic) Offley first wife of Sir Thomas Duffus HARDY DCL deputy keeper of the Public Records and Daughter of Charles Savery ANDREWS Captain in HM 24th Regiment of Foot. Born on 23 Oct 1811 d 2 Aug 1841 and is buried near this spot. This memorial is placed here by her only child Frances Charlotte HORWOOD AD 1884. Sir Thomas, born 22 May 1804 Port Royal, Jamaica, of the Tower of London died 15 Jun 1878 126 Portadown Road, Maida Vale, London, will proved 12 Jul 1878 to widow Mary Anne, daughter of Charles MCDOWELL, was the only keeper to allow patrons of the Public Record Office to use ink. He was third son of Major Thomas Bartholomew Price HARDY baptised 14 Jul 1778 East Challow, Berkshire who was in turn the son of Lt Colonel Thomas Carteret HARDY Royal York Fusiliers, whose two daughters, Sarah and Charlotte Savery were the subject of a painting in 1801 by Sir Thomas LAWRENCE, which hangs in the Cleveland Museum of Art. The younger of these daughters married Ralph PRICE of Sydenham, and is buried here (qv). Thomas’s first wife, Frances was 30 in 1841 buried 9 Aug (age 31) and their daughter Frances age 9 in 1841 born 9 Sep 1831 London, married 4 Oct 1849 at St Pancras Old Church, Alfred John HORWOOD, Barrister of Chale Villa, West Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, age 59 in 1881, and had a daughter Constance Frances, age 29 in 1881, English Governess of Summerbrook Ladies School, Redland Road, St Giles, Reading baptised 16 Jan 1851 at Temple Church. Thomas’s second wife, Mary Anne was a novelist and traveller, born circa 1825 Fitzroy Square, London of 4 Upper Gloucester Place, Dorset Square, died 19 May 1891 124 Portadown Road, buried Willesden will proved 13 Jun 1891 to her daughter, Iza Duffus authoress age born Surrey, 38 in 1891, died 30 Aug 1922.

169. [50.] Thomas. Frances Offley wife of Thomas Duff HARDY, died 2 Aug 1841 (age 31).

170. Kenneth A(shley) HARMAN H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 26 Apr 1942 (age 26). 2nd Lieutenant 207(M) HAA regiment, son of William Henry and Gwendoline Rose of Sydenham. (Whitby Cemetery, Yorkshire)

171. [85.] Large chest tomb. Sacred to the memory of Thomas HARRILD, youngest son of Robert & Elizabeth HARRILD [departed this life] suddenly, 6 Dec 1867 (age 45), also Robert HARRILD, died 28 Jul 1853 (age 75), leaving a widow with which he had been united 52 years, resident of Sydenham 28 years, and 15 years guardian of the poor of the parish of St Margarets Moses in the ward of Bread Street, [City of] London. Elizabeth died suddenly 26 Dec 1853 (age 73). Robert HARRILD, eldest son of Robert and Elizabeth of Round Hill House, died on his 63rd birthday 11 May 1871 until the day break & the shadows…. Robert esquire, printer’s broker, buried 4 Aug, will 16 Nov 1852 proved 26 Oct 1853, had the spire of St Antholins church in the City of London in his Round Hill House garden. Son of Thomas of Bird Street, Manchester Square and his wife Phebe, and brother-in-law of Samuel SMITH Publican of the Bricklayer’s Arms, Strutton Ground, Middlesex. Elizabeth d Round Hill House, Sydenham, buried 2 Jan 1854 (age 74) administration 13 Oct 1854 – perhaps BILLING, married 14 Jul 1801 Camberwell St Giles. The children and grandchildren as follows:
   1.Henry Horton baptised 25 Nov 1804 Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen.
   2.Mary baptised 13 Jul 1806 Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen died 29 Dec 1871 (age 64) the Retreat, Peak Hill married 23 Aug 1827 Lewisham, George BAXTER living 1872 and had George living 1871; Elizabeth O. living 1871; and Charlotte Warner living 1872
   3.Robert, esquire b 11 May, baptised 5 Jun 1808 St Martin Orgar or St Clement Eastcheap, died 11 May 1871 Round Hill House, buried 18 May, Sydenham (age 63) will proved 10 Jun 1871, married 11 Apr 1861 Eartham, Sussex, Mary Ann OLIVER, living 1871 and had Mary (Marian) baptised 23 Sep 1862 St John, Penge; Robert Olliver baptised 10 Mar 1864, died 4 Feb 1911 77 Elizabeth Street, Eaton Square, Middlesex of 2 Tikenhouse Buildings, London, Administration 20 Feb 1911 London to widow, Evelyn Geraldine; Clara Matilda baptised 11 May 1866; and Walter C.
   4.Sarah baptised 19 Aug 1810, died 26 Aug 1880 Guildford, Surrey (age 70) will proved 14 Dec 1880 married Joseph BILLING Master Printer age 63 in 1881, born Southwark and had Joseph H.; Sarah Elizabeth age 33 in 1881 born Woking, Surrey; Robert; and Samuel.
   5.Horton esquire, printer’s broker baptised 27 Jun 1813, living 1880, of Newark Lodge, Sydenham married 4 Apr 1846 Lewisham, Mary, daughter of Edward HALES Cornfactor and had, perhaps with "granddaughter" Sarah E. HARRILD 53 in 1894, and 55 in 1897 died 17 Jun 1900 married KEEPING; Horton baptised 16 May 1847 Lewisham St Mary [perhaps married 23 Apr 1872 Worthing St George, Sussex, Charlotte GROOMBRIDGE]; Robert Edward living 1875, baptised 18 Feb 1849; and Frederick baptised 19 Mar 1854 at St Bartholomew. Brian, grandson of Frederick, is the only member of any of these families to put his name in our Visitors’ Book, when he was shown round the parish by Doris PULLEN
   6.Henry baptised 19 May 1816 died Dec 1867.
   7.Elizabeth baptised 13 Dec 1818 St Martin Orgar or St Clement Eastcheap.
   8.Thomas HARRILD baptised 28 Apr 1822 St Margaret Moses, London died 6 Dec 1867 Shanklin Villa, Sydenham Park, buried 14 Dec (age 45), printer of Gillingham, Kent and of Shoe Lane, City of London, will proved 6 Jan 1868 married Ellen died 23 Aug 1911 Shanklin Villa, will proved 23 Sep 1911 to Sarah, wife of Robert Thomas BILLING.

172. [86.] William HARRIS qv. Of St Thomas, Southwark, buried 19 August 1853.

173. [119.] Mr William HART died 28 Feb 1842 (age 66 [66th year]) rest sleeping dust, but not for ever here. For Jesus rose victorious o’er the grave. And when he shall again in clouds appear. Thou life, and immortality shall have. (Gentleman of Charles Street, will 22 Sep 1828, proved 2 Apr 1842 to wife Ann died 25 May 1864, son William gentleman of 9 Clarendon Street and a daughter Julia, wife of William Richard GRITTEN, Surveyor of Great Smith Street and 8 Parliament Street, Westminster.)

174. [20g.] (ashes) Jim HASWELL b 1914 d 1997.

175. J. HAWKINS see War Memorial. Perhaps James of Dulwich 1921?

176. Eric F.S. HAYTER see War Memorial. Francis Seaforth killed 21 Mar 1918 (age 25) 2nd Lieutenant 87th Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Born Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia, son of Colonel F.J. and Helen F. (Lagnicourt Hedge Cemetery, Pas de Calais)

177. Patric(k) Gordon HENDERSON see War Memorial. Died 2 May 1918, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd battalion, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment. (Loos memorial, Pas de Calais)

178. (Brass in hall) Also of the above named William Thomas HERBAGE who died in Buenos Aires on Sunday 20 Dec 1891. He giveth his beloved sleep. William HERBAGE Bank Manager of Rosenheim, Silverdale was born Islington the son of William HERBAGE, Architect who died 1846 Islington and Mary Ann STONER of Stamford Hill, Middlesex, married 4 Apr 1826 Stepney St Dunstan. She died 1886 (age 80). He married 1859 at Islington, Elizabeth Loader and died 1892 (age 60) and she died 1896 (age 62) of 10 Albin Place, Ramsgate, Kent having children, William Thomas, Elizabeth Mary age 9 in 1871, died 1879 (age 18), Alfred Henry, age 7 in 1871, died 1876 (age 12), Edith Kate age 15 in 1881, Percy George, solicitor age 24 in 1891, all born Islington (he married 1893 Edith Maud, born Malta and had Edith Marguerite 1894, Percy Frederick Walter 1895 and Muriel Irene 1901 born Lee, Kent), Sydney Frank stockbroker age 2 in 1871, of Surbiton born Ludgate Hill, baptised 17 Jan 1869 St Martin, Ludgate, Alice Maria age 8 in 1881 baptised 13 Oct 1872, and Walter Charles HERBAGE baptised 25 Oct 1874, married 1900 Brentford (the father of a musicologist). William Thomas, merchant, age 20 in 1881, born 1860 in Islington married 1882 Edmonton, Ann(i)e Maria WHITAKER, born Hoxton and apparently had Wilmet Helen A. age 15 in 1901, born Brixton and Edith Julia born 20 Oct baptised 16 Dec 1887 St John’ Cathedral, Buenos Aires, Argentina aged 13 in 1901.

179. (west entrance) Mappa Mundi, signed by John HEREFORD and Peter HAYNES, dean (from Hereford Cathedral) 240/2800 a limited edition print.

180. 20n. (ashes) Irene Mary HERON laid down to rest 1 Sep 1988 (age 83).

181. [33.] Florence Lucy fifth daughter of George and Caroline Louisa HEWITT, died Feb 1853 (aged 18 months). Buried 25 Feb. George was a hop and seed merchant of Kingston Villa, Promenade, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, age 42 in 1851, born at Hornsey, Middlesex and married 1838 in London, Caroline Louisa EDWARDS age 36 in 1851, born London. They had children, Mary age 10 in 1851, baptised 10 Aug 1840 Bordesley, Warwickshire, Francis Henchman 28 Mar 1842, George, age 7 in 1851 baptised 18 Sep 1843 St George, Birmingham, Ann(i)e Louisa 20 Jul 1846, Emily Sarah, baptised 23 Apr 1848 Leamington All Saints, Clara 1 Apr 1850, Florence Lucy baptised 7 Nov 1851 and buried here 25 Feb, and Constance 24 Aug 1853..

182. Thomas Frederick HOLLIS see War Memorial. (Thomas) Frederick died of wounds received, 21 Mar 1918 (age 42), gunner 301st Siege Battery, RGA, gardener age 16 in 1891 born Witton, North Walsham, Norfolk son of Walter, shoemaker of Hoveton St Peter, Norfolk and Harriet, born Witton, and married 1904 in Lambeth, Emily Louise BAKER, of 9 Fransfield Grove, Sydenham. (Arras memorial, France)

183. Kenneth (Audsley) HORLOCK H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 25 Jun 1943 (age 23) Gunner 118 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. Son of Alfred William and Annie Eliza of Sydenham. (Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Thailand) Worked on Burma-Siam railway.

184. Gordon Mar Gregor [MacGregor] HUGHES see War Memorial. Died 8 Aug 1916 (age 21). 2nd Lieutenant, 9th Battalion (attached to 5th battalion), Royal Berkshire Regiment, son of Alfred MacGregor and the late Maria of 34 Newlands Park Road. (Thiepval memorial, Somme)

185. Brass. In affectionate remembrance of Joseph Walter HUNTER Vicar of this parish, who died suddenly August 1947 age 66 years.

186. Edwin Christopher HYTTEN see War Memorial. Killed 12 Nov 1916 (age 26), 2nd Lieutenant, 11th battalion, Hampshire Regiment, born Glasgow. Son of late Christian Olaf and Edith Emmeline of Fairlawn, Addington Grove, Sydenham. (Loker Churchyard, Heuvelland, West Flanders)

187. [86.] William JAMES qv. Of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853.

188. [100.] –ai-es JAMES.

189. R(eginald) H(arry) JEFFREY see War Memorial. Killed 11 Apr 1917 (age 24), 2nd Lieutenant, 4th battalion (attached 1st battalion), Royal Warwickshire Regiment, age 8 in 1901 born Stoke Newington, son of Mrs Kate DAMPIER-CHILD of 41 Lanercrost Road, Tulse Hill. (Fampoux British Cemetery, Pas de Calais)

190. [55.] (hidden by the trees) Mr John JOHNSON late of Sydenham Hill.

191. Trevor Blake JOLLY see War Memorial. Died 20 Sep 1917 (age 23) 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd battalion attached 12 battalion, East Surrey Regiment. Age 7 in 1901, born Sydenham. Educated Marlborough School, wife Catherine Blake of 48 Fulham Road, South Kensington. Probably son of Sydney B. JOLLY Medical Practitioner, born in Bath. (Tyne Cot memorial, West Flanders)

192. A.G.E. JONES Civilian 2nd World War. Anne Georgina Elisa killed 15 Mar 1945 age 64, 75 Crystal Palace Park Road; nee MAYHEW age 21 in 1901, assistant teacher, born Harrington, Cumberland. Married 1905 Croydon, Edward Michael JONES.

193. E(dward) M(ichael) JONES Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Mar 1945 age 65, 75 Crystal Palace Park Road. Wife Anne Georgina Elisa. Born 1879 Tottenham, of Old Bell Cottage, Harpenden, son of Edward M. railway clerk of St Pancras, London and Mary A. milliner, born Notting Hill, Paddington.

194. John Myddelton JONES see War Memorial. Killed 1 Jul 1916 (age 25). 2nd Lieutenant, 17th battalion, Durham Light Infantry. Age 10 in 1901, born Clapton, son of Thomas Augustus and Marian. (Thiepval memorial, France)

195. Brass. In loving memory of Owen JONES architect d 19 Apr 1874 (age 65). Erected by his sisters, Catherine and Hannah JONES. Architect and Interior Designer born 15 Feb 1809 Thames Street, City of London and died 9 Argyle Place, Regent Street and was buried Kensal Green Cemetery, his will proved 27 May 1874 to widow, Isabella Lucy 54 in 1871, born St George, Middlesex. Educated at Charterhouse School, he was articled to architect Lewis VULLIAMY 1825 – 31, to whom was credited the design of St Bartholomew’s and went on a tour of the Middle East, in 1833. He is best known for the books, "Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of the Alhambra", 1836 and "Grammer of Ornament" 1856, specialised as a colour printer, created 173 different playing card designs varying from fruit and flower themes to Chinese and Arabesque, and among other things decorated the novelist George ELIOT’s drawing room. He was Superintendent of works for the 1851 Great Exhibition and designed the Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Alhambra courts when it moved to Crystal Palace in 1854. As such he was part of the circle which would have included Brunel, John Scott RUSSELL, and other architects. The Royal Institute of British Architects has an Owen Jones studentship. He was only son of Owen JONES alias Owain MYFYR Fur Merchant, and Antiquary, born 3 Sep 1741 Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr, Denbighshire who took over the furriers Kidney & Nutt, based in Upper Thames Street and was buried All Hallows, Thames Street, will proved 1814.

196. [131.] table tomb. John Towgood KEMBLE, of Sydenham Hill, died 30 Dec 1860 (age 72). [Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord]. Secretary, City of London Club, 62 in 1851 born Clapham, Surrey buried 6 Jan 1861. He had a sister Mary.

197. [132.] relict of KEMBLE. Elizabeth … Common 36.

198. [75.] Mary KERIGAN [widow of] Thomas KERIGAN Esquire FRS master p--- who died. She died Penge buried 11 Jan 1854 (age 54), will 9 Dec 1853, proved 21 Jan 1854. He was Purser and Paymaster RN and died at Southsea, will proved 28 Oct 1848. He was author of "Kerigan’s Complete Mathematical & General Navigation Tables or the Master Key to the Nautical Almanach".

199. E(lizabeth) KIMPTON Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Mar 1945 age 69, 73 Crystal Palace Park Road widow of Ralph Howard and daughter of Thomas and Margaret DAVIES of 90 Pen-y-lan, Roath, Cardiff.

200. [20o.] (ashes) Norah Amelia KNIBBS b 20 May 1910 died 2 Jun 2001. God bless.

201. [59.] Felix seventh son of Mr William KNOWLER and Anne his wife of Canterbury, builder, who died at Sydenham 24 Oct 1848 age 22 years. My days are past, my purposes are broken. (Of a gentry family at Canterbury. Buried 31 Oct.)

202. V.C. KNOWLES Civilian 2nd World War. Victoria Christian, nurse killed 15 Sep 1940 age 53 at 19 Crystal Palace Park Road, daughter of Mr And Mrs D.C. KNOWLES of 20A Southesk Street, Brechin, Angus.

203. [72.] Jane Elizabeth LAMB, beloved wife of John –lis Mar (age 61). She was buried 22 Mar 1854 (age 61) and his death registered Dec quarter 1863.

204. [136.] Sally LANCE, 26 Dec 18[4]5 (age 64), also James LANCE, died 23 Feb 1836 [illegible, 2006] (age 81[61]), also Ann LANCE, last surviving sister. Sally buried 2 Jan 1846, and James gentleman, civil service clerk, born Sydenham, age 76 in 1851 buried 1 Mar (age 82), will 10 Dec 1853 proved 24 March 1856, and Ann LANCE 66 in 1851, born Sydenham, died Clapham, Surrey buried 9 May 1866 (age 81).

205. [92.] [The family grave of] James LAVELL. Elizabeth LAVELL [wife of the above d 21 Jul (age 32)]. Publican, father of Alfred age 21 in 1875, publican married here 16 Sep 1875 to Sarah, age 21 in 1875 daughter of William DAINTON; Clara age under 21 in 1876, married 20 Jul 1876 here, William GLASS Butcher age 33 in 1876, son of William, butcher; and Eugenie, age 18 in 1876 married 5 Sep 1876 to Augustus Cufaude accountant age 25 in 1876, son of William Henry PALMER, Gentleman.

206. [81.] Edward LAWES [Esq] Barrister-at-law, died May 22 1832 [1852](aged 35 years). Born Serjeants Inn, of Sydenham Hill, baptised 5 Mar 1817 at Holborn St Andrew buried 28 May 1852 (age 36), son of Edward Hobson Vitruvius LAWES Serjeant at Law and Jane Edwards. He married 1843 Lewisham, Caroline Sophia, born Blackheath Hill, daughter of John BOWEN Merchant and Eliza Stubbs, born Greenwich of 3 South Row, Blackheath. They had children, Edward Bowen, baptised here 9 Aug 1848 and Caroline age 11 months in 1851, baptised 22 May 1850 married 1879, to Duncan MACKENZIE Merchant widower, born Brighton, Sussex age 46 in 1879, son of Lieutenant William 3rd Light Dragoons, with children Ethel Maud A. age 5 in 1881, born Sydenham and William B. (aged 11 months in 1881) born Paddington..

207. [20aa.] (ashes) Leslie Charles LAWLER died 19 Aug 1981.

208. William (Henry) LAWRENCE see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 14 Sep 1914 (age 18). Rifleman 2nd battalion KRRC, age 5 in 1901 as "born Deptford", of Camberwell - born Peckham, Surrey, son of Walter Henry of 7 College Mansions, Sydenham Park Road. (La Ferte-sous-Jouarre memorial)

209. (Brass in hall) In Memory of Major Andrew LAWRIE 79th Highlanders who fell at Burgos 22 Sep 1812 (age 26) and of Margaret his widow who died at Sydenham 2 Jan 1878 (age 85). This tablet is placed by their only child A.J.C. LAWRIE and Eliza his wife. The Siege of Burgos 20 – 26 September, 1812 took place in Wellington’s Peninsular War, in northwestern Spain. Son of Andrew esquire of Robert Street, Adelphi, London and his wife Joan, and brother of John esquire, army agent age 50 in 1841, of Sydenham Place and Charles Street, St James Square, Middlesex who married Eliza. Margaret C. of Border Lode, Border Road, age 68 in 1861 born Scotland.

210. (Brass in hall) In loving memory of Andrew James Charles LAWRIE of Lawrie Park, Sydenham born 18 May 1812 died 29 Dec 1889. He was the only child of Major Andrew LAWRIE (79th Highlanders) who was killed at Burgos on 22 Sep 1812 and of Margaret his wife. This tablet is erected by his sorrowing widow Eliza LAWRIE. NOT LOST BUT GONE BEFORE. Also of Eliza LAWRIE, wife of the above, who died at Torquay [Devon] 5 January 1900. Andrew barrister age 29 in 1841, of Westwood House, Sydenham.

211. (on lytch gate. Verse.) In Loving Memory John G.W. LUNN 1926 – 2003. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. [from John chap 3 v 16].

212. [7.] Elizabeth West daughter of John West and Eleanor LYON of this place, died November 25[23] 1849, age 6 years and 8 months, also Frederick, son of the above 23 September 1850 age 5 years 6 months. John age 31 in 1841, saddler married 14 Jun 1834 Holy Trinity, Newington, Elliner WILLSON, age 30 in 1841 and had children, John William, age 6 in 1841 baptised 5 Jul 1835 Holy Trinity, Mary, age 3 in 1841, Eliza, age 6 months in 1841, Elizabeth baptised 21 Mar 1843 buried 30 Nov here, and Frederick baptised 27 Jul 1845 and buried 30 Sep here.

213. George MARCHANT see War Memorial. Died of wounds 5 Mar 1917 (age 33). Rifleman 21st battalion, KRRC. Age 17 in 1901, born Sydenham, son of Owen builder’s labourer age 57 in 1901, born Slaugham, Sussex and Sarah, age 48 in 1901, born Woodley, Berkshire, and husband of Minnie of 15 Halifax Street. (Boulogne Eastern Cemetery)

214. Charles J(ames) MARRIOTT see War Memorial. Killed 7 Oct 1916 (age 24). Private, "D" company, 15th battalion, London Regiment. Age 9 in 1901, born New Cross, of Deptford St Paul, son of William (perhaps general labourer?, born Bermondsey), and husband of Amy Gertrude, of 38 Venner Road, Sydenham. (Thiepval memorial)

215. [141.] Chest tomb next wall. George Wharton MARRIOTT Esq, barrister at law, second son of Rev Robert MARRIOTT of Cottesbatch in the county of Leicester, died at Sydenham 1 Mar 1833. George buried 7 Mar (age 55) of Bloomsbury, Middlesex will 12 Jun 1832 proved 18 May 1833, had wife Selina Anne and sons George Robert esquire, Rev Fitzherbert Adams MARRIOTT clerk, and Edmund Chase, baptised 10 Nov 1825 St Andrew, Rugby, Warwickshire.

216. Sidney George MARSHALL see War Memorial. Died 17 Sep 1918 (age 23). Trooper, Australian Light Horse (of Australian nationality), son of Henry and Emily of 301 Mount Ash Road. (Jerusalem War Cemetery, Israel)

217. Stanley W(illiam) MARTIN Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 24 Sep 1940 age 45 at 39 Longton Grove. Age 5 in 1901? - born Enfield.

218. [14.] MAS

219. Charles (Henry) MAY see War Memorial. Died 31 Oct 1914 (age 22). Lance Sergeant "G" company, 2nd battalion, Highland Light Infantry, son of Henry Thomas and Mary Ann of 17 Panmure Road. (Hugle Dump Cemetery, Belgium)

220. [13.] Thomas MEWETT. Wheelwright age 76 in 1851 born Bexhill, died 1858 married 22 May 1837 Greenwich St Alphege, Kent, Penelope STEVENS age 71 in 1851 born Canterbury of Skeets Lane, died here 1854.

221. [15.] Frederick W. MILLER May 185-. Caroline MILLER Aug 1860. Rev Frederick William MILLER buried 14 May (age 63) by Rev Charles ENGLISH. Will 30 Mar proved 4 Jul 1853, had a widow, Anna Isabella.

222. H. MILLER see War Memorial. Horace Frederick?

223. [58.] (not legible 2006) Thomas MOORE. Thomas MOORE. Thomas MOORE buried 26 Jun 1851 (age 60). An Elizabeth MOORE died Penge, buried 15 Jan 1854 (age 70).

224. [96.] (hidden by a bush) Jane, wife of James MORGAN [of London] (not legible, 2006), died 25 Nov 1854 (age 33 years).

225. John William MORGAN see War Memorial. Died 18 Jan 1918 (age 31). Private 4th battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment b Clapton. Son of William and Elizabeth of 3 Kelvin Grove. (Thiepval memorial)

226. [22.] Major Robert MURRAY, late of H.M. 30th Regiment, who departed this life 22 Apr 1836 (age 56 years). Buried 28 Apr, formerly of Peckham, Surrey and previously of Hanover Place, Kent Road, Surrey. Will 10 Mar 1832 proved 13 May 1836 to widow Amelia Ann.

227. [102.] flat grave with flowers. Herbert Edwin NASH d 13 Jul (sic) 1852. Francis Edwin NASH died 30 Jun (sic) 1856. Edwin NASH Architect, who designed St Bartholomew’s chancel, completed in 1858, baptised 8 Jan 1813 Newington St Mary, Surrey, of Sydenham Park son of William Woodbridge, hop factor of Nags Head Yard, Southwark and Newington Place, and Elizabeth. He married 1849, Lewisham, Euphemia baptised 11 Jul 1823 St Giles, Camberwell, daughter of John BARRAUD Gentleman of Denmark Hill and Mary Ann and had children, Walter Hilton, born Sydenham age 9 months in 1851, Edwin Herbert, birth registered Jun quarter 1852, buried 18 Jun (age 1 month and 3 days), Edward baptised 23 Mar 1855, and Francis Edwin baptised 25 Jun 1856 here and buried 4 Feb 1857 (aged 8 months).

228. Cyril (Roland Montgomery) NEARY Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 17 Jun 1944 age 16, Ivorydown. Son of James Ernest Albert and Lilian May of 32 Panmure Road.

229. [97.] hidden by a bush. James NEWSON 18 Jun 1851. James NEWSOME was buried 5 Jul (age 43). Henry NEWSOM was buried 17 May 1858 (age 3 years 6 months).

230. [42.] N NEWTON.

231. Charles Edward NICHOLLS see War Memorial. Killed 7 Apr 1917 (age 29). Rifleman 18th battalion, London Irish Rifles, 1 of four brothers, age 12 in 1901, born Paddington son of Mr And Mrs Joshua NICHOLLS of 16 Fransfield Grove. Joshua, age 48 in 1901 general coachman, born Fordham, Cambridgeshire, married 1880 St Giles, Louisa MINETT age 23 in 1881, daughter of William, coffee house keeper of 35 Compton Street. (Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial)

232. [104.] Henry NIXON (illegible, 2006).

233. [4.] John NORMAN 1852. Of Wells Road, buried 8 Mar (age 62).

234. [28.] Ephr NORTH. Ephraim NORTH Farmer of Bell Green, age 74 in 1851, born Stockland, Devon. Married Anne and had children, John 16 Sep 1796 and Ephraham, 15 Jun 1800 baptised Yarcombe, Devon, and George 18 Jul 1802, Joseph 10 Aug 1804, Elizabeth born 8 Jan, baptised 16 Feb 1806, Rebecca born 20 Nov, baptised 14 Dec 1807, James born 31 Dec 1808 baptised 29 Jan 1809, Sarah born 31 Mar, baptised 19 Apr 1812, Mary 2 Jan 1814, and Harriett baptised 12 Apr 1818 at Dalwood, Devon.

235. [129.] (stands at end of 128) William NOSWORTHY Esq, died 1854, also his children Frederick James 1852 (age 2 years). Marian 1855. William, of 38 Mincing Lane buried 22 Jul (age 35). Will 18 Feb 1852, proved 18 Aug 1854, to widow Susan, and brother-in-law Frederick William BRIND of 14 Devonshire Street. Frederick James buried 15 January and Marian was buried 23 Apr (aged 3).

236. Charles (George) PALMER see War Memorial. Killed 28 Nov 1916 (age 22). Gunner 117th Brigade, RFA, age 6 in 1901 born Tottenham son of Mr and Mrs Thomas PALMER of 25 Fransfield Grove. (Karasouli Military Cemetery in Greece)

237. F.M. PARKER Civilian 2nd World War. Florence May, wife of Henry William ZINGES killed 19 Oct 1940 311 Liverpool Road, Islington age 54 with her husband, age 55 and daughter Florence May, age 18.

238. Percival Victor PEARCE see War Memorial. Died 3 Jul 1918 (age 21), Private 7th battalion Queens Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment and formerly of West Kent Yeomanry age 4 in 1901, born Hammersmith, London, son of Mr T.H. and Mrs E.A. of 116 Sydenham Road. Thomas Henry, licensed victualler of Molland, Devon, of Union Tavern, 2 Kings Cross Road, Clerkenwell St James, and Eleanor A. born Poplar. (Berlin South-Western Cemetery, Stahnsdorf)

239. [43.] Mrs Ann PEARSON 7 Jul… age….

240. G(ertrude) M(arguerite) PHILIPPS Civilian 2nd World War. PHILLIPS, killed 15 Mar 1945 age 23 along with the next, 73 Crystal Palace Park Road, wife of Richard Walter PHILLIPS, and daughter of Mr and Mrs W. SALE of 36 Skipton Road, Anfield, Liverpool.

241. R(ichard) W(alter) PHILIPPS Civilian 2nd World War. PHILLIPS, husband of Gertrude Marguerite. Killed (along with her) 15 Mar 1945 age 22 at 73 Crystal Palace Park Road. Son of Mr and Mrs W.J. PHILLIPS of 64 Gassiot Way, Sutton.

242. D(orothy) G(race) PHILP Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 15 Mar 1945 age 47, 73 Crystal Palace Park Road. Age 3 in 1901 born Seychelles, of St Clement, Haverfordwest, wife of Stuart Hatherley PHILP and daughter of Prebendary and Mrs G.E. WALTERS of 28 Dublin Crescent, Henleaze, Bristol. George E. born Haverfordwest married Ester G. age 28 in 1901, born Holloway, London.

243. John Andrew PIGGOTT see War Memorial. Died 6 Dec 1918 (age 33), Sapper RE (Postal Section), age 15 in 1901, born Penge, husband of Emma Frances of 35 Mosslea Road, Penge and son of (Andrew) Frederick gas works mains fitter age 56 in 1901, born Greenwich, Kent and his second wife, Mercy PEIRCE age 60 in 1901, born Faversham, where her marriage was registered Dec quarter, 1869. (Charleroi Communal Cemetery)

244. E.C.S. PILLOW Civilian 2nd World War. Edwin Cedric Stewart, killed 15 Mar 1945 age 16 at 73 Crystal Palace Park Road, son of the next.

245. M(arguerita) F(rances) PILLOW Civilian 2nd World War. Killed with her son 15 Mar 1945 at 73 Crystal Palace Park Road age 46, widow of William and daughter of Mrs C.E. THEOBALD of Burlinson, Bond Road, Poole, Dorset.

246. [84.] (adjacent to Crystal Palace memorial) George PLINCKE, died 14 Nov 1854 (age 6 years 9 months). Frederick PLINCKE age 35 in 1851, baptised 25 Dec 1815 St Ann Soho, of Ham Common, Ham St Andrew, Surrey was son of Heinrich (Henry) esquire of South Terrace, Brompton and Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire and Sarah, and married 15 Dec 1843, British Chaplaincy, St Petersburg, Russia, Sarah COLEMAN age 33 in 1851, born Walthamstow. They had children, Edward, age 6 in 1851, baptised there 29 Apr 1845, George, age 3 in 1851 baptised there 28 Mar 1848, buried here (as PLINCKE) 16 Nov, William, age 8 months in 1851, born Ham, Surrey, and Emma age 17 in 1871, of 1 Addison Terrace, St Barnabas, Kensington baptised here 22 Jun 1853. The firm of NICHOLLS & PLINCKE (the Magasin anglais).were silversmiths to the Tsars, notably at the marriage of Tsar NICHOLAS I’s daughter Alexandra in 1844.

247. [106.] (hidden)(chest tomb with a number of crosses at end shaped as swords) Harriet, widow of Captain Robert PRICE Bengal N.I. died 11 May 1880 (age 76), also Charlotte Savery, wife of Ralph PRICE Esquire, died 1st Apr 1850 (in 69th year). Also, Ralph PRICE Esq died 31 [3rd] Apr 1860 (age 84). See "Burke’s Peerage". Ralph b 8 Feb 1780 Chatham Place, buried 10 Apr, general merchant of William Street, London, son of Sir Charles, 1st baronet, (MP and Lord Mayor of London) married 3 Sep 1805 Hempstead, Gloucestershire, Charlotte Savery, buried 8 Apr (age 69), daughter of Lt Col Thomas Cartert HARDY Colonel Commandant, York Fusiliers (qv) of John Street, Berkeley Square, Middlesex. Captain Robert 67th regt born Sydenham, 13 Jul 1813 killed in action 5 Feb 1853 Donabue, near Rangoon married secondly, here 16 May 1850, his 1st cousin Harriet, daughter of Sir Charles PRICE 2nd Baronet.

248. [135.] Chest tomb behind railings. (At end) (overgrown) Richard Preston PRICHARD, the younger, who died 15 Apr 1869[1859], and his widow Marianne. Baptised 18 Jun 1807 St Lawrence Jewry or St Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, City of London, age 40 in 1851 of 20 Albert Road, buried 23 Apr, son of Richard Preston (buried 15 Nov 1836 (age 71)) and Selina TAYLOR (died Paddington, buried here 30 Mar 1857 (age 77). Marianne 28 in 1851 and 38 in 1861, a "shareholder" born London later of 1 Compton Villa, Seaside Road, Eastbourne died Finchley, buried 11 Jun 1884 (age 61), with issue. Emily Crosse PRICHARD of Botesdale, West Suffolk was buried 13 Oct 1854 (age 38).

249. [11.] Illen RAYNE. [Mr] Thomas RAYNE… aged 18 years.

250. [86.] Henry READING qv. Of St Thomas, Southwark buried 19 Aug 1853.

251. To the glory of God and in memory of Henry Syme REDPATH (north wall, west entrance) To the Glory of God and in memory of Henry Syme REDPATH for fifteen years Peoples Warden of this Church. The West Window of the Tower was enriched with stained glass to commemorate this devotion to the affairs of the Church. His attachment to its services at which he was a daily worshipper and his Kindness to persons of all classes. He died 28 Dec 1886 (age 67). "My father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." Solicitor born Greenwich, baptised 31 March 1833 Woolwich St Mary Magdalen, son of James and Eleanor. He died 35 Kirkdale, of 23 Bush Lane, City of London, will proved 22 Feb 1887 to widow Harriett ADENEY, married 1847 Kings Norton, Worcestershire, near Birmingham, having children Henry Adeney born 19 Jun baptised 16 Aug 1848, William Syme REDPATH baptised 8 Jan 1851, Jessie Jane age 29 in 1881, baptised 13 Oct 1852, and Mary E., 27 in 1881 all born Sydenham. Henry Adeney REDPATH DLitt, MA Rector of Holwell, Dorset and of St Dunstan in the East from 1898 of 10 Idol Lane, London EC died 24 Sep 1908, editor of "the Concordance of the Septuagint with Hebrew equivalents" and of Modern Criticism of the Book of Genesis having married 1886 Catherine Helen, died 1898 daughter of Henry Peter AUBER, with issue.

252. [115. Sacred. To the memory of Mrs Sally RHODES, wife of Mr. John RHODES, late of this parish and daughter of William and [&] Esther WOOD late of St John(s) Street, Kingston upon Hull, who died 22 Oct 1886 [recte 1836] (aged 45 years), all you that come my grave to see, as I am now so you must be, prepare in time make no delay, in a few short days I was snatched away also of the above Mr. John RHODES who died 8th Mar 1849 (aged 69 years). Sally buried 29 Oct 1836 and John, of North Greenwich, buried 15 Mar 1849.

253. [130.] table tomb Mark William RIDGWAY. Anne, wife of Mark William RIDGWAY, died 1846. Ann RIDGWAY 2[7] Nov 186-. (not legible, 2006) Edmund SINCLAIR 8 Jan 185- (age 8-). (not legible, 2006) Mary Ann second wife of Mark William RIDGWAY, died 17 Jun 1868 (age 60). [Also in affectionate remembrance of] Mark William RIDGWAY, died 20 Jan 1877 (age 71). Mark, and Ann, born Thornborough, Buckinghamshire. He in 1851 Licensed Victualler of the Greyhound Inn, in 1861 wine merchant of Lime Tree Cottage, in Lower Sydenham, his will proved 19 Feb 1877. Anne buried 22 May 1840 (age 46), Ann buried 5 Dec 1854 (age 85), Mary Ann buried 23 Jun (age 68), and Mark William, buried 26 Jan. Edmund SINCLAIR, age 69 in 1841 with [his wife] Eliza, 62 in 1841, of Bell Green, Sydenham.

254. [133.] Jane RIMINGTON 1869 (age 61). Grave not noticed, 2006. Must refer to Jane RIVINGTON died 2 Feb, buried 10 Feb 1860 (age 65), will proved 2 Mar 1860, sister of Elizabeth RIVINGTON buried 22 Nov 1856 (age 74), will 30 Dec 1852, proved 13 Mar 1857. The RIVINGTONs were a family of publishers. Jane’s father Francis RIVINGTON, Bookseller of St Paul’s Churchyard died 18 Oct 1822 Islington, will 5 May 1820 proved 14 Jul 1823, son of John RIVINGTON Bookseller of St Paul’s Churchyard and Elizabeth Miller, sister of Sir Francis GOSLING Lord mayor of London. Francis married Margaret ELLILL, baptised 16 Oct 1754 St Mary Abchurch, died 1828, daughter of John merchant of Cannon Street and Pendleton, Lancashire and Jane was baptised 15 Jan 1796 at St Faith under St Paul, London. Her sister Margaret married 1803 Austin Friars, Thomas ROBINSON Esquire, Mayor of Oxford of Yarnton, Oxfordshire. Jane’s nephew John RIVINGTON Esquire of Sydenham lived 1812 – 86, had a daughter, Amy, living 1845, and the firm was sold in 1890.

255. [44 ] (propped up against 45). In memoriam W.R. 1849 G.R. 1834.

256. Ernest Allen ROBERTS see War Memorial. Died 27 Nov 1917, Private 2nd/6th battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment (labour corps), transferred to 68th Area Employment Company. Born Pentre, Denbighshire, registered 1876 Ruthin married Mabel A. of 3 Panmure Road. (Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte)

257. [45.] William ROBERTS Esquire of Sydenham, Kent, formerly surgeon of [H.M. 1st] Royal Regiment, youngest son of [the late] Edward Drayton ROBERTS. Also George. William’s will 11 Feb 1835, proved 21 Dec 1849 by wife Priscilla, children, George, baptised 4 Feb 1821 Bromley buried 1 Mar 1834 St Bartholomew (age 13), Henry Charles baptised 18 Aug 1822, Julia 28 Dec 1823 and Thomas Gibson 21 Sep 1828 all at Lewisham St Mary. Edward surgeon of Chancery Lane, Middlesex, will 7 Sep 1775 proved 17 Mar 1780 married Margaret BARNES, with issue Edward William baptised 14 Dec 1774, George 24 Mar 1777 and William 25 Jan 1779 all at Holborn St Andrew.

258. [64.] George ROCK. Mary Ann Feb 1851. George, carpenter, 45 in 1841, 55 in 1851 buried 2 Sep 1857 (aged 61), son of William blacksmith of Chelsfield, Kent. Mary ROCKE his wife, 45 in 1841, buried 26 Feb 1846 (age 54).

259. [60.] Catherine Martha ROGERS, died 27 Mar 1833 (age 65 [63 years]). James Anthony ROGERS, brother of the above, died 24 Aug 1840 (age 58), also Mrs Mary ROGERS, wife of J.A. ROGERS, died 31 May 1844 (age 58), also Thomas Goodwin ROGERS, youngest son of the above James and Mary ROGERS, who died 14th day of Aug 1844 (age 20). Catherine buried 3 Apr, James 29 Aug, Mary 6 Jun and Thomas Goodwin ROGERS was buried 22 Aug 1844. James Anthony and Mary had children James Anthony 12 May 1809, a draper’s outfitter of Watford in 1851, Caroline Harriet 20 Aug 1812, Harry Grooby 19 Apr 1814 and Charles John baptised 13 Jan 1816 all at Lewisham St Mary, Eliza Martha 10 Nov 1820 St Mary, Newington, and Thomas Goodwin baptised 13 Mar 1825 St Mary, Newington and St Peter, Walworth.

260. [148.] Lavinia ROGERS, died 3 Jul 1855 (age 45 years) "…long time bore…". She died Forest Hill and was buried 9 Jul.

261. [20h.] (ashes) Dipling Edward RUFF b 19 Feb 1902 died 30 Apr 1985.

262. [79.] (large, square grave (broken)) Norman SCOTT RUSSELL, born 7 Jun 1839 died 23 Apr 1929 at Rapallo, Italy. Louise SCOTT RUSSELL 1878 and her brother 1852. Norman, naval architect, 21 in 1861 and Louisa, 20 in 1861 both born Scotland were children of John SCOTT RUSSELL, Naval Architect and Civil Engineer born 9 May 1808 Parkhead, near Glasgow and died 8 Jun 1882 Ventnor, Isle of Wight, and Henrietta, 52 in 1861, born in Ireland of West Wood Lodge (at the corner of Crystal Palace Park Road and Westwood Hill), in Beckenham. (Louise, buried 12 March, (age 37) had an affair with the composer Sir Arthur SULLIVAN.) John, FRS, while conducting experiments to determine the most efficient design for canal boats, discovered the wave of translation or "soliton" wave, and had built a 30 foot wave tank in his garden. He revolutionised nineteenth century naval architecture, made one of the first experimental observations of the Doppler shift, he helped design (with Brunel) and built the ship the "Great Eastern", and founded the Institute of Naval Architects. His children Osborne buried 16 Apr 1852 (age 14); Alice Mary, age 22 in 1869 married 30 Sep 1869 here, Francois Arshur RAUSCH Esquire, age 28 in 1869 son of Jean Henri, esquire; and Mary Rachel, aged 26 in 1872, previously mistress of the said Arthur SULLIVAN, married 29 Oct 1872 William Henn HOLMES Bengal Civil Servant, age 25 in 1872.

263. H.L. SACH see War Memorial. Herbert Edward, killed 22 Aug 1918. Private 1/24th London battalion, Queens (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, of South Norwood. Born Brighton, age 14 in 1901. (Vis-en-Artois memorial, Pas de Calais, France)

264. Eric (William) SAICH H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 2 Oct 1941 (age 29). Lance Sergeant, 11th battalion East Surrey Regiment. Husband of Winifred Mary, and son of Ernest Walter and Maud. (Syston Cemetery, Leicestershire)

265. Sydney George SAMWAYS see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 27 Oct 1917 (age 31). Private, 1st battalion Queens Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment, age 16 in 1901, builder’s apprentice, born Sydenham son of George, gardener age 54 in 1901, born Symondsbury and his wife, married 1882 Marylebone, Ann(ie) LYNAM. (Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery)

266. [61.] Emilie Hunter, the beloved child of John and Esther SATTERTHWAITE of London, who died in this place, 28 Sep 1832 (age 3 years 9 months). John, wine merchant age 40 in 1841 of Cullum Street, St Dionis, Backchurch, London married 26 Sep 1825 Chester, Holy Trinity, Esther HUNTER, aged 35 in 1841. They had children, Julie HUNTER baptised 28 Feb 1827 Kennington St Mark, Emily Hunter baptised 28 Jan 1829 St Giles, Camberwell buried here 2 Oct, Victorine Maria 21 Jun 1831, William Henry Lawrence 15 Nov 1832 and Edward Hunter baptise 16 May 1834, all at St Nicholas Acon, City of London.

267. M.W.N. SAWTELL Civilian 2nd World War. Margaret Wilson Mann killed 15 Sep 1940 age 90, 19 Crystal Palace Park Road. Widow of Captain J. SAWTELL and daughter of Captain Alexander and Margaret Wilson MANN. She was age 40 in 1891 and 48 in 1901, born Scotland of Hopecott, Barforth Road, Camberwell St Antholin and had children, Maggie 15 in 1891, Sarah Elizabeth Talbot age 13 in 1891 and John Alexander age 10 in 1891 all born in Scotland.

268. [73.] (headstone) Sacred to the memory of Harriet SCALES d 24 Dec 1854 (age 4 years). Edward SCALES, brickmaker and railway contractor age 42 in 1851 and 50 in 1861 born Crayford, Kent, married Frances age 33 in 1851, 40 in 1861, born Frindsbury, Strood, Kent and had, with other issue, Harriet born 1850 Rivenhall, in 1854 of Mistley, Essex, buried 29 Dec ("Lambeth" deleted).

269. Herbert SCULL see War Memorial. Herbert Hilton killed 10 Sep 1916. Rifleman, 5th (City of London) battalion, (London Rifle Brigade) London Regiment. Born Camberwell, of East Dulwich. (Thiepval memorial)

270. William Vaughan SCULTHORPE see War Memorial. Died 8 Jun 1917. 2nd Lieutenant 1st/22nd battalion, London Regiment, age 9 in 1901 of Uppingham, Rutland, born Leicester son of Mr W. of West Leigh, 3 Ashleigh Road, Leicester. (Woods Cemetery)

271. Frederick William SEADEN see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 12 Nov 1917 (age 34). Sergeant, Army Service Corps (Mechanized Transport) attached 54th Siege Battery ammunition column. Born in West Ham, son of George and Clara. Married to Florence Elizabeth of 3 Mount Villas, Sydenham Hill Road. (St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen)

272. (On house next to Church) St David’s. (blue plaque) L.C.C. [London County Council] Sir Ernest SHACKLETON (1874 – 1922) Antarctic Explorer Lived here.

273. (Major Sir Ernest Henry SHACKLETON born 15 Feb 1874 Kilkee, County Kildare of 14 Milnthorpe Road, Eastbourne, Sussex died on board the steam yacht Quest at Grytviken, South Georgia, in the Atlantic Ocean, will proved 12 May 1922, son of Henry SHACKLETON MD and Henrietta Letitia Sophia, daughter of Henry John GAVAN. Henry, age 54 in 1901 and Henrietta, 45 in 1891 and 55 in 1901 had other issue, Amy V., 25 in 1901, Frank, 14 in 1891, died 1941 Chichester alias "MELLORS", Ethel R. 22 in 1901, Eleanor H. 21, Clara L., 20, Helen, 8 in 1891 and 19 in 1901, Kathleen, 17, Gladys M. 14 born Sydenham. He married 9 Apr 1904 Emily Mary daughter of Charles DORMAN of Wadhust, Sussex. His more interesting brother Francis L. (Frank), Dublin Herald, was accused in the will of Sir Arthur VICARS, Ulster King of Arms, of stealing the Irish "crown jewels" (the star and badge of the Order of St Patrick, presented to the order in 1831 by King William IV and believed to have been made from diamonds belonging to Queen Charlotte) in 1907 from the heralds’ office in Dublin Castle which was the subject of a Viceregal commission of enquiry in 1908, and was made the subject of one of the "Secret Cases of Sherlock Holmes", 1998. It became a nationalist cause celebre and various protagonists met unfortunate ends: Shackleton was convicted of fraud in 1913 and changed his name living locally. Captain Richard H. GORGES killed a policeman in 1915 and was convicted of manslaughter. Francis Bennett GOLDING died in a motoring accident in France in 1918, and many stolen items, eg from Canterbury Cathedral, were found in his property. Sir Arthur VICARS was shot by a local IRA unit 14 Apr 1921, and his successor at the College of Arms was chiefly known for his creation of an elaborate dolls’ house called "Titania’s Palace". Suffice to say that Irish wills were burnt in 1922.)

274. Arabella SHEARD Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 12 Panmure Road. Wife of Wilfred Herbert.

275. Beryl SHEARD Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 5, 12 Panmure Road, daughter of Ernest Francis of 98 Bartley Road, and Eileen Alice.

276. Eileen SHEARD Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 29, 12 Panmure Road, wife of Ernest Francis of 98 Bartley Road.

277. Mildred (Isabel) SHEARD Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 39, 12 Panmure Road, daughter of Wilfred Herbert and Arabella. (qv)

278. Plaque (west entrance, north wall) . To the Glory of God and to the memory of Henry SHINER who was verger of this church for nearly 40 years and died within this sacred building on all saints eve 1917 (age 73 years) "faithful unto death". Henry SHINER Butler, Bootmaker, and finally verger age 46 in 1891 of Dee Villa, 34 Wells Road and 125 Castle Street, Salisbury St Edmund, Wiltshire was born in Abbotsbury, Dorset, son of Henry SHINER Carpenter of Gravel Hill, Chilbolton, Hampshire, born Powerstock and Mary of Litton Cheney, Dorset, and married 5 Jul 1867 St Edmund, Salisbury, Harriett BOLWELL, age 43 in 1891 born Salisbury. Their children were Walter Horace bankers clerk, age 2 in 1871 and Julia Mary, aged 17 in 1891, both born Salisbury.

278. Organ (brass). In memory of Frederick George SHINN Mus Doc FRCO FRCM Hon RAM and for many years Honorary Secretary of the Royal College of Organists. Organist at this church 1893 – 1950. died 8 Oct 1950 aged 82 years. "In arduis fidelis". Born 1867, of 21 Lawrie Park Avenue, SE26. Treasurer, Incorporated Society of Musicians and President of the RCO 1944–46. Son of George SHINN Professor of Music, born Clerkenwell, and Ann Margaret WARD, born Wapping, married 1865, registered Poplar, who lived at 340 Holloway Road, Islington.

279. John George SIMPSON see War Memorial. Died 9 Oct 1917 (age 40), 19th battalion, Australian Infantry (AIF), born Sydenham. Husband of Isabelle Jane of Ypres Cottage, Jamison Town, New South Wales and son of John and Caroline. (Passchendaele New British Cemetery)

280. [20ab.] (ashes) William SKEHENS loving husband and father, who fell asleep 29 Jun 2002 (age 81 years).

281. [20x.] (ashes) Baby SMALLMAN 20.3.1990.

282. [32.] Mrs Deborah SMITH, who departed this life 31 May 1842 (age 78). Aged 75 in 1841, buried 4 Jun (see also YOUNG).

283. Edwin Ernest SMITH see War Memorial. Killed 7 Jun 1917 (age 25). Rifleman, 21st (County of London) battalion (1st Surrey Rifles), London Regiment, born Dulwich son of Edwin James and Mary Jane of 4 Kelvin Grove. (Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial)
Frank Loui(e)s SMITH see War Memorial. Died 10 Dec 1915 (age 21). Able Seaman RNVR, son of Mr M. and Mrs of 4 Kelvin Grove. (Alexandria (Chatby) Military & War Memorial Cemetery (Egypt))

284. [86.] George Rolph SMITH qv. Or William, known to his friends as George, of Penge buried 18 Aug 1853 (age 37).

285. [123.] large chest tomb. behind railings next to church entrance (overgrown, 2006). With coat of Arms. Sarah, wife of Asketh [Haskett] SMITH Esq, died Jun 1850 (age) also Asketh [Haskett] SMITH Esq, who departed this life 25 Feb 1840, age 90 years, also Thomas SMITH, late 14th Light Dragoons, eldest son of the above, born 13 Mar 1789, died 27 Aug 1858 [1838]. Haskett was the son of Thomas SMITH Druggist and Apothecary, Mayor of Salisbury 1745, will 4 Jan proved 15 Feb 1771 (who had a brother Edmund) and his second wife, Grace Gulliver, sister of Thomas DIBBEN of Handley, Dorset. Grace had married Thomas HASKETT Esquire of Alton Pancras near Cerne in Dorset and their daughter Mary baptised 1736 Alton Pancras married 1758 Salisbury Cathedral, William PARRY Esquire, cousin of Walter HODGES DD, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford.
Thomas and Grace had children, Nanny, Thomas Watley, druggist and apothecary, Alice wife of Edward HOLDAWAY, Peggy, wife of Alexander FORSYTHE of Salisbury St Edmund, who had a daughter Mary Magdalen ALLEN, Samuel clerk and Haskett SMITH. Samuel had a son Samuel SMITH Esquire of 7 North Terrace, Camberwell will 13 Oct 1848 proved 26 Dec 1849 who had sons Rev Samuel SMITH living 1849 and Haskett esquire who married Catherine both living in 1849. Haskett SMITH esquire of Bedford Square and 9 America Square, acquired the lease of Newlands in 1790 and married 17 Apr 1784 All Hallows Staining, London, Sarah who died age 76, (daughter of William MORETON Esquire of the Custom House, London and Sarah of Walworth, Surrey, and whose sister Ann MORETON had married Thomas BETTESWORTH, Merchant and slave-owner of Mark Lane, City of London), and had issue: Sarah, baptised 2 Feb 1785 St Botolph without Aldgate, buried here 24 Jul 1866 (age 81); Mary Ann baptised there Feb 1786, died Muiresk House, Tarriff, Scotland, buried 24 Jul 1872 here (age 86)(who married 7 Nov 1807 All Hallows the Less, City of London, Paul MALIN Esquire died New Shoreham, Sussex, buried here 4 Aug 1845 (age 70) with issue (see CHILTON, qv)); Maria 8 Jan 1788; Thomas 17 Apr 1789; and William 4 Nov 1780. Thomas married Elizabeth and had Haskett baptised 5 Nov 1813 St Nicholas, Brighton who married 1 Oct 1853 Epsom, Surrey, Ann BRITTEN who died 1895 (age 83) registered Cranbrook, Kent, and was father of Walter Parry Haskett SMITH, age 74 in 1936, the founder of the British sport of rock-climbing, who died 11 Mar 1946, of Francis St Barbe Haskett, baptised 16 Apr 1861 South Bersted, and of Edmund Lyons Wellesley Haskett, baptised there 18 Sep 1862. The St Barbe name came from a relative of the second wife of Haskett’s brother Samuel, and an Ursula ST BARBE had married the Elizabethan, Sir Francis WALSINGHAM William esquire of Newlands died 5 Aug 1876 at 20 Hyde Park Terrace, will proved 19 Sep 1876 having married age 79 in 1870, Victoria Petronila del Saz CABALLERO, a Spaniard who moved to Newlands Park with all her relatives and installed as head of the household a priest who would say mass in an outbuilding, and moved to Roehampton in 1872. Venner Road runs through this site.

286. [30.] Henry Francis the beloved son of Henry and Mary SMITH. Henry, age 8 in 1851 b Stoke Newington buried 1 May 1854 (age 13) was son of Henry, stockbroker of 24 Change Alley, Cornhill and Prospect Cottage, Forest Hill age 33 in 1851, born Stoke Newington will 23 Jan proved 24 Apr 1856 and Mary age 32 in 1851 born Stoke Newington, of 43 Devonshire Place, Brighton. Henry had a sister Frances, aged 38 in 1861 and children, Mary Harriett age 10 in 1851, born Stoke Newington, George Burnand age 9 in 1861, born in Sydenham and Elizabeth Frances.

287. [51.] In memoriam. [In a vault beneath the vestry of this church rest the remains of] Ann SMYTHE, mother of Robert Thomas Vines SMYTHE, died 18 Sep 1837 (age 62), also Eliza SMYTHE, aunt of R.T.V. SMYTHE, obit 20 Sep 1858 (age 70 [79]). Also Robert Thomas Vines SMYTHE, obit August 12 [4th] 1868 (age 73). Emily Elizabeth SMYTHE, daughter of Robert T.V. SMYTHE, obit 25 Jan 1858 (age 28), and Mary Ann SMYTHE, wife of the above R.T.V. SMYTHE obit 18 Nov 1863 (age 60). Ada Grace RICHARDSON, daughter of R.T.V. SMYTHE, and wife of James RICHARDSON, obit 5 Mar 1880 (age 33).
   Ann of Camberwell, Surrey and later 4 Stafford Place, North Brixton, died Edenbridge, Kent and was buried 26 Sep. Eliza died Dencross and was buried 29 Sep (age 78). Robert esquire, coal merchant of Rose Cottage, Seven Sisters Road, Holloway age 56 in 1851, died Pera Lodge, Loughborough Road, Brixton and was buried 7 Aug having married Mary Ann age 47 in 1851, of 43 Hutchinson Place, St Mary, Gravesend, Kent with issue, Emily Eliza(beth) age 21 in 1851, baptised 17 Oct 1830 Newington St Mary, buried 2 Feb (age 29); Alice age 17 in 1851 born Newington; Walter age 14 in 1851, born Camberwell; Ada Grace age 6 in 1851 born there, died Richmond buried 11 Mar (age "34"); Flemming, age 2 in 1851 born Camberwell; and Arthur Sidney, clerk in the National Bank, of 9 Charing Cross, Westminster.

288. [54.] (hidden by trees) Mrs Ann SMYTHE, mother of the above Robert SMYTHE, obit 18 Sep 1837 (age 62), also Emily Elizabeth daughter of Robert SMYTHE, obit 25 Jan 1858 (age 79), also Eliza SMYTHE, aunt of the above Robert SMYTHE, obit 10 Sep 1858 (age 79), also Mary Ann, wife of Robert T.V. SMYTHE, obit 18 Nov 18—(age 60). Tombstone by PLUMLEY of Sydenham. Ann was buried on 26 Sep.

289. [101.] overgrown (with ivy). Elizabeth Jane SNELLING of Bermondsey, late of Penge [, Surrey]. William SNELLING, husband of the above, died 20 Oct 1856 (age 44). William, son of the above, died 15 Dec 1844 (age 15 months). Alfred, son died 25 Jun 1852 (age 5 weeks). John, son died 29 Apr 1855 (age 9 years 8 months). William age 39 in 1851, Clothier and Outfitter born St Giles, Bloomsbury died Penge, buried 27 Oct here, married Elizabeth Sarah, age 34 in 1851 born Wapping and lived at 1 Dockhead, Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen with children John age 5, died Penge, buried 8 May (aged 9 years "9" months), Elizabeth 4, Harriet, 2, William and Thomas both age 7 months. Alfred died at Penge and was buried 2 Jul.

290. [139.] [Here lieth the body of] Henry Petit Leigh SOTHEBY born 15 May 1846, died 24 Oct 1846 [of the same year]. Baptised 10 Jul and buried 31 Oct (age 5 months), and his sister Rosa Mary b Forest Hill was baptised here 24 Sep 1847, died Wells 1895 (age 47). Their siblings were Alice Maria 6 in 1851 born Chelsea of Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon, died 1915 and (Frederic) Wilkinson Pettit SOTHEBY born Norwood, age 1 in 1851 and died 1898. Their father, Samuel Leigh SOTHEBY gentleman 1805-61 was the last of that family to be an auctioneer of literary property, he was born Hampstead and drowned while fishing in the River Dart and married 1843 Chelsea, Julia Emma age 70 in 1891, baptised 20 Aug 1820 Northfleet, Kent died 1898 Hastings (age 77) granddaughter of Thomas PITCHER who founded Northfleet dockyard.

291. Arthur W(illiam) STEVENS H.M. Forces 2nd World War. Died 13 Jun 1943 (age 21), sergeant RAF Volunteer Reserve, son of Frederick Arthur and Eva Blanche, and married to Irene Lilian of Sydenham. (Weersels (Rossum) Roman Catholic Cemetery (Netherlands))

292. Herbert Samuel STEVENS see War Memorial. Died 12 Nov 1916 (age 30). Private, 22nd (County of London) battalion (The Queen’s) London Regiment, husband of Kate May and son of Samuel and Sarah Elizabeth of 76 Wells Road. (Carnoy Military Cemetery, France)

293. Lectern. In memory of Emmie STEVENSON 1904 – 1994.

294. [20q.] (ashes) Alice STEWART b 14 Aug 1921 d 23 Jan 1989.

295. [20r.] (ashes) Charles Alexander Woolgar STEWART b 1916 d 2002.

296. [20c.] (ashes) In memory of a wonderful Dad, Jack STONE b 25 Jul 1913 d 13 May 2005.

297. Plaque (west end, near entrance) To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Oliver John STONE BSc London 2nd Lieut. Royal Field Artillery, youngest son of Edward Mulready and Alice Maria STONE of Cumnor, Sydenham, who died in France on the 22nd Sep 1916 (30th year) of wounds received in action the previous day. He was a member of the choir of this church. "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans VIII 38-39. Territorial force. Administration 11 Nov £1494 19s (Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France) Edward Mulready STONE, Merchant age 27 in 1872 of Cumnor, the Drive born Kensington (son of John Jefferies, gentleman) married here 8 Aug 1872 Alice Maria age 30 in 1881 b London daughter of William BROWNING and had Claude Edward, 7 in 1881 baptised 27 Aug 1873 St Bartholomew, Gerald W., 5 in 1881, Muriel F. 3 in 1881 and Harold M., 2 in 1881 all born Sydenham.

298. Orlando Napier STRUTT see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 17 Jun 1917. Rifleman 20th battalion KRRC. Born Sydenham. (Arras memorial)

299. Maud (Fanny) SWEETING Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 72 at 10 Panmure Road. Daughter of Alfred.

300. Plaque. In loving memory of Alfred SYRETT JP late of Oaklands, Sydenham sometime churchwarden of St Stephens church, Coleman Street, [London] EC and for many years a worshipper in this church, who departed this life on the 19 Mar 1924 (in his 74th year). "Because I live ye shall live also." Solicitor, born Hoxton 30 in 1881 at 159 Victoria Park Road, Hackney and of 115 Moorgate, died Horner Grange, West Hill, Sydenham will proved 25 Apr to wife Florence, 26 in 1881 b South Hackney. Children Clarence Goullee solicitor, age 5 in 1881 born Stoke Newington, London; Reginald Moody 2 in 1881, born South Hackney; and Herbert Sutton, solicitor, Syrett & Sons, CBE 1919 LlB CC, and DL for City of London, of 2 John Street, Bedford Row who married 1910 Rosina Alice, daughter of John JENKINS, who died 16 Feb 1943 the London Clinic, Devonshire Place, W1 and had two sons, the younger of whom killed in France 1944.

301. Alfred Montague SYRETT see War Memorial.

302. Plaque (west wall). Nec Aspera Terret, emblem of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. To the Glory of God and in proud and loving memory of Alfred Montague SYRETT 2nd Lieutenant 1st Batt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Youngest son of Alfred and Florence SYRETT of Oaklands, Sydenham who was killed in action whilst leading his men in an attack at Bullecourt, France on 4th May 1917 (age 29 years), beloved by all who knew him. "If our time be come, let us die manfully for our brethren, and let us not stain our honour" 1 Maccabees IX 10. (Arras memorial) Administration 27 Sep.

303. [5.] A.W.T. 1845.

304. J(essie) C(onstance) TATE Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 1 Aug 1944 age 60, 50 Park Court, Lawrie Park Road. Daughter of the late Thomas Fleetwood and Elizabeth.

305. Edgar (Morrell) THEOBALD see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 20 Jul 1915. Private 15th battalion, London Regiment (Prince of Wales’s Own Civil Service Rifles). Son of Mrs C. of 4 Park Mansions, Sydenham Park. (Bulley-Grenay Communal Cemetery, French extension)

306.Harold John TOMKINS see War Memorial. Killed 9 May 1916 (age 21), Gunner "A" battery, 77th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, son of Joseph Edmund and Annie, of 2 Fransfield Grove, Upper Sydenham. (Philosophe British Cemetery, Mazingarbe, Pas de Calais)

307. [86.] George TOPILAM [TOPHAM] qv. Or TOPPING of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853.

308. [20i.] (ashes) In loving memory of Robert TOWNSEND b 27 Apr 1914 died 7 Dec 1998.

309. [112.] short grave, near ground Elizabeth TREHEARN, died 14 Sep 1835 (age 50), also Susan TREHEARN sister of the above, died 23 Feb 1845 (age 60). Mary Elizabeth TREHEARN. John TREHEARN, Butcher will 4 May proved 25 May 1807 was uncle of Elizabeth buried 22 Sep, Susannah buried 3 Mar and John, farmer of Lewisham, married 13 Sep 1804 Lewisham, Mary OWEN and had Mary Elizabeth baptised 24 Apr 1805 Lewisham buried here 26 Jun 1855 (age 51), Elizabeth 19 Sep 1806, John 14 Aug 1808, Edward Owen 19 Feb 1811, Abra(ha)m Owen 27 Jun 1813 (died Christ Church, Forest Hill, buried 16 Mar 1844 (age 42)) and James 5 Sep 1815. Elizabeth’s will 25 Jul 1816, proved 3 Oct 1835 and Susannah’s will 14 Nov 1836 proved 19 March 1845. Mary Elizabeth’s will 14 Dec 1847 proved 6 Oct 1855 to her brothers, John, Abraham and James and her sister Elizabeth, wife of James GROOM. An Elizabeth TRAHEARN was buried 18 Aug 1856 (age 75).

310. Leslie Howard TURNER see War Memorial. Died 26 Mar 1919 (age 19). Private 20th battalion, Durham Light Infantry. Son of Mrs Minnie TURNER of 52 Laurel Grove, Penge. (Cologne Southern Cemetery)

311. Gladys (May) UNWIN Civilian 2nd World War. Killed 14 Jan 1945 age 21, 14 Panmure Road, daughter of William Augustus.

312. [94.] S.V. 1846. M.V. 1846.

313. Arthur Edward John VEAL see War Memorial. Killed 8 Jun 1918 (age 19). Private, 6th battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment, born Sydenham, son of Arthur Edward of 42 Mount Ash Road. (Pozieres memorial, Somme)

314. [99.] Susanna[e], wife of Joseph VEREY of this parish, who died 26 Feb 1849 (age 46) adieu best partner of my life, a loving mother and a faithful wife, also Mary VEREY daughter of the above 1867 [- not visible -] (age 13 months). Joseph was master brewer, Sydenham Brewery and licensee of the White Horse public house, Bell Green, Sydenham, born Piddington, Oxfordshire, age 52 in 1851. His daughter Georgina, age 21 in 1851 was born St Pancras, and he married secondly, 24 Nov 1834, Lewisham St Mary, Susanna BELL age 37 in 1841 by whom he had Joseph 15 in 1851, Thomas brewer, 13, Susan 11, Sarah 9 and Mary, 4, all born Sydenham. Mary Ann VEREY buried 17 Dec 1845 (age 13 months) and Susanna was buried 6 Mar. Joseph age 64 in 1861 married thirdly 1853 Camberwell, Mary Ann PYEMAN age 43 in 1861, born Old Newton, Suffolk and had further issue Joseph, age 6 in 1861, Emma 4, Julia 2 and Annie, age 1 month.

315. Brass. In affectionate remembrance of Charles Beaumont WALLER MB FRCS b 21 Oct 1840 died 12 Jun 1895 who for 30 years by his skill as a physician and his kind and sympathetic nature gave relief and comfort to many patients and friends. This tablet is erected by them and in order to further perpetuate his memory and to record this devotion to children they have raised a fund for the Home for Sick Children, Lower Sydenham where a ward has been named after him. (by Cox and Buckley, London.) Age 27 in 1867 (son of Charles, MD) and died 2 West Hill, Sydenham (age 54), having married 3 Aug 1867 here, Harriet CURREY age 19 in 1867 born Brook Street, Hanover Square daughter of Henry, architect, and had four children, Henry Beaumont, baptised 1868 at St Bartholomew, Florence Maryann, Walter Beaumont and Edith M., all born Sydenham.

316. [1.] (inscription) Jane WALTERS 25 [27] Oct 1850 (34th year). Buried 31 Oct.

317. [46.] John WALTERS of Peak Hill, Sydenham. Of Well Close, London. Died Jul. Also Ann WALTERS.

318. Brass near altar. The Altar in this Church was dedicated to the Glory of God in memory of Herbert WALTON sometime Churchwarden who departed this life on Christmas morning 1901 aged 50 years. Erected by his Mother. Cox and Buckley London.

319. (brass in south porch) South porch doors opened 27 Feb 2000 in memory of Charles WARD 1909 – 1998 whose pleasure it was to welcome all who entered here.

320. [20f.] (ashes) In loving memory of Charles Emmanuel WARD b 1909 d 1998.

321. [86.] James WARDLOW qv. Alias WALLER of Penge, buried 18 Aug 1853 (age 27).

322. [56.] Joseph WARTNABY esq died 9 Dec 1853 (in the 83rd year of his age). (He was an insurance agent buried 14 Dec (age 82), will proved 9 Jan 1854 to wife Lucy.

323. [20w.] (ashes) In loving memory of George E.S. WEST b 1912 d 1991. From your loving wife Irene, son, daughters and grandchildren.

324. Brass in chancel over sanctuary entrance. In memory of William Joseph WESTBROOK Mus Doc Cantab for 39 years Organist of this Church 1 Jan 1831 – 24 Mar 1894. As a mark of deep respect and in grateful appreciation of his great kindness, this tablet is placed here by 50 Members of the Choir past and present Jan 1896. Cox and Buckley, London. Professor of Music, of 3 Redbury Grove, born Mile End, baptised 30 Jan 1831 Whitechapel St Mary, son of William coal meter of 12 Church Street, Spitalfields and Martha Mary daughter of Thomas SUMERLING, Carpenter of Grey Eagle Street and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas HOLDOM Brewer. Married 1 Aug 1855 St Matthew, Bethnal Green, Ann DUDDRIDGE.

325. [20u.] (ashes) Ted WHEELER b 7 Apr 1923 d 5 Mar 2004.

326. [89.] l WHI.

327. [24.] WHITE.

328. [26.] [Sacred to the memory of] M[r] Joseph WHITE of this parish, who departed this life December 18[4-] age…

329. John Davenport WILES see War Memorial. Died 4 Oct 1916 (age 34) 2nd Lieutenant, 1st battalion, Suffolk Regiment. Son of William David of Hillside, Sydenham Hill Road. (Struma Military Cemetery, Greece)

330. [20m.] (ashes) Helen WILLANS friend d 1992.

331. [137.] William WILLOUGHBY died 6 Apr 1853 (age 33 years). Coachman, aged 25 in 1841, 32 in 1851 buried 14 Apr of Dartmouth Row son of William job master and married 3 Oct 1844 Lewisham St Mary, Jane PIKE widow born Cobham, Surrey age 34 in 1851 buried here 14 May 1858 (age 41), daughter of Henry GROVE Farmer and mother of Charlotte b Christchurch, Middlesex. They had children, William Albert baptised 29 Aug 1845 St Bartholomew, age 5 in 1851 and Mary A. age 3 in 1851, born in Lewisham, and Emma Jane baptised here 17 Sep 1852. A Sydney WILLOUGHBY was buried 14 May 1857 (age 3 years 5 months).

332. [52.] Emma wife of Richard WILSON of Perry Vale in this parish who departed this life 29 Nov 1844 (age 34). First child Emma 18 Nov 1840. Emma was buried 5 Dec, and her daughter Emma, of Perry Vale, buried 27 Nov 1840 (age 4 days).

333. (In chancel floor) Sacred to the memory of Emma who died 24 Nov 1840 aged 3 days and of Richard who died 2 Dec 1844 aged 6 days, children of Richard and Emma WILSON of Perry Vale. Richard buried 5 Dec.

334. (In chancel floor) Sacred to the memory of Richard WILSON of Molesworth House, Brighton who died 22 Sep 1869 aged 69. Also of Emma his wife who died at Perry Vale, Sydenham 29 Nov 1844 aged 34. i.e. in childbirth. Richard merchant age 41 in 1841 and 60 in 1861 born Westmorland, buried 27 Sep, married Emma, age 38 in 1841 and had also Emma, age 18 in 1861, baptised here 17 Aug 1842 and Mary, age 17 in 1861 baptised here 15 Sep 1843.

335. [121.] cross Francis WOOD, died 1846 age. Buried 5 Feb (age 60), a gardener aged 56 in 1841, married Mary 56 in 1841 and had James age 17 in 1841.

336. [48.] [Jane?] WOODNORTH.

337. A(nna) M(aria) WOODS Civilian 2nd World War. Died 12 Sep 1940 age 51 Guys Hospital, London Bridge, injured 10 Sep Ewer Street Shelter, of 130 Union Street, Southwark, daughter of the late Mr W.H. WOODS.

338. [98.] erected by a widowed mother to the memory of Margaret Nodes WOODWARD died 24 April 1848 (in childbirth age 30) also Mary Margaret WOODWARD died Feb 1848 (age 3). Margaret buried 29 Apr (age 29), and Mary 10 Feb.

339. James Henry Chas WORSELL see War Memorial. Died of wounds received, 11 Oct 1916 (age 23), Sergeant "A" Battery, 94th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Age 8 in 1901. Born Beckenham, son of Frederick, a postman and Clara (born South Leigh, Devon) of 12 Mount Ash Road and a scholar of Sydenham Hill Road school. (Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais)

340. [108.] (several graves broken up - not found 2006) Marion Elizabeth WRENN of Penge, died 25 May 1839 (age 34). Also James John age. Richard George WRENN died 22 Nov 1846. Farmer of Penge baptised 22 Jul 1804 Dulwich College, son of William WREN and Mary, age 35 in 1841 buried 27 May (age 42), will 16 May 1846 proved 15 Nov 1853, to his brother William, age 59 in 1861, baptised 25 Mar 1802, grocer of Penge Lane who married Mary age 59 in 1861 born in Epsom.. With Maria Elizabeth, buried 31 May, he had George Hester, age 10 in 1841, 38 in 1871 grocer’s traveller born "Penge", William, age 8 in 1841 baptised 23 Jun 1833, Marian Elizabeth, age 5 in 1841 born Penge, baptised 4 Mar 1836 and John WRENN baptised 24 Jul 1839, all at St Lukes, West Norwood.

341. [20l.] (ashes) Leonard Warne WRIGHT 1909 – 2000. Beatrice Mary WRIGHT b 1913 d 1992. Also their daughter, Jennifer LUCKHURST b 1942 d 2004.

342. [20v.] (ashes) In loving memory of May Dorothy YARDLEY b 1904 d 2001 teacher. reader. traveller.

343. (brass in hall) This kitchen was dedicated by The Archdeacon of Lewisham 18 Jan 2004 in memory of May YARDLEY 1904-2001.

344. [35.] In memory of Ann the beloved and much respected wife of Thomas YOUDE of the Ship Tavern, Naval and Military hotel, Woolwich, who died 26 [25] May [Jan’y] 1834 (age 60). Buried 1 Feb. Perhaps Ann NARRAMORE who married a Thomas YOUDE 20 Jun 1818 St Martin in the Fields?

345. [124.] Edward YOUNG, died 2 Feb 1840 (age). Elizabeth YOUNG, wife of Edward, died 1 Oct 1841, (age 27). Edward buried 8 Feb (age 33) married 27 Jul 1836 Lewisham St Mary, Elizabeth ROBERTS, 25 in 1841 buried 8 Oct (age "26") mother of Margaret Jane age 4 in 1841, baptised 4 Oct 1837 Lewisham St Mary and Henry Robert age 1 in 1841, baptised here 8 Nov 1839.

346. [37.] 2 large, three small graves Thomas and Dorcas YOUNG. Elizabeth. Mary. Edmund 1846. Elizabeth … DAVIS. Thomas Young. D.S. 1842. (not legible, 2006). Edmund buried 3 Jun 1846 (aged 17 months), and Deborah SMITH buried 4 Jun 1842 (age 78).

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ABLETT 20, 32
ADAMS 33–42
ALDOUS 20, 43
ALLEN 44, 285
AME 45
ANDREWS 19, 46, 168
ATTREE 19, 48
AUNG SAN Suu Kyi 7

BACK 19, 49
BAKER 19, 50, 80, 482
BALDWIN 19, 33, 38
BARNES 19, 52, 257
BARRY 53, 54, 55
BAY 125
BELL 20, 58, 314
BENNETT 59, 273
BLUNT 20, 64
BODY 19, 66
BOLWELL 19, 67, 278
BOWDLER 2, 69-72
BOWEN 19, 20
BOWYER 19, 73
BOYES 20, 74
Boyne 10
BRETT 19, 75
BROWN 19,79- 81, 93, 105
BROWNE 82, 161
BROWNING 134, 297
Buckley 132
BURROWS 7, 158

CANDY 19, 83
Carteret 168
Cartert 247
CARTWRIGHT 19, 64, 86
CARWARDINE 20, 87, 88
CASSY 20, 89
CHAPLIN 19, 108
Chapman 102
CHILTON 92, 285
CLAYTON 20, 96
COBB 100
COCKIN 101, 102
Collinson 77, 78
COOK 19, 105
COPPING 1, 106
Corderoy 43
Cottle 19, 153, 154
COULSON 19, 107, 108
COX 20, 132
Cufaude 205
CUTBILL 110, 111

Dacres 39, 40, 42
DANIEL 19, 112
Davenport 19, 64, 329
DAVIES 19, 199
DAVIS 19, 115, 346
de GLEHN 151
DEAN 109
DICK 20, 118, 119
Dipling 261
Dod 103
Drayton 257
DREW 20, 44, 120, 12
Drusilla 109
Duff 169
Duffus 168
DUJARDYN 20, 122, 123
Duke of DORSET 5
DURRANT 20, 123, 124

Earl of DEVON 39
EDNEY 126, 127
EDWARDS 128, 181
ENGLISH 3, 4, 130, 131, 221
EVANS 19, 161

Fabian 64
Fleetwood 304
FOREMAN 1, 137
FOUNTAIN 20, 139
FOX 140
FRANCIS 20, 142
FREEBREY 20, 144
FULFORD 33, 38

GARLAND 19, 145
GIBSON 19, 147
GLIDE 19, 152
Goodwin 259
GREEN 19, 153, 154
GREER 19, 155
GRIFFITH 20, 158
GRIGG 19, 160
Grooby 259
GROOM 19, 161, 162
GROVE 150, 331

HALL 159
HARDY 1, 166-169, 247
HARMAN 20, 170
HARRIS 1, 172
Harrison 92
HART 173
HASKETT 92, 285
HAWKINS 19, 175
HAYTER 19, 176
HENDERSON 19, 103,177
Hilton 269
HOLLIS 19, 182
HOLMES 9, 262
HORLOCK 20, 183
HUGHES 19, 184
Hume 151
HUNTER 12, 185, 266
Huyshe 6
HYTTEN 19, 186

JACKSON 17, 65
JAMES 1, 151, 187, 188
JOLLY 19, 191
JONES 19, 20, 101, 192, 193,
    194, 195
KEEPING 171KEMBLE 196, 197
KIMPTON 20, 199
KNOWLER 20, 201

LAMB 203
LAWRENCE 19, 168, 208
LAWRIE 209, 210
Leigh 290
Loader 178
LUNN 211
Lydford 66
LYON 77, 78, 212

MacGregor 184
MALIN 92, 285
MANN 267
MARCHANT 19, 213
MARRIOTT 19, 214, 215
MARSHALL 19, 131, 216
MARTIN 19, 20, 217
MAY 19, 219
MAYOW 34, 39, 40, 41, 166
MILLER 19, 221, 222, 254
MORGAN 19, 224, 225
Morrell 305
Myddelton 19, 194

NASH 227
NEARY 20, 228
NEWSON 229, 230
NICHOLLS 19, 231
Nodes 338
NORTH 84, 234

Offley 168, 169
OWEN 309

PAIN 141
PALMER 11, 19, 205, 236
PARKER 19, 20, 237
PEARCE 19, 238
Perowne 9
Petit 290
Petronila del Saz CABALLERO 285
PHILIPPS 20, 240, 241
PHILP 20, 242
PIGGOTT 19, 243
PIKE 140, 331
PILLOW 20, 244, 245
PITT 39, 42
Pittman 53
PRICE 168, 247
PRICHARD 103, 248

W.R., G.R. 255
RAY 125
READING 1, 250
ROBERTS 19, 256, 257, 345
ROCK 258
ROCKE 258ROGERS 259, 260
RUFF 261
RUSH 109
RUSSELL 195, 262

SACH 19, 263
SAICH 20, 264
SALE 240
Salt 39
SAMWAYS 19, 265
Savery 168
SAWTELL 20, 267
Sawyer 39
Saxby 109
SCOTT 123, 262
SCULL 19, 269
SEADEN 19, 271
Seaforth 176
SHEARD 20, 274-277
SHINN 278a
SIMPSON 19, 279
SMITH 1, 11, 19, 92, 171,
   282-286, 346
SMYTHE 287, 288
STEVENS 19,20,220,291,292
STEWART 294, 295
STONE 19, 296, 297
STRUTT 19, 298
Stubbs 206
Syme 251
SYRETT 19, 300-302

A.W.T. 303
TATE 20, 304
THEOBALD 19, 245, 305
Tickell 92
TOMKINS 19, 306
TOPHAM 12, 307
TOPILAM 1, 307
Towgood 196
TREHEARN 166, 309
Turkey 49
TURNER 19, 310

UNWIN 20, 311

S.V., M.V. 312
VEAL 19, 313
VERE 7, 39
Villiers 150
von GLE[H]N 149
von GLEHN 150, 151

WALLER 315, 321
WALTERS 316, 317
WARD 278a, 319, 320
WARDLOW 1, 321
Warrender 89
Watley 285
WEST 323
Wharton 215
WHI 326
WHITE 327, 328
Wildman 19, 79
WILES 19, 329
WILSON 267, 332-334
Wolcott 6
WOOD 20, 252, 335
Woodbridge 227
WOODS 20, 337
WORSELL 19, 339
WREN 340
WRIGHT 125, 341
Wynell 34, 39, 40, 41

YARDLEY 342, 343
YOUNG 282, 345, 346


Places Index
Abbotsbury, Dorset 278
Aberdeen 47
Addington , Surrey 72
Adel St John the Baptist churchyard, Yorkshire 64
Alderbury, Wiltshire 7
Alton Pancras, Dorset 285
Ambleside, Westmorland 84
Anfield, Liverpool 240
Ashford, Kent 93
Askerswell, Bridport, 
   Dorset 39
Australia 1138
Axbridge, Somerset 7
Bampton, Oxon 33
Bath 72, 191
Bawtry, Yorkshire 7
Beachborough, Kent 138
Beaulieu, Hampshire 138
Beckenham 111, 112, 130,
   139, 339
Bedfordshire 146
Belgium 123
Bermondsey 138
Bessels Green, Sevenoaks 74
Betchworth, Surrey 120
Bethnal Green, Middlesex 147
Bexhill 220
Birmingham 7, 101, 181
Bitton, Gloucestershire 7
Blackheath 5, 7, 52, 206
Bolton, Cumberland 151
Bordesley, Warwickshire 181
Born Pentre, 
   Denbighshire 256
Botesdale, West Suffolk 248
Bowden, Devon 39, 41
Bowdon, Devon 38
Bray, Cornwall 39
Brechin, Angus 202
Brecknock 65
Brentford 178
Brighton 155, 206, 263, 334
Brixton 43
Brixton, Hampshire 7
Bromley 78, 131, 138, 257
Brompton, Middlesex 72
Buckfastleigh, Devon 290
Buenos Aires 178
Buenos Aires, Argentina 178
Bullecourt, France 302
Burgos, NW Spain 209
Butleigh, Somerset 131
Camberwell 116
Camberwell, Surrey 7, 65, 74
Cambridge 59
Canewdon, Essex 90
Cannanore, E I. 51
Canterbury 201, 220, 273
Carlisle, Cumberland 151
Caterham, Surrey 13
Chaldon, Surrey 93
Charlton, Kent 142
Chart Sutton, Kent 105
Charterhouse School 195
Chelmsford 161
Chelsfield, Kent 258
Cheltenham 140
Chester, Holy Trinity 266
Chigwell, Essex 51
Chilbolton, Hampshire 278
Chipping Norton,
   Oxfordshire 59
Christchurch, Middlesex 331
Clapham 134
Clapham Common 140
Clapton 225
Clare, Suffolk 108
Claremont House, 
   Gloucester 140
Clay Hill, Kent 39
Cleveland Museum of Art 168
Clewer, Berkshire 141
Cliffe Pypard, Wiltshire 140
Cobham, Surrey 331
Columbia 103
Cornwood, Devon 38
   Leicestershire 215
Cottesmore 58
Coventry 6
Coventry, Bishops House 6
Crayford, Kent 268
Crofton Park with Brockley 13
Croydon 102
Croydon 123
Croydon 51,62,83,112,125,192
Dadizeele 52
Dalwood, Devon 234
Darlington 140
Denham, Suffolk 32
Deptford 39, 102, 109, 125
Donabue, near Rangoon 247
Dorking 51
Droitwich Spa, 
   Worcestershire 139
Dublin Castle 273
Dulwich 13, 283
Durham 65
Eartham, Sussex 171
East Challow, Berkshire 168
East Cliff, Dover 140
East Wickham 13
Eastbourne 103, 248, 273
Easton, Norfolk 90
Echunga 54
Edge Hill, Lancashire 82
Elham, Kent 82
Elmers End 37, 156
Eltham, Kent 72, 160
Elton, Durham 138
Enfield 217.
Epsom 340
Erpingham, Norfolk 80
Estonia 151
Exbury House, Hampshire 138
Exeter 39
Eyworth, Bedfordshire 146
Faversham 59, 166, 243
Fletching, Sussex 155
Fonthill Gifford, Wiltshire 83
   Cambridgeshire 231
Frant, Sussex 140
Frindsbury, Kent 268
Frognal, Hampstead 77
Frome, Somerset 83
Galhampton, North Cadbury,
    Somerset 145
Gillingham 171
Glasgow 82,186, 262
GLEHN Castle 151
Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire 246
Gravesend, Kent 287
Great Fulford, Devon 33, 38
Great Harwood, 
   Lancashire 76
Great Shelford, 
   Cambridgeshire 129
Greenwich 206, 220, 243, 
   251, 252
Grytviken, South Georgia 273
Guildford 107, 108, 148, 171
Hackney, Middlesex 147
Ham St Andrew, Surrey 246
Handley, Dorset 285
Harrington, Cumberland 192
Hastings 123
Hatfield Broad Oak 166
Hatfield Heath independent, Essex 166
Haverfordwest 140
Hayes, Kent 72
Haynt Walk, Merton Park 50
Heathfield, Sussex 145
   Gloucestershire 247
Henleaze, Bristol 242
Hereford Cathedral 179
High Park, County Dublin 84
Hindhead, Surrey 11
Holland 132
Holloway 161
Holwell, Dorset 251
Homerton 147
Hopton Wafers, Shropshire 72
Horham, Suffolk 32
Hornsey of Streatham 162
Hornsey, Middlesex 148
Hoveton St Peter, Norfolk 182
Hoxton 300
Hunslet 78
Hurst, Berkshire 166
Hythe, Kent 82
Inhill, Glamorgan 140
Ipswich, Suffolk 102
Ireland 155, 262
Isle of Man 118
Islington 115, 178
Jamison Town, 
   New South Wales 279
Kennington 59
Keynsham 7
Kilkee, County Kildare 273
Kings Norton, 
   Worcestershire 251
Kingston upon Hull 252
Kingston, Jamaica 39
London Area
Bayswater 43
Berkeley Square 247
Bermondsey 47, 171
Berwick Street  43
Birchin Lane 54
Bird Street 171
Bloomsbury 11, 215
Brixton 178
Camberwell 62, 171, 102
Camden Town 122
Cannon Street 54
Chancery Lane 92
Chelsea 39
Clapham 196
Clapton 194
Clarendon Street 173
Clerkenwell 148
Compton Street 231
Dalston 111
Deptford 208
East Ham 115
Eaton Square 17
Edmonton 178
Finsbury 148
Finsbury Park 14
Fitzroy Square 168
Fulham Palace 151
Gracechurch St 44, 132
Great Smith St 173
Guildford St 39
Hammersmith, London 238Harpenden 193
Holborn 39, 80, 206
Holloway, London 242
Hornsey, Middlesex 181
Hoxton 178
Islington 148, 178, 235
Kennington 62
Kensal Green 195
Kensington 103
King William St 140
Lambeth 11, 43, 102, 182
Leadenhall St 51
Leather Market 137
Lime Street 80
Lincolns Inn 39
Lombard Street 93
Ludgate Hill 178
Maida Vale 168
Marylebone 116
Mincing Lane 51
Moorgate Street 132
Muswell Hill 148
Newington 212
Notting Hill, Paddington 193
Old Kent Road, Surrey 77
Onslow Square, Brompton 72
Paddington 206
Pimlico 43
Portadown Road 168
Queenhithe, City of London 54
Queens Gate 97
Regent Street 195
Shoe Lane 171
South Kensington 191
Spitalfields 111
St Johns Wood 14
Stamford Hill, Middlesex 178
Stoke Newington 189
Thames Street 195
Throgmorton Street 116
Tikenhouse Buildings 171
Tooley Street, Borough 44
Tottenham 193, 236
Tower of London 168
Tulse Hill 189
Upper Gloucester Place 168
Upper Holloway 112
Walthamstow 246
Walworth 102
Westbourne Terrace 132
Westminster 90
Willesden 168
Southwark 6, 11, 54, 55, 62,
   171, 227
York Gate, Regents Park 140
    Warwickshire 181
Lee, Kent 140, 178
Leeds, Yorkshire 78
Leicester 117
Leicester 117, 270
Leigh-on-Sea 86
Lepe 138
Lewisham 5, 7, 102, 109, 127,
   147, 158, 166, 171, 206,
   257, 309
Leyton 72
Leyton, Essex 72
Lichfield 5
Lima, Peru 42
Lingfield, Surrey 74
Litton Cheney, Dorset 278
Llandudno 43
Llanfihangel Glyn Myfyr,
   Denbighshire 195
Louth, Lincolnshire 86
Luxor, Upper Egypt 42
Lynton 38
Madras N.I. 51
Maidstone 111
Malta 7
Manston House of Stockton
   House, Wiltshire 6
Marlborough School 191
Mason Street, Hatcham 65
Mesopotamia 83
Milton next Gravesend 105
Mistley, Essex 268
Mitcham, Surrey 39
Molland, Devon 238
Mottisfont, Hampshire 126
New Cross 122, 214
New Shoreham, Sussex 285
New Windsor 141
New Zealand 46
Newcastle 156
Newington, Surrey 227
Norham Road, Oxford 7
Norwood 53, 54, 55, 84
Old Newton, Suffolk 314
Osaka 7
   Northamptonshire 158
Oxford 151
   near Swansea, 72
Palace, Lichfield 5
Paston 9
Peckham, Surrey 62, 77, 226
Peking Cathedral 14
Pendleton, Lancashire 254
Penge  87, 102, 106, 112,
   136, 137, 167
Petit Trianon, 
   Versailles Palace 7
Piddington, Oxfordshire 314Pimlico 90
Plymouth, Devon 148
Poole, Dorset 245
Porlock, Somerset, 9
Porlock, with Stoke Pero,
   Somerset 9
Port Royal, Jamaica 168
Queenscliff, Victoria, 
   Australia 176
Rainham, Essex 62
Ramsgate, Kent 178Rapallo, Italy 262
Redhill, Surrey 59
Renham, Berkshire 152
Reyel, Russia 151
Rhayader, Radnorshire 161
Rivenhall 268
Roath, Cardiff 199
Rochester 6, 7
Rochford, Essex 90
   Pembrokeshire 140
Rugby, Warwickshire 215
Rutland 58
Rydal, Westmorland 84
Ryde, Isle of Wight 62, 168
Rye, Sussex 116
Salisbury Wiltshire 7, 278, 285
Saltash 39
Sanderstead 74
Sandwell Hall, 
   West Bromwich 5, 6
Scotland 209, 262, 267
Sevenoaks 109, 144
Seychelles 242
Shaftesbury, Dorset 131
Shoeburyness 67
Slaugham, Sussex 213
Somers Town 90
Somerset 39
South Leigh, Devon 339
South Tokyo 7
Southampton 7
Southend 105
Southend, Lewisham 138
Southsea 198
St Petersburg, Russia 246
Staines, Middlesex 50, 152
Stock Gaylard, Dorset 6
Stockland, Devon 234
Stockport, Cheshire 65
Stoke (Damerel?), 
   Devonshire 140
Stoke Newington 54
   Gloucestershire 140
Stratford Toney, Wiltshire 151
Streatham 43, 140
Stroud, Gloucestershire 161
Strutton Ground, 
   Middlesex 171
Surbiton 178
Sutton 240
Symondsbury 265
Tallinn 151
Tarriff, Scotland 285
Tenterden 116
Tetbury, Gloucestershire 140
Thornborough, Buckinghamshire 253
Ticehurst, Sussex 131
Tooting 152
Torquay, Devon 210
Totnes 39
Tuileries 7
Tunbridge Wells 134
Upper Norwood 43
Uppingham, Rutland 270
Ventnor, Isle of Wight 262
Villa Torlonia, Italy 151
Wadhust, Sussex 273
Wakerley, Northamptonshire 9
Walsoken 138
Walworth, Surrey 285
Wapping 278a
Warminster, Wiltshire 62
Waterloo 34
Watford 259
West Derby, Liverpool 82
West Ham 271
West India 82
West Wickham, 78
Westerham, Kent 62
Westminster 90
Westmorland 334
Whitchurch, Hampshire 131
Wigginton, Hertfordshire 146
Winchelsea 116
Winchester College 7
Winckfield, Hampshire 50
Windsor 141
Witton, North Walsham, Norfolk 182
Woking, Surrey 171
Wokingham, Berkshire 117
   Gloucestershire 140
Woodley, Berkshire 213
Woolpit, Suffolk 90
Woolwich 344
Worcester 6
Worthing, Sussex 171
Wotton, Gloucester 140
Yarcombe, Devon 234
Yarnton, Oxfordshire 254
Yorkshire 77

General Index
accountant 47, 108, 205
agricultural labourer 83
Antarctic Explorer 272
apprentice carver 65
Architect 44, 161, 178, 195,
Attorney at Law 116
author 72
authoresses 72
Baker 109, 129, 146
Bank Manager 178
Bank of England 62
Bank of Scotland 62
bankers clerk 278
Barrister 111, 168, 206, 210,
Bengal Civil Servant 262
Bishop of London 151
Bishops of Lichfield &
   Southwark 151
blacksmith 127, 258
Bookseller 254
Bootmaker 278
Brewer 324
brickmaker 268
British School, Northfleet 105
Builder 125, 201
builder’s apprentice 265
Burma-Siam railway 183
Burmese politician 7
Butcher 109, 205, 309
Butler 278
Archdeacon 7
carpenter 114, 141, 258, 
  278, 324
Carver of wood 65
chairmaker 65
Chemist and Druggist 141
Civil Engineer 262
Civil Service 90
clerk 49, 90, 9Clothier & Outfitter 289
coachman 83, 145, 331
coffee house keeper 231
colonial broker 51
colour printer 195
common enclosed 138
compositor 105
consul-general 7
consumption 150
Contractor 102
Corn Merchant 93
Cornfactor 171
Coroner’s Warrant 140
Dairyman 166
Dentist 17
Dictionary of Music and Musicians 150
Dr Williams’ library 125
Draper 109
draper’s assistant 90
draper’s outfitter 259
Druggist & Apothecary 285
Dublin Herald 273
East India colonial broker 51
East India merchant 82, 151
Ebenezer Calvinistic
   Methodist 140
Electrical Engineer 158
Engineer 102
farmer 32, 109, 234, 309, 
   331, 340
Farrier? 127
flour factor agent 74
French Polisher 90
Fur Merchant 195
furniture packer 155
furriers 195
Gardener 50, 125, 152, 
   182, 265
gas works mains fitter 243
general coachman 231
general merchant 247German Evangelical church 39
Government clerk 128
Governor General 138
Great Exhibition 195
grocer 340
headmaster 7
History of Sydenham, 1878 41
hop & seed merchant 181
hop factor 227
house agent 80
insurance agent 322
Interior Designer 195
Journalist 161
killed at Waterloo 34
landed proprietor 140
lead manufacturer 132
leather company, 11
leather factor 78
Licensed victualler 166, 
   238, 253
London Palace Railway 162
master brewer 314
Master Printer 171
Medical Practitioner 191
Merchant 51, 77, 78, 111, 
  132, 178, 206, 254, 285, 297
merchant of Mediterranean
   ports 148
Merchant Tailor 39
Merchant’s Clerk 62
Miller 119
milliner 193
Music Teacher 122
musicologist 150, 178
naval architect 262
Northfleet dockyard 291
novelist 151, 168
Nurse 129, 202
pawnbroker 43
pawnbroker’s assistant 112
Peninsular & Oriental Steam
   Navigation Co 84pianist 150
poet 39
Police Constable 90
postman 145, 339
printer 105, 171
printer’s broker 171
Public Record Office 168
Public Records 168
Publican 171, 205
railway clerk 193
railway contractor 268
Registrar of Births & Deaths
   80, 103
rock-climbing 285
Salesman 114
schoolmaster 59
Sculptor 47
Secretary of the Crystal Palace 150
shipowner 7
shoemaker 182
silversmiths 246
slave-owner 285
solicitor 54, 92, 108, 166,
   178, 251, 300
Steam Engine Fitter 65
steam yacht Quest 273
Stock Exchange 147
stockbroker 54, 178, 286
surgeon 117, 257
Surveyor 173
Sydenham Brewery 314
TB – tuberculosis 150
tea broker 62
teacher 192
Ulster King of Arms 273
Wheelwright 220
Wholesale Stationer 54
wine merchant 266
woolstaplers 140

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Swanscombe Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Swanscombe Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan 4 June 1922. Typed up by Ted Connell, checked by Frank & Zena Bamping. Including Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plans (86KB) of location of gravestones in Swanscombe Churchyard.

1. Square monument in railings: Mrs Susanna HURST wife of James Hurst died 23 May 1789 aged 26 years. Also 2 children of above died in infancy. Mr Silas CHAPMAN died 21 June 1819 aged 40 years. Kitty Chapman his wife died 20 June 1844 aged 70 years.

2. Mr Francis ELAND late of this Parish died 8 October 1775 aged 75 years.

3. Mr William WARE of this Parish died 11 February 1834 in his 76th years. Mrs Elizabeth Ware his wife died 4 July 1841 aged 78 years. Sarah daughter of above and wife of Mr BLISS of this Parish died 10th April 1838 aged 40 years. Emily Ann wife of Mr A. B. Bliss of this Parish died 23 March 1865 aged 36 years.

4. Mr Rowland WARE born in this Parish 30 October 1761 died 11 May 1846. These stones are raised by the remaining children of Rowland and Ann Ware.

5. Mrs Ann WARE wife of Mr Rowland Ware died 21 June 1821 aged 57 years. Also Rowland Ware son of above died 26 May 1818 aged 19 years.

6, Mr Jonathan WARE late of this Parish, yeoman died 27 February 1797 aged 77 years. Mr Ann Ware late wife of above died 11 November 1779 aged 66 years.

7. Mrs Sarah RIXSON 2nd wife of George Rixson of this Parish died 30 July 1789 aged 44 years.

8. Mr William SMALL yeoman of this Parish died 22 August 1758 aged 31 years. Sarah daughter of the above William and Elizabeth Small lies buried in a lead coffin in the grave she died 2 June 1765 aged 9 years.

9. Mr George POWSEY died 21(?) November 1801 aged 30 years. verse.

10. Mr John POWSEY of the Parish of Northfleet died 23 February 1794 aged 63 years. Elizabeth his wife died 5 May 1802 aged 67 years.

11. Philip POWSEY son of John and Elizabeth Powsey of Northfleet died 19 January 1786 aged 19 years.

12. Mr James POWSEY of the Parish of Northfleet died 25 April 1803 aged 34 years.

13. Ann RIXSON wife of George Rixson and daughter of Thomas POWSEY of this Parish died 23 September 1773 aged 27 years.

14. Thomas POWSEY for many years Clerk of this Parish died 10 June 1779 aged 61 years. Elizabeth Powsey wife of above died 19 March 1783 aged 70 years. .

15. Mary wife of Henry MARTIN of this Parish daughter of George HARDS of Dartford died 1 November 1766 aged (?50) years. .

15a. Lefthand side: Sarah MARTIN aged 5 years died 1759. Righthand side: Margaret Martin aged 1 year died 1758.

16. Mrs Ann LAVENDER wife of Mr John Lavender died 20 May 17(?93) aged 75 years. [Register: 1793 May 23 Anne LAVENDER, widow buried F+ZB]

17. Headstone broken: Mary Ann WALLIS of this Parish died 8 December 1844 aged 32 years. Also (?William) Wallis husband of above died 31 December 1888 aged 83 years.

18. Elizabeth WILLIAMS died 13 September 1842 aged 42 years. Also Page 8Keziah WATTS her sister died 24 September 1846 aged 40 years.

19. Edwin CHALLIS died 16 December 1843 aged 4 years. .

20. Mr John BARTLETT, mason died 6 December 1833 aged 24 years.
North East corner of graveyard
21. Footstone: M.A.W. 1844 W.W. 1887

22. Charles Robert CURTIS died 16 December 1835 aged 25 years. Henry Curtis died 14 February 1836 aged 24 years.

23. Ann wife of William MUNN of this Parish died 14 May 1862 aged 63 years. Above William Munn died 4 October 1883 aged 79 years.

24. Sophia wife of John MUNN of the Parish of Longfield died 20 November 1853 aged 72 years. Above John Munn died 5 May 1863 aged 83 years.

25. Mrs Mary Ann TOLHURST died 24 December 1825 aged 29 years. Thomas Tolhurst died 4 December 1823 aged 3 weeks. Mr Thomas Tolhurst of this Parish died 28 July 1849 aged 49 years. Charles Edmeades son of the above Mr Thomas Tolhurst and Jane Elizabeth his 2nd wife died 18 December 1850 aged 18 years. Jane Elizabeth wife of the above Mr Thomas Tolhurst died 2 December 1884 in her 85th year. Thomas Edmeades Tolhurst son of Thomas and Jane Tolhurst died at Northfleet 21 June 188(?5) aged 57 years.

26. In memory of William McBEATH late late M _ _ ross in the Royal Artillery who died 5 June 1775 aged 32 years. Who in his military character was respected by his Officers Beloved by his equals and much lamented by his friends ‘ 8 lines of verse’

27. Mr Benjamin ARLETT of this Parish died 29 April 1829 aged 83 years.

28. Mr George ARLETT of Greenhithe in this Parish died 18 January 1842 aged 64 years. Sarah his wife died 4 May 1842 aged 65 years.

29.William Henry ARLETT of this Parish died 14 December 1848 aged 40 years.

30. Coffin shaped slab: Elizabeth wife of George Thomas SWETTENHAM died 31 May 1832 aged 41 years. Ann Swettenham daughter of above died February 1824 aged 3 weeks.

31. Ann wife of John PRIME of this Parish died 11 December 1855 aged 65 years. John Prime died 21 January 1864 aged 58 years.

32. Here lies the body of Henry EDWARDS of Rye in Sussex who died of smallpox at this place on board the vessel of which he was Page 13Master the 25 April 1763 aged 51 years. He left issue a disconsolate widow, 2 daughters and 1 son. His character both in publick and private capacity was such as to leave not an enemy behind and who himself endeavoured to be the friend of everyone.

33. Henry William son of Mr George ANDREWS and Charlotte his wife of Greenhithe died 18 April 1848 in his 18th year. Elizabeth Ann died 1 January 1844 aged 7 months. Above Mr George Andrews died 17 July 1849 aged 53 years. He left issue by Charlotte his wife 4 sons and 4 daughters.

34. Flat stone: Mrs Elizabeth HARE wife of Mr John Hare died 22 October 1775 aged 70 years.Also the above Mr John Hare died 8 April 1787 aged 87 years.

35. Mr William HENDEN late of this Parish died 27 January 1802 aged 68 years. Mrs Sarah PHILLIPS wife of Mr James LAWRANCE Phillips and daughter of above died 27 February 1803 aged 21 years.

36. (Decayed) Mr John WOODWARD died May _ _ 1847 aged _ _ Footstone J. W. 1847, C. W. 1861

37. Mr Thomas SHEPHERD son of John and Ann Shepherd of this Parish died 20 December 1815 aged 18 years. A sudden death, a mind contented he lived beloved and died lamented. Edward Shepherd died 27 May 1819 aged 13 years. George Shepherd died 18 February 1821 aged 13 years. Also Thomas, William and James died in infancy. Walter Shepherd died 10 October 1832 in 30th years. John Shepherd father of above died 10 November 1833 aged 72 years. Footstones: E.S. 1819, G.S. 1821, W.S. 1832, G.S. 1821, E.S. 1810, T.S. 1815, J.S. 1833.

38. Mr Sampson WATERS of this Parish died 8 June 1846 aged 71 years.

39. Mrs Elizabeth MORRIS wife of Cartwright Morris Esq. of Greenhithe died 22 June 1795 aged (?5)6 years. Charles MORRIS son of above obit died 5 July 1791 aged 19 years.

40. Charles WILKS Esq formerly of Purfleet Essex and late of Greenhithe died 17 November 1847 aged 87 years, 64 of which he served in Her Majesty’s Navy and Ordnance.

41. Elizabeth HALL wife of Ambrose Hall of this Parish died 5 June 1779 aged 70 years. The above Ambrose Hall died 8 December 1793 aged 93 years.

42. Frederick William infant son of Frederick and Lucy ABBOTT of Pustwell House in this Parish died 10 April 1861 aged 10 months. [PUSTWELL family appear in the registers in the 1550’s F+Z B]

43. Raymond Reginald infant son of James and Mary Elizabeth VOGAN of Greenhithe died 26 September 1858 aged 8 months. Harry James likewise son of above died 6 February 1859 aged 4 years 4 months. Also their sister, Mary died 15 August 1862 aged 5 weeks. Frederick Overall Vogan son of above died 9 May 1865 in his 10th year.

44. Richard Edward WEST Esq. late of the Borough of Southwark and of this Parish died 6 October 1857 aged 68 years.

45. Mr John SMALL of this Parish died 28 September 1825 aged 73 years. William Small son of the above died 22 August 1826 aged 12 years and 8 months. Mrs Ann Small wife of the above Mr John Small died 28 September 1832 aged 49 years. Mr John Small son of above John and Ann Small died 13 March 1842 aged 30 (or 32) years.

46. Tankerville Drew INGALL born 19 April 1857, died 23 July 1858. Helen Maria Ingall born 2 January 1860 died 28 February 1862. Cedric Drew Ingall born 7 July 1867, died 9 July 1867. Jane DREW grandmother of above died 13 October 1881 aged 80 years.

47.. Selina the much loved granddaughter of Mrs Mary Ann WHITEHEAD of Greenhithe died 18 August 1847 aged 7 years.

48. Cross head stone: Laura Mitford BRAMWELL died 13 July 1859 aged 11 years.

49. Cross head stone: Charles William BY Esq. died 16 October 1864 aged 83 years.
Charlotte his wife died 30 October 1864 aged 82 years.

50. Catherine wife of William COSSART Esq of St Johns Wood London died at Greenhithe 12 October 1845
aged 26 years.

51. William Stephen HOADLEY husband of Ann Hoadley died 27 January 1863 aged 55 years. The above Ann Hoadley of Greenhithe died aged years. [not filled in on headstone]

52. Mr Robert DONNE Senior died 2 December 1836 aged 73 years

53. Elizabeth DONNE late wife of Charles Doone of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark died 5 November 1847 aged 60 years. An affectionate mother and wife. Above Charle Donne 30 January 1873 aged 76 years.

54. Hannah DONNE died 30 October 1848 aged 49 years. James Doone died 16 January 1865 aged 66 years.

55. Mary CHAPMAN daughter of Edward and Mary Chapman of Greenhithe in this Parish died 21 March 1801 in her 24th year.
56. Low flat tomb: Mr John WOOTTON late of this Parish died 22 January 1764 aged 56. Also Mary his wife died 5 March 1778 aged 71 years. Also Mr Richard Wootton of Northfleet, native of Greenhithe in this Parish died 10 August 1796 aged 59 years. also Mrs Mary Wootton of Northfleet wife of the above Mr Richard Wootton died 18 October 1828 in his 86th year.

57. Large brick altar tomb with stone top: Mary wife of John HILL of the Parish Swanscombe died 6 November 1740 aged 42 years.

58. Richard WHISKIN of Greenhithe died 15 June 1796 aged 38 years. James Whiskin son of above died 26 June 1830 aged 37 years. Mary Whiskin relict of above died 12 May 1834 aged 84 years.

59. Thomas HEWITT died 21 January 1857 aged 44 years. Elizabeth daughter of above died 17 May 1849 aged 7 years.
North of Tower:
60. Robert RICHARDSON Esq late of Honourable East India Company Bengal Civil Service died 17 June 1847 aged 66 years.

61. Eliza wife of Mr Peter VITOU of Greenhithe in this Parish died 15 November 1854 aged 61 years. Above Mr Peter Vitou died 15 January 1858 aged 75 years. Elizabeth daughter of above died 20 January 1871 aged 53 years. Louisa PARSONS eldest daughter of above and relict of Joseph Parsons (late of Barkingside Essex) died 21 October 1880 aged 67 years. Also Sarah Vitou daughter of above died 19 December 1895 aged 73 years. .

62. Altar tomb: Top Here lyeth the body of Ma _ _ _ _ KINGSLAND late? wife of Mr John Kingsland of this Parish who departed January 17[?5] aged 54(?9) years. She lived . . . . . . . .mother . . . .. . . . . Here lyeth the body of Mr John EVEREST of this Parish who departed this life _ _ May 1732 aged 67 years. 3 lines of verse
North side: In this vault beneath whose silence had not previously been invaded for nearly a century are interred the remains of Judith Sarah STEVENS the wife of Mr William Stevens solicitor of Hatton Garden. The only grandchild and heir at law of William EVEREST Esq formerly of Fawkham in this County by his daughter Mildred who married Mr William Stevens of Woodmanstone in Surrey. The above named Judith Sarah was the th _ _ _ daughter of the late Mr Samuel KING formerly of Yarmouth and afterwards of Beccles in Suffolk. She died on the 17th day of January 1832 aged 61 years. Her father and mother whose maiden name was JAY were both eminently pious christians and brought up their children in the fear of God and their daughter Judith Sarah followed their bright example in fulfilling the various duties of the daughter, the sister, the wife, the mother and the friend. She was uniformly exemplary taking the Holy Scripture as the only rule of her faith and conduct. Her husband and children with an _ _ _ ( 4 more lines.

63. Henry HOLLAND died 19 November 1719 aged 37 years.

64. Cross opposite tower: William GOSTLING died 31 Julu 1890 aged 58 years. Elizabeth his wife died 3 February 1893 aged 57 years.

65. Mr John SMALL yeoman of this Parish died 19th December 1757 aged 63 years. He left issue by his first wife Sarah one son William Small who survived his father 3 months and 3 days,

66. Margaret SMALL widow of John Small died 10th February 1763 aged 79 years.

67. Altar tomb: Top: Mr Harry MASON late of Cross Lane London died 26 September 1802 aged 26 years. Also Edward Harden Mason died 5 October 1819 aged 57 years. North side Mr Edward Mason of this Parish died (?17) July 1768 aged 6(?7) years. South side Mr Henry Mason of this Parish died 21 May 1781 aged __ years. Also Mr Harry Mason died 26 September 1802 aged 26 years.

68. Large tomb in railings. North side: The family vault of William COLYER of this Parish died 12 October 1846 aged 93 years. Christian his wife died 21 August 1804 aged 52 years. West end: Ann wife of Thomas
Page 34Colyer died 28 October 1854 aged 62 years. Thomas Colyer above named died 12 May 1860 aged 69 years. South side: Eliza daughter of Thomas Colyer died 19 April 1836. Elizabeth wife of William Colyer died 20 July 1850 aged 35 years. William Colyer above named died 12 September 1856 aged 39 years.

69. Mrs Sarah FULLJAMES wife of Mr Edward Fulljames of this Parish died 5 July 1770 aged 48 years. Also Mr Edward Fulljames died 4 August 1781 aged 66 years. Also Edward Fulljames son of the above died 26 February 1800 aged 48 years.

70. Mr Robert DURLING of the Parish of Stone died 14 September 1833 in his 77th year.

71. Mrs Elizabeth DAVIDSON relict of the late Mr Robert Timothy Davidson of the City of Rochester and daughter of Robert and Ann Durling of the Parish of Stone died 28 December 1829 in her 36th year. Also Mary Durling of Stone Wood 4th and last surviving daughter of the above Robert and Ann Durling died 13 August 1854 aged 57 years.

72. Mrs Ann DURLING wife of Mr Robert Durling of the Parish of Stone died 9 November 1827 in her 73rd year.

73. Mrs Sarah WARNER wife of Mr James Warner of this Parish died 13 January 1815 aged 49 years. Mr James Warner died 15 April 1832 aged 79 years.

74. Ann GRAY wife of Caleb Gray died 6 March 1812 aged 30 years. Mr Caleb Gray husband of above died 6 July 1825 aged 56 years. Also Elizabeth FIELDER died 15 April 1827 aged 71 years.

75. Mrs Ann SIMMONS wife of Mr Thomas Simmons died 19 July 1809 aged 19 years. Also Ann Simmons daughter of above died 18 February 1810 aged 6 months. Mrs Elizabeth HORLOCK died 24 April 1856 aged 72 years. Mr Samuel Horlock died 18 December 1863 aged 82 years. Alice Martin Horlock died 16 June 1865 aged ?11 years.

76. Mr John HAYES late of Pitsey in Essex died 30 November 1795 aged 59 years. Mrs Rebecca Hayes wife of above died 5 April 1818 aged 84 years.

77. Mr William Bray MUSGROVE late of the pr _ _ _ _ _ _ Yarmouth died September 185(?4) aged 41 years. Also Maria Louisa Musgrove died 30 September 1872 aged 58 years.

78. John FELDWICK of Greenhithe died 5 June 1839 aged 79 years. Also Joanna wife of above died 9 December 1847 aged 80 years.

79. Mr Edmund FARMER-FRANCIS died 23 September 1833 aged 26 years. Also Edmund Farmer-Francis
son of above died 17 March 1833 aged 3 months and 3 days.

80. John PIRKINS of the Parish of Stone died 28 February 1742 aged 71 years.

81. Elizabeth HOLDAWAY daughter of Edward and Mary Ann Holdaway died _ February 1811 aged _ _ (gone). Also Mary Ann Holdaway wife of Edward Holdaway died 15 March 1811 aged [?3]2 or [?72] years of age.

82. Lieutenant George SOWTON late of His Majesty’s Ship JUNO died 8 February 1803 aged 21 years.

83. Mary Ann wife of Lieutenant J.G. JAMES Half Pay H.M. 69th Regiment who died in this Parish 29 December 1832 in his 38th year.

84. Mr John CHILD of this Parish died 16 May 1836 aged 48 years. Julia daughter of above died 25 May 1832 in her 6th year. Elizabeth relict of above Mr John Child died 31 May 1850 aged 50 years.

84A..Josiah son of Richard and Sarah CHAPMAN born 23 May 1790 died 10 September 1790.

84B. In memory of Richard Thomas and Robert sons of Richard and Mary CHAPMAN of this Parish. Richard died _ _ April 1772 _ _ weeks. Thomas died _ _ April 1773 aged 10 weeks. Robert died _ _ February 1775 aged 3 weeks.

85. Mr Jeremiah CHAPMAN of this Parish died 25 August 1831 aged 37 years. Mary Chapman died 2 February 1880 aged 78 years.

86. Mr Richard CHAPMAN born 30 November 1745 died 16 August 1800. Also Francis TOWNSEND who was born 18 August 1824 died 19 July 1835.

87. Mrs Sarah CHAPMAN who was born 5 April 1754 and died 17 August 1827. Also Mary Oliver Chapman daughter of above born 8 February 1787 died 17 November 1805.

88. Mr Trobenius CHAPMAN of this Parish died 25 December 1840 aged 59 years. Mrs Elizabeth Chapman widow of above died 20 February 1845 aged 68 years.

89. Charlotte Swain HARDEE daughter of Mr James and Charlotte Hardee of Southwark died 16 March 1815 aged 1 years 11 months.

90. Richard Edward son of Thomas and Harriot WESTBROOK born 28 September 1859 died 2 February

91. William RIDLEY late of this Parish died 17 September 1705 aged 57 years.

92. Mr William BRASIER late of Jamaica Row Bermondsey died 6 December 1819 aged 39 years. Dear wife and children etc he left 2 infant children viz Henry Hooper and Thomas William Brasier by his wife Elizabeth.

93. Mary BRASIER wife of William Brasier of Greenhithe in this Parish died 21 August 1811 aged 31 years. Left issue 2 children, William and Edward.

94. Footstone M.A.B. 1805

95. Large low tomb: Sophia Eliza wife of Thomas Hibberds CLUETT youngest daughter of Jeremiah and Eliza BROWN died 1 December 1855 in her 22nd year.

96. Mr Thomas BROWN of Greenhithe in this Parish died 10 December 1795 aged 53 years. Mary Ann Brown daughter of Thomas and Ann Brown died 27 November 1805 aged 18 years. Also four children of above Thomas and Ann Brown, Thomas, John, Rebecca and Ann. Also Mrs Elizabeth REED wife of Mr Abraham Reed and daughter of the above Thomas Brown died 21 August 1808 aged 37 years.

97. Sarah wife of William SALE of Charing Cross, Westminster died 10 June 1816 aged 50 years. Also William their son who died in infancy. Also above William Sale died 8 August 1826 aged 61 years.

98. Sarah wife of Arthur READ died 26 July 1853 aged 37 years, [see 110]

99. Mary Ann MURRAY died 13 September 1862 aged 22 years. Charles William Lawrance Murray died 16 May 1864 aged 4 years.

100. Mrs Mary CHILD relict of Mr William Child of this Parish died 9 March 1838 aged 73 years. Mr William Child son of above died 22 May 1838 aged 52 years.

101. William CHILD late of this Parish born 11 December 1732 and died 10 November 1779. Ann Child wife of above died 12 May 1782 aged 43 years.

102. Mr William BAXTER of Greenhithe died 24 February 1856 aged 85 years. Elizabeth Baxter his wife died 18 July 1860 aged 87 years.

103. To children of Mr and Mrs SHELBOURNE late of this Parish, Mary Ann died 23 September 1823 aged 10 weeks, Maria died 27 July 1825 aged 1 year, William died 22 August 1826 aged 9 months, William Henry died 22 July 1834 aged 2 years 10 months, George died 3 October 1837 aged 2 years, Ellen died 2 November 1838 aged 7 months.

104.Here lyeth the body of Henry HARDEN died 6 July 1723 aged 68 years. Also the body of Henry Harden son of the above Henry Harden who died 8 January 1727/8 aged 33 years. verse: Tho ‘Borea’s’ blast and Neptunes waves. He lost us to our few. Inspite of both by God’s decree. We Harbour here below where we do ride at Anchor safe with many of our Fleet (rest under ground).

105. Charles STEWART infant son of Charles and Elizabeth PULLING died 12 August 1832 (no age)

106. Mrs Hestor WESTON late wife of Mr John Weston of Greenhithe in this Parish died 10 December 1800 aged 29 years. Also John Weston son of above died in infancy. Also Ann Weston daughter of above Mr John Weston died 12 April 1810 aged 5 months.

107. Peter Cornelius van KEMPEN born in Amsterdam Holland 17 January 1796, died 21 June 1857 in his 61st year,

108. Mr Ralph WHEATLEY of this Parish died 23 March 1844 aged 66 years. Ralph Wheatley eldest son of above died 28 June 1852 aged 49 years. John Townsend Wheatley born 17 July 1808, died 5 June 1871. Sarah Fulljames Wheatley born 2 January 1813, died 8 November 1873.

109. Sarah wife of Ralph WHEATLEY of this Parish born 10 July 1777, died 22 September 1821. Mary daughter of above born 24 September 1804, died 8 November 1814. Thomas Wheatley died 3 November 1838 aged 32 years.

110. 4 footstones: R. R. 1805, E. R. 1808, A. R. 1823, A. R. 1826, [? Read of no 98 and 111]

111. Elizabeth READ, formerly of the Parish of Southfleet and late of Thames Street, Rotherhithe died 4 May 1835 aged 78 years.

112. Moses MANNING late a master and owner of a vessel from Redbridge near Southampton who died in the third fit coming down London River on 5th day of May 1832 in the (?4)9 year of his age.

113. Rib brick altar with stone top: Here lieth the body of Cook TOLLET Gent, younger son of George Tollet Esq. Commissioner of the Navy in the reigns of King William the 3rd and Queen Anne by his wife Elizabeth Cook he dyed 20 July 1738 in the forty-first year of his age. To whose memory Hannah his wife and Elizabeth his sister have placed this tombstone.

114. Mr James HIGHAM late of Greenhithe died 10 April 1817 aged 70 years. Mr Robert Higham his son died 19 June 1835 aged 47 years.

115. Mrs Sarah NETHERCOAT daughter of George and Sarah Nethercoat of this Parish died 23 July 1781 aged 20 years and 5 months.

116. Mary NETHERCOAT daughter of George and Sarah Nethercoat died 5 April 1773 in her 10th year.

117. George NETHERCOAT died 13 September 1762 aged 6 months. Ann Nethercoat died 22 October 1766 (no age).

118. Mr George NETHERCOAT yeoman late of this Parish who left behind him, his widow and 4 daughters died 8 January 1769 aged 38 years.

119. Mrs Sarah NETHERCOAT wife of Mr George Nethercoat late of this Parish died 30 August 1793 aged 68 years.

120. Mrs Martha ASHBY wife of Mr Richard Millson Ashby of Dartford died 26 May 1818 aged 53 years.

121. A large low tomb entirely covered with thick ivy.

122. William BEADLE died 23 November 1841 aged 23 years. Also Thomas SAWYER died 24 March 1852 aged 68 years.

123. Thomas BURDES of Greenhithe, formerly of Monkwearmouth Durham died 9 July 1848 aged 67 years. Margaret relict of above died 28 March 1863 aged 82 years. Also their children, viz: Edward died 10 September 1811 aged 15 months, Anne died 12 June 1821 aged 15 years, Helen died 5 October 1833 aged 21 years, Catherine died 19 October 1836 aged 28 years, Margaret the youngest and last surviving daughter and wife of William ATKINSON of Monkwearmouth, Durham died 16 May 1841 aged 26 years.

124. Monument with an urn in railings: South side: Thomas FORREST Esq died 30 December 1863 aged 93 years. Sarah Forrest wife of Thomas Forrest died 30 November 1859 aged 80 years. Richard James Forrest son of above died 7 February 1872 aged 53 years. East end: Richard Forrest died 16 February 1807 aged 38 years. Frances Forrest died 22 October 1881 aged 76 years. Ann Forrest born 24 February 1808, died 22 December 1893. North side: In the memory of Richard Forrest Esq. of Greenhithe in this Parish died 6 February 1796 aged 62 years. Mrs Sarah Forrest widow of above died 5 August 1818 aged 82 years. Allatson Forrest died 8 January 1912 aged 88 years. William Sidney Forrest died 4 February 1915 aged 94 years. West end: James Forrest son of above Mr James Forrest of this Parish died 9 May 1794 aged 3 years 6 months. [These people owned Swan Farm, Ash, and appear in the South Ash Manor Rolls! 1878-1921 F+Z Bamping]

125. Mr Thomas COUCHMAN of this Parish died 17 June 1820 aged 81 years. Mrs Efree Couchman wife of Mr Thomas Couchman died 20 June 1823 aged 79 years.

126. Thomas COUCHMAN eldest son of Thomas and Efree Couchman of this Parish died 8 March 1779 aged 5 years.

127. Sarah Couchman 2nd daughter of Thomas and Efree Couchman died 5 May 1781 aged 1 year.

128. Sophia COUCHMAN 4th daughter of Thomas and Efree Couchman died 14 December 1788 aged 1 year 7 months.

129. Mr Henry William Couchman died 18 September 1807 in 30th year leaving issue 3 children Eliza Selina and Thomas. Beneath this mouldering turf lies buried a tender husband and father the best of sons of brothers and of friends.

130. _ _ eli _ _ daughter of John and Ann ALEWOOD of this Parish died 20 October 1829 aged 13 years 8 months. Above Ann Alewood died 19 April 1839 aged 60 years. And her husband John Alewood many years an inhabitant of this Parish died 8 October 1862 in his 87th year.

131. To the following children of William and Sarah BROWN of this Parish Ann Maria died 10 August 1812 aged 15 months. Henry died 20 August 1816 aged 6 months. Susan died 11 November 1819 aged 15 months. Eleanor died 25 April 1825 aged 4 years 10 months. Also Francis son of John and Sarah SMITH died 17 February 1831 aged 28 years.

132. Mr William BROWN Governor of the Poor House of this Parish 27 years, during which time he filled the situation to the satisfaction of the parishioners, died regretted 5 March 1836 in his 77 Page 61year leaving issue one son William.

133. Mr John BARNETT of Mincing Lane died at Greenhithe 24 December 1861 in his 62nd year. Erected by his widow.

134. George SMITH seaman belonging to H.M.S. Hercules who was drowned at Greenhithe 26 December 1850 aged 44 years. Erected by his shipmates.

135.  John MACKAY late shipmaster in Inverness died 17 May 1855 aged 55 years.

136. In railings: Thomas BRADLEY Esq. of Greenhithe died 4 September 1864 aged 83 years.

137. Thomas COUCHMAN late of this Parish, blacksmith died 28 July 1761 aged 49 years. Mary Couchman his wife died 6 September 1759 aged 47 years.

138. Large tomb in railings: North side Mr William BASSETT of Greenhithe died 28 February 1804 aged 70 years. Mrs Martha Bassett his wife died 12 November 1773 aged 34 years. Likewise James and Ann two of their children died in infancy. West end: Mrs Mary PALMER of this Parish died 10 June 1820 aged 64 years.
On small cross in front of West side. Mary Catherine RUSSELL died 18 August 1865 aged 11 months. South side: Mr John Russell formerly of Manor House in this Parish late of Summer Hill Dartford died 23 November 1843 aged 73 years. Martha his widow died 1 August 1851 aged 80 years. Mr William Edward Russell of this Parish died 4 August 1859 aged 57 years. Eleanor Anastasia 2nd wife of above died 25 November 1889 aged 87 years. East end: In a vault beneath are deposited the remains of Mr Thomas GREGORY of Gravesend died 31 October 1804 aged 64 years.

139. To the memory of Mary 1850 rest gone Footstones: M.J.H. 1850 L.H. 1865 O.H. 1865

140. William, son of William and Ruth COOPER died 26 October 1821 aged 8 months.

141. Ann RHOADE died 28 August 1796 aged 23 years. On right are the remains of Lydia WARD died 9 February 1811 aged 81 years.

142. Jane HICKS spinster and eldest daughter of the late John CHAMPION Esq. and Mary Charlotte CAREY his wife of the island of Guernsey who died at Greenhithe 30 August 1859 aged 68 years.

143. Ann Eliza MANTLE sister of Fanny WHATSON died 16 August 1911 aged 65 years.

144. Fanny wife of William John WHATSON died 10 January 1892 aged 52 years. Above William John Whatson died 9 December 1915 aged 78 years.

145. Mr William WATSON died 8 January 1826 in his 80th year.

146. Mr Solomon WELLS of this Parish died 23 June 1826 aged 73 years.

147. Large monument in railings at West gate: South side: Mary wife of Mr W. E. RUSSELL of the Manor House, in this Parish daughter of the late Commander T. HILL, R.N. died 27 December 1844 aged 42 years. Also William eldest son of above William Edward and Mary Russell died 10 June 1863 aged 29 years. East end: Edward Thomas son of William Edward and Mary Russell died 6 January 1898 in his 62nd year. West side: Margaret last surviving child of the late Commander Thomas and Mary Hill died 7 March 1895 aged 90 years. North side, front: Sacred to the memory of Commander Thomas Hill R.N. of Greenhithe died 8 December 1836 aged 69 years. Mrs Mary Hill widowof above died 6 January 1862 aged 95 years. Also Lieutenant Thomas Sharp Hill R.N. son of above died at Smyrna (Turkey) 11 November 1845 in his 39th year.

148. Mary widow of William DICKINSON Esq. solicitor formerly of London born 25 February 1773 died at Greenhithe in this Parish 20 February 1859.

149. Emma wife of John Henry DAY died 17 April 18(?31) aged 26 years.

150. Robert W. FISHER a native of Orford in Suffolk accidentally drowned in the Thames 27 July 1865 aged 2(?4) years.

151. Rebecca wife of William GOREHAM of this Parish died 10 July 1865 aged 44 years. Harriott their infant daughter died 14 February 1851 aged 13 months Mary wife of John Goreham and mother of above William Goreham died 16 June 1859 aged 78 years. Also William Goreham died 24 March 1886 aged 67 years.

152. Mr James MOSS late of this Parish, bricklayer died 20 March 1801 aged 51 years. William Moss son of above died 15 May 1797 aged 5 weeks.

153. Footstone: J 1798 S

154. In memory of ?John SMALE[?] only child of John and Katherine Smale[?] the EGGMOUNT (?name of a ship) who died 28 May 1798 aged (?) 4 years four months.End of churchyard 24 June 1922
In the church:
155. West end of North Aisle matrix [outline] of a brass woman pedimental head dress + 2 husbands + 3 or 4.
3 sons. eus 2 daus

Nave Floor
156. Mrs Elizabeth LEFEBURE died 1 August 1826 aged 83 years. Charles Gore Lefebure died 29 July 1829 aged 82 years.

157. Rev. Charles Robert MARSHALL died 12 April 1823 aged 58 years.

158. Stone with heraldic shield at the top Mr John BAYLY died 7 February 1791 aged 65 years. Mrs Sarah Bayly wife of above died 4 November 1817 aged 86 years. Mr John Howard Bayly eldest son of above died 31 March 1824 aged 68 years. Mrs Ann STYLES 2nd daughter of above died 5 March 1831 aged 65 years. Mr James Bayly 2nd son of above died 31 July 1834 aged 76 years.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ARLETT 28-30
M.A.B. 94
BRASIER 92, 93
Bray 77
BROWN 95, 96, 131, 132
BY 49
Cartwright 39
CHAPMAN 1, 55, 84A+B,
CHILD 84, 100, 101
Cook 113
COUCHMAN 125-129, 137
DAY 149
DONNE 52-54

Drew 46
DURLING 70, 72
Edmeades 25
M.J.H. 139
Hibberds 95
HILL 57, 147
Hooper 92
JAY 62
KEMPEN, van 107KING 62
MARTIN 15, 15a
Millson 120
Mitford 48
MOSS 152
MUNN 23, 24
R. R.110
READ 98, 111
RIXSON 7, 13
RUSSELL 138, 147
J S 153
Sharp 147


SMALE[?] 154
SMALL 8, 45, 65, 66
SMITH 131, 134
Swain 89
Tankerville 46
TOWNSEND 86, 108
van KEMPEN 107
M.A.W. 21
W.W. 21
WARD 141
WARE 3, 4, 5, 6
WHATSON 143, 144
WHEATLEY 108, 109

Places Index
Amsterdam, Holland 107
Barkingside, Essex 61
Beccles, Suffolk 62
Dartford 15, 120, 138
East India Company Bengal Civil Service 60
Fawkham 62
Gravesend 138
Greenhithe 28,33,39,40,43,
Guernsey 142
Inverness 135
London 148
   Charing Cross,
       Westminster 98
   Cross Lane London 67
   Hatton Garden 62
   Jamaica Row,
        Bermondsey 92
   Mincing Lane 133
   St Johns Wood 50   Southwark 89
   Borough of Southwark 44

   St Saviours Southwark 53
   Thames Street, 
    Rotherhithe 111
Longfield 24
        Durham 123
Northfleet 10-12, 56
Orford, Suffolk 150
Pitsey, Essex 76
Purfleet, Essex 40
Redbridge near 
    Southampton 112
Rochester 71
Rye, Sussex 32
    Manor House 138, 147
Smyrna (Turkey) 147
Southfleet 111
Stone 70, 71, 72, 80
Stone Wood 71
Summer Hill, Dartford 138
Swanscombe Pustwell
     House 42
Woodmanstone, Surrey 62
Yarmouth 62, 77General
Army 82
   69th Regiment 82
   Lieutenant 82
   M _ _ ross 26
   Royal Artillery 26
blacksmith 137
brass 155
bricklayer 152
Clerk of this Parish died 14
drowned 134, 150
EGGMOUNT (?name of
   a ship) 154
Governor of the Poor 
   House 132
King William the 3rd and
   Queen Anne 113
lead coffin 8
mason 20

Master 32, 112
   Commander R.N. 147
   Commissioner of the
       Navy 113
   H.M.S. Hercules 134
   H.M.S. JUNO 82
   Her Majesty’s Navy and
       Ordnance 40
   Lieutenant 82, 147
owner 112
Rev. 157
seaman 134
shipmaster 135
shipmates 134
smallpox 32
solicitor 62, 148
vessel 32, 112
yeoman 6, 8, 65, 118


L. Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Swanscombe Churchyard

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