
List of grants to Rochester Cathedral from the foundation to Henry I, recorded c.1123
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Archbishop William grants in perpetuum privileges related to Northfleet Church
Ælfwine grants a half burgage pertinent to Borstal
List of grants to Rochester Cathedral from the foundation to Henry I, recorded c.1123
Translation (see Translation Notes)
177r (select folio number to open facsimile)
ANno ab incarnatione domini Sexientesi-
In the year of our Lord's Incarnation
mo. Rex Athelbertus fundaunt eccle-
six hundred, King Athelbert founded
siam sancti andree apostoli roffensi et dedit ei. Preste-
the church of St. Andrew the Apostle of Rochester and dedicated it.
feld . et omniem terram que est a meduwaie usque
Priestfields, and all the land which is from the Medway to
ad orientalem postam cantaur in australi perte
the east part of Kent in the south
et alias terras extra murum ciuitatis uersus
and all the land outside the walls…
pertem aquilonalem.
pertaining to aquilonalem.
Anno ab incarnatione domini septingesimo . xxx . viii .
In the year of our Lord's incarnation xxx viii.
Eadbertus Rex cantie dedit ecclesie sancti andree
Eadbert King of Kent gave to the church of St. Andrew
Stokes. Et anno ab incarnatione domini. Septin-
Stoke. And in the year of the Lord's incarnation.
gentisimo . lxiiii . Offa rex mertiorum et Sige-
Seven hundredth lxiiii Offa, king of the Mertians, and
redus rex cantie dederuit Frendesberiam.
Sigeredus, king of Cante, surrendered Frindsbury.
Esclingham et Wicham. Item rex offa et
Esclingham and Wicham. Also the king Offa and
Ecbertus dederunt bromheie. Item rex offa
Ecbertus gave bromhei. Again the king
dedit Trottescliue. Et Ck enulfus[?]
gave Trottescliue a shot. And Ck enulfus [?]
rex merciorum dedit Borchstalle.
the king gave goods to Borstal.
Anno ab incarnatione domini. Octingensimo . xxxviii .
A year from the Lord's incarnation. Eighteenth xxxviii
Ecbertus Rex Westsaxonum et Cantuariorum
Ecbert, King of the West Saxons and Canterbury,
dedit eccliae sancti magnas libertates
gave great liberties
et ista maneria. hallinges et Snodilande.
and these manors to the holy church, Halling and Snodland.
Athelwlfus rex filius Egberti regis. dedit
King Athelwulf, son of King Egbert, gave
Cuckelestane. et holenberghe.
Cucclestone, and Hollingbourne.
Eadmundus rex anglorum dedit Mallinges.
Edmund, king of the English, gave Malling.
Quidam potensis[?] nomine Brichricus cum
A certain power [?] named Brichricus and his
uxore sue Ciffwicha dederunt. Dantuna.
wife gave Ciffwicha. Denton,
et langefeld. falchenham et darente. quod
and Langefeld, Falchenham and
manerium quomodo ad archiepiscopatum
the manor
peruenerit ignoratur. Et Eadgarus rex
And Eadgar, king
anglorum dedit Bromlega. Athelredus
of the English, gave Bromleg. Athelred,
rex anglorum dedit Wldeham et litlebroc
king of the English, gave Wldeham and litlebroc
Stantune et hiltune. Scil’ . xv . mansas ter-
to Stantune and Hiltune. 15 shillings, mansa
rarum. Et Willelmus primus rex anglorum
of land. And William the first king of the English
reddidit has terras Roffensi ecclesie a principibus
restored these lands to the Church of Roffen, which had been
in iuste ablatas. Stokes uidelicet et Dennintu-
justly taken away by the princes. Stokes will see both
na et Falchenham. Preterea inter cetera bona
Dennington and Falkenham. Moreover, among the other great goods
magna que eidem ecclesie in uita sue fecit
which he did to the same church during his life,
imminente articulo mortis sue. centum
at the imminent moment of his death. He gave him a hundred
libras ei dedit et tunicam propriam regale,
pounds, and a royal coat,
et cornu eburneum. et alia plura ornamen-
and an ivory horn. and many other
ta. Et Willelmi Rex filius eisdem. dedit lam-
ornaments. And King William the son of the same. He gave
theham et hedenham ad uictum monachorum
Lamtheham and Hedenham to the slaughter of the monks
qui quide’ concessit libertates quas ecclesia
who had granted the liberties which the Church of
Roffensis huc usque obtinuit . et sua carta con-
Rochester had hitherto obtained. and by his charter
firmauit omnium perdictorum dona. Et No-
he confirmed the gifts of all the lost. And the
bilissimus Rex henricus multa bona contu-
most noble King Henry brought many goods.
lit. Scilicet ecclesias de boxle. de Gillefford.
Of course the churches of the Boxley. of Gillefford.
derenteford. Suttune. cum capellis de Wil-
Derenteford. Suttune with the chapels of
mintune et de kingesdune. Item ecclesias de
Wilmintune and Kingsdune. Also the churches
chiselherste et de Wlewich. Item decimas
of Chiselherst and Wlewich. Likewise, the tithes
de strodes . et de chealkes. et alia multa.
of Strood. and of chealkes. and many other things.