
Henry I confirms the division of lands, c.1123
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Confirmation of the privileges of St Andrew’s Priory by Archbishop Theobald of Bec, c.1139
List of individual benefactors and their donations to Rochester Cathedral, recorded c.1123
Henry I confirms the division of lands, c.1123
Confirmation of the division of lands and privileges between the monks and the bishop at Rochester, followed by a confirmation by Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, and one by Bishop Gundulf (who made the initial proposal) (dated 1103).
There are sixteen signatories to the agreement: these are on 220r and are represented by black crosses. The date is given after this: 1103.
218r (select folio number to open facsimile)
Henricus gratia dei rex anglorum,
Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, abbatibus, comiti-
bus, cęterisque omnibus baronibus suis fran-
cigenis et anglis, totius regni anglorum,
salutem. Notum uobis omnibus esse uolo, quod
omnes donationes et concessiones omnium
maneriorum et omnium terrarum et omnium
ęcclesiarum cum omnibus redditibus et rectitu-
dinibus suis et omnium decimarum quę hac-
tenus concessę et donatę sunt ęcclesię sancti
andreę apostoli quę sita est in ciuitate ro-
uecestra, a quibuscunque siue regibus siue
archiepiscopis uel episcopis seu comitibus seu ali-
is quibuslibet huius regni nobilibus conces-
sę sint aut donatę, ego henricus dei
gratia rex anglorum potestate regię digni-
tatis michi a deo collata, omnimodo fir-
mas et in perpetuum stabiles esse concedo.
Et eas nominatim quas Gundulfus illius
ęcclesię episcopus ut ad usum monachorum illorum qui
in eadem ęcclesia domino christo et praedicto apostolo
deuote famulantur permaneant, ordina-
uit, ego eidem ęcclesię et eisdem monachis
iure ęternę hereditatis habendas et li-
bere atque quiete confirmo possidendas. Et sicut ipse pręnominatus episcopus qui ęcclesiam
illam fundauit et monachos illos illic
congregauit et ipsa maneria et terras
quas in suo dominico habebat ipsis mona-
chis a suo proprio uictu discreuit et dis-
cretas iam dedit, uidelicet Vldeham
cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Frandesbe-
riam cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Sto-
ches cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Suth-
fletam cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Danitu-
nam cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Lamhetham
cum omnibus appenditiis suis, Hedenham cum
cum manerio quod appendet Cudintuna no-
mine, et cum omnibus quadraginta hidis terrę
quę appendent, et omnes alias minutas
terras et omnes redditus omnium terrarum ubi-
cunque sint quas suo tempore acquisiuit
et illis dedit, cum soca, et saca, et tolne, et
teame, et omnibus aliis consuetudinibus et
rectitudinibus et libertatibus quas ipsemet
unquam melius habuit in terris et in aquis et
in siluis et in uiis et in omnibus locis, ita
firmiter et stabiliter in omnibus, omnia
ista monachis illis concedo et confir-
mo. Et hanc confirmationem meam pro
anima patris mei et matris meę et pro
anima mea et uxoris meę et omnium pa-
rentum meorum stabilio, et stabilitate si-
gni sanctę crucis domini nostri iesu christi propria
manu mea et sigillo meo consigno. ET ego anselmus non meis meritis
sed gratia dei cantuariensis archi-
episcopus hanc confirmationem regia aucto-
ritate confirmatam confirmo, ut et
ipsi praedictae ęcclesię et monachis prędi-
ctis atque post illos in perpetuum uicturis,
firmiter stabilis et stabiliter firma et il-
libata permaneant sancio, et sancitam si-
gno dominicę crucis christi consigno, et au-
ctoritate dei omnipotentis patris et fi-
lii et spiritus sancti et omnium sanctorum eius exco-
mmunico omnes illos qui de prędicta
ęcclesia aliquid horum omnium quę hactenus
ei sunt concessa et donata, et a rege
henrico et a me nunc confirmata
abstulerint, uel auferre temptauerint,
uel ab aliis ablatum cognita ueritate re-
ceperint, uel retinuerint. Hoc etiam ad ul-
timum superaddo, ęterna cum iuda proditore sit
illis poena, nisi ad satisfactionem uene-
rint. Amen amen amen. Ego autem Gundulfus licet indignus
mitissimi sanctorum andreę apostoli uicarius
rofensium tamen uocatus episcopus, hanc nostrae
deuotionis institutionem, et regię aucto-
ritatis confirmationem, immo domni an-
selmi archiepiscopi sanctionis excommunicati-
onem, et ore et toto corde confirmo. Et ut
in perpetuum integra et inuiolata permaneat,
signo crucis christi uice piissimi sanctorum andreę
apostoli eam consigno et corroboro. Quicunque
ergo audaci temeritate aut temeraria prę-
sumptione illam ulterius scienter uiolaue-
rint, apponat ac praeponderet dominus illam eorum
sacrilegii iniquitatem super omnes alias iniqui-
tates eorum. Et nisi ad satisfactionem uene-
rint, deleantur de libro uiuentium, et cum
iustis non scribantur, et in die iustę et ęter-
nę retributionis, cum sinistra parte positis
Henry, by the grace of God, King of the English, to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, counts, and all the rest of his barons, French and English, of the whole kingdom of the English, greetings. I want it to be known to all of you that all the donations and concessions of all the manors and all the lands and all the churches with all their rents and rights and all the tithes that have hitherto been granted and donated to the church of Saint Andrew the Apostle which is in the City of Rochester, by whatever kings or archbishops or bishops or counts or other nobles of this kingdom may have been granted or given, I Henry, by the grace of God, king of the English, by the power of the royal dignity bestowed upon me by God, grant that they are in every way firm and forever stable.
And those specifically which Gundulf, the bishop of that church, ordained to continue for the use of those monks who in the same church devoutly serve the Lord Christ and the aforesaid apostle, I confirm that the same church and the same monks shall have the right of eternal inheritance and freely and quietly possess them.
And as the aforesaid bishop himself, who founded that church and assembled those monks there, and the very manors and lands which he had in his dominions, disclaimed from his own possession to the monks themselves, and gave them already disreputable, he will see Wouldham with all its appurtenances, Frindsbury with all its appurtenances, Stoke with all its appurtenances, Southfleet with all its appurtenances, Denton with all its appurtenances, Lamberhurst with all its appurtenances, Haddenham with the manor which is attached by the name of Cuddington, and with all the forty hides of land which is attached, and all other small lands and all rents of all lands wherever which he acquired in his own time and he gave them, with soca, and sacks, and take away, and fear, and all other customs and the rights and liberties which he himself he never had better things on land and in water in the woods and on the roads and in all places, so firmly and stably in everything, everything I grant and confirm these things to those monks. And this is my confirmation for the soul of my father and my mother and for my soul and that of my wife and of all my parents the stability of mine, and the stability of the sign of the holy cross of our Lord Jesus Christ I sign with my hand and seal.
And I, Anselm not by my own merits but by the grace of God the Archbishop of Canterbury this confirmation by royal authority I confirm confirmed, as et and after them you will win forever, firmly fixed and firmly fixed and unbroken I sanction them, and I signal them to be sanctioned on the holy cross of Christ, I entrust it, and by its authority the holy cross of Christ confirmed, and authority of the omnipotent God the father and son and spirit and all the saints excommunicate all those mentioned above the church is something of all these things which have hitherto been they were granted and given to him, and by King Henry and now confirmed by me have taken away, or attempted to take away or, knowing that they had been taken away from others, they received them in truth, or have retained. This also to the last I add, eternal since Judas is a traitor punishment to them, unless they come to satisfaction. So be it. So be it. So be it.
I, Gundulf, although unworthy of the most kindly holy apostle Andrew, vicar of Rochester, having been called bishop, I confirm this institution of our devotion and the confirmation of our royal authority, and indeed the lord Anselm, Archbishop, sanctions the excommunication, and with my mouth and whole heart I confirm it. And that he may remain forever intact and inviolable, I sign and strengthen it with the sign of the cross of Christ, on behalf of the most pious of the holy Apostle Andrew. Whosoever, therefore, who further knowingly violated it by bold rashness or reckless presumption, let the lord add and outweigh that iniquity of their sacrilege above all their other iniquities. And unless they come to an apology, let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the just, and in the day of just and eternal recompense, with those placed on the left hand.