Agreement with Stephan Bidel concerning tithing

Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folio 232r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

The script is a later hand than the primary scribe of Textus Roffensis.


232r (select folio number to open facsimile)

Ita conuenit inter nos et Donom Stephanus Bidel de decima de
Ifeld . got nos habebimus diminidium frumntum . et ettiam partem ordei . et auene .
Ipse uol de auena . de pisis . de fabis . et uescis : nil perapiet .solidos nos totum.


So it was agreed between us and the donor Stephen Bidel on the tithing of Ifield. We are to receive half of the grain, and also part of the barley, and oats. He wants the wheat, peas, beans, and feed: nothing will pass one shilling from us in total.

Jacob Scott

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Responsible for the development and production of the Society website.




Henry I's commemoration of the feast of St Paulinus


Agreement between Bishop Gundulf and Gilbert concerning land belonging to St Andrew’s, 1086-1088