Agreement between the reeve of Frindsbury and the citizens of Rochester

An agreement made between the reeve of Frindsbury and the citizens of Rochester, commuting the customary payment of malt and meal for a rent of six pence from each property (possibly later than 1115). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folio 193v by Jacob Scott (pending review).


193v (select folio number to open facsimile)

Hęc est conuentio inter prępositum frendesber
et ciues rofenses propter opus brars . et grut.
Omni anno unaqueaq; mansura reddet sex .
denarios. Huius conuentionis et reddititio-
nis testes sunt. Orduuines p’or. Clemens
monachus. Martinus monachus. Hund-
fridus monachus. Anffridus dapifer. Roge-
rus de hallingis. Radulfus clericus. Kene-
stanus. Goffridus paruus. Lifuuinus
dore. Rodbertus monetarius. Eaduuardus
dan. Ricardus batnoise. Oimidium huic
census reddendum est ad festiuitatem Sancti
michaelis . et altera pars ad purificationem
Sanctę Marie.


This is the agreement between the reeve of Frindsbury and the citizens of Rochester on account of the work of the brars, and grt Every year each he will continue to pay six silver coins. Here are the witnesses for this agreement: Prior Ordwin. Clement the monk. Martin the monk. Humphrey the monk. Anfrid the servant. Roger of Halling. Radulf the clerk. Kenestan. Godfrey younger brother. Lifuinusdore Robert the moneyer. Edward dan[?]. Richard Batnoise. All must pay tribute at the feast of Saint Michael, and the other part for the purification of Saint Mary.

Jacob Scott

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The cleric Ralf concedes land adjoining the cemetery


Archbishop Lanfranc confirms the grant of Freckenham, 1087