Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St. Andrew’s Church, Buckland

Some Monumental Inscriptions of St. Andrew’s Church, Buckland - Noted by Bax & Rice Friday 5th May 1892. Pages 1-4 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also Some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Rev Bryan Faussett in 1759, added 8th July 2007.

1. Stone with arms above on SW side of the Church. In memory of William BENTLEY of Deal in this county who departed this life the 28th September 1719 aged 59 years. Also Sarah his wife who departed this life the 14th of October 1738 aged 72 years. Also of Capt. Thomas Bentley son of the above William Bentley and Sarah his wife who departed this life ye 16th of March 1739 aged 38 years. Also of Edward Baker Esq. who was a Rear Admiral in his Majesties Navy he married Sarah daughter of the above William Bentley and Sarah his wife who departed this life ye 31st of August 1752 aged 64 years. Also of Elizabeth Bentley daughter of the above William and Sarah Bentley who departed this life the 23rd of June 1763, aged 57 years. Also Sarah widow of the above Edward Baker Esq. departed this life the 19th February 1769 aged 77 years.

2. HS now flat in the path by the S. side of church. Susanna the wife of Richard MEADOWS of Dover. She departed this life the 28th of February 1795/3 aged 57 years. With patience to the last she did submit and murmur’d not at what the Lord thought fit. After a lingering illness, smart and pain physicians skill and physic prov’d in vain. She with a Christian courage did reign, her soul to God at the appointed time. Also of the above Richard Meadows who died 21st September 1809 aged 65 years.

3. Flat stone near the ………???? In memory of James BAKER who died 1st January 1778 aged 60 years. Also of Sarah his wife who died 1st January 1810 aged 84 years.

4. Flat HS. In the upper part some emblem or device. In memory of Matthew son of Thomas and Hannah NEWMAN who belong’d to his Majesty’s packquet Express and was unfortunately drown’d Boulgone Road 26 February 1786 and was interr’d here the 6th of March following aged 17 years 9 weeks and 2 days. He weakened my strength in this way he shortened my days 92 Psalm 13 verse.

5. Double HS. NE side of the churchyard a chevron between 3 compasses. Here lieth interred the body of Henry GARLING who departed this life May the 22 day 1749 aged 89 years. Here lieth interred the body of Sulann the wife of Henry Garling who departed this life ye XIV of February 1701 aged LV years, who had issue 11 sons and 10/15 daughters, John and Henry and Elizabeth.

6. Close to the entrance gate. E. end. In memory of six children of John and Jemima BENTLEY viz. Mary Ann died 29th of February 1805 aged 10 weeks, Eliza died 31st January 1811 aged 2 years and 1 month. A son born 31st July 1811 died the same day. William died 24th July 1813 aged 11 weeks, Maria died 27th April 1814 aged 3 weeks, Henry died 6 November 1815 aged 12 weeks.

The following copied by Mr. R. Gassaway Rice.
7.  Square column. SW of church having white marble panels. The whole surrounded with high iron rails on top of column an urn. MI in south side only in roman capitals. Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Edward WINTHROP for some years vicar of Darenth in this county, who died the 7th of January 1826 aged 56, also to the memory of Martha, wife of the above Revd. Edward Winthrop who died at Dover the 30th January 1844 aged 50. Sacred also to the memory of their eldest daughter Martha Winthrop who died suddenly on the 10th of February 1853 aged 41.

8. Head and body stone close to, and E. of last. In memory of William HARVEY of Dover who died 15th January 1784 aged 35 years. Thomas CHITTENDEN of Biggen Street, Dover (Italics?) who died 12th April 1795 aged 35 years. Frances Chittenden widow of the above, William Harvey and Thomas Chittenden who died 15th May 1834, aged 87 years. Also of their children William Harvey who died 17th April 1795, aged 20 years, James Chittenden who died 20th June 1809 aged 18 years, Elizabeth Harvey who died 27th July 1810 aged 32 years, Fanny Harvey who died 13 July 1848 aged 69 years. "Let me die this death of the righteous and let my last end be like his".

9. HS to S. of chancel. S. of church …… on top. Here lieth interred ye body of John HAMMOND yeoman of the parish of Buckland who departed this life July 11th 1736 aged 72 years who had issue by Margarey his wife one son and two daughters and one son and one daughter now sur…………

10. HS near to, and SW of last . Two sculls and cherub’s head at top. Here lieth interred the body of Thomas HAMMOND of River who departed this life the 7th of August 1750 aged 57 years. Also John son of the above said Thomas Hammond who departed this life the 18th of December 1756 aged 28 years. Also Susanna wife of the above Thomas Hammond who departed this life the 5th of January 1757 aged 60 years.

11. HS laid flat close to the N wall of church. Two sculls and one hour glass on top. Here lyeth interred the body of William HATTON of this parish who departed this life the 3 day of December 1724 aged 59 years who had issue by Sarah his wife two sons and 3 daughters to sons and two daughters now surviving.

12. HS E of church Sacred to the memory of (Italics) James GOULD who died August 31st 1849 aged 64 years [black letters]. Also of Mary wife of the above who died December 16th 1851 aged 66 years.

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Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th July 2007
Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton

In The Chancel.
13. On a Flat Stone. Here lyeth interred the Body of William WOOD, Yeoman, Sonne of William Wood of Charlton, Lieutenant of the Trayne Bands of Dover, who departed this Life the 3d. day of July 1680 aged 81 Years. He had to Wife Sarah the Daughter of Robert HATTON, Yeoman, by whome he had Issue one Son William, and two Daughters, Amy and Joane.

14. On Another. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs Amy SMITH, Wife of Mr John Smith and Daughter to Mr William Wood. She died the 25th day of February 1706/7 aged 81 Years. Also Elizabeth, Wife of Nick HATTON, Surgn. who departed this Life the 30th of March 1742 aged 41 Years. Also Nick Hatton of Deal, Surgn. who departed this Life the 5th of August 1743 aged 39 Years.

15. On Another. Here lyeth the Body of Mr John SMITH who departed this Life the 25th day of February 1695/6 aged above 85 Years.

16. On a flat black Marble in the Middle Aile near the West End.

[A fesse betw. 3 garbs in a border engrailed. Crest: a bird with wings spread statant & holding a garb in dexter claw (One copy adds palm sprays to sides of shield except at top]. Here lyeth interred the Body of Andrew SMYTHEYT, late of Northbourn in the County of Kent, Gent. He was born December 21st 1656 and died January 4th 1736/7.

17. At the West End of the North Isle. On an Altar Tomb inclosed with Iron rails. Arms: Ermin a Griffin rampt. empaled with a Chevron bet. 3 Martlets. Crest – a Hand issuing out of a naval Crown holding a Trident. In Memory of William BENTLEY of Deal in this County who departed this Life the 28th day of Sept. 1719 aged 59 Years. Also of Sarah his Wife who departed this Life the 14th of October 1738 aged 72 Years. Also of Captain Thos. BENTLEY, Son of the above William Bentley and Sarah his Wife who departed this Life the 16th of March 1739/40 aged 38 Years. Also of Edward BAKER Esquire who was a Rear Admiral of his Majesties Navy. He married Sarah, Daughter of the above William Bentley and Sarah his Wife. He departed this Life the 31st of August 1731 aged 64 Years. Also of Elizabeth Bentley, Daughter of the above William and Sarah Bentley who departed this Life the 23d. of June 1763 aged 57 Years. Also of Sarah, Widow of the said Edward Baker Esquire, who departed this Life the 19th day of February 1769 aged 77 Years.

18. On a handsome mural Monument of Marble, within ye Rails. Arms. Az. Chevn. bet. 3 Martlets Or. Sacred to the Memory of Sir John BENTLEY, Knight. Vice Admiral of the White of the British Fleet. In his Youth, he served under the Admirals HADOCK and MATTHEWS. By their Example, he learned to conquer, by his own Merit, he rose to Command. In the Action of Cape Finister, the 4th of March 1747/8, he was Captain of The Prince George, on Board which Ship, Lord ANSON had his Flag. In the Action October 14th in the same Year, under Sir Edward HAWKE, he distinguished himself, as Captain of the Defiance; And in the Battle in 1759 off Cape Lagos, under the Command of Admiral BOSCAWEN, he signalised himself, as Captain of the Warspite; and had the Honour of Knighthood conferred on him, for his gallant Behaviour; after which, he had in the same Year, a Share in the Engagement of Belle Isle, when the French Fleet was defeated by Sir Edward Hawke. He was in private Life, Humane, temperate, just and bountiful. In publick Station, valiant and honest. He was esteemed and favoured by his King, beloved and honoured by his Country. He died the 3d. of January 1772 aged 69.
N.B. The Arms in the Atchievements differ from ye Monuments. In that for BENTLEY – Argt. a Chevn. bet. 3 Martlets sable. Crest a Talbot passant Argt. In BAKERS – Sab. A Griffin rampt. regardant. Erm. gorged with a ducal Coronet Or. armed Gules empaled with Argt. a Chevn. bet. 3 Martlets sable.

19. The Steeple is a small wooden Spire, with 3 small Bells in it. 2 dated 1683, 1754.

20. The West Door only has a plain round Arch, the other Arches are all pointed.

21. In the East Window are some remains of painted glass, wch. seems to have been part of the Royal Arms.

22. Mr LYON, Minister of St Mary’s in Dover, informs Me that there "was a beautyfull Urn, dug up, in this Parish, not many Years ago; but that it was broken through Carelessness and the Remains of it cast into ye River". Letter, dated 22d. Aug. 1775. – B.F.

23. On a loose sheet in Vol.2. On a Handsome Monument fixt to ye E.Wall of Pew belonging to the HALES Family – under wch. is a spacious Vault. Sr. Thomas Pym HALES, Bart. Representative of the Port of Dover, a Steady and true Friend to Liberty and the Laws of this Country, of unceasing Kindness to his Family, Fidelity to his Friend and Benevolence to Mankind. Human Virtue adorned his Life, Christian resignation his Death. He dyed the 18th March 1773 Leaving Five Daughters by his Wife Mary, the Daughter of Gervas HAYWARD Esq. who as a tribute of Gratitude to the best of Husbands hath erected this Monument to his Memory. Aged 47.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
BAKER 1, 3, 17
BENTLEY 1, 6, 17, 18

HARVEY 8HATTON 11, 13, 14
Pym 23
SMITH 14, 15

Places IndexBoulgone Road 4
Buckland 9
Charlton 13
Darenth 7
Deal 1, 14, 17
Dover 2, 7, 8
   Biggen Street 8
   St Mary’s 22
Northbourne 16
River 10

   Lieutenant 13
   Trayne Bands of Dover 13
Navy 1
   Admiral 17
   Captain 1, 17
   Rear Admiral 1, 17
   Vice Admiral 17
Action off Cape Finister 17
Battle of Cape Lagos 17
Engagement of Belle Isle 17
   Majesty’s packquet Express 4
   The Defiance 17
   The Prince George 17
   The Warspite 17
   The White of the British Fleet 17

drowned 4
Rev 7Surgeon 14

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wootton Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Wootton Church, noted by Bax & Rice Thursday 12th May 1892. Pages 75 to 76 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 8th June 2007.

No. B(ax's)

1. HS Here lie interred the bodys of Richard SPAIN yeoman and Mary his wife daughter of John Fagg of Hougham. He departed this life July the 17 day 1726 in the 82 yeare of his age and shee departed this life the 13th day of July 1726 in the 76 year of her age. Had issue 5 sons and 4 daughters where of 2 sons and one daughter lie buried here and 3 sons and 3 daughters surviveing (sic).

2. HS Scull, crossbones, pick Here lyeth ye body of Elizabeth daughter of ………… and Mary SPAIN who departed this life the 6th day of March 1713 in the 23rd year of ……….

3. 16 stones to "DUNN" family.

4. HS to NW of church In memory of Thomas BOWES (late of Womenswould) who died the 5th of April 1793 aged 42 years. he left issue by Sarah. [Here I was fetched to tea by the Rector Rev. Furnell Morgan who m. Miss Ada Garraway 1st cousin of Mr. R. Garraway Rice].
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice5. HS South of church – a child at top partly draped, right arm resting upon an hourglass Here lieth interred the body of Thomas ELGAR he departed this life the 25th of November 1770 aged 81 years. Also here lieth the body of Rachel wife of the said Thomas Elgar she departed this life the 26th of April 1771 aged 80 years.
6. HS south West of church Underneath repose the remains of Mrs. Anne BEAUDET for upwards of 50 years the attached, faithful and confidential servant of the Lady Isabella Brydges of Wootton Court where she died on the 30th of April 1840 in the 70th year of her age.

7. Note. There are some inscriptions to the Brydges family on a kerb enclosing a piece of ground to the NW of church.

8. "Mr. Bax went into church but I did not, having gone to call on the Rector etc. I noticed a white marble monument in the S wall of the Brydges family ?noted by RGR".

There is an original index from about 1546 to 1602 arranged alphabetically. No Bax within that period. Made the following rough notes from Vol I. 1622-3 Feb 16 Rachell the daughter of George ?Backy bapt. 1625 August 7 Margaret the daughter of George Backy was bapt. Burials – 1626 April 5 George Backy a poor man was heere buried ye 5th of Aprill 1626

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Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 8th June 2007

Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton                    

In The Chancell.

10. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of The Revd. Mr James JANEWAY, M.A. who was Rector of this Parish 26 Years. He died July ye 1st 1739. Aged 56 Years. And left a Wife, 2 Sons, and 1 Daughter. On his Right Hand lays Mary his Wife, who died Feb. 11 1754. Aged 61.

11. On Another, partly hid by ye Communion Rails. Under this Stone ….rred the Bodies of John COPPIN …. Beakesbourne Gent, 3d. Son of John ……late of Deale; He departed this Life …ay of December Anno Dni 1630 and … Year of his Age. And also of John C…..s 2nd Son, who Married Anne the D……. of Thomas GIBBON of Westcliffe …. by whom he had Issue 4 Sons, and …..ters, viz: John, Susan, Thomas, ….. still borne, Dorothy and Edward. .. ...parted this Life the 9th Day of Dece…. An. Dom. 1654. In The 39th Ye.. .. … Age. And also the Body of …… .oppin late of Canterbury Gent ….. of the last mentioned John Cop… ….. departed this Life the 8th Day of ….. Dni. 1701. In the 60th Year .. his Age.

12. On Another. Under this Stone lieth the Body of Mr Robt. GERRET, A.M. late Rector of this Parish; he died July the 3d. In the Year 1712. Aged 70. Here also lieth Mary his Wife, by whom he had a Daughter, married to Mr Richard HARRIS of Canterbury. She died without Issue aged 30 in 1702, and lies buried near her Father, in this Place.

13. On a Square Flat Stone, with this Coat in the Middle of it, is the following Inscription rounds its Verge. [¼ly 1). Plain, with a label of 3 points. 2). A + flory. 3&4). Plain]. Here lieth buried John SEIPERN sumtime of this Parish Parsone ag.. 1580.

14. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Thomas PRITCHARD, who died the 17th of September 1615. Aged 68. Who was of this Parish Parson.

15. No Altar Piece.

In The Body.
16. On a Flat Stone. with this Coat. [3 boars’ heads couped & a chief]. Here lieth interr’d the Body of Mr Edward COPPIN of Beakesbourne, formerly Minister of this Parish; who departed this Life the 30th of July 1689, in the 67th Year of his Age.

17. On a Small white Flat Stone. John Egerton, Son of Edward and Jemima BRIDGES, ob. 27 Feb. 1758. Aged 1 Month.

18. On Another. John, son of Edwd. and Jemima BRIDGES, ob. 26 of Mar. 1753. Aged 7 Months.

19. On a very ancient Flat Stone, without Inscription is ye following Coat. On a Brass Plate. [Gu a fesse dancety betw. 6 mascles or]. I have since found this to be the Coat of FOCHE.

20. Next to this is another very Ancient Stone, with the Name of FOCHE to be seen in two Places; the rest of the Inscription is not legible.

21. This Church is neat but very Small, consisting only of the Chancell and Body. In the Tower, which is very low, and stands at the West End, is only *1 Small Bell thus inscribed. Joseph HATCH Made Me, 1629.
*There were 2 more, wch, as I am inform’d, were sold, not long ago, in Order to raise Money for ye Repairing & beautifying ye Church.

22. It is a Rectory, in The Gift of John BRIDGES Esq. It was dedicated to St. Martin. The Present Rector (1758) is The Revd. Mr Samuel FREMOULT.

Index of Names and Places

Backy ? 9Bax 8
BOWES 4BRIDGES 17, 18, 22Brydges 6, 7, 8
COPPIN 11, 16DUNN 3Egerton 17ELGAR 5Fagg 1FOCHE 19, 20FREMOULT 22Furnell 4
Garraway 4GERRET 12

PlacesBeakesbourne 11, 16
Canterbury 11, 12Hougham 1
Westcliffe 11Womenswould 4
Wootton Court 6General
Lady 6
Rector 4
yeoman 1

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Whitfield Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Whitfield Church, noted by Bax & Rice Saturday 14th May 1892. Pages 77 to 78 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007.

1. Numerous memorials to "JONES". There are many old stones falling back and difficult to decipher.

2. HS East of church In memory of William HOWIS-CASTLE late of Piccadilly, London son of Stephen and Mary Castle of this parish who departed this life the 20th day of August 1812 aged 33 years. Also of Robert Castle his brother who departed this life the 1st day of September 1800 aged 13 years. Also the above Stephen Castle who departed this life the 2nd day of January 1823 aged 82 years. Also Mary his wife who departed this life the 20th day of November 1826 aged 73 years.

3. Handsome pedestal with urn above, railed, to COURT of Dover (wine merchant) and other "Court" memorials.

4. HS (East) 2 cherub’s heads above, winged To the memory of Elizabeth wife of John TIPPER of St. Bartholomews near Sandwich who died the 16th of October 1773 aged 50 years leaving three sons (viz) John, William and Joseph. Also of the above said Mr. John Tipper who died the 29 of March 1779 aged 64 years.

5. HS cherub’s head winged, clouds above In memory of Rose May daughter of William and Tomrin May of this parish. She departed this life February ye 13 1744 aged 27 years.

14 May 1892 Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice
6. Small HS South of church – a scull and 2 bones at top Here lieth ye body of William TUCKER of this parish he died April 10th 1704 aged 47 years. Left issue 2 sons and one daughter (sunk).

7. Small HS close to the N of last, scull and bone at top Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth wife of Caleb TUCKER. She died December 28th 1719 aged 27 years. Left issue 2 twins Elizabeth and Margaret.

8. HS West of church – 3 sculls at top (one large one in a shield, 2 small ones), 2 roses, scythe, arrow, foliage etc. Here lieth interr’d the body of Isaac WOOD, Youman (sic) of St. Margaret parish at Clift. He departed this life ye 30 of January 1736 aged 55 years who had issue by Elizabeth his wife two sons and one daughter surviving.

9. HS East of church – draped urn at top of which is the word "Sacred" To the memory of Susanna the wife of Edward HOUGHTON of Dover who departed this life the 11th day of December 1831 aged 42 years. Left issue 1 son and 1 daughter viz. Thomas Pinch and Sarah Bowles.

10. HS broken off and resting against the E wall of chancel Here lyeth interred the body of Richard INNEUER? who departed this life June the 10 1692 aged 74 years. Also here lyeth Anne his wife who died May the 4 1723 aged a hundred and one year who had issue one son and 8 daughters. [?"on son and 4" broken away].

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Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007

Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton

11. In this Church, is no Inscription; but there are 4 flat Stones, which seem to be very ancient – 2 of them are in ye Porch; and 1 of them has a Cross upon it in releivo. This Church is very small and irregular, consisting of a Sort of Chancell, the Body, and 2 small Isles. It has no Steeple; but, in the North West Corner, hangs one small Bell.

12. In The Church Yard, are Memorials of HENNEBER, HORN, MAY, TUCKER, WOOD and WOODCOCK.

This Church was dedicated to St. Peter.
It is a (blank).
The Present (?)Vicar is Mr Francis D’AETH who is also Rector of Knowlton. 1759.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Bowles 9
Castle 2

May 5, 12
Pinch 9
TUCKER 6, 7, 12
WOOD 8, 12
WOODCOCK 12Places IndexDover 3, 9
Knowlton 12
Piccadilly, London 2
St. Margaret at Cliffe 8
Sandwich 4
Generalwine merchant 3
yeoman 8

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Denton Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Denton Church, noted by Bax & Rice Thursday 12th May 1892. Pages 73 to 75  of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield. Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007.

1. Names in churchyard; Head 1790, Quested 1810, Goldfinch 1763, Willats 1867, Gibbens 1882 1886 1889, Smith 1871 1868, ?Githam 1818, Crux 1884, Hussey 1882, Watt 1881 83, Green 1882 1884, ??Seth 1876 1816 1827 1845 1816 1808/7 (sic), 1838 1803, Pilcher 1750 1778 1759 1774 1740, Baker 17--, Elgar 1792, Friend 1756 1765 1766 17--, Saffaray 1710?, Safffery 1734, Faith 1834(3), 1831 1832 1817 1824 1807 1808 1803 1811 1812 1794, Roberts 1871, Cox 1834, Baker 1783 88 89, Williams 1850, Page 1837 1855 1862 1863, Prebble 1823 1829 1769 1796 1745, ?Tinnis 1836.

2. HS South of church In memory of Elizabeth PILCHER late of the parish of Barham who died 8th January 1772 aged 59 years. Also on the right hand lieth the remains of John husband of the above Elizabeth Pilcher who died December the 11th 1759 aged 49 years. They left surviving 4 daughters Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, Frances. O cruel death so soon to end two loving parents and sincere friends. King angels watch ………….. till Jesus ……….. Then ……………. And …………..

3. HS scull between two hour glasses Here lieth ye body of Mary PILCHER who departed this life 30 April 1740 aged 5 years and 6 months.

4. HS West of church To the memory of the family of the FRIENDS, Martha Friend died 26 July 1756 aged 3 years, Mary Friend died 25 October 1765 aged 25 years, Eve Friend died 24 February 1766 aged 92 years, Mary Friend died 11 October 1777 aged 68 years, John Friend died 14 Aprill 1784 aged 79 years.

Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice
5. HS South of church – scull and foliage at top Here lieth ye body of INO. PREBEL late of this parish he departed this life ye 20th of November 1745 in ye 62 year of his age who left issue by Elizabeth his wife 5 sons and 1 daughter. All you that come my grave to see as I am now so must you bee, repent therefore without delay my glass was run and I was call’d away.

6. HS South of last In memory of Ann wife of Stephen PREBBLE (sic) who died 4th March 1769 aged 43 years. Also of the above Stephen Prebble who died 7th December 1796 aged 77 years. [6 lines of poetry not easy to read]

7. HS South of last To the memory of Edward PREBBLE late of the parish of Barham who died 1 October MDCCCXXVIII aged LXXXVII years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died XXII July MDCCCXXIX aged LXXXV years.

8. HS broken and fallen down – SW of church tower – 2 sculls and 2 bones, at top Here lieth buried ye body of Mary SAFFARAY who died January 17 1710/11 aged 21 years.

9. HS close to and to the S of last – an hourglass between 2 sculls at top Here lieth the body of Vincent SAFFERY who departed this life the 8th of April 1734 aged 84 years. And of John his son who departed this life the 7th of April 1739 aged 44 years.

10. Large HS West of tower – two trumpets and cherub’s head at top In memory of Francis PILCHER who died ye 23rd May 1778 aged 65. Also of Mary his wife who died July ye 8th 1759 aged 30 years. [3 lines of poetry difficult to read]

11. HS laid flat to N of church and opposite porch To the memory of William GOLDFINCH who died 22nd September 1763 aged 42 years. Also of Ann Goldfinch who died the 5th of May 1815 aged 88 years. Left issue two daughters viz. Susanna and Mary.

12. HS to the N of church To the memory of Sarah wife of John QUESTED of this parish who died June 5th 1810 aged 67 years. She left issue surviving six sons and five daughters to lament the loss of an affectionate mother.

13. HS East of last To the memory of James HEAD who died May 10 1790 aged 91 years. He left surviving two sons and one daughter Sarah, James and Richard.

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Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007

Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton                   

14. On a Flat Stone. Sr. Anthony PERCIVALL Knt. deceased Jan. 12 1646-47. Aged about 45, and Dame Gertrude his Lady deceased May 12. 1647. Aged 33. From hence expect The Speedy Return of their Blessed Saviour. (These following variations & additions are taken from Mrs Gardiner’s "Oxinden & Peyton Letters"). Behold The Ashes of a worthy (noble) Knight, Which make for Thee, O Reader, a Glass Light. He had not been confined to this (the) Grave, If Wit, or Prudence Him from hence (thence) cd. save; But, These his Virtues only were a Shade *(This line is hid by ye Communion Rails) (Of Heav’nly Grace that flowers in their fade; And Thou in Christ thy choicest gifts must raise, To have thy Monument adorn’d with Prayse). His Noble Lady also lieth here Wh’ attained unto Virtues highest Spheare. And, where (were) both Wills and Beauties are abundant, Ev’n there (her), for Wilt and Beauty was (were) transcendent. But, This her Graces above all did bear, That they were sublimated in Gods Fear. Who living Her before the World begun, Ordained (decree’d) Her a Spouse for only Sonne. O Blest beyond the Reach of Human Chance, Whome neither Order, not yet Ordinance, Can hurte or reach; or Envy can annoy, Or vote Them from The Pleasures they injoy. And, Death, Thou shoutest (shot’st) (and) .ell (Hell thou gap’st) in vain, For these Your Master (sign’d) with Him to raign. Teste Hen: OXINDEN de Barham.

15. On a Plate of Brass, fixt to the North Wall. [BOYS – as at p.78 with the Additn. of Acorns and Cross’d Crosslets in the Bordure; - & a Crescent for Dif]. Here under lyeth buried The Bodye of John BOYS Esquyer, late Patrone of This Churche, and Attorney Generall to the Kyng ower Sou’rayn Lord, of his honourable & hight Court of Chancery, of his great Ducyye of Lancaster. Which John decesyd the xx Day of May, in the Yere of our Lord God, M.Vo XLIII. On whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.

16. On a Brass Plate on a Flat Stone with this Coat. [Arg. on a chevn. gu. 3 bezants betw. 3 lions’ heads erased sa. crowned or]. (B.F. omits: imp. SPRACKLG).

17. Here lyeth Buried the Body of Henry PETTIT Sonne & Heyr of Valentine Pettit of Dandelyon in The Isle of Thanet, Gent. Valentine, eldest Sonne of the say’de Henry & Katherine, Henries Daughter. The sayde Henry departed this Life The 13th Day of February 1624-25.

18. On Another Ditto, with this Coat. [On a lozenge: ¼ly 1&4). PETTIT as above (written). 3&3). Sa. 3 lions rampt. in fesse arg. betw. 2 bars dancety arg. (DANDELYON) imp. (SPRACKLING) Sa. a saltire erm. betw. 4 leopards’ heads or]. Here lieth The Body of Joanna, one of The Daughters of Sr. Adam Sprackling Knight, Wife of Henry Pettit of Dandelion, in The Isle of Thanet gentleman. She departed This Life the First Day of January 1641(2).

19. On An Ancient Flat (stone) this Remains of an Inscription. Hic jacet Jacobus BROOKER de *Madekin (A place in this Parish so call’d).

20. On a Neat Monument on The N. Wall. [¼ly of 8. 1). Gu. a saltire or voided arg. 2). Arg. a Λ betw. 3 + +lets gu. 3). Sa. a fret arg. on a chief or 3 escallops sa. 4). Az a + engrailed arg. 5). Az. on a chief or a leopd. gu. 6). Sa. a Λ betw. 3 molets arg. 7). Arg. on a pale gu. 3 stags’ heads caboshed or. 8). Or, a Λ betw. 3 f-de-lis sa.]. Hic jacet Corpus Phinea ANDREWES, olim Dentoniae, Armigeri, et hujus Ecclesiae Patroni; qui oboijt 22 Septembris 1661. Et Tunc Temporis Membrum Parliamenti fuit; atq Unus Baronum Cinque Portum pro Oppido Hichae (error for Hithae) in hoc Conntatu. Etiam Corpus Johannis Andrewes Armigeri, Filij Senioris ipsius et Haeredis, olum interioris Templi Causidicus ad Legem fuit; qui obijt qunito Die Augusti 1667. Mortis Cdausa Patris. Tegmen Regale ferebat Rege Coronato; Namq in Celebrando Triumpho Islo praeclaro, Vires extenderet Omnes; Aegrotat subito; sic Nobilis occidit Heros. Causa fuit Mortis Nato. Quam , (seems error for quum) Belgica Bella Saevirent Fluviis Chatamensibus, hoc Comitatu Militiae Xinidpxos erat; qui, Militis instar, Viribus atq Armis Patriae servaret Honorem, Morbus eum rapuit; tenerum ceciditq Cadaver. Sic Pater et Natus Auri servire Cruore, Principis et Patriae Causa, periere volentes.

21. On a Monument on The South Wall. [Arg. a Λ betw. 3 stags’ heads caboshed sa. (WHORWOOD) imp. (DERING) Or. a saltire sa]. Here lieth the Body of Wortley Whorwood Esq. (Son of Sr. William Whorwood, of Sturton Castle in Staffordshire Bart) who was Lord of this Manor, and Patron of this Church. He married Anne The Daughter of Sr. Edward Dering of Surrenden, in Kent Bart; by whom he had Issue Mary, Anne, Jane, Thomas, and Elis. of which 3 only survive; Jane and Elisabeth lying interr’d near this Place. ob. Apr. 16 An. Aetatis 53. Dom. 1703.

22. In This Chancell are three Flat Stones not Legible. And,

23. In The Westmost Window, on ye S. Side are these Coats of Arms wch. follow, painted on very small Panes; on a Pane. [I. Arg. a Λ gu. betw. 3 oxen statt. sa (OXENDEN & TWITSHAM) imp. Sa. crusilly & 3 cinquefoils arg. II. Oxenden imp. Erm. 3 bars az. (Oxenden & BARTON). III. Oxenden imp. Gu. semy with spear heads & a lion rampt. all or. (Oxenden & RATLING). IV. Oxenden imp. Per saltire az. & gu. in chief & base a f-de-lis arg. (Oxenden & YONGE). V. Oxenden imp. Az. a fesse betw. 3 gulls(?) arg. (Oxenden & WENDERTON). VI. Oxenden imp. Gu on a Λ arg. 3 talbots passt. sa. (Oxenden & BROOKER). These double titles are each on a ribband below the coat)].
24. In The Body, On a Flat Stone. Here lies interr’d the Body of John DICKS, late of Milton next Sittingbourne in Kent, Chirurgeon who died Oct. 29 1728 Aged 41 Years. He left surviving a disconsolate Widow (Katherine, Daughter of John WARLEY) B.D. late Fellow of Clare Hall in Cambridge) who, for the Love she bare her Husband had this Stone laid, & desires, when she departs this Life, to be interr’d by Him. He was a Man of a Charitable Disposition; a true Friend; a Loving Husband; sound in Faith, Principles and Practice. And, what includes all, a good Xtian. Also here lies the Body of the abovesaid Katherina DICKS. She died the 22d. of April 1746. Aged 60 Years.

25. On a Monument on the North Wall. Near this Place lies the Body of Mrs Katherine WARLEY, who died The 23d. day of February 1717-18. Aged 73 Years. Under this Monument is a Stone Cross fixt into The Wall which has some very antique Letters upon it; but they are so broken and defaced (as if done on Purpose) that they are not to be made out.

26. This Church consists only of the Chancell and Body. The Tower is at ye West End; in it are 3 Old Bells thus inscribed. 1. Johannes est Nomen ejus. 2. Sancte Leonarde, Ora pro Nobis. 3. Nomen Magdalene Campana gerit Melodie.

27. It is a Rectory in The Patronage, in The Family of WHORWOOD. The late Thomas Whorwood left it, by Will, under some Restrictions to a Fellow of University College, in Oxford, for ever; but whether The Law will determine in Favour of The College, is not yet determined.

28. The Church was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen. The Present Rector is The Revd. Mr Edward LUNN. 1758.

29. In The Church Yard, adjoining to the Garden of the Mansion House, is a whimsicall kind of a Place, built by the abovemention’d Thos. Whorwood Esq. as a Dormitory for Himself, and those of his Family, ornamented with small Statues and Motto. On The Top stands Fame, with this Motto: DIGNVM LAVDIS (sic) VIRVM, FAMA, PERIRE, VETAT. Under a Figure of Time, VIVE MEMOR LETHI. On his Scythe, NVLLI PARCO. Under an Urn, PVLVIS ET VMBRA SVMVS. Over The Entrance, is The figure of a Sleeping Cupid some will have it to be Morpheus and, by it, A Lizzard. Underneath, is this Inscription. "Jutus Jacet Corpus Thomae WHORWOOD qui obijt 20 Feb. 1745-46. Anno Aetatis 58. Requiescat in Pace".

Index of Names and Places

Baker 1
BROOKER 19, 23
Cox 1
Crux 1
Dering 21
Elgar 1
Faith 1

Gibbens 1
Githam ? 1
Green 1
HEAD 1, 13
Hussey 1
PETTIT 17, 18
PILCHER 1, 2, 3, 10
PREBBLE 1, 6, 7
Roberts 1
Seth ?? 1
Smith 1
Tinnis 1
WARLEY 24, 25
Watt 1
Willats 1
Williams 1
WHORWOOD 21, 27, 29
Wortley 21

Places Barham 2, 7, 14
Dandelion, Thanet 18
Dandelyon, Thanet 17

Denton Madekin 19
Milton next Sittingbourne 24Sturton Castle,
   Staffordshire 21
Surrenden, Kent 21General
Chirurgeon, Surgeon? 24

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Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Alkham Church

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Alkham Church noted by Leland L. Duncan 3rd October 1891.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891. His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leave something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date. Transcribed and typed by Christine Pantrey.

Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett 1759, added 8th June 2007

Leland L. Duncan notes from Alkham Churchyard.
In Western part of Churchyard.
236. William GAMBRILL eldest son of William and Mary Ann Gambrill of the parish of Hawkinge (born 1802) died June 18th 1866 aged 34.

237. John GAMBRILL of Park Farm, Folkestone, (father of the present John Gambrill of Park) (born 1812) died 21st December 1874 aged 62. Maria Gambrill his wife died 14th September 1882 aged 67. Thomas Gambrill of Coolinge Farm, Folkestone Son-in-law of above (born 1835) died 30th November 1883 aged 48.

238. Austin Valentine GAMBRILL Beloved child of John and Maria Gambrill of Park Farm in the parish of Folkestone died 20th July 1856 aged 14. Also Thomas William died 20th November 1854 aged eight months.

239. Thomas GAMBRILL late of this parish (born 1725) died 6th July 1808 aged 83 years. Left surviving by Judith his wife two sons: Thomas and William. A loving husband lies buried here A tender parent a friend sincere.

240. Judith GAMBRILL wife of Thomas Gambrill late of this parish (born 1730) died 27th September 1815 aged 85. She was the dearest blessing Heaven could send The faithful wife, the mother and the friend.

241. William GAMBRILL late of this parish (born 1766) died 17th December 1826 aged 60. Leaving issue with Ann his wife five sons and three daughters.

242. Ann GAMBRILL late of this parish (born 1768) died 17th December 1840 aged 62. (?82) Left issue five sons.

243. Ann and Judith GAMBRILL daughters of William and Ann Gambrill. The former (born 1815) died 8th August 1828 aged 13. The latter (born 1822) died 6th May 1829 aged 7.

244. Susanna wife of Richard AUSTEN and eldest daughter of William and Ann GAMBRILL (born 1800) died 9th April 1836 in 36th year.

On the left of path to porch:
245. Mr Richard THOMAS, gent of the parish of Alkham died February 13th 1759 aged 86. Left one son and one daughter: John and Elizabeth.

246. Elizabeth wife of Richard THOMAS of this parish Died 14th August 1754 aged 87.

247. Ann wife of John THOMAS ye Elder died 12th December Anno Domini 1700 aged 69. Left three sons and one daughter.

248, Mrs Elizabeth wife of Mr John THOMAS of Alkham died 4th March 1795 aged 80.

249. Mr John THOMAS of Alkham Died 7th January 1794 aged 85.

Opposite the porch:-
250. Thomas VALYER Died August 10th 1736 aged 80. Left three sons and one daughter.

251. Margaret wife of Thomas VALYER Died 14th June 1756 aged 91. Left two sons.

252. Thomas MARSH of Caple Died April 15th 1763 aged 53. Left one son and four daughters.

253. Susanna wife of Edmund SPAIN died ye 8th Aprill 1753 aged 62 . Left three sons.

254. Edmund SPAINE died 21st December 1764 aged 76.

255. John SPAIN of this parish, died 28th February 1800 in 84th year. Left Mary his wife and one son.

256. Mary wife of John SPAIN Died 13th December 1817 aged 86. Left one son.

257. John SPAIN died 29th March 1840 aged 83. He served as a Volunteer in the American war under Captain
THORNTON and in the French war under Captain SOLLY who commanded the Dover Companies.

258. Thomas SPAIN, 28th May 1868 aged 56.

259. For CLARINGBOULD stones in this yard [see ‘Post’ (9- leaves not transcribed)].

In Alkham Church there are two heraldic ledger slabs in the chancel and two or three in the North aisle – otherwise there are no memorials, the church having been "thoroughly restored". The yard is not a large one and might be completely catalogued in a couple of hours – Situation – charming. 29th September 1891.

South West part.
290. Israel CLARINGBOULD of this parish (born 1787) died 26th December 1884 aged 97. Mary his wife (born 1790) died 4th November 1873 aged 83. Left surviving four sons and one daughter.

291. Mary COCK late of Dover (born 1792) died at Alkham 26th August 1871 aged 79. Also near lies William CLARINGBOULD brother of above (born 1794) died 26th November 1869 aged 75. Also Richard COLLARD died 23rd August 1872 aged 82. Catherine wife of above Richard Collard (born 1786) died 30th May 1875 aged 89.

292. Mary CLARINGBOULD, (born 1755) died 22nd February 1820 aged 65. John Claringbould husband of above (born 1756) died 13th January 1850 aged 94. Edward COCK grandson of above died 25th December 1855 aged 30. Helen daughter of above died 11th November 1850 aged 9 years. Mary Sargient Tomlin COCK died 19th December 1858 aged 37.

293. Elizabeth CLARINGBOULD (born 1790) died 9th August 1860 aged 70. Filmer Claringbould Died 21st July 1842 aged 15, Richard CLARINGBOULD her brother (born 1799) died 10th December 1835 aged 36.

[See Claringbould pedigree further on:-][Not recorded here]

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Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 8th June 2007

Kindly typed for the website by Pat Tritton
In the Chancell.
1. On a Flat Stone. Semueli POWNOLLO, olim Ecclesiae hujus Vicario, qui obijt 5 Jan. 1673/74*.Aetatis suae 84. Hic juxta posita est, sub eodem Marmore, Frances, praedicti Samuelis Uxor. obijt illa … Maij 1683. Aetatis suae 83. Monumentum hoc, Pietatis erga Parentes Argumentum, Voluntati Patris Morem gereus Johannes POWNOLL. 1684.*Bur. 6 Jan 1675-6 – Psh.Reg. Real date is 3 Jan 1675-6 (see Frampton).

2. On Another Flat Stone. [A chevron betw. 3 lions rampant].Here lieth The Body of John POWNOLL, Gent. who departed this Life a Bachelder, ye 26thof Aug. 1709in The 80thYear of his Age. He was Prudent, Charitable, Just, Sober, Prosperous, a Peace Maker, and chief Pillar in his Family. Here also lieth his youngest Sister Anne who departed this Life the 7thof Sept. 1710(bur. Sept.11 1709 – Ibid), in the 71stYear of her Age; who married 2 Husbands, Richard NEWMAN, Gent, and John THOMAS, deceased; and had 1 Son by her former Husband named Samuell, who hath survived her

3. As They were one in Blood, by Birth, Were one in Unity, And dwelt together in one House, And in one Grave do lye. Sin brought in Death, Christ purchas’d Life for Sinners He did dye. Their Sins he bare, gave(really, give)Righteousness, Thus God doth justify.

4. On The Verge, or Edge, of a very Ancient Marble, shaped life a Coffin, and raised about a Foot from the Ground, close to the South Wall, in very old Characters. + Hic Jacet Herbertus Simonis PROLES, Vir apertus; Ad Bona Spe certus, Fidei Sermone disertus.

5. On a Flat Stone.[A saltire, in chief a cresct. for diffce. [(SLATER)]. [(SMITH says "several flat stones" to Slaters, etc, "all very late").Here lieth The Body of Mr George SLATER of Wiltshire, Gent & was Lay Parson of this Parish, who departed this Life April ye 2d. 1709(bur. Apr.10 1709 – Psh.Reg)aged 55 Years. Under the North Side of this Stone lieth the Body of Mrs. Mary Slater, Relict of the above mentioned Mr George

6. SLATER, she departed this Life the 25thof August 1711. Aged 57 Years.(Bur. Aug.26 1711 – Psh.Reg)

7. On Another Flat Stone.[Erm. on a \ sa. 3 acorns or (DAWLINGE) imp. SLATER, without diffce].Here lyes The Body of the Revd. Mr John DAWLINGE who was Vicar of this Parish 30 Years. He departed this Life the 22d. of Oct. 1725(B.F’s error for 23d. ob. 23, Sep. 29 Oct. 1725 – Psh.Reg). Aged 56 Years; and left Issue 2 Sons and 3 Daughters.

8. On Another Flat Stone.[SLATER, without diffce. imp. A + betwn. 4 lions passt. (CHANDLER)]. M.S. Here lieth The Body of Elisabeth The Wife of Ward SLATER of Alcham, Gent; and Daughter of Matthew CHANDLER, Esq. and Eliz. his wife, of Maidstone. She fell from her Horse, Feb.10 and was deprived of her Leg and Life Feb.13 1732/33,(bur. Feb.17 1732(3)– Ibid).Aet. 38, after she had been married about 3 Months. Reader, wouldst thou, like her, behold Death without Terror, Follow the Innocence & Piety of her Life. Descended of that very ancient Family of The PEECHES, of this County.

9. On Another.(Shd. have Arms – SLATER wt. martlet in chief for diffce).Here lieth the Body of Ward SLATER, Gent. The Youngest Son of Mr George Slater of Wiltshire. He was Lay Parson of this Parish, and died the 20thof November 1733(bur. Nov.25 1733 – Ibid). Aged 47 Years, and left no Issue surviving.

10. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Mr. George SLATER of Dover, Son of Mr George Slater (who was Lay Parson of this Parish). He had Issue by Mary his beloved Wife 3 Sons, and 2 Daughters, and departed this Life the 20thDay of April 1715(bur. Apr.24 1715 – Ibid).Aged 31 Years. Also here lies the Body of Ward Slater, Son of Mr George Slater and Mary his Wife; who departed this Life the 12thDay of August 1716(bur. Aug.16 1716 – Ibid). Aged 10 Months.

11. On Another. In Memory of Robert WELLARD Esq. and of Mary his second Wife. He was Town Clerk of Dover from the Year 1718, Register of Dover from ye Year 1726, Secretary of Appeals to The Honourable the LORD CHANCELLOR HARDWICKE from the Year 1736 to his Death, and Mayor of Dover in the Year 1741. He departed this Life Nov. 2 1744 aged 54 Years, leaving Issue by Anne his first Wife (a Descendant of Bishop JESON) 3 Sons, Jeson, Alexander and Robert; and by his second Wife (who died March 30 1739 aged 50 Years) 2 Sons, Charles and John.

12. On a Neat Monument, on The N. Wall.[SLATER imp. DAWLINGE]. (This mont. shows Slater is Or, a Near This Place lies interred the Body of Mrs Sarah Slater, Wife of Ward Slater, gent, who departed this Life 25 April 1720(bur. Apr.29 1720 – Psh.Reg),aged 38 Years. She had Issue 2 Sons, viz: the first Stillborn, and lies near her Grave; and Ward, her second, lies interr’d with her, who died Jan.11 1719/20,(bur. Jan.15 1719(20) – Ibid)aged 11 Months.

13. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Sarah SLATER, Wife of Ward Slater, Gent, who died Apr. 25 1720. Aged 38 Years. Also her Son Ward, who died Jan.11 1719/20 aged 11 Months.

In The North Chancell.
14. On a Flat Stone – with this Coat.[Erm. on a bend sa. 3 roses arg. (EDOLPHE)].Here lieth buried the Body of Sr. Thomas Edolphe of St. Radigund’s in the Parish of Polton (see Dr. Packe’s Chart) Knt. who departed this mortal Life the *.. Day of … Anno Dni 16.., Aetatis suae .. *These Blanks seems never to have been supplied.

15. One other Flat Stone not legible – Agst. ye N.Wall are 9 Gothick Arches, supported by Pillasters. They seem to have been Stalls. This Chancell is very large & high.

In The Body. There is neither Stone, nor Inscription.

16. In The South Isle. There is nothing remarkable, except a Nitch and Pedistal for an Image, in the East Wall.

17. This Church consists of The Great and North Chancells, Body, and South Isle. In The Tower, which is cap’t by a low Spire, hang 4 Bells, all cast by John HODSON, 1683.

18. InThe Church Yard, on an Altar Tomb. Here lieth interred the Body of the Revd. Mr Richard PYKE, who was Curate of this Parish, and the adjoining Parish of Capell Le Ferne, 28 Years; and Sequestrator of The Parish of Ewell. He died Oct. 1751 Aged 55.

20. Two other Altar Tombs without Inscription.


22. This Church is dedicated to St. Anthony. It is a Vicarage (with Capell le Ferne annext) in the Patronage of the A. Bishop. The present Vicar is The Revd. Mr R. SMITH 1759.(Non resident, lived at Hythe at time of Secker’s 1758 Visn. Coll. 17 Dec. 1747, ob. 1772).

Index of Names and Places

AUSTEN 244; CLARINGBOULD 259, 290, 292, 293; CLARINGBULL 21; COCK 291, 292; COLLAR 21; COLLARD 291; DAWLINGE 7, 12; Edolphe; 14; Filmer 293; GAMBRILL 236-244; HAMMOND 21; HARDWICKE 1; HATTON 21; HODSON 17; HORTON 21; JESON 11;  KITHAM 21;  KNOTT 21; MARSH 252;  NEWMAN 2;  PEECHES 8;  PEIRCE 21;  POWNOLL 1, 2; POWNOLLO 1; PROLES 4; PYKE 18; RATLEY 21; SHARP 21; SLATER 5-10, 12, 13; SMITH 21; SOLLY 257; SPAIN 253-258;SPAINE 21; THOMAS 245-249, 2, 21; THORNTON 257; Tomlin 292; VALYER 250, 251, 21; WELLARD 11


Alcham 8; Caple 252; Dover 291, 10, 11; Maidstone 8; Ewell, Kent 19; Folkestone , Coolinge Farm; 237; Folkestone , Park Farm; 237, 238; St. Radigund’s, Polton; 14;  Wiltshire 5; 9


American war; 257; Army Dover Companies 257; Captain 257; French War 257; Mayor; 11;  Town  Clerk; 11

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hougham Church, noted 30th September 1891 by Leland L. Duncan.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
                                                                                              Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey

Also Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 7th June 2007

1.  [260]  (Slab in Chancel):- Here lieth ye Body of Robert BRETON Esquire descended on his Fathers side from the Bretons of Barnwell, on his Mothers from ye BABINGTONS of Temple Rothly, both of Leicestershire. He marryed Mary Daughter and Heiress of John MOYLE of Buckwell Esquire, by whom he had sons Moyle, Richard, Robert, John and Thomas of which Richard and John died young and Daughters Ann, Elizabeth and Mary. He departed this life ye 29th of September 1707 in the 35th year of his age.

2.  [261]  (Another):- / Here lieth buried Mary / Covered …. Of Mr Peter NEPUEN / By …..chant. She died the / Choir ….. of January 1648./ Stalls. ….. lieth interred the body / … Nepuen daughter / ……… lliam Nepuen Gent Shee / ……….ded this life the fourth day / ……….e 1672 aged 23 yeares /……….and nine months. / Here lieth interred the body / ……….n youngest daughter of / …… MERCHANT, She died / ……ebruary 1716 aged 56 / yeares.

3.  [262]  Here lieth interred ye Body of Mr Peter NEPEUN Marchant who left issue one Sonne Viz William. He departed this Life the 21st day of Aprill Anno Domini 1658 In the 56th year of his age.

4.  [263]  Here lieth the Body of Mrs Elizabeth WINDOW …er of Mr William Window ….. London Merchant who died ….19th day of Aprill ……………………… (Covered by Choir stalls).

5.  [264]  Here lyeth the …….. …/ Daughter of Ma….. …………. / of Temple Roth………. ………./ Leicester and th………………… / Richard BRETON……………… / issue Robert…………………….. Rest under stalls. / yeares the 2…………………….. / Departed this …………………… / Eternity, the………….. ……….. / the yeare ……………. ………… /

6.  [265]  (MARSH monument with figures- North wall of Chancel –Hougham):- Here in their silent vrnes (againe wedded death Devorce) lie Will HANINGTON Esquire and his wife Daughter to Will MONINGS Esquire sometime Lieutenant of Dover Castle, expecting ye resirrection of ye ivst these happie olives budded fruitfullie into five sonnes, five daughters, two as soone blasted as blowne. His worth made its owne demonstrated under Henry.8 and his three successive heires ye lest of whom by speciall favour and order seated him twice in majoraltie of Dover which services under thiese Princes on earth were ye earnest of his service to ye Prince of Heaven. Qui } obijt {March 10th 1607 aet 92. Qui } {September 24th 1574.   Over the monument are three coats of arms.

7.  [266]  (Tablet let into chancel arch):- To the memory of Mary wife of Peter NEPOE, merchant, by whom he had issue sixe sons and one daughter and but one (..len) living at her death being the 1st of Janva 1648 aged 50 yeares.

8.  [267] (Flat stone in South aisle or transept):- Here lieth the Bodi of W…./ ….m….. desesed the………../ ……..October 1612.

9.  [268]  (Flat stone in North aisle):- Here lieth interred body of FEVRI AMI . Buried the 13th of September 1612.

10. [269]  (Flat stone in North aisle);- Here lieth interred the body of Will TICKER, Gunner of Dover Castle. He departed this life the 31st December 1750 aged 84 years.

11.  [270]  (Tablet on the West tower arch):- Here below are deposited the remains of the Hon. William FORBES fourth son of Major General James Lord Forbes who died at Maxton in this parish on the 10th day of March 1805 aged nine months.

Hougham church – chancel.
12.  [271]  North side. A large marble monument Surmounted by a Bust. Below is this inscription:-
In hopes of a joyful Resurrection Resteth in a vault in this church the Remains of Peter NEPUEU Gent, a native of France who came over into England upon ye Edict of Nantz and brought with him a very plentifull Estate purchased in this County of Kent he built Ellms in this parish of Hougham and merchandized. He Died in ye 56th year of his age. Ann. 1658. Also Resteth here MARY his wife by whom he had six sons and one daughter. PETER his eldest son dyed on his travels abroad. WILLIAM NEPUEU Gent the only surviving son married SARAH daughter of Mr BULTEEL of Tourney (in Flanders who lyeth in this chancel) by whom he left two sons and five daughters, several of whom also lye in this chancel. He dyed in the 38th year of his age Ann. 1665. His eldest son PETER, Gent dyed abroad, WILLIAM Nepueu Gent ye youngest son succeeded and selling Ellms settled at Twickenham in Midx and Dy’d in his 55th year. Sept. 1710 whose remains with his third daughter eight months old Incofferr’d with him have been brought to this vault to be interr’d with his ancestors. He left by SARAH his wife now living, Daughter of Mr DAYE descended from ye Dayes of the County of Bedford, two sons and two daughters, WILLIAM Nepueu Esq. ye eldest Son now living, also had two daughters . PETER Nepueu Gent, ye youngest dyed aged 27 May 1735 interr’d in this Vault. At whose desire his Executives has raised this monument to the memory of this worthy family.
                                                                                      End of Hougham Church notes, 30th September 1891.

Some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1759, added 7th June 2007

In The Chancell.
13.  In The North East Corner stands a very Handsome Monument, adornd with an Obelisk, and a Bust – with This Coat and Inscription. [Az. a lamb(?) or, suspended by the middle from a ring or]. In Hopes of a joyfull Resurrection, resteth in a Vault, in this Chancell, The Remains of Peter NEPUEN, Gent. a Native of France; who came over to England upon the Edict of Nantz, and brought with him a very plentyfull Estate, purchased in this County of Kent, and built Elms in this Parish of Hougham, and merchandised. He died in the 56th Year of his Age, An. 1658. Also resteth here, Mary, his Wife, by whom he had 6 Sons, and 1 Daughter. Peter, his eldest Son died on his Travells abroad. William Nepuen, Gent, the only surviving Son, married Sarah, Daughter to Mr BULTEEL of Tourney (in Flanders, who lieth in this Chancell) by whom he left 2 Sons, and 5 Daughters. Several of these also lie in this Chancell. He died in the 38th Year of his Age, Anno 1665. His eldest Son Peter, Gent, died abroad. William NEPUEN the Youngest Son succeeded, and, selling Elms settled at Twickenham in Middlesex, and died in his 55th Year, Sept. 1710. Whose Remains, with his third Daughters, 8 Months incoffin’d with him, have been brought to this Vault, to be interred with his Ancestors. He left, by Sarah, his Wife, now living, Daughter of Mr DAY, descended from the DAYES of the County of Bedford, 2 Sons, and 2 Daughters. William Nepuen, Esq. the eldest Son, now living; also the 2 Daughters. Peter Nepuen, Gent, the youngest, died Aged 27, May 1735, interred in this Vault. At whose Desire his Executrixes have raised this Monument, to The Memory of their worthy Family.

14.  On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Wiliam NEPUEN, Gent, who (married) (Sarah)… Daughter of Peter BULTEEL, …..and had Issue by … (not legible).

15.  On a Small Monument on The S. Wall. To the Memory of Mary, Wife of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant, by whome he had Issue 6 Sonnes and 1 Daughter; and but 1 Sonne surviving, at her Death; being the 1st of January 1648/49. Aged 50 Yeares.

16.  On a Flat Stone. Here lieth buried Mary Wife of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant. She died the 1st of Ja. 1648/49. Here also lieth interred the Body of Esther Nepuen, Daughter to Mr William Nepuen, Gent. Shee departed this Life the 4th Day of June 1672 aged 23 Yeares, and 9 Months. Also here lieth interred the Body of Susan, youngest Daughter of Mr William Nepuen, Mercht. She died the 5th of Feb. 1716/17 aged 56 Yeares.

17.  On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Mr Peter NEPUEN, Merchant, who left Issue 1 Sonne, viz: William. He departed this Life the 21st Day of April An.Dom. 1658 in ye 56 Yeare of his Age.

18.  On The North Wall is a very fine old Monument, bearing ye Figures of a Man, a Woman, 4 Sons, and 5 Daughters, kneeling at a Faldstool; and the following Coat and Inscription – there has been another Inscriptn. wch. is now not legible. [Arg. a Λ sa. charged with 3 trefoils slipped erm. betw. 3 demi-lions rampt. issuant purp. imp. 2 coats: (upper) Gu. 3 crescts. or (MONINS); (lower) Arg. a knot betw. 3 bats in chief & one in base sa]. Here in their silent Urnes, again wedded after Death’s Devorce, lie Willm. HANINGTON Esq. and his Wife, Daughter to William MONINGS, Esq. expecting The Resurrection of the Just. These happy Olives budded fruitfullye into 5 Sons, and 5 Daughters; 2 as soon blasted as blown. His Worth made its own Demonstration under HEN. 8 and his 3 successive Heires; the last of whome By special Favour and Order, stated him twice in the Mojoraltie of Dover. Which Services under these Princes on Earth, were the Earnest of his Service to The Prince of Heaven. Qui obijt Mar. 10 1607/08. Aet. 92. Quae obijt Sept. 24 1574. [His First Wife was Thomasine ANDELEIGH – see My M.S. pedigrees].

19.  On a Flat Stone. [On a lozenge: Sa. a fesse raguly arg. betw 3 lions’ paws erased or]. This Coat sd. have been blazond. thus, viz: Az. a Fess embattled and Counterembattled, between 3 Lyons Paws – erased – or. see Guillim F. 189.

20.  Here lieth The Body of Elisabeth WINDOW, Daughter of Mr. William Window, of London, Merchant, who died ye 19 Day of April 1699 in ye 25th Year of her Age.

21.  On Another Flat Stone. [A chevn. charged with a molet over a cresct. in the centre, betw. in chief 2 swans & in base a magnet(?)]. S.P.M. Hesterae Herbert quae exantiquâ Familiâ Uxor evasit Petri BULTEEL, Mercatoris Londinensis, cui septem Filios, et tres Filias, peperit. An Soboles Parentibus an Parentes Sobole feliciores dictu difficile. Post exactos castissimi Matrimonij 48 Annos extincto charissimo Marito Vestigia ejus persequens, non diu superstes, ut in Caelis Consortio iterum frueretur, duo de septuaginta annos nata quicquid mortale hic deposuit primo Julij Mensis Die 1660.

22.  On Another Flat Stone. In a Vault under this Stone is interred the Body of Mr Solomon HARVEY of this Parish who departed this Life the 15th of April 1759. Aged 72 Years. He left Issue by Susanna his Wife who survived him, 3 Sons and 1 Daughter.

23.  On Another Flat Stone. [Az. a bend betw. 6 molets or (BRETON) imp. Arg. 10 torteaux (BABINGTON)]. Here lieth The Body of Anne BRETON, Daughter of Matthew Babington Esq. of Temple Rothley, in the County of Leicester, and the beloved Wife of Richard Breton, Esq. by whome she hath Issue Robert Breton aged 4 Years the 27th of August 1677. Shee departed this Life to a blessed Eternity ye 16th of September, in ye Year of our Lord 1677.

24.  On Another. [BRETON as Above imp. Gu a mule statant and a bordure arg. (MOYLE)]. Here lieth The Body of Robert Breton, Esq. descended on his Father’s Side, from the Bretons of Barwell; and on his Mothers from the Babingtons of Temple Rothley, both of Leicestershire. He married Mary, Daughter and Heir of John Moyle of Buckwell, Esq. by whom he had Sons, Moyle, Richard, Robert, John and Thomas, of which Richard and John died young, and Daughters Ann, Eliz. & Mary. He departed this Life the 29th of September 1707 in the 35th Year of his Age.

25.  On a Brass Plate fix’t to a Flat Stone. [FINEUX (4.72 St Paul’s, Cantby) imp. Az. a + betw. (1&4) a martlet, (2&3) a garland all or]. Here lieth William FYNEUX Esquier, the Sonne of Richard Fyneux Esquier, which sayde William Fyneux married Elizabeth WARREN, the Daughter of John Warren of Dover, Gent, by whome he had Issue Thomas Fyneux, and deceased the 25 Day of January, Anno Domini 1587/88, being of the Age of 84 Yeares.

26.  In The North Isle. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth interred The Body of William TUCKER, Gunner of Dover Castle, he departed this Life 31 Decr. 1750. Aged 84 Years.

27.  Four other Flat Stones without Inscription.

28.  In The Body – On a Flat Stone. Heare lieth The Bodye of Olever MAGER, the 10th of September 1606.

29.  Two other Flat Stones without Inscription, 1 of them has a Cross Fleury raisd. on it.

Here has been a Rood Loft.

In The South Isle. 
30.  1 Flat Stone not Legible. 3 small Nitches for Statues, at the East End.


This Church consists of The Chancell, Body – North and South Isles, and a low cap’t. Tower at the West End, in which hang

32.  3 Bells. I cd. not get to them to read their Inscriptions, if they have any.

The Arches of The S. Isle and Belfry are round ones.

This Church was dedicated to St. Laurence. It is a Vicarage in the Gift of the Arch Bishop. 1759.

Index of Names and Places

BRETON 1, 5, 23, 24
BULTEEL 12, 13, 21
DAY 13

HARVEY 22, 31
MOYLE 1, 24
NEPUEN 2, 3, 13-17
NEPUEU 12, 13

Barnwell Leicestershire? 1
Bedford 12, 13
Buckwell 1, 24
Dover 18, 25
Dover Castle 6, 10, 26
France 12, 13
   Ellms 12, 13
Hou Maxton 11
London 20
Temple Rothly, Leicestershire
   1, 5, 23
Tourney, Flanders 12, 13
Twickenham, Middsex 12, 13General
Edict of Nantz 12, 13
Gunner 10, 26
Lieutenant of Dover Castle 6
Major General 11
majoraltie of Dover 6, 18
Merchant 2-4, 12, 15-17, 20

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Hythe Church. Noted on 3rd October 1891 by Leland L. Duncan.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
                                                                            Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey

Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 29th March 2007

In the Western part of the Churchyard an altar tomb On the south side of which:-
294. Thomas CASTLE Esquire late of Ingles in the parish of Folkestone died 29th October 1825 in 78th year. leaving a widow and two children; Thomas and Jane. Also Jane relict of above Thomas Castle Died 17th May 1832 in 77th year.

Further inscriptions on North side.

295. Another altar tomb:- Sacred / to the memory of / Thomas Henry MANN Esquire / Paymaster of the 2nd Bn. 3rd Regiment / or Buffs. / who died 16th January 1816 / aged 62 years. / This tomb is erected by his / deeply afflicted and disconsolate / widow Rebecca Mann.

296. Another altar tomb with inscriptions on every part as follows:-
on top:-
Here lie interred the remains of Ann the wife of Edward ANDREWS Gent who died 22nd September 1766 aged 64 years. Also of Edward Andrews who died 11th January 1770 aged 63 years. leaving four children by his said wife namely Edward, Robert, Ann and Mary. Also Edward Andrews son of Robert and Rachel Andrews who died June 4th 1774 aged eight months. Likewise of Edward Andrews of the Town and Port of Dover, Gent and son of the above named Edward and Ann Andrews who died 29th August 1798 Aged 63 years. Also of Robert Andrews of this Town and Port, Gent, who died 1st January 1801 aged 63 years leaving one daughter Rachel. Rachel wife of Robert Andrews died 22nd December 1803 in the 67th year of her age and is here interred. Also of Donald DOUGLAS who died at Hythe September 30th 1883 aged 62 years.

297. On the West end of the tomb:-
In memory of Edward DOUGLAS Ensign 53rd Regiment Died November 9th 1833 aged 20. Also of Donald Douglas Died September 30th 1885 aged 62 sixth and eighth sons of Lieutenant General Sir Kenneth Douglas Baronet of Glenberrie both of whom died at Hythe and are interred in this vault

298. On the South side of the tomb:-
In the Vault are deposited the Remains of Lieutenant General SIR KENNETH DOUGLAS Baronet of Glenberrie Colonel of the 58th Regiment Eldest son of Kenneth MACKENZIE Esquire of Kilcoy Castle Rosshive. He entered the army at the age of 13 and served his King and Country whenever called untill his death which took place in London November 22nd 1833 aged 69 years. He assumed the name and Arms of DOUGLAS by sign manual on the 19th October 1831 in memory of his Uncle Sir Alexander Douglas of Glenberrie. He married on the 18th December 1804 (when Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie of the 52nd Regiment) Rachel only daughter of Robert ANDREWS Esquire of this Town and Port by whom he had nine children and left surviving six viz: Robert Andrews, Alexander Douglas, Edward, Rachel, Lynedoch and Donald. Kenneth and William died in their infancy and Kenneth his third son died in Ceylon.

299. On the North side of the tomb.
Within this vault are deposited the remains of Rachel DOUGLAS relict of Lieutenant General Sir Kenneth DOUGLAS Baronet who departed this life on the 24th January 1847 aged 64. To the Memory of Sir Robert Andrews Douglas Baronet of Glenberrie Major 12th Regiment who died and was buried at Mauritius November 1843 aged 36. To the Memory of Alexander Douglas Douglas Esquire late Lieutenant 68th Regiment who died in London on 6th May 1848 aged 38 and was buried in Kensel Green Cemetery To the Memory of Rachel Douglas widow of Major SNODGRASS 96th Regiment, died January 15th 1877.

300. On the West end of the Tomb:-
In memory of Kenneth MACKENZIE Lieutenant 58th Regiment third son of Lieutenant General Mackenzie who died and was buried at Ceylon May 1850. aged 20 years and ten months. Lyndock fifth son of the above died in Jersey 15th May 1859 aged 41 years.

Hythe 3rd October 1891.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757, added 29th March 2007

In The Chancell.
1. On a Neat Monument, on The North Wall, with this Coat. [On a Lozenge: ¼ly: 1&4). Or, a chevn. az. a border sa. bezanty (BEAN). 2&3), Az. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 martlets or (KNIGHT)]. M.S. To The Memory of Mrs Elisabeth BEANE Wife of Robinson Beane of Hythe, Gent, and Mrs Anne Beane Their only Daughter. both buried in One Tomb near unto this Place. A Pious Matron, and a Virgin both,/Of Age ye Glory, and ye Flow’r of Youth./Where Beauty did in full Perfection shine,/And ev’ry Grace and Virtue was divine./Upon One Fatal Thread hung both their Lives,/And, in her Fate, The Mother’s Death contrives./One Branch, ye beauteous Branch dissolved away,/The fruitfull Stock dropt in a Year & Day./One was their Life; here in One Tomb, they lye,/The Mother, Daughter, and Posterity.

2. Underneath, On a flat Stone, with ye Above Coat. Here lie ye Bodies of The truly virtuous and pious Elisabeth BEANE, Daughter of John KNIGHT, Gent. Wife to Robinson Beane of Hythe, Gent. And Anne Beane, sole Daughter and Heiress of the Said Robinson & Elisabeth, who departed this Life 12 Jan 1679/80. Aged 22. The Mother, with much Sorrow surviving, a Year after, was buried in ye same Tomb, on ye 22d. of Jan. 1680/1. An. Aetatis 58.

3. On another neat Monument, on ye N. Wall – wth. this Coat. [Purp. a griffin segreant or (COLLINS) imp. Arg. on a chief sa. 2 boars’ heads couped or]. (Griff. note: TAYLOR). Giles Collins Gent. had to Wife Margaret, Daughter of John Taylor of Shadoxherst, Gent, by whom he had Issue 5 Sons, and 5 Daughters having passed 64 Years, deceased in October Anno 1586. His Life and Days, in virtuous Ways,/Well spent, he well did end./And, ending soe, his Soul to goe/To God he did commend./So that, at Rest, his Soul is Bless’t,/And lyves with God in Skies;/Altho’, by Death, now turn’d to Earth,/His Bodye buried lyes.

4. On a Flat Stone – with this Coat, is ye following Inscription. [Az. a chevn. arg. betw. 3 martlets or]. (G. note: KNIGHT). Here lieth interr’d the Body of John KNIGHT, Gent of this Towne, who was buried the 25th Day of May, at the Age of 47 Yeares, An.D. 1634. And also here lieth interred The Body of Thomas Knight, Sonn of the said John KNIGHT Gent who died the 19th Day of February at ye Age of 22 Daies A.D. 1626/7. And, alsoe, here lieth ye Body of Ann Knight, Daughter of John Knight, Gent. who was buried ye 12th Day of January A.D. 1637/8. being ye Age of 10 Yeares. And, alsoe, here lieth interr’d the Body of Sarah Knight, Daughter of John Knight, Gent; who died The 17 Nov. 1633 being the Age of 2 Yeares.

5. On Another. Here lieth interr’d the Body of Mrs ……../KNIGHT, late Wife of William Knight, Gent. Daughter of Thomas TOKE, near Dover, Gent deceased. who died after she had completed 60 Yeares. The 14th Day of April, Anno Dni. 1621. And, also, here lieth interred the Body of Julian KNIGHT, Daughter of John KNIGHT, Gent. who departed this Life the 27th Day of May, Anno Dni. 1639 being ye Age of 10 Yeares.

6. On Another. Ann KINGSMILL, August the 27th 1621.

7. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth the Body of Mrs Mary MASTER, the Wife of Mr. Gyles Master buried under this Stone, whoe dyed the 4th Day of April Ano. Do. 1617.

8. On Another. Here under this Stone lieth buried the Bodie of Susanna MASTER which died the 19th October 1616 being the Daughter of Gyles Master, and Mary his Wife.

9. On Another. Here under this Stone, lieth buried the Body of Mrs Martha MASTER which died the 19th of February 1614/5. Underneath ye next Stone, North, lieth buried ye Bodye of John MASTER which died the 2d. of November 1598. The Children of Mr Gyles MASTER, and Mary his Wife.

10. This Chancell, which is large and handsomely adorned, is of an Extraordinary lofty Pitch. And the Arches of The East Window, which is a very large One, are supported by Many very beautyfull, tall, & Taper Pillasters.

In The North Chancell.
11. On a large Flat Stone is the following Inscription. Here lieth The Body of Mr Richard LAWRENCE a Jurat of This Towne who departed this Life the 4th Day of October, in ye Year of Our Lord 1753.

12. On Another, adjacent. Under This Stone lieth interr’d The Body of Mary Wife of Richard LAWRENCE, Jurate of This Towne, who departed this Life 2d. Feb. 1748/9. Aged 70 Yeares. Also Elisabeth PARKER, Sister of the abovesaid, who died Feb. 17 1748/9. Aged 72 Years.

13. Here is another Flat Stone not Legible.

In The South Chancell.
14. On a Neat Mural Monument, on The South Wall, with ye followg. Coats. [(drawn in a line).
I. (COLLINS, 3,28 (Hythe)) imp. Arg. 3 foxes passt. in pale gu.
II. (COLLINS) imp. Arg. 3 pallets az. on a canton az. a fleur-de-lis arg. (WISE of Woodchurch).
III. (COLLINS) imp. Per chevn. arg. & sa. 3 griffins’ heads erased countercharged (TOKE of Bere)].
John COLLINS The Son of Gyles Collins, Gent. had 2 Wives, and had Issue by them both. He had been Jurate, and thrice Mayor of This Towne. As also a Burgess of The Parliament. and, further, He supplied The Charge of Mayor ye Fourth Time, and being then Aged 40 and odd Yeares, deceased the 10th Day of December Anno. 1597. E. EVESHAM fecit.

15. On Another, On The Same Wall. Under this Monument (by his own Desire) resteth the Body of Robinson BEANE, Gent. whose First Wife was Elisabeth, The Daughter of William KNIGHT Gent. By whom he had 2 Daughters, Eliz. in whose Grave the Mother lies (as appears by their Monument and Tomb Stone in the Great Chancell). He was 10 Times Mayor of this Towne, One of The Barons of this Port, who carried ye Canopy over KING JAMES THE 2D. at his coronation, and Captain of The Trained Band. His Second Wife was Margaret (who lies interr’d in Limne Church, by Her former Husband Capt. Isaac BATCHELOUR). By whom he had Issue only Ellen and Anne, who survived him and erected this, in pious Memory. He departed this Life, 19 April 1703 in ye 70th Year of his Age.

16. On a Flat Stone. Here lies the Body of Eliz. BEANE Daughter of Robinson Beane of Hythe Gent. and Elisabeth his Wife. born the 26th of March 1653 and dyed the 19th of Aprill Aged 24 Dayes.

17. In The Chancell (S. Tr.) belonging to The Family of DEEDES, which is on The South Side of The Church; and handsomely raild in, with Iron Rails.

18. On a very Neat Monument, On the East Wall, wth. This Coat. [Per fesse nebuly gu. & arg. 3 martlets countercharged (DEEDS) imp. Or, 5 chevronels az. (DENEW)]. Here lies interr’d The Body of The Revd. Julius Deeds, A.M. Prebendary of Canterbury, and Rector of Mongeham and Dim Church, and only Son of William Deedes, M.D. He married, Apr. 9th 1732 Dorothy, Relict of Richard IBBETSON, D.D. and Eldest Daughter of Nathaniel Denew Esq. by Dorothy his Wife, Daughter of Sr. Abraham JACOB, by whom he had Issue, William, Dorothy, Julius who died an Infant, and Mary. He departed this Life, Apr. 19 1752 Aet. 59. Here, likewise, lies Mary, Youngest Child of the above Julius Deedes; She died Sept. 21 1752. Aet. 13. Also Dorothy, Relict of The above Julius DEEDES, who died Nov. 28 1754. Aet. 61.

19. On an Handsom Monument, on ye South Wall. [(DEEDS) imp. Arg. a wyvern gu. (DRAKE)]. Here lie the Remains of Julius DEEDES Esq. born in this Town Dec. 27 1692. His high Regard for his Native Place was his Motive to use his utmost Endeavours for ye Service, of it which will be known to Posterity, by ye Many Publick Works procured for it in his Time; in particular, ye rebuilding the Tower of this Church, which he liv’d not to see finished. In his private Character, he was a Pious Xtian, and a sincere Friend. He married Elisabeth, Daughter of Ralph DRAKE, of Blechingly, in ye County of Surrey, Esq. by whom he had one Son, and died on ye 11th Day of May 1750. As also, those of Elisabeth his Wife, who died ye 2d. of July 1755 in ye 64th Year of her Age. who was in her Religion, Devout and exemplary; in her Friendship, sincere and Affectionate; in her Charities, liberal and unconfined; In her Conversation, affable, and engaging.

20. On Another very handsome Monument on The South Wall, with ye Arms of DEEDS as before. Here lie the Remains of Julius DEEDES only Child of Julius Deedes Esq. of this Place by Eliza his Wife; who died of The Small Pox Oct. 29 1741 in the 13th Year of his Age. In Him were united an happy Memory, an uncommon Capacity and a Ripeness of Judg’ment, beyond his Years; with such strong Sentiments of Piety, Filial Duty, and Affection, as made him beloved, admired, and lamented by all that knew him; but, especially, by his Afflicted Parents, and Relations; who must mourn his Absence till God calls them to a Joyfull Meeting in Heaven.

21. On a Large Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Mrs Margaret DEEDES, Wife of Henry Deedes, of this Place Gentleman, and Daughter of Abraham HARRISON of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Esq. She departed this Life Dec. 29th 1706. Anno Aetatis suae 41. by whom, she left Issue, 3 Sons and 2 Daughters; Julius, William, Abraham, Susanna & Margaret. Here lie the Remains of Henry DEEDES Esq. who was born in this Town, Apr. 1st 1662 and died, Aug. 19 1715. He was an Example of every relative Duty to all that knew him. Much regarded by his Superiours; Belov’d by his Equals, Revered by his Inferiours, and, lamented by them all. Here lies William, Son of Henry & Margaret Deedes who was born Jany. 20 1695/6 and died Feby. 3d. 1714/5. Here also lies Abraham-Harrison DEEDS, Another Son who was born Aug. 31 1705 and died Dec. 1 1725. Two most promising Youths, whom God took from The Danger of this World’s Temptation.

In The Body.
22. On a Neat Mural Monument, on ye Left Hand, at the Entrance into the Great Chancell – with the Arms of DEEDES impaling BATE – both, as before. Near this Place lieth the Body of Julius Deedes Esq. who was thrice Baron in Parliament for this Port, and, as often Mayor. He was Captain also of our Trained Band and Major of this Division. He left 3 Sons, William, Henry and Julius; and 2 Daughters, Sarah & Margaret by his Wife Anne (ye Daughter of Richard BATE) of Lydde Esq) who also surviveth him. He died ye 3d. of September 1692. Aet. 58. Here, also, lieth Anne Deedes Widow and Relict of the said Julius, who died ye 2d. of February 1697/8. Aged 58.

23. Near the last Mentioned Monument hangs a very Ancient Escutcheon painted on Board; being the Arms of Howard, DUKE OF NORFOLK; with the Ducal Coronet, Garter, and usual Motto of The Order.

24. On a Flat Stone, with ye Arms of KNIGHT, as before. Here lieth interr’d the Body of William KNIGHT, Gent. he was 5 Times Mayor of this Towne, and once Burgess for this Towne, in ye first Parliament in the Reign of KING JAMES. who died in the Month of August An. Dom. 1622 in ye 64th Year of his Age.

25. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Richard PASHLY who died July 7 1641 being then Mayor of this Town, and being Aged 41 Yeares.

26. On a Brass Plate fixd to a Flat Stone, wth. this Coat. [Az. a griffin segreant, a chief arg.]. (G. note: EASTDAY). Here lies Buried the Body of Henry Eastday Gent who died upon ye 18th Day of September in ye Year of Christ 1610.

27. On Another. Here lieth the Body of John BREDGMAN, Jurate of this Towne & Porte of Hythe. The last Baily, and first Mayor of the Same. who depted. ye 3d. of December A. 1581 in ye 24th Yeare of ye R. of O. Sovereigne Ladie QUEENE ELIZABETH. Whilst he did live, which here doth lie, three Sutes got of ye Crown,/The Mortmaine, Fayr, & Mayroltie, for Heythe this ancient Towne./And, was Himself, the Baylye last, & Mayor First by Name./Thoughe he be gone, Time is no past, to prayse God for the same.

28. On Another Flat Stone. In Terrâ hâc jacet Incola Caeli. Here lieth buried ye Body of William DEEDES Gent. 4 Times Mayor of This Towne; Capt. of the Trained Band, and, from thence chosen Bayliffe unto Yarmouth; he departed this Life ye 31st of March 1653, leaving One only Son – Julius Deedes Esq. who died ye 3d. and was here buried on ye 9th of Sept. 1692. Anno Aetatis 58. Here lieth also Anne Deedes his Widow, who died ye 2d. and was buried the 8th of Feb. 1697/8. Aet. 58. (see the Inscript. on ye Mont. of the 2 last. Page 33).

29. On The N. Side of the Middle Isle, hangs ye following Coat, on Board. [Sa. a chevn. engrailed betwn. 3 leopards or. Motto. FAMA.FIDES.OCVLVS. Dated: 1683].

30. To The Remembraunce of a Faithfull Friend.

31. Near The Foot of the Old Gallery Stairs, on an Atchievmt. wth. this Coat. [Per fesse or & az. 3 unicorns’ heads erased countercharged]. Against this Place lies Buried the Body of Isacke RUTTON Gent Liuetennant of Sandgate Castle 1683.

32. There are Several other Flat Stones, in different Parts of the Church, which have the Appearance of great Antiquity; but are not legible. Some of them have been inlaid with Brass.

33. In The Porch (which is very large, and, out of which You ascend to The South Door, by 12 handsome Stone Steps) is the following Inscription.
"The Stone Steps to The Church, and ye Church Door, are The Gift of William GLANVILLE Esq., one of the Representatives In Parliament for this Town & Port, A.D. 1729. – Julius DEEDES Esq. Mayor".

34. Over the Porch is, as I was told, a very handsome Room, where they always choose ye Mayor. I did not see it.

35. Under Part of the Chancells of this Church (i.e. under the East End of them) is a spacious Vault, in which is a Stack of Human Bones (all of them very white and sound) in Length 30 Feet; In Height 8 Feet in Breadth (sic). There are Many Conjectures concerning them; The most probable of which may be seen at Large, in Dr. HARRIS’s History of Kent – Page 152*.
*For an Account of a Charnell House of this Sort, see also BROWNE’s Posthumous Works, Lond. 1712. Page 30th, of his Antiquities of Norwich; and, de Scholâ Regiâ Norvicensi P.6. etc. See also, STOWES Survey of London. See also the 2d. Volume of my Parochial Collections – P.51 – In Folkestone.

36. This Church consists of 3 Chancells, 3 Isles, and a Burying Place for the DEEDE’s Family; the Entrance into it is on ye South of the South Isle.

37. The Tower fell down a few Years ago; but it is now rebuilt. It stands at the West End. In it hang 6 very Musical Bells. The First, or smallest of them, having been broke by ye Fall of The Tower, was recast by Robert (error for Thos.) PACK of London in 1752. (Stahl. 313. 1&2 added 1861. 2-10 all 1802 – Thos. NEARS). The Year the new Tower was finish’t. The Other 5 were all founded by John WAYLETT in ye Year 1720.

38. The Old Steeple (KILBURN informs us) was greatly damaged in ye Year 1580, by an Earthquake, which was so violent as to ring ye Bells in it. It is said, there were formerly 4 other Parish Churches, or Chapels, in Hythe; which were dedicated to St. Bernard, St. Nicholas, St Michael, and St. Mary.

39. The Present Church is dedicated to St. Leonard, and is a Chapel annext to Saltwood, whose present Rector, 1757 is Dr. Thomas RANDOLPH. See Page 23. In the Gift of The Arch Bishop.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ANDREWS 296, 298
BEANE 1, 2
BEANE 15, 16
DEEDES 17-22, 28, 33, 36
Denew 18
DOUGLAS 296-299
KNIGHT 2, 4, 5, 15, 24
MACKENZIE 298, 300
MANN 295
MASTER 7, 8, 9
WISE 14Places
Bere 14
Blechingly, Surrey 19
Ceylon 298, 300
Dover 296
Dover 5
Glenberrie 297, 298, 299
Greenwich 21
Ingles, Folkestone 294
Jersey 300
Kilcoy Castle Rosshive 298
London 298
London 37
London Kensel Green
  Cemetery 299
Lydde 22
Mauritius 299
Mongeham 18
Saltwood 39
Sandgate Castle 31
Shadoxhurst 3
Woodchurch 14
Yarmouth 28GeneralMilitary
   12th Regiment 299
   52nd Regiment 298
   53rd Regiment 297
   58th Regiment 298, 300
   68th Regiment 299
   96th Regiment 299
   2nd Bn. 3rd Regiment / 
     or Buffs. 295
   Captain 15, 22, 28
   Colonel 298
   Ensign 297
   Lieutenant 31, 299, 300
   Lieutenant General 297,
       298, 299, 300
   Major 22, 299
   Paymaster 295
   Trained Band 22, 28
Bayliffe 28
Burgess 24
Earthquake 38
Jurate 11, 12, 14, 27
Mayor 14, 22, 25, 27, 33, 34
Small Pox 20

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Censuses Jacob Scott Censuses Jacob Scott

Population of Kent Parish Census 1801 to 1921

Victoria County History of Kent Vol. 3 - Introduction.

Population Data
PARISH Acreage 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1921
Faversham Hundred
Badlesmere § 782 101 106 113 135 122 133 133 157 134 111 115 95
Buckland § 336 26 20 31 33 62 55 73 73 123 74 123 110 110
Davington § 1,541 746 457 476 654 471 424 179 167 132 156 132 156
Eastling § ǂ 1,934 489 492 406 437 446 487 418 433 369 451 432
Faversham § 3,888
Faversham In Liberty 3,346 3,448 3,539 3,982 4,040 4,440 5,708 8,506 10,550 11,488 10,867 10,927
Faversham Out Liberty 124 217 289 447 561 617 675 891 898 784 827 591
Goodnestone § 340 68 65 80 54 78 78 73 73
Isle of Harty, St. Thomas 2,774 45 41 45 61 117 118 93 157 88 81 87 96
Leaveland § 523 120 124 117 133 113 109 103 103 112 104 141 141
Luddenham § 1,330 85 77 104 88 79 90 95 71 64 61 70 78
Newnham § 1,325 294 278 324 361 373 387 343 334 311 296 319 284
Norton § 659 188 187 190 186 195 224 215 241 512 414 421 453
Oare § 721 356 321 318 338 467 452 367 444 380 342 396 324
Ospringe (Liberty and Parish) † ‡ 2,874 654 675 1,087 1,011 1,098 1,111 1,234 1,754 2,133 1,482 1,266 1,391
Preston-next-Faversham 2,835 319 386 521 585 649 642 692 849 781 758 857 826
Shelvingford § 479 34 52 56 63 45 45 46 50 58 56 62 64
Sheldwich § 1,664 398 427 411 458 442 420 438 472 442 400 419 414
Stalisfield § 1,324 226 256 235 282 239 236 216 245 230 168 161 152
Stone-next-Faversham 758 55 62 82 79 83 61 69 69 74 69 72 77
Throwley § § 3,257 430 512 607 675 682 614 635 590 622 631 507 503
Felborough Hundred
Challock § 2,828 311 306 381 363 429 427 373 349 356 349 234 273
Chartham § § 4,336 576 618 1,154 1,156 1,425 1,469 1,473 1,376 1,346 1,377 1,239 2,341
Chilham § § 4,390 894 941 1,054 1,054 1,176 1,242 1,235 1,114 1,196 1,147 1,028 1,086
Godmersham § 3,167 348 343 369 344 343 348 340 335 271 258 210 244
Molash § 1,461 179 342 378 346 354 318 346 320 220 224 201 211
Marden Hundred
Goudhurst § 9,797 1,782 2,082 2,579 2,758 2,594 2,772 2,934 2,764 2,734 2,725 3,019 2,967
Marden § § 8,259 1,230 1,481 1,484 1,597 1,660 1,695 1,749 1,637 1,882 1,767 1,802 1,844
Staplehurst § § 5,189 1,220 1,527 1,484 1,597 1,696 1,749 1,637 1,882 1,767 1,802 1,844
Milton Hundred
Bapchild § § 1,140 338 315 389 338 355 389 404 412 414 412 477 486
Bobbing † † 1,065 234 277 340 294 314 314 359 357 346 347 421 436
Borden § 2,071 594 636 693 747 844 749 943 1,013 1,006 1,004 1,149 1,131
Bredgar § § 1,755 334 330 418 340 394 394 405 436 360 398 457 497
Halstow, Lower † 1,628 372 372 372 349 512 510 521 473 448 401 516 568
Hartlip § 1,265 310 320 345 338 362 364 418 457 429 429 528 508
Iwade § 3,223 460 426 546 595 634 728 789 832 831 769 701 740
Kingsdown § 1,323 232 220 215 228 220 233 225 268 187 156 143 137
Milsted § 1,075 162 152 189 211 234 225 237 235 221 208 193 178
Milton-next-Sittingbourne ‡ ‡ ‡ 2,196 1,621 1,827 2,233 2,429 3,146 3,192 4,060 4,473 4,766 4,439 5,506 7,481
Murston ‡ ‡ 1,956 287 289 314 369 484 502 2,439 2,733 3,368 3,275 5,001 7,330
Newington ‡ ‡ 2,195 653 668 826 930 1,032 1,033 1,192 1,230 1,217 1,246 1,328 1,276
Rainham § 4,262 746 822 978 1,167 1,419 1,437 1,771 1,982 2,080 2,009 3,188 4,185
Rodmersham § 1,324 234 239 285 304 294 284 278 335 322 328 322 369
Sittingbourne § 1,721 1,357 1,693 2,145 2,242 2,857 3,097 4,009 4,629 6,204 6,116 8,002 9,339
Tonge § 2,223 323 380 383 398 426 386 403 351 361 284 275 273
Tunstall § 1,601 361 398 448 479 472 500 470 506 469 435 465 502
Upchurch § 3,509 614 642 766 893 1,141 1,147 1,414 1,629 1,682 1,763 2,023 2,306
Rolvenden Hundred
Benenden § 6,693 1,320 1,472 1,663 1,594 1,608 1,662 1,553 1,598 1,496 1,836 1,896 1,965
Rolvenden § 6,018 830 1,134 1,474 1,481 1,483 1,448 1,483 1,338 1,244 1,487 1,065 1,287 1,398
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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Richard Bamme of Gillingham, 1452

A translation into English by Duncan Harrington from a Latin abstract made by Leland L. Duncan.

No probate given.  17 Rous  PROB 11/1 folio 132 Prerogative Court of Canterbury will register at National Archives

This is the last will of Richard Bamme of Gyllyngham [Gillingham] esquire made there 17th May in the thirtieth year of the reign of king Henry VI after the conquest [1452] of and upon all manors, lands, tenements and rents, services, courts, and profits of the manorial court, mills and pasture and so forth, which he had in the City of London and in the county of Kent.
   In the first instance he wished that his feoffees enfeoff his son John in his manor of Rowgh hill Charles Tyndale and Highfeld and also all that land and so forth, lying in the parishes of Dertford [Dartford], Sutton at Hone, Wylmynton [Wilmington], Frenyngham [Farningham], Darent, Stone, Crayford and Horton Kyrkeby [Kirby].
   He wished that his feoffees enfeoff the aforesaid John his son into his manor of Bredehurst.
   He wished that Eade his wife have peaceable possession of his manor of Grenge according to the form of the charter in that respect by him made to the aforesaid Eade just as in the aforesaid charter fully shows. So that after the death of the aforesaid Eade the aforesaid manor shall remain to the right heirs of the aforesaid Richard for ever.
   He wished that Eade his wife have his whole stock being upon the same manor of Grenge in horses, goods, cows and so forth and utensils, ornaments and so forth in the manor aforesaid, that is to say, the hall, chambers, pantry, storeroom, cellar, kitchen, larder, brew house and so forth all cups, bowls, charcoal burners, mazers, salt-cellar, basin shaped lamp, ewers, posnets, powder boxes, spice plates and cruets of gold and silver gilt and so forth.
   He wished that his executors deliver to John his son his three best gowns. Likewise he wished that his executors when it shall be to the most advantage deliver to Thomas Bisshop his bastard son twenty pounds sterling.
   Likewise the same Richard bequeathed to Ann his daughter a nun in the Abbey of Dertford one silver cup. The same Richard bequeathed to Margaret his daughter wife of Thomas Honyngton £6-13-4.
   The same Richard wished that with his son Richard that he was in his life rebellious and disobedient nevertheless the first born that if the aforesaid Richard thence forward wishes to be reformed and to be governed and also if his last will any part now not to overthrow nor impede thereafter he wished that his executors of his goods not bequeathed nor assigned to bequeath to the aforesaid Richard according to their discretion.
   He wished that his executors have and receive the profits, farm and increase of rents of all tenements in the city of London as long as they shall be received and levied to one hundred marks and to deliver the aforesaid hundred marks to Rose his daughter at her marriage when it shall happen. And that thereafter the aforesaid tenements and so forth shall remain to John his son.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Nicholas Stone, Rector of Northfleet Church, 1393

A translation into English by Duncan Harrington from a Latin abstract made by Leland L. Duncan.

3 Rous PROB 11/1 folio 19v Prerogative Court of Canterbury will register at National Archives

24 September 1393 Nicholas Stone Rector of the church of Northflete [Northfleet]. To be buried where it shall please God. I bequeath to the shrine of St Thomas Canterbury 3s 4d. To the shrine of Sir Richard Cicester [Shrine in Chichester Cathedral. See Cross, Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (1993) p. 1185] 3s 4d. I wish that on the day of my burial not to let it be a 3s 4d.
   I wish that on the day of my burial not to let it be a congregation of powerful persons but of priests and paupers and to distribute between the paupers 30s , that is to say, to each of them 1d. And that about my body five wax-tapers each weighing two pounds of wax. I wish that with festival after my death, as my executors shall cause to be celebrated one thousand masses for my soul and my kin
   To Nicholas Stone my father and Lucy his wife all my moveable goods and cattle being within the county of Dorset.
I bequeath to John Stone senior one bay horse. To my lord Dom Richard Bishop of Chichester my best horse and three silver cups with one cover in recompense of any offence or wrong doing which to him ever made and for his revenue which was received unjustly and to my use had or kept back.
   I bequeath to the church of Hanefeld [Henfield] one vestment of the value of two marks. To the church of Northflete twenty shillings and one book called Pars oc[u]li sac[er]dotes
   Likewise to John Stone junior all my weapons, bastard sword and sword. To lord John Cary knight one sword with the harness of gold. To Dom John Benet and Robert Busshe two long gowns of red fur with a hood and ?
   I wish that my executors distribute all my vestment clothes to poor priests and others just as to them would seem most expedient. I bequeath to Roger my servant my whole bed in which I now lye. I bequeath to the enclosed monks of Westminster 2s 6d. I bequeath to William Charnell all the debts that he owes me by virtue of the same obligation being in my custody. The residue I bequeath to the aforesaid Nicholas Stone and Lucy and my forebears.
   Executors Dom Robert Bussche chaplain and William Charnell of London saddler and the reverend lord Dom. Richard Bishop of Chichester supervisor. Given at London the day and year above said.
   On 28 October 1393 in our manor house of Maghfeld probate was granted of the testament of Dom Nicholas Stone late rector of the parish church of Northflete within our immediate jurisdiction, to our beloved Dom. Robert Busshe chaplain and William

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of William Lye, 1391

A translation into English by Duncan Harrington from a Latin abstract made by Leland L. Duncan.

No Probate   3 Rous PROB 11/1 folio 19v Prerogative Court of Canterbury will register at National Archives

With the licence of my lord the Archbishop of Canterbury. I William Lye dated 9 Jan 1391. My soul to God and the blessed Mary and All the Saints and Saint Botolph my patron. And my body to be buried in the chancel of Northflete [Northfleet] before the stall of the Rector of the same.
   I bequeath for a perpetual memory of the matter to the use of the celebration of divine service one wooden chest bound with iron with one pair of new vestments of red cloth of gold with the whole equipment of one silver frankincense burner with an incense boat of the same set with an ornamented border of gold.
   I bequeath to the same church one chalice by name of silver and principally of good gold. I bequeath one good silk cloth to cover the body of the said William and remain in the possession of the church. I bequeath to the said church two surplices. I bequeath to the church one principal mass book.
   For having all the bequeathed goods it is this intention that every year the churchwardens shall make my anniversary solemnly with ringing the bells.
   On the day of my burial each priest being present to have 6d All the clerks ministering the clerk so much. I wish that my executors arrange one suitable wax taper at my head and another at my feet.I bequeath to be bestowed in expenses one hundred shillings and more according to the discretion of my executors.
   I bequeath to Master Adam Mattromy Archdeacon of Canterbury my best horse. I bequeath a great cup of maple-wood with a cover of silver and gold well and competently garnished to be used for the refectory of the Priory of Canterbury as long as it shall be suitable. I bequeath to Master John Prophete one silver cup with a cover.
   Executors Geoffrey Maston rector of the church of Wynchlesham [Winchelsea] and Walter Rector of the church of Stapulherst [Staplehurst] to each of them one cup of silver with a cover, and John Spren[ger] and John Lacoc one cup of silver. Residue in the disposition of my executors

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Memorial Inscriptions of St. Michael's, Smarden

Memorial Inscriptions of St. Michael's, Smarden and surrounding non-conformist chapels by Frank Bamping 21 January 2004.

St. Michael's Churchyard,      Tilden Chapel,      Spier's Ash      Offen Burying Ground,     Sanders Burying Ground
1-187                      188-273               274-305                  306-310                        311-314

The Reverend Francis Haslewood was born in Smarden on May 2nd, 1840, at the Rectory where his father, Frederick Fitzherbert Haslewood was the incumbent from 1857, having previously been the curate.
Francis Haslewood soon after becoming an Associate of King's College, London, in 1863, became curate of St. Peter's ad Vincula, The Tower, London. His next post, in 1864, was as priest at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, London. In 1866 he moved to nearby St. Luke's in Marylebone, London. This post was evidently not too demanding as he began compiling his Antiquities of Smarden, Kent. This first venture into private publishing, with the results of his research, was to appear in 1866 from his address at 30, York Street, in the West End of London. The Antiquities was printed in two versions, an octovo and a quarto, priced at 10s.6d. and 12s.6d. respectively!
In 1875 he left the Rectory at Benenden as he was preferred by the Lord Chancellor Selbourne to become Rector of St. Matthew's, Ipswich, in Suffolk, and also by then had been elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and in 1874, a Life Member of the Kent Archaeological Society.
Haslewood's interest in Smarden continued in spite of his living in Suffolk and in 1886 he produced his Memorials of Smarden, Kent, again privately published. With this work he completed his researches into every aspect of Smarden's history, which included all the monumental inscriptions he found there in both the churchyard of the established church of St. Michael's as well as all those of the surrounding non-conformist chapels. What follows is his transcription of these in which he had a particular interest as a Member of the National Society for Preserving the Memorials of the Dead.
As an active member of the Kent Archaeological Society he contributed three papers to Archaeologia Cantiana on Smallhythe Church in Volume 14 and The Rectors of Pluckley, and Pevington and its Rectors both in Volume 22.
His forays into private publishing included little pamphlet studies of The Parish of Chislet (1887), The Parish of Benenden (1889) and The Parish of Pluckley (1899).
The Reverend Haslewood's interest in publishing did not end with his two books on the village of Smarden. Whilst living in Ipswich he produced his monumental work of 350 pages entitled Ipswich Inscriptions containing every inscription he found in the Suffolk Parish together with a map of the churchyard, notes from the registers, and the Davy papers and other material which he found in the British Museum [now The British Library].
The Author's interests extended into genealogy, not only of his own family, but into other families as well, such as in his book The Genealogy of the Family of Dering. In this book he reproduced the original Visitation of the County, wills, extracts from the parish registers and Dering monumental inscriptions, in full, from Canterbury, Charing, Little Chart, Pluckley, Ripon and Rolvenden, among other parishes. The work also contains a tabulated pedigree and an heraldic shield with sixty quarterings.
Naturally, Haslewood also turned to his own family and produced three books. In one, The Genealogy of the Family of Haslewood, he deals with his own Shropshire Branch of the family which he manages to trace back to 1414, with biographical memoirs, wills, parish registers and private documents. The two other books on Haslewood genealogy covered branches firstly in Worcestershire, Rutland and Northampton; and secondly in Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Barbadoes!
The Reverend Francis Haslewood's very productive life drew to a close in 1900.
Memorials of Smarden, Kent, 1886 by Rev. Francis Haslewood, A.K.C., F.S.A.    (Pages 85 to 219)

St Michaels Church
A memorial beneath the East window.
[1] In memory of Charlotte Elizabeth, wife of Rev. F.F. Haslewood, Rector of Smarden: died in London, June 12th, 1867, aged 63 years, and buried at Kensal Green [West London]. By her husband and children.

White marble tablet on South wall.
[2] In Memory of Mr. Jacob Turner late of London, Merchant, second son of Captain Jacob Turner of this Parish: born in July 1643: marryed in November: 1676: to Mary Knightley second Daughter of Lucy Knightley of London: Merchant, of the Family of Fausley, in Northanptonshire, by whom he had Issue: 3 sons: & 5 Daughters, of which only two survived him viz. Thomas Turner and Anne Marryed to Stephen Ram of London, Goldsmith: he departed this life the 5th day of July, 1709 Aged 66 years Note that this Mr. Jacob Turner gave in his life time 100 pounds for the Repairs of this Church: and also laid out 100 pounds more in a purchase of Land; the rent whereof is Yearly to be distributed in the poorest of this Parish as Appears by the Deed of Trust made in 1686

Of parts and parentage I cannot boast, and need not tell of what I got or lost. I've liv'd, and whether well or ill, I am gone, before the Reader to receive me Doome. If well, praise God. If ill, the worst is mine, Mend then the failures of my life in thine.

[The Tablet was raised a few feet to admit the new stone doorway. Arms over:- Per fess, sa. and erm. a pale, countercharged, and three fer-de-moline, two and one, or. Crest:- A lion, sejant, erm, holding in the dexter paw a fer-de-moline or. For pedigree see Berry, page 274, and Archaelogia Cantiana, vi. 292. For that of Knightley, History of County Northampton, by Geo. Baker, i., 383.]

[3a]   He .....Ca .....M ......& W ....Parish ..3 Sons ..she ..... of .........ent Who died May ye 30 in the year 17 of his age.
[This was to Anne, daughter of John Marshall, of Halden, wife of George Carter, gentleman, and for the latter, who died in 1728. (Hasted vii., 483.) The Register has:- 1723 August 1. Marian Carter, wife of George Carter. 1728 June 2. Mr George Carter. He was Churchwarden in 1718.]

[3b] To the Memory of the Revd. Mr. SOLOMON PAWLEY, Late Vicar of Aylsham in Norfolk who departed this Life the 4th April 1777 Aged Seventy Five Years. N.B. He was Curate of this Parish 18 Years. [The Parish Registers at Aylsham throw no light upon Pawley's history, and there is no record of him in that Church.]

There are two large slabs without inscriptions, though one bears the matrix of a small brass plate.

On the front panel of the Organ
[4] In memory of Mr. William Hinds, of this parish died 25th March, 1869 Aged 79 years O Praise the Lord Sing praise unto our God. [Mr. Hinds was one of the largest contributors to the Restoration of the Church, but died before the work was accomplished.]

White marble tablet in the East corner of the North wall of Nave.
[5] Sacred to the memory of HANNAH WOOLLEY whose remains are interred in a vault in this churchyard She departed this life the xxth day of December MDCCLXXXVIII, aged xxxii years also of JOHN and FRANCIS WOOLLEY father and mother of the above. FRANCIS WOOLLEY died the xith of May, MDCCCIII aged LXXXV years. JOHN WOOLLEY died the xxth of February MDCCCXVIII aged LXXXVII years. They left issue one son JOHN CHARLES. Likewise of John Charles Woolley whose valued life was closed the IIIrd of October, MDCCCXVIII, aged LVII years. This monument was erected by his affectionate widow.

White marble tablet between the windows near the grotesque head, formerly on the East wall of the old chancel arch.
[6] Underneath this Pew lie the Remains of CHARLES JAMES OTWAY, Esq., late of Romden in this Parish, and those of his dearly beloved, and most affectionate Wife, Lady BRIDGET OTWAY Daughter of Bazil, Earl of Denbigh, they had Issue three Sons & two Daughters, (viz.) Charles, James, Richard, Elizabeth & Bridget. The two eldest are interred here, as are Also the Remains of COLONEL JAMES OTWAY & ELIZABETH his wife, Father and Mother of the above Charles James. Colonel Otway was Governor of St. Philip's Castle in the Island of Minorca where He Died. Likewise the Remains of Bridget Otway of Ashford, the Youngest and last survivor of the above Worthy Family were here deposited the 15th day of October 1804.
[Beneath are the Arms coloured Quarterly: 1st and 4th Argent, a chevron sable, over it a pile az. countercharged; 2nd and 3rd sable, a dolphin embowed argent, impaling over the Austrian eagle displayed, sa., a shield argent, on a fess azure, three lozenges, or. Crest:- an ox on a helmet. Motto:- In cölo quies.
For Pedigree showing this match see Earl of Denbigh in Burkes's Peerage. A sword which formerly hung over the Romden pew is now at Chillington House, Maidstone.]

South-east corner
[7] In memory of GEORGE ACRES of this parish who departed this life May 21st 1858, Aged 74 years Leaving a widow 4 sons & 2 daughters, (viz.) Thomas-Wood, Austin-Neame, George, John-Rigden-Neame, Harriett and Susannah. Also of SUSANNAH wife of the above died July 29th 1875 aged 87 years. Her end was peace.

[8] In memory of THOMAS WOOD of this Parish, yeoman, who departed this life June 10th 1843 aged 87 years. Also of SUSANNAH wife of the above named who died April 21st 1848 aged 82 years. Left issue surviving two sons and three daughters.

[9] In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Uriah BARHAM of this parish who died March 23 1775 Aged 44 years. Also Uriah their son died an infant.

[10] A flat stone in path Beneath This Stone are Deposited The Remains of JOHN JUDGE Late of Camberwell, Surrey who died .... September 1832 Aged 61 Years. [The Register states he was buried September 12th.]

On the East wall of the chancel.
[11] JOHN WILMOT died February 7th 1854 Aged 84 Years MARGARET, his Wife died October 3rd 1813, Aged 44 Years. JOHN (their son) died April 15th 1817, Aged 25 Years. Left surviving WILLIAM, MARY, THOMAS, ROBERT JANE and MARGARET.

[12] Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Jeffery of this Parish, Yeoman, he departed this Life March the 3rd 1745 in the 65 Year of this Age. Here Lieth interred the Body of Elizabeth Jeffery Wife of Thomas Jeffery of this Parish who departed this Life May the 4th in 1743, in the 67th Year of her Age.

[13] In memory of RICHARD son of WILLIAM and EMMELINE OFFEN of this Parish who died December 11th 1840, aged 14 months. also MARY OFFEN Who died December 2nd 1840, aged 4 weeks. also Charles who died in his infancy, Angels the Infants Requiem sing. With vernal blossoms deck the Tomb, Fair emblems of that joyful Spring, When these sweet Flowers again shall Bloom.

[14] In Memory of SARAH WIFE of JOHN HOOKER From Little Biddenden in this Parish, who died the 24th of December 1790, Aged 53 Years. Left Issue two Daughters, MARY and SARAH. Be patient under Affliction. Also the above JOHN HOOKER died November the 11th 1808, Aged 74 Years. And what I say unto you I say unto all watch.

[15] Double headed stone Left-hand: Here lies the Body of THOMAS GEORGE late of this Parish who died July the 25th 1715 Aged 41 Years. Right-hand: Here also lies the Body of ELIZA: Wife of the said THO: GEORGE who died December 21st 1735 aged 51 Years. left Issue 2 Sons & 2 Daughters. namely Elizabeth, Thomas, Jonah and Sarah.

Inserted in the wall beneath the vestry windows.
[16] T.MUNN 1787. Aged 86 Clark 57 years. ELIZ. MUNN 1745

A white coped marble monument within iron railings, close to the Vestry.
[17] In Fond Remembrance of SARAH, the beloved wife of JAMES BRUNGER of this parish, died February 29th 1884, aged 65.

[18a] Sacred to the memory of THOMAS WICKENS of this Parish, who died October the 23rd 1852, aged 72 years. Also Mary-Ann wife of the above who died September 19th 1870, aged 79 years. Also Mary daughter of the above who died June the 11th 1835, aged 6 years. Also Thomas their son who died June the 16th 1843, aged 24 years. Also John their sone who died February the 29th 1844, aged 28 years. Also Charles their son who died January 28th 1879, aged 66 years. [Charles Wickens was Gardener to the Rev. F.F. Haslewood for about nineteen years.]

A coped stone within iron railings.
[18b] In loving memory of ARTHUR son of WILLIAM and ESTHER BEAN, of Lodge Place, Great Chart, who died October 7th 1876, aged 5 weeks. Also JANETTA, daughter of W. and E. BEAN, who died June 27th 1879, aged 7 months. Thy will be done.

Flat stone within iron railings.
[19] In loving memory of SUSANNAH, daughter of WILLIAM and ESTHER BEAN, of this parish; who died June 14th 1871: aged 1 year and 2 months. Also WILLIAM THOMAS son of the before named who died June 22nd 1871; aged 3 months Suffer little children to come unto me.

[20] Double headed stone. In Memory of JOHN STRUTFIELD of this Parish; Bricklayer, who died November the 2nd 1762 aged 69 years. Here lieth the Body of MARY the wife of JOHN STRUTFIELD who died August the 1st in 1737, aged 33 years. Also, on son and one daughter Samuel and Elizabeth Interred here Left issue one daughter MARY.

[21] In memory of EDWARD FRY from Mayfield in the County of Sussex; and late of this Parish, Blacksmith, who died May the 9th 1782. Aged 87 years. This life is a scene of vanity that affords no Solid Satisfaction, but in the Consciousness of doing well and in hopes of Another life. This stone is Erected by his Executors WILLIAM FRY and EDWARD APPS.

[22] In memory of WILLIAM FRY of this Parish he departed this life the 26th of January 1818 Aged 90 Years. A beloved Friend here doth lie, Who's gone to Eternity, Oh may the Lord our Soul prepare, To meet with him in Comfort there.

[23] In Memory of AMY Wife of ROBERT FRY, of this Parish, Blacksmith; who died July the 21st 1801, Aged 23 Years. Left Issue Two Daughters (viz.) MARY and SARAH. Also of Robert FRY, who died January the 3rd 1831 Aged 68 Years. Left issue 2 sons WILLIAM and JOHN, by his second Wife.

[24] On a card. In Memory of EMILY GRACE AUSTEN who died August 7th 1872 aged 11 months. The Shepherd will not let them go, His fold is on the golden shore; And they are safe, and glad, and warm, Far from the night-wind and the storm. He shall gather the Lambs.

[25] A coped stone WILLIAM FRY of Great Chart, died June 23rd 1883 aged 76 years. Thy will be done.

[26] In memory of JOHN NICKELS Of this parish who died January 16th 1863 aged 66 years. Also JAMES his brother who died October 3rd 1850 aged 52 years. Also the children of JAMES, (viz.) ELIZABETH, died December 21st 1844 aged 22 years. GEORGE, died February 24th 1845 aged 3 years and 5 months. JAMES died July 31st 1855 aged 28 years.

A very thick stone.
[27] Sacred to the Memory of JAMES OTTAWAY who died December the 1st 1827 aged 72 years. Also of SUSANNAH Wife of James Ottaway who died December the 21st 1815 aged 60 yearsLeft issue 4 sons and 3 daughters.

[28] Sacred to the memory of ANN the beloved wife of RICHARD WELCH, who fell asleep in Jesus March 3rd 1862 aged 52 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14c. 13v.

A coped granite monument within iron railings, close to the South Porch.
[29] In loving memory of MARIA AUSTEN who died 21st October 1883 aged 65.

Altar tomb next to the South Porch.
[30] Here lyeth the Body of FRANCES the Wife of THOMAS HAFFENDEN who was Buried the 14 day of March 1683 Aged ..... yeares. Left Issue on daughter. (N.B. The age is not given in the Register.) Here lyeth Interred the Body of THOMAS HAFFENDEN, Gent., who departed this Life the 24 day of February 1701 and in the 74 yeare of his age and left Issue two daughters Marrian and Elizabeth.

Double headed stone near South Porch.
[31] GEORGE CARY late of this Parish, Yeoman, died August the 10 1725. Aged 62 years. Margaret his Wife died July the 28 1725 aged 48 years. Likewise 3 of their children ELIZ died July the 19 1724 aged 24 years. SUSANNA died September 4 1708 aged 3 years. JOHN died December 2 1710 aged 3 years. Left issue 2 daughters FRANCES & ANN.

Much worn
[32] Lyeth Buried the Bodye of JOHN HAFFENDEN the Husband of Mary Haffenden who deceased this life the 10th daye of August 1667. Hee was aged 34 yeares. Hee had issue two children a sonne and daughter both deceased and are lying......

Double headed stone with skull and crossbones.
[33] Left-hand: In Memory of JOHN OTTAWAY, of this Parish Yeoman.... November 4th 1762.
Right-hand: In Memory, of MARY second Wife of JOHN Ottaway who departed this life aged 75 years. December the 1787. On the other side. MARY OTTAWAY died January 25th 1763 aged 20 years.

Double headed stone unusually thick carved with a cherub and hourglass.
[34] Left-hand: In Memory of JAMES OTTAWAY of this Parish Senior who died March 13th 1797, aged 72 years.
Right-hand: In Memory of ANN, Wife of JAMES OTTAWAY, Senior of this Parish who died February 13th 1795 aged 69

On the side of a high Altar tomb.
[35] In Memory of SUSANNA Wife of JOHN OTTAWAY and daughter of Henry and Mary Bridges who died December 26th 1715 aged 28 years. Left issue on son JOHN.
In Memory of JOHN Son of John and Susanna OTTAWAY of this Pariah, Yeoman who died May 5th 1763 aged 48 years.
On the East End. This Tomb was Erected by his Executor JAMES OTTAWAY.

[36] (An Altar Tomb) Here lieth the body of JACOB TURNER decised the 25 of August 1672: aged 58 yeares, had issue 9, left 4 living 2 sones and 2 daeters.
(On the opposite side) Here lyeth also interred the body of RICHARD TURNER eldest son of Jacob Turner of this Parish who deceased the 28th day of April 1686 Leaving issue five sons and one daughter aged forty four years and nine months. (On the East End) Here lyeth also interred the Body of HENRY TURNER who deceased the 28 day of April 1686 aged one year and two months youngest son of RICHARD TURNER.

Small stone very thick
[37] Here lyeth also inter red the Body of JOHN TURNER who deceased the 13th day of November 1686 aged about 4 yeares, son of Richard Turner.

Tall upright stone
[38] Erected to the memory of Mr. HENRY OTTAWAY, late of the Parish, Timber Merchant, Who Died September 27th 1795 aged 60 years. Also of FRANCES, Wife of the above named HENRY OTTAWAY: Who Died May 24th 1762, aged 24 years, by whom he had issue one son named Henry. Also of ELIZABETH, second Wife of the said HENRY OTTAWAY, Who Died August 6th 1784 aged 22 years by whom he had also Issue 4 sons and 1 daughter namely John, Samuel, Elizabeth, James and Charles, also Margaret his third Wife Who Died November 17th 1780 Aged 66 Years.

Within iron railings
[39] In Loving memory of FRANCIS - GILBERT - STAWELL MARSHALL, died May 17th 1877, aged 2 years.
He shall gather the lambs with his arms.

[40] Here lyeth Interred the Body of HENRY BRIDGES Son of Henry and Margaret Bridges who departed this Life the 15th day of February 1715 Aged 25 Years.

[41] Here lyeth Interred the Body of JANE HOLMES the widow of WILL HOLMES who departed this Life the 26 day of January 1715 Aged 29 Years.

[42] Sacred to the memory of JAMES LARGE, of this Parish, who died June 17th 1837, aged 70 years. He was the kindest of Husbands, and a true and faithful Neighbour. Also MARY his wife, who died March 11th 1845, aged 73 years.

Double headed stone with scull and hourglass.
[43] Left-hand Here lyeth Interred the Body of JOHN, son of Henry and Margaret Bridges, who departed this Life December the 2nd 1715 Aged 34 Years, and had issue by SARAH his Wife 5 sons. Here also Lyeth HENRY, son of JOHN and SARAH BRIDGES who died February the 26th 1715 Aged 5 Years. Right-hand Also here lies the Body of SARAH Wife of FRANCIS JORDAN of this Parish, Former Wife of John Bridges she died September 30th 1726 Aged 43 Years. Left issue by Francis Jordan one Son and one Daughter George and Sarah.

[44] Erected to the memory of JONATHAN LARGE, of this Parish, who departed this life April 6th 1837 aged 75 years. also SARAH LARGE, wife of the above, who departed this life August 7th 1856 aged 76 years. Left issue 3 sons and 1 daughter (viz) John, Joseph, Sarah and James.

[45] In memory of SARAH Wife of JOHN LARGE, of this Parish; who departed this life September the 9th 1791, aged 59 years. also the above said JOHN LARGE, departed this life September the 27th 1804, aged 73 years. Likewise two of their sons, Benjamin and Charles, who died in their infancy. Left issue; surviving four sons, (viz) Jonathan, Joseph, James and William.

Coffin shaped stone.
[46] In memory of JOSEPH LARGE who died March 25th 1855 aged 58 years.

[47] CHARLES LARGE, Ob: 1776 Aged 7 Years.

[48] Here lyeth the Body of Thomas JONES, senior, who lived to the age of 54 yeares and departed this life the 26 of May Anno dni 1682. He had issue ten children by his wife Elizabeth and left 4 Sons and 3 daughters alive.

[49] Here Lyeth Interred the Body of JOHN JONES who departed this Life the 5 day of July 1713 Aged 49 Years.

Coped stone.
[50] In Memory of EMILY, Daughter of WILLIAM and EMILY OFFEN, who died 14th day of January 1876, aged 2 years and 4 months. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for such is the Kingdom of God. Luke xviii 16.

(Pair of Coffin shaped stones.)
[51] Sacred to the memory of RICHARD OFFEN, yeoman, of this Parish, who departed this life June 28th 1843, aged 74 years. Also MARY, Wife of the above who departed this life June 21st 1846, aged 79 years. Left issue 2 sons, viz., John and William.

[52] In loving memory of WILLIAM OFFEN of this parish, died January 10th 1882, aged 82 years. Left surviving a widow, 2 sons and 4 daughters viz William, Grace, John, Emeline, Selina, and Sarah. Also of Winifred, daughter of the above died January 6th 1877, aged 27 years. Also of Richard, Mary and Charles, died in their infancy.

[53] In memory of Mr. JOHN OFFEN, who departed this Life March 24th 1804 Aged Sixty three Years.
Here rests the mortal part of One, who knew The Christian's Hope and kept his End in View, Religion's path devoutly firm he trod, Fervent his Praises and his Prayers to God. His Life was formed on no Fanatic Plan Love to his God breath'd Charity to Man: He Strove by Works a Christian's Faith to Suit, Aware, who cursed the Fig-Tree wanting Fruit.
Also In Memory of MARGARET his Wife, died January 25 1810 Aged 69 years, of their two sons and a daughter deceased, George aged three years; Thomas nine months; and Elizabeth twenty eight years. Their issue living are Henry, John William, Richard, Essex, Benjamin, Winifrid, Wilkins, Margaret, Mary, Grace, Susan and Phillis.

[53] Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH JUDGE who died October 20th 1802, aged 67 years. Also SUSANNAH his wife died May the 28th 1822, aged 91 years. Left issue three sons and two daughters (viz) Joseph, William, Jasper, Mary and Susan. MARY TUTTY daughter of the above who died October 13th 1862 aged 96 years.
[N.B. The Register contains this entry:- 1785. John Tutty, Bachelor and Mary Judge of Boxley married 10 November.]

[54] Sacred to the Memory of SARAH Daughter of John and Sarah STEVENS of this Parish, who died May the 12th 1823, aged 8 months.

[55] (A double headed stone.) Left-hand: In memory of JOHN HICKS, who died November the 15th 1750, aged 75 years. Right-hand: Here lyes MARY wife of JOHN HICKS who died February the 1st 1736 aged 55 years. She left issue one daughter namely Mary.

[56] In affectionate remembrance of JOHN WOOD late of Brick House Farm, Headcorn, who died December 3rd 1876 aged 67 years In the midst of life, we are in death.

(Two coffin-shaped stones.)
[57] Sacred To the Memory of SARAH daughter of JOSEPH and ELIZABETH JUDGE, who died March 9th 1849 aged 53 years. Whate'er we do, where'er we be, we'er travelling to the grave.

[58] Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH JUDGE who died July 19th 1849 aged 75 years Also of Elizabeth wife of Joseph Judge, who died December 29th 1830, also MARTHA daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Judge, who died December 12th 1805, aged 4 years and 8 months. Left surviving 5 sons and 2 daughters, viz. JOHN, JOSEPH, CHARLES, JAMES, WILLIAM, SARAH and ANN.

[59] Sacred to the Memory of JOSEPH JUDGE who died June 19th 1793 aged 54 years. Also SARAH wife of John Judge, who died May 11th 1778 aged 42 years. Likewise JOHN son of JOHN and SARAH JUDGE, who died August 6th 1786 aged 18 years. also SARAH their daughter who died December 9th 1793 aged 8 years. and of WILLIAM their son who died in his infancy 1778.

[60] In memory of WILLIAM EVENDEN of this parish who died June 16th 1821 aged 72 years. Also HANNAH wife of the above died February 20th 1827 aged 80 years. May all who stop to view this Stone, Remember Death takes Old and young And all prepare while Life is given, To meet their Judge to dwell in Heaven. Left issue three sons and one daughter (viz) William, Joseph, Charles and Harriot. Also MARIA their daughter who died April the 1st 1794 aged 3 years and 11 months.

Close to the Tower (South side).
[61] In memory of ELIZA ALBERTINA wife of Richard FLEET who died December 24th 1815 aged 22 years. Likewise ELIZABETH his second wife who died October 29th 1828 aged 33 years. She left issue 3 sons (viz) Thomas William, Richard John and Joseph. Joseph died April 3rd 1829 aged 5 years. Thomas William died August 7th 1835 aged 16 years. Also ELIZABETH WINCH his third wife who died November 29th 1847 aged 42 years..

[62] In memory of HENRY CHEESMAN late of this Parish, Yeoman. Who died 6th March 1777 aged 68 years. Also MARY his wife died 25th November 1779 aged 70 years.He left issue Henry, John and Thomas.

[63] This stone is erected to the memory of HENRY CHEESMAN of this parish who departed this life January the 2nd 1823 aged 78 years. Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. And of MARY his wife who departed this life October the 9th 1826 aged 77 years.

[64] In affectionate remembrance of ROBERT WILMOT who died at Thurnham April 21st 1827 aged 75 years. Also of HARRIOT his wife who died June 15th 1870 aged 56 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

[65] In Loving Memory of JOHN COOPER of this parish who died April 11th 1879 aged 62 years. Leaving a widow and four sons, George, Joseph, Eli and Albert, also of the deceased children of the above, Esther died December 27th 1856 aged 2 years and 2 months. Eleanor died January 29th 1857 aged 4 years and 3 months. Emma died November 14th 1870 aged 24 years. Thy will be done.

Near the Tower.
[66] In memory of ABRAHAM OTTAWAY who died October 5th 1784 aged 42 years. Also of Mary his wife who died June 2nd 1810 aged 76. Leaving issue 1 son and 1 daughter viz. John and Mary. And also of JOHN OTTAWAY son of the above who died November 5th 1813 aged 41. Also of Sarah his wife who died May 14th 1850 aged 76.

[67] Double Headed Stone. Here lyeth the body of THOMAS GILHAM of this Parish, Yeaman, who departed this life August the 17th 1724 aged 73 years. Here lyeth the body of MARY the wife of THOMAS GILHAM who departed this life July the 24th 1725 aged 63 years. Left issue John Gilhamand Elizabeth Gilham.

[68] To the memory of WILLIAM WOOD late of this Parish, Yeoman who died the 9th of November 1814 aged 64 years. Leaving issue by Mary his wife two sons and five daughters (viz) William, Charles, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Winney and Harriot. Farewell my dear and faithful wife, My sons and daughters too, Tho' never in this mortal life Again you must me view: Close in Our Saviour's footsteps tread, Of love divine possess'd with the dead, Your souls will be at rest. Also MARY his wife who died the 25th of March 1839 aged 82 years.

[69] Sacred To the memory of ELIZABETH WOOD Wife of Charles Wood, of this Parish, Yeoman; who departed this life December the 9th 1817 aged 19 years. In prime of life as you may see, I left my friends to mourn for me, Grieve not dear friends at my decease, For Christ I hope has made my peace; And none can tell beneath the sun, How soon their glass will cease to run; But all know this, that death's keen dart Will soon the dearest couple part; Therefore prepare thro' grace divine, Meekly each other to resign. Also the above CHARLES WOOD who died the 12th April 1834 aged 38 years.

[70] Sacred to the memory of JANE wife of GEORGE MUNN and daughter of William FITCH of this Parish who died November 6th 1853 aged 32 years. Also JANE their daughter died May 10th 1853 aged 3 months. Left issue 4 children, George, Grace, Mary and Thomas.

Double headed stone.
[71] Left-hand Here lyeth interred the body of CHRISTOPHER HAWKES who departed this life the 20th day of September 1727. Right-hand Here lieth the body of MARY wife of CHRISTOPHER FULLAGAR she died September the 17th 1737. [In the Register 1700, June 4. Christopher Fullagur, Householder.]

[72] Sacred to the memory of HARRIOT HOMEWOOD Wife of JAMES HOMEWOOD, Yeoman, of this Parish who died September 29th 1831 aged 39 years. Leaving surviving 7 children viz 4 sons and 3 daughters. Also of EMMA who died an infant. My children dear: I bid you all adieu! By God's command, I leave this world and you, And trust my friends whom I have left behind, Will give you comfort, and you be kind.

[73] HIS Sacred to the memory of JAMES HOMEWOOD of this Parish who died April 22nd 1859 aged 65 years. Left surviving seven children four sons and three daughters. James, William Edward, Charles, Harriett, Elizabeth and Emmeline. Adieu vain world I've seen enough of thee And now I'm careless what thou say'st of me What faults you knew in me take care to shun And look at home, enough there's to be done.

[74] Sacred to the memory of JANE wife of WILLIAM LILLY who died April 22nd 1841 aged 35 years. Leaving 8 children, 3 sons and 5 daughters, who are all married and living in the State of Wisconsin, N. America. A.D. 1862. My children are fled to a foreign land, Where there are wars and desolation; May God protect them with his hand, In that distressed nation. * Also of the above WILLIAM LILLY who died November 21st 1876 aged 74 years leaving a widow and 2 sons. [* Referring to the War in the United States.]

[75] Sacred to the memory of MARY ANN the beloved wife of WILLIAM SKINNER, Victualler, of Yalding in this County and second daughter of Mr. WILLIAM FITCH, Farmer of this Parish who departed this life January 6th 1853 aged 21 years.

Near the Tower.
[76] In memory of DANIEL MEDHURST of this Parish who departed this life the 21st of September 1758 aged 72 years. And of two daughters both named ANNA who died young. Also ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life September the 20th 1765 aged 75 years. Left issue one son and two daughters Daniel, Elizabeth and Martha.

[77] In memory of THOMAS FARLEY of this Parish who died January 5th 1792 aged 74 years. Also MARY his wife who died March 2nd 1794 aged 78 years. Left issue 1 son and 2 daughters viz Thomas, Mary and Sarah.

[78] Memento mori Here lieth the body of MARY LUCAS wife of JOHN LUCAS of this Parish who died December 15th 1724 in the 104th year of her age. Left issue one daughter Sarah wife of Francis Woollett

[79] Here lieth interred the body of JOHN LUKIN (The rest is illegible.)

[80] Here lieth the body of FRANCIS WOOLLETT of this Parish, Yeoman, who died July 24th 1725 aged 68 years. Left issue one son and 2 daughters John, Mary and Frances. Also the body of SARAH BASSET Former wife of Francis WOOLLETT she died October the 29th 1743 aged 88 years.

[81] Here Lyes the Body of Eliz Daughter of JOHN and Eliz: WOOLLETT of this Parish she died Aug. 26th 1731 in the 5th year of Her age. Weep not for me My Parents dear Ere it be long You'll sleep beside me here.

[82] In memory of SARAH the wife of JOHN PULLEN of Cranbrook, who died December the 16th 1757 aged 28 years.

[83] Here lyes the Body of ELIZABETH, daughter of JOHN LUCAS, of this Parish, who dyed January the 23rd 1724, aged 5 years, 10 months and 7 days. Here Also lyes the Body of ANN Daughter of JOHN and ANN LUCAS, who dyed May the 5th 1725 aged 2 years and 17 weeks.

[84] Here lyes the Body of John, son of JOHN LUCAS of this Parish who dyed July the 1st 1725 aged 5 weeks and 3 days.

[85] Erected to the memory of JOHN PEARSON, of this Parish, who died December 8th 1855, aged 80 years. Also JANE, his wife, died June 5th 1845 aged 67 years. Also ANN their eldest daughter died February 27th 1837 aged 33 years. Also John, their eldest son, died January 14th 1848 aged 46 years. Left surviving 4 children, (viz) Richard, William, Jane and Eliza. I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Job xix chap.

[86] In memory of MARY, wife of WILLIAM WARD, of Bethersden: who died September 6th 1800 aged 50 years. Also the above WILLIAM WARD, who died February 8th 1817, aged 68 years. Affliction sore long time I bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God did please Death should me seize, And ease me of my pain.

(Double headed stone)
[87] Left-hand: Here lies the Body of ANN Wife of JOHN AUSTEN and Daughter of AMBROSE and ELIZABETH COVENEY Late of Brenchley who died April 11 1731 aged 37 years. Left issue 4 sons John and Daniel Ambrose and Thomas. Thomas died June 12 aged 13 weeks. Here lies Buried in one Grave Mother and a Son they are Gone to rest amongst the blest, their hardest work done.

[88] In memory of MARTHA, wife of WILLIAM JELL of this parish, who died January the 21st 1807 aged 77 years. Also of WILLIAM JELL, Yeoman, who died August the 18th 1822 aged 86 years. Say you who meditate these realms of Peace, Where Wisdom Courage and Ambition cease; May not the Grave some useful lessons give Instruct the heart, and teach it how to live, Let Sacred duties guard the tender mind, Virtue alone, true happiness can find.

[89] Sacred to the memory of RICHARD GOODWIN of this Parish, who died July 3rd 1846 aged 88 years. Also SARAH his wife who died May 7TH 1845 aged 89 years. Likewise of BENJAMIN-WOOLLEY GOODWIN their son who died October the 3rd 1818 aged 17 years. Also of NAOMI their daughter, wife of ROBERT LAW who died April the 3rd 1819 aged 28 years. O Heavenly Father let thy will be don, By thy decree we lost our youngest son; Yet nature caused a parent's tear to fall, We must submit when thou thinks fit to call: In Heaven we hope he'll Hallelujah sing To God and Christ our Great Eternal King. [The Register has 1818. Benjamin Gooding, buried October 10.]

[90] In memory of RALPH HATCHER who departed this life the 6th of May 1805 aged 76 years. Also DORCAS his wife who departed this life the 6th of October 1806 aged 90 years.

(Double headed stone.)
[91] Left-hand In memory of JOHN SHARLOCK, of Bethersden, who departed this life May the 31st 1764 aged 76 years. Right-hand Here lieth the body of JANE wife of JOHN SHARLOCK who died March 14 1768 aged 74 years. Left issue one daughter DORCAS

(An old stone near the houses on the South side.)
[92] Here Lyeth Buried the Body of THOMAS CLAGGETT who died January 21st in the year of our Lord 1671 Aged..... Yeares and in memory of him his loving Executrix MARGERY TONGE this stone hath erected.
[His burial is thus entered in the Parish Register:- 1671. Thomas Claggett sepultus erat in Die Vicessimo quinto Januarii die Iovis, Secundum laudabilem ordinem et Antiqum Morem Ecclesiae Anglicanæ in eâ parte benè provisâ (quanquam neglectâ et contemptâ.]

(On a board between two posts)
[93] DENNETT of this Parish who died...... [This memorial was to Stephen, the father of James, who died in 1806, and was buried at Cranbrook, where his son John Thomas Dennett still resides. James was twice married, the said John Thomas being the youngest of the second family, a posthumous child.]

[94] In affectionate remembrance of JOHN BRUNGER of this parish who died October 14th 1869 aged 83 years. Also of CHARLOTTE wife of the above who died February 5th 1858 aged 71 years. Leaving 1 son and 3 daughters, James, Chaney Ann, Sarah, and Mary-Ann.

[95] Sacred to the memory of ANN MILLEN, died September 26th 1881 aged 73 years. Left issue five sons, and two daughters, viz: JOHN, ALFRED, HERBERT, GEORGE, ELI, ELIZABETH and OLIVE. Whom here I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. LXXIII Psalm 25.26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

(On the side of a vault with iron railings.)
[96] In memory of THOMAS FARLEY, YEOMAN, of this Parish; who departed this life April 12th 1822, aged 73 years. Left issue two daughters, viz. Mary and Sarah. Also MARY FARLEY, wife of the above who died 12th February 1832 aged 77 years.

[97] In memory of JOHN NOAKES, (late of Staplehurst) who died June the 19th 1806 aged 77 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife (daughter of JOHN and ELIZABETH JELL, of this Parish) who died July 22nd 1785 aged 54 years. Likewise JOHN their son who died January the 12th 1780 aged 20 years. Left surviving one son and three daughters (viz) Benjamin, Ann, Elizabeth and Sarah.

[98] In memory of JOHN JELL of this Parish, Yeoman, who died July the 8th 1772 aged 69 years. Also Elizabeth his wife who died June 28th 1792 aged 86 years. Left issue 6 sons and 5 daughters George, Joseph, William, James, John, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Sarah, Iden, Mary and Ann.

(Double headed stone)
[99] Left-hand Here lieth the Body of JOHN JELL of this Parish Senior who died August the 26th 1727 aged 73 years. Left issue 3 sons and 4 daughters. John, Joseph, George, Elizabeth, Sarah, Priscilla, and Mary. Right-hand: Here also lieth the Body of SARAH wife of JOHN JELL, Senior, who died September the 24th 1753 aged 79 years.

[100] Here lyeth the Body of GEORGE JELL (Son of Thomas and Ann Jell of this Parish Yeoman) who died the 24th day of December 1715 in the 44th year of his age. [The Register has 1715. December 24 George Jull from Pluckley.]

[101] To the memory of MARY, wife of WILLIAM WOOD of this Parish; who died August the 31st 1806 aged 23 years. Also CHARLES their son who died the 13th of November 1805 in his Infancy. N.B. She left surviving one son William. Also of Harriot second wife of WILLIAM WOOD who died July the 7th 1815 aged 26 years. Left issue four sons (viz) John, Edward, Henry and James. N.B. JAMES died the 26th of July 1815 in his infancy.

[102] To the memory of WILLIAM WOOD Of this Parish who died July 15th 1855 aged 78 years. Also FRANCES third wife of the above who died November 25th 1858 aged 69 years. Left issue by his 3 wives 5 sons and 2 daughters (viz) William, John, Edward, Henry, Charles, Elizabeth and Frances.

[103] In a vault beneath this stone are deposited the remains of THOMAS WILMOT late of Haffenden Quarter in this Parish who died December 20th 1825 aged 92 years.

(On a stone inserted in the East wall of a large brick vault built above ground, with iron gratings through which four coffins are plainly visible.)
[104] In this vault Are deposited the remains of HANNAH WOOLLEY who departed this life the 21st of December 1788 aged 32 years. Likewise of JOHN and FRANCES WOOLLEY father and mother of the above. FRANCES WOOLLEY died the 11th of May 1803 aged 85 years. JOHN WOOLLEY died the 20th of February 1818 aged 87 years. They left issue one son John Charles Also of JOHN CHARLES WOOLLEY whose mortal life was closed the 3rd of October 1818 aged 57 years.

[105] In memory of JOHN LINDRIDGE who died 15th May 1814 aged 82 years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died 3 November 1789 aged 60 years. Likewise JAMES LINDRIDGE their son who died 20th August 1813 aged 47 years.

[106] In memory of STEPHEN BEECHING who departed this life January the 17th 1766 aged 66 years. In memory of MARY the wife of STEPHEN BEECHING of this Parish who departed this life May the 19th 1760 aged 71 years. Left issue one son Stephen and one daughter Mary.

[107] Sacred to the memory of RICHARD WILLIAMS who died July 26th 1857 aged 87 years Also of ANN wife of the above died February 11th 1857 aged 76 years. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Also EDWARD their son died May 2nd 1816 aged 2 years, and of WILLIAM their son died April 7th 1862 aged 54 years.

[108] In memory of WILLIAM EVENDEN who died December the 12th 1837 aged 60 years. Also ELIZABETH wife of William Evenden, late of Bethersden, who died January the 26th 1817 aged 37 years. Also CHARLES-PIERCE son of the aforesaid who died April the 15th 1811 aged 10 weeks. Pass a few swiftly fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live, Shall quit, like me the vale of tears, Their righteous sentence to receive. But all before they hence remove, May Mansions for themselves prepare, In that Eternal House above, And, O my God, shall I be there?

[109] In memory of SARAH wife of STEPHEN CHITTENDEN of this Parish; who died October 19th 1799 aged 53 years. Also the above STEPHEN CHITTENDEN who died May 5th 1807 aged 78 years. Also one son who died in his infancy. Left issue one daughter Elizabeth She left issue by her former husband one son and one daughter viz Richard and Mary.

(On the side of a stone Altar Tomb.)
[110] Here lieth the Body of CHRISTIAN of this Parish he died September the 29th 1734 aged eighty six years. (On opposite side.) Here lieth also the body of ELIZABETH wife of JOHN CHRISTIAN she died September the 20th 1735 aged seventy eight years. Left only one son John.

(On the side of an Altar Tomb.)
[111] In memory of JOHN CHRISTIAN (Surgeon) who died January the 21 1771 aged 70 years. (On opposite side) In memory of ELIZABETH wife of JOHN CHRISTIAN, Surgeon, and daughter of William Tempest, Esq. She died July the 2 1748 aged 39 years. Left one son John. (The top is illegible)

[112] To the memory of DANIEL BUSS Late of Bethersden who departed this life February the 20th 1809 aged 70 years. Also SARAH wife of the above Daniel Buss who departed this life January the 10th 1809 aged 74 years. Leaving issue surviving one son viz James. Come hither mortal man and cast an eye Read now this tomb and be prepared to die; See here the old, the young, the middle age: By God's command they all go off the stage, Tremble ye sinners all with one accord Repent in tim and turn unto the Lord.

[113] To the memory of WINNEY SEELY, wife of George Seely of this Parish who departed this life the 27th of November 1815 aged 26 years. Also of CHARLES their son who departed this life the 20th of March 1815 aged 3 years. She left issue surviving one son and one daughter (viz) William and Eliza. Affliction sore long time I bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God did please Death should me seize, And ease me of my pain.

[114] In memory of ANN daughter of RICHARD and ELIZABETH BAYLY who died July 17 1767 aged 26 years.

[115] In memory SAMUEL son of RICHARD and ELIZABETH BAYLY of this Parish who died December the 17th 1759 aged 29 years. He was unfortunately drowned in the River near Rumden in this Parish.

[116] In memory of RICHARD BAYLY of this Parish who died July 27 1770 aged 75 years. Left issue RICHARD, JOHN, THOMAS, BENJAMIN and ELIZABETH. His toils of life, and pains of death are o'er Where toil and pain, and sickness are no more. Also ELIZABETH wife of the above RICHARD BAYLY who died August the 14th 1784 aged 80 years.

[117] In memory of BENJAMIN son of RICHARD and ELIZABETH BAYLY of this Parish who died January 24th 1777 aged 29 years.

[118] Left-hand: Here lieth the body of SAMUEL FULLER of this Parish, he departed this life March the 31st 1767 aged 65 years. Right-hand: To the memory of ELIZABETH wife of SAMUEL FULLER Carpenter of this Parish who died April the 28th 1765 aged 58 years. Left surviving one son and one daughter James and Elizabeth.

[119] In memory of JAMES BUSS of this Parish who died April the 23rd 1806 aged 72 years. Also ELIZABETH BUSS died February the 15th 1814 aged 78 years. Left issue Two sons and one daughter (viz) George, Elizabeth and Richard.

[120] To the memory of ELIZABETH wife of JAMES HOMEWOOD and daughter of EDWARD and ANN Munk of this Parish who died June the 12th 1807 aged 36 years. Left issue surviving four sons and three daughters (viz) James, Isaac, Edward, Thomas, Elizabeth, Frances and Ann. A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. St John's Gospel Chapter XIII v.34 She was a tender mother and a parent dear: a quiet neighbour and a faithful friend. So as she liv'v we hope so is her end.

(Two coffin shaped stones)
[121] In memory of EDWARD MUNK, Yeoman, of this Parish who departed this life September the 21st 1821 aged 76 years. Also ANN his wife who died June 21st 1822 aged 71 years. Left issue surviving four sons and three daughters (viz) James, John, Edward, Thomas, Ann, Jemina and Sarah.

[122] Erected to the memory of SARAH daughter of EDWARD and ANN MUNK late of this Parish who departed this life December the 7th 1822 aged 32 years. To tell the virtues that perhaps might glow With hallow'd meekness in the dust below To tell the vices that might harbour there And paint each folly to the vulgar stare Were bootless now no censure could alarm No love could waken and no praise could charm Stranger that wanderest o'er the green turf cold Where sleep my relics in the silent mould Grieve not for me nor idly seek to learn If aught were mine to reverence or spurn Look to thyself, enough the tomb hath said Enough the graven tablet of the dead, If haply warning as thou ramblest by This humble stone can teach thee how to die. [The above was chosen by herself.]

[123] Erected to the memory of SAMSON BUTTON of Bethersden who died April 19th 1849 aged 73 years. Also ANN his wife died January 16th 1852 aged 79 years. Left issue one son and two daughters, William Jemina and Charlotte.

[124] In memory of JOSEPH EVENDEN of this Parish who died August 12th 1853 aged 74 years. Also MARY wife of the above who died May 28th 1820 aged 43 years. Also HARRIOT their daughter died August 1st 1817 aged 14 years. Also JOSEPH their son died June 18th 1834 aged 27 years. Also ANN their daughter and wife of EDWARD PEARSON of Ulcombe died December 4th 1842 aged 25 years. Also HANNAH second wife of the above JOSEPH EVENDEN died March 1st 1834 aged 39 years. Also MARIA their daughter died January 13th 1830 aged 4 years. Also GEORGE their son died December 19th aged 7 years. [No year given] Left surviving William, John, Thomas, James and Mary.

[125] Erected to the memory of CHARLES-MERREX EVENDEN son of Joseph and Mary Evenden of this Parish who died September 23rd 1839 aged 29 years. Reader! this silent grave contains, A husband and father's dear remains Death like a frost, has nipt his bloom And call'd him early to the tomb. He left a widow and 5 children, Isaac, Matilda, Eliza-Sarah, Amelia-Maria and Jane.

[126] Sacred to the memory of JAMES son of HUBURY and FRANCES GAY of Huntington Street, Hoxton, London: who departed this life July the 22nd 1808 aged 10 months. The above FRANCES daughter of John and Elizabeth Munk of Little Hamton in Sussex. This tender blossom of the opening year. Whose ....... (The rest is illegible)

[127] Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH daughter of James and Sarah Munk of this Parish who died March the 1st 1806 aged 6 years. In this cold grave lies one whose gentle youth, Shone bright with native innocence and truth, Stranger to vice no guile her bosom knew, Heav'n claims her soul the earth he spotless due. Also JAMES MUNK who died February the 13th 1840 aged 68 years. Also SARAH his wife who died December the 6th 1856 aged 86 years.

[128] Sacred to the memory of NANCE daughter of Samson and Ann Button of the Parish of Bethersden who died March the 3rd 1806 aged 4 years. Also SARAH their daughter died March the 12th 1806 aged 7 weeks. Beneath this stone lies innocence at rest, Took early from their loving parents breast, To heaven there more happiness to see; And from afflictions ever to be free. Also FRANCES their daughter died March the 3rd 1815 aged 18 months.

[129] Sacred to the memory of EDWARD son of Samson and Ann Button of the Parish of Bethersden he departed this life April the 21st 1813 aged 15 years. Oh if my threatening sins were gone, And death had lost its sting, I could invite the angel on, And chide his lazy wing. Joyful I'd lay this body down, And leave this lifeless clay, Without a sigh without a groan, stretch and soar away.

[130] Sacred to the memory of ALFRED son of SAMSON and Ann BUTTON of the Parish of Bethersden who departed this life January the 15th 1827 aged 19 years.

[131] Left-hand In memory of JOHN AUSTEN of this Parish died June 24 in 1750 65 years. Right-hand: In memory of SARAH wife of JOHN AUSTEN who died February the 3 in the year 1750

[132] In memory of ROBERT son of ROBERT and CELIA TASSEL Of this Parish who died April 20th 1807 aged 3 years and 9 months.

[133] In memory of WILLIAM COLEGATE of this parish who died March 28th 1833 aged 55 years. Also HARRIETT ELIZABETH wife of the above who died April 26th 1835 aged 57 years. Likewise WILLIAM BRISTOW their son who died July 3rd 1828 aged 23 years and ELIZABETH their daughter who died April 18th 1830 aged 21 years.

[134] To the memory of ROBERT PERKINS of Canterbury who died April the 29th 1824 aged 63 years. Also of EDWARD & LOUISA infant children of William COLEGATE of this Parish; nephew of the above Robert Perkins.

[135] In memory of ANN wife of WILLIAM WEST of this Parish who died June 14th 1833 aged 26 years. Left issue 3 daughters (viz) Ann, Sarah and Martha. KITTY second wife of the above who died April 17th 1844 aged 36 years. Left issue 1 daughter Mary ANN third wife of the above who died March 28th 1863 aged 67 years was interred at Allhallows in the Hundred of Hoo.

(A very thick stone close to the Tower.)
[136] Here lyeth the body of THOMAS HOPPER of Smarden, Senior, who departed this life the 23 of April 1683 aged 52 years and had issue by his wife Elizabeth 4 sonns and 4 daughters.

(A small stone 7½ inches thick.)
[137] Here lyeth the body of JONE HOPPER of Smarden wife of Thomas Hopper Senior who departed this life the 11 of June ... aged....

(Near the North wall of the Church.)
[138] In memory of ANN wife of Thomas Hinds of this Parish who died January 8th 1822 aged 74 years. Also of THOMAS HINDS, Yeoman, who died April 7th 1831 aged 86 years.

(A wooden cross)
[139] R.R. WILKINSON died April 19th 1867 aged 62 years.

(Incised in the head of the Stone are the Good Samaritan, pouring oil into the wounded arm of the traveller, also the Priest and the Levite passing by: The beast is also represented.) Go and do thou likewise. St. Luke Chap. X. v. 37.
[140] To the memory of JOHN and MARY HINDS of this Parish: He died January 21st 1787 aged 70 years. She died November 28th 1789 aged 74 years. They left issue; one son Thomas, and she one daughter Sarah, by a former husband. How good or bad they were, The judgement day will shew.

[141] In memory of JOHN MARY and JOHN sons and daughter of John and Mary HINDS of this Parish JOHN died April the 5th 1751 aged 2 years. MARY died May the 4th 1762 aged 4 years. JOHN died June the 1st 1762 aged 8 years,

[142] Sacred to the memory of Mr. JAMES BATT of this Parish, Farmer, died December 7th 1841 aged 57 years. Also Mrs MARY BATT wife of the above died May 11th 1849 aged 63 years. Likewise Mrs MARY GURR daughter of the above died February 20th 1847 aged 28 years.

(Near the North wall.)
[143] Left-hand: Here lieth the body of JOHN HARNDEN of this Parish: he died August the 30 1728 aged 73 years Right-hand: Here lieth the body of ELIZ: the wife of John Harnden of this Parish: she died April the 28 1751 aged 50 years. Left issue three sons and four daughters viz William, John & Thomas, Elizabeth Mary, Ann and Priscilla.

[144] In memory of PETER PEREN of this Parish who died December the 3rd 1767 aged 48 years. And HANNAH his wife died November the 20th 1762 aged 38 years. Left issue one son Peter Affliction sore long time they bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God did please death should them seize, And ease them of their pain.

(A flat stone.)
[145] Here lyeth the body of THOMAS PELL who died May the 7 1696 aged 75 years. Left issue 1 daughter MARY. [His will was proved 13 July 1696, from which it appears he had one daughter named Mary and she was married.] Here lyeth the body of MARRIAN wife of THOMAS PELL who dyed May the 2 1695 aged 74 years. [In the Register :- May 8th Mary the wife of Thomas Pell, buryed.]

(Much worn.)
[146] Here lyeth buryed CHRISTOPHER CARR being of the age of 22 yeres. He dyed the .... day of January Anno domini 1628.

[147] Sacred to the memory of Mr. JOHN ALLWORTHY of the Parish of Egerton formerly of London obit July 23rd 1867 AEt 79 years. Also ELIZABETH COLE of Egerton formerly of London obit September 12th 1867 AEt 91 years and mother of Mrs Allworthy. Also Mrs ELIZABETH ALLWORTHY the beloved wife of the above obit September 4th 1876 AEt 65 years. Blessed are they that sleep in the Lord, Not lost but gone before.

[148] Sacred to the memory of THOMAS RUSSELL farmer of this Parish who died November 17th 1865 aged 78 years. Leaving Mary his widow, 2 sons and 7 daughters (viz) William, Thomas, Mary-Ann, Susannah, Jane, Ellen, Amelia, Ann and Frances. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.

[149] In memory of WILLIAM BINGHAM of this Parish who died 11th July 1809 aged 54 years. Also SUSAN, wife of the above William Bingham who died August 28th 1831 aged 80 years. Life is uncertain, death is sure, Sin is the wound, and Christ the Cure.

(Two small wooden crosses.)
[150] In memory of ALICE. MAUD. HILLS died June 17th 1884 aged 10 years.

[151] In memory of ETHEL. ROSE. HILLS died May 5th 1884 aged 1 year & 9 months.

[152] In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM KENNETT late of Lyminge who departed this life January 26th 1870 aged 83 years. Also of Ann, wife of the above who departed this life April 6th 1871 aged 86 years. Leaving one daughter, Grace.

[153] Erected to the memory of RICHARD RUSSEL of this Parish who died the 7th of July 1792 aged 76 years. Also SUSANNA his wife died May the 5th 1761 aged 42 years. Also ELIZABETH wife of Thomas Lewis and daughter of the above died October the 11th 1787 aged 31 years. Left issue three sons and two daughters Richard, Thomas, John, Mary & Susanna. Also 4 children who died in their infancy.

[154] Sacred to the memory of JOHN RUSSELL late of this Parish who departed this life June the 18th 1826 aged 68 years.

(Death's Head and Cross-bones.)
[155] Here lieth the body of JOHN DOWNE and ANNE his wife (Both of this Parish). She died April the 23rd in the year of Our Lord 1705 aged 44 years. He died February the 4 1717 aged 66 years. They left issue one son and 4 daughters.

[156] In affectionate remembrance of GRACE the beloved wife of THOMAS RUSSELL of this Parish who died October 22nd 1871 aged 52 years. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew v. 4 verse.

[157] In memory of RICHARD RUSSELL late of Headcorn who died 7th January 1799 aged 55 years. Also MARY his wife who died 17th September 1802 aged 60 years. Stop traveller and cast an eye, As you are now so once was I, But as I am, so must you be, Therefore prepare to follow me. Affliction sore long time I bore, Physicians were in vain; Till God did please, death should me seize And ease me of my pain.

[158] Sacred to the memory of ANN RUSSELL wife of Thomas Russell of this place, yeoman, who died 26th July 1831 aged 73 years. Also of the above THOMAS RUSSELL who died 2nd March 1834 aged 80 years. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter viz Thomas, William and Susan.

[159] In memory of MARY-ANN daughter of THOMAS & ANN RUSSELL of this Parish who died the 1st day of September 1808 in the 13th year of her age. Reader! this silent grave contains A much loved daughter's dear remains, Death like a frost hath nipt her bloom And early sent her to the tomb. Hence let the young this lesson learn, Eternity's their great concern. Also JOHN, son of WILLIAM and SUSAN RUSSELL of Bethersden, nephew of the above who died 23rd August 1835 aged 7 months.

[160] In remembrance of GURNEY WHITE who was buried in the family vault at Lyminge, Kent June 30th 1873 aged 84 years. Also of SARA-ANN wife of the above who lies beneath this stone died May 23rd 1877 aged 69 years. They rest from their labours.

[161] In memory of SUSANNA HOGBEN daughter of Thomas and Susanna Hogben who died the 25th of April 1792 aged 66 years.

[162] T. HOGBEN Obit 1774 Aetatis 71. [The Register has "1774. January 18. Mr Thomas Hogben". The author saw a brass sun dial of considerable merit, on which was inscribed;-"Made by Tho: Hogben, Landsurveyor, and master of the free school of Smarden, 1754".]

[163] S. HOGBEN Obit 1768 Aetatis 71. [In the Register 1768. August 10. Susanna wife of Mr Thomas Hogben.]

(Close to the Chancel.)
[164] JANE DORMAN (daughter of the late Reverend Mr. George Carleton, Sub-Dean of His Majesty's Chapel Royal) died 14th June 1788 aged 58 years.

[165] Here lieth the Body of ELIZABETH Wife of John GREENHILL of Frittenden died January the 11, 1753 aged 61 years. Left issue one daughter FRANCES. Affliction sore long time she bore Physicians were in vain Till God did please Death should me seize To ease me of my pain.

[166] In memory of JOHN GREENHILL of Frittenden, Yeoman, he died December the 12th 1763 aged 77 years. He left issue 2 daughters Elizabeth & Frances. Free from all care and pain Asleep my body ..... (illegible.)

[167] Here lyeth the body of MARY the wife of John GREENHILL the daughter of Richard and Elizabeth WOOD who died the 22 of December 1715 in the 29 year of her age. Left issue 2 daughters Eliza & Mary.

[168] Here lieth the body of RICHARD WOOD who died the 28 day of April 1715 in the 64 year of his age. Left issue one son and five daughters Richard, Mary, Eliz, Sarah, Martha, & Ann.

[169] Sacred to the memory of REBECCA ANN daughter of Robert and Harriot TURK of this Parish who died November 5th 1832 aged 19 years. Also CHARLES their son died in its infancy. The pale consumption gave the fatal blow, Death was certain tho' the effect was slow; With wasting pains death found me sore oppressed, Pitied my sighs and kindly gave me rest. Also HARRIOT daughter of Robert & Harriot Turk died September 19 1841 aged 19 years.

[170] In loving remembrance of WILLIAM P. GURR of this parish who departed this life August 8th 1881 in the 78th year of his age.

[171] Sacred to the memory of Captain PETER ALLEN (late in the service of the Hon. East India Company) son of Gabriel & Mary Allen. Late of Maidstone who died December 13th 1853 aged 62 years.

[172] Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of Gabriel ALLEN, surgeon, Formerly of Maidstone who died on the 21st of March 1829 aged 75 years. Also the above GABRIEL ALLEN who died the 29th of November 1831 aged 83 years. Left issue 6 sons & 2 daughters.

[173] Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of GABRIEL ALLEN, Surgeon, of Bettenham in Cranbrook (formerly of this Parish) who died April 7th 1831 aged 45 years. Left issue 13 children. Also the above GABRIEL ALLEN who died October 14th 1859 aged 77 years.

[174] Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM PEARSON Wheelwright of this Parish who departed this life December 9th 1859 aged 49 years. Leaving a widow and 5 children viz. Maria, William, John, Elizabeth and George. In love he lived, in peace he died, His life was crav'd but God denied. Also of ELIZABETH widow of the above who died March 5th 1878 aged 73 years. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews. XIII. 14th Verse. Sacred to the memory of MARIA, eldest daughter of William and Elizabeth PEARSON of this parish who died November 5th 1865 aged 26 years. Friends weep not in sorrow of spirit, But joy that my time here is o'er, I go the good part to inherit, Where sorrow and sin are no more.

[175] In memory of THOMAS PAINE who died June the 29th 1765 aged 83 years. Also JUDETH his wife who died July the 12th 1755 aged 69 years. Likewise Elizabeth their daughter wife of John LARGE she died April 30 1759 aged 38 years. Left issue two sons Richard and John.

[176] In memory of John, son of Thomas & JUDETH PAINE who died October the 18th 1749 aged 37 years.

[177] Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM CORNES late of this parish who departed this life July 14th 1852 aged 73 years. Also of SARAH wife of the above William Cornes who died October 14th 1848 aged 62 years. Leaving surviving four sons and five daughters viz. John, William, Thomas, Norton, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, Sarah and Harriot, also LEONARD who died in his infancy. Husband and children do not weep, In heaven with you I hope to meet, And there our cheerful voices raise, To sing our Dear redeemer's paise.

[178] In memory of JESSE TASSELL of this parish who died August 22nd 1858 aged 32 years. Left surviving a widow and two sons (viz) Horace and Elgar.

[179] Erected to the memory of HARRIOT the wife of EDWARD DAY of this Parish who died December 21st 1865 aged 39 years. Left surviving two sons and two daughters (viz) Horace, Edgar, Emma and Eva, the above sons by her former husband.

[180] Sacred to the memory of THOMAS CORNES farmer of this parish who departed this life on the 20th day of July 1863 aged 48 years. This stone is erected by a few personal friends in token of their appreciation of his honest and obliging disposition as well in sympathy for his wife and daughter in their loss of so good a husband and father.

(Three small coped stones on a plinth.)
[181] In affectionate remembrance of FRANK, sixth son of CHARLES. M.E. & EMMA C. CORNES of Pluckley and late of this parish who died December 27th 1882 aged 10 days. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed by the name of the Lord.

[182] In affectionate remembrance of CHARLES M.E. and Emma C. CORNES of this parish who died April 30th 1877 aged 4 years and 5 months. An angel took my flower away, yet I will not repine Since Jesus in his bosom wears, that flower that once was mine.

[183] In affectionate remembrance of SARAH infant daughter of CHARLES M.E. and Emma C. CORNES of this Parish who died April 14th 1870 aged 14 weeks. No longer weep for her, so early gone to rest; Your little lamb rest peacefully, upon her Saviour's breast.

[184] In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM CORNES of this Parish who died October 7th 1872 aged 60 years. Also of ANN wife of the above who died February 28th 1865 aged 60 years. Leaving 2 sons and 2 daughters; (viz) Charles-M.E., William, Jane and Emily. The above named Ann, left by her first husband 5 daughters (viz) Mary-Ann, Hannah, Sarah, Harriett and Ann. How hard it is to part with those We hold on earth so dear, The heart no greater trial knows No sorrow more severe.

(A coped stone.)
[185] In affectionate remembrance of SARAH third daughter of Charles and Ann Wood of this parish who died February 16th 1878 aged 50 years. We cannot tell who next may fall beneath thy chastening rod: On must be first, so let us all prepare to meet our God.

[186] Sacred to the memory of NORTON CORNES of this Parish who died December 19th 1873 aged 44 years. Leaving a widow and eight children, Sarah, Ann, Esther, Elizabeth, Thomas, Eliza, Eva and Agnes. Also of SUSAN daughter of the above who died June 6th 1862 aged 3 years.

[187] Under neth this tombe lyeth the body of GEORGE BROWN who departed this life the 13 day of April 1702 aged 43 years. Hee left issue by ELIZABETH one daughter MARY. Under neth ..... body of ELIZABETH daughter ...... MARY his wife who departed this life 27 ... 1703 aged 3 years.

[These extracts occur in the Parish Register:-
1702 April 17 Mr. George Brown, Chirurgeon, Householder.
1703 February 3 Elizabeth the daughter of Mrs Mary Brown, widdow.
1708 August the 2nd Mrs Mary Brown, widdow.]

This is the end of the Monumental Inscriptions found by the Revd. Haslewood in the churchyard of the established church of St Michael's, Smarden, up to and including 1886.
The Reverend Haslewood then continued his researches with an account of the Non-conformist chapels of Smarden. He started with the Particular Baptists and their Tilden Chapel. He discusses its history, formation and its books, and quotes liberally from them. Finally he then lists all the M.Is. he found inside the Chapel and in its burying ground or graveyard.
[188] This Is the Gift of JAMES TILDEN; of: High Halden, in Kent, Yeaman: and Was Built in the year 1726

On the floor
[189] Here lyes Interr'd the Body of JAMES TILDEN, of High Halden in Kent, Yeoman who departed this life the 19th of November 1729 & Aged 81 Years.

White marble tablet on the Wall.
[190] Sacred to the memory of JOHN BALLARD, of Staplehurst, in this County; who died August 22nd 1835, aged 61 years. the deceas'd was for many years a faithful deacon of the church assembly here: he was the subject of severe and lengthened affliction which he bore with great resignation and even cheerfulness in his intercourse with society he was generous yet firm: as a christian he was consistent and a man of fervent prayer: his memory will long be cherished with respect by all who knew him and with true affection by a bereaved wife and family. "Behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace!" Also PRISCILLA, wife of the above who died May 6th 1854, aged 76 years.

[191] In Memory of JOHN, son of BENJAMIN and MARGARET ELGAR of this parish, who died July 19th 1841. aged 3 years. also ELI, son of the above who died at Ash near Sandwich May 13th 1857. Aged 15 years.

[192] In Memory of JAMES son of BENJAMIN and MARGARET ELGAR of this parish, who died at near Sandwich. August 17th 1866. aged 31 years

[193] I.H.S. In affectionate remembrance of BENJAMIN ELGAR who died at Richborough Farm Ash next Sandwich, on the 23rd day of May 1878 in the 80th year of his age. also of MARGARET, wife of the above who died at Richborough Farm Ash next Sandwich, on the 26th day of May 1881, in the 80th year of her age, both formerly of this parish. I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

A double-headed stone with a small profile portrait.
[194] Here lieth interr'd the body of THOMAS EDMET of Biddenden yeoman who departed this life March the 28th 1735 aged 36 years. Also MARY his wife who departed this life March the 20th 1745 aged 47 years. Left issue 5 children (viz) JANE SAMUEL, MARY, ELIZABETH & SARAH. Also MARY daughter of the above THOMAS and MARY EDMET departed this life December 28th 1789 in the 60th year of her age.

[195] In memory of ELIZABETH PAYNE spinster (sister to the undermentioned Mrs EDMET) who died February 9th 1787 aged 49 years. In memory of SARAH wife of SAMUEL EDMET of Biddenden who departed this life July the 12th 1761 aged 30 years. Left issue one son THOMAS.

[196] In memory of SARAH daughter of JAMES & SARAH PETTER POWELL who died March 30th 1785 aged 15 years. also WILLIAM, JOHN, JOSEPH and WILLIAM sons of J and S.P. POWELL died in their infancy.

[197] To the memory of JAMES POWELL of this parish, surgeon, who died the 14th of March 1804 in the 61st year of his age. He left surviving three sons and one daughter. Also SARAH-PETTER POWELL widow of the above died at Chichester the 26th April 1821 aged 70 years.

On the sides of a stone Altar Tomb.
[198] Here lieth interr'd Mr THOMAS HAFFENDEN of this parish who died April 8th 1756 aged 75 years. He was a diligent and faithful minister of the gospel above forty years. [He is described as "Elder" in the book belonging to this Chapel, and was appointed a Trustee for the School at his Chapel in 1726. He was co-pastor with Thomas Gilham, for it was the custom in those days to have two ministers. He lived at what is called Haffenden Quarter.] Also here lieth MARY his wife (daughter of RICHARD HAFFENDEN of this parish, gentleman) who died July the 6 1746 aged 66 years. They left issue one daughter ELIZABETH the wife of JOHN HAFFENDEN of Bethersden.

Old fashioned upright stone with a portrait incised.
[199] Here lieth the body of GEORGE HAFFENDEN son of THOMAS HAFFENDEN & MARY his wife: who departed this life October the 13th 1742 aged 25 years.

Stone similar to the last also with portrait.
[200] Here lieth interr'd the body of THOMAS HAFFENDEN son of THOMAS HAFFENDEN and Mary his wife; who departed this life January the 8th 1737 aged 27 years.

[201] In memory of ROBERT HOOKER late of this parish; who departed this life 8th March 1794 aged 85 years. Also of MARY his wife who died 14th August 1794 aged 81 years. Left issue five sons and one daughter (viz) JAMES, MARY, JOSEPH, JOHN, BENJAMIN & ISAAC.

[202] Sacred to the memory of JAMES CORNES of this parish who departed this life April 12th 1870 aged 83 years. Also HANNAH wife of the above who departed this life September 10th 1857 aged 66 years. Also ANNE their daughter who died in infancy, leaving surviving three sons and two daughters namely JAMES, CHARLES, MARY ANN ELIZA and JOHN.

[203] To the memory of STEPHEN HOOKER of Aldington who died the 5: of June 1779 aged 79 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife who died the 8: of May 1789 aged 87 years. They left issue five sons and two daughters viz: SARAH, STEPHEN, JOHN, WILLIAM, DANIEL, ELIZABETH & THOMAS. Kind angels watch this sleeping dust, Till Jesus comes to raise the just. Then may they wake with sweet surprise, And in their Saviours image rise. [The Register states that Stephen was a Deacon and died 1780.]

A thick stone with portrait incised.
[204] In memory of EDWARD SEARLES late of Wye in the County of Kent, yeoman, died May the 31st. .....1746 aged 49 years.

[205] Here lieth the body of SAMUEL HARDEN of this parish who died September 29th 1778 aged 72 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife who died May 22 1784 aged 88 years.

[206] (Difficult to read.) Here interr'd the daughter of THOMAS and ELIZABETH RUSSELL of Tenterden who died October 9 1747 in the 76 of her age.

[207] To the pious memory of the most affectionate ELIZABETH RUSSELL who departed this life November the 26th 1752 aged 35 years. Left issue one son and two daughters. This stone is erected by her disconsolate friend THOMAS RUSSELL of Tenterden. This read with a sigh and follow'd with a tear, alas is all that friends on earth can do.

[208] In memory of THOMAS RUSSELL, senior, late of Tenterden in this County who died 6th October 1782 aged 72 years. Left issue THOMAS and ELIZABETH.

[209] Here lieth interr'd the body of ROBERT SANDERST of Great Chart, yeoman, who departed this life March the 13th 1745 aged 52 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life January 20th 1747 aged 52 years. Left issue two daughters ELIZABETH & MARY.

[210] (On the side of an altar tomb.) Here lieth the body of THOMAS SIMMONS of High Halden in Kent yeoman, he departed this life June the 20th 1755 aged 76 years. [The Book states he was a Deacon and died 21 June.] JOHN SIMMONS his nephew erected this tomb.

(An altar tomb)
[211] In memory of JENKIN HAGUE of Folkstone, late of Biddenden Kent, gentleman, who died March 19th 1777 in the 77th year of his age. In memory of SUSAN the wife of JENKIN HAGUE of Folkstone, late of Biddenden, Kent, who died June 23rd 1774 in the 74th year of her age. ---- 1881

[212] In loving remembrance of KATE CLARA TONG died December 30th 1882 aged 8 years, are lying near LILLY JANE TONG died November 26th 1870 aged 7 months. They are not lost but gone before.

[213] Here lieth intrr'd the body of JOHN PETLY of Smarden, yeoman, who departed this life May the 16th 1743 aged 46 years, and left his wife SUSANNAH PETLY. Also here lieth SUSANNA his wife late wife of RICHARD BAKER of Biddenden who died October the 9th 1760 aged 67 years.

[214] In memory of WILLIAM AUSTIN formerly of Egerton, but late of this parish: who died November the 4th 1804 aged 64 years. Left issue one daughter MARY. Also MARY his wife who died August 25th 1825 aged 78 years. Likewise MARY DAY daughter of the above who died March 14th 1826 aged 36 years.

[215] In memory of SARAH wife of JOSEPH GILHAM of this parish who died January the 3rd 1770 aged 22 years. Go home dear friends and shed no tears must be here till Christ appears And at his coming I hope to have A joyful rising from the grave Short was my race long may be my rest God took me from you when he thought best.

[216] In memory of MARY wife of JAMES FULLER of this parish who died January 29th 1781 aged 47 years.
Also the said JAMES FULLER son of SAMUEL & ELIZABETH FULLER departed this life April 10th 1787 aged 55 years.

[217] Thy will be done. HIS In memory of HANNAH CORNES daughter of JAMES and HANNAH CORNES of this parish who departed this life February 5th 1866 aged 42 years. "Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ."

[218] In memory of JAMES PAYNE late of Cranbrook who died 23rd June 1792 aged 63 years. Also SUSANNAH his wife who died September 14th 1815 aged 80 years.

[219] In memory of SUSANNA wife of JOSEPH LONG who departed this life May the 22nd 1771 aged 68 years.

On a wooden board.
[220] ...... BROWN of Biddenden .... 1792 .....----- Also SARAH his wife who departed this life October 30 1788 aged 61 years. Likewise ELIZABETH daughter of RICHARD and SARAH RECORD of Lenham who died June 2 1795 aged 9 years.

[221] In memory of THOMAS TURK of Pluckley who died September 12th 1859 aged 59 years. Also ANN ARIA wife of the above who died June 2nd 1878 aged 70 years. Also MARY who died August 9th 1857 aged 21 years. Also FRANCES who died September 12th 1857 aged 17 years daughter of the above.

[222] In memory of Mrs SARAH BALLARD late of Hawkhurst who calmly left this world of cares September 25th 1829 aged 77 years.Also near this place are the remains of her first husband SAMUEL HEATH who died 1788 aged 41 years, and one daughter ELIZABETH who died July 10th 1789 aged 8 years. Also one son JESSE who died July 11th 1807 aged 24 years and one grandchild SARAH-ANN who died November 7th 1816 aged 7 months.

[223] In memory of SOPHIA daughter of JOB and ELIZABETH SANDERS who died October the 9th 1815 aged 18 years.

[224] In memory of SARAH daughter of JOB and ELIZABETH SANDERS who died August the 4th 1811 aged 18 years.

[225] In memory of ELIZABETH wife of JOB SANDERS of this parish who died December the 7th 1802 aged 40 years. Left issue three sons and four daughters (viz) JOB, THOMAS, SILAS, ELIZABETH, SARAH, SOPHIA, and MARY. Also the above JOB SANDERS who died January 7th 1833 aged 74 years.

[226] In memory of ELIZABETH daughter of JOB and ELIZABETH SANDERS January the 28th 18.... aged 21 years.

[227] In memory of SARAH wife of JAMES ELGER of Headcorn who died January 1st 1797 aged 42 years. Left issue 4 sons and 4 daughters (viz) JAMES, EDWARD, THOMAS, BENJAMIN, SARAH, MARY, ELIZABETH and JANE. Also the above JAMES ELGAR late of this parish who died July 12th 1827 aged 77 years.

[228] In memory of THOMAS ELGAR son of JAMES and SARAH ELGAR of Smarden who died May 13th 1833 aged 43 years.

[229] Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH and MARY BRIDGE, builder, of this parish. JOSEPH died February 17th 1868 aged 80 years. MARY died June 6th 1861 aged 77 years. Leaving 3 sons JAMES, ROBERT, and JOSEPH. Why do we mourn departing friends or shake at death's alarms, 'tis but the voice that Jesus sends to call us to his arms.

[230] In memory of MARY ANN daughter of JAMES & MARY BRIDGER late of High Halden who died February 16 1859 aged 1 year & 10 months.

[231] In memory of DANIEL FOORD who died June 20th 1809 aged 33 years. Also CHARLOTTE FOORD (wife of the above) died July 2nd 1812 aged 27 years. To faith and charity her heart inclin'd, Gentle, prudent, of an easy mind, Ready to forgive, fearful to offend, Faithful to her parents, true to her friend, Her course she finish'd, and resign'd her breath, In pursuit of heaven through the vale of death.

[232] Sacred to the memory of ELI BALLARD of Staplehurst who died 27th August 1881 aged 74 years leaving a widow to lament his loss. "For I know that my redeemer lieth."

[233] Erected to the memory of WILLIAM BALLARD bachelor late of Staplehurst who died April 21st 1837 aged 34 years. Submissive at thy throne O God, we own the justice of thy rod; 'tis thine to send thy judgements down, 'tis ours to say "thy will be done." Life's uncertain death is sure, sin the wound but Christ the cure. Also near this place ESTHER BALLARD sister to the above who departed this life June 20th 1852 aged 44 years.

[234] In memory of MARY wife of RICHARD BALLARD of Staplehurst who died November 20th 1820 aged 20 years. Also the above RICHARD BALLARD of Biddenden and son of JOHN and PRISCILLA BALLARD of Staplehurst who died December 15th 1827 aged 26 years leaving MARY his second wife and three children (viz) LOUISA, MELICENT, and RICHARD.

[235] In memory of SILAS SANDERS of this parish who died December 28th 1833 aged 43 years.

[236] Sacred to the memory of JANE wife of JOHN HOOKER and youngest daughter of HENRY and MARY WISE of Egerton who died May 15th 1859 aged 47 years. Also HENRY infant son of the above who died June 5th 1848 she left surviving one son and six daughters namely JANE, ELIZABETH, MARY ANN, SARAH ANN, MERCY, JOHN, and LOUISA. Many have been her afflictions; but the Lord has delivered her out of them all.

[237] In memory of MARK A. COPPING who died June the 19th 1855 aged 6 months.

[238] In memory of JOHN COPPING who was a faithful pastor of the baptist church in this place for 23 years and entered into rest January 30th 1837 aged 65 years leaving a widow and six children also MARY his first wife who died August 19th 1826 aged 54 years. Likewise JANE his second wife who died November 17th 1840 aged 45 years. Left issue one daughter JANE.

[239] Sacred to the memory of JANE wife of SILAS HICKMOTT of Frittenden who died in the Lord, July the 16th 1857 aged 40 years leaving eight children.

[240] In memory of MATTHEW PARKER of this parish who died March 16th 1820 aged 61 years. By his request borne to the grave by his sons. Also SARAH his wife who died June 18th 1832 aged 72 years. Left issue nine children viz JABEZ, MARY, JOSIAH, SARAH, PHEBY, RACHEL, JESSE, MORIAH and JAMES. In the midst of industry, thought on death.

[241] In memory of JOSEPH STEARS who died April 23rd 1840 aged 54 years. Also ELIZABETH wife of JOSEPH STEARS late of Biddenden who died October 28th 1835 aged 54 years. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter (viz) JAMES, WILLIAM and ELIZABETH she was an affectionate wife and a tender mother. A sudden change I in a moment fell, And had not time to bid my friends farewell; Think nothing strange death happens unto all, 'Tis my lot today tomorrow thine may fall.

[242] Sacred to the memory of ALFRED OTTAWAY son of SAMUEL and MARY OTTAWAY who died February 10th 1861 aged 22 years. Encased within this sacred grave, lies one who did his earthly part; to serve his master and to save, his soul from sin with truthful heart.

[243] In memory of PETER HILLS of this parish who died June 15th aged 64 years. Also MARY wife of PETER HILLS of this parish who died May 18th 1834 aged 35 years. Likewise JANE his second wife who died July 11th 1881 aged 72 years.

[244] Here are deposited the earthly remains of JAMES BOORMAN of East Sutton who departed this life February 9th 1845 aged 84 years. Also MARY wife of the above who departed this life May 27th 1844 aged 80 years. Left issue surviving 4 sons and 4 daughters.

[245] In memory of JAMES PEARSON (of Kennardington) who died December 14th 1871 aged 60 years. Also four children of the above who died in their infancy. He left a widow and seven children (viz) WILLIAM, ALFRED, JAMES, MARY ANN, THOMAS HENRY, SUSANNA and SARAH. Also PHEBE daughter of the above who died June 27th 1863 aged 32 years. "Ere long this tomb shall yield its prey, When the believers here, With Jesus on that joyful day, All glorious shall appear."

Two stones within iron railings
[246] 1853 Beneath lieth the mortal remains of JOHN BOORMAN late of Biddenden who died September 22nd aged 77 years. Also RACHEL BOORMAN of Biddenden who died May 31st 1875 in her 90th year. "Complete in Him" Colossians II. 10

[247] In memory of CHARLOTTE wife of JOHN BOORMAN of Biddenden who died March 8th 1856 aged 51 years. Also of the above JOHN BOORMAN who died May 11th 1882 aged 78 years. "He giveth his beloved sleep." Psalm 127. 2

A wooden memorial
[248] In memory of JAMES COPPING son of ROBERT & ELIZABETH COPPING of this parish who died September 18th 1835 aged 25 years. Life is uncertain, death is sure, sin the wound but Christ the cure.

[249] C.S. 1866

[250] Sacred to the memory of CHARLES HAYTER son of THOMAS and ELEANOR HAYTER who died September 13th 1863 aged 35 years leaving a widow and one son FRANK. Also CHARLES son of the above who died January 2nd 1857 aged 4 months. "The dead shall hear the voice of the son of God; and they that hear shall live." John 5, 25.

[251] In memory of SARAH wife of JOHN CHILDREN who departed this life June 29th 1872 in the 74th year of her age. Left surviving 1 son and 1 daughter SILAS and SARAH.

[252] Erected by his sorrowing children in loving remembrance of SILAS HICKMOTT who died February 13th 1870 aged 63 years. Fearless he enter'd Jordan's flood, At peace with heaven, he closed his eyes, His only trust was Jesu's blood. In sure and certain hope to rise. "Mary the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace." Also BENJAMIN son of the above who died June 14th 1847 aged 1 year & 6 months; and WILLIAM who died March 12th 1869 aged 18 years.

[253] In memory of STEPHEN HICKMOTT bachelor of Buckhurst Hill, Frittenden who died December 7th 1882 in the 80th year of his age. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus 2. 13.

Two small coffin Stones
[254] ALICE CHAMBERS died February 26th 1857 aged 18 months. ..... CHAMBERS died April 1860 aged 2 years.

[255] In affectionate remembrance of MARGARET the beloved wife of JOHN CORNES of this parish who died November 9th 1880 aged 45 years leaving two children (viz) HANNAH-LOUISE and JAMES-PERCY. So live, that falling into death's last sleep calm thou may'st smile, while all around thee weep.

[256] This stone was erected in affectionate remembrance by WILLIAM & PHAROAH HONESS (now in America) to their departed mother MARGARET the beloved wife of WILLIAM HONESS of this parish who departed this life on the 21st February 1879 aged 50 years: leaving 10 children, 6 sons and 4 daughters (viz) WILLIAM, PHAROAH, LEWIS, EDWIN, LEONARD, ARTHUR, MARIA, EMMA, ESTHER and GRACE. Also JOHN son of the above who died 2nd January 1868 aged 20 years. In the midst of life we are in death.

[257] To the memory of EDWARD HONEYSETT yeoman of this parish who died March 4th 1840 aged 75 years. N.B. He was a worthy member of this church upwards of fifty years. Also ELEANOR his wife who died October 9th 1838 aged 71 years.

[258] Erected to the memory of JOHN PETTET of this parish who died July 11th 1850 aged 73 years.

[259] E.B. 1871. [The Minister's Book identifies these initials, 1871, January 6th as Elizabeth Buss, Maidstone, 31.]

[260] In memory of WILLIAM SYCKELMOORE a devoted pastor of the baptist church in this place for upwards of 20 years he was called to his eternal rest 16th January 1858 in the 68 year of his age. Victory through the blood of the lamb. Also MARY-ANN wife of the above who died October 8th 1865 aged 76 years.

[261] In memory of SOPHIA BRIDGER who died August 29 1862 aged 48 years Left surviving 6 sons and 4 daughters.

[262] In memory of CHARLES WOOD who died February 22nd 1869 aged 62 years. Also ELIZABETH BUSS daughter of the above who died January 2nd 1871 aged 31 years. Also JOHN son of the above who died April 27th 1876 aged 34 years.

[263] In remembrance of JAMES REEVES late of Sutton Valence who died January 22nd 1885 aged 67 years. Also MARY wife of the above who died September 15th 1871 aged 54 years.Left surviving 2 sons and four daughters viz ALFRED, MARY ANN, ALBERT, RACHEL, ELIZA & LOUISA. Who is a God like unto thee? Micah 7c. 18v.

[264] In affectionate remembrance of CHARLES BATT of this parish who died September 9th 1868 aged 50 years. Asleep in Jesus. Leaving a widow and 10 children to lament their loss. Also HOSMER son of the above who died September 24th 1870 aged 3 years and 4 months. Also EBENEZER son of the above who died at Hartland, Wisconsin, North America October 8th 1882 aged 33 years.

A coped stone.
[265] In affectionate remembrance of CHARLES son of ELI and ANN WOOD of Headcorn who died July 11th 1870 aged 2 years and 9 months. "Why weepest thou, fond parents, dry thy tears: a few more setting suns, or rolling years, shall bring thee, if in Jesus, to that shore, where thou shalt meet thy child, to part no more."

[266] Sacred to the memory of SARAH the wife of JOHN MILLEN who departed this life October 13th 1874 aged 57 years of Wissenden, Bethersden, leaving issue two daughters and two sons viz ELIZABETH, SARAH, JOHN & THOMAS. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. xiv.

[267] This stone was erected in 1876 to the memory of WILLIAM FREEMAN of Biddenden whose wish it was to have his remains buried here, he was born March 4th 1880, died .......18..Also RACHEL wife of the above born January 16th 1805 died April 17th 1873

[268] In memory of SARAH FARRANCE of the parish of Frittenden who departed this life May 1st 1878 aged 67 years. Also of RHODA DUREY niece of the above who departed this life February 1st 1872 aged 13 years.

[269] Sacred to the memory of EDWARD SHILLING of Tenterden who departed this life October 2nd 1853 aged 64 years. Whose remains were interred at Bethersden in this county. Also of CHARLOTTE his wife who died September 11th 1870 aged 78 years. Whore mortal remains rest here. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea; saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours: and their works do follow them. Rev. xiv. 13.

At the farthest point from the Chapel, close to the hedge.
[270] In affectionate remembrance of GEORGE KINGSNORTH of Pluckley who died January 15th 1884 aged 54 years. Also of CHARLOTTE first wife of the above who died December 30th 1873 aged 44 years. Also of 3 of their children viz. JOHN, died December 22nd 1864 aged 3 years. JOHN WILLIAM BURCH died January 17th 1870 aged 10 months and ELIZABETH died June 9th 1870 aged 3 years. Left surviving MARY ANN his affectionate widow also 3 sons and 2 daughters viz GEORGE, FRANK, OLIVER, BETSY ANN and CHARLOTTE.

[271] Sacred to the memory of JAMES PEARSON who died at Hadman Place in this parish February 2nd 1882 aged 62 years. Leaving a widow and one son to mourn their loss. "From grief to bliss from earth to heaven removed, His memory honoured and his life beloved."

[272] In memory of JAMES PEARSON late of Biddenden who died April 16th 1865 aged 75 years. Also ELIZABETH his widow who died December 6th 1865 aged 73 years. The memory of the just is blessed.

[273] In memory of ALFRED YOUNGEST SON OF JAMES and ELIZABETH PEARSON of Biddenden who departed this life February 24th 1848 aged 22 years. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
The Reverend Haslewood then moved on to the history, description and papers of the General Baptist Chapel, also called the Zion Chapel, and its burying ground known as Spier's Ash, where he found thirty-two monuments.

[274] In memory of ELIZABETH the truly affectionate wife of THOMAS DAWSON who died September 23rd 1765 aged 35 years. Left issue two sons (viz) THOMAS MERCER and DANIEL. DANIEL since here interr'd. Also the above THOMAS DAWSON died February the 7th 1822 aged 89 years.

A thick stone with a carved side face portrait.
[275] DANIEL AUSTEN late maltster of this parish died March 8th 1794 aged 89 years and is buried at the Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel near Tunbridge Wells. In memory of MARY wife of DANIEL AUSTEN of this parish maltster who departed this life November the 27th 1760 in the 49 year of her age. She left issue four children that ..... SARAH, MARY, JOHN and ANN.

[276] In memory of WILLIAM READ who died February 6th 1844 aged 37 years. Also ELIZABETH his daughter who died April 29th 1852 aged 19 years. Also ESTHER his daughter who died December 23rd 1843 aged 11 months. He left surviving 1 son and 3 daughters viz JAMES HOSMER JANE, SARAH ANN and EMILY.

[277] In memory of BENJAMIN HOSMER who died the 5th of March 1804 aged 76 years. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died the 26th of May 1799 aged 65 years. Left issue two sons & two daughters (viz) DANIEL, JOSEPH, ELIZABETH, and ELEANOR. Watch! for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

[278] In memory of JOSEPH HOSMER of Headcorn who departed this life December 15th 1837 aged 65 years. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. Our friend is gone before To that celestial shore: He hath left his mates behind, He hath all the storms outrode! Found the rest we toil to find. Landed in the arms of God. Also ANN his wife who died February 4th 1853 aged 77 years. Left issue two sons & seven daughters (viz) JOHN, JAMES, SARAH, MARY, CHARLOTTE, ANN, ELIZABETH, JANE and MARTHA.

[279] In memory of EMMA HARRIET ANDERSON daughter of EDWARD and EMMA ANDERSON who died March 4th 1856 aged 1 year 9 months. Also WILLIAM ANDERSON son of the above who died June 27th 1857 aged 5 months.

[280] In memory of SARAH wife of DANIEL HOSMER of this parish who died the 27th of May 1817 aged 43 years. Also the above DANIEL HOSMER died February 11th 1827 aged 56 years. He was a worthy elder of this Church for 20 years.

[281] In memory of SARAH wife of JOHN THORPE of this parish who died the 3rd of May 1811 aged 72 years. Left issue one son & two daughters (viz) JOHN, SARAH & ANN. All you that view my grave prepare to follow me in hope to rise among the just. Also the above JOHN THORPE died July 1st 1828 aged 82 years.

[281] Erected to the memory of THOMAS ANDERSON plumber of this parish who died ..... 18... aged.... years. Also MARY-ANN second wife of the above who died July 12th 1838 aged 47 years. Also WILLIAM their son who died at Pluckley February 8th 1843 aged 29 years. Left issue 3 sons and 2 daughters (viz) THOMAS EDWARD, ALFRED, MARY-ANN and ANN-MARIA. Also ELIZABETH his third wife who died April 19th 1864 aged 57 years.

[282] In memory of ANN wife of BENJAMIN AUSTEN of this parish who died the 27th of August 1804 aged 30 years. Stop, mortals, you must shortly die; Consider now, your end, Prepare to rise above the sky, When Jesus shall descend, To earth, to call the righteous home, When all shall hear his voice, And every sinner meet his doom, Love God and you'll rejoice. Also the above BENJAMIN AUSTEN who died the 13th of September 1859 aged 84 years.

Within iron railings.
[283] Erected to the memory of JAMES DAWSON of this parish who died February 3rd 1843 aged 71 years. Likewise SUSAN wife of JAMES DAWSON of this parish who died July 6th 1805 aged 35 years. Also of ELIZABETH DAWSON who died June 21st 1831 aged 52 years.

[284] In memory of THOMAS HUNTLEY of this parish who died November 22nd 1841 aged 46 years. Also SARAH his wife who died October 24th 1860 aged 72 years. Left issue 2 daughters viz CHARLOTTE & ELIZABETH also THOMAS who died in his infancy.

Long wooden memorial.
[285] WILLIAM BURBIDGE died 5th August 1840 aged 67 years. MARY BURBIDGE died June 4th 1819 aged 39 years.

[286] In memory of MATTHEW VANE an esteemed useful and worthy minister and elder of this church who died June 6th 1763 aged 48 years. Left issue one son and one daughter (viz) JAMES and SARAH In life let us all prepare for death Life how short eternity how long. Also of SARAH his wife who died December 19th 1803 aged 80 years. Also SARAH VANE daughter of the above died November 4th 1833 aged 80 years.

[287] In memory of WILLIAM CHILDREN draper of Rye, Sussex beloved son of WILLIAM and MARY CHILDREN of Smarden died December 8th 1877 aged 31 years.

[288] In memory of WILLIAM CHILDREN farmer of Smarden died August 13th 1853 aged 40 leaving a widow, two sons and one daughter SARAH-ANN WILLIAM and FRANK.

[289] Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM CHILDREN who died April 10 1853 aged 65 years. Also ABIGAIL wife of the above who died November 30th 1853 aged 65 years, had issue 2 sons and 6 daughters. WILLIAM died August 13th 1853 aged 40 years LYDIA died September 5th 1853 aged 29 years ESTHER died July 25th 1858 aged 28 years JOHN died 1822 aged 6 months ELIZABETH died 1831 aged 21 years JANE died May 27th aged 25 years MARY-ANN died March 28th 1849 aged 29 years ANN died March 25th 1865 aged 49 years

[290] In memory of WILLIAM SEELEY farmer of Smarden died December 29th 1833 aged 52 years. Also MARY his wife died September 28th 1865 aged 80 years leaving two daughters MARY and MARGARET.

[291] In memory of ISAAC BEKEN who departed this life April 15th 1864 aged 75 years. Also HANNAH his wife who departed this life February 4th 1864 aged 76 years. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1st Thess 4c., 14v.

Two coffin shaped stones.
[292] Sacred to the memory of JAMES UNICUME of the parish of Headcorn who departed this life November 20th 1854 aged 40 years. Left surviving a widow and issue three sons viz JAMES, THOMAS and SAMUEL.

[293] Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL and JAMES UNICUME the beloved sons of JAMES and MARTHA UNICUME of Headcorn. SAMUEL died June 27th 1856 aged 3 years JAMES died February 4th 1860 aged 12 years.

[294] In memory of JOHN WOOD of this parish who died September 18th 1851 aged 62 years. Also PHOEBE his wife who died January 1st 1847 aged 56 years. Left issue 4 children (viz) SARAH, PHOEBE, MARY and JANE.

[295] Sacred to the memory of JAMES HOSMER of Headcorn Place who departed this life February 8th 1870 aged 58 years. Called quickly to his fathers house above there were no farewells to his loved ones given but there are welcomes for them all in store when they shall meet with him to part no more.

[296] In memory of ELIZABETH daughter of JAMES & SARAH HOSMER of Headcorn who died April 23rd 1851 aged 17 years. Also GABRIEL son of the above who died February 4th 1856 aged 3 years & 8 months. Also JABEZ son of the above who died March 20th 1859 aged 4 years. Likewise RHODA daughter of the above who died June 2nd 1869 aged 26 years.

[297] In memory of HERBERT son of CALEB and MARY HOSMER died February 16th 1876 aged 4 years and 2 months.

[298] In loving memory of MARK BOORMAN who died at Benenden January 15th 1880 aged 41 years leaving a widow and 7 children. Also of MARK son of the above who died January 17th 1880 aged 2 years and 5 months. "Be ye ready" Also of HARRIETT daughter of the above who died March 26th 1880 aged 9 months. "Suffer the little children to come unto me."

[299] Sacred to the memory of MARY-FOWELE ROFE the beloved wife of the Reverend THOMAS ROFE of Headcorn who died in peace September 15th 1846 aged 60 years. Also of the above Rev'd THOMAS ROFE who died July 3rd 1879 aged 91 years.

A coped stone.
[300] Sacred to the memory of ANN the beloved wife of WILLIAM HARVEY of Hawkhurst in this County and youngest daughter of the Rev'd THOMAS ROFE of Headcorn was born April 12th 1826 and died April 12th 1853 leaving issue 2 daughters viz MARY & ANNE, also of ANNE born February 6th and died September 26th 1853. Also of MARY born June 21st 1851 died August 5th 1864 not lost but gone before.

[301] In memory of ALBERT son of THOMAS & MARY ROFE late of Headcorn who died September 2nd 1829 aged 9 weeks. Also MARY their daughter who died April 9th 1840 aged 24 years. Also WILLIAM WYMARK their son who died January 1st 1845 aged 20 years.

A double headed stone.
[302] In memory of GEORGE KENHELMN of this parish who died April the 28th in 1751 aged 66 years. He left issue two daughters MARY AND DINAH Also ELIZABETH his wife she died 14th October 1767 aged 75 years.
N.B. He was Elder of the Church of General Baptist. Meeting in Smarden and Staplehurst 33 years which office he discharged with very great faithfulness and success.

[303] In memory of MARY ANN LUPTON the beloved wife of LEWIS MILLS died July 8th 1871 aged 58 years.

[304] R. + G. July 23rd 1870.

[305] Sacred to the memory of JULIANA ESTHER JANE the affectionate daughter of GEORGE and ANN BIRT who died August 21st 1869 aged 7 years. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. Luke 18. 16.
The author also found a further private burying ground which is referred to as The Offen Burying Ground. Here he found five monumental inscriptions located in a meadow as follows:-
[306] In memory of BENJAMIN OFFEN died December 18th 1875 aged 74 years leaving a widow named SARAH, one son, one daughter namely EDWIN & ESTHER. Also ALFRED OFFEN died March 3rd 1850 aged 3 years 4 months.

[307] Sacred (This stone was erected as a mark of respect by S.B. CURTEIS.) to the memory of WILKINS OFFINS who died March 31st 1867 aged 49 years. Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at death's alarms? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms.

[308] To the memory of John son of ESSEX and SARAH OFFEN of this parish who died July the 11th 1820 aged 17 years. Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down, he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. Job Chap. 14th Verses 1 & 2. Also J.T. WETHERDEN died 19 January 1830 aged 2... years.

[309] In memory of ESSEX OFFEN of this parish Yeoman, who died 8th February 1833 aged 62 years. Also SARAH his wife who died 5th January 1860 aged 79 years. Left issue 8 children (viz) ESSEX, BENJAMIN, WILLIAM, MARGARET, THOMAS, JAMES, WILKINS and EDWIN. Farewell my wife & children dear, I must be gone, and leave you here, Here I lie, free from all pain, Till Christ, shall raise me up again.

[310] In memory of WILLIAM OFFEN WITHERDEN who died December 10th 1851 aged 23 years. When blooming youth & health is mostly brave, Death plucks up and plants us in the grave Take care young men your precious time to spend Your lives are short and quickly at an end. Also BENJAMIN OFFEN WITHERDEN who died February 1st 1831 aged 3 months.
Finally, the Reverend Haslewood's researches concluded with a description of one further private burying ground in that part of Smarden Parish known as Obden in which he listed four memorial stones he found there in a hop garden, which was called the Sanders Burying Ground, as follows:-
[311] Sacred to the memory of ANN wife of JOB SANDERS who died May 25th 1848 aged 28 years. Also the above JOB SANDERS who died December 6th 1859 aged 43 years. Leaving a widow. Left issue by his first wife 3 sons and 1 daughter (viz) THOMAS, JOB, ANN and SILAS, ANN died May 5th 1860 aged 16 years.

[312] Sacred to the memory of LUCY the beloved wife of SAMUEL CORKE of this parish who sweetly fell asleep in Jesus on the 22nd November 1868 aged 23 years. Also of her three innocent babes two of which died in October 1867 and MARY ISABELLA died November 19th 1868 aged 11 days. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14c., 13v.

[313] Erected to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of THOMAS SANDERS of this parish who died March 28th 1841 aged 24 years. Left issue 1 daughter ELIZABETH. Also MARY daughter of the above who died November 21st 1850 aged 7 years.

[314] Sacred to the memory of THOMAS SANDERS of this parish died March 11th 1859 aged 73. Also SARAH his wife died December 26th 1859 aged 72.
The author had some final thoughts in his book the Memorials of Smarden, Kent, and included them in Addenda to the main work on the very last page. He included them, as they referred to Smarden folk, although they were not buried in the Parish.

(On the floor under the Tower.)
[315] Here lyeth buried the body of SARAH MARSHALL wife of THOMAS MARSHALL daughter of JACOB TURNER of Smarden who departed this life the 10 day of May 1683, left issue two sonnes and six daughtars, aged 32 years. Here also lieth interred the body of MARIAH MARSHALL second wife of THOMAS MARSHALL, gent, who departed this life July the 17 1736 aged 77.
[The above inscription the Author copied, as bearing on the history of the Turners and Marshalls, two families long resident in Smarden. See the Will of Jacob Turner, on page 88 of the Antiquities of Smarden.]

[316] Here lieth the body of THOMAS MARSHALL, gent., senior, who departed this life the 22nd day of October 1712 aged 66 years. Also here lieth the body of Thomas Marshall, junior, a grandson aged near nine years. (vide Parson's Funeral Monuments.)

There is some account of the family of Austen (many of whom resided in the neighbourhood of Smarden), in the Memoirs of N. Lawrence Austen of Haffenden, etc., by Frank Buckland, 1877. For that of Hovenden (with Arms and Autographs) see Genealogical Memoranda relating thereto, by Robert Hovenden, 1872.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Acres, 7
Allen, 171, 172, 173
Allworthy, 147
Anderson, 279, 281
Apps, 21
Austen, 24, 29, 87, 131,
    214, 275, 282
Austin, 214
Baker, 213
Ballard, 190, 222, 232-234
Barham, 9
Basset 80
Batt, 142, 264
Bayly, 114, 115, 116, 117
Bean, 18b, 19
Beeching, 106
Beken, 291
Bingham, 149
Birt, 305
Boorman, 244,246-247,298
Bridge, 229
Bridger, 230, 261
Bridges, 35, 40, 43
Bristow, 133
Brown 187, 220
Brunger, 17, 94
Burbidge, 285
Buss, 112, 119, 259, 262
Button, 123, 128, 129, 130
Caerleton 164
Carr, 146
Carter 3a
Cary, 31
Chambers, 254
Cheeseman, 62, 63
Children, 251, 287-289
Chittenden, 109
Christian, 110, 111
Claggett, 92
Cole, 147
Colegate, 133
Cooper, 65
Copping, 237, 238, 248
Corke, 312
Cornes, 177, 180-184, 186,
   202, 217, 255
Coveney, 87
Curteis, 307
Dawson, 274, 283
Day, 179

Earl of Denbigh 6
Dennett, 93
Dorman, 164
Downe, 155
Durey, 268
Edmet, 194, 195
Elgar, 191-193, 227, 228
Elger, 227
Evenden, 60, 108, 124, 125
Farley, 77, 96
Farrance, 268
Fausley, 2
Fitch, 70, 75
Fleet, 61
Foord, 231
Fowele 299
Freeman, 267
Fry, 21, 22, 23, 25
Fullagar, 71
Fuller, 118, 216
R + G 304
Gay, 126
George, 15
Gilham, 67, 198, 215
Goodwin, 89
Greenhill, 165, 166, 167
Gurney 160
Gurr, 142, 170
Haffenden, 30, 32, 198-200
Hague, 211
Harden, 205
Harnden, 143
Harvey, 300
Haslewood, 1
Hatcher 90
Hawkes, 71
Hayter, 250
Heath, 222
Hickmott, 239, 252, 253
Hicks, 55
Hills, 150, 151, 243
Hinds, 4, 138, 140, 141
Hogben, 161, 162, 163
Holmes, 41
Homewood, 72, 73, 120
Honess, 256
Honeysett, 257
Hooker, 14, 201, 203, 236
Hopper, 136, 137
Hosmer, 264, 277, 278, 280, 295, 296, 297
Huntley, 284
Jeffery, 12
Jell, 88, 97, 98, 99, 100
Jones, 48, 49
Judge, 10, 53, 57, 58, 59
Jull 100
Kenhelmn, 302
Kennett, 152
Kingsnorth, 270
Knightley, 2
Large, 42, 44-47, 175
Law, 89
Lewis 153
Lilly, 74
Lindridge, 105
Long, 219
Lucas, 78, 83, 84
Lukin, 79
Lupton 303
Marshall, 3a, 39, 315, 316
Medhurst, 76
Merrex 125
Millen, 95, 266
Mills, 303
Munk, 120-122, 126, 127
Munn, 16, 70
Neame 7
Nickels, 26
Noakes, 97
Offen, 13, 50-53, 306, 308-310
Offins, 307
Ottaway, 27, 33-35, 38, 66,
Otway, 6
Paine, 175, 176
Parker, 240
Pawley, 3b
Payne, 195, 218
Pearson, 85, 124, 174, 245, 271-273
Pell, 145
Peren, 144
Perkins, 134
Petley, 213
Pettet, 258
Pierce 108
Powell, 196, 197
Pullen, 82
Ram, 2
Read, 276
Record, 220
Reeves, 263
Rofe, 299, 300, 301
Russel, 153
Russell, 148, 154, 156-159,
C.S., 249
Sanders, 223-226, 235,
   311, 313-314
Sanderst, 209
Searles, 204
Seeley, 113, 209
Sharlock, 91
Shilling, 269
Simmons, 210
Skinner, 75
Stawell 30
Stears, 241
Stevens, 54
Strutfield, 20
Syckelmoore, 260
Tassel, 132
Tassell 178
Tempest 111
Thorpe, 281
Tilden, 188
Tong, 212
Tonge, 92
Turk, 169, 221
Turner, 2, 36, 37, 315
Tutty 53
Unicume, 292, 293
Vane, 286
Ward, 86
Welch, 28
West, 135
Wetherden, 308
White 160
Wickens, 18a
Wilkinson, 139
Williams 107
Wilmot, 11, 64, 103
Winch, 61
Wise 236
Witherden, 310
Wood, 8, 56, 68, 69, 101, 102, 167, 168, 185, 262, 265, 294
Woollett, 78, 80, 81
Woolley, 5, 89, 104

Places Index
Aldington 203
   Hundred of Hoo 135
America 256
Ash near Sandwich 191,192
   Richborough Farm 193
Ashford 6
Aylsham, Norfolk 3b
Benenden 298
Bethersden 86,91,108,112,
    Wissenden, 266
Biddenden 194,195,211,
Boxley 53
Brenchley 87
Camberwell, Surrey 10

Canterbury 134
Chichester 197
Cranbrook 82, 93, 218
   Bettenham 173
East Sutton 244
Egerton 147, 214, 236
Folkestone 211
Frittenden 165,166,239,268
   Buckhurst Hill, 253
Great Chart 209
   Lodge Place, 18b
Halden (High) 3a
Hartland, Wisconsin, 
   North America 263
Hawkhurst 222, 300
Headcorn 157, 227, 265,
   278, 292, 293, 296,
   Brick House Farm 56
   Headcorn Place 295High Halden 3a, 188, 189,
    210, 230
    Church 315
Kennardington 245
Lenham 220
Little Hamton, Sussex 126
London 2, 147
   Huntington Street, 
       Hoxton 126
   Kensal Green, West
       London 1
Lyminge 152, 160
Maidstone 171, 172, 259
   Chillington House, 6
Mayfield, Sussex 21
Minorca 6
Northamptonshire 2
Pluckley 100, 181, 221,
    270, 281
Rye, Sussex 287Smarden Hadman 
   Place 271
   Haffenden Quarter 103,
   Little Biddenden 14
   Obden 311
   Romden 6, 115
   Sanders Burying 
      Ground 311
St.Philip's Castle,Minorca 6
Staplehurst 97, 232-234
Sutton Valence 263
Tenterden 206-208, 269
Thurnham 64
Tunbridge Wells, Countess
  of Huntingdon's Chapel,
    near 275
Ulcombe 124
Wisconsin, N. America 74
Wye 204
Yalding 75General
Countess of Huntingdon's
    Chapel 275
Blacksmith 21, 23
Bricklayer 20
builder 229
Captain 2
Captain East India Co. 171
Carpenter 118
Chapel Royal 164
Churchwarden 3a
Chirurgeon 187Colonel 6Curate 3b
Deacon 190, 210
draper 287
drowned 115
East India Company 171
Executor 21, 36
Farmer 75,142,180,288,290
free school of Smarden 162
Gardener 18a
Goldsmith 2
Governor 6
hop garden 311
Householder 71, 187Land surveyor 162
maltster 275
master 162
Merchant 2
minister 198, 286
pastor 238, 260
plumber 281
Rector 1
Repairs of this Church 2
Reverend 3b, 164, 299
School at his Chapel 198
Sub-Dean 164
sundial 162
Surgeon 111, 172, 173,
   187, 197
Timber Merchant 38
Trustee 198
Vicar 3b
Victualler 75
Wheelwright 174
Yeoman 8,12,31,33,35,51,
, 100,121,138,158,166,188,

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard Wittersham In the Isle of Oxney

The Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard Wittersham In the Isle of Oxney, Kent. Noted July 1923 Leland L. Duncan [signed].

A full transcription of a manuscript note book compiled by Mr Leland L. Duncan. The author used a number of shorthand symbols to facilitate the work, namely;- (P) means "of this parish", = means "aged", wid. is widow, iss. issue, chn. children, sur. surviving, dau. daughter, ab. above, eld. eldest, d.t.l. stands for departed this life.
                                                                                                       Typed up by Frank Bamping July 2003

We am sure that you will appreciate the amount of time and effort that has been put into typing up, indexing and preparing Leland L. Duncan's manuscript for the Internet.  If you have found it useful in your research, please let us know on . This will give us useful feedback for when we are trying to convince other members of the Kent Archaeological Society that this Website is performing a useful service.

Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

South side1. John Buss. 3 April 1744 = 59. Mary his wife 11 May 1770 = 68. Left issue 4 sons & 2 daughters, John, Thomas, James & George. Mary and Martha.

2. Flat in rails. Louisa wife of John Body of this parish yeoman 18 February 1852 = 41. Leaving 3 children Sarah Louisa, John & James Alfred. Also Maria 2nd wife of the above 17.4.1872 = 58. Also John Body died 4.1.1887 = 79.

3. Coped by the Tower. Thomas Body, yeoman, who died at Acton in this of this parish 30.9.1868 = 58.

4. Elizabeth Relfe (P) Spinster 20.4.1827 = 9. Also Ann Relfe spinster died 19.11.1796 = 70.

5. James Hoskins (P) 15.2.1832 = 44. Left surviving by Mary his wife one son Henry. Mary his wife 9.3.1860 = 70. Also 4 children of the above J. & M. H. who died in infancy.

6. Henry Hoskins (P) 2.11.1860 = 47. Left survivors by Lydia his wife one son and 3 duaghters, Elizabeth, James, Ann & Mary. Lydia H. died 26.10.1894 = 78. Thomas their son 5.8.1850 = 7.

7. Mary youngest daughter of Henry & Lydia Hoskins (P) 12.3.1867 = 22.

8. James Hoskins, son of Henry & Lydia H. (P) 12.4.1885 = 46.

9. Andrew Robbins (P) March ye 31 1708 = 40. Left issue one son.

10. Judith wife of Edward Fautly (P) 9.11.1873 = 53. Edward Fantly husband of the above 23.12.1899 = (?82). For ....ars Sonton (...A...) of this Parish. Also Re...iamly son of the above February 21 1833 aged ... months. Left ..... [3 lines] James, Edward, William & George.

11. Thomas Hoskins 26.2.1830 = 77. Sarah wife of the above 19.2.1824 = 77. They left issue surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters, James, William, Sarah & Elizabeth.

12. Thomas Winton 26.8.1859 = 71. Survivors Sarah his widow & 2 daughters, Emily & Mary Ann.

13. Sarah Hoskins wife of William H. (P) 25.12.1812 = 20. Left surving one son Thomas.

14. An old stone. Inscription perished.

15. Louisa wife of George Henbrey of Ore, Sussex, 28.11.1863 = 32. Also 3 of their children John Henbrey b. 10.6.1853 d. 16.6.1853. George & William H. twins b. 22.7.1854. George d. 22.3.1855. William d. 23.11.1855.

16. Jane Poile, widow of the late James Harris, Esq., of Wittersham Hall also wid. of the late Jeremiah Poile of Poplar Place in this P. February 24 1882 = 88.

17. James Harris, Esq., for many years an inhabitant of this Place d. 28.12.1829 in 64th.

18. Charles son of James & Lucy Harris d. 2.1.1817 = 13 years.

19. George Masters 27.4.1859 = 65. Harriet Brown formerly wife of the above 16.11.1869 = 60.

20. Joseph Russell died March ye 27 1719 = 56 & 8 mos. Elizabeth wife of J.R. December ye 4 1759 = 84. He left iss by Elizabeth his wife 6 chn. John, Margaret, Ann, Sarah, Isaac & Elizabeth.

21. Frances (nee JENKIN) Morphett (P)  2.11.1800 in the 51 year of whose issue Frances, Charles, Thomas, Charles, Henry, Lydia & Katherine died in their infancy and George, Frances and Robert, Ann & John were left surviving. (2015-07-11 Christian name corrected and maiden name added with thanks to Rob Flynn)

22. George Morphett late (P) gentleman who d. February 28 1818 aged 70. Left survivors 3 sons & 2 daughters.

23. Caroline Morphett dau. of Robert & Mary Morphett d. July 2 1811 = 2 mo.

24. George son of Robert & Mary Morphett d. 3 August 1823 in 22 year.

25. Henry son of John & Elizabeth Giles born November 3 1848 and died September 29 1850.

26. Henry Bertram Ades husband of Mary Ades 3.6.1883 = 37. Mary Ann dau of the ab who d in infancy February 18 1868.

27. William Sacre, gent, d June 24 1771 = 52.

28. Susan wife of Joseph Samson (P) yeoman youngest dau of John & Julianna Samson d. 17 September 1825 in 36th left 4 sons Joseph, Charles, Alfred & Frederic.

29. John Samson (P) d. January 4 181 (?1 or4) = 6(?4). Julianna his wife 7.12.1820 = 70. Also 2 sons & 2 daus of J. & JS John d. May 26 1775 = 6 mos. Stephen d. 27.9.1781 = 4 days. Frances d. 1.6.1783 = 5 yr. Sarah d. February 28 1802 = 22yrs. Left surv 4 sons & 5 daus, Mary Ann, Julia, John, Frances, Stephen, Wm., Thomas & Susan.

30. Mary wife of J.P. Crouch of Westfield, Sussex, yeoman, eld. dau. of John & Julianna Sampson (P) 11.9.1815 in 42nd year.

31. John Wenham (P) 19.1.1808 = 60. Elizabeth his wife 8.12.1846 = 89. Left iss. by Elizabeth his wife, Sarah, Elizabeth & John.

32. William Sacre 18.4.1857 = 83. Elizabethhis wife 10.10.1858 =75. Wm. their eld. son 12.3.1840 = 20.

33. Elizabeth wife of George Morphett of Peening Quarter in this P. 3.5.1840 aged ?59 ab George M d. November 2 (?9) 1848 = 66.

34. Richard Martin of Rugden Farm, Wittersham, 29.8.1889 = 79. Also Sarah M. his wife who d. at The Coombes, Tenterden, 30.10.1896 = 83.

35. Mary wife of Edward Chatterton 21.6.1851 = 34.

36. Ann Standen 28.8.1842 = 68. Timothy S. 21st May 1847 = 72.

37. Ann wife of Wm. Martin b. August 11 1811 d. 30.1.1892.

38 Coats of Arms. Here lyeth ye body of Thomas Tournay, gent., who d. t. l. ye 5th of March 1706 son of Thomas Tournay, gent, Rector of this Parish aged 66. Left no children.

39. Ann wife of John Brignall of Mumford, Wittersham, 9.7.1893 = 78.

40. John Brignall of Mumford, Wittersham, 31.1.1870 = 87.

41. Sarah Brignall formerly (P) 4.12.1857 = 78. John Brignall nephew of ab. 17.1.1860 = 14.

42. Arthur Herron, surgeon, (P) August 2 1831 aged 23 years leaving one daughter.

43. Mary Wood Brignall wid. of the late John B. of Mumford, Wittersham, 6.9.1877 = 97. Erected by her youngest son John.

44. Joseph Wickens 22.6.1828 = 26 leaving wife & one dau. Sarah Ann. Also Charlotte wife d. August 3 1840 = 37.

45. James Wickens 21.1.1850 = 91. Sarah wife of J.W. d. 2.7.1839 = 73.

46. Emily Eliza wife of Stephen Barham. One child of Frank & Eliza Paine (P) 14.8.1877 = 20.

47. Frank Paine husb. of Harriet Eliza (P) 1.11.1896 = 67.

48. John 5th son of Richard & Mary Knight of this Parish, gent, d.10.10.1828 = 19. Also George their 9th son 21.12.1834 = 16 yr. & 8 mos.

49. Richard 2nd son of Richard & Mary Knight (P) gent. April 1st 1838 = 35.

50. William Knight, gent., of Budds Farm in this P. 9.6.1850 = 48. Left one son surv. William Henry.

51. Richard Knight (P), gent., 24.7.1841 = 66. Left surv. Mary his wid. 2 sons & 4 daus. Wm., James, Mary, Elizabeth, Catherine & Lydia. Mary his wife 15.8.1844 =69.

52. Wm. Henry Knight only child of Wm. K. of Budds Place, Wittersham, d. in London 1.2.1862 = 21.

53. John Hunt (P) ye 15 December 1707 = 77.

54. John Paine son of John & Ann P. (P) May ye 25 17(?) = 19.

55. Lieth the body of Mr Thomas Paine who .... near ... here in this Parish and departed this life March ye 1(?) 1734 aged 36 years & 11 Months. He left issue 2 sons .... & Thomas. This stone was erected in memory of (him?) .... Sarah ...wife.

56. Sarah Parton late of Tenterden whose awful change was on July .... 1774 after a life ....

57. Thomas Paine of St Pauls in the parish of Stone, gent., but late of this P. d. 7.9.1798 = 63. Also Ann his 2nd wife 15.8.1795 = 45

58. Infield dau. of Thomas & Anne Paine of Stone & wife of John Rofe of Tenterden d. .....1795 = 25.

59. Wm. Callow (P) 20.3.1874 in 78th. Harriet his wife 16.9.1884 = 90.

60. James Standen (P) yeoman 14.2.1834 = 67. Margaret his wife 1011.1834 = 58.

61. Kitty wife of Spencer Standen of Blackbrook d. 13.9.1883 = 75.

62. Spencer Standen 26 January 1897 = 86

63. An altar tomb circa 1780 no inscription visible.

64. Thomas Paine (P) d. 10 January 1709 = 79. Also Catherine dau. of Thos. P. who d. in 1704 in ye 7 year of her age. Also Catherine his first wife who dyed March ye 23rd 1690 in ye 62nd year of her age.

65. Ye body of Thomas Paine (P) yeo. who d. ys life June ye 10. in ye year of our Lord 1717 in the 62nd year.

66. Anne Paine wife of John P. (P) 19 February 1729 = 60.

67. Mary Paine wife of Thomas P. (P) who d.t.l. in January 1702 in ye 36th year of her life.

68. Thomas Paine, gent., (P) who died on Friday ye 9th November 1722 about 6 o'clock at night aged 63 years 1 month 11 days. Left issue one son & 5 daus., Thomas, Sarah, Mary, Katherine, Elizabeth & Susanna. Sarah wife of ab. T.P. gent., d.t.l. January 3 1737 = 63.

69. Sarah Paine dau. of Thomas P. gent., (P) decd. who d.t.l. ye 22 February about 7 o'clock at night in the year of our Lord God 1725 = 23 years 6 mos. 10 days.

70. Susan Paine spinster, youngest dau. of Thomas Paine late of Peining Quarter in this P. decd. She d. March the 3 1753 in her 36th year.

71. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Paine of Piening Quarter in this P. 11 February 1738 in 30th left issue Ames, Sarah, William & Elizabeth. [date is 1738 but stone is more like 1788.]
72. In m. of Payne of Peening Quarter in this P. who d. 9.11.1789 = 81. Left issue one son James.

73. Ann 2nd wife of Thomas Payne of Peening Quarter in this P. 5.3.1786 =69. Left issue William, Thomas, Ann, William, Martha & Ann are deposited on the right of this stone.

74. John Wood (P) 26.10.1826 =51. Elizabeth his wife 2.7.1831 (or4) = 61. Also of Eliza dau of John & Elizabeth Wood 20.10.1822 = 20 and Mary & Robert who d. in infancy. He left 3 children surv. Thomas Colegate, Mary Sabina & Caroline Matilda.

75. Mary Sabina dau. of John & Elizabeth Wood & wife of Charles Frederic Lewns of Rye d. 5.2.1830 = 19 years.

76. Sarah Frances dau of Samuel & Emily Rutley of Owley in this P. d. 16.2.1851 = 4 years 8 months.

77. Dealy wife of Aaron Apps 1 February 1854 = 50. Left surv. 1 dau. & 1 son. Also 2 grand daus. Dealy died June 5 1855 = 2 years. Lucy Fanny Farroll d. 5.7.1855 = 87 & 3 mos.

78. Elizabeth wife of Simon Neve, butcher (P) July ye 21 1763 -68. Left issue 2 sons & 2 daus. Thomas, John, Ann & Hannah. Sarah his 2nd wife d. 22 November 1766 = 43. The said Simon Neve d. 4.4.1780 = 70.

79. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Morphett of Wittersham who d. 1st day of January 1705/06 in ye 47th year.(My evidence for this is that the PR shows Elizabeth Morphett (nee Viney) was buried Wittersham 8 Jan 1705/06. The background to this relationship is that Elizabeth VINEY married Thomas Morphett in 1690 as Elizabeth GLIDD (or GLIDE), widow of Solomon. Following Elizabeth’s death, Thomas then married a Mary Bush 27th August 1707 by licence at St Margaret's Canterbury. Bob Chown’s Rootsweb database “The Morphett Family of Tenterden” shows the detail, including the corrected M.I. Rob Flynn 16/11/2015)

80. Cooper John Paine 16.7.1845 =49. Mary his wife 18.10.1857 = 49. Aslo Sarah Filmer d. 3.6.1863 = 84.

81. Elizabeth Dengate wife of James Dengate 23.6.1790 = 25.

82. Edward (? Gibbs) ...... Mary his wife....[?c. 1780].

83. Hannah Only wife of John Padgham (P) d. 2 November 180 (?7) = 55 (?).

84. In memory of Rolf Oxley late of this P. yeoman who died .... 176- aged ?51. John their son d. October 176 (?5) = 18. Hannah his wife d. 18.10.1784 = 70.

85. Here lyeth interred the body of Henry Barnes late of Tenterden in the county of Kent, gent., deceased who died the 20 day of November in the year of Our Lord 1677 and in the 48 year of his age. Here lieth the family .... Barneses....

86. Here lyeth the b. of Sarah Whitfield daughter of the Revernd Atkinson of the City of London, gent., she was firsdt married to Henry Barnes of Tenterden, gent., and surviving him was again
married to James Whitfield of Tenterden aforesaid gent. She left no issue by ... her of her husband & she died November 8 16 [?87] in the 67 year of her age.

87. Ann Standen wife of William Nye d. 9.6.1825 in 27th. Sarah Standen d. 11.2.1827 in 24th.

88. In hope of a blessed resurrection here leith the remains of John Tampsen, gent., & Elizabeth his daughter. He died Fenruary 28 1747 = 52 she died April ye 30 1748 in her 6th year. His affectionate wife & one daughter survive.

89. Sodi Gosbee d. 31.1.1896 = 81. Leaving a widow and 2 children viz. Eliza Jane and Harold Sodi.

90. William Henry Grace 11.5.1878 = 44.

91. Dinah wid. of the late Henry Grace d. 10.3.1878 = 78.

92. Charlotte wife of Thomas W. Collard 21.5.1897 in 71st.

93. The children of Dr. Joseph Garside and Elizabeth Jemina Terry née Webb. Mary Ann Garside b. 27.5.1875 d.12.7.1890. Ethel Daisy b. 9.1.1881 d. 26.5.1881. Also 2 infant sons stillborn. Also Arthur Albert son of A. & L. Terry of Plymouth b. 3.10.1872 d.7.7.1873.

94. Baby Boy d.11.8.1894 = 18 months.

95. Caroline wid. of William Olly Corke 17.1.1894 = 93.

96. John Knight late (P) d.....?1825 aged ... years. Elizabeth his wife d. .... 1816 = 52. Footstones J.K. 1825
E.K. 1816.

97. Caroline Gurr d. 19.8.1888 = 63.

98. A portion of a cross 18th century on one side ... unto delivered... Deng... one the other to Thomas Dengate...

99. Elizabeth dau. of Thomas & Margaret Hughes who dyed October ye 8.1708 in ye 8th. This stone was erected by her unkl & ant Hoy.

100. Ye b. of Eliza wife of John Hoy d. October ye 24 1710 = 62. John Hoy (P) 29 January 1709 = 69.

101. Bridget wife of William Martin (P) who dyed.... ye 15....

102. Mary Sisley 7.12.1856.

103. Thomas Sayer 28.10.1860 = 72. For 20 years the faithful servant of the Revd. E.R. Nares, Rector (P).

104. Susan Walters wife of George W. (P) 10.7.1817 = 47. Also George W. 11.6.1835 = 67. Respect to the above by Sara Freeman.

105. Thomas Marten 3.10.1854 = 83. Catherine Marten his wife 18.6.1853 = 77. Thomas Marten 15.6.1849 = 45. Sarah Marten d. 26.1.1829 = 17. Left surv. Catherine Ann Jane Caroline, Edward and Frances.

106. James Dunster 9.5.1876 = 51. Harriet his wife 13.2.1879 = 35.

107. Richard Dunster 19..11.1847 = 48. Left surv. Sarah his wife who died 28.3.1871 = 67.

108. Sarah Ann Martin, spinster, (P) 22.3.1875 in her 32nd.

109. Thomas Martin, late (P), 15.6.1849 = 44. Elizabeth his wife & dau. of William & Mary Forster (P) 30.12.1849
= 43. Catherine their dau. 15.9.1845 = 5. They left surv. one son & 3 daus. Thomas, Mary, Sarah-Ann & Frances.

110. John Neve (P) 20.9.1840 = 76. Leaving a wid. & 8 children; John, Jane, Hannah, Sarah, Frances, Kitty, Walter & William. Also Jane N. his wid. 18.7.1850 = 81.

111. Charles Edward Collard 9.8.1896 = 63.

112. Mary wife of William Collard 20.2.1870 = 74. William Collard d. 26.12.1874 = 72.

113. Hannah Neve 4.11.1870 = 76.

114. Ann Neve 21 February 1816 = 13. Also Robert, brother of the above & son of John & Jane Neve d. January 23 1839 = 42.

115. Elizabeth Neve wife of David N. (P) 31.7.1919 = 37. Left surv. 6 sons & 2 daus. Frederick Smith, Augustus, Edgar, Matilda, Henry, Jullas, Elizabeth &David. Also 2 of the above sons & one dau Augustus d. 29.9.1838 = 32. Edgar 24.10.1838 = 30. Elizabeth 5.12.1839 = 23.

116. David Neve (P) 18.4.1852 = 71. Jane his 2nd wife 9.11.1870 = 75. Also of 2 daus. & one son of the above David Neve & Jane his 2nd wife viz Jane 29.8.1840 = 18. Charles 21.3.1841 = 3. Frances 23.7.1841 = 13.

117. Charlotte dau. of John & Elizabeth Ramsden of Ebony & wife of William T. Vine of this P. d. 21 Deceember 1822 = 44. Left iss. one son & six daus.

118. Hannah wife of John Neve (P) 17.1.1808 = 65. Also John N. 26.1.1829 = 88. Left issue William, John, Sarah, Thomas, Mary, Kitty, Edward & David.

119. Ye B. of Henry Bonnack of ys (P) d. May ye 11 1719 aged 51. Sarah his wife October ye 10 1720 = 49.

120. William Neve (P) 22.3.1766 in 53rd leaving his affectionate wife with issue by her William, John & Sarah. Sarah his wife d. 3.10.1766 in her 66th year.

121. Edmund Rootes (P) 8.7.1787 = 43. Sarah his wife 23.9.1807 = 64. John their son 28.8.1789 = 17. Left surv. one son Thomas.

122. Here lieth ye b. of John & Ann, son & dau. of John & Elizabeth Ballam. John died 1720 in ye 3rd year of his age. Ann 1730 in ye 6th year.

123. Ann ye wife of William Smith October ye 30.1741 = 52. Also ye ab. William Smith November ye 17th 1754 = 72.

124. Thomas Freeland 14.11.1874 = 69. Leaving a wife & one son, William. Also Louisa F. his wife 23.6.1880 = 76.

125. Ann wife of William Freeland (P) 9.4.1826 = 59. Also William F. 3.12.1832 = 75.

126. William Freeland, 3 June 1859 aged 72. Leaving Mary his wife & 3 daus. Mary Ann, Louisa & Sarah. Mary his wife 30.5.1870 = 84. 

127. Thomas Winton 4.9.1872 = 3yr 7mns.

128. Mary Ann Frost wife of John M. Frost (P) 7.2.1885 = 36.

129. John Masters 5.7.1881 = 84. Mary his wife 27.5.1863 = 65. Peter fifth son of the above 28.11.1863 = 28.

130. Erected in memory of who was the kindest husband etc. on reverse long ....... On large footstone Jo... Waters .... W....m & Eli.... Waters (of this Parish) d.....

131. Mrs William Waters 10.4.1842 = 67.

132. William Waters late of this P., gent., 23.11.1772 = 69. Also Marthana his wife 4.2.1784 = 75.

133. William only son of William Waters (P) by Marthana his wife d. 18th February 1787 = ?1 years

134. Thomas Sims 10.4.1872 = 35 leaving a wife & 3 children.

135. William Sims 14.7.1878 = 38.

136. Thomas Sims 11.11.1883 = 84. Elizabeth his wife 3.11.1885 =81

137. Edward Beck 9.8.1851 = 8 months.

138. George Smallfield son of Thomas & Ann S. 3.9.1870 = 58. Left surv. one son & one dau. viz George Bennett & Ann Tutt.

139. Ann wife of Thomas Smallfield (P) yeoman d. 12.7.1846 = 70.
Left surv. 2 sons & 1 dau. viz Elizabeth, george & John. Also Thomas S. 5.12.1857 = 79.

140. Elizabeth wife of Walter Neve of Underhill in this P & dau. of Thomas & Ann Smallfield d. 16.5.1891 = 82.

141. Jane wife of Thomas Barnes of this P. 13.2.1836 = 36. Leaving 3 sons & 1 dau. Thomas, George, William & Jane.

142. Anne eld. dau. of Henry & Adelaide Packer of Wittersham 15.8.1880 = 23.

143. William Addy 30.10.1892 = 84. Matilda his wife 15.9.1882 = 68.

144. Caroline wife of Joseph Haine of London 12.6.1845 = 30. Left issue one son & one dau. Tom & Caroline.

145. Mr Edward Mace son of Edward Mace, gent., by Elizabeth his wife 6 February 1772 after a life of 20 years & 6 months.

146. Charlotte wife of John Holdstock of Mount Pleasant, Wittersham. 3.4.1883 = 62.

147. Jane wife of John Barnes of the P of Rolvenden & dau. of John & Jane Martin (P) B. 2.1.1809 d. 20.6.1867. Left issue one son & 2 daus viz Gybbon, Mary Ann & Jane.

148. Joseph Austen (P) 7.4.1826 = 54. Left surv. his wife Sarah. Also Joseph Poull son of Thomas & Elizabeth Poull d. 19.12.1825 = 3 y. 11 mons.

149. Mary Ann wife of James Collins (P) 16.12.1843 = 38.

150. Thomas Highwood (P) 28.9.1845 = 69. Left surv. by Elizabeth his wife one son & 2 daus. - John, Esther & Lydia.

151. Thomas Highwood (P) 16.3.1833 = 32.

152. Ann wife of John Lording & dau of Thomas & Mary Sims (P). She d. March ye 29 1769 = 31. Also near here lieth 4 of her daughters in two graves, Jane and Ellen died March ye 17. Ann and Keziah died March ye 24 1769.

153. Sarah Dawe 19.4.1884 = 78.

154. William Forster 1.4.1822 = 79. Elizabeth his first wife 16.10.1786 = 44. Leaving issue 3 sons & 2 daus. viz William, Elizabeth, Mary, John & Francis. And of Hannah his 2nd wife 24.3.1828 = 80.

155. Mary Ann Forster late Postmistist of this P. b. 21.3.1814 d. 17.3.1895.

156. Mary wife of William Forster late (P) & dau. of the late William & Mary Farr of Rye d. 14.10.1852 = 82. Elizabeth dau. of the above 30.12.1849 = 43. Also 3 children who d. in infancy John, Mary Ann & Mary. Leaving surviving her husband one son William Farr Forster. above William Forster d. m..... rest gone.

157. William Farr Forster son of William & Mary F. (P) 22.5.1855 = 47. Leaving by Elizabeth his wife one son, William Farr Forster & one dau. Elizabeth. John Henry & Mary d. in infancy. Elizabeth his wife d. 1.10.1878 = 68.

158. Louie Bishop 28.9.1892 = 11 years.

159. Ye body of William Bine 18 April 1734.

160. Richard Sims (P) 15.1.1875 = 61. Left sur. Jane his wife, 3 sons & 6 daus.

161. Mary Parton wife of Richard P. (P) & only dau. of Richard & Phillis Cooper of Tenterden 17.6.1838 = 37. Left sur. 10 children viz William, Richard, George, Elizabeth, Mary, Phillis, Kate, Fanny, Frederic, Peter, Jane & Ann.

162. William only son of William Farr Forster & Elizabeth his wife d. 3.3.1863 = 26.

163. Elizabeth dau. of Wm. & Elizabeth Forster 11.12.1857 = 17.

164. George Brann who d. through an accident 3.7.1887 = 63. Francis the wife of the late George Brann d. 13.1.1908 = 80.

165. Curtis Brann d. at Wittersham 20.10.1878 = 86. Jane wife of the late Curtis B. d. 21.2.1888 = 88.

166. George Hoad 21.3.1881 = 83.

167. Sarah wife of Jonathan Hoad 5.2.1851 = 67. Left sur. 8 children, Jonathan, George, Mary, Sarah, James, David, Ann & Ellen. The above Jonathan 9.3.1869 = 76.

168. David Russell died 22.9.1865 = 21.

169. John Elgar late of Monks Horton 7.2.1803 = 42.

170. Edwin husband of Mary J. Samson 13.2.1888 = 62. Stephen Samson 7.6.1883 = 76.

171. Ye body of Mary wife of Nicholas Hill of Wittersham & dau. of John Foord of Tunbridge who dyed October ye 20. 1708 aged 22.

172. John Packham (P) 14.8.1876 = 62. Mary his wife 20.3.1912 = 95. Also James son of the above 9.1.1875 = 24. Sarah Link dau. of the above 14.9.1876 = 21 buried in Ashford Cemetery. Left sur. Mary his wife 3 sons & 5 daus.

173. In memory of a valued servant & friend for 19 years Sarah Starnes of Hastings 7.11.1875 = 76. Also Samuel Starnes, husband of the above 14.12.1869 = 73.

174. Ye B. of Mary Munn ye wife of Walter Munn October ye 27 in ye 40 year of her age 1702 and also Elizabeth their daughter who ..... ye B. of Walter Munn (P) February ye 15 Anno Domini 170...

175. William Holdstock (P) 9.5.1891 = 73. Diana his wife 16.8.1891 = 68.

176. Eliza wife of George Holdstock 13.4.1892 = 70. Also George H. 27.4.1915 = 86.

177. Edgar Beach 14.1.1842 = 28.

178. Elizabeth Sims wife of John Sims 15.3.1823 = 71. Also John Sims 19.10.1827 = 75.

179. Thomas Sims 4.6.1778 = 69. Mary wife of Thomas S. 10.11.1772 in her 61st. Left sur. her affectionate husband with Elizabeth, Sarah, Hannah, Martha, Thomas, Mary, John, Grace & Elhena.

180. David Sims (P) 23.3.1862 = 74. Leaving a widow 2 sons & one dau. John son of the above d. 15.10.1839 = 11. Charlotte dau. of the above 28.10.1841 = 18.

181. Alfred, youngest son of Alfred & Silvestra Southon (P) who died in the bloom of youth 4.6.1843 in his 17th year.

182. George Goble yeoman 57 years the proprietor of Potmans Heasth Farm in this P. d. 11.11.1852 = 80.

183. Silvestra wife of Alfred Southon (P) 3.8.1857 = 69. Alfred S> 56 years in possession f Moonsgreen Farm in this P. 27.6.1878 = 84.

184. Fred J. Winton d. 1.9.1890 in his 22nd year.

185. Thomas Taylor (P) 28.3.1787 = 72. Left surv. Sarah his wife, 2 sons & one dau., Thomas, William & Ann. Sarah his wife 15.3.1803 in the 90th year of her age. She left 2 sons Thomas and William.

186. Ann wife of Henry (?Curd) ?February 1793 aged ?3 years. Left issue ...... 2 daughters.

187. Footstones: W.S., M.S., 1864.

188. James Berry late of Rye 10.5.1817 = 31.

189. Mary wife of ............ Also Edmond Stredwick who d. January 28 1868 = 70. Mary Stredwick 1864. Edmond Stredwick 1868.

190. Mary wife of William Longley & dau. of Samuel & Jane Southernden of Camber Farm d. 20.7.1831 = 51.

191. Sarah Southernden d..... May 1795 aged ?22.

192. Thomas Wittiver Southernden 3.9.1829 = 29. Leaving a widow & 3 children; Margaret, Elizabeth & Mary.

193. Samuel Southernden (P) 10.5.17?? aged 75. He left a widow & ?6 children viz Samuel, John Stephen, Mary, Elizabeth & Sarah, also Deborah his wife 3.4.1804 = 69.

194. Jane wife of the late Samuel Southernden of Camber Farm 26.2.1837 = 73.

195. Samuel Southernden of Camber Farm, Winchelsea, Sussex, 3.9.1827 = 71. He left issue by his wife Jane 6 sons viz Charles, Stephen, Daniel, Thomas Wittiger Williams, Samuel; and 3 daughters .... Elizabeth.....

196. Jeremiah Poile (P) 30.5.1868 = 74, who was for 50 years the respected master of the endowed school founded by the late Rev. William Cornwallis formerly of this parish.

197. Eleanor wife of Jeremiah Poile (P) 22.11.1824 in the 25th. Had issue Thomas, Eleanor, William & Charles, the last infancy. Thomas d. 28.8.1831. William d. in California 25.12.1864 = 42.

198. Delia Simmons 3.11.1878 = 66.

199. Sarah wife of John Simmons (P) 25.1.1842 = 72. John S. 17.4.1857 = 85.

200. William Simmons 22.12.1880.
In the Church.201. On a small broken stone in the floor of the tower: Here lyeth interred The body of Mary George Wife of Richard George of t.......... was Buried ye ? 16 June 1624.

202. Tablet in framed wood on the wall of the tower, in the centre of the chancel near a stone with the initials W.C. are dep. the remains of the Rev. William Cornwallis of this P. He d.t.l. 14.12.1827 = 77.

203. On another similar by the side of the Rev. William Cornwallis lie the remains of his wife Mary Cornwallis to whom he was united almost 50 years. She D.t.l. 28.1.1836 = 78.

204. A tablet of the foundation of the Free School of Wittersham 1820 by the Rev. William Cornwallis and Mary his wife with orders and rules.

205. These tablets were repaired in 1888 by S. Hadden Parkes, M.A., rector, Albert Hinds, junior, James Standen, Churchwardens.

206. In the north a brass of a civilian. Pray for the soule of Stevyn Andyan which decessed ye XXIIJ day of Apryll in the yer of Our Lord God a thousand CCCCC XXIIJ on whose soule IHU have mercy Amen. [See will of Stephen Odearn 1523, con. 13.161 - L.L.D.]

207. Tablet in south chancel with coat of arms. In memory of Alfred Lyttelton, athlete, lawyer & statesman. A man greatly beloved 1857 - 1913.

208. In the north chancel In memory of Peggy wife of Henry Vine of London, gent., and daughter of William Turk of this Parish, gent., who d.t.l. November the 24th 1775 aged 28 years. Left surviving her husband with William their only son.

209. Another stone under the organ covered except a word or two of no use and ending with "Susanna" evidently the name of a child.

210. A modern brass foliated cross flat south side of the altar to Mary Louisa Nares d. in Christ. January IX MDCCCL aged XIJ.

211. Outside altar rails south side a flat stone to Lucy, wife of James Harris, Esq., of this Place. Youngest daughter of James Trimmer, Esq., late of Ealing, Middx., and Sarah his wife of blessed memory died 14.8.1813 in her 40th year.

212. An old grave near the north gate - Here lyeth ye body of Bridgit wife of William Martin of this Parish who dyed October ye 15th 1708, aged 38 years. Left issue 5/6 children. Another stone memorial almost exactly similar close by is dated 1708.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Addy 143
Ades 26
Andyan 206
Apps 77
Atkinson 86
Austen 148
Ballam 122
Barham 46
Barnes 85-86, 141, 147
Beach 177
Beck 137
Bennett 138
Berry 188
Bine 159
Bishop 158
Body 2, 3
Bonnack 119
Brann 164-165
Brignall 39, 40, 41, 43
Brown 19
Buss 1
Callow 59
Chatterton 35
Collard 92, 111-112
Collins 149
Cooper 161
Corke 95
Cornwallis 196, 202-203
Crouch 30
Curd ? 186
Dawe 153
Dengate 81, 98

Dunster 106, 107
Elgar 169
Fantly 10
Farr 156
Fautly 10
Foord 171
Forster 109, 154-157,
Freeland 124-126
Freeman 104
Frost 128
Garside 93
George 201
Gibbs ? 82
Giles 25
Goble 182
Gosbee 89
Grace 90, 91
Gurr 97
Haine 144
Harris 16-18, 211
Henbrey 15
Herron 42
Highwood 150, 151
Hill 171
Hinds 205
Hoad 166-167
Holdstock 146, 175-176
Hoskins 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13
Hoy 100
Hughes 9
Hunt 53
Knight 48-52, 96Lewns 75
Longley 190
Lording 152
Lyttelton 207
Mace 145
Martin 34, 37, 101, 105
   108, 109, 147, 202
Masters 19, 129
Morphett 21-24, 33, 79
Munn 174
Nares 103, 210
Neve 78, 110, 113-116,
   118, 120, 140
Nye 87
Odearn 206
Oxley 84
Packer 142
Packham 172
Padgham 83
Paine 47, 54, 55, 57, 58,
    64-71, 80
Parkes 205
Parton 56, 161
Payne 72
Poile 16, 148, 196-197
Ramsden 117
Relfe 4
Robbins 9
Rootes 121
Russell 20, 168
Rutley 76
W.S., M.S. 187
Sacre 27, 32


Sampson 30
Samson 28, 29, 170
Sayer 103
Simmons 198-200
Sims 134-136, 152, 160,
Sisley 102
Smallfield 138-140
Smith 123
Sonton 10
Southernden 190-195
Southon 181, 183
Standen 36, 60-62, 87,
   173, 205
Stredwick 189
Tampsen 88
Taylor 185
Terry 93
Tournay 38
Trimmer 211
Turk 208
Tutt 138
Vine 117, 208
Walters 104, 130-133
Webb 93
Wenham 31
Whitfield 86
Wickens 44, 45
Winton 12, 127, 184
Wood 74, 75

Places Index
Acton 3
Ashford Cemetery 173
California 197
City of London 86
Ealing, Middx 211
Ebony 117
Hastings 173
London 144, 208

Monks Horton 169
Ore, Sussex 15
Plymouth 93
Poplar Place 16
Rolvenden 147
Rye 75, 156, 188
Tenterden 56,58,85,86,161
   The Coombes 34
Tunbridge 171Westfield, Sussex 30
Winchelsea 190
 Camber Farm 190,194-195
Wittersham   Blackbrook 61
   Budds Farm 50
   Budds Place 52
   Moonsgreen Farm 183
   Mount Pleasant 146
      Mumford 39, 40, 43
   Owley 76Peening Quarter
   Potmans Heath Farm
   Rugden Farm 34
   St Pauls, Stone 57
   Underhill 140
   Wittersham Hall 16General
accident 164
athlete 207
butcher 78
Churchwardens 205Dr 93
Free School, Wittersham
lawyer 207
master 196Postmistress 156
Rector 38, 103, 205
Reverend 86, 103, 196, 202
school 196
servant 103, 173surgeon 42
yeoman 3, 28, 30, 60, 84, 139, 182


Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

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Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

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Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

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Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

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Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Wittersham Churchyard

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard at Trottiscliffe

A copy of the Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard at Trottiscliffe [Trosley], Kent, made by F.W. Duffield on the 10th & 18th of June, 1920, and revised with minor additions and index in July 2003 by Frank Bamping.

The numbering commences at the S.W. corner of the churchyard and runs round to the West, North, East and South sides of the Church to the S.W. corner again.

1. Sarah wife of John Luxford of Coldrum Lodge, in the parish of Addington, died 11 September 1841 aged 33 years.

2. John Usher of Trosley Court died 22 October 1842 aged 70 years, also Susanna wife of the above died 22 March 1858 aged 75 years leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters. John, William, Thomas, Susanna, Maria and Mary Ann.

3. Thomas son of Ambrose and Maria Gorham of Aylesford died 17 April 1858 aged 8 months.

4. Sarah daughter of Ambrose and Maria Gorham died 3 May 1863 aged 19 years.

5. Ambrose Gorham of Aylesford died 25 February 1874 aged 68 years, also Maria Gorham died 2 April 1901 aged 84 years.

6. Robert son of Robert and Elizabeth Wooding died 3 October 1856 aged 21 years. Elizabeth Burslow died 17 March 1877 aged 49 years.

7. Eliza wife of Robert Wooding died 8 November 1874 aged 77 years. Robert Wooding died 20 November 1880 aged 82 years. Clerk of this parish 45 years.

8. James Wooding died 26 January 1896 aged 22 years.

9. William Silas Tilling died 15 January 1910 aged 85 years.

10. John Miles died 2 July 1871 aged 34 years.

11. James Miles died 24 November 1864 aged 60 years, also his wife Eliza died 30 December 1886 aged 72 years leaving issue 2 sons and 1 daughter, John, Thomas and Eliza.

12. An obelisk within an iron railing with inscriptions to:-
Hannah wife of James Lys Seager of this parish and Milbank died 3 July 1828 aged 39 years. Eliza Russell Seager sister of James Lys Seager died 18 November 1828 aged 41 years. Charles Seager eldest son of James Lys Seager died 26 October 1870 in his 63rd year. James Lys Seager formerly a resident in this parish but late of Westminster and South Lambeth died 22 October 1873 in his 89th year.

13. Sarah Rofe died 2 February 1888 aged 66 years. William Rofe died 2 March 1898 in his 77th year.

14. William Jackson died 11th September 1859 aged 77 years.

15. Stedman Shrubsole of this parish died 31 December 1827 aged 51 years also Sarah Shrubsole wife of the above died 9 March 1850[?] in her 71st year. Left issue 4 sons and 2 daughters, Mary, Susanna, Stedman, John, Thomas and Stephen.

16. George Parrish died 30 June 1897 aged 84 years. Susan Parrish died 18 December 1899 aged 84 years. Joseph Henry their son died 23rd October 1897 aged 40 years.

17. Thomas Henry, youngest son of John Patience Bristow died 27th October 1884 in his 21st year, also Harry Bristow died 30 June 1886 in his 31st year leaving a wife and 4 children - also his youngest child Millie died 5 August [no year] aged 3 months.

18. Anne Pine died 7 November 1895 aged 60. Robert Pine died 2 October 1894 aged 59 years.

19. Inscription illegible.

20. Fanny wife of Pete Darvill of Maidstone daughter of Nicholas and Elina Cogger died 29 December 1838 aged 60 years, also Susanna Cogger late of Shaftesbury Place, Aldersgate Street, London, daughter of the above died 18 May 1839 aged 59 years.

21. Nicholas Cogger of this parish died 19 December 1809 aged 58 (?) years also Eleanor wife of above died 11 November 1824 aged 72 years.

22. Robert Burr of this parish died 18 March 1823 aged 57 years also Mary Ann his wife died 14 May 1824 aged 51 years. Left one son and one daughter, John and Mary. Two sons and two daughters died in infancy.

23. Rebecca wife of Richard Wolfe died 8 August 1821 aged 44 years leaving one son and one daughter William and .......?

24. Richard Hoskins born 27 January 1821 died 3 September 1849 also his relict Betsy born 17 February 1823 died 5 December 1851.

25. Thomas Smith of this parish died 3 January 1806 aged 62 also wife Ann died 1 November 1820 aged 73 years.

26. Inscription almost illegible but there seem to be the names of Nicholas Smith with date 1796 and wife Margaret who died 3 October 178 ?.

27. William Packham died 8 March 1738 aged 46 years. Margaret his wife died 13 April 1747 aged 57 years. Their daughter Mary died 6 September 1751 aged 22 years.

28. Richard Packham of this parish died 11 August 1751 aged 35 years also Elliott son of Richard and Mary Packham died 3 April 1751 aged 11 months.

29. Ann, daughter of William and Elizabeth Packham of this parish who died 26th May 1783 aged 17 months, also Grace their daughter died 2nd December 17956 aged 7 years.

30. A flat stone on a brickwork base with an inscription on the left hand of the South face to James Atwood, gent: and his wife ...... James deceased on ... May in the year of our Lord God 1600. Rest of the inscription is illegible.

31. Inscription illegible but the name "Oakes" seems to be suggested.

32. Thomas Oakes of this parish died 24 September 1768 aged 57 years also his wife Ann died 13 October 1768 aged 53 years. Left issue one son John.

33. John Winchester ....... ostler at the Monch.....(?) ...... Maidstone for 23 years ...... aged 72 .... date obliterated.

34. The inscription is illegible but there seem to be the dates 1766 and 1769.

35. George Ellioat son of Richard and Eleanor Elliot who died ....... June 1719.

36. Inscription illegible.

37. William Elliott died 5 January 1808 aged 61 years also wife Sarah who died 4 December 1812 aged 65 years.

38. Sarah Hoskins died 20 June 1847 aged 52 years, also husband Thomas Hoskins died 10 November 1856 aged 62 years.

39. Ann, wife of Edward Hoskins of this parish died 8 March 1851 aged 61 years also Ann daughter of the above died 17 June 1852 aged 22 years. Edward Hoskins died 23 November 1880 aged 88 years.

40. Richard Hoskins, 36 years clerk of this parish, died 12 July 1835 aged 74 years also wife Elizabeth died 8 July 1854 aged 91 years.

41. Eliza wife of Jeremiah Oliver died 13 January 1903 aged 53 years. Also their son Walter Victor killed in action on the Somme 11 August 1916 aged 22 years and buried in Ecoivres cemetery, France.

42. James Tookey died 13 September 1861 aged 51 years also his wife Susan died 18 August 1869 aged 53 years.

43. James Campbell died 1st March 1875 aged 66 years.

44. John Hodges died 17 February 1788 aged 88 years. He left two sons William and John.

45. Inscription illegible.

46. John Hodges died 18 February 1799 aged 65 years, also Rose Ann his wife who died 4th January 1806 aged 69 years. Ann Phillips their daughter died 2nd May 1808 aged 39 years.

47. Mary Matthews wife of Henry Matthews died 2nd January 1850 aged 37 years.

48. A flat stone on a built up base - Latin inscription on the South face more or less obliterated. Among the few words decipherable is the surname "Godwin" preceded by "Johannes" or "Johannis". On the West face of the base is a coat of arms (lozenge) - two coats impaled - dexter - two bars, over all a bend on which three griffins or talbot's heads erased - sinister - a lion rampant with trefoils (?). The first named seems to be identical with the arms of Robert Godden of Tenterden. (See L.L.D.'s Inscriptions published by the Records Branch of the Kent Archaeological Society.)

49. Elizabeth wife of Edward Wells of this parish died 28 October 1867 aged 38 years, leaving issue one daughter and .... sons, Florinda, Thomas, Harry, Walter and Edward Meale. Also Walter the son of above died 8 March 1868 aged 5 years.

50. Susanna Sharley wife of Thomas Sharley of this parish died 30 July 1740 aged 49 years. At the head is a device of cross bones and arrow.

51. John Marchant son of Thomas Marchant of Rudderfield in Sussex died 12 September 1690 aged 46 years. "Thomas Sparks repeared this". [sic]

52. Sarah wife of John Marden of Trosley Court died 17 July 1827 aged 60 years, also said John Marden died 9 November 1840 aged 75 years. They left issue three sons and three daughters. Also daughter Mary died 10 March 1823 aged 18 years.

53. George Smitherman died 12 April 1895 aged 72 years. Sophia Smitherman died 22 March 1895 70 years "our parents".

(North wall of the Nave)

54. To the Glory of God and in memory of

     John Parker              William Johnson       William Braunston        Fred Shrubsole      William E. Patterson

     Albert Gilbert            Robert Williams        Alfred G. Smith            Walter V. Oliver      Alfred Roots

     Jospeh Goodayle      Walter J. Johnson      Roland Jail

     all of the Parish who gave their lives for their King and Country in the Great War 1914 - 1918.

55. To the Glory of God and in memory of ROBERT PINE of Trottescliffe Court 20 years churchwarden of this Church born 11 October 1833 died 2 October 1893 (erected by his children)

56. (East wall - below the window) A brass band inscribed "To the memory of our dear parents Edward John Shepherd and Catherine Heyman his wife - 1875."

57. (On the floor of the chancel) A brass to William Crofton and wife. 
"Hic Jacet Will'ms Crofton generes bacallaurs Juris Civilis et legis p'itus ac College de Greysyn qui obiit xviij die Marcii Ao Dni M CCCC lxxx... q'rn a'i'ab's p'piciet des".

58. (On the South wall of the chancel) In this chancel lies interred John Morgan B.D., Rector of Medburn, Commissary of Richmond and Prebendary of S. Davids. He died 20 September 1773 aged 73 years.
Mary Phillips widow of the above John Morgan is likewise interred here, who died 6th November 1774 aged 70 years.
In the same vault lie the remains of Francis Lloyd, M.A., late Rector of this Parish (no date).
He was buried on 2nd October 1778 vide Arch. Cant. Vol.XX p.194.

59. Stained glass window in the South wall of the Nave bears a label with the words;
"Franciscum Henricam Heyman Shepherd. Pueram magnae spei immatura raptum". And below a brass band "To the memory of Charlotte Dalton and her grandson Francis Heyman Shepherd, 1875".

In the Porch are notices of:
60. Benefaction by Rev. Paul Bariston. (He was at one time curate in charge and was instituted vicar of Graine on 26th February 1688/9. His wife, Ann, was buried at Trosley on 20th April 1705 and he on 23rd February 1715/16. His executrix was Mary Goodwin or Godwyn. (vide Arch. Cant. Vol. xx p. 193.)

61.. Restoration of church in October 1824 and gift of pulpit by Dean and Chapter of Westminster and presented by James Seager, Esq. ,  S. Shrubsole, Church Warden,   Mr. Smith, Overseer

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Atwood 30
Braunston 54
Bristow 17
Burr 22
Burslow 6
Campbell 43
Cogger 20, 21
Crofton 57
Dalton 59
Darvill 20
Elliott 35, 37
Gilbert 54
Godwin 48

Goodayle 54
Gorham 3, 4, 5
Hodges 44, 46
Hoskins 24, 38, 39, 40
Jackson 14
Jail 54
Johnson 14, 54
Lloyd 58
Luxford 1
Marchant 30
Marden 52
Matthews 47
Miles 10, 11
Morgan 58Oakes 31, 32
Oliver 41, 54
Packham 27, 28, 29
Parker 54
Parrish 16
Patterson 54
Phillips 46, 58
Pine 18, 55
Razell 7
Rofe 13
Roots 54
Seager 12
Sharley 50
Shepherd 56, 59Shrubsole 15, 54
Smith 25, 26, 54
Smitherman 53
Tilling 9
Tookey 42
Usher 2
Wells 49
Williams 54
Winchester 33
Wolfe 23
Wooding 6, 7, 8

Places IndexAddington 1
   Coldrum 1
   Coldrum Lodge 1
Aylesford 3, 5
Ecoivres cemetery, France 41
Graine 59
France 41
London 20
   Shaftesbury Place,
      Aldersgate Street, 20
   South Lambeth 12

Maidstone 20, 33
Medburn 58
Millbank 12
Rudderfield 51
Somme 41
Sussex 51
Tenterden 48
Trosley Court 2, 52
Trottescliffe Court 55
Westminster 12General
churchwarden 55
Clerk 7, 40
curate 60
Dean and Chapter of
   Westminster 61
killed in action 41
Monch (Pub?)  33
ostler 33
Overseer 61
pulpit, gift of  61
Rector 58
vicar 60

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Lamberhurst

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Lamberhurst, Kent. Noted in June 1923 by L. L. Duncan. Typed up by Christine Pantrey,  February 2002.

In the late 1890s the Lewisham author and antiquarian Mr Leland L. Duncan embarked on a project of recording the early memorial inscriptions in a large number of Kent churchyards. In visiting the sites he carried with him a small pocket field notebook in which he recorded the inscriptions in his own shorthand, in pencil, and what follows is a careful transcription of what he noted in the churchyard.

Western Slip.
1. (Cross):- Margorie Violet daughter of Bertram and Edith PLAYFOOT, 6th March 1912 aged 4 years.

2. (Cross):- Edith Helen wife of Bertram Latter PLAYFOOT, 2nd January 1918.

3. Isaac BALLARD 59 years tenant of ‘Down Farm’ in this parish, who after 5 years of mental suffering died 22nd January 1884 in his 84th year. Also Catherine his first wife, 9th January 1831 aged 28.

4. Mary Anne BALLARD widow of Isaac BALLARD late of the ‘Down Farm’ Lamberhurst, 9th February 1896 aged 76. "A souccourer of many".

5. Catherine wife of James GREENGO who died at the ‘Down Farm’ Lamberhurst 21st March 1902 aged 69. Above James Greengo, 15th January 1915 aged 85.

6. (Cross):-
Edith wife of Fred GREAGSLEY, daughter of James TURNER of Newbury, Berks, and faithful nurse of Mrs Philip SIMPSON, born 27th September 1850, died 11th September 1889.

7. Mary Ann wife of G. A. JEFFERY, 30th January 1887 aged 34.

8. old stone – face downwards.

9. William WALLIS, 29th December 1884 aged 82. Barbara his wife, 9th February 1884 aged 75.

10. Sarah wife of William WALLIS of this parish, 10th September 1808 aged 47. John Wallis her husband, 18th March 1842 aged 86, leaving issue three sons and five daughters.

11. Sarah wife of Thomas WILLMHURST, late of Lamberhurst, 18th September 1799 aged 77.

12. John L- READ+ of this parish, ? January 12th 1800 aged 26. Foot:- J. L-Read 1800. + appears to be 50.

13. (upper part gone):- Mary his wife died February 22nd 18(?20) aged 96 years. Foot:- J. W. 1805. M.W. 1820.

(Three Cross tombs in enclosure):-
14. Mary Anne HAWKINS, 21st January 1885 aged 85.

15. Margaret widow of Rev. Edward HAWKINS, Rector of Keleton Somerset, died 5th November 1839 aged 91 years eight months. Robert Hawkins M.P. vicar of this parish died 9th February 1893 aged 87.

16. Caesar Henry HAWKINS Esq. F.R.S. F.R.C.S. died 20th July 1884 . Ella his widow, 10th January 1913.
Caroline Hawkins died 22nd January 1858.

17. (Monument with angel opposite Tower):- Lilia Delcy PRICKETT daughter of Charles and Rose Prickett, born 18th January 1876, died 6th May 1913. Jessie Prickett born November 1878 died February 1882. Also Rose Prickett wife of Charles Prickett, 30th July 1921 aged 79.

18. Charles AMHERST of this parish, 24th May 1782 aged ? 41. Charles Amhurst died 12th December 1792 aged 55.

19. Thomas DADSWELL of this parish, 12th April 1817 aged 38. Jane his wife, 6th July 1830 aged 62. Left issue one daughter Jane. Likewise Edward son of Thomas and Jane……(under grass).

20. Jane DADSWELL, 25th May 1881 aged 71. Edward Dadswell, 5th March 1824 aged 17 years. James Dadswell died in infancy.

21. Charles PRICKETT of this parish, 13th November 1844 aged 60, leaving a widow and eleven children:- Charles, Mary Ann, John, Richard, Sarah, William, George, Edward, Henry, Harriet and Adolphus. Sarah Elizabeth Prickett wife of above, 1st March 1869 aged 79.

5 in front of Tower:-
22. William Henry PRICKETT of this parish, 29th January 1821 aged 30. Left a widow and six children:- Frederick, William, Thomas, Philip, Mary and Sarah.

23. Elizabeth wife of John PRICKETT of this parish, yeoman, died 19th July 1820 aged 55. left issue five children:- William, John, Charles, Sarah and Mary-Ann.

24. John PRICKETT, yeoman, late of Wadhurst, 7th November 1836 aged 75.

25. Adolphus Watkins PRICKETT son of Charles and Mary-Ann Prickett, 15th November 1828 aged 3. Also Walter James their son, 28th September 1833 aged 2. Jane their daughter, 8th May 1837 aged 7. Henry Richard their son, 2nd March 1839 aged 20.

26. William Henry PRICKETT late of ‘Clay-Hill’ in this parish, 29th September 1827 aged 40. Left surviving a widow and one daughter Winifred.

South Western Triangle.
27. (Cross):- Thomas PARKER Esq. F.S.A. born 4th February 1802, died 11th December 1879. Lydia his wife, born 22nd January 1806, died 12th February 1888. Mary Lydia Parker youngest daughter of Thomas Parker, born 19th August 18(?32), died 29th January 1899. Barbara Louisa Parker daughter of Thomas and Lydia Parker died 4th December 1913 aged 89.

28. Mary dafter of John and Anne HICKMOT died March ye 26th aged fifteen months Anno Domini 1726.

29 & 30. (Old stones probably tops of 17th century altar tombs- but 29 has):- F. K. A.G./ 77 7 58/ S.K. A. 77.


32. Heare lyeth (cut out) BVR RVED The Body of Mildred DUN who departed this……...1634.

33. John STAPLEY, yeoman, late of this parish, 17th February 17(?88) aged 77. Left issue one son and four daughters.

34. (Large tomb):- South:- Virgil POMFRET, gent Liv’d so Respected That when the Sable Train of Mourning friends attended his breathless Corps Here to be Entomb’d Each tearful eye seem’d thus to say "there goes an Honest Man". He died February 19th 1765 aged 77 when His God bid Him to resign his breath willing He met His Doom and smil’d on death.

West end:- Mrs Harriot POMFRET widow of Virgil Pomfret, gent, mentioned on the East side of this Tomb, died 4th November 1803 aged 66. The study of her life was to mitigate the loss of the father by proving herself a most tender and affectionate mother to her only son F. B. Pomfret Esquire of Tenterden.

North side:- Anne wife of Virgil POMFRET, gent, A Virtous and Dearest wife, A tender and indulgent parent, died February 23rd 1762 aged 46.

East side:- Here also leith inheritor of his fathers virtues the body of Virgil POMFRET junior. He liv’d beloved and died lamented being snatched away in his noon of life by the Smallpox. Leaving a widow and one son. He died October 30th 1765 aged 28. (8 lines of verse).

35. ? Allice S(?APLEY) died – May177- aged 4- years./A….. …………./ ………………above…../ ………………….……………..died 8……………./……………………………….Footstone A.S. 1770.

36. Thomas STAPLEY died 18th October 1788 aged 77. Also Mary his wife, 30th October 1785 aged 87.

37. Sarah wife of John NOAKES of this parish, December 3rd 1799 aged 54, after a long and lingering illness.

38. John NOAKES late butcher of this parish, 19th March 1811 aged 63, also of one son who died in infancy. Left surviving a widow and three children: John, Harriot and Eliza.

39. Ada wife of James WILES and relict of John NOAKES died 8th June 1829 aged 64, leaving issue one son and one daughter, John and Harriot.

40. Frances daughter of William and Ruth MARTIN of this parish, 2nd January 1863 in 61st year. Also near Richard BAILEY of this parish, 30th August 1830 aged 56. Ann wife of Richard Bailey died 21st March 1861 aged 81.

41. William MARTIN of this parish, 11th January 1813 aged 64. Ruth his wife, 7th May 1824 aged 66. Elizabeth daughter of William and Ruth Martin, 26th April 1808 aged 20. Jane their daughter, 6th November 1817 aged 20. Also Gains and Ruth who died in infancy.

42. Keturah wife of Richard SMIT………. ………….. ……. (Gone). Al……………. Richard Smit…………. who died 31 August 18(?51) aged 74. Also Charles son of Richard and Keturah SMITH died 10th July 182(?4) aged 5 years.

43. Thomas WILLETT ye svn of John Willett who died May ye 7th day 1705 aged 4 years and ten months.

44. Richard PILBEAM died 4th March 1719/20 aged 53. This stone was erected by Mary ALCHEIM his executor.

45. William WALLIS of this parish, 30th April 1830 aged 64. Elizabeth his wife, 21st January 1820 aged 64. Also opposite this stone Mary their daughter died 29th December 1806 aged 21, leaving one son William.

46. Hannah wife of James WALLIS, of this parish, 19th December 1830 aged 68.

47. (Monument and broken pillar):- Jemima SALE, born 10th July 1799, died 30th April 1884.
Abigail Sale born 8th November 1824, died 22nd June 1839. Frances Everest, born 14th December 1840, died 5th April 1876.

48. Charles Cottington TOMPSETT, 21st April 1892 aged 68. Ann Tompsett widow of above, 2nd May 1893 aged 66.

49. Margaret Elizabeth (Bessie DYER) died 22nd September 1895 aged six months.

50. Robert BISHOP, 20th April 1901 aged 65. Mary his wife, 16th October 1913 in 81st year.

51. James BOWLES, 12th February 1867 aged 59. Mary Ann his wife, 15th February 1879 aged 66. ‘A Father and Mother beloved’.

52. William NEAL of this parish, 30th November 1807 aged 68. Mary his wife, 13th June 1795 aged 55. Left issue one son and two daughters : William, Mary and Elizabeth.

53. Alfred GREENGO, 17th October 1904 aged 37, leaving one daughter Catherine. [This is opposite No. 5].

Small plot South of Tower and West of South porch.
54. (Cross):- Lily Caroline daughter of James and Caroline BEDFORD, 17th March 1878 aged 8.

55. Mary wife of William GREAGSBY, 6th January 1759 aged 40, and left issue two sons and one daughter.

56. William GREAGSBEY, blacksmith of this parish, October ye 9th 1753 aged 67. He left issue one son and two daughters. Also near Ann the daughter of William and Elizabeth Greagsbey who died January ye 4th 1725 aged 3 years.

57. Mary MILLER daughter of Nicholas Miller, died 23rd June Anno Domini 1704.

58. Sarah wife of William WAGHORN, died 20th March 1823 in 35th year, leaving surviving three sons and one daughter. Above William Waghorn, 10th November 1852 aged 66.

59. Nicholas MILLER who after eighty-two years spent in Virtue and Piety resigned his Breath December ye 11th 1771.

60. Here Lyeth The Body of ?Allice…… THE – CHEV who departed this Life ……. x…. st 1720 aged 82.

61. Hear Leys Ann WATSON ye wife of Thomas Watson who departed this life ye 30th day of December 1702 aged 63 years.

62. Here /lyeth/ the Body of ..A../ TOLLO.T who departed / this life the ?7 day of January 170- aged 81 years.

63. Heare Leys Debora TOLLOST who departed this life ye ?3 day of July 1703 aged 2 years. Here lyeth also ye Body of Debora Tollost who departed this life ye 16th of September 1704 aged three weeks.

Here liet/h interred T/he body of Mart/ha wife od Thomas NEWNHAM wh/o departed Thi/s life 2nd day of De/cember Anno Domini 1689 aged ?52.

65. Her maiden name was M/ARTHA ADAMS aged about 52 years. [Footstone to 64?].

66. Here / l…./ of….E.W….WILL……………..

67. Here lieth the / body of Thomas NEWNHAM who / departed this/ life ye…. day of / December 1689 aged (?5)7 years.

68. .ody of Will/iam B. ONK He/ departed this/ life March t/ he 22nd in the ye/ar of Our Lord ……………..(under grass). [?1700].

69. illegible.

South of South Aisle.
70. William BEAN of this parish whose awful chaup was ………………………….[?c.1800].

71. (Coped cross):- Elizabeth Horsley WHITEMAN of ‘Down House’ in this parish, daughter of John Clarmont Whiteman of Theydon Grove in the County of Essex, esquire, born 10th January 1834, died 24th September 1911.

72. Here lyeth ye body of Edward MEARCER who died ye 22nd June 1731 aged 83. Also Elizabeth ye wife of Edward Mearcer October ye 28th 1717 aged 63.

73. Mary wife of Walter RAYNOLDS, March – 1720 aged 71.

74. David son of Anthony DUNSTER and Elizabeth his wife, 2(?3) September 1748 aged 63 years. Sarah wife of David Dunster, 9th January 1773 aged 81.

75. Elizabeth GOUGIER November 26th 1773 aged 79.

76. Ann wife of Walter RENALDS died 28th September 1770 aged 82. Also Walter Renalds, 27th February 1730 aged 39.

77. Small, old illegible save ‘HERE’.

78. Richard GOLDING, 27th December 1901 aged 87. Sarah Golding his wife, 17th January 1878 aged 62. Mary Golding their daughter, 19th May 1872 aged 16 years nine months.

79. Dorothy ye wife of Edward WOOD, October ye 10th 1743 aged 38.

80. Sarah wife of David RUM[?INS], January 20th 1768 in the (3?)3 year. Likewise George the son of David and Sarah Rumins who died January 27th [?year] aged ?nine days.

81. Mary wife of John RUMENS, December ye 8th 1767 aged 63. John Rumens of this parish, January ye 12th 1745 aged 53. Left issue six sons and two daughters.

82. Robert BURR of this parish died 10th December 1767 aged 46.

83. Left:- Susanna SALES ye 22nd August 1786 aged 79. Right:- James LATTAR ye 21st April 1749 aged 43. Beneath both: left issue three sons and six daughters.

84. James LATTER, 14th June 1782 aged 40. Left Hannah his wife, one son and four daughters.

85. Edward LATTER, 22nd February 1743 aged 51.

86. Mary wife of Edward LATTER, 19th May 1739 aged 73. Edward Latter ye 19th November 1726 aged 65. [well cut].

87. Samuel LATTER of this parish, 28th November 1835 aged 77. Jane wife of Samuel Latter, December 14th 1817 aged 57.

88. John LATTER son of James and Susanna Latter of this parish, 9th January 1779 aged ?

89. James LATTER of this parish, 20th October 1820 aged 71. Philadelphia his wife, 19th June 1829 aged 72. Near are the remains of…………. and two daughters..

90. Henry BLACKFORD, 4th April 1804 aged 55. Leaving a widow and one daughter. Ann wife of Henry Blackford, 7th December 1828 aged 78.

91. Sarah wife of William RELFE of this parish, 23rd December 1846 aged 74. Leaving six children: Ann, Henry, Mary, William, Joseph and Frederick. Also William Relfe died 19th January 1854 aged 83.

92. Edwin HAINES born 5th August 1828, died 18th May 1911. Emilie Haines his wife "a nature of rare beauty" born 11th September 1843, died 24th July 1911.

93. Harriett wife of James MEDHURST of this parish, 4th March 1875 aged 52. James Medhurst her husband, 4th September 1875 aged 42.

94. Thomas WATKINS late of the District of Kilndown in the parish of Goudhurst, eldest son of Thomas and Elizabeth Watkins of this parish, 5th December 1858 aged 34, leaving a widow and one daughter Kate. Also Susanna his wife died 16th March 1866 aged 35.

95. Amos youngest son of Thomas and Elizabeth WATKINS of this parish, 16th March 1859 aged 22. Also Elizabeth – Ann eldest daughter of above Thomas and Elizabeth Watkins died 8th December 1870 aged 40. Catherine youngest daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Watkins died 5th April 1883 aged 39.

96. Thomas WATKINS of this parish, 16th November 1846 aged 76. Mary wife of above, 30th June 1864 aged 90. Leaving issue two sons and six daughters: Mary-Ann, Elizabeth., Ann, Thomas, William, Margaret, Sarah and Winifred.

97. Elizabeth relict of Thomas WATKINS late officer of Excise, 6th March 1806 aged 60.

98. Fanny Maria daughter of William and Winifred RING, died 24th February 1842 aged eleven months three weeks. Also William Thomas their son died 26th February 1842 aged one month three days.

99. Ann daughter of James and Mary TRILL of this parish, 26th March 1822 aged 15 years.

100. James TRILL of this parish, 25th November 1791 aged 75. Mary wife of James Trill, January 30th 1789 aged 62. Left issue one son James.

101. James TRILL of ‘Windmill Hill’ in this parish, 11th April 1846 in 78th year. Leaving a widow and four children: Mary, James, John and Thomas. Also Mary wife of above James Trill, 12th September 1853 aged 89.

102. Elizabeth wife of John WINDER of this parish, 1st December 1810 aged 37. Left issue five children: John, George, Michael, Thomas and Elizabeth. ‘To lament the loss of the best of Mothers’.

103. Elizabeth wife of John AYLWARD of this parish, 12th January 1838 aged 43. Leaving four sons and four daughters. Also above John Aylward, 7th April 1851 aged 64.

104. John WINDER of this parish, 31st December 1856 aged 72. Leaving a widow and seven children viz: three sons and four daughters. Sarah his wife, 7th February 1881 aged 73. Michael second son of above, 19th September 1863 at Leeds, Yorks. aged 25.

105. Catherine WINDER third daughter of the late John Winder, 27th April 1904 aged 68. John Winder died 26th December 1916 aged 87.

106. Thomas TRILL, 18th March 1861 aged 69, leaving issue one daughter Catherine.

107. Mary TRILL of this parish died 19th January 1862 aged 70.

108. Giles MARSH of this parish, 3rd May 1842 aged 63. Leaving a widow and eight children: six sons and two daughters. ‘Erected by his family in testimony of his worth, his long and faithful services, his ?undeniably honesty and exemplary conduct during 53 years he was a servant at the ‘Chequers Inn’ in this parish’. Eve wife of Giles Marsh died 18th May 1859 aged 77.

109. Elizabeth wife of Thomas WATKINS of this parish, 12th August 1871 aged 68. Above Thomas Watkins, 25th March 1876 aged 74. Also William Michael Watkins second son of above, 29th September 1876 aged 49.

110. George MARSH, 21st December 1880 aged 67.

111. John BEARSBY, 1st June 1890 aged 89. Sarah Bearsby his wife, 14th November 1880 aged 64. Also their son Francis, 26th September 1872 aged 18 and their daughter Fanny 5th February 1870 aged 30.

112. Eliza SAFRAN widow of Jakob Safran (who was interred at Ilford Cemetery) born 10th February 1832, died 29th August 1901. Also Sarah WHITE died 23rd November 1902 aged 75, daughters of the late John WINDER.

113. Sarah wife of Stephen NASH late of Wadhurst, 29th April 1815 aged 30.

114. Here lieth/ the body of/ John HARVY/ who depart/ed this life/ The 17th day / of March/ 1707 (?or 3) [Left side blank].

115. Here lieth/ interred the/ body of…………/ HARVE departed / this life the 1st/ day of March / Anno Domini 170/ sic aged (?6)2 years.

116. Jane wife of Nicholas ARNOLD of this parish, 19th April 1855 aged 35, leaving one son and three daughters.

117. Nicholas ARNOLD of this parish, 7th May 1872 aged 57.

118. (Base of a cross):- Annie Maria Constance ARNOLD, 28th November 1879 aged nine months. John Tilden Arnold, 11th January 1880 aged 27 years ten months. Henry Francis Arnold, 23rd November 1879 aged 4 years seven months.

119. William BOORMAN, 21st August 1853 aged 82. Ruth his wife, 4th March 1864 aged 89.

120. Henry SUMMERS of this parish, 17th February 1853 aged 76.

121. Kate SPENCER youngest daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth SMITH, ‘The Old Farm’, Lamberhurst, 5th March 1877 aged 12. Also Benjamin who died in infancy.

122. (Low coped):- Nicholas WHITEMAN, 9th November 1872 aged 73. Jane Whiteman his wife, 2nd December 1874 aged 71.

123. Mary wife of George WELLS, 7th August 1854 aged 57.

124. William LA\KFORD who died April 2- 1792 aged 52. Also Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth LA?NKFORD M…. 179… aged ?22.

125. Joseph Thomas NEWINGTON, 25th October 1889 aged 63. Twenty-eight years Master of ‘The National School’. Maria Newington his wife, 12th December 1904 aged 78. Also 5 children of above who died young.

126. Joseph FULLER, 25th June 1877 aged 70. Harriet his wife, 24th August 1881 aged 71.

127. Sarah DOUST wife of Samuel Doust of this parish, 1st October 1844 aged 67.

128. Samuel DOUST of ‘Hook Green’ in this parish, 9th July 1855 aged 82. ‘To record his steadfast and faithful service at Bayham? Abbey for 56 years this tablet is erected by the Marquis CAMDEN. Also Maria Doust daughter of above, 2nd June 1840 aged 41.

129. Frances BOORMAN, 20th May 1883 aged 64. John Boorman, 26th February 1900 aged 83.

130. Heare / lyeth the / body of Margaret/ the dafter of John/ WASH who departed / this Life the 2nd day / of December 1710, who was born in the year of Our Lord 1686.

131. Here lieth the body of .ORA..Y the wife of John WASH who departed this life the – day of December in the year of Our Lord…………. ………[under grass].

132. William TUPPER, 26th July 1851 aged 86, leaving Mary Ann his wife and issue: William, Walter, Frank, Charlotte, Sarah-Ann and Charles. Also Arthur died 1st July 1851 aged 6 years, Morton died 29th September 1852 aged 1 year. Also the above Mary-Ann Tupper, 30th May 1884 aged 76.

133. (Coped):- John RUMENS formerly of this parish but late of Tunbridge Wells, born 23rd July 1807 died 6th January 1890. Frances his widow, eldest daughter of David and Ann Maria LATTER, born 23rd September 1815 died 22nd January 1892.

134. (Coped in same enclosure as 133):- Frederick PLAYFOOT, formerly of this parish but late of Burgess Hill, Sussex. Born 19th May 1819, died 15th December 1886. Jane his widow, youngest daughter of David and Ann Maria LATTER, born 2nd February 1823, died 19th September 1891.

135. Ann Maria wife of Jeffrey PLAYFOOT, born 25th March 1818, died 14th January 1887. Above Jeffrey Playfoot, born 6th December 1813, died 14th July 1897.

136. David Latter PLAYFOOT, son of Jeffery and Ann Maria Playfoot of this parish, born 29th October 1843, died 22nd December 1858.

137. Ann- Maria PLAYFOOT the daughter of Jeffrey and Ann- Maria Playfoot of this parish, 2nd September 1848 aged 2 years nine months.

138. In one grave are deposited the earthly remains of three children of David and Ann LATTER of this parish: John died 8th June 1829 aged 12, Sarah 7th August1829 aged 2, Edward 17th October 1829 aged 8.

139. David LATTER of this parish, 2nd July 1849 in 60th year. Left surviving a widow and three daughters viz: Frances Ann- Maria and Jane. Also Ann Maria Latter widow of above, born 30th December 1795, died 18th December 1879. ‘As the prayers of Elisha shut and opened Heaven even so let us remember that the prayers of a righteous man will open the heart and hand of the God of mercy to us’.

140. Sarah-Ada wife of John Edward TOWNSEND, 28th September 1879 aged 35.

141. John Edward TOWNSEND, 2nd October 1886 in 34th year.

142. Edward PLAYFOOT, born 23rd March 1849, died 5th September 1898. Elizabeth his wife, 18th March 1904 aged 56.

143. (cross):- Albert SKINNER, 10th February 1873 aged twenty-one months.

144. (cross):- Charles GILES, 25th May 1913 aged 71.

145. (wood):- In fond memory of the children of Stephen and Sarah-Ann CLARK, William died 14th September 1880 aged 13 years, Matilda, 18th September 1880 aged three months.

146. (wooden cross):- Pray for the repose of the soul of Sarah MALONE died 11th September 1886 aged 40. ‘May Jesus, Mary and Joseph receive her soul Amen’.

East of Chancel.
147. (cross):- Mabel Toulmin DELAMAIN, wife of Colonel F. G. - . – who died at ‘The Brook’, Lamberhurst, 6th January 1915.

148. (Altar: bearing Coat of Arms):- East end:- Here lies the body of Edward HUSSEY of ‘Scotney’ Castle in this parish, born 13th July 1807, died 3rd September 1894. Here lies the body of Henrietta Sarah Hussey, daughter of the Hon. Robert CLIVE and Baroness WINDSOR and wife of Edward Hussey, born 28th March 1820, married 24th November 1853, died 31st January 1899.
On West end- I.H.S. on top ? – cross fleurs.

149. A large Celtic cross East of High Chancel No inscription.

150. (Iron cross):- Sarah J. WILLSHIRE died January 7th 1897 aged 53. Also William Willshire died 28th March 1909 aged 65.

151. Fanny wife of William John BEDFORD of this parish, 18th October 1880 aged 31. Leaving issue one daughter Jessie Frances ARGLES.

152. Top of an old grave ?altar. No inscription apparent.

North Yard.
153. (Small cross):- Raymond Frank FULLBROOK, infant son of Frank and Ada Fullbrook, born 27th December 1918, died February 25th 1919.

154. (Cross):- In loving memory of Our Dear Father William TURNER, born 5th October 1833, died 20th February 1917. Also Our Dear Mother, born 24th June 1838, died 10th January 1919.

155. Dorcas Ann wife of Prickett BOORMAN, 28th February 1914 aged 63.

156. (Cross):- Mary Ann wife of Frank GREAGSBY, 10th December 1916.

157. Caroline wife of Hezekiah EASTWOOD, died 10th February 1905 aged 68. Hezekiah Eastwood, 4th June 1919 aged 84.

158. Enclosure- no stone.

159. William Jeffrey GREAGSBY, 3rd October 1882 aged 69. He was in the service of ‘Messrs SMITH’ of Lamberhurst for 34 years.

160. Two enclosures – no stones.

161. (Cross):- Sarah JEFFERY died 17th March 1878 aged 85. Also Sarah Ann Jeffery
daughter of above, 22nd September 1882 aged 44.

162. Sarah Elizabeth wife of Joseph MOLDEN of this parish, 30th July 1845 aged 21. Also three of her children: Joseph died 12th September 1844 aged ten months, Eleanor, 25th August 1843 aged seven weeks and Mary Ann, 17th March 1853 aged 11 years. Joseph Molden husband of above, 17th June 1857 aged 36 at West Wheeling, State Illinois, North America.

163. (Cross head):- Joseph MOLDEN Senior of this parish. for 25 years a faithful and attached servant of the MORLAND family, died 24th May 1858 aged 65. Mary his wife, 21st December 1861 aged 73.

164. Mary Ann wife of John FISHER, 30th January 1852 aged 30. Eleanor Woodhouse Fisher died in February 1848 aged seven months. Sarah Amos Fisher, 17th November 1849 aged seven months, Mary Ann Fisher 11th January 1852 aged fourteen months, John Fisher, 23rd September 1870 aged 22 years, Susanna Elizabeth STEEGE, 3rd December 1874 aged 30. John Fisher, 13th February 1905 aged 84.

165. (Flat);- Sarah wife of Edward FISHER of this parish, 19th October 1837 aged 45. Mary Fisher relict of above, 10th November 1841 aged 89. Above Edward Fisher, 12th September 1873 aged 82.

166. John FISHER late of Uckfield, 19th August 1858 aged 78. Also William Fisher, 22nd April 1898 aged 74.

167. James Amos FISHER, 22nd January 1900 aged 78. Ann Fisher, wife of above, 1st March 1906 aged 75. George Fisher died 12th January 1909 aged 81.

168. George ROSE of this parish, 14th June 1840 aged 61. Esther his wife, 14th February 1868 aged 79, leaving a widow and five children: George, Frances, Martha, John and Matthew.

169. Mary- SHENTON, wife of Richard- NOAKES-FIELD, 16th February 1871 aged 30.

170. Stephen WHIBLEY, 15th September 1882 aged 77. Mary Whibley, his wife, 7th October 1891 aged 85.

171. (Coped):- Sarah widow of Edward SMITH of Vauxhall, Surrey, born 12th August 1783, died 22nd January 1866. Edward eldest son of Edward and Sarah Smith, born 12th July 1803, died 15th August 1822. Ann younger sister of above, born 18th February 1815, died 9th December 1857.

172. Thomas EASTLAND late of this parish, 9th April 1854 aged 54. Harriet wife of above, 7th May 1890 aged 79.

173. Joseph Ellis NOAKES, late of this parish, 23rd March 1848 aged 65. Leaving issue surviving seven children: five sons and two daughters.

174. Harriot wife of Joseph Ellis NOAKES of Salehurst, 18th August 1831 aged 48. Left issue five sons and three daughters: Elias, Joseph, Thomas, William, Henry, Harriot, Caroline and Mary-Jane. Caroline their daughter, 11th February 1833 aged 16.

175. Eliza wife of Richard FIELD, of this parish, 27th August 1826 aged 21, leaving issue one son, Richard Noakes. Also Richard Field husband of above, 3rd July 1866 aged 61.

176. John NOAKES of this place, 13th April 1840 aged 37, leaving a widow, two sons and four daughters: John, Arthur, Caroline, Martha, Jane and Anne. Eliza their infant daughter died 14th October 1832 aged eight months.

177. (Small cross):- Harold Albert NOAKES died 3rd January 1867 aged 1 year eight months. Thomas Noakes died 4th November 1868 aged four months.

178. (Small cross):- Clara Florence NOAKES, 10th September 1872 aged twelve months.

179. (Small cross):- Joan Hilda CARTER, born 4th November 1890, died 3rd January 1891.

180. Katharine wife of John NOAKES, 10th November 1875 aged 42, leaving three sons and five daughters. Elizabeth second wife of John Noakes, 26th January 1914 aged 68. John Noakes of ‘Furnace Farm’, died 23rd February 1918 aged 87.

181. Mary Ann WILES wife of Thomas Wiles late of Ticehurst, died 31st December 1845 aged 47, leaving two sons and eight daughters. Also Thomas Bold Wiles died 1st May 1878 aged 82.

182. Louise youngest daughter of Edward and Elizabeth EASTLAND, 10th March 1917 aged 47.

183. Martha wife of Edward PADGHAM of this parish, builder, 27th June 1881 aged 66. Hannah-Maria Padgham, 7th November 1835 aged 2 years and ten months. Edward Padgham, 21st March 1889 aged 75.

184. (Iron cross):- George Alfred TOLHURST, 3rd December 1902 aged 28.

185. Elizabeth MILSTED, 12th September 1912 aged 48.

186. Catherine EDWARDS third daughter of William and Mary Edwards of Portsea, Hants. 11th January 1843 aged 31.

187. Stephen MILSTED blacksmith of this parish, 3rd December 1858 aged 91, leaving issue four sons: William, George, James and John.

188. Sarah wife of Stephen MILSTED of this parish, 1st January 1837 in 68th year.

189. Thomas MILSTED third son of Stephen and Sarah Milsted, 17th August 1851 aged 54.

190. James MILSTED of this parish, fifth son of Stephen and Sarah Milsted, 11th July 1867 aged 64.

191. Edward EASTLAND late of this parish, 12th February 1848 aged 54, leaving surviving a widow and ten children: four sons and six daughters. Mary Eastland widow of above, 20th April 1893 aged 92.

192. Sarah fourth daughter of Edward and Mary EASTLAND of this parish, 21st April 1861 aged 31. Also John Thomas Eastland, 2nd March 1866 aged 28.

193. Ann third daughter of Edward and Mary EASTLAND, 3rd July 1874 aged 46. Elizabeth the second daughter, died 24th May 1891 aged 67.

194. Fanny wife of John TAYLOR late cooper of this parish, 8th June 1859 aged 59. Thomas Taylor son of above, born 17th December 1832, died 8th May 1833 and John who only lived eight hours.

195. Esther wife of John TAYLOR, 3rd May 1896 aged 56. John Taylor born 17th May 1810, died 10th December 1899.

196. Ellen Jane (Nellie) second daughter of Edward and Elizabeth EASTLAND, 28th November 1882 aged 24. Also Caroline (Carrie) their third daughter, 12th March 1904 aged 43.

197. Elizabeth wife of Edward EASTLAND, 1st December 1902 aged 72. Above Edward Eastland, 15th December 1908 aged 83.

198. Sophia wife of William GURR, 16th April 1884 aged 51. William Gurr, 12th February 1903 aged 73. Arthur Gurr, 8th March 1900 aged 27. Douglas Hugh Gurr, 28th December 1899 aged twenty-one months.

199. Dear Father and Mother, William and Sarah WALLIS, died February 4th and January 12th 1910 aged 80 and 75.

200. Mary Ellen READ wife of James Read of this parish, 11th April 1888 aged 44.

201. John MILSTED of this parish, 6th June 1884 aged 75.

202. Fanny SKINNER, 25th April 1917 aged 73.

203. (Flat):- Robert Hollamby SKINNER of this parish, 8th July 1884 aged 51. Also Edward Kerl SKINNER youngest son of above, born 14th December 1883, died 27th July 1904.

204. Arthur SHARP, 6th August 1894 aged 32.

205. Edward CLARK, 2nd March 1886 aged 69.

206. (Iron cross at foot of 205):- Florence Emily HAWKINS (Little Florrie) 20th November 1907 aged 5 years four months.

207. (Small cross head):- James MILSTED born 19th January 1829, died 20th November 1902. Jane his wife, 20th June 1914 aged 71.

208. George SALE of this parish, 13th January 1850 aged 78, leaving a widow, four sons and two daughters viz: Elizabeth, Martha, George, Stephen, Charles and William. Joseph a son of above died in infancy. Elizabeth his wife died 14th December 1855 aged 76.

209. Thomas MEDHURST of this parish, 15th May 1860 aged 59. Fanny daughter of Thomas and Harriet Medhurst, 9th September 1849 aged 7 years. Harriet wife of above, 15th January 1884 aged 78. Amos son of above died at Queens Town, Ireland, 20th December 1876 aged 36.

210. Body of John HODGKIN, he departed this life, 2nd day of September 170-(?2) aged (?4 or 6)2 years. Left wife , son and daughter T.H. M.H.

211. Richard HODGSKIN of this parish, 22nd December 1840 aged 37. Sarah his wife, 14th August 1864 aged 85. ‘A sudden change –‘.

212. Here/ lyeth ye/ body of Stephen/HODGSKIN who/ departed this/life 23rd day/ of October 1700 aged about 4 (?8) years.

213. William ANSELL of this parish, 4th June 1855 aged 46. Caroline daughter of Eliza and William Ansell, 1st August 1859 aged 29. William Ansell, 11th November 1861 aged 83, leaving issue two sons and two daughters.

214. Thomas HODGSKIN of this parish, 6th November 1844 aged 66. Sarah his wife, 17th March 1840 aged 66.

215. Thomas LANSDELL, 4th April 1868 aged 76. Ann his widow, 18th July 1868 aged 63.

216. Ann Marshall widow of Thomas LANSDELL, 8th July 1837 aged 30. Leaving four daughters: Mary-Ann, Elizabeth- Ranger, Frances and Dorothy.

217. Elizabeth Ranger LANSDELL of this parish, 21st December 1853 aged 23.

218. Ann JEFFERY of this parish, 13th February1826 aged 83.

219. Sophia wife of George ROGERS of this parish, 18th February 1847 aged 39, leaving issue four sons and one daughter. George Rogers, 12th February 1874 [ No age].

220. Thomas RUMENS of this place, 22nd October 1841 aged 33. Left surviving Ann his wife and issue one child viz Frances. Philadelphia wife of Thomas ROGERS of this place died 28th February 1839 aged 38 years. Left three sons and one daughter: Thomas, Charles, John and Sarah. Also John their son died 7th July 1839 aged four months.

221. Charity POMFRET second daughter of Jesse and Mary Ann Pomfret, 28th March 1911 aged 66.

222. Mary Ann wife of Jesse POMFRET, 8th April 1880 aged 59. Jesse Pomfret, 17th February 1898 in 82nd year. John Pomfret son of above, 25th July 1859 aged 12.

223. Charles GREAGSBEY of this parish, 11th April 1860 aged 30. John son of Charles and Elizabeth Greagsbey, 21st February 1858 aged 1 year four months. Left surviving a widow and three children: Charles, Arthur and Francis. Ellen wife of above, 20th June 1864 aged 32.

224. William son of John and Mary GRIGSBY, deceased July 30th 1827 aged 11 years and eleven months. Joseph Grigsby son of John and Mary Grigsby of this parish, January ye 12th 1850 aged 4 years and nine months.

225. John GREAGSBEY, 7th March 1867 aged 66. Mary Greagsbey his wife, 12th September 1867 aged 67.

226. Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Sarah RUMENS, 7th January 1824 aged 19. Also on the right hand side lieth the remains of Sarah and Ann daughters of Thomas and Sarah Rumens. Sarah died June 1913 aged eighteen months, Ann died February 16th 1816 aged (?4) months.

227. Sarah wife of Thomas RUMENS of this parish, 3rd April 1815 aged 34, left issue nine children. Also above Thomas Rumens 11th August 1824 aged 48.

228. Thomas RUMENS of this parish, 17th October 1802 aged 68, leaving a widow and two children Thomas and Mary. Mary his wife, 5th October 1818 aged 75.

229. John BEECHER of this parish, 2nd November 1782 aged 81. Mary wife of John Beecher died February 7th 1790 aged 79.

230. Thomas Hore GRAHAM M.R.C.S. L.S.A son of the late Major John Hore Graham, Royal Marines of Devonport, born 21st March 1819, died 21st October 1901, Also Charlotte his wife, 21st March 1898 aged 74.

231. Thomas COUCHMAN of this parish, 27th June 1831 aged 78. Sarah-Ann his wife, 12th April 1827 aged 62. Thomas their son, 10th November 1840 aged 40. Sarah-Ann their daughter, 20th December 1872 aged 69. Maria EDWARDS friend of Sarah Ann Couchman, died at Lamberhurst, 18th July 1860 aged 27.

232. Beloved children of Thomas Hore and Charlotte GRAHAM. Thomas Patrick Graham, born May 29th 1864, died 2nd March 1866. Thomas Oliver Graham, born 24th December 1866, died 19th February 1868. Margaret Rachel Graham, born 2nd September 1868, died 27th October 1872.

233. William ……n son of El……. And John WHITTLE…………. (under grass).Foot. W.J.W. 1824. J.S.W. 1835.

234. Jane ROBERTSON only daughter of Peter and Jane Robertson, 12th November 1857 aged 23.

235. John WHILEY, 13th September 1908 aged 78.

236. Mary wife of John WHILEY aged 64 years 1896. ‘After many years suffering’.

237. John WHILEY son of John and Mary Whiley, 4th May 1877 aged four months. Also Amelia their daughter, 9th October 1877 aged 15 years.

238. George PRICKETT of this parish, 12th October 1858 aged 36, leaving a wife and eight children: four sons and four daughters. Sarah his wife, 27th December 1891 aged 75.

239. Mary wife of William HOOKER of Worth in Sussex, and eldest daughter of William Henry and Sarah PRICKETT of ‘Hook Green’ in this parish, 22nd January 1839 in her 26th year.

240. Georgiana PRICKETT of this parish, 28th May 1916 aged 74. Theodora Prickett of this parish, 11th November 1916 aged 75. Genevera Prickett, 19th November 1919 aged 68, all daughters of the late George Prickett.

241. John PRICKETT of this parish, 2nd September 1834 aged 40. Susanna Prickett wife of above, 21st October 1858 aged 64. He left surviving his widow and six children: four sons and two daughters.

North West Corner.
242. Charlotte wife of John WHITE of this parish, 8th December 1843 aged 61. Above John White, 12th April 1855 aged 77.

243. William GOLDSTONE of this parish, 27th October 1833 aged 59. Elizabeth his wife, 9th November 1856 aged 82.

244. Thomas BARTON, 31st December 1819 aged 62. Elizabeth-Ann his wife, 14th December 1853 aged 96.

245. George and John sons of Thomas and Alica BARTON of this parish. George died 26th April 1822 aged seventeen months, John, 30th May 1831 aged seven months. Emma their daughter, 18th January 1835 aged 21 years.

246. Robert BULL, 13th December 1911 aged 60.

247. Ann wife of John CHEESMAN, 24th September 1901 aged 75. Above John Cheesman, 9th December 1905 aged 79.

248. John SHOOBRIDGE of ‘Coggers Hall’ Lamberhurst, 5th May 1879 aged 74. Elizabeth Shoobridge widow of above, 2nd September 1888 aged 84.

249. John CUTBEARTH of this parish, 4th February 1851 in 75th year. Mary his wife, 17th September 1853 in 81st.

250. Joseph MANN,26th January 1863 aged 78. His wife Charlotte Mann, 18th January 1851 aged 64. Their son Henry Edward Mann, 10th December 1838 aged 11 years. Their grandchild Elizabeth Rosemary Mann, 20th February 1863 aged 4.

251. Charles William MATHERS, son of Charles and Martha Mathers of this parish, 31st October 1820 aged 17.

252. Martha Foster MATHERS, 22nd November 1845 in 75th year, leaving issue one daughter Ann.

253. William BOORMAN of this place, 1st May 1859 in 76th year. Sarah Boorman, 16th November 1851 in 84th year. Left issue Elizabeth, Thomas and Mary NASH. Mary Nash PIERCE, 30th December 1878 aged 73.

254. Henry (Henrietta?) TYHURST of this parish relict of the late Thomas Tyhurst of Penshurst, 24th June 1848 aged 84.

255. Elizabeth wife of Joseph BALLARD, watchmaker of this parish, 28th January 1869 aged 67. Also of Sarah, Lambert and Henry aged respectively, 1 year and nine months, also Charles died 28th August 1852 aged 22, all children of above. Left issue five children: Ann, George, John, Esther and Vincent. Also above Joseph BALLARD, 22nd April 1883 aged 80,

256. Thomas TOWNER, 5th August 1882 aged 75. Mary his wife, 22nd January 1858 aged 40.

257. Hannah daughter of William and Elizabeth PELLETT, 23rd October 1824 aged 28.

258. James PIERCE, 30th July 1880 aged 86. Jane Pierce, 1st June 1892 aged 96. James Henry Pierce, 18th August 1827 aged 5. Jane Pierce, 30th May 1837 aged 9.

259. (In same curb):- Emily Ray PIERCE, 11th December 1885 aged 60. John Jones Pierce, 18th May 1916 aged 96.

260. Nicholas FUNNELL late of ‘Whiskells’ in this parish, 26th June 1815 aged 44. Philadelphia his wife, 14th August 1816 aged 43.

261. (Cross head):- Sarah STEPHENS, Born 21st January 1781, Died 14th November 1872. For many years a foot servant at ‘Scotney Castle’.

262. Edward GRIGSBY, 9th July 1894 aged 53. Amelia his wife, 3rd May 1910 aged 70.

263. John HODGSKIN, 10th October 1844 aged 56. Leaving a widow and issue – one son Charles. ‘He was a servant at the ‘Court Lodge’ in this parish 45 years and four months’. Martha his widow, 14th June 1853 aged 62.

264. Elizabeth Ellen wife of George Walter JEFFERY of this parish, 17th June 1887 aged 33.

265. Charlotte third daughter of James and Margaret WILES, 17th February 1860 aged 53.

266. James WILES of this parish, 9th June 1818 aged 62. Margaret his wife, 30th January 1805 aged 41. Mercy his wife died 15th August 1811 aged 62. William his son by Margaret his wife, 11th December 1794 aged 2years nine months. Left a widow and nine children.

267. Jane wife of William BUTCHER of this parish, 5th September 1877 aged 69. Above William Butcher, 13th May 1893 aged 83.

268. Eliza wife of James PLAYFOOT, 5th September 1889 aged 64. James Playfoot, 4th December 1891 aged 73. George Playfoot son of above, 21st February 1916 aged 61.

269. Philadelphia ROBERTS, 5th July 1894 aged 76. William Roberts her husband, 13th October 1918 aged 100 years nine months. William Roberts died 18th November 1849 aged 11 years, Sarah Roberts, 26th November 1849 aged 8 and Eliza Roberts, 24th November 1849 aged 6.

270. Annie Maud AVARDS, 16th September 1889 in 17th year. Jane Susan Avards, wife of John Avards, 4th November 1897 aged 56. Above John Avards, born 2nd May 1842, died 6th January 1906.

271. Two old moss covered stones- flat rather narrow – no inscription visible.

272. Hester CHAMBERS of this parish, 3rd February 1808 aged 79. John son of Hester Chambers, 3rd February 1826 aged 77. Frances wife of John Chambers, 8th December 1821 aged 68. Left issue two sons and two daughters viz William, Thomas, Martha and Frances. John son of John and Frances Chambers, 18th October 1796 aged 19.

273. William only son of C and E GREAGSBEY, born 16th December 1883, died 13th October 1902.Annie Elizabeth born 19th February 1892, died 14th December 1892.

274. Cassandra WOODBRIDGE, 7th February 1874 aged 65.

275. (Small-coped):- Elizabeth wife of Andrew TYHURST of Lamberhurst, 20th September 1868 aged 43. Charlotte Elizabeth their daughter, 22nd August 1876 aged 24.

276. John CRAMP of this parish, 22nd February 1854 aged 72. Mary his wife, 21st February 1851 aged 54.

277. (Small cross head):- James PITT born 9th December 1808, died 22nd November 1884, for 42 years a foot servant of the late Hugh CROFT and his family by whom this stone is erected in affectionate remembrance.

278. Thomas ROBERTS, 29th February 1856 aged 56.

279. Samuel BAKER of this parish, 10th June 1831 aged 78. Mary his wife, 15th April 1815 aged 67, leaving issue four daughters.

280. James WHEELER, eldest son of James and Ann Elizabeth Wheeler of this parish, 20th June 1847 aged 27. Fanny Wheeler, 15th July 1850 aged 25. Mary Ann Wheeler, 19th September 1855 aged 33. Ann Elizabeth wife of James Wheeler, 6th January 1859 aged 71.

281. Harriot MATHEWS wife of John Mathews of this parish, 1st May 1835 aged 53. John Mathews, 28th December 1849 aged 63.

282. James HICKMOTT of this parish, 26th September 1830 aged 93. Mary his wife, 14th September 1814 aged 85. Likewise Sarah wife of John Hickmott of this parish, 25th October 1831 aged 70. Above John Hickmott, 2nd December 1854 aged 91.

283. (Coped cross):- Elizabeth wife of Gilmore Winton CROFT, born 23rd May 1835, died 21st June 1876. Mary daughter of Hugh and Maria Croft, born 24th March 1832, died 26th June 1883. Gilmore Hinton youngest son of Hugh Croft Esq., born 22nd February 1840, died 23rd October 1869. Edith GILMORE only child of Gilmore WINTON and Louisa Elizabeth Croft, born 19th July 1868, died 18th October 1868.

284. (Coped cross):- Elizabeth wife of Hugh CROFT, born 7th May 1813, married 7th May 1889, died July 20th 1889. Maria daughter of Hugh and Maria Croft, born 13th December 1827, died 22nd August 1882. High Croft only son of Gilmore Croft, Esq. of London and Hastings, born 19th January 1808, died 27th September 1866.

285. Anne AYLWARD, widow of John Aylward aged 56. For 17 years faithful and attached servant of the MORLAND family, died 4th July 1857.

286. John KENNARD, 28th October 1879 aged 79. Elizabeth his wife, 27th May 1872 aged 77. Near is Nathaniel, George Edward, Ann, Emma and Elizabeth, sons and daughters of the above.

287. Edward COLVILL of this parish, died 6th February 1830 aged 75. Ann wife of Edward Colvill, 15th September 1827 aged 66, leaving issue two sons and three daughters: Edward, Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth and Ann.

288. (An altar tomb with coat of arms):- The Monument of the MORLAND family. [no names].

289. Daniel WEBB Esquire, late of Tunbridge Wells who died April 7th 1828.

290. (By entrance under tree- cross):- Philip SIMPSON, born 18th November 1828, died 6th November 1885. Alica his wife, born 1st April 1834, died 28th September 1898.

Southern yard.
291. John son of William and Mary ………. ULSON…foot J. S. 1823.

292. William SMITH late of this parish, 27th May 1849 aged 44.

293. George BISHOP, 30th March 1891 aged 84. He was in the service of E. HUSSEY Esq. 55 years. Hannah his wife, 17th March 1877 aged 66. Left surviving three sons and four daughters. Near lie eight other children of above.

294. William HANCE of this parish, died 26th April 1778 aged 58.

295. Alice wife of William HANCE of this parish, 7th February 1773 aged 60.

296. John only son of William and Alice HANCE of this parish, 11th July 1770 aged 20.

297. (Cross head);- Robert son of Thomas and Harriett STILES of ‘Slade Farm’ in this parish, born 24th October 1820, died 28th January 1858 aged 28, leaving issue one son and one daughter, Sarah-Ann and George.

298. Elizabeth SMITH, 6th February 1836 aged 38.

299. Ann wife of John SMITH of this parish, 14th April 1829 aged 68, leaving issue two sons and one daughter. Above John Smith died 19th August 1840 aged 81.

300. James POUTCHERS, 9th April 1864 aged 72. Hannah his wife, 6th August 1878 aged 83. Erected by their children.

301. William SMITH who after 42 years labour at ‘Great Court Lodge’ in this parish died 7th August 1823 aged 63.

302. Thomas SMITH 49 years schoolmaster in this parish. He was a great penetrator of Antiquity and a lover of the Holy Scriptures. (Six lines of verse). He departed this life March 11th 1807 aged 84.

303. Hannah Selina only daughter of George and Mary Ann BISHOP, born 7th February 1870, died 9th January 1890 at ‘New Lodge’, Hawkhurst.

304. Joseph TYHERST late blacksmith of this parish, 30th December 1811 aged 74, leaving a widow, five sons and four daughters. Martha his wife, 15th September 1826 aged 83.

305. Elizabeth wife of Robert BAKER of this parish, she was daughter of John and Elizabeth LATTER of Frant, died 9th July 1769 aged 42. Also Robert Baker died 27th October ?1796 aged ?61 years.

306. Elizabeth wife of Samuel LEVERATT, 23rd January 1902 aged 76.

307. Ruth wife of Arthur BARTHOLOMEW of Mount Pleasant, Flimwell, 9th July 1918 aged 71. Also Our beloved father Arthur Bartholomew died 16th April 1922 aged 76.

308. Ann LUMLEY relict of Edward Lumley, died 18th August ?1793 aged 57.

309. Thomas HOADLY died August 25th 1755 aged ?65. Also Ann his wife died May …… ………….

310. Benjamin ATTWATER of Goudhurst, he was an indulgent father, died July 17th 1797 aged ?57.

311. Ann daughter of Benjamin and Ellanor ATTWATER late of Goudhurst, died 27th July 180(?5) aged 36.

312. Benjamin ATTWATER, late of Goudhurst, 16th October 1838 aged 70.

313. (Cross):- William Crick CROCOMBE, 26th August 1921 aged 63.

314. Edith Esther daughter of Stephen and Kezia HAWKINS, born 1st January 1883, died 24th October 1891. Also Arthur son of above died 2nd February 1896 aged 11 years.

315. Phillis HAWKINS, 22nd February 1875 aged 71. 37 years foot servant to the family of Issac BALLARD of ‘Down farm’ in this parish. John Hawkins her husband, 29th March 1873 aged 80.

316. Jane wife of Mr Henry THOMPSON, of Calverley Terrace, Tunbridge Wells, 28th June 1857 aged 54. David son of above Henry and Jane Thompson who was lost in the wreck of ‘The Royal Charter’ off Anglesea on 26th October 1859 aged 25. Henry Thompson died at Southborough, Kent, 24th June 1870 in 71st year. Emma widow of above named Henry Thompson, and last surviving daughter of Thomas FLEMING of Dulwich died 30th November 1890 aged 76.

317. In one grave are deposited the remains of Nicholas SANDS and Elizabeth his wife, late parishioners. He died 15th May 1808 aged 69. She 25th May 1808 aged 68.

318. Alfred eldest son of William Chester and Mary Ann BEECH, 25th November 1874 aged 29. Mary Ann third daughter of above William Chester and Mary Ann Beech died 26th March 1878 aged 29. Julia JEFFERY eldest daughter of William Chester and Mary Ann Beech, 2nd March 1904 aged 62, interred at Matfield.

319. Ann wife of Henry ELLIOTT, 5th January 1885 aged 41.

320. William Chester BEECH, late of ‘The Chequers Hotel’, 23rd December 1894 aged 81. Mary Ann Beech wife of above, 12th August 1895 aged 81.

321. (Flat):- Fanny WIGLEY, 10th May 1873 aged 3.

322. Joseph BOWYER, 7th September 1858 aged 73. Elizabeth his wife, 14th December 1871 aged 77.

323. Thomas BAILEY of this parish, 15th October 1836 aged 78. Ann his wife, 7th May 1836 aged 83.

324. (Cross head):- Edward BAILEY, 14th November 1900 aged 81. Mary Ann his wife, 4th November 1908 aged 81.

325. The body of Samawl SANDS the sun of Thomas and Abigail Sands who departed this life, ? February ye 12th 1746/7 aged 4 years. "Eyes weep no more I am not last …..’.

326. (Wood):- Thomas FULLBROOK, 3rd July 1907 aged 67. Rhoda Hannah daughter of above, 6th October 1903 aged 26.

327. Ann wife of James PLAYFOOT of this parish, 23rd May 1854 aged 38. Also two of her children: Jeffery Austen, 17th May 1849 aged 2 years ten months, John , 21st December 1849 aged 9. Left issue three sons and three daughters. Above James Playfoot, 13th June 1868 aged 59.

328. John STEVENS, 18th October 1852 aged 61. Eleanor his wife, 9th June 1875 aged 81.

329. (Cross by porch):- In loving memory of C. S. D. (little Derrick) son of Charles Frederick and Rosina PRICKETT, born 3rd September 1915, died 28th December 1917.

330. Heare lyeth the / body of William / LIM VII(?LIMLY). He departed/ ………………………../…………………………/…………………………/171(0 or 6)……Dom.

331. Thomas NOAKES of this parish, 7th September 1748 aged 61. Left issue one son and six daughters. Elizabeth his wife……… 1771 aged 84.

332. Stephen son of Lawrence FOSTER and Katherine his wife, 22nd August 1733 in 33rd year. Also Hannah wife of Stephen Foster, 20th April 1782 aged 82.

333. Thomas FOSTER of this parish, 20th May 1800 aged 69.

334. Mary wife of Peter CLIFTEN who died August ?14th 1745 in 57th year. Also Peter
Cliften , 21st December 1774 in 81st year.

335. John Richard son of Virgil and Cornelia EASTLAND, 2nd August 1831 aged 20.

336. Thomas Dunster PLAYFOOT, 30th March 1881 aged 74.

337. John PLAYFOOT of this parish, 4th June 1850 aged 44.

338. In memory of A….. wife of Thomas LOI………..broken…(he died) May ye 6th 1755 aged 56.

339. Here / lyeth / interred ye / body of ?CISLE / the wife of / Thomas…….D/ gent who de/parted this/ life ye of March 1644……..

340. (Altar):-
Lawrence FOSTER who departed this life, March….. 173(/0) aged (?71) Catherine his first wife died March the 26th 17(?0)2 aged 36, by whom he had issue four sons and (?one) daughter. Mary his second wife who died October – (?1753) aged 77 by whom he had issue one son and one daughter.

341. (Altar):- Martha wife of Mr Peter CLIFTEN of this parish (?November) 18th 1772 in …… year of her age./……… ……./D……………/Io……………/Mary, ED…………and M ……..{names of children?).

342. George RICHARDS late of (?Hus)den, February 24th 1770 aged 70. Left issue by Frances his wife, four sons: Joseph, George, Thomas and Robert. Likewise Joseph their son died December? 6th 1770 aged 33.

343. Edward EASTLAND of this parish, 7th March 1820 aged 64. Left a widow and three sons viz Edward, John and Thomas. Mary his wife, 21st November 1841 aged 83.

344. John EASTLAND of this parish, 26th June 1829 aged 33, leaving a widow and one daughter Elizabeth – Ann.

345. Thomas EASTLAND of this parish, 28th June 1831 aged 70. Philadelphia his wife, 20th March 1858 aged 75.

346. John PLAYFOOT of this parish, 11th December 1839 aged 62, leaving a widow, six sons and one daughter: John, James, Thomas, Henry, Frederick, George and Mary. Ann his widow, October 30th 1840 aged 60. Elizabeth Grace, grand-daughter of above, 16th November 1852 aged eight months.

347. Elizabeth wife of Stephen MASTERS, 9th September 1870 aged 82. Above Stephen Masters, 9th February 1872 aged 82. Henry Masters son of above, died at Maidstone, 3rd September 1860 aged 30.

348. Sarah Elizabeth second daughter of Samuel and Jane BOORMAN of this parish, 21st July 1874 aged 20. Also George who died in infancy. Also Samuel Boorman, 23rd June 1885 aged 63.

349. Sundial CUFF London no date – not old.

350. (Altar):- West end:- Also here lieth the body of Elizabeth his first wife, daughter of Richard SHARP of this parish, departed this life January 15th 1715 aged 34 years.
South side:- Likewise the body of Much gone…../…………..n Eliza/……………. John HOOK…./………. ….June 14th 1740 aged 65.
Top – illegible.

351. In memory of Edward aged 21 years and Thomas aged 19 sons of Edward and Mary NEAL of this parish, who were unfortunately drowned the 26th July 1818. Mr MYNN has
caused this stone to be placed here to testify his opinion of their general good conduct in living in the fear of God.

352. Anthony DUNSTER, 12th January 1731 aged 81. Elizabeth wife of above, September 20th 1749 aged 95.

353. John son of Anthony and Elizabeth DUNSTER of this parish March (?7) 1756 aged ?72.

354. William JEWHURST of this parish, 30th November 1753 aged 80. Also Su….. (Susanna?) wife of William Jewhurst, 18th February 1751 aged 80.

355. (Altar):- South side: Henry FOSTER of this parish, 25th September 1783 aged 88. North: John FOSTER of this parish, 11th December 1780 aged 82.

356. Lawrence FOSTER late of Ticehurst, 17th February 1801 aged 77. Elizabeth his wife, 26th April 1800 aged 72. Left surviving one son and three daughters: John, Elizabeth, Hannah and Sarah.

357. Richard FOSTER of this parish, 19th May 1745 aged 75. Elizabeth wife of Richard Foster, 19th August 1727 aged 55. Left issue four sons and three daughters.

358. John PLAYFOOT of this parish 21st December 1815 aged 63. Ann his wife, 26th October 1830 aged 79. Left issue two sons and one daughter: John, Jeffery and Philadelphia. Ann grand-daughter of above John and Ann Playfoot, 14th May 1811 aged 4.

359. James PLAYFOOT of this parish, 27th March 1837 aged 83. Mary his wife, 29th January 1837 aged 89, leaving issue one son and one daughter: James and Ann.

360. (Cross):- Jane wife of W. B. BACON of Wadhurst, 29th November 1901 aged 53.

361. William ELLISS of this parish, September 19th 1791 aged (?4)2.

362. John SIVYER late of Ticehurst, 6th October 1849 aged 30, leaving a widow. Jane Sivyer his wife, 26th January 1857 aged 60.

363. Richard ELLISS of this parish, August ?18th 1793 aged 78. Sarah his wife, June 3rd 1786 aged 7(?1).

364. Mary SIBLEY late of Hawkhurst, 12th July 1821 aged 66.

365. John SIVYER late of Ticehurst, 3rd May 1833 aged 75. Sarah his wife, May 15th 1842 aged 83.

366. Frederick HESKETH, 17th June 1826 aged 44. Elizabeth his widow, February 21st 1842 aged 55. John CRIPPS formerly of ‘Downhouse’ in this parish, 2nd March 1835 aged 46.

367. William CRIPPS of this parish, 8th February 1803 aged 57, leaving a widow, one son and one daughter: John and Elizabeth. Sarah wife of William Cripps, 3rd October 1821 aged 75.

368. John CRIPPS, 20th August 1786 aged 81. Elizabeth wife of John Cripps, 17th July 1787 aged 79. Left issue two sons and two daughters: Thomas, William, Ann and Elizabeth.

369. Elizabeth wife of Samuel GLAZIER of this parish, 17th May 1809 aged 59, leaving issue Thomas, Adam, Edward and Phebe. Above Samuel Glazier, 2nd February 1836 aged 88.

370. Thomas CRIPPS of this parish, 20th October 1805 aged 66.

371. John WIMSHURST of this parish, yeoman, 9th December 1750 aged 65. Left issue two
sons and five daughters. Mary wife of John Wimshurst, 11th February 1767 aged 75.

372. Alexander WIMSHURST of this parish, 28th June 1799 aged 67. Hannah wife of above, 5th August 1816 aged 86.

373. Thomas DENGATE of this parish, 5th February 1837 aged 72. Martha second wife of above, eldest daughter of Alexander and Hannah WIMSHURST, 21st March 1853 aged 92.

374. Mary wife of Philip PECKHAM, of this parish, 31st May 1781 aged 61. On left the body of James Peckham, grandson of Philip and Mary Peckham, 22nd January 1783 aged seven months. Philip Peckham, 13th January 179(?5) aged 7(?6).

375. Jane SPICER, 9th April 1846 aged 29.

376. Low seat – no stone.

377. is foot of 366.

378. Richard TAYLOR of this parish, February 30th (sic) 1786 aged (?4) 1 years.

379. Priscilla HICKMOTE daughter of William and Charity Hickmote of ‘Dodhurst Farm’, Pembury, 3rd October 1870 aged 23. Likewise an infant daughter died 29th September 1831.

380. To the memory of Ann John BEANMORE of London (sic) who departed this life August………../………………………..

381. Elizabeth wife of George SAXBY, 8th February 1796 aged 74. George Saxby, 18th July 1805 aged 80.

382. Russell HICKMOTT of this parish, 20th April 1807 aged 78. Sarah his wife, December 6th 1817 aged 85. Also on right Dunster their eldest son, 16th August 1792 aged 27. Also David their second son died February 8th 178(?8) aged 22.

383. Grace wife of Nathaniel HICKMOTT, February 27th 1798 aged 50. Left issue two sons and five daughters . Also Nathaniel Hickmott,8th January 1832 aged 86.

384. Abraham PEEL who dyed ye 14th December AD. 1732 aged 61. Left a wife, one son
and one daughter.

385. Elizabeth wife of William PITT of this parish, 26th March 1808 aged 38, leaving issue one son and five daughters. Sarah his second wife, 4th June 1848 aged 79. Above William Pitt, 27th August 1851 aged 83.

386. Ann wife of Samuel FULLER of this parish, 15th July 1848 aged 62. Joseph son of above, 20th April 1824 aged eight months. Matilda their daughter, 15th November 1841 aged 17. Left surviving five sons and seven daughters.. Above Samuel Fuller, 22nd June 1874 aged 87.

387. Jane wife of William CLOVT (CLOUT) the eldest daughter of Robert (?S)EA I I I.who .. ….. .. ry 170- aged 33 years and left one son. [see 402].

388. William HONEYSETT, 14th August 1811 aged 66.

389. Thomas HALLAMBY? 25th February 1758 aged 68.

390 Jeffrey AUSTEN late of Wadhurst, 2nd January 1848 aged 91.

390a. Ann wife of Jeffery AUSTEN of this parish, 25th February 1803 aged 52.

391. Thomas AUSTEN late of Cousleywood in the parish of Wadhurst, 16th March 1861 aged 72. Elizabeth his wife, 11th October 1830 aged 43 (sic). Henry Austen son of above Thomas and Elizabeth Austen, 17th February 1846 aged 27. Also Thomas a son of above, 12th November 1867 aged 30.

392. Mary wife of Daniel WILLIAMS, 3rd October 1755 aged 40. Also their daughter aged one year. Also John and Elizabeth COLSHILL? Her father and mother ……. Under grass……

393. Emma VATER, 17th February 1875 aged ? 3 years.

394. Richard SHARPE of this parish, May ye 10th 1732 aged 83. Mary his wife, April 18th 1734 aged 83.

395. Susan daughter of Richard and Susanna SHARPE, 25th December 1731 aged 1 year six months. Richard Sharpe of ys parish, yeoman, 26th June 1740 aged 70. left issue five sons and two daughters.

396. Thomas SHARPE son of Richard and Susannah Sharpe, 23rd March 1749 aged 26. William Sharpe their son, August ye 31st 1763 aged 43.

397. William READ of this parish, 19th November 1845 aged 61. Also three of his children: John, 22nd August 1832 aged 24, George, 10th April 1840 aged 31, Charles, 16th January 1850 aged 32. Elizabeth his wife, 5th October 1868 aged 88.

398. Elizabeth READ daughter of William and Elizabeth Read, 12th July 1876 aged 64. James Read, 21st August 1887 aged 73. Thomas Read, 23rd March 1888, aged 78. Hannah widow of above James Read, 11th January 1892 aged 78.

399. Abigail wife of Daniel WELLER, 20th March 1791 aged 61. ………l Weller……1799 [ivy].

400. Mary Ann wife of William SANDS of Kilndown, 17th November 1842 aged 38, leaving issue one son and one daughter: John and Mary Ann. William Webb Sands son of above, 15th November 1837 aged 3 years four months.

401. Matilda wife of Benjamin BARKER, 11th April 1889 aged 39. Grace Caroline, daughter of above, 16th April 1889 aged 2 years eleven months.

402. William CLOUT who dyed July 7th 1702 aged 61 years. (See 387).

403. Ann JEFFERY wife of Thomas Jeffery, 8th May 1840 aged 58.

404. John KENNARD of this parish, 21st August 1835 aged 37.

405. John SHARP of this parish, (?21st )March 179(?3) aged 70.

406. Kezia SHARP of this parish, 10th May 1825 aged 64. Also Kezia her daughter, 9th June 1805 aged 11 years.

407. Peter FRANCIS, 13th November 1819 aged 81. Mary his wife, 23rd September 1805 aged 67. Left issue one son, Thomas.

408. John FRANCIS, late of this parish, 5th April 1829 aged 80.

409. Abigail wife of Richard JEFFERY of this parish, 8th May 1811 aged 57. Above Richard Jeffery, 29th March 1841 aged 83.

410. Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Elizabeth ASHBY of this parish, 2nd December 1852 aged 27,

411. Sarah wife of Thomas ASHBY of this parish, 30th December 1826 aged 66. Left issue six sons and three daughters. Above Thomas Ashby, 8th July 1836 aged 80.

412. Edward NOAKES of this parish, 9th June 1865 aged 65. Mary Noakes his wife, 17th April 1874 aged 78.

413. Anne youngest daughter of Edward and Mary NOAKES of ‘Whisketts Farm’ in this parish, 20th December 1857 aged 17. Joseph son of above Edward and Mary Noakes, 14th
January 1872 aged 48.

414. Harriett wife of Richard Barton WINDER, 2nd January 1852 aged 48.

415. Matilda wife of James SELDEN, 27th September 1882 aged 58. James Selden, 10th February 1902 aged 78.

416. Edward NOAKES, born 15th March 1830, died 8th March 1899. Elizabeth his wife died 25th March 1912 aged 84.

417 George MILSTED, blacksmith of this parish, 4th August 1896 aged 67. Mary Milsted his wife, 20th April 1908 aged 78.

418. George MEDHURST of this parish, 29th May 1861 aged 49. Mary his wife, 20th February 1863 aged 64.

In South- West corner.
419. Charlotte GINN wife of George Ginn, 15th December 1920 aged 91.

420. Jesse TANDY died at ‘Victoria House’, Lamberhurst, 9th April 1922 aged 94. Forty-six years Pastor of the ‘Strict and Peculiar Baptist church’ at Cranbrook.

421. (Curb);- Eleanor Rose (Cissie) NYE, 14th January 1922 aged 29.

422. Mary Ann wife of Andrew PRICKETT, born 5th February 1849, died 19th May 1919.

423. (Cross):- Thomas FULLER, 24th November 1918 in 85th year.

Includes a plan of the North yard extension – not included here.

424. (Curb):- William Victor FULLER, 20th September 1921 aged 24.

425. Calvin WARE, 9th June 1889 aged 30.

426. John TOWNSEND, 4th September 1840 aged 72.

427. Charlotte widow of John TOWNSEND, 18th November 1903 aged 84.

428. Sophia Maria SHEARMAN , 9th November 1892 aged 83.

429. (Small cross):- Frederick John died 20th January 1893 aged 27. Frank William, 1st June 1893 aged 12. (no surname).

430. (Small cross):- Marian Lucy wife of Frank PADGHAM, 15th March 1897 aged 26, daughter of Henry and Matilda MOORE.

431. (Cross head):- Arthur BOORMAN, 12th March 1898 aged 42.

432. Anne Jane PHILLIPS died at Bayham Abbey, 4th May 1891 aged 21.

433. William WIGLEY, born at Rotherwick, Hants, 22nd February 1829, died 27th January 1893 aged 63.

434. (Cross):- Mabel ?LEANEY, 20th February 1894 aged 6 years ten months. Emma Leanly, 3rd April 1894 aged 17 ½ years.

435. Naomi PADGHAM of ‘Hook Green’ in this parish, 7th December 1895 aged 36.

436. Frederick DEAN, 26th July 1900 aged 52.

437. Adelaide Caroline FISHER, 4th September 1896 aged 68. Edward Fisher, 8th February 1901 aged 79.

438. Charles BAILEY of this parish, 2nd October 1896 aged 72. Sarah his wife, 29th February 1896 aged 67.

439. Joseph Henry WIGLEY, 6th October 1894 aged 23.

440. George DOUST, 16th January 1898 aged 70. Ann his wife, 26th August 1896 aged 64.

441. Fanny wife of William ?LEANEY 21st November 1896 aged 4 (?9)9.

442. (Cross):- Harriet wife of James BALLARD of this parish, died on Psalm Sunday, 27th March 1904 aged 58.

443. Ernest youngest son of W and C. PADGHAM, 24th January 1908 aged 19.

444. Thomasin Mary WALDEN, born 7th October 1846, died 21st October 1899.

445. Thomas BARHAM, 1st June 1897 aged 66.

446. (Cross):- Lucy FORD, 18th January 1906 aged 64. Erected by the children of Bayham school and other friends.

447. Alfred LOOKER, 28th April 1910 aged 78.

448. (Flat block):- Phebe FULLER, 13th September 1920 aged 30.

449. (Cross):- Lance Corporal A. NICHOLSON 19th Battalion M.M.C. died from wounds, 18th June 1917 aged 20.

450. Arthur WINDER, 11th May 1914 aged 73. Susan Ann Winder his wife, 16th December 1913 aged 70. Michael Winder son of above, 2nd August 1913 aged 39.

451. (Cross):- Ellen wife of Robert WESTON, 13th September 1914. Above Robert Weston, 4th October 1920. [no ages].

452. (Cross):- Edith H. WESTON, born July 16th 1876, died 18th May 1895.

453. (Cross):- Florence Langton GROVE [no dates].

454. (Cross):- Beatrice Lillian TAYLOR, 11th April 1908 aged 18.

455. (Cross):- Walter BAILEY a beloved husband and father, 24th June 1909 aged 54.

456. (Slab):- Anna MANKTELOW, 4th October 1915 aged 43. George Thomas, son of above, killed in France 26th November 1916.

457. (Celtic cross):- Elizabeth SALE, 29th July 1908 aged 64. Erected by her children and neices.

458. (Curb):- George Walter JEFFREY, 21st March 1910 aged 58.

459. Amelia wife of Willliam HOBBS, 12th February 1910 aged 58.

460. William only son of Amelia HOBBS, 25th September 1915 aged 33.

461. G/5864 Private W.H. COOK Royal West Kent Regiment, 9th May 1916 aged 24.

462. (Curb):- Frederick Howard LEANEY, killed in France, 23rd March 1918 aged 22. Thomas Leaney, 16th January 1917 aged 72.

463. (Slab):- Joshua DUNK, 17th December 1915 aged 76. Caroline Dunk his wife, 11th January 1916 aged 70.

464. (Cross):- Annie WALLIS, 15th March 1921 aged 68. William Henry Wallis, 9th July 1914 aged 40. Sergeant Frederick John Wallis M.S.M. Royal Engineers, died of wounds, 8th August 1917 aged 27. Annie Marie Wallis, 13th June 1908 aged 31.

465. C.H/ 11767 Private Royal Marines. J.A. J. BAILEY, H.M.S. Pembroke, 3rd December 1920.

466. William Henry RUSSELL of this parish, 1st July 1919 aged 65. Richard Henry Russell son of above, 22nd February 1920 aged 26. ‘Waiting for the Great Reveille’

Index of names and places

Name Index
Adams 65.
Alcheim (44)
Amherst 18.
Ansell 213.
Argles (151)
Arnold 116, 117, 118.
Ashby 410, 411.
Attwater 310, 311, 312.
Austen 390, 390a, 391.
Avards 270.
Aylward 103, 285.
B-onk 68.
Bacon 360.
Bailey (40), 323, 324, 438, 455,
Baker 279, 305.
Ballard 3, 4, 255, (315), 442.
Barham 445.
Barker 401.
Bartholomew 307.
Barton 244, 245.
Bean 70.
Beanmore 380.
Bearsby 111.
Bedford 54, 151.
Beech 318, 320.
Beecher 229.
Bishop 50, 293, 303.
Blackford 90.
Boorman 119, 129, 155, 253,
   348, 431.
Bowles 51.
Bowyer 322.
Bull 246.
Burr 82.
Butcher 267.
Butchers 300.
Camden (128)
Carter 179.
Chambers 272.
Cheesman 247.
Clark 145, 205.
Clarmont (71)
Cliften 334, 341.
Clout 387, 402.
Colvill 287.
Colshil-her (392).
Cook 461.
Cottington (48)
Couchman 231.
Cramp 276.
Cripps (366), 367, 368, 370.
Crocombe 313.
Croft (277), 283, 284.
Cuff 349
Cutbearth 249.
Dadswell 19, 20.
Dean 436.
Delamain 147.
Dengate 373.
Doust 127, 128, 440.
Dun 31, 32.
Dunk 463.
Dunster 74, 352, 353.
Dyer 49.

Eastland 172,182,191-193,
Eastwood 157.
Edwards 186, (231).
Elliott 319.
Elliss 361, 363.
Field 169, 175.
Fisher 65-167, 437.
Fleming (316).
Ford 446.
Foster 332, 333, 340, 355-357.
Francis 406, 408.
Fullbrook 153, 326.
Fuller 126, 386, 423, 424, 448.
Funnell 260.
Giles 144.
Gilmore (283).
Ginn 419.
Glazier 369.
Golding 78.
Goldstone 243.
Gougier 75.
Graham 230, 232.
Greagsby} 55, 156, 159, 273.
Greagsbey} 56, 223, 225.
Greagsley 6.
Greengo 5, 53.
Grigsby 224, 262.
Grove 453.
Gurr 198.
Haines 92.
Hallamby 389.
Hance 294, 295, 296.
Harve } 115.
Harvy} 114.
Hawkins 14-16,206, 314, 315.
Hesketh 366.
Hickmot} 379.
Hickmott} 28, 282, 382, 383.
Hoadly 309.
Hobbs 459, 460.
Hodgkin 210.
Hodgskin 211, 212, 214, 263.
Hollamby (202)
Honeysett 388.
Hook (350), 356.
Hooker 239.
Hore (230), (232).
Horsley (71)
Hussey 148, (293).
Jeffery 7,161, 218, 264, (318),
    403, 409, 458.
Jewhurst 354.
K- 29, 30.
Kennard 286, 404.
La- kford 124.
Lansdell 215, 216, 217.
Lattar } (83)
Latter } (2),84-89,(133),(134)
    138, 139, (305)
Leaney ? 434, 441, 462.
Leveratt 306.
Limly 330.
Loi--- 338.
Looker 447.Lumley 308.
Malone 146.
Manktelow 456.
Mann 250.
Martin 40, 41.
Marsh 108, 110.
Mathers 251, 252.
Mathews 281.
Masters 347.
Mearcer 72.
Medhurst 93, 209, 418.
Miller 57, 59.
Milsted 185, 187-190, 201,
    207, 417.
Molden 162, 163.
Moore (430)
Morland (163), (285),288.
Mynn (351).
Nash 113, (253).
Neal 52, 351.
Newington 125.
Newnham 64, 67.
Nicholson 449.
Noakes 37,38,(39),(169),
   (173-175), 177-178, 180,
   331, 412, 413, 416.
Nye 421.
Padgham 183, 430, 435, 443.
Parker 27.
Peckham 374.
Peel 384.
Pellett 257.
Phillips 432.
Pierce (253), 258, 259.
Pilbeam 44.
Pitt 277, 385.
Playfoot 1, 2,134-37,142,
Pomfret 34, 221, 222.
Pouchers 300.
Prickett 17, 21-26, (155)238,
      (239), 240, 241, 329, 422.
Raynolds 73.
Read 12, 200, 397, 398.
Relfe 91.
Renalds 76.
Richards 342.
Ring 98.
Roberts 269, 278.
Robertson 234.
Rogers 219.
Rose 168.
Rumens } 81,133,220,226-8
Rumins } 80.
Russell 466.
S-apley 35.
Safran 112.
Sale 47, 208, 457.
Sales 83.
Sands 317, 325, 400.
Saxby 381.
Sea (357).
Selden 415.
Sharp } 204, 350, 405, 406.
Sharpe} 394, 395, 396.

Shearman 428.
Shenton 169.
Shoobridge 48, 248.
Sibley 364.
Simpson (6), 290.
Sivyer 362, 365.
Skinner 143, 202, 203.
Smith 42, (121), (159), 171,
    292, 298, 299, 301, 302.
Spencer 121.
Spicer 375.
Stapley 33-36.
Steege (164).
Stephens 261.
Stevens 328.
Stiles 297.
Summers 120.
Tandy 420.
Taylor 194, 195, 378, 454.
Thompson 316.
Tollost 62, 63.
Tolhurst 184.
Tompsett 48.
Towner 256.
Townsend 140, 141, 426, 427.
Trill 99, 100, 101, 106, 107.
Tupper 132.
Turner (6), 154.
Tyherst 304.
Tyhurst 254, 275.
-ulson 291.
Vater 393.
W- 13.
Waghorn 58.
Walden 444.
Wallis 9, 10, 45, 46, 199, 464.
Ware 425.
Wash 130-131.
Watkins 94-97, 109.
Watson 61.
Webb 289.
Weller 399.
Wells 123.
Weston 451, 452.
Wheeler 280.
Whibley 170.
Whiley 235, 236, 237.
White (112), 242.
Whiteman 71, 122.
Whittle (223), 233.
Will 66.
Wigley 321, 433, 439.
Wiles 39, 181, 265, 266.
Willett 43.
Williams 392.
Willmhurst 11.
Willshire 150.
Wimshurst 371, 372, (373).
Winder 102, 104, 105, (112),
     414, 450.
Windsor 148.
Winton (283).
Wood 79.
Woodbridge 274.

 Illegible or incomplete. 8, 13,29, 30, 60, 66, 69, 77, 149, 152,158, 160, 271, 291, 330, 339, 349, 377, 429.


Place Index
Anglesea 316.
   Abbey 128, 432.
   School 446.
Cranbrook 420.
Flimwell: Mount Pleasant 307.
France. 456, 462.
Goudhurst. 310, 311, 312.
Kilndown 94, 400.
Hastings 283.
Hawkhurst 364.
   New Lodge 303.
Ilford 112.
Illinois , North America. 162.

Keleton, Somerset. 15.
   Brook Green 239.
   Chequers Inn 108, 320.
   Clay Hill 26.
   Coggers Hall 248.
   Court Lodge 263, 301.
   Cousleywood 391.
   Down Farm 3, 4, 5, 45, 315.
   Down House 71, 366.
   Furnace Farm 180.
   Hook Green 128, 435.
   Scotney Castle 148, 261.
   Slade Farm 297.      Smith & co. 159.
   The Brook 147.
   The Old Farm 121.
   Victoria House 420.
   Whiskells 260.
   Whisketts Farm 413.
   Windmill Hill 101.
Leeds, Yorks. 104.
London 283, 349, 380.
Maidstone 347.
Matfield 318.
Newbury, Berks. 6.
Pembury, Dodhurst Farm 379.
Penshurst 254.
Portsea, Hants. 186.
Queens Town, Ireland. 209.
Rotherwick, Hants. 230, 433.
Salehurst 174.
Southborough 316.
Sussex, Burgess Hill 134.
Tenterden 34.
Theydon Grove, Essex. 71.
Ticehurst 181, 356, 362, 365.
Tunbridge Wells 133, 289, 316.
Uckfield 166.
Vauxhall, Surrey 171.
Wadhurst 24, 113, 360, 389.
Worth, Sussex. 239.

General Index.
Armed Forces:
   19th Battalion 449.
   Major 230.

   Royal Engineers 464.
   Royal Marines 230, 465.
   Royal West Kent Reg. 461.
Blacksmith 56, 187, 304, 417.Butcher 38.
Builder 183.
Cooper 194.
Excise Officer 97.Rector/ preacher 15, 420.
Schoolmaster 125, 302.
Watchmaker 253.
Yeoman 23, 24, 33, 371.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions at St Peter & St Paul Church, Dymchurch

Monumental Inscriptions at St Peter & St Paul Church, Dymchurch, noted by L. L. Duncan, date not known, but after 1919 at least. Typed up by Dawn Weeks February 2002. 

In the churchyard – south west

265. William BURK died 29 August 1774 aged 81. Elizabeth his wife 21 September 1727 aged 27. Elizabeth daughter of William Burk by the said Elizabeth died 22 November 1727 aged 10 years.

266. David BURK died 17 February 1727 aged 26.

267. Samuel FINN born 17 November 1817 died 25 March 1832.

268. Sophia wife of Stephen FINN died 16 October 1860 aged 72. Stephen Finn died 26 September 1868 in 85th year. Sophia Finn eldest daughter of late Stephen Finn born 23 July 1808 died 8 April 1886.

269. Thomas ASHDOWN Junior died 20 March 1880 aged 46.

270. James JORDAN died 24 (?January) 1784 aged 30. ………………………

271. Thomas ASHDOWN died 21 October 1885 aged 79 Susannah his wife 14 August 1878 aged 72.

272. Edward ASHDOWN died 8 March 1899 aged 60. James Ashdown 29 December 1882 aged 44.

273. Martha wife of Robert COURT died in Guy’s Hospital London 18 October 1866 aged 63.

274. Robert COURT died 9 March 1881 aged 85.

275. Mary wife of Thomas DRURY died 13 October 1835 aged 26. Also of her 3 children Thomas 8 February 1851 aged 8 months.(year or age do not seem to make sense). Mary died 28 November 1854 aged 21 years Sarah died 22 June 1867 aged 36. Erected by her sister Sarah CORNELIONS.

276. Thomas third son of Robert and Martha COURT of this parish died 6 December 1866 aged 34.

277. James and Catherine ELLIOTT husband and wife born 22 June 1834 and October 16 1833 died 2 February 1882 and 24 April 1897.

278. Rosina Emily ELLIOTT died 30 April 1917 aged 76.

279. Reginald Henry ELLIOTT died in Jamaica 19 October 1865 aged 26. Alfred Elliott died 3 February 1856 aged 19.

280. James ELLIOTT died 6 March 1879 55 years Expenditor of Romney Marsh. Louisa wife of James Elliott died 27 August 1866 aged 38. Mary wife of James Elliott died 22 July 1848 aged 46.
(These last 4 stones are in the same enclosure).
Western part of the yard
281. Charles SIMS son of Richard and Jane Sims accidentally killed at London Bridge 7 December 1879 aged 23.

282. Charles KEELER died 4 July 1857 aged 28.

283. Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary WADDELL of this parish died 29 May 1823 aged 19.

284. Thomas WADDELL late of this parish died 18 April 1821 aged 57. Left surviving by Mary his wife one son and 5 daughters viz: William, Mary, Jane, Elizabeth, Sarah and Eliza.

285. Mary WADDELL died 29 January 1838 aged 65. (From Peter Waddell 2009-06-03 - Mary was born Mary Catherine Griegsby in 1773 and would have been 65 in 1838.)

286. William son of Thomas and Mary WADDELL of this parish died 28 January 1827 aged 33.

287. Sarah wife of Stephen CHEESEMAN died 11 July 1819 aged 57. Left issue 6 children: Rose, Sarah, Stephen, William, John and Angilica.

288. Sarah, wife of William LORDEN died 10 February 1842 aged 58. Left issue 8 children. Also William Lorden died 2 October 1866 aged 85. William Che.[Cheeseman] died 8 April 1846 aged 39; Stephen died 11 March 1837 aged 28; Sarah; Jesse died 14 August 1847 aged 33; Charles died 11 May 1832 aged 15; Jonah; Lewis Thomas; James Henry.

289. Thomas MARSHALL died 15 January 1849 aged 45 leaving a wife and one son: Thomas.

290. Ann wife of Henry LORDEN died 2 June 1804 aged 35. She left surviving 5 children: Thomas Henry, Elizabeth, Sarah and John. Four children died in their infancy are buried here.

291. John SHEFFIELD died 28 August 1776 aged 49. Left issue by Mary his wife one son: Thomas.

292. Mary TOLHURST 11 April 1879 aged 57. John Tolhurst 17 March 1881 aged 65.

293. Edith COBB born 29 April 1862 died 12 April 1869.

294. John HOAD died 3 April 1880 aged 61.

295. Mary wife of Samuel CLARKE died 26 April 1742 aged 31. She left issue by ye above 2 daughters: Mary who died 18 December 1728 aged 2 and lies here interred and Mary. Here also lies Mary Clark (sic) the relict of the said Samuel Clark of this parish who died 4 July 1774 aged 57.

296. Georgiana only child of Thomas HALLOWES a lieutenant in the Royal Navy by Ann his first wife. She was born at Aix Department Rouches du Rhone in the Kingdom of France 19 July 1821 and died at Dymchurch 23 November 1840. Also of Ellen COLEMAN …… (Footstone ECH 1844).
North part of yard
297. James SMITH died 29 May 1864 aged 50. Charles Henry his son 13 September 1861 aged 17.

298. George VIRGOE of this parish died 20 November 1747 aged 52. Mary his wife 16 February 1770 aged 73.

299. William PARRIS only son of Robert Parris 29 January 1837 aged 84. Susannah his wife 8 December 1838 aged 81. (Note: William Parris of Dymchurch in 1794 issued a ½d token "Romney Marsh").

300. Robert PARRIS died 12 September 1729 aged 52. Left issue by Ann his wife 3 sons: Thomas, Robert, George.

301. Eliza wife of William HUCKSTEP eldest daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ann PRYER of this parish died 28 August 1872 aged 22. Leaving 2 daughters Florence Emily born October 20 1870 and Louisa born 4 October 1871.

302. Margaret wife of Thomas WILLIAMS of this parish died 30 October 1789 aged 30. Thomas Williams died 30 December 1804 aged 54. Issue 3 sons and 2 daughters: William, Thomas, Stephen and Charlotte and Jane two of whom are deceased viz: Stephen and Jane and are buried here. Left Elizabeth his second wife surviving by whom he had one son: John.

303. Daniel AUSTEN died 20 January 1781 aged 57. Issue by Mary his first wife: Elizabeth, Daniel, William, Richard, Margreat, John and Mary; and by Mary his second wife Susannah, Jeremiah, Sarah, Lydia and Esther. Also near lies Susanna by Mary his first wife and by Mary his second wife Thomas and Edward.

304. George PRYER husband of Martha Pryer died 22 May 1887 aged 62. Leaving issue Thomas, Mary Ann and Annie-Eliza. Also George Pryer died 15 July 1863 aged 4 months 18 days.

305. Nathaniel HUNT died 3 January 1781 aged 40. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife, 2 sons: Nathaniel and Leonard-William. Elizabeth, relict, died 31 December 1820 aged 76. Also William DINES, son of above Elizabeth by a former husband, who died 5 March 1825 aged 55.

306. Nathaniel HUNT of this parish died 7 June 1777 aged 59. Also Jane his wife died May ye 24 1773 aged 68. Also Mary wife of Nathaniel Hunt son of the abovesaid Nathaniel Hunt by Jane his wife died 12 May 1774 aged 31. Also the bodys of three of the said Nathaniel Hunts children by Mary his wife viz: Jane died ye 21 May 1769 aged 7 months, William died 7 June 1770 aged 6 months; John died 29 March 1774 aged one year.

307. Edward FRIND of this parish died 20 April 1782 aged 49.

308. William CAISTER died 24 February 1821 aged 84. Left issue surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters: Mary, Thomas, Elizabeth and John.

309. (Footstone next 308) CSC 1813.

310. Thomas BOURNE late of this parish died 23 January 1832 aged 79. Elizabeth his wife 9 January 1833 aged 80. Issue eight children of whom are surviving Thomas, Robert, Elizabeth, Mary and Ann.
Eastern part of the yard
311. Mr Richard CHAPMAN who was drowned 22 August 1725 aged 33.

312. Solomon PEPPER husband of Mary Ann Pepper died suddenly 26 June 1874 aged 55.
Slip by south of chancel
313. George HORNE of this parish died 26 December 1793 aged 51.

314. Ann ye wife of George ROBINS died October ye 4th 1730 aged 33. Left issue Mary and John. Also John Robins son of George Robins by Ann his wife died December ye 22, 1730 aged 1 year 2 months.

315. Thomas MAYLAM died 14 February 1779 aged 42. Elizabeth daughter of above Thomas Maylam by Elizabeth his second wife died 1 July 1791 aged 17. Elizabeth Maylam died 2 July 1820 aged 79.

316. (Sundial) by John THWAITES, London 1806.
Slip west of porch
317. Edward LUCKE January ye 8th 1732 aged 44. "Weep not for me, my wife and children dear etc (the right half of this stone is blank).

318. Judeth wife of William CLARINGBOULD died 28 June 1805 aged 36. Left 5 children: Lidia, Elizabeth, William, Thomas and Ann.
Stones to south of church (beginning at path to porch and going eastwards)
319. Edward BLAKE junior, Chief Officer in the Preventive Service who was unfortunately drowned by the uplifting of a boat on the North River near Yarmouth in Norfolk 17 October 1820 aged 26.

320. Jane wife of Edward BLAKE died 10 December 1802 aged 35. Left issue 5 children: Thomas, Mary, Edward, Jane and Sarah.

321. Edward BLAKE died 16 August 1847 aged 82.

322. Thomas BLAKE died 25 September 1874 aged 85. Mary Ann his widow 3 November 1874 aged 87. Thomas Trevillon Blake eldest son of above 10 November 1884 aged 72. Jane his wife 27 March 1886 aged 64. Ellen Maria daughter of above Thomas and Mary Ann Blake died while on a visit to Liverpool 20 August 1888 aged 69.

323. Jane Slodden wife of George HAIGH Esq, Solicitor, Liverpool and eldest daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann BLAKE of this parish died 2 January 1848 aged 31, leaving an only child: George Thomas. Also the above George Haigh died August 1877 aged 63 and is interred at St Luke’s Great Crosby, Lancashire.

324. Alfred Blake RONALDS died 1 December 18(?25) aged 6.

325. Blake Vincent DRAYNER died 19 May 1833 aged 11 months.

326. Elias SMITH of this parish, Gentleman, one of the Jurats and 6 seperate (sic) times elected Bayliffe of this Level died 8 March 1777 aged 62 and left issue surviving by Jane his wife one daughter: Jane.

327. Jane wife of William BUNN died 27 August 1786 aged 52.

328. Richard LAKE Gentleman, 24 years a Riding Officer of His Majesty’s Customs died 8 August 1764 aged 53.

329. John NABBS died 15 August 1848 aged 22, leaving one daughter: Mary Ann the wife of Thomas BLAKE of this parish.

330. Rhoda Ann wife of Edward Coleman DRAY, Veterinary Surgeon of Leeds, Yorkshire and youngest daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann BLAKE of this parish, died 11 October 1858 aged 56.

331. Edward John, youngest son of Thomas and Mary Ann BLAKE of this parish died 17 November 1861 aged 46. Left issue by Caroline his wife an only daughter Jane Slodden. The above Caroline died 21 May 1863 aged 46.

332. Julia RUNALDS of Hythe died 16 March 1863 aged 80. Edward Hubday eldest son of John and Mary Runalds died 6 March 1874 aged 58. Mary wife of John Runalds of Hythe died 26 December 1860 aged 67.

333. Mary wife of Mr Jeremiah WRAIGHT died 17 July 1791 aged 25. He died 21 January 1816 aged 72.

334. Elizabeth wife of William SINDT, 24 March 1799 aged 29. Had issue 7 children, 3 died in infancy. Left surviving William, Mary, James and Edward.

335. Stephen SLODDEN died 6 March 1804 aged 29. Left surviving Margaret his wife and three sons, Stephen, John and Richard.

336. Charles HOLMES died 11 June 1848 aged 26.

337. Louisa Holmes, daughter of John and Mary Ann CAISTER died 20 October 1846 aged 6 years 9 months. Also Charles Thomas eldest son of above died 23 November 1846 aged 5 years.

338. William HOLMES died 26 May 1847 aged 65 leaving surviving Ann his wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters. Ann his relict died 12 January 1860 aged 71.

339. Mary wife of Leonard HUNT died 23 June 1885 aged 58. The above Leonard Hunt died 20 January 1898 aged 80. Also 3 children: Leigh Coleman died 23 January 1863 and Walter Edmund 28 April 1866 who died in infancy and Leonard William 2 August 1879 aged 19.

340. Leonard William HUNT died 21 July 1856 aged 55. Had issue by Hephzibah his wife 13 children. Hephzibah relict of above died 12 April 1861 aged 71.

341. Elizabeth HUNT died 29 April 1886 aged 72. William 1 September 1827 aged 4 years. Ellen 18 September 1827 aged 6 months. Hephzibah 8 July 1828 aged 16 years. Amy 17 August 1828 aged 12 years. Children of Leonard William and Hephzibah Hunt.

342. Edward FOX, 8 January 1784 aged 41. Susan his wife 12 June 1816 aged 73.

343. William MAYLAM, Gentleman, died 5 August 1830 aged 64.

344. John only son of Robert Tilbey and Mary GUTSOLE of this parish died 7 September 1831 aged 24.

345. Thomazine ye wife of John SMITH of this parish Gentleman, one of ye Jurats of Romney Marsh died ye 6 March 1722 in ye 34th year of her age and had issue 3 sons and 6 daughters: Mary, Anne, Elias, Judith, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Martha and John. The Said Elias and Judith ……..……………………….

346. Judith wife of Mr William BUNN of Hythe died 23 June 1774 aged 58.

347. Thomas TEARALL died March ye 28 1777 aged 56. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one son and 3 daughters: Thomas, Ann, Elizabeth and Mary. Near lie 2 more of their children viz William and Mary.

348. Henry HOLMES died 27 December 1865 aged 55 leaving surviving Margaret Ann his wife.

349. Philip KNIGHT 17 August 1734 aged 45. Left issue by Mary his wife one son Philip.

350. William LYON died July ye 29, 1739 aged 82. Mary his wife June ye 7 1733 aged 54 (the dates and ages are quite clear).

351. Richard WRAIGHT of Burmarsh one of ye Jurats of this Marsh and 3 times chosen Bayliffe of ye same died 11 December 1733 aged 46. Issue by Mary his wife 5 sons and 3 daughters (the other half of the stone is blank).

352. Mr Edward COLEMAN late of this parish twice Bayliffe of Romney Marsh aged 58 years who died 15 March 1717. To whose memory Mary his wife and relict caused this headstone to be left and also his son Philpott Coleman who died May ye 3rd 1716 aged 20.

353. Mrs Mary COLEMAN widow of Mr Edward Coleman late of this parish died 17 October 1728 aged 65 and left issue one daughter and two sons.

354. Edward COLEMAN died 20 June 1735 aged 31.

355. Philpot COLEMAN died 13 September 1815 aged 72. Also Susanna his wife died 9 July 1816 aged 70.

356. (An old large headstone face down).

357. Sarah wife of Henry HOLT died 2 July 1867 aged 73. Henry Holt died 17 June 1876 aged 86.

This ends the inscriptions in the old yard. Those in the modern annexe are not included.
Inscriptions in the church
358. (In centre of chancel floor) Here lieth interred the body of Mr Francis ROGERS of this parish who was 12 years a Private Dragoon and 13 years a Serjeant in ye army in ye reignes of King William ye 3rd, Queen Anne and King George ye 1st. In which time he was in severall campagnes in Spain, Portugal and Flanders and in regard of his faithful service iIn the army was afterwards made a Riding Officer of his Majesty’s Customs and stationed at Dymchurch and confirmed in that port 15 years there and at his own request was superannuated 5 years before his death and was in all 45 years in the Governments service. During all which time he behaved with fidelity to his Prince and country and by his courtesy and good behaviour gained so good a reputation as to be respected and esteemed by all who knew him. He departed this life the 15 day of February 1738 in ye 66 year of his age.

359. (Flat stone in chancel, north side) Here lieth ye body of John FOWLE of this parish, Gentleman, an attorney at law who departed this life on ye 12 day of January 1753 aged 56 years. He left issue two sons and two daughters. The deceased was ye elder son of John Fowle, Gentleman, late of this parish who succeeded his said father in ye office and place as Clerk to ye Lords of Romney Marsh. Which place he enjoyed and continued in for 24 years to ye time of his death. Ye said John Fowle was a Gentleman born, had a gentlemans education and his behaviour was such during his ……………. beloved and respected by all mankind …………….. and esteemed by all who had any manner …………… with him. He was a tender father, a …………. husband and a sincere friend where he …………. By his own industry he acquired a handsome fortune which he left to his wife and children. Reader who’er thou art I pray draw near And to this tomb afford a friendly tear Weep not for me but think ye time will come When you must reach this everlasting home Strive to correct then all your follies past And think that every hour may be ye last.

360. (Mural, chancel) To the glory of God and in loving memory of the Reverend Charles Eaton PLATER MA for 30 years Rector of this parish died 6 October 1906 aged 82. This tablet and in institute in the village were erected by parishioners and friends. RIP

361. (Flat stone, south side of chancel partly under choir stalls) In memory of Sarah …………. / the Reverend Mr ……….. / Rector of th…………… / who died Ju……….. / aged 5…………. / Also / the said Rev…………. / BA who …………. / aged 64. (Note this is probably that referred to by Hasted as "in the chancel within the rails a memorial to John RAISBACK AB obt 15 February 1787
aged 64".

362. (On south wall of nave) Arms, erm. an eagle displayed gules impaling arg. a lion guardant crowned sa. which may be intended for Handfield. Near this place lieth interred Captain Timothy BEDINGFIELD and Mary his wife. He gave all his lands lying in St Marys, Woodchurch and Liming towards the education maintenance and bringing up to learning of such poor male children of such poor parents who do no receive parish releife or alms out of any parish stock and which parents are of the Church of England by law established, and do frequently communicate therein and that such children every one of them be kept to learning and sent to one of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge if capable or put out to trade. And that the said poor children shall be taken out of ye parishes of Dymchurch, Liming and Smeeth or some one of them and five shillings a peece unto two poor women of the said parishes for ever to be paid on the 25th day of December after they have received the sacrament according to the Church of England and not otherwise. He died November ye 20, 1693 aged 50 years. She died July the 7, 1714 aged 80 years. John HANDFIELD of Ashford has this erected in memory
of his aunt and godmother.

363. (Brass) In memory of Commander W STERNDALE BENNETT RNVR DSO, who died 7 November 1917 aged 24 years of wounds received in action near Ypres. Erected by the Officers, NCOs and men of the Drake Battalion which he so ably commanded.

364. (Mural, north aisle) Arms, a chev between 3 garbs impaling a cross moline or flory between 3 (?crowns) In memory of Thomas BLAKE of this parish who died 25 September 1874 aged 85. He was 23 years in succession Bailiff of Romney Marsh. Also of Mary Ann his widow who died 3 November 1874 aged 87. They had issue 5 children: Thomas Trevillon; Edward John (who died 17 November 1861 aged 46) leaving one daughter Jane-Slodden); Jane Slodden (wife of George HAIGH of Liverpool died 2 January 1848 aged 31 leaving one son George Thomas); Ellen Maria and Rhoda Ann (wife of Edward Coleman DRAY who died without issue 11 October 1868 aged 36. He left benefaction of £5 on Christmas Day to 10 poor people.

365. (War memorial cross) for Dymchurch and Eastbridge Names: Ernest AUSTEN, Charles Vince BALKWILL, John Balkwill, Walter STERNDALE BENNETT, Charles Louis BEALE, Simson Beale, Alfred Edgar HOPER, Arthur Hoper, Herbert and James KEMP.


Index of names and places

Name IndexAshdown 269 271 272
Austen 303 365
Balkwill 365
Beale 365
Bedingfield 362
Blake 319 320 321 322 323
   329 330 331 364
Bourne 310
Bunn 327 346
Burk 265 266
Caister 308 337
Chapman 311
Cheeseman 287
Claringbould 318
Clark 295
Clarke 295
Cobb 293
Coleman 296, 352, 353,
    354 355

Cornelions 275
Court 273 274 276
Dines 305
Dray 330 364
Drayner 325
Drury 275
Elliott 277 278 279 280
Finn 267 268
Fowle 359
Fox 342
Frind 307
Gutsole 344
Haigh 323 364
Hallowes 296
Handfield 362
Hoad 294
Holmes 336 338 348
Holt 357
Hoper 365Horne 313
Huckstep 301
Hunt 305 306 339 340 341
Jordan 270
Keeler 282
Kemp 365
Knight 349
Lake 328
Lorden 288
Lucke 317
Lyon 350
Marshall 289 290
Maylam 315 343
Nabbs 329
Parris 299 300
Pepper 312
Plater 360
Pryer 301 304
Raisback 361
Robins 314
Rogers 358
Ronalds 324
Runalds 332
Sheffield 291
Sims 281
Sindt 334
Slodden 335
Smith 297 326 345
Sterndale Bennett 363 365
Tearall 347
Thwaites 316
Tolhurst 292
Virgoe 298
Waddell 283 284 285 286
Williams 302
Wraight 333 351

Index of placesAix Department Rouches du
Rhone, Kingdom of France 296
Ashford 362
Burmarsh 351
University of Cambridge 362
Dymchurch 296 299 358 362 365

Eastbridge 365
Flanders 358
Great Crosby, Lancashire
St Luke’s 323
Hythe 332 346
Jamaica 279
Leeds, Yorkshire 330
Liming 362Liverpool 322 323 364
   Guy’s Hospital 273
   London Bridge 281
North River, near Yarmouth, Norfolk 319
University of Oxford 362
Portugal 358
Romney Marsh 280 299
Romney Marsh 299
Smeeth 362
Spain 358
St Marys 362
Woodchurch 362
Ypres 363

GeneralAttorney at law 359
Bailiff of Romney Marsh 364
Bayliffe of Romney Marsh 351 352
Bayliffe of this level 326
Captain 362
Chief Officer in the Preventive
    Service 319

Clerk to ye Lords of Romney Marsh 359
Commander 363
Expenditor of Romney Marsh 280
Jurat 326
Jurat of Romney Marsh 345 351
Lieutenant in the Royal Navy 296
Private dragoon 358Rector 360
Reverend 360
Riding Officer of his Majesty’s Customs
   328 358
Serjeant 358
Solicitor 323
Veterinary Surgeon 330

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