Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Newchurch Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Newchurch Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan. Transcribed and typed up by Dawn Weeks.

Inscriptions in the churchyard

In the Western position

131. Sarah CASTLE late of New Romney died 18 September 1851 in 59th year. Erected by her friend Sophia BOUDITCH.

132. Violet Minnie GOLDING, died 17 April 1919 aged 3 years.

133. Private W WICKENS, 426 Agricultural Company died 8 December 1918 aged 34.

134. Mary Ann FOWLER died December 1844 aged 52. Erected by the daughter of Archibald STOAKES Esq of this parish in whose family she lived many years.

135. (Large tomb in rails) Archibald STOAKES Esq of Packmanstone Manor in this parish died 12 May 1857 aged 68. Also of his daughter Sophy Anne wife of John JONES died 14 April 1897 and was interred at Dymchurch aged 77. Also above John Jones 24 July 1907 interred at Dymchurch aged 84. Also John Archibald Stoakes Jones of Bromley Common Kent died at Cannes 14 March 1895 aged 39 leaving a widow and 7 children. Also Sophy Ann wife of Archibald Stoakes Esq of this parish who died 13 February 1826 aged 33, leaving a husband and 6 children. Also John Taylor Stoakes, son of above Archibald Stoakes and Sophy Ann his wife died 21 March 1830 aged 5 years. Thomas Stoakes their eldest son died 28 August 1830 aged 17. Mary Ann Stoakes their eldest daughter died 15 December 1832 aged 15. Edward Stoakes their third son died 1 June 1845 aged 23. Archibald Stoakes, second son died 11 April 1854 aged 28. Also Mary Ann PAGE formerly of this parish died at Ashford 2 December 1871 aged 74.

136. John DIVERS died at Brenzett 14 February 1889 aged 61. Jane his first wife died at Ivychurch 14 April 1886 aged 51. Mary Jane daughter of above 17 January 1855 aged 3 months. Leaving surviving his second wife Alice Charlotte.

137. (Footstone) S A T 1837

138. Jesse TOLHURST died 17 October 1890 aged 77. Phoebe his wife died 9 June 1898 aged 83. Sarah Ann daughter of above February 1837 aged 2 years. Left surviving Phoebe Harriette Emily and John.

139. John COLLINS died 16 June 1880 aged 76. Grace his wife 5 November 1884 aged 76.

140. Joseph COLLINGS (sic) died 16 April 1863 aged 20.

141. Mary wife of William PIDDLESDEN of this parish died 19 December 1866 aged 87.

142. William PIDDLESDEN late of this parish died 17 February 1836 aged 61 leaving issue by Mary his wife 5 children: Thomas, William, George, John and Stephen. Jane his daughter died in infancy.

143. (Tomb in rails) Thomas PIDDLESDEN of New Romney died 16 February 1867 aged 64. Mary Ann his wife 18 June 1852 aged 45. Leaving issue Thomas their only son. Thomas son of Thomas and Mary Piddlesden died 14 August 1869 aged 40.

144. (Low tomb in rails) John PIDDLESDEN of this parish died at Ashford, Kent, 10 November 1884 aged 71.

145. (Ditto) Stephen PIDDLESDEN died 27 February 1890. Mary Ann his wife died 28 January 1861. Elizabeth his second wife 4 February 1887. Also the following children of Stephen and Mary Ann Piddlesden: William died 2 September 1850; Martha 16 February 1858; George 15 September 1859; Jane 24 September 1869; Elizabeth 16 January 1869, buried in London.

146. Leah wife of Richard HILLS youngest daughter of late Stephen PIDDLESDEN, died 17 February 1906

aged 53.

147. To the children of William Thomas and Mary Ann LAWS. Henry Edward died 12 March 1875 aged 11 months, Florence Anne 3 March 1875 aged 3 years 5 months; Elizabeth Kate 14 March 1875 aged 5 years.

148. (Cross in front of west door) Rest in Peace. In loving memoryof Thomas Lindsay STACK MA Rector of this parish 1916-1919 died 27 July 1919 aged 59.

Slip west of South porch

149. Mary wife of Thomas PAGE late of this parish died 23 December 1823 aged 56.

150. Thomas PAGE late of Westwell and formerly of this parish died 14 July 1859……

151. Edward son of Thomas and Mary PAGE of this parish died 22 April 1816 aged 16.

Slip east of South porch

152. (Large tomb) Robert? AUSTIN, Yeoman, died November 1809 aged 40. Caroline his wife 1 February 1833 aged 68.

153. George AUSTEN formerly of this parish died 5 February 1875 aged 83.

154. William AUSTEN late of this parish died 27 May 1822 aged 53. Ann his wife 19 January 1848 aged 79. Left surviving 3 sons and 2 daughters viz: Robert, George, William, Mary and Caroline. Ann daughter of above died 19 March 1804 aged 1 year.

Southern position from porch Eastwards

155. ………/ body of …………. / NORRINGTON who ……./ ……… hs life … th day of September / 1678 aged …4 years. He / left issue 2 sons Thomas / and Michael.

156. John WOOD (of this parish) died 11 April 1766 aged 42. Had by Susanna his surviving widow 5 children 3 of which also lie buried near. The others viz Gilbert, Susanna and John survive. Also Susanna his widow died 17 March 1800 aged 67.

157. Elizabeth wife of Gilbert WOOD died 25 November 1783 aged 28. She had issue 3 children.

158. James MOODY died 27 May 1856 aged 63. Phoebe his wife died 18 December 1880 aged 88. Erected by their children.

159. Richard REYNOLDS of this parish, died 18 April 1766 aged 65. Issue by Ann his wife 2 sons and 3 daughters: Michael lieth near this place who died 6 June 1756 aged 16; John; Mary; Elizabeth and Ann survive.

160. Sundial. "Thomas PAGE, churchwarden" (no date or maker’s name)

161. (Opposite south porch) William LILLIE of Sudbury in Suffolk, 13 years Rector of this parish died 1 October 1907 aged 86. Emma his wife 10 January 1918 aged 85.

162. Edward GODFREY of this parish died 4 May 1764 aged 45.

163. Robert AUSTIN, Gent, one of the jurats and several times elected bailiff of this level, died February 1781 aged 59. By Jane his first wife he had 6 children: Ann, Robert and Elizabeth lie here; Jane, Sarah and Robert survive. By Mary his second wife he had 3 children, Ann lies here, William and Mary survive.

164. Julia wife of J T SMITH died 24 March 1887 in 31st year. Elizabeth and John children of the above died in infancy.

165. Mary wife of James COZENS of this parish died 30 October 1856 aged 65.

166. John Pilcher OVENDEN died 7 October 1885 aged 79. Sarah his wife 13 July 1879 aged 71. Rachel daughter of above died 25 January1859 aged 22.

167. Robert HOARE died 8 November 1858 aged 82. Sarah his wife 14 March 1866 aged 71.

At East end of chancel

168. John CHITTENDEN died 27 May 1814 aged 56. Jane his wife 4 October 1836 aged 75. Had issue one son and two daughters: John, Hannah and Elizabeth. John their son died 4 May 1822 aged 18. Hannah CHATFIELD their daughter died 4 February 1837 aged 50, buried at Maidstone. John son of Hannah Chatfield died 26 July 1828 aged 15.

169. Henry OVENDEN late of this parish died 20 January 1862 aged 61. Emily daughter of above died in infancy. Edward son of above 11 November 1854 aged 13. Susannah widow of above died 20 January 1872 aged 69.

170. Margaret wife of Henry OVENDEN late of this parish died 13 April 1832 aged 62. Had issue 7 sons and 2 daughters: Henry, Emily, Charles, John, George, Walter, William, Mary and Edward. George lies buried near who died 23 September 1819 aged 12. Erected by her children. The above Henry Ovenden died 24 August 1844 aged 84.

North side

171. Walter OVENDEN of this parish died 2 February 1874 aged 65. Harriett Norton wife of above died 9 October 1890 aged 78. Also Susannah, Mary, Harriette, Emily and Louisa children of above. Leaving 9 children: William, Charles, George, Walter, Margaret, Eliza, Rose Alice and Grace.

172. William Ford MORTLEY died 16 March 1873 aged 15 weeks. Harry Mortley 23 August 1871 aged 10 months.

173. William Ford MORTLEY died at Gammons Farm, Newchurch 4 August 1875 aged 31 leaving a widow and 6 children.

174. (Cross by north porch) Jane Gee wife of the Reverend William COBB, Rector and Vicar of this parish born 9 September 1820, died 13 November 1877.

175. Under east window of north aisle is a stone in spiked iron rails, inaccessible, but the inscription seems illegible.

176. Under east window of south aisle are two coffin-shaped stones. One is illegible the other is to Elizabeth GILES who died 1843 aged 24.

In the church

177. (Mural north aisle) In this churchyard are interred the remains of Thomas only son of the late Thomas and Mary Ann PIDDLESDEN. He died at New Romney on 14th of August 1869 aged 40. Also the remains of John Piddlesden, uncle of the above Thomas Piddlesden who died at Ashford, Kent, 10 November 1884, aged 71.

Index of Names and Places

Name Index
Austen 153 154
Austin 152 163
Bouditch 131
Castle 131
Chatfield 168
Chittenden 168
Cobb 174
Collings 140

Collins 139
Cozens 165
Divers 136
Fowler 134
Giles 176
Godfrey 162
Golding 132
Hills 146
Hoare 167
Jones, 135
Laws, 147
Lillie 161
Moody 158
Mortley 172 173
Norrington 155
Ovenden 166 169 170 171
Page 135 149 150 151 160
Piddlesden 141 142 143
    144 145 146 177
Reynolds 159
Smith 164
Stack 148
Stoakes 134 135
Tolhurst 138
Wickens 133
Wood 156 157

Places Index
Ashford, Kent 144 177
Brenzett 136
Bromley Common, Kent 135
Cannes 135
Dymchurch 135
Ivychurch 136
London 145

Maidstone 168
New Romney 131 143 177
Packmanstone Manor 135
Gammons Farm 173
Sudbury, Suffolk 161
Westwell 150General
Bailiff 163
Churchwarden 160
Gentleman 163
Jurat 163
Private, 426 Agricultural Company 133
Rector 148 161 174
Vicar 174
Yeoman 152

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions from inside New Romney Church

Monumental Inscriptions from Inside New Romney Church.

New Romney  Book 1Front cover
On the house opposite the Victoria Hotel H / IC / 1746
359. On north wall of sanctuary
To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Julia Lett SOUTH widow of the Reverend Richard Musfratt??? South who passed away May 7 1916. This tablet was erected by the parishioners of New Romney as a mark of esteem and admiration of her faithful work in the parish.
South aisle
320. 2 wings charged with fleur de lys On a bend 3 fleur de lis between 3 ? chev engrali? erm between 3 ? trefoils Here lieth interred Susannah wife of Edward BACHELOR (daughter of Paul Loftie??? of Smeeth) who departed this life May ye 5 1755 aged 60 years. She left issue 6 children (viz) Elianour, Edward, Anna-Maria, Elisabeth, Ann and Margaret. Here also lieth the above first named Edward Bachelor who departed this life / September ye 17 1768 / aged 83 years. He was many years a Jurat of this corporation / the best of fathers / and a sincere friend /.

321. Here lieth interred ye body of Edward BACHELER Son of Edward Bacheler by Susanna his wife who departed this life / January ye 22 1768 aged 45 years / He was one of ye Jurats of this Corporation and once Mayor.

322. Here lieth the body of Jane daughter of Edward BACHELER by Susanna his wife. She died September ye 10 1743 aged 28 years. Near this place lie also eight more of their children viz 3 sons and 5 daughters. Also the remains of Anna Maria Reynolds daughter of Edward and Susanna Bacheler who departed this life the 3rd / of July 1786 aged 61 years /.

322a. Small stone. EB 1721

323. Out of a ducal coronet a demi leopard ramp. Chev between 3 cocks Chev between 3 bulls heads couped. Here lieth interred ye body of Robert COBB / sometime mayor of this town and port / son of Robert Cobb of Reculver. / He married Catherine the daughter of Thomas Curteis? of Ashford by whom he left issue four sons viz John, Robert, Thomas and Benjamin. He departed this life 15 day of December 1727 aged 55 years. Also the bodies of Catherine his wife who died May the 5th 1751 aged 75 years. Catherine daughter of Benjamin and Catherine Cobb who died the 9th of the same month aged 3 years.

324. Demi bear (?) out of a crown 3 cocks Cross ???? within a bordure ???? (not on left side) Here lyeth the body of Benjamin COBB fourth son of Robert Cobb and Catharine his wife. He married Catharine daughter of Allen Grebell of Rye, Gentleman, by whom he had five children Catharine, Mary, Ann, Benjamin and Thomas. The four last survived him. Seven times he served the office of mayor of this corporation and being again elected he died during his mayoralty October ye 6th 1757 aged 40 years. (2 lines cut out)

The following are in the 14th century part above the step:-

325. Demi? bear out of crown Chev. between 3 cocks Here lieth the body of John COBB who departed this life the 23rd of August 1731 in the 33rd year of his age. Also the body of Robert Cobb. He died March the 6th 1734 in the 35th year. Beneath in the entrance to the vault of Smith Cobb constructed 1823 Reposed thereunder in hope of heavenly grace are the remains of those here inscribed. Sarah Cobb born 10 August 1793 died 18 December 1823. Sarah Coates Cobb born 28 August 1823 died 21 November following. Smith Cobb born 18 February 1786 died 17 January 1833. Also the Reverend Benjamin Cobb MA Son of the above Rector of Newchurch 1870-1875. Born 16 May 1820 died 19 July 1875. And Ann Elizabeth his wife. Born 22 January 1831 died 22 August 1909.

326. Cobb impaling cross ???? a bordure engrailed?? (not on left side) Here lieth the body of Catherine relict of Benjamin COBB and daughter of Allen Grebell Gentleman of Rye in Sussex. She died 1st February 1785 aged sixty three.

327. In chief 3 wolves heads erased 2 bars ? 3 demi lions or lions jambs? Here lieth interred the body of Peter KNIGHT of …………… towne and port of ……………….ney Gentleman sonne ………….. Knight deceased …………….the said town………….. He married ? Knight of Piddington in the county of Northants and York? Rebekah the daughter of John PL?????? Gentleman and ………… of the Tov….. and who …………..e of ………….d Rebekah ?3 …………….and 7 daughters (viz)…………… Rebekah, Elizabeth and Peter. Also deceased whose bodies lieth here interred under this ……………..This life the 18th of ………….. Anno Dom 1(?7) ………..

328. A lion or bear? ramp no erest? Here lyeth ye body of Johanna the wife of John HUNT of this towne, Gentleman, who dyed in childbirth of a daughter buried with her the 18th of April 1682 in the 24 yeare of her age and left issue one sonne. In this deaths cruelty you see who with the fruite shakes down ye tree Yet is his malice all in name For tree and fruite shall spring againe. Crack in stone ?erum Resurgam
In the South Chancel
329. ody of John / hn MASCALL / pew He departed ary 1746 rs

330. Here …….. the body of W…………?m? WILCOCK youngest sonne of Robert / …………….. times Jurat of this / ……………………… John and Robert ………………of …………….wife Elizabeth who lived …………. the moth……… Be / and dying? ………….. In the …………..mbe / He dyed April ye III the ………. ean of his age Anno 1642. They died Iv…. 2…….. 27 28 An….ntd ………….rst…………….of th……………………… …………………ni 1642.

331. Here lieth interred the body of Humphrey WIGHTWICK Jurat of this town. He departed this life March 17 17-0 aged –2 years. He married Mary only daughter of Ed……d (?Edmund) Marten Gentleman by whom he left issue two sons and four daughters. Here also lieth interred ye body of Humphrey son of ye abovenamed Humphrey Wightwick and Mary his wife. He married Ann daughter of John Coates of this town by whom he had issue 9 children, three lie buried here the rest are surviving. He died the 12th of July 1758 aged 43 years. Near this place lieth buried Ann the affectionate wife of HW sic the younger who died the 13 December (?1792 or 1802) aged 84 years.

332. William WIGHTWICK died 14 October 1781 aged 7 months.

333. Nor? WIGHTWICK who died April – 1785 aged 8 months. Thomas Wightwick died the 2 October 179-

334. A stone with 1799.

335. SW died in 17(?5)7

336. In memory of Richard WIGHTWICK who died ye 17 March 1783 aged 63 years.

337. A tile JW 1792.

338. Here lieth interred the body of Joseph PHILPOT, Gentleman, (son of Joseph Philpot of ye parish of Worth? near Sandwich) who departed this life / September ye 11 1768 / aged 67 years / Here also lieth the body of / Edward Elsted / many years Riding Officer of this place / He died the 4th November 1787 / aged 51 years / and left issue by Affra his wife / 6 children (viz) Sarah, Richard, Edward, / Affra Katherine and Philpot. / Here also lieth the body of / Affra Elsted relict of the above / Edward Elsted who died / 5 September 1812 aged 77 years.

339. A cock Here lieth interred ye body of Robert WILCOCKE / Gentleman, Master of Artes of Magdalen Hall in / Oxford third son unto Robert Wilcocke Gentleman / sometime Jurat of this town who died / July the 18 Anno domini 1665 being 59 years of age.

340. Altar tomb with brass inscription on top:- Here lyeth buried the bo/dye of Richard STUPPENYE / Jurate of this town in t/he first yeare of King Henry VIII who / dyed in the XVIII yeare of the / sayde Kynges reigne of wh/ ose memorye Clement St/up -penye of the same port his / great grandsonne hath / caused this tombe to be / new erected for the use of the / Auncient? meeting and elec/tion of maior and jurats / of this port town June / the 10th Anno Domini 1622

341. Here lieth interred the body of Edmund MARTEN Gentleman son of Edmund Marten Gentleman formerly Freeman of this town and port. He married Elizabeth only daughter of John Young of ye Antient towne of Rye in ye county of Sussex Gentleman by whom he left issue one daughter named Hester. He departed this life November ye 24 1727 aged 42 years. Here also lieth interred the body of Mrs Elizabeth Marten only wife of Mr Edmund Marten of this town and only daughter of John Young of ye antient town of Rye in ye county of Sussex Gentleman by whom she left issue one only daughter named Hester. She departed this life February ye ….. aged 34 years. Here also lieth interred the …………. Hester Marten only daughter …………. Marten and Elizabeth his ………….departed this life ye 5th day ………… aged 13 years.

342. Here lies buried ye body of Edmund MARTEN son of Edmund Marten and Elizabeth his wife he died ye 13 of April 1720 aged 2 years and a half. Also John Marten an infant.

343. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth MARTEN daughter of Edmund Marten and Elizabeth his wife who departed this life February 6 1725 aged 8 months. Here also lie ye body of John Young Marten son of Edmund Marten and Elizabeth his wife who departed this life June 13 1726 aged seven weeks.

344. ………………. uried the body / old stone MARTEN daughter / coffin Marten and Elizabeth / here departed this life / aged 3 months. Also Ann Marten another of their daughters who departed this life 26 January 1723 at the age of six months.

345. On two small stones let into what was the altar pavement of the south chapel …………………… of (?K)…../ …………………….. WILCOCKE / IVRAT who resigned his soule unto God the 25 day ???/I I’ILL FE YE of (APR) /…………………F HIS AGE 45 ……. N……….1--9 (?1649)

347. Tablet on east wall of the south chancel (south of eastern window) Thomas LANCASTER who was captain of ye militia of this town many years and mayor of this corporation many time and supported ye canopy over Queen Caroline at ye coronation October ye 11 1727 lyed invaulted in this place. He intermarried with Mary one of ye daughters of Mr Whitfeld of Biddenden who lyes beside him. He died ye 9th day of December 1728 aged 52 years. She died ye 16 day of May 1722 aged 47 years. A lion passant ??????? Whitfeld

346. On floor of altar pace south chapel partly covered by the organ 3 battle axes on a cross 5 pheons / vault are deposited / of Elizabeth wife of / jamin COBB / organ ter of John Rolfe Gentleman / arch 25 1782 aged 28 years. / thout / ssue / ane his second wife / Smith, Gentleman of Dymchurch / he 30th 1799 aged 32 years. / hildren were / ovember? 20? 1792 aged 11 months / hter died January 12 1798 / here interred / g are / ust 14 1811 aged 26 years / in the body of the church / September 5 1834 aged 47 years buried / in London
Charles buried in the body of the church Catharine died March 13 1867 buried at Ticehurst
Mary Anne Louisa died May 10 1807 aged 14 years buried in London
Eliza Robert and Thomas twins the above Benjamin Cobb died December 7 1835 aged 82 years interred at Calais.

348. On north side of eastern window Here lieth Isaac WARQUIN MD / born at St Quentin, Picardy in France who fled from / persecution found refuge in New Romney in 1684 where he continued in the practice of physick with success and genuine applause. And adorned this towne and port with useful learning and a truly christian charity. He died June ye 17 1725 aged 61 To whose memory this is erected by his executor John Deffray AM

349. On the south wall of wall dividing south chancel from chancel
Here under lyeth the body of Marjorie daughter of Peter KNIGHT Vicar of this place and to Margarett his wife who was baptised April 12th 1635 and was buried March 30 1636.

350. Mural tablet south wall In memory of Mrs Jane RUSSELL who died March 14 1869 aged 85 years.

351. Tablet to Thomas MATE born in this parish 8 December 1778 died at Taunton, Somerset, 4 October 1852.
Also Richard Pike Mate Vicar of Wymeswold Leicestershire late Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge only son of above died 6 June 1856 in 39th year. And within 9 months his youngest sister Elizabeth Martha Mate died at Taunton 19 March 1857 aged 41. And on 29 May 1862 aged 82 Elizabeth relict of above Thomas Mate and with those of her husband and two children her remains rest in a vault in the cemetery of Taunton.

352. Mural tablet John WALKER being??? only surviving son of John Walker Esquire by Ann his first wife daughter of Edward and Susannah Bacheler / died February 18 1857 aged 83. He was Mayor of this town and port 9 times. Harriet his wife youngest daughter of Edward and Mary Dering died April 27 1825 aged 45. They had issue 4 sons and 1 daughter John Dering, Edward Dering, Henry Bacheler, William Dering, and Charlotte Elizabeth. John Dering Walker died 31 May 1830 aged 26. Charlotte Elizabeth wife of George Bassett Jones died 15 February 1854 aged 39 Their remains are interred in the churchyard. ?az 3 mural crowns or arg a ??? ???

353. Mural John Dering WALKER JP only son of William Dering and Catherine Walker born at New Romney November 3 1847 died at Ivychurch January 2 1902 aged 54. This tablet also the tombstone in the churchyard were erected by public subscription in appreciation of the untiring and valuable services rendered by him to the district as – county councillor, Chairman of the Board of Guardians and Rural District Councillor Bailiff of Romney Marsh and Councillor of this borough.

354. Brass In loving memory of Annie--Frederica STRINGER the wife of Charles Stringer born in Penang July 15 1863 and died October 13 1913 while on a visit to Victoria British Colombia. Erected by her children.

355. Brass To the glory of God and in loving memory of Richard Rothwell DAGLISH. the chamber was built and the machines for blowing the organ constructed at the expense of his widow Laura Daglish July 15 1910. Also to the glory of God and in fond remembrance of Harry Rothwell Daglish son of the above this church was endowed in the sum of one thousand pounds for the preservation of the organ under the will of Laura Daglish who passed away beloved by all January 25 1915.

356. Brass To the glory of God and in affectionate memory of Charles STRINGER the dearly loved husband of Annie-Frederica Stringer and son of the late William and Mary Stringer of this town. For many years a resident of Singapore Straits ???????? and for some years member of the Legislative Council of that colony called to rest at Homburg VD Höhe 6 July 1905 aged 59. As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sons of God Rom viii 1.4 This tablet is erected by his widow and children ? parte??? percher or and sa 2 egles in chfand flew de??? in base all counterchanged Beasts? dragon head holding a cross ??? ??????? Spem Longam? Reseces

357. Brass In loving memory of Thurston STRINGER Commander in the Royal Navy, second son of the late William and Mary Stringer of this town who died in the service of his Queen and country on 11 February 1886 aged 46 years and was buried in the European Cemetery at Bankok Siam where a memorial has been placed over his grave by his shipmates the officers and men of HMS Agamemnon.

End of those in south aisle
In the High Chancel there are only a few slabs – in the centre is a stone engraved

364. Odiarne COATES and others with

365. GCC 1821

366. MC 1809

367. George CHILDREN 1812

360. East window to parents and brothers by surviving members of the STRINGER family 1888 with arms as on brass.

361. Before presbytery steps Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of / Sally wife of William COATES / She died in the / parish of St Saviours Southwark the tenth day of March 1816 / aged forty five years / leaving issue Sarah, Henry Wise, William and Margaret / Margaret died 3rd day of July 1817 aged seventeen years / and is buried here / In the same vault are also / the remains of William Coates Esquire. / He died the 21st April 1825 / aged fifty five years.

362. Between choir stalls and presbytery steps Arthur KIGHT AM? Rector and Vicar of New Church died 18 March 1765 aged 60 and is here interred As is Anna his wife who departed 28 February 1756 aged 51 and also Arthur Sedgwick their grandson who died 18 May 1765 aged one year and three months.

363. Almost covered by choir stalls - The l………/Gover……………/ who d……………/ He m…………… / Art……………… / of…………………/ who………………/ 3…………………/ 5 chil ……………/ Marga……………/ He ………………/ elde………………/ Edwa…………… / his w……………../ the 22……………/. in the 37 year of her age.

370. Tablet high up between arches on south side to Odiarne COATES Esquire one of the Jurats of this corporation died 5 February 1798 aged ?55

368. Tablet high up on north side To George CHILDREN Esquire? of this parish who died without issue on the 12 April 1812 aged 40 leaving Elizabeth the wife of William Wightwick, Sarah Children spinster and Jane Russell widow his three sisters and co-heiresses.

369. Another high up between arches on north side near the altar: to Margaret CHILDREN wife of George Children Esquire who died – May 18?02 or 3 aged 4?3 years. She had by her former husband Odiarne Coates Esquire 2 daughters and 2 sons viz Esther, Ann, Baker and Odiarne.

358. Brass on north sanctuary wall To the glory of God and in loving memory of Richard Musfratt SOUTH MA Priest 39 years Rector of this parish died February 11 1915 aged 78. Erected as a mark of respect and esteem by his parishioners and friends.

See front cover for last in High Chancel.

On the national school:- This house and the National School Room were erected by subscription on ground presented to the charity by Mrs Sarah CHILDREN of this parish February 3rd 1820

At the New Inn the Georgian addition has EE 1711 on the lead water head. In the yard the cart shed has I G M 1822 (?Ivanclark????)

On an out house of the New Inn EM 1838

On cottages in lane at back of Cinque Ports Arms 18 S 21 IW

This hospital being the gift of John SOUTHLAND Gentleman Anno 1610 was rebuilt at ye charge of Sr Robert AUSTEN and Sr Henry FURNESS Baronets Anno 1734 And was further endowed by Thomas BAKER Gentleman Anno 1734 and by Richard Rothwell DAGLISH Anno 1908 MRCS On a brick below IM 1734
New Romney Book 2Nave371. At eastern end in front of present corporation pew north side:- Here lieth the body of Mary wife of Augustin GREENLAND and daughter of John Norman Gentleman by Ann his wife. She departed this life August / the 31 1746 aged 47 years /. Here also lyeth the body of the above named Augustine Greenland. He was one of the Jurats of this corporation and dyed February the 13 1761 aged 69 years.

372. Next bit a stone EN 1750

373. Next to above ;- Here lyeth ye body of Daniel NORMAN who dyed November the --- Anno Domini …………………… years.

374. In the centre aisle near litany desk:- Flat. A large stone. Chev between 3 cocks Here ies the body of Anne COBB youngest daughter of Benjamin and Catherine Cobb. She died May the 18th 1794 aged 43 years. Charles third son of Benjamin Cobb Esquire and Anne his wife. He was First Lieutenant of HMS Castillan and killed by a cannon shot in action with the first flotilla off Bologne 21st September 1811 aged 23 years.

375. A large stone which had an inscription cut along the edge now defaced.

376. Flat Sub hoc marmore recondunter cinere Mariae dilectissimae uxoris Gulielmi Finch Gen Quae obijt XVII die Januarii An Dom MDCXCIV ætat XXII per brevis quidem sed post se reliquit tres optimae spei Filias Annam Mariam et Elizabethan Quibis plures multo plures annos Omninari saltem exoptare fas est ut her long???em vitam maternas virtutes imiternur et compleant.

377. A small stone 1746

End of those in the nave.

North aisle beginning at west.

378. Flat stone. Here lieth the body of James eldest son of James RALFE of the parish of Burbage in the county of Wilts Gentleman He departed this life / March 28 1771 aged 42 years /. Also Catherine Ralfe only daughter of Thomas and Catherine Ralfe and niece of the above named James Ralfe who departed this life February 8th 1810 (or 6) aged 43 years.

379. flat Here lies interred John Edward WILSON Vicar of Selling. He married Anne daughter of Thomas and Ann Odiarne by whom he had 4 children Thomas, Sarah, John and Anne. Sarah died an infant and lies buried here. The others survive, the youngest being born 6 weeks after his decease. He lived and died a Christian with hopes full of immortality May 12 1761 aged 32 years. Here also lies interred the body of John one of the aforementioned sons of the said John Edward Wilson and Anne his wife. He died February the 23rd 1767 aged 7 years. Here also lies interred the body of Thomas Wilson the other son of the above named John Edward Wilson and Anne his wife. He died 26 April 1779 aged 22 years.

380. Flat Here lieth interred Thomas WILSON Gentleman. He married Sarah daughter of Joseph? Coates Jurat of this town and port by whom he had issue two sons and two daughters. Thomas and Sarah lie buried here. John Edward and Ann are surviving. He bore a long and painful illness with exemplary patience: so with a noble and pious resignation did he meet his date the 19 of February Ad 1755 æt 52. Here also lieth the body of Anne daughter of Thomas and Sarah Wilson Obiit October 4 Ann Domini 1755 ætatis suae 24. Also here lieth the body of Sarah wife of the said Thomas Wilson who departed this life the 23rd of May1783 aged 80 years.

381. Brass Chev between 3 blazing suns Priez d’lalme Willia Holyng- broke qe dema le / VIII / M? October lan de grace MCCC l XXV.

The foregoing are in the North Aisle of the nave proper. The following are in the 14th century part above the step:-

382. Here …… nder lieth bu..ied th… of Anne the wife of Daniel NORMAN of London Esquire, Vicount of Jersey. Thay were ma…… ??????? 19 of December Ann…….. lived in love and peace …………… st 18 dayes during which ……………e………….d…..v…. 3 sonnes Daniell……………. l and John. The 2 first deceased th… on…. at 7 mounthes and 20 dayes….The other at one mounth and 10 dayes of their ages. She departed this life the 6……January Anno 1675…… mounthes and 5 days aft…….birth of the last sonn now living in the 36 yeare of her age She was the only daughter of Thomas Freebody of Vdimor? Gentleman and widow of Nicholas Durant of this towne Jurat.

383. 4 fleur de lys, 3 hearts, 3 crows Here lyeth the body of Nicolas DURANT Gentleman sonne of Thomas Durant Gentleman both jurats and sometime mayors of this town who married Anne the daughter of Mr Thomas Freebody and l……lived ye 32 was married 7 yeares She?????? died August 25 Anno 1649 Here lieth ye body of Mary Durant widow of Thomas Durant Jurat and some time mayor of this towne who left issue Thomas, Stephen, Nicholas, Mary, Elizabeth and Robert. She was daughter of Thomas Freebody of Frittenden Ob 17 February 1724 æt 71.

384. Leopard ?a dog sitting and looking back Crest – a leopard sejant reguard achev between 3 human hearts Here lyeth interred ye body of Thomas FREEBODY Gentleman who had issue by Mary his wife the daughter of Thomas Rucke of Hamonsole Yeoman one sonn and one daughter. He departed this life ye 20th of April 1682 aged 41 years. Here lyeth also Mary the daughter of the said Thomas and Mary Freebody who departed this life ye 7 day of May 1678 aged one mounth.

385. A fleur de ly.. lion pattée Here lie the remains of Thomas NORMAN Gentleman one of the Freemen of this corporation He departed this life the 14 day of September 1783 in the 82nd year of his age. His character in life was that of an indulgent husband and a kind and good master. Here also lieth interred Mary his living and affectionate wife who departed this life the 28 day of February 1790 aged seventy nine years.

386. A roman lamp alight lion passant Here lieth ye body of Ann the wife of William HAFFENDEN who departed this life February the 1st 1725 aged 44 years. Here also lieth ye body of William Haffenden who departed this life March the 21st 1734 aged 52 years. He left issue by Ann his wife one son and 2 daughters viz George, Ann and Elizabeth. And also the body of George son of William Haffenden who departed this life February the 12 1762 aged 45 years. He left issue 3 children (viz) Catherine, John and Ann.

387. A cross pattée Here lieth interred the body of Stephen BRETT Gentleman youngest son of Thomas Brett late of Snave Gentleman, Jurat of this towne and thris mayor and once Bayliffe to Yarmouth? one of ye barons that did beare ye royale canopye at ye coronation of Kinge Charles the second and Captain of ye Trained? Band who departed this life 29 of October Ano Dm 1669 in the 41 yeare of his age and last yeare of his mayoralty. He left issue by Judith his wife the daughter and heiresse of James Claybrooke Gentleman also Jurat of this town Ann, Thomas and Stephen born ye 30 of March after his fathers deathe. Hodie mihi eras tibi Here also lieth ye body of Stephen Brett Gentleman son of the above said Stephen Brett once mayor of this town who departed this life ye 6 day of May Anno Dm 17(?1)3 July??? 44th year of his age.

388. di / mas RALFE of / ounty of Wilts / in Majestys / n- guards / g. He settled / ine (italics) / affenden Jurat / He has left issue / Thomas / life / of December 1772 / s / moestissimis / am / above named / lfe / cer 23 1823 (lefthand side covered by a pew)

389. Coat / Here lie / Stephe / Stephe / this towne / 26th / He / and by hi / young / to / W
(righthand side covered by a pew)

390. Hereunder lieth the body of Judith BRETT widow of Stephen Brett Gentleman and daughter of James Claybrooke Gentleman who departed ye 13 of August Anno Di 1674 in the 46 yeare of her age Non mortua sed data somno.

391. A large altar tomb
On north side Here lieth interred the body of Thomas TOOKEY Gentleman Jurat of this town and once maior and bayliffe to Yarmouth /? who had issue by Sibbill his wife two daughters Joane and Mary. He died the 28th of March Anno 1653 aged 53 years. Alsoe here lieth interred the body of Sibbil the wife of the said Thomas Tookey (and daughter of Thomas Bate of Lid and Joane his wife). She dyed the 7 of September Anno 1656 aged 53 years.
South side Under these two stones three of one family who did so well agree they seemed but one to be ………… loving so no doubt …………ey live though life’s run out eere living now ther’s none But she who laid each stone
East end
West end

392. flat 6 ???? 3 crowns Here lieth interred ye body of Mary TOOKEY youngest daughter ?????? Thomas Tookey and Sibbil his wife who dyed the 29 of September Anno Dm 1656 in the 21st year of her age. Here lieth interred John Tookey some time mayor of this town. He left issue by Jane his wife four children viz Margaret Elizabeth Jane and John. He died August ye 7 1731 aged 49. Here also lieth Jane daughter of John and Jane Tookey age 22
She died May ye 17 1752 aged 34.

393. Flat ??????? 3 crows erm? Under this stone lieth buried Edward GOULSTONE / Esquire sixth sone of John Goulstone of Widdall in ye county of Hertford Esquire one of ye Protonotaeries of / the Kings Bench at Westminster who tooke to wife / Joane ye daughter and heyre of Thomas Tookey of / this place Gentleman who lived in wedlocke one / one yeare and one month and had one only sone Edward / Like a phenix he resolved with ashes ye fifth day / of August in ye six and thirtyeth yeare of his age / and in ye twentyeth yeare of ye reigne of Kinge / Charles ye Second and in ye yeare of our Lord God / One thousand six hundred sixty and six /. Non hic in aeternum damnatus ressurgam iterum. / Here lyeth the body of Mrs Joan Goul- ston / late of Tutsham Hall in this county the / eldest daughter of Thomas Tookey of / New Romney Gentleman the widdow of ye above / named Edward Goulston Esquire who died / the 20th of June 1699 aged 68 and left issue / Edward Goulston Esquire of Tutsham Hall/. Here lieth Jane widow of John Tookey Gentleman. She / died 2nd February 1759 aged 70 years and left one daughter / (viz) Elizabeth.

394. Flat with matrix of.

395. Brass of Thomas LAMBERT 24 August MDXIV

396. flat Here lieth interred Margaret widdow of George DAWES Gentleman eldest daughter of Mr John and Jane Tookey. She left issue two daughters viz Grace and Jane. She died June ye 10 1752 aged 40years.

397. Slab with matrix of and on the lower end of this reversed: John TOOKEY died June the 1-th 1757 aged 5- years.

398. A fine raised coffin lid with cross 14th century.

399. Flat In memory of Baker COATES Esquire who departed this life / on the 20 of January 1785 / aged 43 years / and during his mayoralty. His widow deeply sensible of the loss she has sustained? by the death of so kind and indulgent a husband has placed this stone here as a mark of respect to the dead and as a token of gratitude in the living???

400. Small stone John CEARY Junior died in 1729

401. Flat Elizabeth COATES Relict of Baker Coates Esquire She died August 12 1803 aged 63 years.

402. Small stone William ANSELL died August ye 30 1730 aged 44 years.

403. A stone with matrix About 4 ????? ? merchant marks inscription.

404. Flat small. Edward CRAYFORD died May the 19 1737 aged 30 years. Edward Crayford Junior died February 6 1736 aged 5 months.

405. On the back of a pew in south chancel are 2 panels inscribed as follows:
To the pious / memory of Sir? Henry FURNESE? knight? and / Baronet who out of / his great zeal and affection for this / town and corporation / of New Romney / ordered this chancel / to be beautifyd and / adorned at his own / cost to the Glory of / God and the honour / of the church /. As also the Mayor and Jurat seats 1712. To the Honour / of Sir Robert Furnese / Baronet one of the / Combarons of this / town and port of / New Romney who / completed this / pious work so / liberally begun / by Sir? Henry Furnese / his father whom / he succeeds in honour and estate. Of this work two panels remain of the ceiling of the chancel. dog ????? ???? red hand the other crest black dog no quarter 6 ??? starts arg Arg a talbto hound ????? with a bordure sa but no bordure here. The Furnese’s were of Sandwich and Waldershare.

406. On south wall Tablet to John RUSSELL of the Priory many years Jurat of this corporation and 8 times mayor of this town and port died 27 January 1863 in his 74th year.

407. Monument? on wall Near this place is interred the body of Ann wife to Nicholas DURANT Jurat of this town and port by whom she left issue Mary Nicholas, John and Ann. She died June ye 23rd 1722 to whose memory this monument is erected. Above 4 fleur de lys Below are 16 lines of verse.

408. Brass on wall In loving memory of Florence Elizabeth NICHOLLS wife of W J C Nichols MA of the College Littlestone on Sea who passed away on 5 of September 1909. This tablet is erected by the Old Boys of the College in remembrance of her many acts of kindness her noble character and her sterling worth.

409. Tablet on wall Mrs Mary CORNWALL died 2 June 1840 aged 72 and whose remains are deposited near this spot. Erected by the sons and daughters of the late Reverend Patrick Maxwell in whose family and that of his wife, daughter of the late John Sawbridge, Esquire of Olanhigh? in this county. She was a valued and faithful servant for nearly 50 years.

410. Mural tablet Bacheler WALKER Esquire died April 17 1841 aged 70. Sarah widow of John Walker Esquire died March 29th 1832 aged 92.

This ends those in the south aisle proper up to the platform for the altar (now the vestry). In this are the following: An alter tomb on south side blocking the north procession door to the high altar. On west end of this: – LD
New Romney  Book 3
North Chapel
on old altar platform411. On east wall north side of window Near this place lyeth buried the bodys of John BASSETT Gentleman and Margaret his wife. They both dyed very suddenly and within one month and five days of each other as you may read on the stone under which they lay buried leaving no issue. He left several charitable legacies and the bulk of his estate to the children of his two nephews Thomas and John Edwards at whose expense this monument is

413. East wall south side of east window Here lieth interred the body of Richard BAKER Gentleman, Jurat and eight times mayor of this corporation. He maryed Martha daughter of John Anenden???? Gentleman. He died April 27 1725 æt 74 and left issue by (?her one son). Here also lieth interred Thomas Baker son of Richard Baker, Gentleman. He departed this life December ye 21st 1734 æt 37 whose death by all is much lamented. his life being exemplary, virtuous and charitable following the example of his deceased father at his death that the poor might not forget their kind benefactor. He left a valuable endowment to the Hospital of the four widows in this town and port and five pounds per annum to the poor of the parish to be paid perpetually on 14th day of October. To whose memory this monument is erected by John Coates, Gentleman, his heir and ?????? Christian stop and consider this double instance of ….. charity work whilst ????? day the night cometh when no man can work.

415. Altar tomb south side blocking procession door:- On west end Here lieth the body of Richard BAKER Minister of Gods Word AS ALSO late Govern..r OF THE Hospital of……………….of……….. OH……………This to…………………. RDVS Baker INSCRIPTVS safe A DESCRIPVS stands TIS 59 here S 1637 MISIT

417. On north side an altar tomb with brass of Thomas SMYTH, Jurat, and Mary his wife and Elizabeth and Mary their daughters. Lived 68 years died 3 January 1610 Figures of self wife and one daughter. Other daughter gone.

418. Flat Aliciae THOMAS Vxoris perquam charissimae hic reconditur corpus anima coelicola est ipsa cum superis beata In hoc tantum ffatum? nesandum est suo abscessit?? reliquit in felices??? conginem amicos vicinos omnes obiit Vto Octbs AD MDCL XXXIII æt XXXII Posuit hoc debilo minus maritus amantissimus Hunis Eccles vicarious Quacum decumbere Quacum resurgero cupiens Johannes Thomas Hoc quoque sub marmore iacet in sinu matris fuentios mae margarita dilecta et unice filia Ah febile sepulchrum marito et patri indigno Vtra que tam cito orbato Obiit et illa XXXVto Oct MDCLXXXI

414. Small stone Here lieth interred ye abovesaid Richard and Thomas BAKER.

412. Here lieth interred the body of Margaret wife of John BASSETT of this towne. She died July the 20th 1734 æt 61 Here also lieth the body of John Bassett ob ye 25th of August 1734 æt 65.

419. Here lieth interred Sarah wife??? of John COATES Gentleman daughter of Thomas Odiarne. of Rye in Sussex, Gentleman. She departed this life March ye 6th 1744 aged 72. Here also lieth interred John Coates Gentleman, Jurate and often time mayor of this corporation. He had issue by Sarah his wife 10 children, 8 of which he buried here and left two surviving viz Sarah and Ann. He departed this life September 3 1747 aged 76 years.

420. Small narrow Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth WINSHERST?? the daughter of Alexander Winsherst and Ann Winsherst who was borne the 2 of November 1645 and departed this life the 11 of February 1646.

416. Altar tomb. North side (eastward to that to Smyth)
On south side Here under lieth the bodye of John PIX late of this towne Gentleman who was borne at Rucking in Kent the 3 of May An Do 1587 who died the 4th of December 1629 aged 42 years to whose memory Hester his wife erected this tombe.

421. John COATES died November the 10 1734 aged 23.

422. Henry Wise (COATES) died July ye ?9 1767 aged ?2 years and 11 months. Mary Coates………….September the…………. aged one year and seven months.

423. Sarah COATES died February the 24 1777 aged 8 years.

424. Here are deposited the remains of Sarah COATES wife of Odiarne Coates Gentleman one of the Jurats of this corporation. She died on the 8th day of February 1783 in the 43 year of her age beloved and lamented. She had five children Henry Wise, Odiarne, Sarah, William and Mary four of which are buried here William is surviving. Her indulgent husband has caused this stone to be here tender memory.

425. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Henry Wises COATES Esquire Late of His Majestys 43rd Regiment He was born 19 March 1797 died 18 June 1827 having had issue by Ursula his wife youngest daughter of HenRY and Jane UNETT Herefordshire ETT in Herefordshire iam Unett ho survive Wise Coates was buried Herefordshire mains of their Lieutenant March 13 rs.

426. Flat. Here lieth the body of Odiarne COATES Gentleman. He married? Anne daughter of William Haffenden of Old Romney Gentleman and had issue by her 9 children 4 of which lie here interred viz William, John, Sarah and John and left surviving Margaret, Ann, Sarah, Baker and Odiarne. He departed this life February 20th 1744 aged 40. The body of Anne wife…………………..70 years.

Index of Names and Places

Name Index

Ansell 402
Anenden? 413
Bacheler 321 322 352
Bachelor 320
Baker 413 414 415
Bassett 411 412
Bate 391
Brett 387 390
Ceary 400
Children 367 368 369
Claybrooke 387 390
Coates 331 361 364
  369 370 380 399 401
  413 419 421 422 423
  424 425 426
Cobb 323 324 325 326
   346 374
Cornwall 409

Crayford 404
Curteis 323
Daglish 355
Dawes 396
Deffray 348
Dering 352
Durant 382 383 407
Edwards 411
Elsted 338
Finch 376
Freebody 382 383 384
Furnese 405
Goulstone 393
Grebell 324 326
Greenland 371
Haffenden 386 388? 426
Holyngbroke 381
Hunt 328
Jones 352

Kight 362
Knight 327 349
Lambert 395
Lancaster 347
Loftie? 320
Marten 331 341 342 343 344
Mascall 329
Mate 351
Maxwell 409
Nicholls 408
Norman 371 373 382 385
Odiarne 379 419
Philpot 338
Pix 416
Ralfe 378 388
Reynolds 322
Rolfe 346
Rucke 384
Russell 350 368 406

Sawbridge 409
Smith 346
Smyth 416 417
South 358 359
Stringer 354 356 357 360
Stuppenye 340
Thomas 418
Tookey 391 392 393 396
Unett 425
Walker 352 353 410
Warquin 348
Whitfeld 347
Wightwick 331 332 333
    336 368
Wilcock 330
Wilcocke 339 345
Wilson 379 380
Winsherst 420
Young 341

Index of places
Ashford 323
Bankok, Siam
     European Cemetery 357
Biddenden 347
Bologne 374
Burbage, Wilts 378
Calais 346
Dymchurch 346
Frittenden 383
Hamonsole 384
Herefordshire 425
Homburg VD Höhe 356
Ivychurch 353
Lid 391
Littlestone on Sea
    The College 408London 346 382
   Westminster 393
New Church 362
New Romney 348 353 359 393 405
     The Priory, 406
     Tutsham Hall 393
     Hospital of the four widows 413
Newchurch 324
Olanigh? 409
Old Romney 426
Magdalen Hall 339
Penang 354
Piddington, Northants 327
Reculver 323
Rucking, Kent 416
Rye, Sussex 324 326 341 419Sandwich 405
Selling 379
Singapore Straits 356
Smeeth 320
Snave 387
St Saviours 361
St Quentin, Picardy, France 348
Taunton, Somerset 351
Ticehurst 346
Victoria, British Colombia 354
Vdimor? 382
Waldershare 405
Widdall, Herts 393
Wilts 388
Word? near Sandwich 338
Wymeswold, Leicestershire 351
York 327

General Index
Bailiff of Romney Marsh 353
Baron 387 405
Bayliffe to Yarmouth 387 391
Captain of the militia 347
Captain of ye Trained Band?? 387
Chairman of the Board of Guardians 353
Combaron 405
Commander, Royal Navy 357
Councillor 353
County councillor 353
Executor 348
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 351
First Lieutenant, HMS Castillan
Freeman 341 385Gentleman 324 327 328 331 338
   339 341 346 378 380 383 384
   385 387 390 391 393 411 413
   416 419 424 426
Governor of the hospital
His Majestys 43rd Regiment 425
JP 353
Jurat 320 321 330 331 339 370 371
   380 382 383 387 388 391 405
   406 407 413 417 424
Jurate 340 419
King 387 393
Knight 405
Lieutenant 425
Mayor 321 323 324 340 347 352
  383 387 392 399 405 406 413 419Minister 415
MD 348
Member of the Legislative Council,
    colony of Singapore 356
Officers and men, HMS
Agamemnon 357
Priest 358
Protonotaery of the Kings
Bench 393
Queen 347 357
Rector 324 358 362
Reverend 324 359 409
Riding Officer 338
Rural District Councillor 353
Servant 409
Vicar 349 351 379
Vicount of Jersey 382
Yeoman 384

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Mersham Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Mersham Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

In The Chancell. No Altar Peice.
1. On a neat Monument, On ye North Wall, within the Comn. Rails. Near This Place lies interred the Body of the Revd. and learn’d John COOKE, A.M. between his 2 Wives. The First was Mary, Daughter of Mr BOWDEN, of Oxford. The Second was Katherine, Daughter of Richard BRETT, Gent. By the Former he had 8; and by ye Latter 5 Children. He was 49 Years Rector of this Parish. 31 Years Rector of the Parishes of St. George and St. Mary Magdalen in Canterbury; and One of the Six Preachers of the Cathedral Church there. Twenty Years he was chosen successively Proctor in Convocation for the Clergy of this Diocesse. He died the 13th Day of August An.Dni. 1726 in the 81st Year of his Age. His last and Surviving Wife Hester, Daugher of Sr. Tob. WOLRICH Knt. (by whom he had 4 children) out of a due Regard to his Memory, hath erected this Monument.

2. On The North Wall, over the Door going into ye School, is a very Fine Monument, with the Portraiture of a Man armed, and kneeling at a Faldstool, with the Following Inscription, and Coat. [Az. on a bend or voided az. 3 + +lets fitchy or. KNATCHBULL IMP. SCOTT. See Vol.1, P.19 (LymInge)]. Here lyeth The Body of Richard Knatchbull of Mersham Esq. who died ye 20th of January 1590/1 being of the Age of 36 Yeares. He was the Eldest Sonne of that Richard Knatchbull who lieth at the Entrance of this Chancell, who had 2 Wives; The First was Joanne SHEAFE, by whome he had two Sonnes, this Richard, and John; and Fowre Daughters, Alice, Anne, Elizabeth and Katherine. The Second was Susan GREENE, by whome he had Fowre Sonnes, Norton, Thomas, John and George; and two Daughters, Ursula, and Marie. The Issue Male by Joanne SHEAFE were thus matched. This Richard married Ann SCOTT, the Second Daughter of Sr. Thomas Scott, Knt. by whome he had Thomas KNATCHBULL; and, John married Eisabeth SCOTT, the Fowrthe Daughter of the sayd Sr. Thomas Scott, who died without Issue. The Issue Male, by Susan Greene, were thus matched. Norton had 2 Wives, the First, Ann WENTWORT, the Eldest Daughter of Paul Wentwort of Burnham, in the County of Buck. Esq. His Second Wife was Bridgett, ye Second Daughter of John ASTLEY Esq. who was Master of the Jewell House, and a Gent. of the Privie Chamber to QUEENE ELIZABETH. Thomas married Elmor the third Daughter of the sayd John ASTLEY, by whome he had Seaven Sonnes, Richard, Norton, Francis, Thomas, Astley, John and George; and Fower Daughters, Bridgett, Margaret, Susanna and Alice. John died unmarried. George married Joane GILBERT, The Daughter of Thomas Gilbert Esq. who died without Issue.

3. On Another very Handsome Monument on the North Wall, having on It The Fig. of a Lady Kneeling under a Canopy supported by 2 Angells, is The Following Inscriptn. and Coat. [KNATCHBUL as at Page 1 imp. ASTLEY Az. a 5foil & border engrld. or.]. This virtuous Lady named Bridget, descended from ye ancient Family of the Barons of Astley, was the Second Daughter of John ASTLEY, who, whilst he lived was cheefe Gentilman of the Privie Chamber to QUEENE ELIZABETH, and Master and Treasurer of hir Mas. Jewells and Plate. She was married to Sr. Norton KNATCHBULL Knt. with whome when She had lived 33 Yeares and 3 Months She departed this Life the 4th of November 1625 in the 55th Yeare of her Age, and in the First Yeare of the Rayne of KING CHARLES, and here lied interred. To whose Memory, the said Sr. Norton, her Husband, caused this Monument To be Made. Epitaph. The Dust close’d up within this Marble Shrine/Was (when it breath’d) a Blossom Feminine,/Brought up in Courte; The Ill whereof, & Good,/She quickly found, in Competition stood./The Good Ill Courte She, therefore, soon forsooke;/And, happy in her Choice, an Husband tooke./Yet, ‘tho She were with happy Hymen Bless’t,/She found The World could yeild no Perfect Rest;/ And, therefore, having, Three and Thirty Yeares,/Liv’d in True Love with him that loved her deere,/She left him too, and all that Worlly is,/To gaine an Everlasting Crowne of Blisse. Nobil … pijs prognata Parentibus, Anlam/Reginae, Virto, Virginis Ingreditur./Paulo ter Senos cum plus adoleverat Annos,/Aedibus, ad Sponsum, Principis Egreditur./Fansta prius Caelebs, magè Jansta Marita Marito/Nupta triennalis terq decinnis erat./Aggreditur tandem Caelum, quo Vota trahebant./Hinc Dolor huic Mundo est, quod valedixit ?.

4. Underneath the last mention’d is Another very Fine Monument, on which, under an Arch, lies the Portraiture or Statue in white Marble of an Armed Knight – with ye Arms of KNATCHBULL (as before) and the following Inscription.  Repositorium dignissimi, Pientissimi multumq desiderabilis Viri, Domini Nortom *KNATCHBULL, Ordinis Equestris; qui post duos de septem denis Annos, Sibi ac Patriae faelicitèr transactos, Divino tandem concessit Fato, Anno a Christo Incarnato, Milesimo, Sexcentisimo, tricesimo, sexto (1636) ex quo hos usq edormit, dum novissimae Lucis Adventû Aeternum revixerit. Posuit debiti Honoris et Amoris ergo Nortonus Knatchbull Armig. Nepos et Haeres.
   *This is the Gentleman who first founded Ashford School. See Vol.1, P.143 but it was finish’d by Sr. Norton KNATCHBULL his Nephew, see his Epitaph, Page 6 of this Volume.

5. On a Neat Monumt. on ye S. Wall. [KNATCHBULL as at P.1. imp. Az. a chevn. erm. betw. 3 hogs passt. or HARRIS].
   Near To this Place, in this Chancell, is interred ye Body of Dame Katherine KNATCHBULL, Wife of Sr. Wyndham Knatchbull of Mersham Hatch, in this County of Kent, Bart. to whom she was married the 21st Day of June, in ye Year of our Lord 1730 and departed out of this Life, on the 8th Day of January in the Year of Our Lord 1740/1. And in the 36th Year of her Age. She was the only Daughter of Ames HARRIS, in the Close of New Sarum in the County of Wilts, Esq. by Katherine, the eldest Daughter of Charles COCKS of the City of Worcester, Esq. She bore to the said Sr. Wyndham Knatchbull 2 Daughters, viz. Joan Elisabeth, and Katherine, and 3 Sons, viz. Wynaham, Norton, and Richard Norton; of which, Norton, and Richard Norton, died before her. Joan Elisabeth, Katherine, and Wyndham are, at this Time, living. In Memory of the said Dame Katherine KNATCHBULL, the Above mention’d Sr. Wyndham Knatchbull, her Husband, hath caused this Inscription to be here placed, on the 30th Day of July, in ye Year of our Lord 1741 as a small Instance of his great Affection and Regard which he had for her. Near to the Body of the said Dame Katherine Knatchbull is placed, by his own Particular Desire, ye Body of Sr. Wyndham Knatchbull, Baronet, her Husband abovemention’d who departed this Life July 23d. One Thousand Seven Hundred, and Forty Nine, Aged 49. To the End that Death might not separate those whom Love had united. On The Floor, under this Monument, are Stones shewing the Times of their Death.

6. Here are also 3 Large Flat Stones, whose Inscriptions are gone; One of them has the Figure of a Priest, inlaid on it. Onother has also had a like Figure inlaid on it, but it is now lost. A Label, wch. came out of his Mouth, is still remaining and bears the following Inscription. Te moneat Pietas… succurrere Morti, Nam, simili Sorti, Secus cadit omnis, et. Aetas.

7. On a Pew at the left Hand, going out of the Chancell into ye Body are the following Letters, each of them cut deep in a small Shield. P.R. ?

8. On the Opposite Pew this Coat & Date, cut in ye Wood. [A fess, 3 roundels, in chief; the date 1611 over sh.].

9. The Glass in the Window over the last mentioned Pew, has been very finely painted.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
KNATCHBULL 2, 3, 4, 5
Norton 6
P.R. ? 6
Wyndham 5Places
Burnham, Bucks 2
Mersham Hatch 5
New Sarum, Wiltshire 5
Oxford 1
St George & St Mary
 Magdalen in Canterbury 1
Worcester 5

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Molash Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Molash Church,  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

In the Chancell.
1. On a Black Flat Stone, within ye Rails with this Coat.

[Per chevn. arg. & gu. a cresct. at fesse point countercharged imp. Per pale, 3 boars’ heads couped facing to sinister, the lower one countercharged]. 
Here lyeth the Bodies of Henry CHAPMAN, Gent, and Mary his Wife. He died the 13th of April 1668. And she died the 2d. of May 1680. In the 80th Year of their Age. And ……. Chapman the Son of Edward Chapman.

2. On Another Bl. Stone, with the Arms of CHAPMAN having a Crescent for Difference. Johannes Chapman Generosus. Nov. 19 1679. Aetatis suae 47.

3. On a Grey Stone. Here lies Buried the Body of Michael GYLES, Gent, The Son of Gabriel Gyles, Gentleman, deceas’d ye Last Day of May, at ye Age of 40 Years. 1611.

4. Here is also Another Grey Stone in an Old Character not Legible.

In the Church.
5. On a Grey Stone, A Man and a Woman inlay’d in Brass (now lost), and under them ye Following Inscription. Pray for ye Sowlis of Johann MANFELD, and Ursuley his Sister, wch. John died the VII day of April, ye Yer of our Lord MVXI. The sayd Ursula died ye XXII Day of May, ye Year of Our Lord MVXIII. (Error for 1503). On who Sowlis Jesu have Mercy. Ame.

6. On a Stone Over a Vault with ye Arms of CHAPMAN as above. Pvlvis CHAPMANNORVM. NB. This Vault belong’d to a Family of Chapmans who liv’d at ye Bower. (Bower Farm, north of Canterbury Road, in East of parish).
7. The Font is very Ancient.

8. In the Windows are to be seen the following Coats. [In line: I. Arg. on a chief gu. 3 martlets or. II. Gu. a – arg. charged with a cresct. gu. for diffce, betw. 3 griffins sergeant or. imp. Tierced per pale & per fesse gu. & Arg. a molet or at the fesse point. III. Gu. 3 open right hands & a screct. arg. at fesse pt. for diffce. (pencil query added: MALMAINS?).]
9. This Church consists only of a Body and Chancell, both Tyled. At the West End is the Steeple wch. has a *Shingled Spire (removed c. 1793), and 3 Small Bells, with ye following Inscription.
1. Sancte MARTINE, ora pro Nobis.
2**. Joseph HATCH Made Me 1622.(No. number 3 given).
*This evidently means a cap. Cozens, 254 (1793) calls it "a pointed top covered with shingles").** Ibid. has " & 3 by Joseph Hatch, 1606 and 1629.
10. This is a Chapel of Ease to Chilham, and was call’d St. Peter’s. Visited 1757.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
CHAPMAN 1, 2, 6

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions from St John the Baptist Church, Meopham

Monumental Inscriptions from St John the Baptist Church, Meopham, noted by Meopham Historical Society. Index created by Ted Connell. Including a plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.

The original text runs to 73 pages. Here the text has been consolidated to make the format match other M.I.'s on this Website.

The Monumental Inscriptions of St. John’s, Meopham, were first recorded in the ‘Church Monthly’ of July 1898 by the vicar, the Rev. L.W. Lewis. This list included names and years of burial and the location was indicated by the relevant compass point relating to the church. It was later incorporated in C.H. Golding-Bird’s ‘History of Meopham’ in 1934. These entries provide a most useful source of comparison with ours of a century later. Some 20 names of individuals, all buried before 1898, have been revealed in our own recordings but, curiously, are missing from the original list. These are mainly 18th century gravestones on the south side of the church. On the other hand there are over 50 individuals recorded by L.W. Lewis which we have been unable to trace. More than half of these are listed as north of the church and may now lie beneath the tarmacced paths. Others are recorded as west of the church and on the verge of the widened A227. For the benefit of researchers these names are listed alphabetically with their original locations in the appendix. Lewis spoke hopefully of a possible map of the churchyard but none appeared. A later attempt to record the tombstones was made in 1972 by Mr. H.W. Davies and lodged at the Centre for Kentish Studies in 1975 (Ref. TR 1893/1). Four documents were submitted, containing 70 individual inscriptions, but it is a far from complete survey and no accompanying plan appears to exist. However, a comparison with our survey reveals four inscriptions of which we had no trace. Details of these are also in the appendix.

Our survey was undertaken by eight volunteers from the Meopham Historical Society and has taken three years to bring to completion. The churchyard was divided into 11 sections, each with its own plotted map, and each has been indexed both alphabetically and by location. Two similar general indexes and a plan of the whole churchyard are included. (not included in this webpage)  In cases where the same surname occurs more than once the entries are chronologically listed. Similar indexes with a plan are included for the memorials in the church itself. Original spellings, punctuation and spaces for illegible letters have been strictly adhered to and slashes indicate the division of lines in the inscriptions. Where doubts have arisen about the dates Burial Registers, Bishop’s Transcripts and Golding-Bird have been consulted; hence occasional italicised abbreviations, such as BR, BT, GB with alternative solutions. 266 gravestones survive and 510 individuals have been identified. The earliest surviving inscription is that of Richard Masters of Camer, 1689. The Old Churchyard was officially closed in 1923 and later burials (not included in this survey) are in the new graveyard on the west side of the A227.

Members of the Historical Society who participated in this survey:- Surveyor:- Jack Preston,    Indexer:- Jim Ford
The recorders:- Sheila Bodiam,  Sheila Farmer,   Joan Goodwins,                          

Pictures of the team at work
                       Ann Kneif,         Renee Phippen, Suzanne Edmeades-Stearns
The book jacket:- Jane Paffard (daughter of a member)    The computerisation of the text:- Ann Kneif
                                                                                                                   J. O. Goodwins,   December 2000
                                                       © of Meopham Historical Society

In the ChurchyardArea A
1.(A1) Cross on base In loving memory of / GEMRICKIE GARD / died May Base … ho died

2 (A2) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / ANN WARRINGTON / died 8th May 1903 / aged 49 [40?] / also of / HENRY WARRINGTON / husband of the above / died 9th October 1919 [1910?] / aged 62

3 (A3) WHA(R)TO(N) and W(H)IF(FIN) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / M.. ..HOMA…. ....H / (ent)ered into rest April 1..(?) [16? 18?] / aged 85 years / MARY ANN WHA(R)TO(N) / SARAH ELIZABETH W…IF(FIN) / sisters of the above / inter(red) in this church-yard / our Dead are living unto …Footstone B.T.W. 1904

4 (A4) Headstone In / loving memory / of / FRANCES C.G. CLARK STEVENS / who died 9th February 1896 / aged 15 years / She sleeps in Jesus free from pain / our loss though great to her is gain / beloved by all who knew her here / and to her parents none more dear / yet hope through Jesus death is given / that soon we’ll meet with her in heaven / also ARTHUR C. STEVENS / father of the above / died 13th Dec 1932 aged 74 / and of his wife MARY / died 24th September aged 78

5 (A5) Pedestal and cross In loving memory of / GEORGE CALLER / who died Augst 11th 1902 / aged 28 years

6 (A6) Pedestal and cross In loving memory / of / JOHN CALLER / who died December 2 1899 / aged 52 years / His end was peace / calmly he passed away

7 (A7) 3 tier pedestal with cross (detached) West facing side: top tier: In loving memory / of / our dear sister / middle tier: MAY STANLEY / died March 9th 1902 age 20 / not gone from memory   East facing side: bottom tier: Not gone from love / but gone to her Father’s / home above

8 (A8) Headstone and footstone East side: In memory of / Mr. WILLIAM BROWNFIELD / who died October 31st 1862 / aged 68 years / also of MARY ANN BROWNFIELD / wife of the above / born November 30th 1796 / died August 12th 1878 aged 82 years / in affectionate remembrance of / two grandsons of the above / JAMES CHARLES HALL / who was drowned at sea / on the 19th of December 1872 / aged 22 years / and of / THOMAS BAYLIS HALL / who died of typhoid fever at sea / on the 19th January 1878 / aged 16 years / also / WILLIAM HENRY BROWNFIELD / son of the above / …rn March 12th 1832 died May 6th 1885
West side:In memory of / HARRY AUGUSTUS HALL / grandson of / WILLIAM AND MARY ANN BROWNFIELD / and brother of J.C. & T.B. HALL / who died in California 27th June 1890 / in his 35 year
Footstone W.B. 1862, M.A.B. 1878, J.C.H. 1872, T.B.H. 1878, W.H.B.1885, H.A.H. 1890

9 (A9) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate remembrance / of / EMMA CALLER / who died Decr 31st 1899 / aged 53 years / Thy will be done Footstone CALLER

10. (A10) 3 tier pedestal with standing cross attached Top tier: … loving memory of / my dear husband / ALBERT …ER / w……. / aged …. Years. Middle tier: B[lesseed] are the dead which die in the Lord / also EMMA / beloved wife of the above / born Oct 28th 1862 died Jan 3rd 1947 / resting

11. (A11) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / JOHN STEVENS / died Feby 16th 1906 / aged 80 years / also / ROSETTA, his beloved wife / died Jany 25th 1903 / aged 73 years / also / CLARA daughter of the above / died Feby 19th 1873 / aged 2 years / "Thy will be done"

Footstone J.S. 1906, R.S. 1903, C.S. 1873

12. (A12) Cross on two tier pedestal base Top tier: … lov… …..y / H.RR… / widow … … (la)te / THOMAS ADES / of Brede Sussex / died Nov 13 1898 aged 6(4) Lower tier: also / HOWARD / youngest son of the above / died Dec 20 1876 aged .8 / R.I.P.

13. (A13) Small headstone and footstone C C / COOMBES / died July 2nd 1861 / aged 7 months Footstone CCC 1861

14 (A14) Twin head and body stones Left-hand Sacred / to the memory of / JOHN FIGGESS / who / departed this life / May the 26th / 1851 / aged 92 years Right-hand Sacred / to the memory of / REBECCA wife of / JOHN FIGGESS / who / departed this Life / February the 8th / 1854 / aged 84 years

15 (A15) Headstone and coffin shaped slab East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS LATHAN / who departed this life / December 17th 1846 / aged 62 years / also ANN wife of the above / who died April 29th 1879 / in her 84th year West facing: In / memory of / RICHARD son of / JOSEPH and MARIA FIGGESS / of Northfleet parish / who died December 7th 1848 / aged 17 months

16. (A16) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to / the memory of / Mr. EDWARD COOMBE.. / of this pa.. / ho ..eparted this l… / November 12th 18.. / aged 69 years / also / SARAH wife of the above / who departed this l… / November 18th 1861 / aged 67 years Footstone E.C. 1858, S.C. 1861

17. (A17) Badly eroded. No inscription decipherable.

18. (A18) Cross on three tier pedestal base Top tier: In loving memory / of Middle tier: WILLIAM C…. / born August 3…. / died Decer 4th 1897 Bottom tier: also of CHARLOTTE ELLEN / wife of the above / born November 21st 1835 / died November 8th 1915

19. (A19) Headstone and footstone In affectionate remembrance / of / JOHN BUTCHER / who died January 11th 1871 / aged 75 years / also of ELIZABETH / second wife of the above / who died April 26th 1877 / aged 71 years / "For if we believe that Jesus died and / rose again even so them also which leep in / Jesus will God bring with him" / also ANN and SARAH / daughters of the above JOHN BUTCHER Footstone ..B 1871, EB 1877

20. (A20) Headstone and two footstones Sacred to the memory / of / MARTHA LOTT / sister of / MARY BLACKMAN / who departed this life / (at Gravesend) on the / 28th November 1818 / aged 15 years / MARY BLACKMAN / wife of JOHN BLACKMAN / & eldest daughter of / MATTW & MARY LOTT / who departed this life / May 24th 1818 in the / 26th year of her age / also the above / JOHN BLACKMAN / who departed this life / April 21st 1820 / aged 32 years / left issue two sons / vizt WILLm and JOHN Two footstones M.B. 1818, M.L. 1818

Area B
21. (B1/B2) Twin headstone (leaning) Left-hand In ….. / of ANN FRENCH / wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish / Died 29 …. ar. 1762 / aged 65 years / [BR 2nd April] Right-hand ……… / JOH.. FRENCH / of this …… / who ……. / Nov …….. / aged … years [BR 1777 24th November and GB 1777 burial]

22. (B3) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of ANN daughter of / JOHN & MARGARET FRENCH / of this parish who departed / this life the 25 of April 1806 / aged 49? Years
Footstone A.F. 1806

23. (B4) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. THOMAS FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / November 30th 1810? / aged …. Years / left issue two sons and three daughters / (viz) JOHN THOMAS SARAH / ANN MARY … / also SARAH his wife / who departed this life / December 29th 1849 / aged 74 years Footstone T.F. 1810, S.F. 1849

24. (B5) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. WILLIAM FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / the 28th of September 1818 / aged 60 years

25. (B6) Headstone In affectionate remembrance / of / MARY FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / September 9th 1874 / aged 65 years / "the dust returns to the earth as it was and / the Spirit returns unto God who gave it" / Ecclesiastes 12.7.

26. (B7) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ANN FRENCH / who departed this life / the 5th of May 1851 / aged 46 years Footstone A.F. 1851

27. (B7a) A coffin shaped stone with a kerbstone. No headstone. No markings. Possibly a FRENCH? In alignment with several other French tombstones.

28. (B8) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / ARTHUR and MARY JANE BALE / for many years / schoolmaster and schoolmistress / at Siesey, Boston, Lincolnshire   On small cross – inscription face down in grass, so very clear. In memory of ARTHUR BUGGS / died Aug. 2nd 1912 Possibly marble – in excellent condition [BR Arthur 29th April 1894, Mary Jane 11th March 1904]

29. (B9) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / HENRY BUGGS / late of this parish / who departed this life / December 28th 1846 / aged 57 years / "come unto me all ye that labour and are / heavy laden and I will give you rest" / Matthew 11 Chap 28th verse / he left issue by HARRIOT his wife / one son and two daughters / viz: JAMES, MARY ANN, / and ELIZABETH / also HARRIOT BUGGS / wife of the above / who died April 9th 1856 aged 66 years / "purge me, with his …. And I shall be clean / wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow" / 51st Psalm 7th verse Footstone H.B. 1846, H.B. 1856

30. (B10) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / HENRY son of / HENRY and HARRIOT BUGGS / who died July 5th 1826 / aged 9 years / also RICHARD JAMES / who died February 4th 1834 / aged 15 years / likewise HARRIOT / who died March 8th 1834 / aged 9 years / "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken / away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" / Job 4 Chapr 21 verse Footstone H.B. 1826, R.J.B. 1834, H.B. 1834

31. (B11) Headstone and footstone No inscription visible. Stone flaking very badly. Footstone buried against headstone.

32. (B12) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of / THOMAS SHARMER / of this parish Junr / who died Octor ye 14th / …. Ye 37th year / …. His age Footstone ..S 1737

33. (B13) Headstone The body … / ANN DAI…E / wife of WILL: D…… / late of East G… / and daugh… / (S)KARM… / of …… .arish / ye 30th of J..n. / aged 51 (57?) years

34. (B14) Pedestal and kerbstone Cross on 3-tier pedestal within rectangular kerbstone with raised corners East facing pedestal, top tier: In / loving memory / of Middle tier: ROBERT HENRY FRENCH / DIED April 10 1918. / aged 74 years. Bottom tier: "after he had seved his own generation he fell on sleep West facing pedestal, top tier: Also / KATE LUCY / his wife Middle tier: died May 22 1928 / aged 74 years

35. (B15) Headstone and coffin shaped stone on ground Sacred / to the memory of / HARRIOT wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish / who departed this life / January 8th 1871 / aged 57 years / also EMMA FRENCH / who died in her infancy / left issue / JOHN THOMAS WILLIAM HARRIOT / SARAH ANN ROBERT HENRY MARY / GEORGE MARGARET and EDWARD / JOHN FRENCH / died Sepr 17th 1883 aged 76 years

36. (B16) Headstone and 2 footstones Sacred / SARAH …. of / Mr JOHN R?..E..NEY / of this parish departed this life / on the …….. 18..9 / also two children of the above / who died in their infancy  
2 footstones – no inscription visible

37. (B17) Headstone h…e / lyeth … body / of EDWARD BELL / who departed this / life … 6 …. / aged 59? / also his father (and) / mother lies by … / reader (st)and of … / Thy remembrance keep / for in this (gra)ve a / fr…nd of Ch(rist) doth / sleep [GB 1724]

38. (B18) Headstone and 2 footstones To the / memory of MARGARET wife of / JOHN FRENCH / of this parish she departed this / life the 14 October 1780 / aged 56 years / also JOHN FRENCH departed / this life the 7th October 179.. / aged 68 years 2 footstones M.F. 1780, J.F. 179..? [BR 1795]

39. (B19) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ROBERT FRENCH of this / parish who departed this life / the 24th of November 1802 / aged 40 years Footstone R.F. 1802

40. (B20) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / JOHN NORTON / who died 2nd April 1908 / aged 73 years / also of JANE MORGAN / sister of the above / who died 4th February 1910 / aged 79 years / "gone but not forgotten"

41. (B21) Headstone and footstone In memory / of / RICHARD BUGGS / of this parish / who died May 1st 1808 / aged 70 years / also MILDRED BUGGS / wife of the above / who died October 2nd 1786 / aged 46 years / (left issue 4 sons) / likewise SARAH FAIRMAN / daughter of the above / who died June 2nd 1785 Footstone no initials

42. (B22) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs MARY BUGGS / of the parish of Ash in this county / who died March 1st 1831 / aged 67 years / "Remember now Thy Creator in the days of Thy / youth while the evil days come not, nor the years / draw nigh when Thou shalt cry I have no pleasure in them" / Ecclesiastes / Chap XII verse 1 / also GEORGE BARKAWAY / who died September 23rd 1831 / aged 5 months / also HANNAH YOUNG / who died May 12th 1875 / aged 74 years / ….. pray Footstone M.B. 1831, G.B. 1831

43. (B23) Headstone and footstone In memory of / Mr WILLIAM BUGGS / died June 6 1819 aged 56 / Mr WILLIAM son of the above died / June 6 1817 aged 28 / ANN BARKAWAY died May 15 1806 / aged 1 year / JESSE BARKAWAY died June 16 18…? / aged 3 years 10 months / grandchildren of the above Footstone W.B. no date

44. (B24) Headstone and 2 footstones In memory of / Mr THOMAS LAURIE of this parish / who departed this life 31st may 1808 / in the 22nd year of his age / left issue one son, THOMAS / also his son THOMAS LAURIE / who departed this life 1st SepTR 1859 / aged 51 years Footstone on left T.L. 1808, T.L. 1859
Footstone on right (not related) E.S. 1831, R.S. 1832

45. (B25) Headstone In / memory of / MARY BUGGS of this parish / who departed this life 28th Sept 1804 / aged 64 years / also THOMAS BUGGS husband of the above / departed this life 3rd Octr 1804 / aged 76 years 2 footstones M.B. 1804 T.B. 1804

46. (B26a) Headstone and footstone East facing: In memory of / CHARLES / the beloved son of / WILLIAM And NAOMI JEAL / who departed this life / January 29th 1878 / aged 15 years / also / WILLIAM JEAL / father of the above / who passed peacefully above / February 22nd 1903 / aged 70 years / also NAOMI JEAL / called to rest April 19 1912 / aged 80 years / a faithful wife and loving mother West facing: In / affectionate remembrance / of / MARY wife of / WILLIAM LANE, / of this parish / who died March 19th 1872 / aged 67 years / also / WILLIAM LANE / husband of the above / who died April 9th 1882 / aged 80 years

47. (B26b) Footstone ML 1872, CJ 1878, WL 1882, WJ 1903, NJ 1912

48. (B26c) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 G.B. 1860 reference to GEORGE BUGGS buried 10 July M.B. 1878 reference to MARY, wife of GEORGE BUGGS buried 12 February No headstone survives. Provenance:- burial register

49. (B27) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 M.B. 1818 reference to MARY BLACKMAN see No. 20 (A20)

50. (B28) Footstone leaning against wall backing the A227 M.L. 1818 reference to MARTHA LOTT see A20

51. (B29) Footstone (no details visible) leaning against wall backing the A227
Area C
52. (C1) Headstone and footstone In affectionate remembrance / of / ELVIRA / the beloved wife of / JAMES BUGGS / who died November 3rd 1868 / aged 41 years / "Thy will be done" / also JULIA BUGGS / who died March 10th 1870 / aged 7 years / "the Lord giveth and taketh, blessed be / the name of the Lord" / also the above JAMES BUGGS / who exchanged life for immortality / August 9th 1890 aged 69 years / "Home at last Thy labour done. / Safe and blest the victory won. / Jordan passed from pain set free / Angels now have welcomed thee.
Footstone E.B. 1868, J.B. 1870, J.B. 1890

53. (C2) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY BUGGS / who died 17th May 1894 / Aged 34 years at base of headstone J. Steel Gravesend (stonemason) Footstone H.B. 1894

54. (C3) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / RICHARD BARNARD / who died October 8th 1837 / aged 59 years / also HANNAH wife of the above / who died December 9th 1856 / aged 77 years / also JAMES their son / born 25th September / died 11th December 1815 Footstone R.B. 1837, H.B. 1856, J.B. 1815

54. (C4) Headstone and footstone In memory of / ROBERT HILLS / who died 5th July 1813 aged 77 years / left issue two sons and six daughters / "in the gay scene too oft of giddy youth / he sought his God and chose the paths of truth: / those paths he trod to life’s meridian stage / those paths pursu’d to long extended age / Pain he endur’d but from affliction’s flame / like Gold refulgent from the furnace came / till in full age and well prepared for death / calm and unruffl’d he resigned his breath / Reflection / perhaps some critic, or perhaps some friend / may ask ‘and what’s the good these lines intend?’ / Live o’er his life and such shall be thine end" / MARY wife of the above / ROBERT HILLS / who died the 20th February 1820 / aged 85 years Footstone R.H. 1817, M.H. 1820

55. (C5) Twin headstone and two body tombs with initials at foot of each Left-hand Sacred / to the memory of / Mr THOMAS EDMEADES / of the parish of Darenth / who departed this life / the 30th of March 1820 / aged 80 years Right-hand Sacred / to the memory of / ANNE relict of / THOMAS EDMEADES / departed this life / 13th of December 1832 / aged 83 years At foot of body tombs T.E. & A.E.

56. (C6) Headstone, body tomb and footstone In sacred memory … / …ANOR EDMEAD.. sis… .. / THOMAS EDMEADES of Stone who / …. this li… the .. November 1802 / aged … years Footstone – at foot of body stone E.E. 1802 [BR Elizabeth 9th November]

57. (C7) Headstone and body stone Memory / ALICE wife of / Mr. THOMAS CUCKOW / of this parish / who died the 30th of March 1821 / aged 77 years / also the above THOMAS CUCKOW / who died the 23rd of April 1821 / aged 80 years / left issue three sons / JOHN THOMAS and RICHARD

58. (C8) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of / ELIZA SALMON / sister of WILL… / SALMON of ys parish / she died in ye year / 1710? / aged … years Footstone totally illegible

59. (C9) Headstone and footstone Here lieth / the body of ELIZABETH / wife of THOMAS / PLUMMER of this parish / she departed this life Feb / ruary 28th 1759 in the / 47 year of her age / here lieth also the body / of the said THOMAS / PLUMMER he departed / this life Aug the 22nd 1764 / aged 62 years Footstone E.P. 1759, T.P. 1764

60. (C10) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth the body of / RICHARD PLUMMER late / of the parish of Greenwich / in Kent who dyed Octor. / the 24th 1741 aged 74 yr. Footstone RP 1741

61. (C11) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth the body / of WILLIAM BUGGS / cityson and cook of / London. He departed / this life February 4th / A.D. 1756 in the / 30 year of his age / "short was my days / the longer is my rest / God called me hence / because he knew it best" Footstone W.B. 1756

62. (C12) Headstone and footstone Here li… / the body of / ELIZAH PLUMMER / widow who depar / ted this life De / cemr. ye 25 in ye / year of our Lord / 1772(?) & in ye 84 / year of her age Footstone EP 1772?

63. (C13) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / KATHARINE daughter of / THOMAS & SARAH SALMON / of this parish / departed this life the … of / June 181? Aged 11 years [BR 1810 7th June]

64. (C14) Headstone In memory of / THOMAS SALMON / late of the parish of Farningham / who departed this life / the 27th of October 1822 aged … years

65. (C15) Headstone In memory of / Mrs. SARAH SALMON / wife of Mr. THOMAS SALMON / of Farningham in this county / who died May 9th 1832 / aged 61 years

66. (C16) Headstone In / memory / of SARAH wife of / DAVID TERRY / of ye parish who died 9 June 1763 / in the 58th y… of her age / also LYDIA wife of the above said DAVID TERRY / who died ye 16th of July 1765 / in the 40th year of her age / left issue one son JAMES / of DAVID TERRY / died April the 9th 1777 / aged 68 years [BR 4th April 1777]

67. (C17) Headstone(in two pieces) and footstone In memory of / Mr. JOHN NEVILL late of this parish / who departed this life May 12 1771(?) / aged 61 years / also here lieth the body of JANE NEVILL formerly wife of / the … JOHN NEVILL who departed / this life Oc….. 1801 aged 82 years Footstone JN 1771

68. (C18) Headstone Here / … Bo… / W….. / JOHN …… / parish …. / March …. / in ye 9th ye …. / his age

69. (C19) Headstone To / the memory of / Mr. JOHN WOOD / of this parish who / died June ye 30th 178?.. / aged 70? Years [BR 1750 3rd July]

70. (C20) Headstone and kerbstone East side: In / loving memory of / a dear wife and mother / MAY MEAKIN / Who died 27th December 1960 / aged 66 years / cremated at Medway Crematorium / at rest / also GEORGE MEAKIN / husband of the above / who died 22nd Nov. 1964 / aged 82 years / cremated / also FRED MEAKIN / brother of the above / died 23rd Dec. 1967 / aged 83 years / cremated West side: In loving memory / of / SAMUEL MEAKIN / died 11th July 1892 / aged 46 years / "the memory of the just is blessed" / also CAROLINE MEAKIN / wife of the above / died 26th April 1925 / aged 70 years / "I came to Jesus as I was / weary and worn and sad / I found in him a resting place / and he has made me glad"

71. (C21) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the / memory of / HARRIET / wife of JAMES KILLICK / who departed this life / November 20th 1861 / aged 67 years / "be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye / think not the Son of Man cometh / Matt. 24th 44th / JAMES KILLICK / died December 9th 1889 / aged 97 years / also / SUSANNAH THOMAS & EMMA AMELIA / children of the above who died / in their infancy Footstone H.K. 1861, J.K. 1889

72. (C22) Small 3 tiered pedestal and kerbstone Top tier: In loving memory / of / THOMAS KILLICK Second tier: who departed this life / April 6th 1891 / aged 53 years / "the memory of the just is blessed" Bottom tier north side: J. Steel Gravesend (stonemason)
Area D
73. (D1) Headstone and body stone In memory of / ELIZABETH SHEPHERD / wife of JOHN SHEPHERD of / Ditton in the county and daughter of / THO. And CATHARINE SALMON / late of Boxley who departed this life / the 20. of May 1814 / aged 50 years / left issue two daughters / viz: ELIZABETH and MARY ANN At end of body stone: E.S. 1814

74. (D2) Double headstone In memory of / CATHERINE wife of / THOMAS SALMON / late of Boxley who departed / this life November ye 30 1781 / aged 56 years / also WILLIAM son of the above / THOMAS and CATHARINE SALMON / who departed this life July the / 31 1785 aged 32 years

75. (D3) Headstone In memory of THOS SALMON / late of Boxly farmer departed / this life January the 26th 17..8 / aged 43 years / left CATHERINE his wife and issue / by her two sons and one daughter / WILLM THOSS and ELIZ. [BR Thomas 2nd February 1768]

76. (D4) Double headstone and footstone Left-hand In / memory of / THOS son of / THOS and / CATHERINE SALMON who / died Decem 25 / 1762 aged 9 / months Right-hand Also / (??) WHIFFIN their / Son died A…l / 6 1765 aged / 9 months Footstone illegible [BR Whiffin 10th August 1763]

77. (D5) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth / the body of WILLIAM / SALMON of this parish / who departed ys life / …th of June 1746 / …. 72 years / left …ue 3 sons / WILL. WHIFFIN & THOS Footstone WS 1746

78. (D6)Headstone and footstone Here lieth / ye body of ELIZA / wife of WILLIAM / SALMON of ys parish / yeom & daughr of / RICHD WHIFFIN / late of ys parish / who died June ye 12 / 1726 in ye 40th / year of her age Footstone: E.S. 1726

.79. (D7) Double headstone and two footstones Left-hand Here lyes ye / body of RICHD /WHIFFIN of ys / parish yeỡ: who / died March / ye 4th 1725 in / ye 91st year of / his age Right-hand Here lyes / the body of / JANE Ye wife / of RICHARD / WHIFFIN of ths / parish who part: this life / ye 16th of April (1708) Footstones R.W. (no date), J.W. 1708

80. (D8) Headstone and two footstones In / memory of WHIFFEN SALMON / of this parish who departed this life / the 18th of March 1791 / in the 72nd year of his age / also WILLIAM SALMON / who departed this life March the 14th / 1796 aged 81 years Two footstones: (one with no inscription) WS 1791

81. (D9) A large table tomb surrounded by a body stone and a headstone 
   East facing: In / memory of five children of / ROBERT EDMEADES son of THOS / EDMEADES of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey / and ANN his wife viz:- / ROBERT died 1st May 1817 aged 17 months / ROBERT 29th Dec 1819 6 months / CATHERINE 6th Jany 1822 11 months / ESTHER ELIZH 25 Jany 1833 11 months / KATE 27th Augt 1833 6 years / also the above named ROBERT EDMEADES Esqr / late solicitor at Sheerness and father of the above children / who died the 20th January 1863 aged 71 years / also ANN wife of the above ROBT EDMEADES Esqr / who died the 23rd November 1881 aged 90 years
   West facing: In memory of / MARY EDMEADES / wife of THOMAS EDMEADES / of the parish of Minster in the Isle of Sheppey / daughter of ROBERT and MARY HILLS / of this parish who departed this life the 12th July 1801 aged 37 years / also the above named / THOMAS EDMEADES / who died on the 14th day of March 1832 / aged 71 years / also REBECCA EDMEADES / daughter of the above / who died on the 20th November 1850 / aged 36 years [BR Robert (father) 27th January 1865, Mary 1800, GB Rebecca 1830]

81. (D10) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of JOSEPH MUNDAY / (late of Higham in the county of Kent) / departed this life the 17th of April / 1798 aged 37 years / also MARY daughter of the above / died the 9th of November 1794 / aged 1 year 7 months / left issue 1 son and 3 daughters / viz: ROBERT ANN ELIZABETH / and SUSANNA At foot of body stone J.M. 1798

82. (D11) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of / JOSEPH LANGFORD / of this parish / who died October the 26th 1831 / aged 63 years / left 1 husband with three sons / and three daughters / to lament their loss / also the above / JOSEPH LANGFORD / who died November the 18th 1839 / aged 78 years Footstone ML 1..1, JL 1839

83. (D12) Headstone and two footstones RICHARD MASTER… / of this parish died May … / 1689 aged 33 years / JOAN ye wife of RICHD ~ / MASTERS (since ye wife of / WILL: EDMEADS of Nustead) / died June ye 3rd 1717 aged 51 / years / Memento mori Footstones RM 1689, second has no inscription

84. (D13) Headstone and footstone (belonging to D12) To the memory / of ELIZABETH GUNNING / wife of ROBERT GUNNING of / the parish of Cobham. She was / a loving wife a tender mother / and a good neighbour. Lived well / respected and died much lamented / was sister of GEORGE MASTERS / of this parish. She dep / arted this life the 17th day of September / 1736 aged 48 years / also ROBERT GUNNING / died May 8th 1770 aged 85 years Footstone JM 1717 (belonging to D12)

85. (D14) Headstone and two footstones (one belonging to D13) In / memory of / CATHARINE GUNNING / daughter of ROBERT and ELIZABETH GUNNING / late of Cobham who departed / this life the 13 day of July / 1783 in the 56 year of her / age Two footstones E.G. 1736 (belonging to D13), CG 1783

86. (D15) Headstone Here / lyeth ye body / of ELIZ. The / wife of RICHARD / HARWOOD who / died (of the / smallpox) / June ye 5 1710 / aged 46 years

87. (D16) Headstone RICHARD / HARWOOD / who dyed of / the smallpox [remainder of inscription buried] [GB 1710]

88. (D17) Headstone and two footstones In affectionate remembrance / of / WILLIAM THOMAS ATKINS / who died July 6th 1890 / aged 32 years Two footstones one no visible inscription – largely buried, WTA 1890

89. (D18) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / JOHN ATKINS / who died Aug 9 1901 / aged 77 years / also KEZIA his wife / died June 11 1902 / aged 74 years

90. (D19) Headstone and footstone In loving memory / of / JESSE LANE / who died January 6th 1906 / aged 61 years Footstone no inscription

91. (D20) Body stone with sculpted cross South facing side: In loving memory of / FLORENCE MARION GOLDING BIRD / wife of C.H. GOLDING BIRD F.R.C.S. / senior consulting surgeon to Guys Hospital / born Sept. 3 1853 died March 23 1919
North facing side: In loving memory of / CUTHBERT HILTON GOLDING BIRD B.A.M.B., F.R.C.S. / senior consulting surgeon to Guys Hospital / born July 7 1848 died March 6 1939 / aged 90 years

92. (D21) Headstone To / the memory of / HANNAH wife of JOSEPH / MUNN the elder she died February 15th 1715 in the / 34(54?) year of her age [BR and GB 1745]

93. (D22) Headstone Left-hand In / memory of JOSEPH MUNN / of this parish who / departed this life / November the 9th / 1788 / aged 83 years Right-hand Also / to the memory / of MARGARET wife of / JOSEPH MUNN / who departed this life / September the 30th / 1803 / aged 89 years "With patience to the last he did persist / and murmurd not in what the Lord thought [best] / He with a Christian courage did resign / His soul to God at his appointed time" // "Here rests recalled from this stage of life / A tender mother and a virtuous wife"
[BR and GB Margaret 6th April 1805]

94. (D23) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr ROBERT MUNDAY / who departed this life / the 11th of April 1809 / aged 42 years / brother to the late Mr JOSEPH MUNDAY / interr’d near this place Footstone RM 1809

95. (D24) Headstone and two footstones Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS HART / late of this parish who died / May 19th 1829 / aged 67 years / also of / HANNAH / wife of the above who died / July 7th 1809 / aged 45 years / they had issue / MARY, THOMAS, CHARLOTTE, / ELIZABETH, SARAH, JOHN, / ANNE-JOHANNA and WILLIAM / three of whom only survived them / viz: / THOMAS SARAH and WILLIAM
Two footstones H.H. 1809 and T.H. 1829

96. (D25) Headstone Left-hand In memory / of RICHARD / SUTHERDEN / of this parish / who departed / this life Septr / the 21st 1780 / aged 70 years Right-hand In memory / of SARAH wife / of RICHARD / SUTHERDEN of / this parish who / departed this life / Decembr 1st 1765 / aged 48 years [BR and GB Sarah December 7th 1763]

97. (D26) Headstone and footstone East facing: In / memory of / JANE CHARLOTTE RICH / daughter of / WILLIAM and JANE RICH / who died 28th April 1808 aged 5 years / "Afflictions sore long time she bore / physicians were in vain / till God did please death should her ease / and free her from her pain" / Mrs JANE RICH died May 30th / 1815 aged 44 years West facing: Also / THOMAS GEE RICH / died 2nd Feby 1810 aged 5 years / and / ANN ELITH RICH / died 14th Feby 1811 aged 4 years / ALFRED died in his infancy
Footstone JCR 1808, JR 1815

98. (*D27) Headstone, bodystone and footstone In memory of / JEMIMA wife of / ISAAC BLISSETT / of the parish of Strood / and daughter of / JOSEPH and MARGARET MUNN / who departed this life April 7th / 1799 aged 47 years / "Farewell dear husband I am gone before / to pay the way and pay kind nature’s score / you soon must follow for you cannot stay / when our Saviour calls you must obey" // "With wailing tears I mourn her end / losing my double comfort wife and friend" Footstone JB 1799

99. (D28) Headstone [Here] / lieth t… b… / JOHN son of JOSEPH M… [and] / MARGARET M… of this / parish who died Sept 30th 1777 / aged 26 years / "My tender parents dear grieve not for me / for at the Judgement Day a Saint I hope to be / It was Gods will to call me in my bloom / [do] n.. grieve and think I am gone too soon [GB gives John MUNN this year of burial. See D22]

100. (D29) Headstone Left-hand In memory of / WILLIAM MUNN / son of JOSEPH & / MARGARET MUNN / of this parish who / departed this life / May 21st 1766 in the / 21st year of his age Now by my kindred here I lie / God hath decreed] [that I] must die / and [tho] my bed is in the dust / I hope to rise among the just Right-hand Also in memory / of THOMAS MUNN / son of JOSEPH & / MARGARET MUNN / who departed / this life April 30th / 1766 in the 18th year of his age When in this world I did remain / my latter end was grief and pain / But when the Lord did think it best / He took me to his blessed rest

101. (D30) Large marble cube surrounded by ornate ‘dish’ and pedestal (now lost) on a three tiered plinth West facing: Here / lieth interrd the body of / Mr JOHN PHILLIPS / of this parish who departed this / life the 3rd of March 1741 / aged 43 years North facing: Also / lieth interred the body of / Mrs MARGARET PHILLIPS / who departed this life MDech* 16 1790 / aged 84 years South facing: Here lieth the body of / Mr THOMAS PHILLIPS / who died the 16th of March 17..9 / aged 52 years East facing: Here / also lieth interr’d the body of / Mr JOHN PHILLIPS who departed / this life February the 13th 1801 / aged 68 years     * Possible mason error. Month could be March or December [BR Thomas 22nd March 1789, Margaret 23rd December 1790]

102. (D31) Headstone, bodystone and footstone Here lies interr’d the body / of JOHN ALLCHIN / of this parish yeoman / who departed ys life March ye 23rd 1760 / aged 43 years // left issue two children JOHN and MARY / he was a loving husband & tender father / died well respected and much lamented Footstone JA 1760

103. (D32) Headstone and bodystone Sacred to the memory of / MARY daughter of / JOHN and MARGARET PHILLIPS / relict of JOHN ALLCHIN of this parish / and wife of THOMAS EDMEADES / of Stone who died May the 21st 1800 / aged 72 years / left issue one son and two daughters / viz: JOHN MARY and ANN    N.B. D32a Small unmarked grave lying between the feet of D31 and D32 Possibly connected? A child of this marriage?
Area E
104. (E1) Headstone (badly flaking) To the … / of SAR … MUNNS / w … TH O … / MU … Cobham / who departed this life / January 26 (?) 1729 (?) / Aged 34 years / 3 children one … / … daugh … THOM … / MARY & SARAH

105. (E2) Headstone and footstone (leaning against headstone turned sideways. Apparently not connected to headstone – date 1800) Here lyeth / the body of RICKEBY / TIESDELL son of NICHO / & ELIZA TIESDELL / of this parish he died / Dec ye 1737 aged / 31 years left issue by / SUSANh his wife one son / SAMUEL

106. (E3) Headstone (leaning) and footstone Left-hand In memory / of / NICH. TIESDELL / who died / Oct. 6th 1766 / aged 88 years Right-hand In memory / of ELIZABETH the wife of NICH. TIESDELL / who died March 13th 1769 / aged 95 years Footstone N.T. 1766

107. (E4) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of NICHOLAS REEVES / of this parish who departed this life / the 21st of December 1776 / aged 36 years / also SUSANNA second wife of the above NICHOLAS REEVE departed / this life the 8th February 1800 / aged 73 years / NICHOLAS REEVE husband of the / above who departed this life / Sep. 18 1817 / aged 81 years
Footstone dated 1800 no initials – next to E2. Probably connected with this headstone.

108. (E5) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. DAVID HUNT / native of this parish / who died at Sheerness 7th Septr 1836 / aged 79 years / also Mrs. ELIZth HUNT wife of the above / native of Ludesdown / who died at Sheerness 25th Decr 1840 / aged 79 years / leaving 3 sons & 5 daughters Footstone D.H. 1836, E.H. 1840

109. (E6) Headstone and footstone (leaning against headstone) In memory of / DAVID HUNT of this parish / departed this life Jan 20 1801 / aged 7 ? years / also ANN wife of above / departed this life Dec 11th (?) 1808 (?) / aged 77 years Footstone D.H. 1801

110. (E7) Headstone and footstone In Memory / ELIZABETH wife of / WILLIAM JOHNSON / who departed this life / the 7 (?) October 1816 (?) aged 31 years / by sickness died / in death did …. and / … impossible to decipher … / … impossible to decipher … / the above WILLIAM JOHNSON / who departed this life / … December 1836 aged 81 years
Footstone E.J. 1816, W.J. 1836 [BR William 23rd Dec. (burial)]

111. (E8) Headstone (leaning sideways, flaking. Piece of lead projecting on one side – was this stone once connected to another?) Sacred / to the memory of / SARAH wife of JOSEPH PARKER / of this Parish departed / the 1st September 1796 / aged 52 years / left issue three sons + two daughte .. / JOHN JOSEPH RICHARD / ANN SARAH / also the above JOSEPH PARKER / departed this life / aged 81 years

112. (E8a) Table tomb, two feet in height on a ridged plinth – sandstone – large. Here lyeth the body of Mr / URIDGE COX son of Mr THOMAS / and ELIZABETH COX who depar / ted this life September the / 17th 1704 in the 17th year of / his age / EDWARD MARKETT buried …eby / 28th 171- aged 12 days / Mrs ELIZth COX wife of Mr / THOs COX died Feb. 1717 / aged 52 / ANN SPRAT daughr of Mr COX / March 20th 1717 aged 33 / ELIZth daughr of Mr COX / Febr 20th 1719 aged 33 / MARY MARKETT Febr 2nd 1724 / aged 9 days / THOs MARKETT May 31st 1728 / aged 9 years 8 months / GEORGE MARKETT Jany 9th 1733 / aged 3 years 8 months / JOHN MARKETT Esqr obiit Novr VIIIn / AD MDCCLn aetatis suae LXXIn / ANN MARKETT wife of JOHN / MARKETT Esqr obiit Decr XXIXn / AD MDCCLn aetatis suae LVIIn [GB Edward Markett 1714]

113. (E9) Headstone Here / lyeth the body / of EDWARD / SAUNDERS / … (yeoman?) .o of Cobham / who dyed Octor ye / 12th 1726 aged / 54 years / by JANE his beloved / wife he left issue / daughters: JANE / HANNAH

114. (E10) Headstone Here lyeth / ye body of / NICOLAS PIGGOTT / who departed this / life January ye 16th / the yeare of Our / …. –70- and in / …. 34 yeare of / his age [GB 1701]

115. (E11) Pedestal (polished marble) Top tier: In ever loving / memory of / Second tier: RALPH HART TWEDDELL / of Meopham Court / Died 3rd Sept. 1895 aged 52 / "The Lord hath need of him" / Bottom tier: and of HANNAH MARY / his wife / died 28th Oct. 1914 / Aged 69

116. (E12) Headstone and footstone In memory of / ELIZABETH SALMON / who died September the 21 1789 / aged 76 / also of JOHN SALMON / who died August the … 1791 / aged 86
Footstone E.S. 1789, J.S. 1791 [BR John 17th August 1791]

117. (E13) Headstone and footstone In memory of ROBT NORRIS / of this parish who died Sept. / 25th 1747 in the 64th year / of his age / also of MARY his wife / who died Febry … 1751 / aged 61 y… / …… / left issue one dau … ELIZTH Footstone M.N. 1751 [BR 27th February]

118. (E14) Headstone and body coffin Sacred / to the memory of / RICHARD SNELLING / who died November 29 18.. / aged 45 years / also RICHARD SNELLING / Son of the above / who died December 10th 1819 / aged 4 years / Also SARAH SNELLING / wife of the above / who died April .. 1871 / Aged 81 years / her end was peace [GB 1833]

119. (E15) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / MARY wife of / JOHN NEVILL / of this Parish / who departed this life / May 9th 1822 age 28 years / also of ELIZABETH / second wife of the above / who departed this life / January 21st 1849 / aged 65 years / "house and riches are the inheritance / of fathers: and a prudent wife is / from the Lord" Proverbs chap 19th / verse 14th / also of the above / JOHN NEVILL / who departed this life / June 17th 1859 / aged 79 years / "love not sleep lest thou come / to poverty. open thine eyes / and thou shalt be satisfied with bread" / Proverbs chap 20th verse 13th Footstone M.N. 1822, E.N. 1849, J.N. 1859

120. (E16) Headstone and footstone leaning against headstone In / loving memory of / ANNE NICHOLLS / wife of / THOMAS NICHOLLS Esq / of / Lindenwood Meopham / who died / Feb. 29th 1908 / aged 88 years Footstone AN 1908

121. (E17) Pedestal 3 tiered plinth East side: top tier In / loving memory / of / middle tier EMILY WOOD / the beloved wife of / STEPHEN WOOD / bottom tier who entered into rest at Harvel / 15th Novr 1915 aged 53 / "when I was in trouble I called upon / the Lord and he heard me" Psalm CXXI North side: top tier Also / middle tier STEPHEN WOOD / who died / 18th March 1935 / aged 73 years / bottom tier honour thy father and / thy mother

122. (E18) Celtic cross 6ft high on double pedestal In loving memory of / MARY / wife of HENRY WATSON / late of Newcastle-on-Tyne / born Decr 17 1842 / died Jany 20 1907

123. (E19) Stone cross on triple pedestal plus rectangular kerbstone with stone urn At the foot East side: top tier In / loving memory / of / middle tier WILLIAM JOHN LAKER / who died May 27th 1908 / aged 64 years / ‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace’ / bottom tier also ANNIE MARIA wife of the above / died May 9th 1930 aged 84 North side: also / their / daughter / middle tier MABEL ANNIE / ROWE / died Nov. 6th 1956 / aged 73 years / bottom tier blank South side: also / WILLIAM / middle tier husband of MABEL / died April 20th 1968 / bottom tier blank

124. (E20) Headstone and footstone In / memory of / THOMAS NORDISH / of this parish who died the 7th / Of January 1814 aged 50 (?) years / left issue three sons and two / Daughters THOMAS HENRY / JOHN MARY and ANN / also ANN wife of the above / THOMAS NORDISH who died / supporting stone obscuring bottom line Footstone T.N. 1814

125. (E21) Headstone and footstone In memory of / HANNAH wife of PHILIP BUGG / of this parish / who departed this life June 27th 1815 / aged -?9 years / left issue two sons and two daughters / viz: THOMAS, PHILIP, MARY, SARAH Footstone H.B. 1815

126. (E22) Headstone and footstone In memory of / HENRY NORDISH / who departed this life / the 31st of January 1821 / aged 61 years / he that lies mouldering in the dust / was honest prudent wise and just / he lived in love, he died in peace / lets hope his joys will never cease Footstone H.N. 1821
Area F
127. (F1) Headstone and footstone Here R…. / body of …. WIL / CROWHURST of …… / parish son of WILLm … / CROWHURST of Rootham / who died Feb. 27th 1718 / aged 46 years
Footstone (sideways – leaning against headstone) W.C. 1718

128. (F2) Double headstone, 2 footstones Left-hand Here …th / the b..y of / THOMAS / CROWHURST / of this parish he / ……. Life / the 28 of Decr / 176.. / in the …. Year / of his age Right-hand H….. / the …. / MARY wife / Of THO..S / CROWHURST / of This parish / departed this life / Dec.. 6… 1711 / aged 38 years
2 Footstones M.C. T.C. (no dates) [GB Thomas 1768]

129. (F3) Headstone Here / lyeth the body / THOMAS son of / THOMAS and MARY / CROWHURST of this / parish he departed this / May 7th 1750 / age 26 years Footstone (lying sideways against headstone) T.C. (no date)

130. (F4) Two headstones – each broken off and one partially wedged beneath Horse chestnut. Two footstones, one horizontal incribed surface, face downwards. (1) who d… / the 3rd of August / also ANN wife / JOHN DAL … / who departed this / the 21st of June 1837 aged (2) in memory of / WILLIAM DALTON / of this parish .. / who depart… / the 6th Dec 17.. Footstones (1) JD 1825, AD 1837 (2) WD 1797 (possibly not connected with headstone? See BR entry) [BR William 1793 14th Dec]

131. (F5) Kerbstone with ornate corners shaped as crosses North side of kerbstone: In loving memory of JOHN BELLAMY / JEPSON died 18th January 1904 aged / 59 years // also MARY ELIZABETH, wife / of the above died 15th November / 1919 aged 72 years West side of kerbstone: Gates and sons / Frindsbury (stone mason)

132. (F6) Headstone In / memory of / MARY ANNA / wife of / SAMUEL LARCOMB / who died November 6 1905 / aged 76 years / also the above named / SAMUEL LARCOMB / who died at Hook Green Meopham / March 1 1913 / aged 82 years

133. (F7) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mrs. CAROLINE WILLIAMS / the beloved wife of / WILLIAM ELLIOTT WILLIAMS / of this parish / who died at Luddesdown Septb 30th 1857 / aged 34 years / leaving issue one son WILLIAM

134. (F8) Headstone and 2 footstones (one might belong to F7 – west facing, and one to F9 – east facing) EDWIN / WILLIAMS / died / 14th Feb 1945 / aged 80 years Footstones: (1) C.W. 1857 (west facing – belonging to F7?) (2) A.W. 1900, A.W. 1910 (east facing – belonging to F9?)

135. (F9) Headstone In / loving memory / of / AMY / the faithful wife of / EDWIN WILLIAMS / died Jan. 2 1900 / aged 6.. years / so He giveth His beloved sleep / also ANN WILLIAMS / died Feb. 3 1910 / aged 46 years / also the above EDWIN WILLIAMS / died Nov 7 1920 / aged 85 years / ‘Until the day break and the shadows / flee away’

136. (F10) Headstone a double inscription – one east facing, one west facing with two surnames. Footstone East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / ELLEN PETT / who died November 21st 1848 / aged 20 years and 8 months / ‘Good name is better than precious / ointment’ / Eccl ch 7 V1 Footstone E.P. 1848
West facing: Sacred / ……. / MARY SMITH / who died February …8th 18… / aged …. Years / this stone / is erected / in memory of esteem… / and sincere friend [BR Mary Smith 1830]

137. (F11) Headstone – with regimental badge F24545 Private / C. MAYNARD / Royal Army Service Corps / 8th May 1916

138. (F12) Headstone CH/ (7?, J?) 484 Private R.M.L.I. / T.H. WELLARD / "S.S. Teeswood" / 8th April 1918 age 42

139. (F13) Kerbstone South side: In loving memory of LOUIS W. / PARSONS died Dec. 6 1919 / aged 29 North side: Also of JENNIE E.PARSONS / died April 28 1896 / aged 26
Area G
140. (G1) Headstone and two footstones In / memory of / JOHN BATCHELOR of / this parish who departed / this life May 1 1760 / in the 41st year of his / age / also MARY wife of the / above JOHN BATCHELOR / who departed this life Feb / the 7th 1797 aged 77 years Two footstones J.B 1760, M.B 1797

141. (G2) Headstone and footstone PETER GUNNING born / in the parish / of Meopham / departed this life / June 25th 1747 / in the year of his age 89 / also JANE GUNNING his dr. / obt 12 Octr 1767 æ 71 Footstone PG MDCCLXVII

142. (G3) Headstone and footstone Here lyeth ye body / of SARAH the wife of PETER GUNNING / who departed this life / the 2e day of October / in ye year of our Lord / 1702 / and in ye 48 year of / her age Footstone SG

143. (G4) Headstone and footstone Here lieth / the body of PETER / son of PETER and SARAH / GUNNING of this / parish who departed / this life August ye / 13th in ye year of our / Lord 1714 and / in ye 27th year of his / age Footstone PG 1714

144. (G5) Pedestal four tier with cross missing East facing: Top tier: In memory of Second tier: ALICE MAUD HOOPER / daughter of / Revd. JOHN & FRANCES HOOPER Third tier: born Oct 9th 1844 / fell asleep June 21st 1897 / "They also serve who only stand & wait" / also ELLEN MATILDA HOOPER / sister of the above / fell asleep Dec 28 1911 / aged 7 Bottom tier: "That we through patience and comfort of the / scriptures might have hope" Romans XV V4 / also GEORGINA ARABELLA HOOPER / died June 15th 1923 aged 81 years North facing: Top tier: - Second tier: EDITH / CAROLINE / HOOPER / Third tier: died April 28 1925 / aged 79 years

145. (G6) Slab with plinth resting on it and cross at foot of slab Possibly the lowest plinth of G9 (John Hooper). Slab sunk into grass. Also of FRANCES widow of the above / who departed this life 13th November 1887 / aged 81 years / daughter of the late Revd W. GOODALL No mention of Francis’ surname but on analogy with inscription on G9 highly probable that she is widow of John Hooper.

146. (G7) Slab with a cross Slab embedded in grass overlooking trench surrounding church wall. Possible that the triple plinth in trench G8 belongs to this slab. i.e. Isabel Tunnah’s grave. Mason’s mark DAWES / Wrotham Road Gravesend

147. (G8) Pedestal three tier, (in walled trench), cross missing Top tier: In / loving memory / of Second tier: ISABEL TUNNAH / who died at Meopham Court / June 18th 1913 / aged 69 Bottom tier: "Asleep in Jesus"

148. (G9) Pedestal three tier, (in walled trench), cross missing Top tier: Sacred / to the memory / of Second tier: the Revd JOHN HOOPER / 21 years vicar of Meopham / who departed this life / Novr the 4th 1875 aged 74 years Third tier: youngest son of / JOHN HOOPER / of Hendford Manor House / Yeovil Somerset / "so he giveth his beloved sleep"

149, (G10) Pedestal four tier on large kerbstone base. Cross detached lying flat within kerbstone East facing: Top tier: In loving memory of / CAROLINE / the devoted wife of / ANTHONY TODD Second tier: born September 3rd 1847 died Aug 12th 1899 / Life’s race well run / life’s work well done / life’s crown well won / now come rest Third tier: also of her husband / ANTHONY TODD / who died Dec 28th 1918 / aged 82 Nothing on 4th tier

150. (G11) Pedestal three tier with kerbstone, fallen cross West facing: top tier: In loving memory of / GLADYS CHRISTABEL / youngest daughter of Second tier: NELSON LEEMING / who fell asleep Jan 2nd 1917 aged 17 years / "at rest" Bottom tier: - South facing: Top tier: - Second tier: also ANNIE ELIZA / widow of NELSON LEEMING / died 5th September 1957 / "at rest" Bottom tier: - East facing: Top tier: In loving memory of / NELSON / youngest son of Second tier: THOMAS LEEMING / who fell asleep / Nov 7. 1897 aged 28 / "Thy will be done"

151. (G12) Headstone with body stone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / M. EDWARD BEAUMONT / who departed this life April 19 1821 / aged 51 years / after a long and tedious illness which he bore / with great patience in hopes that he might be / one of those pronounced by our blessed Saviour / "come ye blessed of my father / inherit the kingdom prepared for you from / the foundation of the world" / Matthw Chap 25 verse 34 / also near this place lieth / WILLIAM BEAUMONT son of the above / who departed this life August 8 1806 / aged 6 years & six months Body stone and footstone E.B., W.B.

152. (G13) Pedestal with broken cross In / loving memory / of / THOMAS ELWYN / Lt. .. General Royal Artillery / who died on the 29th August 1899 / aged 83 / also of ANNE / for 62 years his beloved wife / who died on the 10th June 1909 / in her 93rd year

153. (G14) Pedestal East facing: Sacred / to the memory of / MAUNDY HARVEY GRAHAM / ELWYN / 4th son of / Lt. General ELWYN R.A. / who died / on the 10th of March 1885 / aged 34 West facing: In / memory of / CHARLES EDWARD ELWYN / Captain Royal Artillery / 2nd son of Genl. ELWYN R.A. / who died 24th Octr 1888 / aged 47 / "Loved and resting"

154. (G15) Pedestal In loving memory of / ROBERT ANDREW / eldest child of / JOHN BODDINGTON JACKSON / and AMELIA his wife / born Aug 23 1872 / died June 3 1878 / "Thy will be done"

155. (G16) Headstone In loving memory of / SARAH YOUNG / died February 25th 1887 / aged 32 years / with Christ – far better

156. (G17) Pedestal with separate cross East facing: To the / fadeless memory of / LEWIS WOODWARD LEWIS M.A. priest / 24 years vicar of this parish / aged 69 / who fell asleep / "on the Resurrection morning" / April 15 1900 R.I.P. West facing: Also / LOUISA ANNE EDIE / for 42 years / his beloved wife and helpmeet / (elder daughter of / General ELWYN R.A.) / who died Dec. 20. 1915 / aged 76

157. (G18) Pedestal surmounted by a cross East facing: In / loving memory / of / MABEL LEWIS / daughter of / the vicar of this parish / fell asleep 3rd July 1888 West facing: "at rest" / CHARLES HARVEY / LEWIS second son of / the Rev. L.W. LEWIS / died 10th Aug. 1913 / aged 51 years / R.I.P.

158. (G19) Headstone In loving memory / of / HARRIET / the dearly loved wife of / THOMAS HAWLEY / who died October 23rd 1898 / aged 60 years / "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" / also the above / THOMAS HAWLEY / who died September 18th 1916 / aged 83 years / "Our Father which art in heaven"

159. (G20) Headstone and footstone Here / lyeth ye body of / THOS EDMEADES / of this parish / who departed ys / life ye 4th of Septemr / 1723 / aged 34 years / son of WILL EDMEADES / of Nursted Court Footstone ..23

160. (G20a) Headstone Here lyes / the body of / SARAH EDMEADES / wife of THOMAS / EDMEADES of Nursted / ye daughr of PETER / GUNNING of ys parishe / by SARAH his wife / she died April ye 20 / 1728 in ye 35th year / of her age

161. (G20b) Headstone Here lyeth interr’d the body of / MARY TILDEN / late wife of / JOHN TILDEN of the parrish of / Rodmersham departed this / life the 17th of June 1744 / aged 23 years / "stand still reader shead a tiear / upon the dust that slumbers hear / and when you reud the state of mee / think on the glass that runs for thee" See G23 for footstone

161. (G21) Coffin THOMAS SMITH COGSWELL / 26 years vicar of Cringleford Norwich / died June 13 1930 aged 74 / "God bless thee"

162. (G22) Pedestal surrounded by large kerbstone (possibly a vault beneath) NAPOLEON THOMAS COGSWELL / and ALICE his wife / 5 May 21 Jany / 1909 / BENJAMIN ALFRED their son / FRCO /
17 November 1891 / ALICE HARRIETT their daughter / 20 May 1902 / ELIZABETH MARY their daughter / 16 July 1917 / "Until the day dawn"

163. (G23) Headstone and two footstones To the memory of / TIMOTHY CHILD late of Cobham / who departed this life / the 27 of July 1797 / aged 67 years Footstones: 1. TC 1787, 2. MT 1744 No connection with the Child family Possibly Mary Tilden

164. (G24) Headstone and body stone Sacred / to the memory / of Mr JOHN CHILD (of this parish) / who departed this life August 16 / 1799 aged 45 years / also ELIZABETH CHILD / the wife of JOHN CHILD / who departed this life November 30th / 1838 aged 82 years

165. (G25) A large flat stone probably a vault In memory of / THOMAS ALCHIN / who died March 6th 1851 / aged 73 years

166. (G26) Horizontal flat slab Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM BEST / who departed this life / November 18th 1838(?) / aged 48 years / left issue one daughter / viz. MARY ANN / also MARY / wife of the above / who departed this life / March 30th 1855 / aged 73(8?) years [GB William 1833]

167. (G27) Headstone and body stone Sacred / to the memory of / FREDERIC ANDRUS / son of WILLIAM and / MARY ANN ANDRUS / born March the 22nd / died August the 27th 1833(5?) [GB 1835]

168. (G28) Sarcophagus with ridged hipped roof top on two very large bases North facing: Sacred to the memory of JOHN-SILLS CHARLTON / born Octbr 17th 1808 died Octbr 1867 / also LETITIA wife of the above / born Febry 3rd 1810 died Novbr 20th … South facing: Also THO…. .. THA CHARLTON / ELIZ. …. 18… Janry 26th 1839 / 8 Ar… born March .. 1832 died March 3rd 1839 / THOMAS ALCHIN born July 14th 1833 died August 12th 1840

169. (G29) Obelisk on large base West facing: In loving memory of / EMMA / wife of JOHN BABER M.D. / and daughter of / EDWARD DU BOIS Esq. / of Sloane Street S.W. / born July 13 1818 / died March 12 1875 East facing: In loving memory of / ROSA SELDON / second wife of JOHN BABER M.D. / of Thurloe Square S.W. / and fifth daughter of CHARLES BUTLER Esq. M.P. / born November 22 1847 / died February 22 1883 / "The blood of Jesus Christ / cleanseth from all sin" / "washed in the blood of the lamb" South facing: In loving memory of / JOHN BABER M.D. / of the Deodars, Meopham / late of Thurloe Square / South Kensington S.W. / born February 19 1822 / died May 4 1894

170. (G30) Headstone and two body stones Left-hand In memory of / JOHN CHILD Senr / who died / August 18 1778 / aged 88 years Right-hand In memory of / FRANCES CHILD / wife of JOHN CHILD / of this parish / yeoman who / departed ys life / Octr ye 26 1766 / aged 72 years

171. (G31) Headstone Left-hand In memory of / JOHN CHILD / late of this / parish yeoman /who died March / the 7th 1786 / aged 70 years Right-hand In memory of / JANE CHILD / wife of / JOHN CHILD / of this parish / daughter of ROBT and ELIZABETH GUNNING / of Cobham who / departed ys life / June ye 11th 1776 / aged 53 years Two body stones near this headstone, one marked J.C. 1780 on west end of stone

172. (G32) Sarcophagus 3 foot high chest on 3 tiered plinth South facing side: In memory of JOHN PHILLIPS ALCHIN (of this parish) / son of JOHN and MARY late of Meopham / who died May 23rd 1808 aged 28 Middle plinth: THOMAS ALCHIN / died March 6th 1854 aged 73 North facing side: In memory of JOHN ALCHIN (late of Meopham) / son of JOHN and MARY ALCHIN of this parish / who died August 30th 1825 aged 75 / also MARY the wife of JOHN ALCHIN and daughter of / JOHN and JANE CHILD of this parish / who died January 7th 1796 aged 36 / left issue two sons and three daughters / viz: JOHN, THOMAS, MARY, ANN and SARAH

173. (G33) Slab resting on plinth In memory of / JOHN SILLS CHARLTON / late of Cliffe / who died April the 21 1817 / aged 58 years / also / M. ANN CHARLTON/ daughter of / JOHN and MARY ALCHIN / of this parish / and wife of the above / who died / December the 17 1832 / aged 48 years / left issue two sons / (viz: JOHN SILLS & THOMAS)

174. (G34) Headstone and body stone In / memory of / Mr.WILLIAM ANDRUS / who departed this life / August 1st 1846 / aged 44 years / also MARY ANN / widow of the above / who departed this life / March 6th 1862 / aged 52 years

175. (G35) Headstone In memory of / ANN / relict of / CHARLES COPPER / born March 11th 1797 / died February 4th 1878 / also MARY ANNE KILLICK / niece of the above / died December 11th 1887 / aged 59 years / "The Eternal God is my refuge / and underneath are the everlasting arms" / Deut. 33. 27.

176. (G36) Headstone and footstone In / memory of ANN / wife of / JOHN RUSTON / of this parish / who departed this life / the 7th of July 1838 / aged 45 years / also of / Mr. JOHN RUSTON / husband of the above / died January 1st 1839 / in the 49th year of his age Footstone AR 1839

177. (G37) Marble chest with crucifix carved on the top South side: Sacred to the memory of / ROBERT BARNETT / of Meopham Court / who died February 24th 1872 aged 51 years / deeply lamented / "The night cometh when no man can work" St. John IX 4 / also to the memory of JANE FRANCES BARNETT / widow of the above / who died on the 28th September 1890 aged 79 years / also of REGINALD BARNETT / the eldest surviving and dearly beloved son of / JOHN BARNETT / who died February 12th 1878 aged 24 years North side: also to the memory of / JOHN BARNETT / of Meopham Court / who died June 14th 1887 / aged 68 years

Area H
178. (H1) Pedestal with footstone Sacred / to / the memory of / GLOVER MUNGEAM / late quartermaster of His Majesty’s / Dockyard Chatham, / who departed this life / the 17 day of March 1791 / aged 48 years / also / ANN, wife of the above, / who departed this life / the 10th day of September 1821 / in the 70th year of her age.
Footstone (lying horizontal next to headstone, half buried face down) GM 1791, AM 1821

179. (H2) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM MUNGEAM / yeoman / late of this parish / who died August 12th 1846 / aged 68 / also FRANCES his wife / who died January 29th 1850 / aged 67 / also CATHERINE / their daughter / who died December 6th 1848 / aged 25

180. (H3) No identification Three sections of body stones, two possibly connected, on a stone slab.

181. (H4) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / JAMES LANGFORD / who departed this life / November 14th 1852 / aged 45 years / also / MARY ANN LANGFORD / wife of the above / who died April 8th 1880 / aged 70 years / "Forgive blest shade the tributory tear / That mourns Thy exit from a world like th.. / Forgive the wish that would have kept you here / And stay’d Thy progress to the realm of bliss"
Footstone JL 1852, MAL 1880 On side of stone mason’s name MARTIN (no address)

182. (H5) Headstone and footstone The thread of life parts man and wife / Sacred / to the memory of / ANN wife of / RICHARD LANGFORD / of this parish / who departed this life / on the 6th day of May 1834 / aged 64 years. / "Reader to stop to learn who here doth lie / Read on and you shall learn how suddenly / Death’s summons came, by all must be obayed / Healthy was I, / And six days after in the grave was laid. / Think on my fate when you have left this spot / Strive, be prepar’d the same may be your lot" / Also of the above RICHARD LANGFORD / who departed this life / on the 3rd day of December 1845 / aged 74 years / also of SOPHIA LANGFORD / daughter of the above / who departed this life / on the 15th day of December 1843 / aged 33 years Footstone AL 1834, RL 1845, SL 1843

183. (H6) Platform Sacred to the memory of / WILLIAM SMITH Esqr / of Fairy(?) Hall Mottingham / in t..s county / who departed …. Life October 18th 1830 / in the 71 year of his age / also ………. CATHERINE / relict of ….. above …. named / WILLIAM ……. / who departed …….ember 18.. / in the 60 ye… her age [GB Catherine 1839]

184. (H7) Slab Sacred to the memory of / GRACE MANLEY SMITH / daughter of WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / who died Septr 18th 1813? in the 11th year of / her age [BR 1818]

185. (H8) Headstone with kerbstone – lead letters, Cross with incised lettering [headstone] In / loving / memory of / ABRAHAM CHARLES / HEDGECOCK / died Nov. 17th 1901 / aged 73 years / also ANNIE EMILY / daughter of the above / died March 3rd 1893 / aged 19 years / also FREDERICK LANGFORD / son of the above / killed in the Great War [cross] In / loving memory of / DORIS EDNA LADDS / aged 3 months

186. (H9) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / THOMAS LYNDS of this / parish who departed this life / the 6th of April 1790 / aged 71 years / also SARAH wife of the above / who departed this life the 3rd of / April 17.. aged 36 years [quote or extra inscription obscured below soil level] Footstone S.L. 17--, S.L. 1794 [BR Sarah 1761]

187. (H10) Headstone In / loving memory / of / WILLIAM BUCK / late of Farley / who died February 1st 1906 / aged 87 years / MARY ANN BUCK / wife of the above / who died March 16th 1901? / aged 83 years

188. (H11) Pedestal on plinth in shape of cross ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer priest / born January 16th 1819 / at rest Oct. 8th 1875 / "My trust is in the tender mercy of God / Forever and ever" On base: And Rebe his wife / daughter of Venble JAMES RANDALL / born April 23 1822 / at rest Jan 18 1907

189. (H12) Chest    South side of chest: In memory of WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esq. / of Camer in this parish who died the 24th / day of December 1861 in the 60th year of / his age   North side of chest: In memory also of FRANCES widow of / WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esqre and / daughter of Sir HOWARD ELPHINSTONE Bart. C.M. / died Oct. the 31st 1905 aged 94
Area J
190. (J1) Pedestal, one layer on base East facing: FREDERICK WILLIAM NEWCOMB / born September 10th 1880 / died March 28th 1913 / The Lord hath need of him

191. (J2) Headstone and kerbstone with ornamental corners In loving memory / of / JAMES DAY / who departed this life / April 23rd 1899 / in his 73rd year / "his end was peace" / also HARRIETT / wife of the above / who passed away / Dec 24th 1921 / in her 86th year / "at rest" / also ALFRED THOMAS DAY / youngest son of the above / who suddenly passed away / Sep. 5th 1932 / aged 54 years / "Thy will be done"

192. (J3) Headstone In / loving memory / of / MARY ANN MERCER / 40 years the devoted wife of / JOHN WARE / who died 12th Dec. 1916 aged 60 / "Peace perfect peace" / JOHN JAMES WARE / born March 22nd 1855 / died July 9th 1921

193. (J4) Large kerbstone with 3 ornamental corner stones (one missing). Inscription in lead lettering on inside edge of kerbstone. East side: In loving memory of South side: JAMES KING late of Offley Mill, / Hitchin Herts who died Jan. 21st / 1898 aged 61 years

194. (J5) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / GEORGE BLACKMAN / departed this life / December 27th 1863 / aged 72 years / "Farewell my wife and children dear / I am not lost but sleeping here / prepare your dues to follow me / for as I am you so must be" / This stone is erected as a tribute of / duty by his sorrowing and affectionate / children and grandson / also ELIZABETH BLACKMAN / (wife of the above) / who died June 6th 1878 Footstone G.B. 1863, E.B.1878

195. (J6) Slab with rectangular base and footstone (initials bear no relation to the Brownfield family). Originally a metal cross attached (according to an old photograph). East facing: CHARLES BROWNFIELD / who died January 11th 1891 / aged 60 / MARTHA MARY nee CONSTANT / widow who died August 24th 1916 / aged 75 Footstone E.E. 1876, J.E. 1898, A.E. 1855, E.T. 1871        All appear [GB] to refer to the Evenden family for whom no tombstone survives. E.E. 1876 (Eliza Evenden), A.E. 1855 (Ann Evenden), E.T. 1871 (Eliza Taylor)

196. (J7) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate / remembrance of / ELIZABETH DURLING / who died October 25th 1873 / aged 28 years / Affliction some long time she bore / physicians were in vain / till death did seize and God did please / to ease her of her pain Footstone E.D.1873

197. (J8) Marble kerbstone with holder for urn at west end of kerbstone East facing: In loving memory / of / CHARLES FRANCIS COOK / who died 18th May 1913 / aged 86 years / and his wife ELIZA ROSE / who died 19th April 1954 / aged 87 years

198. (J9) Headstone and three footstones (2 relate to headstone and 1 does not) In affectionate remembrance / of / FRANKLIN / youngest son of ALFRED LIGHT / of this parish / who died 17th July 1871 / aged 17 years / also / WILLIAM HENRY / third son of the above / who died 19th June 1876 / aged 28 years / also the above / ALFRED LIGHT / who died 15th May 1879 / aged 58 years / and FRANCES ANN / his wife / who died 29th September 1879 / aged 59 years         Footstones: 1:- east side F.L. 1871, 2:- west side W.H.L. 1876, 3:- (relating to Goodwin, see J15) T.G. 1866, G.G. 1867 (George Goodwin Ref. GB)

199. (J10) Pedestal, high with urn half covered in drapery North facing: Sacred to the memory / of / CAROLINE / the devoted wife of / THOMAS THOMPSON / who died / 18th December 1878 / aged 73 years / "Rest in the Lord" / also the above / THOMAS THOMPSON / born November 24th 1812 / died February 26th 1884 / "God shall wipe away all tears" / Rev. VII 17 ver. East facing: Sacred to the memory / of / JANE / relict of the late / BENJAMIN THOMPSON Esq. / of Red Hill Lodge / Nottinghamshire / and youngest daughter of the / Revd JOHN BOURNE / rector of Sutton Derbyshire / she died / on the 4th day of February 1862 / in her 87th year / "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" / Psalm 126 15 ver. / this tomb / was erected by her affectionate / and only surviving son / THOMAS THOMPSON / of this parish

200. (J10a) Kerbstone with inscription on three sides South facing: HENRY BLACKMAN died 30 May 1907 aged 62 North facing: …. …. Died Dec. 15 1936 aged 88 West facing: Reunited

201. (J11) Headstone with a cross and footstone In memory of / HESTER / beloved wife of / WILLIAM MARTIN / who fell asleep in Jesus / 23 Feb. 1895 / aged 70 / "Thy will be done" / also WILLIAM MARTIN / husband of above / who fell asleep in Jesus / 21st Nov. 1896 aged 71 / "They rest in peace and rise in glory" Footstone H (altered from W) M 1895, W M 1896

202. (J12) Headstone very eroded and flaked In memory … / … who ….. / …. BA ….. / EDWA.. …. / E..A

203. (J13) Headstone and footstone In / affectionate remembrance of / JOHN BODDY / who died September 11th 1888 / aged 55 years / Lies sleeping beneath a bed of dust / A loving husband true and just / Beloved he lived, in peace he died / His life was craved for but God denied // We loved him as no tongue can tell / How much we loved him, and how well / God loved him too and thought it best / To take our dear father home to rest // Our life hangs on a single thread / Which soon is cut and we are dead / Then boast not reader of thy might / Alive at noon but dead at night Footstone J.B. 1888

204. (J14) Headstone and two footstones In / affectionate remembrance of / RACHEL BODDY / who died May 10th 1892 / aged 80 years / Lies sleeping beneath a bed of dust / A loving wife true and just / Beloved she lived, in peace she died / Her life was craved for but God denied // We loved her as no tongue can tell / How much we loved her, and how well / God loved her too and thought it best / To take our dear mother home to rest // Our life hangs on a single thread / Which soon is cut and we are dead / Then boast not reader of thy might / Alive at noon but dead at night         Footstones leaning against J13 and J14 R B 1892 Relates to J15 E G [T G?] 1859, A G 1862, E O 1863, M B 1866

205. (J15) Headstone and footstone (see J14 above) Sacred to the memory / of / THOMAS / s.. of / THOMAS and MARY GOODWIN / …. ….. parish / who ….. 1859 / all you …. grave to see / prepare …. …. To follow me / repent …. …. delay / I in my …. … away / ARTHUR GOODWIN / died July … aged 41 years / ELLEN OLIVER … / died … … A … years / MARY BARTLETT / died …..[BT] Thomas 30th April 1859, [GB] Arthur 1862, [GB] Ellen 1863, [GB] Mary 1866

206. (J16) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY HILLS / who died August 7th 1865 / aged 72 years / "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken / away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" Footstone H H 1865

207. (J17) Pedestal and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / JANE HILLS / wife of HENRY HILLS / who died February 3rd 1872 / aged 77 years / "Blessed are the dead which lie in the Lord" Footstone J H 1872

208. (J18) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory of / PHILIP ASHENDEN / died 15th Novr 1908 aged 48 / also / ANNIE ELLEN his wife / died 15th Febry 1924 aged 61 On bottom edge of kerbstone "For ever in our thoughts"

209. (J19) Kerbstone North side: JOHN ASHENDEN who died 13th March 1916 / HARRIET ASHENDEN who died 13th October 1909 West side: And HARRY their infant son / who died 6th March 1872 East side: In loving memory of / our dear father & mother

210. (J20) Coffin with cross inset on top on a triple plinth North facing: In ever loving memory of my devoted mother / SARAH EASTWOOD / who died November 19th 1895 / But trust I shall shortly see Thee and we / shall speak face to face South facing: In ever loving memory of my dear sister / ANNIE SMITH / who died May 21st 1892 / Rest in peace

211. (J21) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / JANE JEAL / wife of ROBERT JEAL / who died January 23rd 1876 / aged 56 years / also near this spot lie the remains / of GEORGE ROBERT and FLORENCE JANE JEAL / grandchildren of the above who died in / their infancy in the years 1872 & 1874 / also ROBERT JEAL / who departed this life 25th Feb. 1892 / aged 69 years      Footstone J J 1876, R J 1892

212. (J22) Headstone Here lieth / ye body of WILLIAM / son of WILLIAM and / ELIZA ATWOOD / of this parish who / departed this life / ye 11 of May in ye year / of our Lord 1714 / in ye 26 year of / his age

213. (J23) Headstone Here / lyeth intered / ROBERT BUTCHER / who departed / this life the 26th / day of Sepr 1706 / aged 58 years / and also / ROBERT BUTCHER his / son who dyed / December the 26th / 1706 aged 22 years

214. (J24) Pedestal, three tier plinth with large cross leaning against it op tier: In loving memory of / JOHN ASHDOWN / died May 5 1899 aged 82 Second tier: also ESTHER SOPHIA his wife / died April 21 1900 aged 82 years / also MARY ANN ESTHER / their daughter Third tier: died April 22 1874 aged 21 years / and JANE ASHDOWN / sister of the above JOHN ASHDOWN / died May 1 1900 aged 86 years

215. (J25) Pedestal, three tier East facing: top tier: In loving memory of / GEORGE GRIGGS / who died May 31st 1895 / aged 43 years Second tier: also / GEORGE son of the above / who passed away February 13th 1909 / aged 18 years / Thy will be done

216. (J26) Pedestal, three tier with broken cross lying within kerbstone Top tier: no inscription (small lead cross attached to east and north sides) East facing: second tier: To the memory of / GEORGE WILLIAM STANIFORTH Bottom tier: Born at Hull 7th August 1830 / died at S. Peters Thanet / 29th March 1904 / Rest in peace North facing: second tier: Also of his wife / MARY HELEN Bottom tier: Born Novr 25th 1830 / died March 30th 1908 / R.I.P.

217. (J27) Pedestal, small two tiered plinth NORAH CONSTANCE DRYLAND / born Sept 30th died Nov. 21st 1890

218. (J28) Base for headstone Also in loving memory of / THOMAS HENRY DUNCH / born 31st March 1862 / died 20th April 1948

219. (J29) Headstone lying flat against north wall of nave MICHAEL ARNOLD TAYLOR / born March 4th 1936 / lived one day

220. (J30) Blank slab lying against north wall of nave. Possible inscription on underside

221. (J31) Pedestal, three plinths surmounted by tall cross and a kerbstone On cross: Thy will be done Top tier: In loving memory / of Second tier: CHARLES DUNCH / born 3 March 1826 / died 28 May 1896 / also ELIZABETH JANE his wife / born 31 July 1838 died 24 Jan 1922 Bottom tier: (below soil level) JOHN DUDLEY DUNCH / born 9 July 1868 died / 8 August 1868

222. (J32) Large table tomb on a brick base Sacred / to the memory of / the Revd / JOHN THOMPSON M.A. / for 38 years / vicar of this parish / who died the 30th August 185? / aged 74 years [BR 1854]

223. (J33) Pedestal and kerbstone. Statuesque piece of rough hewn masonry with a chain wound round an anchor embedded in rock on a pedestal On sloping side of pedestal: Also GEORGE MOASE / died 27th December 1938 aged 79 years / erected in loving memory of / AARON MOASE / born 25th March 1833 – died 9th March 1917 / also MARY E. MC A. MOASE / died 14th November 1932 aged 69 / "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die"
Area K
224. (K1) Headstone West facing: In / loving memory / of / ELIZABETH OLIVER / the beloved wife of / HENRY BISHOP / born Jan. 8. 1840 / died Jan. 2. 1900 / "Gone but not forgotten" / also the above named / HENRY BISHOP / born Dec. 19 1834 / died Aug. 6. 1901 / His end was perfect peace

225. (K2) Headstone and footstone Sacred to the memory / of / HENRY PRIOR / who doed July 3rd 1881 / in his 62nd year / "In the midst of life we are in death" / also MARY ANN wife of the above / who died October 22nd 189? / aged 76 / "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God" / also ELIZA MARY / the devoted wife of JAMES RANDS / who died September 3rd 1883 / aged 36 years / "She is not dead but sleepeth" Footstone: H.P. 1881, EMR 1883, M.A.P. 1897 [BR Mary Ann 1897]

226. (K3) Headstone In loving memory / of / THOMAS LEEMING / died 15th June 1886 / aged 54 years / also of his beloved wife / FRANCES LEEMING / died 8th June 1913 / aged 77 years / "Not as I will but as Thou wilt" / and ALICE MAUD / elder daughter of the above / and wife of ROBERT JOHN SCOTT / died 27th Oct. 1946 aged 73 / also LAURA FRANCES / younger daughter of the above / and wife of WILLIAM FREDERICK SCOTT / DIED 18TH March 1955 aged 76

227. (K4) Pedestal, three tier with kerbstone and broken cross South-east facing: Top tier: In / loving memory / of Second tier: THOMAS HENRY LEEMING / who died June 19 1899 aged 43 years / "Thy will be done" Third tier blank

228. (K5) Headstone and footstone In a grave below / are / deposited the earthly remains / of / WILLIAM JURY / for 33(38?) years parish clerk / of Nursted / he died June 11th 1844 / aged 82 years / "The ….. .. crown of / glory if it be forever of ….. / righteousness" Romans (Proverbs?) / MARTHA JURY / wife of the above / who died Nov. 8th 1848 / aged 89(80?) years / CHARLOTTE JURY / wife of EDWARD JURY / who died June 17th 1849 / aged … years     Footstone W.J. 1844, M.J. 1848, C.J. 1849

229. (K6) Kerbstone North-east facing: Left hand section: EMILY TAYLOR died Sept. 9th 1917 / aged 72 Right hand section: THOMAS TAYLOR died Ap. 17th 1931 / aged 87 South-west facing: Left hand section: also SARAH EMILY daughter / died 21st April 1968 aged 86 years / "At rest" Right hand section: also WILLIAM TAYLOR killed in France / Sept. 1916 aged 34

230. (K7) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / WILLIAM TAYLOR / who died May the 8th 1856 / aged 42 years / leaving a widow and five children / named ALFRED * SARAH-ANN / WILLIAM and RICHARD / also ALBERT son of the above / who died March the 8th 1854 / aged 11 years *Rectangle of stone removed where possibly Albert had been erroneously inscribed. Albert had died two years previously. Footstone W.T. 1856

231. (K8) Headstone In memory of / MAURICE HENRY GIBB / born Sep. 24 1809 / died Sep. 25 1870

232. (K9) Headstone. Beautifully sculpted piece of stone embracing a Christ holding a baby. Here resteth in hope / ISABELLA MASON / born February 13 1842 / died November 22 1877 / Thy will be done

233. (K10) Kerbstone North facing kerb: MARY ANN GIBB died June 10th / 1901 aged 61 years South facing kerb: ALFRED GIBB died March 17th / 1908 aged 76 years

234. (K10a) Headstone and footstone Sacred / to the memory of / ELEANOR S…TH daughter of / CHARLES and ELIZABETH / LYNDS / who departed this life / Oct. ……… / aged ……. Years
Footstone E.L. 1866

235. (K11) Headstone ….. of / LOUI…. … / the ….. …. ish / who ….arted ….. … ber … 1867

236. (K12) Pedestal, three tiers East facing: top tier: In loving memory of / C….. / MABEL SMITH Second tier: born May 27th 1894 / fell asleep May 27th 1902 / "Jesus called a little child" / ‘In the days of thy youth / remember thy creator’ Bottom tier: also GEORGE SMITH / fell asleep April 13th 1928 aged 61 / "Till the morn" North facing: top tier: also / PHOEBE / ELIZABETH Second tier: wife of GEORGE SMITH / died 4th July 1945 / aged 76 years / "At rest"

237. (K13) Headstone (in two sections) Top section: In memorium / of / JAMES MATON / who departed this life / December 8th 1890 / aged 62 years / "By faith in Jesus Christ has / he entered heaven …Lower section: also to the memory of / ANNA MATON / the beloved wife of the above / JAMES MATON / who peacefully passed away / on August 12th 1907 / in her 75th year / "Resting till he comes"

238. (K14) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / ANN TOMPKINS / the beloved wife of GEORGE TOMPKINS / who died December 21st 1910 / aged 72 years / also the above / GEORGE TOMPKINS / who died January 27th 1922 / aged 83 years / "Thy will be done"

239. (K15) Headstone and kerbstone In loving memory / of / NELLIE MAY TOMPKINS / who died August 29th 1894 / aged 16 months / "Safe in the arms of Jesus" / also FREDERICK WILLIAM TOMPKINS / who was killed in action in France / March 1918 aged 21 years / "Thy will be done"

240. (K16) Headstone Here resteth in hope / AMELIA / the beloved wife of / GEORGE ENGLISH MATHER R.N. / who departed this life / Sept. 11th 1900 aged 50 years / "In the midst of life we are in death"

241. (K17) Urn on a tilted marble base On urn: In memory of On base (south facing): ESLI EATON / died 20th April 1918 / aged 68 / and HARRIET his wife / died 15 Dec. 1936

242. (K18) Headstone EMMA JOHNSON / died May 23rd 1881 / aged 12 years / "Thy will be done"              
Buried beneath the turf next to this a small piece of stone – possibly a section of a cross belonging to it. Standing beside the headstone above is a small yellowish headstone. MARY J…. / born …. / died …. / blessed ….. / which 

243. (K19) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory / of / LOUISA / wife of JOHN W. FRANCIS / who died 31st August 1913 / also in constant / and loving remembrance of / JOHN WM FRANCIS / devoted husband of the above / who died as a result of a street / accident at Portsea 18th August 1930 / "Behold He taketh away"  
Kerbstone: north side: C.W. Dawes / Gravesend

244. (K20) Headstone In / everlasting memory of / WILLIAM GEORGE SIM / 1906 – 1964

245. (K21) Headstone In / loving memory of / ANNIE MYRTLE DAVIS / who died 2nd March 1963 / aged 57 years / and / DOUG DAVIS / who died 17th May 1983 / aged 77 years

246. (K22) Headstone In / remembrance of / ERNEST M. STILL / 1891 – 1962 / and / AGNES E. STILL / 1891 – 1986 / "Reunited"

247. (K23) An upright rectangular slab of stone with the top of two crosses leaning against it. In / loving memory / AUBREY OSWALD / BARNES / died 17th November 1961 / aged 66 years

248. (K24) A small piece of stone with a worked edge but no inscription. Holes still exist where lead letters had been inserted.

249. (K25) Flat stone ROBERT CAWLEY / 1884 – 1961 / GEORGINA LOUISA / reunited 3.1.63

250. (K26) Headstone and kerbstone In / loving memory of / CHARLES JOHN RIGBY / died 8th March 1960 / aged 65 years / Rest in peace

251. (K27) Headstone In / memory of / JESSIE DREWITT / who departed / this life / 14th March 1959

252. (K28) Small cross East facing: 1965 / HAROLD E. WARD / EDITH M. WARD / 1959 West facing: O.M.CROFT 1989

253. (K29) Headstone with the top of a cross leaning against back In loving memory of / JOHN CEDRIC / WELLDON / died July 2nd 1958 / aged 63 years / R.I.P. / and his wife MOLLIE / died 8th Dec. 1979 / aged 81 years

254. (K30) A stone cube with a metal top and holes for flowers In loving / memory / DEREK WALTER / THOMPSON / died 20 May / 1966 / aged 41 years

255. (K31) Stone in the shape of an open book with tassle down the centre and a small stone in front of it with a hole for flowers. Left hand page of ‘book’: In / memory / of / SYDNEY / HUGH / BLACK / died / 27th March 1966 / aged 62 Right hand page of ‘book’: his absence / a silent grief

256. (K32) Headstone In remembrance / THOMAS FRENCH / who died December 1st 1875 / aged 40 years / ELIZABETH ANN BUTTERWORTH NEVILL / wife [also] …o ELIZABETH & CLARA NEVILL FRENCH / daughters of the above / rest in peace

257. (L1) Celtic cross on two tiered pedestal Top tier: In loving memory of / MARY wife of / WILLIAM ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer / and daughter of / PHILIP SMITH COXE Bottom tier: born 27th Jan. 1852 / at rest 18th Feb. 1915 / Jesu mercy
Area L
258. (L2) Coffin resting on stone base South side: [raised letters] WILLIAM ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS North side: of Camer 1850 – 1937 West side: [incised letters] and his wife / KATHLEEN AMY GORE / 1877 – 1965

259. (L3) Table tomb on double plinth North side: Sacred to the memory of GEORGE SMITH Esq. / of Camer in this parish who departed this life / March 3rd 1831 in the 74th year of his age / also of REBECCA widow of the above / GEORGE SMITH Esqre who departed this life / January 8th 1843 in the 80th year of her age South side: vague impression that there were once some words, but so badly eroded on surface that nothing is now visible. Top of table: initially no inscription, but once the years of DIRT were removed, exactly the same inscription appeared as was on the north side of the tomb! No extra details on it leading to the assumption that on the south side there never was an inscription??

258. (L4) Cross leaning against a three tiered plinth (made of one solid piece of stone) standing on a base. East facing: Here resteth in hope / EDITH / the beloved wife of / FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS / Lieutenant Royal Engineers / daughter of the Revd. A. SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer / born July 25th 1847 died March 9th 1873 / so he giveth his beloved sleep West facing: Also in loving memory of / MARY / eldest daughter of Revd. A. SMITH-MASTERS of Camer / at rest Dec. 14th 1932 aged 86 / R.I.P.

259. (L5) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / ALBAN DORRINTON / late of this parish / who died April 15th 1835 / aged 73 years / he left issue / by ELIZABETH his wife / two daughters and one son / viz: MARY ELIZABETH & ALBAN / also the above / ELIZABETH DORRINTON / who died July 2nd 1849 / aged 81 (84?) years

260. (L6) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / ALBAN DORRINTON / who died May 23rd 1870 / aged 89 years / he left issue by MARY ANN his wife / one son viz: ALBAN / also ALBAN DORRINTON / son of the above / who died October 21st 1876 / aged 37 years / ‘Yea though I walk through the valley / of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil / for Thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff / comfort me’

261. (L7) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. THOMAS NORDISH / late of this parish / who departed this life / July the 1st 1842 / aged 58 years

262. (L8) Headstone and bodystone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. JOHN POLTICK / late of this parish / who departed this life / April 25 1846 / aged 52 years / also ANN POLTICK / who departed this life / July 27th 1867 aged 75 (78?) years Quotation beneath very eroded by weather and shallowly inscribed. Only visible words are at the end: ‘Behold Thy God’

263. (L9) Three tier pedestal and kerbstone with cross unlaid East facing: top tier: In loving memory / of / GEORGE WALTER Middle tier: the fifth and youngest son of / NATHANIEL FORTESCUE / of Little Cransden Cambridgeshire / who passed away April 4th 1912 / in his 69th year Bottom tier: also ELIZA / beloved wife of the above / who passed away February 9th 1937 / aged 93 years / ‘Thy will be done’ South facing: bottom tier: also GEORGE WALTER FORTESCUE / grandson / died February 18th 1921 / aged 4 years 9 months / sleeping

264. (L10) Headstone In / loving remembrance of / JAMES LOFT / who departed this life / September 25th 1894 / in his 87th year / interred September 30th / also ELIZA LOFT / who departed this life / March 30th 1889 / aged 72 years / interred at Meopham April 4th / To those who loved / by those beloved

265. (L11) Slab slightly coped with horizontal cross the whole length South facing [on sloping side of slab] LOUISA MARIA BROWNE born April 7th 1819 / departed March 12th 1907 North facing [on sloping side of slab] Blessed are the pure in heart

266. (L12) Headstone and footstone West facing: Sacred / to the memory of / SARAH / daughter of THOMAS and / FRANCES CHAYNEY / who died December 28th 1839 / aged 11 years / ‘Lord let me know my end and the number of my / days: that I may be certified how long I have to live’ / Psalm 39th verse 5th Footstone (correctly distanced from headstone) S.C. 1839

267. (L13) Headstone Sacred / to the memory of / Mr. GEORGE FRENCH / of this parish / who died May 30th 1848 / in the 62nd year of his age / also his wife / REBECCA FRENCH / who died May 13th 1872 / aged 81 years Footstone (correctly spaced from headstone) G.F. 1848

268. (L14) Headstone (found in 3 broken horizontal sections) In / loving / memory of / MARY ANN TAYLOR / of this parish / who departed this life / Oct. 14th 1887. Aged 63 years / ‘Thy will be done’ / JAMES TAYLOR / son of the above / died Nov. 17th 1906 / aged --- / Pe --- 42 years / --ace perfect peace
Inside Church
Area NNorth Aisle269. (NA1) WAR MEMORIAL, 1914-1919, 1939-1945
Memorial window triptych We will remember them / 1914 – 1918 / 1939 – 1945

270. (NA1a) Small plaque on table in north-west corner of north aisle Dedicated 18.10.53 / to the memory of / VICTOR HUGO NELSON

271. (NA2) Marble wall monument To the memory of / KATHERINE daughter of WILLIAM PEMBLE / late of London merchant; / for 24 years the deservedly beloved wife of / GEORGE MASTERS gent. of this parish / and by him the mother three sons and one daughter / two of which viz: WILLIAM and KATHERINE survived her / she departed this life May the 27th 1750 / aged 60 years. With her are here deposited the / remains of the above mention’d GEORGE MASTERS / he departed this life July the 12th 1757 / aged 70 years / a pair / Long united in the bonds of peace; / jointly exercised in eschewing evil and doing good / happy in each other, kindly affectioned to all / indulgent parents, generous friends, / to the poor especially / ‘go and do thou likewise’ / Hither soon followed them / their son WILLIAM, the heir of their fortunes / and their virtues; a fair inheritance: / but alas of their mortality too. / which lot befel him at the early age of 28 / April the 12th 1761 / ‘He died of the small pox / unhappily procured by / inoculation’ / To those are added the remains of no less worthy / WILLIAM SMITH late of Croyden in the county of Surry / brewer who died April 22nd 1764 aged 44 years / He married KATHERINE daughter of the above GEORGE / and KATHERINE MASTERS who survives him with six / children three sons and three daughters / all in their infancy.

272. (NA3) Marble wall memorial Sacred to the memory of / CATHARINE SMITH / born 2nd Novr 1752 died 23rd Octr 1777 / also of REBECCA SMITH / born 21st Decr 1750 died 30th March 1802 / daughters of Mrs. CATHARINE SMITH / widow of West Malling // Who to console her under the separation / from these beloved objects of her regard / had the happiness to observe in them / a constant display of filial duty, / unaffected piety and a cheerful resignation / to the will of God. / As a small tribute to their virtues / this monument is dedicated / by their affectionate mother // Here also are deposited the / remains of their excellent mother / Mrs. CATHARINE SMITH / who died on the 6th of February 1814 / aged 86 years

273. (NA4) Marble wall monument Sacred to the memory of / GEORGE SMITH Esqre / of Camer in this parish / who departed this life March 3rd 1831 / in the 74th year of his age / also of / REBECCA / widow of the above GEORGE SMITH Esqre / who departed this life January 8th 1843 / in the 80th year of her age / also of WILLIAM MASTERS SMITH Esqre / of Camer, the only surviving son of the above / who departed this life December 24th 1861 / in the 60th year of his age / He was High Sheriff of the county in the year 1848 / and for some years represented the Western Division / in Parliament

274. (NA5) Marble wall monument – same style as NA3 Sacred to the memory of / WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / of Fairy Hall Mottingham in this county, / who departed this life October 18th 1830 / in the 71st year of his age / also of HENRY MASTERS SMITH, son of the above / who was drowned while bathing at Fishbourne / near Chichester in the county of Sussex and was buried / within the cloisters of the cathedral of that city; / he died July 20th 1832 in the 20th year of his age / also of CATHERINE, relict of the above named / WILLIAM SMITH Esqre / who departed this life December 3rd 1839 / in the 60th year of her age

275. (NA6) Tiny copper plaque on organ To the glory of God / and in remembrance of / CHARLES ERNEST HORRIDGE / organist 1946 – 1955

276. (NA7) Small oval plaque on piano In memory of ROSEMARY GARDNER / 1937 – 1997
North Porch277. (NP1) East window in north porch, small, stained glass. SARAH JANE RUSSELL / obiit 18th December AD 1921

278. (NP2) West window in north porch, small, stained glass. ETHEL MARIA HAMMONDS / ob. Sep. 24th / AD 1922
North Chancel279. (NC1) Bronze plaque In memory of / THOMAS SMITH COGSWELL / for 26 years vicar of Cringleford / Norfolk and from 1923 to 1930 a / valued helper in this church who / died 13 June 1930 aged 74 years / I have loved the habitation of Thy house

280. (NC2) Oval grey marble plaque with drawing of a swan above inscription To the memory of / OLIVE GREY ARNOLD wife of / ROBERT ANTHONY ARNOLD and / daughter of RALPH HART TWEDDELL / - born 4.5.1876 – died 17.8.1954 - / for sixty three years she lived / at Meopham Court and / was much beloved / in this parish

281. (NC3) Three figured marble monument. Bust of Sir John top centre with two Grecian figures, one with a book. The other with scales, on either side of inscription. Sacred to the memory of / the right honble Sir JOHN BAYLEY bart. / whose remains lie interred in a vault below / he was second son of JOHN BAYLEY, of Elton, / in the county of Huntingdon, esquire, / and was educated at Eton College, / where he attained to a considerable proficiency / in classical learning. / After an honorable and successful / practice at the bar / he was made a puisne judge of / the Court of King’s Bench / on the 7th day of May 1808 / and on the 14th day of November 1830 / he exchanged the office / of judge of the King’s Bench / for that of Baron of the Exchequer. / On his resignation of the Baron’s seat / in the Court of Exchequer in the year 1834 / he was created a Baronet / and made a Privy Councillor / by his most gracious majesty / King William the 4th. / He died at Vine House, Sevenoaks / on the 10th day of October 1841, aged 79, / beloved and respected On tablet below main inscription Also to the memory of / Dame ELIZABETH, his wife, the youngest daughter of the late JOHN MARKETT / of Meopham Court Lodge, in this parish, esquire. / She died at Brighton / on the 23rd day of January, 1837, aged 77. / She was a most affectionate wife, a kind and tender mother / a sincere and constant friend, / and a charitable, self-denying Christian.

282. (NC4) Brass tablet. Top left corner: eagle with a scroll above a crown, beneath "H.M.S. Formidable". Top right corner: Invicta Horse plus scroll: "Invicta Royal Kent West". To the glory of God / and / to the memory of / HERBERT WILLIAM BRENCHLEY / leading seaman R.N. / who went down with H.M.S. Formidable / on the 1st Jan. 1915 – aged 23 / and / SWINFORD AUSTIN BRENCHLEY / Private – Royal West Kent Regiment (VIIth Batt.) / killed in action on the Somme Sept. 1916 – aged 23 / "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give / thee a crown of life" Bottom right hand corner A&N Aux C.S.L. London [mason?]

283. (NC5) Tiled rectangular plaque To the glory of God and / in memory of RALPH HART / TWEDDELL
C.E. of Meopham Court died Sepber 3rd 1895 / aged 52. Psalm XV

284. (NC6) Dedication in embrasure of north window in chancel To the glory of God and in loving memory / of JOHN and / FRANCES HOOPER whose bodies / rest in this churchyard

285. (NC7) Marble plaque on a black base on wall To the memory of / FRANCIS MARKETT Esq. / of Meopham Court Lodge / in this parish / who died 7th June 1821 / aged 63 years / and was interred in the church / of St. Martins in the Field

286. (NC8) Marble plaque on a black base on wall Sacred to the memory of / ISABELLA, widow of the late FRANCIS MARKETT Esquire, / of Meopham Court Lodge / who died on the seventh day of December 18(5?)1, aged 81 years / she was most deservedly respected and beloved / for the use which she made of the gifts so bountifully bestowed / upon her by Divine Providence / During her life she was visited with many severe afflictions / which she bore with perfect resignation to the will of God. / In the conduct of her life / she was most exemplary as a wife, a mother and a friend, / and after enduring patiently a long and painful illness, / she died firm in the faith and in the hope of a glorious resurrection / through the merits of her redeemer Jesus Christ.

287. (NC9) Marble plaque mounted on a black base on wall. At bottom is written: J.Kendrick ft London  Sacred to the memory of / PERCY / second daughter of FRANCIS and ISABELLA MARKETT, / of Meopham Court Lodge / who was most highly esteemed for her pure and cultivated mind, / and for the variety and excellence of her attainments, / and most deservedly beloved for the sweetness of her temper, / and the innocence and usefulness of her life. / Her earthly pilgrimage, though short, / was interrupted by many and severe trials, / which were borne with the most exemplary patience and resignation. / Her nearest surviving relatives, trusting in God / "who afflicts us in his mercy" / that their separation from her, though grievous, will not be final, / have erected this tablet, in grateful remembrance / of her piety and humility as a Christian, / her dutiful and affectionate obedience as a daughter, / her love and tenderness as a sister, and / her zeal and fidelity as a friend.
East Window288. (EW1) Dedication at foot of east window First section: To the glory of God in memory of Second section: ROBERT.BARNETT.who.died.Feb.24.1872. Third section: J.F.B.
South Chancel289. (SC1) Brass plaque set in stone. Inscription formerly on floor of tower, removed in 1905 to south wall of chancel. Original position in church unknown. Hic jacet dominus JOHANNES FOLSHAM quondam / vicarius de Meapham qui obiit tredecimo die / mensis Junii anno domini millesimo CCCCo LVo / cujus animae propicietur Deus. Amen. [Translation Here lies Master JOHN FOLSHAM, formerly vicar of / Meopham who died on the 13th day of June in / the year 1455 on whose soul God have mercy. Amen.]

290. (SC1) Stone sculpture Thy will be done / in memory of / ELIZABETH BAYLEY / daughter of ALEXANDER MacDONALD Esqr / and wife of FRANCIS BAYLEY youngest son of the / Right Honorable Sir JOHN BAYLEY Bart. / born 27 June 1806 / died 9 April 1838 / Her children arise up and call her blessed: her / husband also, and he praiseth her; many daughters / have done virtuously but thou excellest them all.

291. (SC3) Small simple brass plaque on small lectern To the glory of God / and in memory / of / MATTHIAS GEORGE VILLER / 1873 – 1957
South Aisle292. (SA1) Dark stone tablet on wall To the glory of God / and in proud and loving / memory of their dear sons / who gave their lives for / their country in the Great / War viz. AUSTIN born 1890 / drowned in trying to save / a comrade 6th Aug. 1917 / and ARTHUR Lt Nothants / Regt born 1896 who died of / wounds in France 18th Oct. / 1916. This tablet was set up / by their parents ARTHUR F. / C. OWEN vicar of Meopham / and KATHLEEN his wife 1917

293. (SA2) Free standing bronze plaque on floor beneath Book of Remembrance Saint Mary’s Chapel / to the memory of / MARY JANE PARSONS / WALTER PARSONS / LOUIS PARSONS / JENNY PARSONS / February 1956

294. (SA2a) Inscription round circular base of brass lectern A.M.D.G. / LEWIS WOODWARD LEWIS cuius hujius ecclesiae / per XXIV annos. Presbiter fidelis. In Christo / dodormivit die Paschæ MCM. Hoc benevolentiae reverentiæ, desiderii monumentum ponendum curavere amici.

295. (SA3) East window of south aisle. Dedication at base of window First section: To the glory of God Second section: and in memory of Third section: EDITH EDWARDS

296. (SA4) Wooden picture frame – brown background, gold lettering. Coat of Arms in centre To be linked to great traditions is to be pledged to great undertakings
BRUCE SWINTON / GEORGE ARTHUR / SMITH-MASTERS M.C. / SMITH-MASTERS / Captain 2nd Batt: / Lieutenant 6th Batt: / Essex Regiment / [Coat of Arms] Bedfordshire / Regiment / born Jan: 31st 1892 / Manet Fides born Dec. 29th 1894 / killed in France / Inte   merata killed in Flanders / leading the attack / safeguarding his men / July 1st 1916 / August 20th 1915 / ‘He that loseth his / ‘To me to live in Christ / life for my sake / to die is gain’ / shall find it’ / 3rd and 4th sons of JOHN ERNEST SMITH-MASTERS & MARGARET his wife / Obedient unto death / for God King & Country / rest eternal grant unto the O Lord / & let light perpetual shine upon them

297. (SA5) Window with dedication at base Section 1: To the glory of God and in Section 2: memory of ALLAN SMITH Section 3: MASTERS priest

298. (SA6) Brass wall plaque FLEETWOOD ISHAM EDWARDS Lt Col. R.E. P.C. K.C.B. / keeper of the Privy Purse to H.M. Queen Victoria / born April 21st 1842, fell asleep August 14th 1910 / EDITH his wife, daughter of ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS / of Camer, born July 25 1847, at rest March 9th 1873 / ‘Grant them, O Lord, to be numbered / amongst Thy saints in glory everlasting’

299. (SA7) Brass wall plaque ALLAN SMITH-MASTERS of Camer, priest M.A. / J.P. born January 16th 1820 fell asleep October 8th 1875 / REBE MARY, his wife, daughter of the venerable JAMES / RANDALL, Archdeacon of Berkshire, born April 23rd 1822 / at rest January the 8th 1907 / ‘Grant us, O Lord, with them, a share in / the heavenly crown, through Thy mercy’

300. (SA8) Brass tablet on a stone frame – inscription enclosed in scrolled border with different symbols in each corner. To the glory of God and in loving memory of / JOHN BABER M.D. / of London and connected with this parish for over forty years / who died May 4th 1894 / aged 72 years / also of EMMA (née DU BOIS) first wife of the above / who died March 12th 1875 / erected by their affectionate children / AD 1895

301. (SA9) WAR MEMORIAL 1914 – 1919

Bronze plaque just east of south porch To the sacred memory / of the / men of Meopham / who died for their King & Country / in the Great War 1914 – 1919 /

J. DYE Can. /
A.E.C.OWEN N. Hants /
F.C. PARKER E. Sur. /
W.H. RUSSELL 16 Lrs. /
A.G. SCUDDER Mdsex. /
W.L. TAYLOR K.O.S.L.1. /
W.H. TODD S. Staffs. /

"All they had hoped for / all they had they gave" / "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death"

302. (SA10) Window on south aisle (triptych). Inscription at base in centre. Section 1: In piam memoriam Section 2: FLORENCE M. GOLDING-BIRD Section 3: obiit MCMXIX

South Porch303. (SP) Small plaque To the glory of God / and in memory of / EDITH WILLIAMS / 1874 – 1954 / a teacher at St. Matthews Westminster / 1916 – 1939
West Nave304. (WN1) Pavement slab Heres interr d the body of / JOSEPH RABENETT son of / JOSEPH & MELCHIA RABENETT / of Chatham who departed / this life Febr 26th 1718 / aged 21 years / also here lyeth the body of / MELCHIA RABENETT widow / and relict of JOSEPH RABENETT / of Chatham she departed this life ye 3d of Feb. 1722 / aged 47 years / also here lyeth the body of / MARY RABENETT daughr of / JOSEPH AND MELCHIA RABENETT who / departed this life ye 9th of Jany / 1724 aged 22 years

305. (WN2a) Pavement slab Here lies interred / near the bones of his parents / what was mortal / of Mr. THOMAS COPLAND / the son of ye Revd. Mr CHRISTOPHER COPLAND / vicar of this parish / a lingering illness / delivered him / adorn’d with every social virtue / from life to immortality / on the 15 day of August 1739 / in the 67th year of his age

306. (WN2b) Pavement slab Here lyeth the body / of ELIZABETH ye wife of / Mr THOMAS COPLAND who / departed this life ye 27th / of …. 1699 & in ye 22nd year …. her age

307. (WN3a) Pavement slab Here lyeth ye body of / Mrs MARGARET / COPLAND relict of / Mr CHRISTOPHER / COPLAND / who departed this / life Septemr the 30th / 1727 in the 85th year / of her age

308. (WN3b) Pavement slab Here lyeth ye body / of Mrs MARTHA RAY / grand daughter of MARTHA / EVERNDEN of this parish / who departed this life / the 5th day of August / 1707 / in the 19th year of her age / also here lyes the body / of Mrs MARTHA EVERNDEN / who departed this life the 15th of July 1725 in the / 80th year of her age / also / here lyeth the body of / ELIZABETH GUNNINGS of this / parish who departed ys life / ye 27th of November 1745 / aged 76 years

309. (WN4a) Pavement slab Hic deposita sunt exuvia / vi Reverendi / CHRISTOPHORI COPLAND / huius eccclesi – vicarii / qui ministerii anni XXXVII / vitae LXI impletis / exterior-m hane mysteriorum / oeconomiam / cum visione commutavit / XIIo calend Jun / Anno X MDCCVII

310. (WN4b) Pavement slab Sacred / to the memory of / Mr WILLIAM MUNGEAM / yeoman of this parish / who departed this life / the 28th of March 1818 / aged 71 years / also Mrs SARAH MUNGEAM / wife of the above / who departed this life / the 26th February 1825 / aged 76 years

311. (WN5a) Pavement slab Here resteth the body of / ROBERT SPRIVER of Meopham / yeoman whoe died the 31 / of Jan..rie 1635 / having 4 sonnes / and 3 d…ght..s

312. (WN5b) Pavement slab Hic jacet / JOHANNES MARKETT / JOHANNIS et ANNAE MARKETT / filius natii maximum / obiit / quinto die Septembris / anno domini 1789 / aetatis suae 34

313. (WN6a) Pavement slab In memory of / HENRY STICKINGS / of this parish he died March / the 27th 1773 aged 75 years / also MARY daughter of JAMES SHARP / first wife of the above HENRY STICKINGS / died ….tember the 25th 1750 / aged 62 years

314. (WN6b) Pavement slab In memoriam / ANNAE uxoris / JOHANNIS MARKETT / obiit die XVIII / Decembris MDCCL\ \ (MDCCLXX?, MDCCLXV?) / Anno A…../ …… (Roman numerals of date partially eroded)

315. (WN7a) Pavement slab Here lyeth the body of HENRY / HASLEN of Meopham Esqr who / married MARY COURTHOPE the / ….hter of Sr GEORGE / …THO..E of Wileigh in the / …. of Susex knight and / Dame ELIZABETH his wife / …d issue by her two / sons & one daughter / obyit XXVIto die Septemb… / anno dni 16… / etatis suae XXX\ (last three lines incomplete owing to break in slab)

316. (WN7b) Pavement slab Hic sepultum est / quiquid mortale sunt / ANNAE MARKETT / erat illa fillia JOHANNIS et / ELIZ. HOOKER de Tonbridge / conty Kent et uxor / JOHANNIS MARKETT / obiit 1st Jany 1763 / anno aetatis suae XXXIV / JOHN MARKETT Esqr / died on the 12th day of September / 1801 in the 81st year of his age

317. (WN8a) Pavement slab In memory of / CATHARINE wife of / SAML TIESDELL / of Luddesdown and / daughr of NICHS NASH / late of ye parish of Stoke / who died / the 26th day of May 1767 / aged 62 years / also the body of Mr SAML TIESDELL / late of Fawkham in this county / who departed this life March / the 27th 1801 aged 92 years

318. (WN8b) Pavement slab H.S.S [Hic sepultae sunt] / reliquiae / ELIZABETHAE MARKETT / obiitt Aug. XXXIo AD MDCCLI / aetatis suae XXo / conjugi charrissimae / hoc qualecunque mnemosynon / vir maestissimus posuit / JOHANNES MARKETT
West Nave Wall319. (WNW1) Stone plaque on west wall of south aisle To the dear memory of my / husband GEORGE ALFRED TAIT / vicar of this parish 1919 – 1933 / who passed on to fuller life / 8th April 1933 & by whose wish / this corner was dedicated / for the use of the children / of this parish

320. (WNW1a) Wooden panel on wall of west nave In thankfulness to God / Mr. And Mrs. FRANK WORTHINGTON / presented the two treble bells / in 1949 together with the / rehanging of the peal / and the screen in 1950

321. (WNW2) Stone tablet Meopham and Cobham branch / British Legion / sacred to the memory of / our beloved president PETER NESS – called to rest / 12th July 1947

322. (WNW3) Copper plaque below side window These windows were repaired in / memory of HERMAN WILLIAM WINNETT / 1873 – 1957 / and / EDITH MARIA WINNETT 1879 – 1961

323. (APPENDIX A) Burials untraced in survey but recorded by the Rev. Lewis in 1898



Phillip Buggs 1858 (see App. B)
Ann Evenden 1855
Eliza Evenden 1876
Ambrose Mercer 1895
Mathilda Parker 1858
Sarah Parker 1856
Eliza Taylor 1874

George Goodwin 1867
Thomas Goodwin 1866
James Hartopp 1896
Frederick Hollman1897
Beatrice Johnson 1884
Edwin Johnson 1875
Mary T. Johnson 1869
Edward Noakes 1877
Mary Noakes 1844
W. Noakes 1844
Elizabeth Scoons 1825
Richard Scoons 1817 
Henrietta Scott 1888
Josias Scott 1898
F.J. Stone 1857
James Stone 1859 
Louisa Taylor 1867
John Wells 1868
W. Wells 1852
W.R. Wells 1856
Barbara E. Waterman 1878
Richard Waterman 1884






Thomas Harwood 1710
David Hunt 1801
Alfred Johnson 1877
 John Johnson 1870
Jane Shesdell 1801
Elizabeth Swift ---


George Hone ---
Richard Wood 1714

Alma Ashdown 1894
Joseph Cleverley 1884
Thomas Loft 1888
May Russell 1881
Sarah Tomlyn 1837
William Tomlyn 1844

Mary Blackman 1820
George Buggs 1860
Mary Buggs 1818
William Buggs 1823
Edward French 1876
John French 1811
Mary French 1836
Elizabeth Scudder 1831 (see App. B.)
Richard Scudder 1852 (see App. B.)
Robert Scudder 1832 (see App. B.)
Sarah Scudder 1846 (see App. B.)
Thomas Scudder 1810 (see App. B)
E.Warne 1896
F. Warne 1890


Burials untraced in survey but recorded by M.W. Davies in 1972

(The location references are those used in this survey)

324. In loving memory of Alfred Lynds who entered into rest Nov.. 19. 1898 Aged 58 years Location:- Between B7 (Ann French 1851) and B20 (John Norton 1908)

325. Sacred to the memory of Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah Scudder of this parish died Oct. 1810 aged 7 months. Also Elizabeth their daur. who died Oct. 11 1831 aged 15 years likewise Robert who died Jan. 25 1832 aged 10 years. Also Richard their son died Dec. 18 1852 aged 27 years.
Footstone:- E.S. 1831 R.S. 1832 Location:- Next to B25 (Mary and Thomas Buggs 1804) and B8 (Arthur and Mary Bale)

325. In loving memory of Thomas Evenden who fell asleep Jan 18 1900 aged 32 years. Also Emily Evenden wife of the above who died July 10 1946 aged 76 years. Location:- Between J21 (Jane Jeal 1876) and A19 (John Butcher 1871)

326. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Philip Buggs who dep. this life June … aged …Location:- near A18 (William Combes 1831) and A16 (Edward Combes 1858)

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  Plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ALCHIN 102, 103, 165,
    168, 172, 173
AMOS 300
ANDRUS 167, 174
ARTHUR 292, 296
ASHDOWN 214, 323
ASHENDEN 208, 209
ATKINS 88, 89
AUSTIN 282, 292
BABER 169, 299
BARNETT 177, 288
BAYLEY 281, 290
BEST 166
BIRD 91, 300
BISHOP 224, 300
BLACKMAN 20, 49, 194,
    200, 300, 323
BODDY 203, 204
BRENCHLEY 282, 300
BROWNFIELD 8, 9, 195
BUCK 187
BUGG 125
BUGGS 28-30,41-43,45,48,
   52, 53, 61, 300, 323, 326
BUTCHER 19, 213
C 18
CALLER 5, 6, 9
CHARLTON 168, 173
CHILD 163, 164, 170, 171
COGSWELL 161, 162, 279
COOK 197, 300
COPLAND 305-307, 309
COX 112
COXE 257


DALTON 130, 300
DAY 191
DAY 300
DORRINTON 259, 260
DUNCH 218, 221
DURLING 196, 300
DYE 300
EDMEADES 55, 56, 81
 103, 159, 160
EDWARDS 258, 295, 298
ELWYN 152, 153, 156
EVERNDEN 195, 308, 323,
FRANCIS 243, 300
FRENCH 21-26, 34, 35, 38,
    39, 256, 267, 323
GIBB 231, 233
GOODWIN 198, 205, 300,
GORE 258
GREY 280
GUNNING 84, 85, 141-143,
    160, 171
HART 95, 115, 280, 283
HARWOOD 86, 87, 323
HILLS 54b, 206, 207
HONE 323
HOOKER de Tonbridge 316
HOOPER 144, 148, 284
HUNT 108, 109, 323
JEAL 46, 211
JOHNSON 110, 242, 300,
---------------------------------------JURY 228
KILLICK 71, 72, 175
KING 193
LANE 46, 90
LANGFORD 82, 181, 182
LEEMING 150, 226, 227
LEWIS 156, 157, 294, 323
LOFT 264, 323
LOTT 20, 50
LYNDS 186, 234, 300, 324
MARKETT 112, 281, 285,
    286, 312, 314, 316, 318
MASTERS 84, 188, 189,
     271, 297
MERCER 192, 323
MUNDAY 81, 94
MUNGEAM 178, 179, 310
MUNN 92, 93, 98, 99, 100
NASH 317
NESS 321
NEVILL 67, 119, 256
NORDISH 124, 126, 261
OWEN 292, 300
PARKER 111, 300, 323
PARSONS 139, 293, 300
PETT 134
PHILLIPS 72, 101, 103
PLUMMER 59, 60, 62
R?..E..NEY 36
RANDALL 188, 299
RAY 308
ROWE 123

--------------------------------------RUSSELL 277, 300, 323
RUSTON 176S, E & R 44
SALMON 58, 63, 64, 65,
    73-78, 80, 116
SCOTT 226, 323
SCUDDER 300, 323, 325
SILLS 168, 173
SIM 244
SMITH 183, 184, 188, 189,
     210, 236, 259, 271-274,
     279, 297
    257, 258, 296, 298, 299
TAIT 319
TAYLOR 219, 229, 230,
     268, 300, 323
THOMPSON 199, 222, 254
TIESDELL 105, 106, 317
TILDEN 161, 163
TODD 149, 300
TOMPKINS 238, 239, 300
TUNNAH 146, 147
TWEDDELL 115, 280, 283
WARD 252
WARE 192
WILLIAMS 133-135
WOOD 323
WOOD 69, 121
YOUNG 42, 155


Places Index
Ash 42
Boxley 73, 74, 75
Brede Sussex 12
Brighton 281
California 9
Cambridgeshire 263
Chatham 178, 304
Chichester Cathedral 274
Cliffe 173
Cobham 84, 104, 113, 163,
Cringleford Norwich 161,
Croydon, Surrey 271
Darenth 55
Derbyshire 199
Ditton 73
Elton, Huntingdon 281
Eton College 281Fairy Hall, Mottingham
    183, 274
Farley 187
Farningham 64, 65

Fawkham 317
Flanders 296
Gravesend 20
Greenwich 60
Harvel 121
Hendford Manor House,
    Yeovil, Somerset 148
Higham 81
Hitchin 193
Huntingdon 281
Little Cransden,
    Cambridgeshire 263
   Guys Hospital 91
   Sloane Street S.W. 169
   St. Martins in the Field
       Church 285
   St. Matthews School,
       Westminster 303
  Thurloe Square, South
       Kensington. 169
Luddesdown 108,133, 317

  Camer 188, 189, 257, 258,
    273, 298
  Deodars, Meopham 169
  Hook Green Meopham 132
  Lindenwood Meopham 120
  Meopham Court 115, 147,
     177, 280, 283
  Meopham Court Lodge 281,
      285, 286
Minster in the Isle of
   Sheppey 81
Mottingham 183, 274
Newcastle-on-Tyne 122
Norfolk 279
Northfleet 15
Norwich 161
Nottinghamshire 199
Nursted 228
Nursted Court 159, 160
Nustead 83
Offley Mill, Hitchin Herts 193

Portsea 243
Red Hill Lodge, Nottinghamshire 199
Rodmersham 161
Sevenoaks 281
Sheerness 81, 108
Siesey, Boston, Lincolnshire 28
Somme 282
St Peters Thanet 216
Stoke 317
Stone 56, 103
Strood 98
Sussex 12, 274
Sutton, Derbyshire 199
Vine House, Sevenoaks
West Malling 272
Wileigh, Sussex 315
Wrotham (sic) Rootham
Yeovil 148

   Lieutenant 258, 292, 296
   Captain 153, 296
   Lt Col.298
   General 153, 156
   Lt. General 152, 153

   R.A. 153
   16 Lrs. 300
   2nd Batt: 296
   6th Batt:, Essex
        Regiment 296
   A.I.F. 300
   Bedfordshire Regiment
   Can 300
   E. Sur. 300
   G.Gds. 300
   K.O.S.L.1. 300
   M.G.C. 300
   Mdsex. 300
   N. Hants 300
   Nothants Regt 292
   R.A.M.C. 300
   R.F.A. 300   R.Fus. 300
   R.Suss. 300
   Royal West Kent
       Regiment (VIIth Batt.)

   Royal West Kent 300
   Royal Army Service 
       Corps 137
  Royal Artillery 152,153,156
  Royal Engineers 258, 298,
  S. Staffs. 300
  S.W.B. 300

   R.N. 240, 300
   "S.S. Teeswood" 138
   H.M.S. Formidable 282
   Leading seaman R.N. 282
   Quartermaster R.N.178

   M.C. 296, 300

Baron of the Exchequer 281
Baronet 281
Bart. C.M. 189
brewer 271
British Legion 321
son of London 61

Archdeacon of Berkshire
priest 188, 297, 299
Rector 199
Rev 199, 144, 145, 148,
     222, 305
vicar 156, 279, 289, 292,

cook of London 61
Court of King’s Bench 281
died of wounds in France
Dockyard Chatham 178
drowned at sea 9
drowned in trying to save a
   comrade 292
drowned while bathing at
   Fishbourne, near
      Chichester 274
F.R.C.S. 91
High Sheriff of the county
J.P. 299
K.C.B. 298
keeper of the Privy Purse
killed in action on the
    Somme 282
killed in action in France
killed in France 229
killed in the Great War 185
leading the attack 296
King William the 4th. 281
M.P. 169

   died of the small pox 271
   M.D. 169
   smallpox procured by
       inoculation 271
   senior consulting
      surgeon 91
   smallpox 86, 87
   typhoid fever at sea 9

London merchant 271
organist 275
parish clerk Nursted 228
Western Division, Parliament 273
Privy Councillor 281
puisne judge 281
Queen Victoria 298
solicitor 81
stonemason A&N Aux C.S.L. London 282
 C.W. Dawes
    Gravesend 243
 DAWES / Wrotham
     Road Gravesend 146
  J.Kendrick ft London 286
  MARTIN 181
  Frindsbury 131
   J. Steel Gravesend 53,
street accident 243
teacher 303
yeoman 102, 113, 171,
    179, 310, 311

Plan (84KB) of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard

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Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.  For close-up view of Areas click on

Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area A of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area B of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH
Area B of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area C of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH
Area C of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area D of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area E of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH
Area E of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area F of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area G of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area H of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area J of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area K of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Area L of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area L   CHURCH

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Area inside Church of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH
Area inside Church of Plan of location of gravestones in Meopham Churchyard.
Area A   Area B   Area C   Area D   Area E   Area F   Area G   Area H   Area J   Area K   Area L   CHURCH

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Pictures of team who recorded M.I.s in Meopham Churchyard

The Team: L. to R. Sheila B., Joan, Sheila F., Susanne, Ann, Rene
Front:  Jim and Jack
Hard Labour !

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Tudeley Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Tudeley Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Dawn Weeks.

1. In chancel against North wall a large tomb Above 2 coats drawing nec timere nec timide Inscription Hic jacent George FANE et Joane WALLER uxore eiis, Filius et Heres Ri Fane et Agnet, Filie et heredis Hen filii et Hered T STIDULF ……. (et?) Marion, BADSELL, Filie et hered John Badsell, Qui Geo. obit 4 die Fe. 1571 et Jo. Walker 6 Die Fe. 1545.(NB his will PCC November 1572)  (Sept 2006, Mark Waller advises that Joane's surname is WALLER not WALKER and is quite clear on the memorial))

2. In north ??????? Mrs Mary HEDGES died July 4th 1782 aged 52.

3. In north ????? The Reverend John HEDGES died August 1 1787 aged 68.

4. Monument on south wall drawing PMS. EDUARDI DERING M.A. / Filii HENRICI DERING / ECCLIÆ Thornamenſis VIC. / in Com:CANT) in hac ECCLESIA / per Annos J3 Vicarii Officio / Functi. VIR fuit Eruditione, et / Moribus, Clerico undiquaque / digniſsimis, Qui Cælebs ob:6t.o /die Dec : / MÆSTA E 3 9 MARIA / A / SOROR D J7J5 DERING / Posuit
   Sacred to the devoted memory of Edward DERING, M.A., who performed the office of Vicar in this Church for 13 years. The son of Henry Dering, Vicar of Thornham Church in the County of Kent, he was a man with the learning and character in every respect most worthy of a priest, and died unmarried on December 26th in the year of our Lord 1715, aged 39. His sister, Mary Dering, in sorrow placed this monument. [Translation kindly supplied by Geoffrey Allibone September 2013]

Edward DERING 1715 - Photograph by Geoffrey Allibone

5. Brass man and wife in chancel (2 coats of arms gone) Hic jacet Thomas STYDOLF Gentilman et Mariona uxor ei q quide Thomas obiit 1 die mes Nomeb Ao dni MCCCCLVII.
   Here lies Thomas Stydolf, gentleman, and his wife Marion. The said Thomas died on the first day of the month of November in the year of our Lord 1457. [Translation kindly supplied by Geoffrey Allibone September 2013]

Thomas STYDOLF 1457 - Photograph by Geoffrey Allibone

6. Sacred to the Memory of the Reverend John HEDGES AM late Vicar of this Parish a Duty he discharged for 30 years with exemplary? Piety, Humility and Charity. He died August the 5 1787 aged 68. Also to the Memory of Mary Hedges his sister who died July the 4 1779 aged 52 years. Greatly Lamented He was the second son and she the eldest daughter of the Reverend John Hedges Vicar of East Peckham in this County.

7. Mary LIPSCOMB wife of William Senior late of this parish died July the 20 1791 aged 70. Also William Lipscomb Senior died 1808 aged 77. Also Ann Lipscomb their daughter died ----- 4th 1792 aged 39.

8. Sarah daughter of William and Mary Lipscomb died September 20 …………. ……..

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Badsell 1
Dering 4
Fane 1
Hedges 2 3 6
Lipscomb 7 8
Stidulf 1
Stydulf 5
Waller 1Places IndexEast Peckham 6
GeneralGentleman 5
Reverend 3
Vicar 4 6

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Thanington Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Thanington Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1757. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

Chancell. Within ye Rails – ye 3 Following on Flat Stones.
1. Here lies Buried Millicent, One of ye Daughters, Coheirs of Henry GEE, Gentleman; First, Wife of William BLECHENDEN of Aldington Esq. Wife, Next, to Hieram BRETT, of Leeds Esquier. Lastly, Wife to Thomas BROWNING Gentleman. Aged 74 Years. Died Widow. 24 Octob. 1612.

2. (Gu. 3 arrows or, points downwd, headed arg.). Sub Hoc Marmore requiescit Corpus Caroli HALES Militis Qui Obijt Vicessimo Primo Die Martij Anno Domi. 1623/4. Aetatis suae 77.

3. (On a lozenge. Arg. a chevn. betw. 3 doves’ heads, rased az.). Here under resteth ye Body of Dame Anna HALES. Sometimes Wife to Sr. Charles Hales Knight, of Canterbury & Daughter of `Robert HONEYWOOD ye Elder of Charing Esq. which said Anna Deceas’d the 6th Day of July A.D. 1617. In ye 60th Year of her Age.

4. Without ye Com. Rails, on a Flat Stone with ye Brass Figure of a Man Armd. and ye 2 Following Coats.

(1). ¼ly 1&4). Erm. 5 bars gu. over all 3 scutchns. or. (2&3). ¼ly 1&4). Erm. on a fess 3 beehives(?). 2&3). A star of 6 points. (2). ¼ly 1&4). as 1&4 grand ¼s of No.I. 2&3). Arg. a chevn. sa. 1. Hic Jacet Thomas HALLE Armiger de Com. Kanc. qui obijt xxix die Mensis Septembris Anno Domini 1488 [sic for 1485]. Cujus Animae propietietur Deus. Amen.

5. Another Flat Stone under a Pew, but not to be read, tho fair.

6. Another Ancient Flat Stone – not Legible.

7. In the Middle of ye Gr. Isle – ye Arms lost. Here lieth the Body of Thomas HALES … He died the 28th Day of November A.D. 15../.

Side Isle – on 2 Flat Stones.
8. Here lies the Body of Mr Samuel KINGSFORD Gent. Who departed this Life March 14 1744/5. Aged 72. Also of Elisabeth Kingsford, Wife of ye abovesaid Samuel Kingsford. Who departed this Life. May 7 1745. Aged 73 Years.

9. Here lies the Body of Samuel, Son of Samuel & Elisabeth KINGSFORD his Wife of Tunford in this Parish. He died 10 October 1737 Aged 35 Years.

In The Church Yard
10. On ye Rails wch. encompass ye Graves of Dorothy BOTTING (twice Mayoress of Canterbury) and her Daughter Margaret, are ye following Verses. The Mother died in 1732. The Daughter in 1746. Gravely interr’d within these Rails/There lies at perfect Peace,/A Wife and Child; so very good,/When living I was Bless’t./ They rest in Hope, and so shall I,/To hear ye last Trump Sound./The Dead in Christ they will rise first/And quit this Earthly Ground./Close to My Mother am I laid,/Which was My Heart’s Desire;/That we with Hand in Hand may rise/To joyn the Heav’nly Quire./Remember well, and don’t forget/To keep the Sabbath Day;/For that’s the early Sin of all/That first Your Souls betray./None know what Death is, but ye Dead/Therefore keep Watch and Ward./Mark well Your Steps and how You tread./With Sinners don’t Accord.

11. On Another. Farewell, vain World, Iv’e seen enough of Thee;/I care not now what Thou canst say of Me./I value not Your Smiles, nor yet Your Frowns wont shun/Take Care lest Thou superiour Dangers run.

12. An Another. Betwixt my Husbanbd and My Son,/Death laid Me here, My Glass was run./And, all that cast an Eye this Way,/Prepare, Prepare, Make no Delay.

13. Here are Memorials also, of Isaac TERRY of St Jacobs, Canterbury, who died in 1637. & of James FISHER of London – Who died in 1684.

14. [The following is written at rt. angles, agst. outer edge of page]. The Windows have formerly had painted Glass in them, of which very little is now remaining. The Church is built of Flints, and the Chancel of Square [sic] Stone. The Tower, wch. is a very low One, is Cover’d with Tiles, and is built of Flints: in it are 3 Small Bells – 2 of them founded in 1624 by Joseph HATCH. The Other in 1633. In the Belfry is a very Ancient Grave Stone. As also Another in ye Church Yard, somewhat in ye Shape of a Coffin. This Church is dedicated to St. Nicholas. It is a Curacy, and in the Gift of – HONEYWOOD of Mark’s Hall, in Essex. The present Curate, 1757, is the Revd. Mr Wm. BRODRIP.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
HALES 2, 3, 7
TERRY 13Places
Aldington 1
Mark’s Hall, in Essex 14
Canterbury 10, 13
Charing 3
Leeds 1
London 13
Thanington Tunford 9General
Mayoress 10

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of St Mildred's Church, Tenterden

This M.I. listing of Leland Duncan's work is different, in that it is not taken from his notebooks, but from a book printed at his own expense in 1919, and that he handsomely presented a copy to every member of the K.A.S.  Records Branch.  A copy of the book,  being of only a limited print run in 1919, is very difficult to obtain. The text from this volume was typed up by Margaret Broomfield.

Leland L. Duncan must have spent a considerable amount of time in St Mildred's churchyard writing down the information from each gravestone, no doubt many of which were very difficult to read due to erosion and plant growth. He says in his introduction that he checked as many as he could against the parish burial registers, however in typing up his manuscript for the publishers from his little notebooks, to the re-typing for our website by volunteers small errors are bound to have crept in. Now Robert and Patricia Chown of the Woodchurch Ancestry Group having just completed the the transcribing of the Tenterden Burial Register for 1544-1911 have very kindly checked through our website, and have supplied corrections to seventy-four of the individual grave listing. The vast majority were usually of one digit of a date etc. that have now all been corrected, with (Amended 2017-01) at the end of the entry. We extend our thanks to Robert and Patricia for sharing with us the results of all their hard work. Ted Connell 2017-02-02.

The history of Tenterden as a volume for our library shelves has yet to be written, but meanwhile a fair foundation is being laid. A general outline will be found in Vol. III of Hasted’s History of Kent and contributions to the volumes of Archaeologia Cantiana deal with various phases, amongst them "Early History of Tenterden", by Robert Furley, F.S.A. (Vol. XIV pp. 37-60). "Notes on the Hales Family", by Rev. R. Cox Hales, M.A. (Vol. XIV pp. 61-84). "The Rectors and Vicars", by A.H. Taylor. (Vol. XXXI pp. 207-270). This has an appendix of early bequests to the Church in wills. Mr. Taylor has also printed in Vols. XXXII and XXXIII valuable extracts from the Municipal Records and in Vol. XXX he dealt at length with the story of the chapel of St. John Baptist, Smallhythe.
   The yearly editions of Thomson’s "Tenterden Almanac" also contain many extracts by the same author from the Churchwardens Accounts whilst Mr. J. Ellis Mace in an interesting little book entitled "Old Tenterden", has put on record much information about the Town and the older houses and their inhabitants.
   All these will be of great value to the future historian of the Town, but they touch but a tithe of the information yet to be sought out and put into print.
   The present contribution to the material for such a History contains all the Inscriptions on the monuments now existing in the Parish Church of St. Mildred, an epitome of all those in the Churchyard and in the extension in the Station Road, and, in the appendix, those in the yard of The Old Meeting House, which will be found to supplement the record of the churchyard. The inscriptions in the churchyard of St. Michael’s, of the Jireh Chapel and in the Cemetery have not been included, being all of recent date.
   It is a matter for regret that the memorials in the Church are so few. No a single monument of mediaeval date has survived, save the matrix of a brass to a former Vicar c 1450, now under the Tower. Of the Tudor period there is only a ledger stone to William Austen 1595, with two brass shields of arms the only brasses remaining. Of the Stuart times the fine monument to the Whitfeld family [No. 501] with its wealth of heraldry helps to fill up what would otherwise be a long blank. A few 18th century ledger stones to Austens, Blackmores and Finches etc., were moved to the west end of the nave at the restoration, but they can hardly represent all the families of this ancient Kentish Town once commemorated in their parish church.
    The history of any parish or township is inextricably bound up with the lives of those who have passed their days within its boundaries. Of the majority of these it must be said "their memorial is perished with them", but a proportion of all classes have their names handed down to us in some form of monument within the church or churchyard. The information contained in these inscriptions is of much interest both to the topographer and genealogist and the particulars as to age in the case of the earlier stones are unique, as they are not recorded in the Registers.
   Owing to the increased cost of printing it has been found necessary to epitomize the inscriptions but all essential details are here given. For the same reason the insertion of a plan of the churchyard has had to be abandoned but the following general directions will be useful to those who desire to find any particular stone:-
   Numbers 1 to 86 are in the S.W. part of the yard, beginning at the S.W corner, going northwards and taking the stones as nearly as possible row by row. Nos. 87-97 are in the little plot on the southern side of the Churchyard. page iii Nos. 98-133 are in the plot against the South Aisle and under the east end of the Church, beginning at the Porch and going eastwards. Nos. 134-396 are in the Northern part of the yard, beginning at the east and going westward row by row. The tomb No. 224 is in the centre of this plot under a yew tree. No. 396 is at the west gate of the yard. 
   To economize still further the following abbreviations have been used:- ‘P’ or ‘late P’ = ‘of this Parish’, or ‘late of this Parish’. "died" for "died" or "departed this life".
   Amongst the church muniments is a carefully made plan of the churchyard which indicates the position of very many internments not marked now by any stones.
   There is a tradition in the Town that the churchyard in ancient times extended southwards as far as the High Street, and bones have been found in excavations on the site of the present houses which tend to support this, but as some of the houses at least are of the early 17th century, if not earlier, the encroachment must have taken place many years ago.
   I am indebted to my friend Ralph Griffin Esq., F.S.A. for the identification of the various shields of arms on the Whitfeld tomb. My special thanks are due to the Rev. J.A. Babington, M.A., Vicar of Tenterden, for his sympathetic interest in the work and for such personal kindness and goodwill which has enabled me to clear up many doubtful dates from the Registers. These notes add considerably to the value of this record of former generations of men and women of Tenterden.
                                                               Leland L. Duncan., Rosslair, Lingards Road, Lewisham. October, 1919

Preface I-iii
Inscriptions in the Churchyard, Tenterden 1-46
Inscriptions in the Churchyard Extension 46-53
Inscriptions in the Church 54-68
Appendix (Old Meeting House Yard) 69-73
Addendum 73
Index of Persons 75-77
Index of Places 78
Index of Coats of Arms 79
Index of Occupations 79


- Stones in the South Western part of the Yard
1. Thomas ASSITER, died 12th September, 1869, aged 82. Sarah his wife died 20th November, 1856, aged 68.

2. Mrs. Mary Thomson spinster, daughter of Thomas THOMSON of Kenfield, in the parish of Petham in this county, died 4th February, 1813, aged 85. (Amended 2017-01)

3. Hier Legt Begraaven Schipper Seibe NANNES, Van de Jouwer in Vriesland is in den Heere Gerusteden, 8 November, 1781, ondt 47 iaaren.

Here lie Interred the remains of Captain Seibe Nannes of Jouwer in Freisland, who rested in the Lord the 8th November, 1781, aged 47 years. "As he’s the first the Neighbours say that lies/First of War Captives buried in this place,/So may he hope to be the first to rise/And seek the mansions of eternal peace." (Register. 10th November, 1781, Siebe Nannes, aged 46, buried.)

4. Phillis, wife of Richard COOPER of this parish, died 13 September, 1844, in 52nd year. Left surviving one son James.

5. Ann DAW, wife of Henry Daw of this parish, died 27th December, 1826, aged 65. Also said Henry Daw died 16th August, 1839, aged 82.

6. Joseph COVENEY late of this parish Yeoman, died 10th December, 1810, aged 58. Left issue Joseph and Thomas. Also Elizabeth his wife died 17th January, 1817, aged 63.

7. Ann, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth COVENEY of this parish died 9th October, 1808, aged 16 years. Also Elizabeth, daughter of above J. and E. Coveney of this parish, died 9th April 1809, aged 20.

8. Edward WICKEN late of this parish, died 2nd February, 1799, aged 48. He married Mary, relict of John WYBOURN also of this parish by whom she had issue William, Mary and Ann, and by aforesaid, Edward, Thomas, Jeremiah, Edward, Elizabeth, Martha, Sarah, James, John, Rebecca, George and Charles, who are all surviving. Mary his wife died 15th January, 1827, aged 75. (Amended 2017-02)

9. Thomas SAMSON late of this parish Yeoman, died 22nd October, 1794, aged 82. Mary, wife of Thomas Samson of this parish died 8th June, 1788, aged 78. Also on the left side lie the remains of Stephen, son of the aforesaid who died 28th August, 178(3), aged (31) years. (Register. Stephen Sampson, aged 31, buried 5th September, 1783.)

10. A vault, on keystone "SHEATHER, 1840".

11. William PHIPPS, died 22 October, 1800, aged 70, and Mary his wife, died 16th February, 1815, aged 85. They left issue four sons and three daughters, viz., Robert, Ann, William, Mary, Sarah, Thomas and William (sic).

12. Jane, wife of James MURRELL, died October 18th, 1834, aged 66. Left surviving three children William, Jane and James. Also of aforesaid James Murrell who died 6th November, 1848, aged 82.

13. John WELLER died April, 1829, aged 84 (buried 7th April, 1829, aged 84).

14. A vault, on keystone "MACE, 1835". On a tablet below: Joseph Mace died 5th June, 1833, aged 59./Eliza Steer died 9th April 1836, aged 92./Amelia C. Mace died 31st October, 1869, aged 83./John S. Mace died 25th May, 1895, aged 73./ Joseph S. Mace died 27th February, 1901, aged 79/S.M. Hermitage died 13th February, 1902, aged 9 months./Charles Mace died 27th March, 1902, aged 75./Elizabeth Mace died 26th May, 1912, aged 82./Marion Mace died 26th October, 1917, aged 81. (Amended 2017-02)

15. Hannah, wife of Stephen GOODSALL, of this Town, Builder, died 30th march, 1866, aged 70. Also said Stephen Goodsall, died 22nd September, 1869, aged 77. having issue two sons and seven daughters, viz., George, Mary Ann, Caroline, William, Eleanor, Elizabeth-Paine, Harriot, Charlotte and Hannah. George died 18th June, 1823, aged 6½ years. Harriot died 7 January, 1832, aged 1 ¾ years. Hannah died 21st November, 1913, aged 72.

16. Here lie the remains of James HOTT a light Infantry Soldier, Capt. Bullock’s Company of the Third Norfolk Regt. of Militia. He died at Reding Street Barracks ……….. 1798 in the …… year of his age. (Register. 9th November, 1798, James Hott, aged 22.)

17. To John, Stephen, Samson and Joseph, sons of Richard and Mary KNIGHT of this parish Gent. John died October 31st, 1808, aged 7 months. Stephen died 23rd November, 1811, aged 4 months. Samson died 1st January, 1816, aged 3 months. Joseph, died …… 6 January 1816, aged 8 months. ……………… (Amended 2017-02)

18. William FUGGLE of this parish, Draper, died 26th December, 1846, aged 77. Frances his wife died 23rd April, 1826, aged 54. Also:-
1st John ) 18th October, 1794 ) 2 years
1st Henry ) Their 11th December, 1807 ) 14 years
1st William ) children 2nd April, 1800 ) 4 years
1st Joseph ) who 18th December, 1809 aged ) 1 year
2nd William ) died 25th June, 1824 ) 16 years
2nd Henry ) 21st February, 1831 ) 21 years
Maria ) 17th June, 1835 ) 17 years
They left issue surviving, viz., Frances, Eliza, John, Mary Ann, Joseph and Charlotte.

19. Jane, daughter of Stephen and Jane SAWYER of this parish, died (10?) December, 1797, aged 12 years. (Register. 13th December, 1797, Jane Sawyer, aged 12). Also the … Stephen and ….. Stephen their sons who died in their infancy.

20. Henry HOUGHAM died 8th September, 1818, aged 75. Had issue by Jane his wife ………… Children, viz., Josias, Henry, Amelia, Ralph Papworth and Eliza survive. The aforesaid Jane his wife died 18th July, 1830, aged 82.

21. John SISLEY late of Tenterden, died march ye 2, 1769, aged 80. Jane his wife died ……. 7, 1742, aged 49. Left issue by Jane his wife, three sons, Peter, John and Sharington. Footstones, J.S. 1769. J.S. 1742. (Register. Jane Sisley buried 11th September, 1742.) John Sisley from Wittersham buried 8th March, 1769, aged 80.

22. Edward YOUNG (?senior) died May ye 14th, 1740, in ye 74th year of his age.

23. Edward YOUNG, Junior, died February ye 3, 173…aged ……. (Register. 11th February, 1733/4 Edward Young buried.)

24. Altar Tomb. No inscription on top. 
North side. Thomas Samson died 31st December, 1809, aged 71. Sarah Samson his wife died 10th September, 1805, aged 77. Stephen Samson died 2nd September, 1782, aged 30. 
East end. Elizabeth Samson died 24th February, 1829, aged 54. By whose desire this Tomb was erected. 
South side. Benjamin Samson died 13th August, 1815, aged 66. Anne Samson his wife died 25th April, 1828, aged 74. 
West end. Elizabeth Samson died 24th February, 1829, aged 54. By whose desire this Tomb was erected. [repeated for some reason?]
[Peter Anderson 2017-02-16 believes the original transcript from 1919 has misread Anne Samson (Benjamin''s wife was Jane (nee WILLSHER/WILCHIER) - they married at Rolvenden on 24 March 1774 - and was buried 2 May 1828 age 74]

25. Stephen SAMSON, gentleman, died 10th May, 1783, aged 69. Left issue Stephen, William, Thomas, John, Richard and Joseph. Lydia, wife of Stephen Samson of Stone in this County, died 1st August, 1755, aged (?32).

26. Mr. Thomas SAMSON late of this parish, died August ye 24th, 1736, aged 66. Mary wife of Mr. Thomas Samson died 21st June, 1739, aged 60. Leaving issue Thomas, Stephen and Mary.

27. Thomas BOWLES died February, 1756, aged 37. Jane his wife died 26th March, 1812, aged 982. Left issue Jane, John, Mary, Hannah and Sarah. Also Jane their daughter, widow of Henry ALLEN who died 19th January, 1816, aged 72. Hannah, wife of Edward GREAGSBEY died 8th December, 1835, aged 81. Also of the aid Edward Greagsby who died 16th January, 1836, aged 89.

28. William BOURNER died 28th June, 1825, aged 56. Sarah his wife died March, 1851, aged 82. Also Sarah MILLINGS grand-daughter of above died 13th December, 1858, aged 34. Footstone:- W.B. 1867, H.B. 1871.

29. Mr. John SAMSON, of this parish died 7th May, 1836, aged 86. Elizabeth his wife died 3rd February, 1824, aged 71. Elizabeth Samson sister of above John Samson died 17th May, 1840, aged 88.

30. Ann COLVIN wife of William Colvin of this parish, died 23rd October, 1815, aged 42. Hosea their son died 25th March, 1802 [aged 2]. Eliza their daughter died March ………18.. Left surviving Laban, Trephena, Abigail, Meshach, Hosea, Milcah, Levi, Salome, Isaiah, Ebenezar and Christiana ………..

31. Ann REDMAN died 14th November, 1871, aged 88. Also William WINSER first husband of above died in the year 1831, aged (blank) years. Also William Winser first son of above died 3rd February, 1842, aged 27. Thomas Winser second son died 30th August, 1859, aged 30.

32. Robert WILLS ye husband died May ye 14th, 1706, aged 63. Joan, wife of Robert Wills died March ye 23rd, 1705, aged 55.

33. Martha RUSSELL died …. September, 176.. aged ?68 years. Register. 21st September, 1765, Martha Russel buried.

34. Mr. Joshia HURD …… 1707 in ye 55th year. (Register. 10th April, 1707, Mr. Josiah Hurd buried.) Dorothy, daughter of Josiah and Dorothy Hurd was baptized 12th February, 1697/8.

35. Stephen WRATTEN of this Town, Inn-keeper, died 30thh November, 1805, aged 46. Mary his wife died 24th January, 1818, aged 63. He had issue by Mary his wife four sons and five daughters, viz., Elizabeth who died 9th February, 1780, aged 17 weeks. Mary who died 10th May, 1783, aged 2 years. George who died 1st October, 1801, aged 9 years. Stephen who died 12th April, 1805, aged 22 years. Charlotte who died 8th May, 1806, aged 18 years. Elizabeth who died …… 1808, aged 21 years. Left surviving ?William …………………………….., Mary …………. (Amended 2017-02)

36. George JELL of this parish died …….? 1790 or 1800 aged 68. Also Mary his wife died 2nd February, (?1800), aged (?3..) years. (Register. Mary Jell, aged 78, buried 7th February, 1800.)  (Amended 2017-02)

37. Ann, daughter of George and Mary JELL of this parish, buried 26th October, 1759 aged 17. (Amended 2017-02)

38. Thomas WRATTEN died 20th March, 1803, aged 38. Remote from friends now here I lie God hath decreed that I must die. My marriage bed is in the dust, I hope ……….

39. John CHAPMAN died 16th September, 1755, aged 68. Elizabeth his wife died September, 1762, in her 67th year. Leaving Elizabeth his wife with issue Mary, Elizabeth and Hannah. She left surviving Elizabeth and Hannah.

40. Mary, wife of Francis FOWLE, daughter of Thomas and Mary MERRELLS, died 15th April, 1756, aged 21. John Fowle their son died 7th April, 1756, aged 8 days.

41. Thomas MERRALLS died September ye 17, 1762, in 59th year. Left issue by Mary his wife two sons, viz., Thomas and William.

42. [Wooden rail] William GRISBROOK died 25th June, 1787, aged 59. He married Susanna KNOLLYS. Left issue Elizabeth, Jane, William, John, George, James and Joseph.

43. Thomas GRISBROOK died December, 1765 [no age]. Also Elizabeth his wife, died 10th January, 1735, and had issue John, Elizabeth, Thomas and William.

44. John Martin GRISBROOK died 18th September, 1778, aged 24.

45. Thomas BALLARD died April, 1790 in the 77th year of his age. Baptised 9 December 1713 in St Mildred's. Married Alice Haffendend (1) September 1st 1745 of this parish who died 26th May, 1769 and was buried 31st May 1769 aged 68 and Sarah Pollard (2) August 6th 1771 in High Halden. Register. Alice Ballard wife of Thomas Ballard of Halden, buried 31st May, 1769, aged 68.

46. Robert WOODGAME died 19th August, 1762, aged 44. (Register. Robert Woodgame, buried 22nd August, 1762.)

47. John and Stephen RAYNER. John ) March, 1780 (or 9) ) aged 57 died Stephen ) April, 1770 (or 6) ) aged ?44 (Not traced in Register)

48. Benjamin MARTIN late of this Corporation, Draper, died 1st November, 1773, aged 65. Rachel his wife died …. 1st August, 1785, aged 74. Their issue Joseph and Frances. Joseph died 24th October, 1784, aged 43, and age 7 lies buried ………… Frances married Thomas HUNTLEY of this parish who caused this stone to be erected …………son Joseph and Thomas ……………….( 13th November, 1773, Benjamin Martin, married, ( aged 65, buried. ( 12th July, 1708, Benjamin son of Benjamin and Elizabeth ( Martin, baptised.Register. ( 31st August, 1785, Rachel Martin, aged 71, ( buried.( Marriage Licence, 12th July, 1735, Benjamin ( Martin, Tenterden and Rachel Ballard of      ( Benenden, spinster.

49. Edward PARKER died 21st June, 1735, aged 41. This stone was erected by John T ……ELL his cousin. (Register. Edward Parker buried 2nd July, 1735.)

50. James STARNES of Yalden in Kent died 1…. October, 1745, aged 2 (?5). Register. James Starnes buried 16th October, 1745.

51. Elizabeth second wife of Richard STARNES of ye parish, died December ye 2, 1748, aged 34. Register. Elizabeth Starnes buried 2nd January, 1748/9. A stillborn child of Richard Starnes buried 2nd January, 1748/9.

52. Mary ye wife of Richard STARNES of this parish, daughter to (?John) JARVIS of Rolvenden, Kent, died May ye 17… in the (?2) 8th year. Register. 21st May, 1746, Mary Starnes buried.

53. Coped Tomb. South face:- John CURTEIS of Woodside and Ashenden, Tenterden, and of London, Merchant. Born 6th July, 1801, died 22nd March. 1875. Curteis Coat of Arms and Crest on the East end of the Tomb. On North face:- Elizabeth, wife of John Curteis of Woodside, Tenterden. Born 28th July, 1809, died 19th November, 1902.

54. Flat stone in railings. Robert CURTEIS late of this parish, gentleman, son of Robert and Elizabeth Curteis, departed this life on the 11th day of October, 1841, in the 82nd year of his age. He married first Ann, daughter of Mr. Richard BEALE by whom he had issue one daughter, Ann who married Mr. Thomas WILLMOTT and died without leaving issue. He married secondly Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas TRESS, who departed this life on the 20th day of April, 1805, and by whom he had issue six sons, George Robert, Thomas, Francis Tress, Walter who died in his infancy, and John.

Thomas departed this life on the 2nd day of October, 1810. Robert departed this life on the 22nd day of November, 1840, having had issue by Caroline Mary his wife, daughter of Mr. John RUSSELL, three sons, Robert Bassett, Frank Tress and Alfred Tress of whom Robert and Alfred survived him.

Alfred Tress died at Heidleberg, Germany, 7th November, 1856, aged 17 years. Francis Tress departed this life on the 21st day of February, 1859, without issue. George died at Canterbury, August, 1861, leaving two sons and two daughters. Caroline Mary died at New Cross, November, 1870. John youngest son of the said Robert and Mary Curteis died 22nd March, 1875, aged 73 years. Leaving issue (by Elizabeth, daughter of Richard BEALE Esq. of Riverhall, Biddenden), one daughter Elizabeth Fanny died 12th March 1894. Robert Bassett Curteis died 20th February, 1914.

55. George CURTEIS late of this parish who died March ye 24, 1742, aged 54. Margaret his wife died March 2  1759, aged 75. He left issue two sons, George and Robert and one daughter Mary.  (Amended 2017-02)

56. Coat of Arms:- On a chevron a dagger or pike head between two fish (?pike). Crest a fish tail downwards. Here lyeth the body of John PEMBLE Mayor of ye Town and Hundred of Tenterden who dyed April ye 9th, 1695, in ye 49th year of his age. Also Mrs. Anne Pemble his daughter who died December ye 26th, 1702, in ye 14th yeare of her age. Also Mrs. Mary CURTEIS once Pemble before WALEIS (?) buried January 13th 1704. William Pemble their son buried December -, 1715, aged 20. Register. 13th April, 1695, John Pembl Esq. Mayor, buried.

57. John CURTEIS of Birdyle in this parish, Gentleman, who died ye 3rd of May, A.D. 1722, Act 38. Also four of his children, George, William and Anne, infants and Pemble who died ten days before his father, aged 4 years and 6 months. Register. 7th May, 1722, Mr. John Curteis of Bordes Isle, buried. (Mary his wife ob. 1726).

58. (Much worn ? to W. CURTEIS) …….. also ………. Left issue by …………., Samuel, John and ………….. 1790.

59. Mrs. Jo….. PEMBLE ……fe of M …………… Pemble ……….den, S …….. day ……. Ma …… in ye 92 y…… of her age. Left no issue. Register. Mrs. Joane Pemble, aged 92 years, buried 4th April, 1718.

60. …………. CURTEIS of Boresile, Gentleman, died May ye 8th 1757, aged 50. Sarah his first wife died January ye 29th, 1747, aged 37. Left issue by Mary his second wife two daughters, Maria and Martha. Register. Norton Curteis buried 13th May, 1757. Sarah Curteis buried 4th February, 1747/8.

61. Mary GILBERT of this parish died 31st August, 1826, aged 77.

62. Elizabeth wife of Thomas GILBERT, died …………. 1819, aged 72. Also Thomas Gilbert who died 18 (?49), aged ?95 years. Register. 28th December, 1819, Elizabeth Gilbert buried, aged 72.

63. William GILBERT late of this parish yeoman, died 21st January, 1811, in 70th year. Judith, his wife died 3rd July, 1780, aged 37, and left one daughter Elizabeth. Also in memory of three of their grand-children, Frances, Susan and Elizabeth MORPHETT. Francis ) October 23rd ) ( 4½ years ( Susan ) died November 8th ) ( 3 years ( 1808 Elizabeth ) November 10th ) ( 8 months ) (Amended 2017-02)

64. William Gilbert MORPHETT died 6th January, 1878, aged 65. Susannah Morphett died 20th February, 1905,
aged 90.

65. ………….. CURTEIS died ………. August, 1797, aged 64. Registers. Elizabeth Curteis buried 2nd September, 1797,
aged 64.

66. George CURTEIS died ………? 1794, aged 74. Registers. Mr. George Curteis buried 16th June, 1794.

67. (South side of Tower). Joseph SMITH ……… Derbyshire Militia, died at Reding Street Barracks, 1800, aged …….Registers. 10th March, 1800, Joseph Smith, aged 65, buried.

68. Thomas GILBERT died 21st August, 1832, aged 80. Sarah his wife died ……….. aged 59. Also Thomas their son died ……….. aged 48. Elizabeth …………..the aforesaid Thomas …………. Likewise ……………(N.B. – The stone is in the style of those of 1750. Not traced in the Registers).

69. Richard TAYLOR late of this parish died 9th April, 1805, aged 70. Elizabeth his wife died 2nd April, 1805, aged 62. Richard their son unfortunately drowned bathing, 8th July, 1794, aged 15 years. Left surviving Sarah and William.

70. …………FV | ………. od…….| ………..d………|………….| ………….| Brida …………| ……………dden Dep ……….| ………th 1737 in ………| of her age | and four children Born …………| Body and three Living ……….| Gilbert and Eliz …….. | and William ……….. ilb ……….| and Ann Gilbert ……………… Registers. An Ann Gilbert buried 16th January, 1737/8.

71. Lydia, wife of Henry LEIGH of this parish died 27th September, 1721, aged 35. Left issue Henry, George, Elizabeth, Richard, Ann, Frances and Thomas.

72. George LEIGH of this parish Saddler, died 1st June, 1848, aged 56.

73. James BLACKMAN died 20th November, 1866, aged 65. Mary his wife died ………… aged ………. [not filled in].

74. John BOZIE, Woolstapler of this parish died 13th March, 1820 (or 9), aged 59. Leaving a widow.  (Amended 2017-02)

75. Mary BRUNGER wife of John Brunger of this parish, second daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth PAIN also of this parish died 24th September, 1819, aged 24. Leaving issue two children, Mary Ann and John. Also aforesaid John Brunger of this parish died 28th April, 1867, aged 75.

76. James HUKINS of this parish died 18th September, 1882, aged 82. Lucretia, wife of James Hukins died 10th January, 1865, aged 66. [See No. 408]. [He was baptised at Woodchurch 22-3-1800, son of John Hukins and Elizabeth (Crittenden) his wife. He married Lucretia Hopper of Tenterden in 1819. He was descended from a family long seated at Woodchurch and High Halden and which appears first in the High Halden Registers in 1629 as Pryce alias Hukins and is therefore probably of Welsh origin. The name appears in Herefordshire in the 14th century].  (Amended 2017-02)

77. Joseph HOLDSTOCK late private in the 3rd Cinque Ports Rifle Volunteers, who died 2nd May, 1866, aged 47. Erected by his comrades as a mark of their respect. Leaving a wife, seven sons and four daughters, viz., Caroline, John, Herbert, Sophia, James, Nelson, Richard, Mary Jane, George, Henry and Julia. Also Caroline daughter of above, died 8th November, 1872, aged 31. Caroline wife of above, died 28th April, 1893, aged 71.

78. Elizabeth wife of Richard REYNOLDS, died 21st September, 1871, aged 72. Above Richard Reynolds died 8th June, 1878, aged 77. Left surviving (?Charles), George and James.

79. Richard BINHAM ………… died September, 1778, aged 69. Registers. 11th September, 1778, Richard Bynham, aged 69.

79a. A Vault, on keystone J. BLACKWELL, 1827 E. BLACKWELL, 1856

80. Edward BLINKS of this parish died 2nd march, 1848, aged 70. Susanna, his wife died 23rd August, 1832, aged 55. Leaving issue seven sons and four daughters, viz., George, Thomas, Ann, Edward, Susan, Benjamin, John, Elizabeth, Martha, Samuel and Richard. Benjamin died 22nd January, 1810, aged 10 months. George died 21st June, 1830, aged 31.

81. Elizabeth wife of Thomas BOURNE, farmer, of this parish, died 7th September, 1857, aged 67. Also above Thomas Bourne, died 28th February, 1873, aged 84. Mary, daughter of above died 6th May, 1860, aged 44.

82. Thomas BOURNE, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bourne died 12th May, 1829, aged 11 years. Sarah Bourne, sister of above died 23rd November, 1897, aged 86 years.

83. Mary Ann, wife of George BOURNE died 15th May, 1877, aged 52. Above George Bourne died 27th April, 1897, aged 75.

84. Sarah, wife of William AUSTEN late of this parish died 12th February, 1867, aged 66. William Austen died 2nd July, 1883, aged 85. Having issue two sons and two daughters, viz., William, James, Mary Ann and Ann. William died 17th June 1833, aged 7 years. James died 25th December, 1840, aged 12 years. Mary Ann and Ann died in infancy.

85. John AUSTEN of this parish died 18th January, 1877, aged 68. Ann, widow of above died 14th November, 1883, aged 72. George, son of above died 25th November, 1875, aged 31. William died in January, 1847, aged 6 months. Left surviving five sons and three daughters, Caroline, John, Thomas, Ann, Jane, Henry, Edward and Frank.

86. A Vault. AUSTEN, 1851.

Stones in the southern part of the Yard on the east of the path to the porch
87. Ann, wife of William FUGGLE of this parish, bricklayer, died 1st October, 1845, aged 60.

88. John FULLER died 5th April, 1803, in 55th year. Naomi, his wife and relict of the late John SIMMONS, died 26th October, 1834, in her 87th year. (Amended 2017-02)

89. Margret SMITH late of Tenterden widow, died January ye 13 and was buried January ye 18, 168(?8), aged 66. Register. 18th January, 1688/9, Margrett Smith, buried.

90. …………mas Smith of Tenterden, dyed April …. 1690, aged ….. Register. Thomas Smith, buried 23rd April, 1690.

91. Illegible – same date as 89 and 90.

92. Harriot Dean SANTER, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Santer of this parish died 27th April, 1828, aged 18. J-M. Santer died 2nd May, 1853, aged 25.

93. James HUGGET, nurseryman of this parish, died 12th November, 1840, aged 73. Leaving issue by Rebecca his wife, William, John and Mary. Rebecca his wife died 23rd May, 1848, aged 81.

94. Illegible – (mid 18th century).

95. Richard MARTIN died 19th February, 1878, aged 66. Mary, his wife died 1st April, 1858, aged 53.

96. Sarah SPRATFOURD died 11th August, 1771, aged 23. The above Sarah was daughter of William and Mary Spratfourd, late of Stone in the Isle of Oxney. Registers. William Spratford of Stone and Mary Water- house of Tenterden, married 7th May, 1848. Sarah Spratford spinster, aged 23, buried 18th August, 1771.

97. ……….. Robert SPRATFOURD ……………

Stones in the plot outside the South Aisle and east of the porch.

98. Stephen LANSDELL of this parish died 21st January, 1813, aged 73. Sarah, his wife died 30th November, 1807, aged 71. They had issue George, Stephen and Sarah. Stephen died 26th November, 1774, aged 7 months.

99. William ROBERTS Esq., M.D. formerly of Hatton Garden, London, and late of this parish, died 10th May, 1832, aged (?72). Ann, second wife of above and lately widow of Mr. Edward BLINKS, farmer of this parish, d8ied 1st (?9) November, 1854, aged 63.

100. 101. 102. Flat stones covered with grass. No inscriptions apparent.

103. Elizabeth MUNK, wife of Isaac Munk of this parish, died 7th February, 1804, aged 56. Aforesaid Isaac Munk died 25th January, 1830, aged 82. Martha Munk, widow of above Isaac Munk, died March (?9), 18(?44), aged 89. [Buried 16th March, 1844, aged 89].

104a. Mary, wife of Humphry WIGHTWICK, died 12th January, 1839, aged 45. Also three daughters of above Humphry and Mary Wightwick. Elizabeth died 25th November, 1830, aged 2 years and 8 months. Sarah died 5th February, 1838 aged 19. Ann died 25thDecember, 1842 aged 23. Leaving surviving Humphry (?Susanna) and Thomas. (Amended 2017-02)

104b. Humphry WIGHTWICK late of this parish, died 13th May, 1791, aged 61. Sarah, his wife died 29th May, 1771, aged 38, by whom he left issue George, Humphery and Charles, and by Sarah his surviving wife one son, John. (Amended 2017-02)

104c. Charles WIGHTWICK died 4th December, 1827, aged 56. Ann, his wife died 28th May, 1852, aged 83 years. William, their son died 7th April, 1806, aged 11 months. They left surviving three sons and five daughters, Ann, Jane, Charles, Humphrey, Eliza, Frances, William and Lucy. (Amended 2017-02)

104d. Charles WIGHTWICK, late of Beckley in Sussex, died 13th June, 1853, aged 53. Left surviving his wife and four children, one son and three daughters.

104e. Sarah WIGHTWICK, wife of Humphrey Wightwick of this parish, died 1st April, 1818, aged (?5)6 years. Had issue eleven children, eight of whom survive. The aforesaid Humphry Wightwick died 18th December, 1827, aged 64. Note:- The family was long seated at Tenterden. Edward Weightwicke sonne to Vmfrey Weightwick was baptised 5th October, 1594. A Humphery Wightwicke buried 29th April, 1714.

105. S.I. 1835 – [Susan wife of James ISARD]
F.I. 1833 – [Francis died April 18]
H.I. 1835 – [?Humphry]

106. M.W. 1836 – [Apparently Mary, daughter of Humphrey and Sarah WIGHTWICK].

107. Daniel SOUTHON died 30th March, 1866, aged 57. Leaving a wife and four sons, viz., William, Thomas, Benjamin and Oliver. Also Ann Southon who died 7th April, 1886, aged 77.

108. Thomas COVENEY of Belgar Farm, Tenterden, died 31st July, 1886, aged 78. Mary Ann, wife of Thomas Coveney, Tenterden, died 24th August, 1874, aged 63. Leaving one daughter and three sons, viz., Mary, Ann, Stephen Chittenden, William and Henry.

109. Ann SMITH during (?4) years’ service in the family of T. DUBOIS Esq. gained the esteem of her master and mistress. Ob: 17th March, 1807, aged 28.

110. Elizabeth, wife of John WIGHTWICK died 22nd July, 1833, aged 37. Also one son and two daughters. Elizabeth died October, 1826, aged 6 months. William died 1st July, 1829, aged 6 years. Martha died 13th March, 183(?2), aged 3 years. Left surviving John, Humphry, Mercer, James, Brissenden and Elizabeth Mary. (Amended 2017-02)

111. Martha, wife of George JUDGE late of this parish, died 1st June, 1806, aged 35. Leaving issue, George and Mary. Afore- said George Judge died 7th May, 1836, aged 65. Leaving a widow and four daughters, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Mary.

112. Chamberlin BATES, son of William and Marcy Bates of this parish, died ye 28th January, 1753/54, in ye 7th year of his age. (Amended 2017-02)

113. Lucia BRETON, second daughter of Whitfeld and Lucy Breton, died at Harbledown near Canterbury, 3rd January, 1848, in 72nd year. (Amended 2017-02)

114. Lucy ELMESTONE, wife of John Elmestone, Gentleman, died ye 2nd of April, 1772, aged 58. Said John Elmestone died 21st June 1780, aged 65. (Amended 2017-02)

115. Ann, youngest daughter of Whitfeld BRETON, Esq. And Lucia his wife, died 22nd June, 1806, aged 18, and lies buried in St. Margaret’s, Canterbury. Lucia, wife of Whitfeld Breton, Esq. formerly of this parish, died 21st April, 1834, aged 84. (Amended 2017-02)

116. Martha, wife of William MERCER of this parish, the eldest daughter of Whitfeld BRETON, Esq. and Lucia his wife, died 23rd March, 1797, aged 22. Whitfeld Breton, Esq. died 21st August, 1837, aged 85. Left surviving four children, Lucia, Elizabeth, Thomas and Robert.

117. Jane CASSINGHAM of this parish died 28th April, 1833, aged 77.

118. Jane ELMESTONE died ……. 1734, aged 18 (much worn). Register; 28th June, 1734, Jane Elmestone buried.

119. Samuel FURBY late of this parish, bricklayer, died 27th March, 1831, aged 7(0 or 9) years. Frances, his wife died 23rd February, 1821, aged 70. Left Samuel, Mary and Frances KNIGHT. Likewise Ann ROLFE, grand-daughter of above, died 26th April, 1818 ………….(under grass).

120. Thomas SHARP died 27th June, 1793, aged 36. Children: James, died 17th November, 18(?11), aged 18. Mary, died 11th August, 181(?9), aged 21. John, died 22nd (?November) ………

121. Thomas CHALONER died August, 1805, aged 77. Mary, his wife, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth TILMON, died 18th March, 1807, aged 82. Issue: Maria, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and …………y (?Lucy).

122. Samuel TILMON of Boresile, Black……… died …..obr 25th, 17..0, aged 65 (worn). Register. 29th October, 1760, Samuel Tilman buried.

123. John SHARP, late gardener to Richard CURTEIS, Esq. 39 years, died 11th May, 1810, aged 68. Martha, his wife died 12th March, 1817, aged 77. Leaving issue one daughter, Sarah who married Robert WALKER of Eboney by whom this small tribute of respect was erected.

124. Elizabeth Penelope WALKER, widow of the late William Walker of Bersted in this County, died 15th July, 1815, aged 72.

125. An Altar Tomb, South East Corner of the Yard. On top. Arms of CURTEIS much worn. Near ………|Body of Samuel Curteis | Gent who dep……| De ……17…… | …….th……….| Philadelphia……..| died………. | M……… | died 1st February …….. aged (?4).Frances Curteis | died 1st February, 1817, aged …6 |grand-daughter of | the above named | Jeremiah Curteis Esquire.
South side. Here lies Interr’d the Body of Jeremiah Curteis, gent, late of Tenterden, who departed this life May, 1725, in the 63rd year of his age.
North side. Here lies Interr’d the Body of Sarah Curteis, the wife of Jeremiah Curteis, gent, who departed this life the 24th of December, 1727, in the 58th year of her age.
West end. The aforesaid Jeremiah Curteis left issue, Samuel, Jeremiah and Edward.

126. A large vault. On keystone:- Edward CURTEIS, gentleman, died 3rd October, 1777. Enlarged A.D. 1822.

127. An Altar Tomb. No inscription on top but two shields of Arms. One (left) CURTEIS, and (right) a bend (much worn).
South side. James Curteis, son of Samuel Curteis, Esq. and Sarah his wife, died 12th March, 1819, aged 81.
East end. Sarah Amelia Curteis died 2nd February, 1839, aged 75. Eldest daughter of the late James Curteis before mentioned.
North side. Elizabeth, wife of James Curteis, died 3rd May, 1833, in her 83rd year. Sarah HOGBEN her sister, died 4th October, 1830, aged 70.
East end. Frances Catharine Curteis died 28th January, 1866, aged 86, youngest daughter of the late James Curteis, Esq.
On keystone of a vault to east of above, Sarah Amelia Curteis, 1839.  (Amended 2017-02)

The following are to the East of the Chancels.
128. Altar Tomb. In memory of the late Reverend and learned Humphrey HAMMOND, A.M., son of Robert Hammond, gentleman, of Waldron in Sussex, and the Master of the Free School in this Town and Rector of East Guildford in Sussex, who departed this life march 4th, A.D. 1735, aged 67 years, and also of his sister Elizabeth Hammond, who died 20th of March, 1740, aged 72 years.
On South side. This monument is raised in testimony of his esteem and affection by their Dutiful Nephew.

129. Elizabeth, wife of Richard CLARKE of this Corporation who died without issue, 27th January, 1795, aged 55. The said Richard Clarke who was 25 years Master of the Woolpack Inn in this Corporation, died 28th February, 1799, aged 65. Catharine HUGHES ………… died August, 1798, aged 41.

130. Here lyeth ye body of James SKEETES Gent, who departed ys life May ye 26th, 1717, in ye 85 yeare of his age. Left issue one daughter, Elizabeth. Register. 31st May, 1717, Mr. James Skeets, 86 years.

131. Here lyeth ye body of Samuel TILDEN who died March ye 16, 1705, aged 57.

132. Sarah HOPE, wife of John Hope late of Ebony, yeoman, died 8th November, 1811, aged 77. Mary GRIST, her neice, died 17th February, 1799, aged 22. Mary Hope, spinster, her daughter, died 24th November, 1823, aged 65. (See No. 266).

133. A large vault to east of above last two stones. On key-stone the name SAWYER.

According to the plan of the Churchyard there are also vaults in this eastern portion for MILLS, DYNE, GOODSALL, WARD, but no stones mark them.

Stones in the Northern part of the yard beginning at the east.
134. A large Vault and Altar Tomb marked on the churchyard plan as WHELAN vault, but there is no inscription now to be seen.

134a. A.C. G.C. Ann CURTEIS, wife of George Curteis died February, 1827, aged 5(3 or 5). George Curteis died 15th October, 1848, aged 80.

134b. A vault. FOWLER 1836.

135. Edward WINSER late of Plomar House in this Parish, died 10th May, 1829, aged 85. Sarah, his second wife died 26th January, 1829, aged 76.

136. Martha, wife of Edward WINSER of Plomar House in this parish, died 2nd April, 1795, aged 49. Left issue four sons, Edward, Thomas, James and William.

137. Mary, wife of Edward WINSER, Junior, eldest daughter of John MORPHETT, gentleman, of this place, died 20th December, 1808, aged 36. Also Mary, John, George and Charles their children. Mary died an infant, 19th April, 1791. John died 1793, aged 7 days. George died 6th April, 1799, aged 27 years 9 months. Charles died 16th November, 1799, aged 3 months. Left surviving Edward, Thomas, James and William.

138. Ann WINSER, wife of Edward Winser of this parish, died 27th January, 1824, aged 47. Ann, their daughter, died 30th March, 1812, aged 17 years 8 months. Left surviving Maria and Elizabeth NEVE. The above Edward Winser died 15th March, 1851, aged 81.

139a. Mary WALKER, widow of Mr. Thomas Walker of Dover, died 9th March, 1860, aged 75. Left surviving issue Mary-Frances and John-Field. Also Mary, her daughter and wife of Edward WINSER of Tenterden, died 12th June, 1860, aged 46. Left seven surviving children Edward Thomas, John Henry, George Frederick, Catherine Frances, Alfred James, Ann Maria, Joseph Sawyer.

139b Ann, wife of Edward WINSER and daughter of the late Mr. John SAWYER, died 12th February, 1842, aged 50.

139c. Edward WINSER died 17th March, 1863, aged 71. Catherine, his second daughter, died 16th August, 1851, aged 22.

140. Edward BALLARD died 24th September, 1816, aged 75. Sarah Ballard his wife died 8th December, 1800, aged 74. Left issue Edward, Robert, Elizabeth and Ruth.

141. Caroline GRIFFEN, daughter of George and Elizabeth Griffen, died 12th January, 1836, aged 22. Thomas their son died 4th June, 1818, aged 1 year.

142. William CURTEIS of Eastwell House in this parish died 28th February, 1855, aged 55. Ann Lydia, wife of Alfred BARRY and daughter of above, died 13th March, 1855, aged 28. Lily Curteis, infant daughter of above Ann Lydia and Alfred Barry, died 9th March, 1855, aged 2 days. Ann, widow of above William Curteis died 2nd August, 1883, aged 81.

143. Mary, wife of John MEEDE of this parish died ye 13 ….. 1736, aged 21 years. Left issue one daughter ……ary.
17th May, 1736, Mary Mead buried.

144. Robert MEAD died April ye 26th, 1714, aged 49. Anne Mead his daughter died February ye 21st, 1718, aged 19.

145. To Mr. Christopher FULLAGAR and Elizabeth his wife. Ye said Christopher died 26th November, 1713, Aes 43 years. Elizabeth his wife died May ye (?1), 1724, Aes 45 years. Left issue ……….. and Daugh……. [The following baptisms of children have been traced; 23rd February,1700/1, Ann; 1st July, 1703, Mary; 1st February, 1705, Thomas; 28th December, 1708, John; 13th June, 1712, Elizabeth].

146. Elizabeth HOOK widow, died 14th January, 1860, aged 95. Left surviving Thomas, Elizabeth, Stephen, Henry, Edward, Sarah and Stephen. Ada, eldest daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth hook of Tenterden, born 9th August, 1870, died 4th February, 1873.

147. An old double topped headstone c 1750 quite illegible.

148. A Vault. On keystone RUSSELL.

149. A Vault. On keystone HOPE 1827.

150. Mary MORPHETT, wife of Mr. Jno. Morphett of this parish, Grazier, died 30th October, 1797, aged 58. John Morphett late of this parish, gentleman, died 28th January, 1813, aged 71. Left issue seven children, John, Thomas, Mary, Rebecca, Nathaniel, Ann and ……….. (covered by footstone).

151. John MORPHETT late of this parish, Grazier, died 31st October, 1801, (altered to or from 2), aged 36. Left issue by Ann his wife, Ann and Mary. Ann, wife of above John Morphett, died 29th August, 1859, aged 83.

152. Thomas MORPHETT late of this parish, Grazier, died 25th July, 1807, aged 36.

153. (Next Vicarage fence) Rebecca, wife of William LONGLEY and daughter of John MORPHETT, gentleman, died 8th December, 1807, aged 32. Leaving issue two sons, John and William. William their son died 10th September, 1836, aged ……….. (behind footstone).

154. A Vault. On keystone WESTON.

155. Altar Tomb. On top. Shield of Arms (ar) a cross between 4 martlets (gn), impaling ?3 escutcheons (the details are worn). To Reginald MANTELL, died 28th December, 1743, aged 70. Frances, his wife died 12th November, 1743, aged 79. William, son of Edward Mantell of Mersham, died 29th December, 1789, aged 38. He married Ann, daughter of Turner MARSHALL of Mersham, by whom he had issue Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Catharine, Charlotte and Edward who died an infant. Ann, relict of above William Mantell, died 7th January, 1822, aged 65.
South side. Mary, wife of Hillier RUSSELL of Aylesford, daughter of William and Ann Mantell, died 11th September, 1807, aged 27. Leaving one son, John Mantell, who died 27th November, 1836, aged 34.
West end. The above named [sic] Eliza Manclarke WESTON died 28th J……….. , 1866, aged 44. Ann Weston died 28th November, 1892, aged 78. (Amended 2017-02)

155a. A Vault. GODDEN.

155b. An altar tomb by Vicarage railings covered with ivy to Edward and Philadelphia CURTEIS. He died 12th April, 1797, aged 65.

156. Mr. John DOUBLE, late of East Grinsted in Sussex, died 29th December, 1735, aged 41. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John Double, died 31st August, 1738, aged 41. Leaving issue one daughter, Elizabeth.

157. Elizabeth, widow of the late Mr. Daniel WHITE of this place, yeoman, died 1st April, 1810, aged 70.

158. Daniel WHITE late of this parish died 5th February, 1789, aged 61. He had by Elizabeth, his wife, three sons and four daughters, viz., Elizabeth ) ( 5th May, 1766 ) 20 ( John ) died (28th July, 1771 ) 3 ( months William (5th June, 1775 ) 3 ( (nothing of the others)

159. Thomas CHAMBERS late of this parish died 24th February, 1803, aged 77. Mary, his wife, died 2nd February, 1778, aged 51.

160. Mary, wife of Edward FINN, died 24th March, 1846, aged 26. Leaving issue Emma and Edward. Edward Finn died 5th December, 1897, aged 78. Willie, infant son of Edward and Alice Finn, died 5th December, 1875, aged 15 months.

161. Daniel PARTON of this parish died 11th April, 1772, aged 65. Infield, his wife, died 11 February, 1757, aged (?4)9. Daniel, their youngest son, died 2nd April, 1770, aged 28. John, their elder son, died 3rd January, 1773, aged 3(1 or 4), and was buried in the Parish Church of St. Botolph without Aldgate, London. Left surviving two daughters, Elisabeth and Infield. Registers. Daniel Parton married Infield MORPHETT, both of Tenterden, 15th May, 1732. Infield Parton nee MORPHETT baptized 17th September 1707, buried 18th February, 1757 aged 49 years. (Amended 2017-02)

162. John MORPHETT of this parish died August ye 30th, 1753, aged 37. Left issue john, Jeremiah, Elizabeth and (?Mary).

163. John MORPHETT died December ye 11th, 1745, aged 74.

164. Thomas MORPHETT late of this Corporation, gentleman, died 5th April, 179(5), aged 83. Left issue four sons, Thomas, John, Robert and George.

165. Elizabeth MORPHETT, wife of Thomas Morphet junior, daughter of Elizabeth INFIELD, died ye 7th of September, 1707, in ye 24th year of her age. Mr. Thomas Morphett of this parish dyed February the 3rd, 1721, in the 53rd year of his age. Left issue ….. sons and four daughters. Jane, his second wife, died …….y, ye 2…., 1720, aged (?4) … years. Registers. 7th February, 1721/2, Thomas Morphett buried. 1st June, 1720, Jane Morphett buried.

166. Jeremiah MORPHETT died March (?11), 1829, aged 77. Elizabeth, his wife, died 30th September, 1829, aged 72. Jane, their daughter, died 10th June, 1832, aged 38.

167. Robert STACE, gentleman, died 13th March, 1757, in the 81st year of his age. He left issue one son, Robert.

168. John Parton MERRELLS died (?3)0 January, 1788, aged 10. (Register. 4th February, 1788, John Merrells, aged 10). Also Elizabeth Merrells died 7th June, 1789, aged 18. Register. 12th June, 1789, Elizabeth Merrells, aged 18.

169. Abraham MERRELLS died May ….. 178(?4), aged 4-. Elizabeth, his wife, died October, 1797, aged 55. Also ……….. two grandchildren ………. Registers. 22nd May, 1784, Abraham Merrells, aged 47, buried. 28th October, 1797, Elizabeth Merrells, aged 55, buried.

170. A small stone probably early 18th century. Here …. th |………. | ………h ……. | | ……..BRISSENDEN………D………| ………| …….. | ………| years. [Note.There are many Brissendens in the Registers and it is not possible to identify this stone. Brissenden is a homestead in the eastern part of the parish.

171. Daniel PHILLPOTT late of this parish died January, 1763, aged 7(?2). Elizabeth, his wife, died May, 17(?50), aged ?58. Register. 27th January, 1763, Daniel Phillpott buried.

172. Harriot BREDEN, daughter of Edward and Mary Breden, died 1st August, 1816, aged 20.

173. Samuel HARMAN of this place died 27th July, 1819, aged 81. Ann Harman, his wife, died 20th August, 1836, aged 88.

174. John LONGLEY died 28th October, 1875, aged 84. Elizabeth, wife of John Longley, died 18th March, 1858, aged 66. Had issue Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Mary, Susanna, Ann, Louisa, William, Jane and Thomas. Ann died 7th February, 1834, aged 9. Mary died 24th March, 1846, aged 26. Jane died 14th April, 1848, aged 18, Louisa died 16th June, 1864. John died 19th February, 1868 (no ages). Elizabeth Longley died 24th November, 1879, aged 66.

175. A vault. LOTT, 1831

176. Altar Tomb. Thomas BRATTLE of this parish died 1st June 1757, aged …… [buried 9th June, 1757]. Near this place Anne ) (3rd June, 1760 ) (16 [buried 8th June, 1760] Stephen) (1st February, 1770 ) (60 [buried 23rd February, 1770, aged 59] Mary ) died (3rd October, 1770 ) aged (63 [buried 20th October 1770, aged 63] Thomas) (2nd February, 1777) (64 [buried 6th February, 1777, aged 63] who all died without issue. In a vault on the right hand of this Tomb lies the body of Batchelor Brattle a relation of one of the Executors to the will of the aforesaid Thomas Brattle junior, who died 23rd February, 1785, aged 37 [buried 29th February, 1785, aged 36]. In the vault adjoining this Tomb are deposited the remains of Stephen Brattle of this Town, gent, who died 4th October, 1798, in his 38th year, and also of Sarah his wife who died 20th January, 1813, aged 58. Registers. Stephen, son of Thomas and Mary Brattle, baptized 17th September, 1710.

177. Vault of above.

178. Here were deposited on 28th August, 1844, the remains of Francis FOWLE. Born 26th September, 1767.

179. Sarah TAYLOR, wife of Thomas Taylor, who lieth buried at Halden. She died 27th December, 1794, aged 86. Elizabeth, their daughter, died 3rd June, 1759, aged 5.

180. Elizabeth HOOK died 19th January, 1850, aged 81. Erected by Rev. T. Curteis in whose family she lived for 60 years.

181. Arthur J. POWFIELD, born 23rd April, 1885; died 7th February, 1886.

182. John SKEER died February ye 6, 1714, aged 28. Also Richard, his son, died March ye 19, 1714, aged 3 years. Registers. 10th February, 1714/15, John Skeer buried. 24th December, 1719, Mr. Richard Skeer, aged 83. 22nd March, 1714/15, Richard, son of John Skeer deceased.

183. Mary Ann, wife of Henry LEIGH and daughter of Edward and Mary BREDEN, died 18th February, 1853, aged 61.

184. George, Dorcas and John Henry BREDEN, children of Edward and Mary Breden. George died 9th April, 1800, aged 14 months. Dorcas died 7th March, 1804, in her 4th year. John Henry died 13th February, 1807, in his 19th year.

185. Edward BREDEN of this place, Harness Maker, who died 4th July, 1816, aged 56. Mary Breden, his wife, died 4th May, 1826, aged 66.

186. Samuel AUSTEN died 10th October, 1838, aged 52. Elizabeth, his wife, died 3rd November, 1851, aged 74. George, son of above, died 13th April, 1825, aged 27. Joseph, son of above, died 16th April, 1827, aged 16. Left surviving one son and three daughters, viz., Mary, Elizabeth, John and Ann.

187. Richard and Mary ?RELF late of this parish. Richard ) (October, 17..6 ) (7… died aged Mary) (February, 1771) (71 (Not traced in Registers).

188. Richard RELF late of this parish, died 31st March, 1801, aged 57. Leaving issue with Mary, his widow, nine children: Mary, Ann, Richard, Susanna, Thomas, Elizabeth, Frances, William and John.

189. Thomas, son of Richard and Mary RELF, died 23rd October, 1801, aged 21.

190. Mr. Jeremiah CLIFF late of this parish, died 5(or 3) February, 1742, aged 64. Mrs. Frances Cliff, his first wife, died ye 9th September, 1716, aged 33. Mrs. Katherine Cliff, his second wife, died 15th April, 1739, aged 44. Registers. 10th September, 1716, Mrs. Frances Cliff buried. 11th February, 1742/3, Jeremiah Cliff buried. (Amended 2017-02)

191. Jeremiah CLIFF of this place, Surgeon, died 17th January, 1775, aged 69. Martha, his wife, daughter of the Rev. T. CURTEIS, D.D., late Rector and Vicar of Wrotham in this County, died 24th June, 1794, aged 84. Register. Mr. Jeremiah Cliffe jurat, buried 24th January, 1775, aged 67. (Amended 2017-02)

192. Mary, wife of Stephen HOOK of this parish died 13th March, 1837, aged 44. Charlotte, their daughter, died 31st October, 1835, aged 5. Leaving issue four children, Esther, Stephen, Elizabeth and Zenas.

193. Stephen, eldest son of Stephen and Mary HOOK of this parish, died 31st December, 1840, aged 17.

194. Stephen HOOK, formerly Butcher of this Town, died 20th November, 1879, aged 72. Maria, wife of Stephen Hook of this town, butcher, died 23rd July, 1844, aged 44. Left surviving two children, Elizabeth and Stephen. Elizabeth, second wife of Stephen Hook, died 9th July 1879, aged 86.

195. Eleanor, wife of John Curteis MARSHALL, of this parish, died 2nd March, 1830, aged 57. Two of their sons, George died 18th August, 1828, aged 23, William died 2nd August, 1837, aged 23. Left surviving, Maria, Turner, John and Thomas. John Curteis Marshall died 16th October, 1840, aged 72. (Amended 2017-02)

196. Lydia, wife of George CHILDREN of this parish, died 20th January, 1795, aged 74 [buried 28th January]. Left issue Ann, William, Lydia Sarah and George.

197. Monument with urn. Apparently to William CHILDREN, only son of George Children by Frances his wife, died June, 1788, aged 43. Erected by George Children of Tunbridge, Esq., his sole executor.

198. Thomas HARPOLE of this Town, Tallowchandler, died 19th January, 1870, aged 69. Left surviving one son and one daughter, viz., Thomas-David and Ellen Cheesman. (Amended 2017-02)

199. Elizabeth, daughter of William CHILDREN Esq., and wife of William GIBSON both of this parish, died 19th December, 1761, aged 54. (Amended 2017-02)

200. Jo…… BRIDGLAND of Tenterden, Bouc ……… son of Sam BRIDGLAND ……. Elizabeth his w …… of Goudhurst …….. December ye …… aged 21. Register. 18th December, 1709, John Bridgland buried.

201. George CHILDREN gent. died 24th May, 1752, aged 34. He married Frances, daughter of William MUNN of this parish, gent, by whom he left issue one son, William. Frances …………. died 1st August, 1776, aged 60.

201a. William CHILDREN Esq., Mayor of this Town and Hundred, died ye 14th of April, 1748, aged 65. He left issue one son and four daughters, George, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and Ann. Sarah, wife of William Children, gent, died ye 31st of May, 1734, aged 51.

202. John HOOK died 5th March, 1804, aged 67. Elizabeth, his wife, died 29th July, 1800, aged 59. Two of their children; Hannah died ……….. 17…. aged 12 weeks, Lydia died …………. 18 …. aged 1 year. Left surviving Elizabeth, Susan, ?Eleanor, Hannah, George ………… (Amended 2017-02)

203. Lydia, wife of Jeremiah LINDREDGE of this parish, died 13th September, 1817, aged 34. Left issue Harriot, Jeremiah, Lydia, Susanna and Frances. Sarah, his second wife, died 7th September, 1826, aged 44. Leaving issue Margaret and Maria. Aforesaid Jeremiah Lindredge died 22nd May 1866, aged 85. (Amended 2017-02)

204. Sarah, widow of T. TREVILLON Esq., late of ………. died ………… 18(?51), aged ?84. On footstone S.T.; W.B. Register. Sarah Trevillon buried 25th September, 1851, aged 85.

205. William BAYLEY, of this town died 30th April, 1815, aged 71. Mary, wife of William Bayley, died 31st July, 1839, aged 64. Having issue fourteen children of which six are buried near this place. William died 18th May, 1802, aged 3 years and 6 months. Sarah died 4th October, 1825, aged 17. Mary Ann died 9th May, 1833, aged 33; and three died in their infancy. Left surviving Eliza, John, William, Ann-Tapply, Henry, Maria, Emily and Thomas. William died 18th April, 1844, aged 37. (Amended 2017-02)

206. Thomas WINDER late of this parish, Draper, died 1st September, 1764, in his 63rd year. This stone was erected by his relict, Elizabeth Winder.

207. Mary, wife of William CARPENTER of this parish, died 5th May, 1791, aged 28. William, their son, died 5th December, 1790, aged 14 days. Left surviving one daughter, Mary. The above William Carpenter died 22nd April, 1828, aged 62. (Amended 2017-02)

208. John BAYLEY died 5th November, 1873, aged 69. Jane Bayley his wife died at Hastings, 30th December, 1881, aged 67. John Russell Bayley, their eldest Son, died at Rye, 30th January, 1887, aged 35.

209. John GODFREY died 30th April, 1709, aged 68.

210. Thomas CHECKSFIELD died 19th June, 1857, aged 77. Catharine, wife of Thomas Checksfield, died 23rd February, 1854, aged 71.

211. Large vault in railings covered with ivy. The churchyard plan marks it HAFFENDEN.

212. Martha, youngest daughter of William and Mary WHITE of this parish, died 14th July, 1754, in her 19th year.

213. Andrew CHITTENDEN died 5th October, 1713, aged 41. Left issue one son, John. (The other half of the stone is blank). (Amended 2017-02)

214. Susan wife of Richard LUCKHURST died 12th July, 1759, aged 49. Left issue surviving one daughter, Susan. Richard Luckhurst died 6th January, 1780, aged 82. (Amended 2017-02)

215. Illegible.

216. John, son of Richard and Susan LUCKHURST, died – July, 1754, aged 18.

217. Susan LUCKHURST died 12th March, 1773, aged 42.

218. Altar Tomb. Shield of Arms: Checquy, on a bend 3 mullets. In memory of James HAFFENDEN, eldest son of James Haffenden, jurat of this Corporation, who died October ye 6th, 1755, aged 20. Also the said James Haffenden who died 1783, aged 79. (On west end): West of this lies John BURRIDGE and Sarah Haffenden his wife, she died 1767, he died 1771, aged 33.

219. Martha Benhill, Elizabeth and William MOON, children of Jesse and Hannah Moon of this place. Martha Benhill Moon died 28th December, 1810, aged 4 years and 10 months. Elizabeth Moon died 2nd August, 1813, aged 4 years and 4 months. William Moon died 4th August, 1813, aged 2 years and 8 months.

220. (Flat stone next to 218). To Captain Richard JONES, of His Majesty’s Royal Navy, died on 11th December, 1829, in his 61st year. Jane Elizabeth, his infant daughter, died 28th September, 1817.

221. Jane, daughter of John and Jane DIBLEY of this parish, died 4th October, 1804, aged 7 years 8 months. Also John, their son, died 2nd October, 1815, aged 21.

222. John DIBLEY died 23rd February, 1822, aged 64. Jane, his wife, died 21 March, 1839, aged 75.

223. Two sons of John and Mary SAWYER of this Corporation, gent. George May, 1777) 3 years 2 months died aged George April, 1782) 13 months

223a. (Small flat stone). John TIMSON died 18th November, 1755, aged 50.

224. William, son of William and Sarah TABRET of this Town, born 3rd May, 1836, died 3rd May, 1837. Jane, their daughter, born 1st May, 1841, died 20th November, 1844. George, their third son, born 17th July, 1846, died 31st August, 1869. William James, their second son, died 16th February, 1871, aged 33. William Tabret died 13th May, 1872, aged 62. Sarah his wife died 30th December, 1874, aged 67. Elizabeth, their daughter and wife of W.S. TURNBULL, died 1st January, 1875, aged 35.

225. Ann SLADDEN died 21st February, 1825, aged 31.

226. Mr. Joseph GREENLAND and Jane his wife. Ye said Jane died 18th August, 1701, in ye 23rd year of her age, and Joseph ye husband died November ye 2nd, 1701, in ye 33rd year of his age. Having had six children, two surviving, viz., Joseph and Jane.

227. Elizabeth, wife of John BALLARD of Staplehurst, died 22nd October, 1792, aged 46. Left issue Vincent, William, John, Philadelphia, Ph……… and Charry. John Ballard aforesaid died 11th February, 1819, aged 80. Left issue by Sarah, his second wife, George, Isaac and Sarah. (Amended 2017-02)

228. Altar Tomb by north aisle. On top Arms, a lion rampant within a bordure, impaling a chevron between three (?beasts) head couped. On side: To Richard RICHTON of Heronden in this parish, Esq., and Sarah his wife. The former died 25th December, 1772, aged 71. The latter 2nd February, 1773, aged 76. Also Sarah, wife of John BUCHANAN Esq., daughter of the said Richard and Sarah Richton, who died 17th March, 1780, aged 50. In whose memory this Tomb is erected by the said John
Buchanan. On the top under the coat of arms is: John Buchanan Esq., is also interred, he died 1st January, 1784, aged 48. Registers. 12th January, 1784, John Buchanan buried, aged 47.

229, Richard APPS, many years Plumber and Glaiser of this parish, died Feb…………. after a lingering illness, aged 77. Mercy, his wife, died 17th February, 1865, aged 77. Footstone: R.A. M.A. 1865.

230. Charlotte, wife of Edwin BARNES and daughter of Richard APPS of this parish, died after a painful and protracted illness 3rd June, 1852, aged 43. Erected by her husband.

231. Flat stone by entrance to North Chancel. Here lyeth the body of William WHITFIELD of this parish Gen. He departed this life February ye 13th, 1733, aged 71. He left issue by Martha his wife …. sons and two daughters, viz., James, William, Ann and Martha. A coat of arms above but now worn plane. Register. 19th February, 1733/4, William Whitfeld Gent. Jurat Aet 71 buried.

232. Flat stone close to above. In a vault beneath are deposited the remains of Mary ROBERTS, wife of the late Rev. Thomas Roberts of Tottenham, Middlesex, died 19th July, 1837, aged 81. William Roberts, only surviving son, was born 10th March, 1796, and died 25th May, 1840. Her daughter, Caroline Roberts, died 20th September, 1840, aged 48. Catherine Roberts died 6th February, 1843, aged 54. Jane Dorothy Roberts died 3rd May, 1843, aged 49. This stone was restored by Harriett Roberts, only surviving daughter, August 22nd, 1868, who died at Newton Abbot, Devon, April 8th, 1870, aged 85.

233. A footstone opposite door of north chancel, E.W. 1820. Register. 9th August, 1820, Eliza WARR, aged 4 years, buried.

234. Richard TAYLOR late of this Town, gent. died 31st March, 1796, aged 56. He left issue by Elizabeth his wife, one daughter, Elizabeth, who died in her infancy. Elizabeth, his wife, died 9th march, 1801, aged 52.

235. William TAYLOR late of this Corporation, died 19thNovember, 1786, aged 30. Elizabeth, his wife, died 20th March, 1785, aged 34. Likewise five of their children.William ) (May, 1772 ) 2 ) months Ann ) ( 1770) 6 ) Richard ) died ( 1780 ) aged 2 ) Hen. ) ( 1781 ) 5 ) years Nat ) ( 178(?2) ) 8 ) Left …………… son William. (Amended 2017-02)

236. Sarah, wife of Nathan TAYLOR of this parish junior, died 16th May, 1761, aged 48. Nathan Taylor died 30th January, 1794, aged 77. Sarah, his second wife, died 11th September, 1796, aged 73. Nathan, son of above Nathan and Sarah, died October 176(?2), aged 7 years. (Amended 2017-02)

237. Ann, wife of Nathan Taylor senior, of this parish, died 25th August, 1752, aged 66. The above Nathan Taylor died
26th July, 1771, aged 89.

238. Ann TAYLOR died 22nd August, 1783, aged 40. Registers. 27th August, 1783, Ann Taylor, aged 40, buried.

239. Rev. Samuel HOOLE died 26th February, 1839, aged 81. (He was Rector of Poplar).

240. Sarah HOOLE, widow of Samuel Hoole, formerly of London, died 20th March, 1795, in her 93rd year.

241. Magdalene TAYLOR died 1st May, 1808, aged 70. Sarah ELLIS died 16th October, 1809, aged 73. Both daughters of Samuel and Sarah HOOLE.

242. Jane ELLIS died 1st November, 1817, aged 49. (Amended 2017-02)

242a. A footstone, J.T. 1762. [In the Registers a John TONG was buried 26th May, 1762.

243. An Altar Tomb. On the top: Under this stone are deposited the remains of | Thomas WILSON gentleman ……….. born | at Ashurst in the County of Sussex on the (?9) of | January, 17(?31). Son of the Rev. Edward Wilson | M.A., the Rector of that Parish …………. |…………. me County and Mary | his wife. | He exercised with acknowledged Skill …… | success the Profession in which he had be….. | brought up ……….. | this Town during which time he ……… in the ………..* | where Mr. Edward BACK his G ….n……… | Dr. Thomas Black his uncle ………. | formerly lived and died. H………… | Principle ………. the Church of | England ………. | his Faith ………… | (Five lines illegible). He departed this life the | …… of D…….. 1791. | He married 11th April, 17…. Sarah daughter | of John WOOD G……….. and ………. his wife | of Street in Sussex who died the 1- of June, 1790 | aged (?51) years, and whose remains lie interred | in the same vault in which his own are now | deposited. They had several children but two | daughters only survived them, the youngest of | whom Ann Wilson departed this life | September the ……. 1792 in the 20th year of her age. | Her remains lie buried in an adjoining vault. | This memorial was erected by the eldest | Sarah Wilson as a tribute of dutiful respect and affectionate regard.

On the south side: In the same vault in which lie buried the remains of the above mentioned Ann Wilson are interred likewise those of her eldest sister, Sarah Wilson. She departed this life the 7th day of July, 1798, at Ashurst in Sussex whilst on a visit to her uncle, Edward Wilson, D.D., Rector of that parish. A monument has been there by him erected to her memory.

On the west end a panel of Arms – a bear, in chief three mullets. Crest, a demi bear. (Wilson).

Registers. Mr. Edward Wilson and Mrs. Mary Back married 1st June, 1721. 15th September, 1792, Ann Wilson, buried, aged 19. Sarah Wilson buried 17th June, 1790, aged -, Thomas Wilson buried 25th December, 1791, aged 59. Sarah Wilson buried 16th July, 1798, aged 32.

244. Three daughters of David and Jane DUNK of the Woolpack Inn in this Corporation. Jane died 21st January, 1819, aged 15. Elizabeth died 23rd July, 1819, aged 18, Mary Ann wife of Jno. BRUNGER, died 28th February, 1821, aged 21.

245. Mrs. Elizabeth BEXHILL late of this parish, spinster, died 19th September, 1803, aged 77. Martha her sister, wife of Thomas MOON, late of Mayfield in Sussex, died ………ber, 1808, aged 87 years. (behind footstone). (Amended 2017-02)

246. Thomas BEXHILL late of this parish, gent, died 29th October, 1794, aged 69.

247. Mr. John Bexhill, son of Mr. John Bexhill and Sarah his wife, mentioned on the stone adjoining, died a Batchelor 12th December 1779, aged 61.

248. John BEXHILL late of this parish died 5th January 1766. Aged (?88). Left issue two sons, John and H…….. Sarah, wife of John Bexhill, died October, …… 1750, aged 59. Sarah, daughter of above, died ?October, ?1750, aged 13 years. Registers. Sarah Bexhill buried 9th October, 1750. (Amended 2017-02)

249. The lower half of the top of an Altar Tomb now destroyed ………. a gentleman, well ………… Literature, excellently skilled in his Profession, Orthodox in his faith, Pure in his Morals, Loyal in his Principles, Stedfast tot he Church, a lover and beloved of good men. Ob. 30th October, 1758, aged 6.. In memoria eterna erit justus. Register. 3rd November, 1758, Thomas BACK, M.B., buried [see No. 243].

250. An Altar Tomb:- Here lieth the body of Edward BACK, gent, who was born at HINXHILL, 20th November, 1662, and lived in this parish of Tenterden, in a laborious and successful practice of Phisic and Surgery and in his constant and conscientious worship of God in this Church form the year 1685 until he died may 1st, 1739. Here lieth also the body of Sarah, the wife of the said Edward Back, daughter of Thomas MARSHALL of Halden, gent. who departed this life June 21st, 1734, in the 6(?3) year of her age. Registers. 23rd June 1734, Mrs. Sarah Back buried. 22nd May, 1739, Mr. Edward Back buried.

251. Elizabeth daughter of Edward and Sarah BACK, died 27th February, 1776.

252. Richard HOPE late of this parish died 13th June, 1786, aged 58.

253. James HOPE of this parish died 6th March, 1793, aged 50.

254. Thomas HOPE late of this parish died 4th January, 1802, aged 69. (Amended 2017-02)

255. Jane BUSHER, wife of the late John Busher, Esq., of H……gford Place, Kennington, died 27th December, 1824 aged 75. (Amended 2017-02)

256. An early 18th Century stone, the only lettering now visible is JOHN ………ON……….

257. John DRURY of this place, fellmonger, died 1- February, 1810, aged 75. Mary his wife, died – February, 1803, aged 71. Left issue John, Sara, Elizabeth and Jeremiah. Also Ann TRAFFORD, spinster, her sister, died 2nd April, 1812, aged 86.

258. John DRURY of this place, carpenter, died 17th March, 1839, aged 83. Judeth his wife, died 24th January, 1839, aged 76. Left issue John, Mary, William, James, Jeremiah and George.

259. George STACE died 10th June, 1661, aged 57 years.

260. George KYTE sone of Richard Kyte of Tenterden, died 12th January, 1712, aged (5 or 6)2 years.

261. Elizabeth STACE widdow, died 26th February, 1680, aged 63 years.

262. John ROLF and Elizabeth his wife, He ) (18th December, 17(?5)-, aged 63 She ) died (……………… 17(?6) 1 0r 4 aged 47 Leaving issue John, Sio………, Mary and Elizabeth. Registers. John Roalfe was buried 23rd December, 1757, and Elizabeth Roafe on 4th June, 1764.

263. ……..ab………… of Jas. Ba-den of this parish, died 1- April, 1754, aged 34. Registers. 24th April, 1754, Elizabeth BAYDEN, buried.

264. Mr. George STACE of Tenterden, died January, ye 20th, 1721, in ye 82nd year of his age. Had issue seven children of which four survive viz., George, Elizabeth, Catherine and Sarah.

265. Mr. William BEALL late of this parish, Smith, died 31st May, 1845, aged 64. Ann his daughter died 1st March, 1843, aged 33. Leaving issue one son, William. (Amended 2017-02)

266. John Hope late of Ebony, Yeoman, died 22nd January, 1787, aged 63. Left issue by Sarah his wife, one daughter, Mary. (see No. 132).

267. Elizabeth, wife of Edward JELL of this parish, died 7th December, 1815, aged 33. The above Edward Jell died 9th March, 1836, aged 56. Three of their children died in infancy, David, Thomas and Sarah. Left surviving three sons and four daughters, Mary, George, Stephen, Edward, Elizabeth, Rebecca and Martha. had issue by Sarah his second wife, two sons and two daughters; Ann, Thomas, Joseph and Sarah. Thomas died 5th September, 1829, aged 2 years.

268. George JELL late of this parish died 11th September, 1801, aged 68 years. Elizabeth, wife of above George Jell, d….. h 18th ….. aged ?6- years. Had issue sixteen children, of whom ten survived them viz., Joseph, George, James, Thomas, William, Richard, Benjamin, Edward, Ann and Elizabeth.

269. The Reverend John HOLLAND, aged 58 years. He was curate of this parish 20 years and died the 30th day of April, 1760.

270. Altar Tomb:- Under this Tomb is a vault adjoining to the left side of that of his Friend the Rev. Mr. Robert TURNER Vicar of this parish, Lie the remains of Mr. George STACE, eight times mayor of this Corporation. He married Catherine, daughter of Mr. John MITTELL, of Lyd and died without issue April 16th, 1753, aged (?68). After a plentiful provision for his Widow, he bequeathed a great part of his fortune (acquired chiefly by his own Industry and Prudence), in various portions among many of his relations and acquaintances (to whom in his life he was a kind friend and benefactor), and the Residue to his kinsman Mr. Richard GILES, and his friend Mr. Joseph PUXTY, Joint Executors of his will, who erected this monument to his memory. Here also lie the remains of the above Mrs. Catherine STACE, relict of the above Mr. George STACE, who died 28th February, 1774, aged 80 years. After distinguishing ……….. particular friends with small bequests she bequeathed the residue of her fortune to her adopted heir, Mr. Richard TAYLOR, at whose expense and particular respect this inscription is subjoined to the above. Registers. 23rd April, 1753, Mr. George Stace buried. 7th March, 1774, Catherine Stace, widow, aged 80, buried.

271. Monument with urn, within rails: west face. Joseph PUXTY, of this Corporation, died 8th November, 1780, aged 62. South face:- Mary, relict of Joseph Puxty, of this Corporation, died 22nd March, 1799, aged 69.

272. Susanna AVANN, wife of John Avann, died 14th August, 1801, aged 74. John Avann, aforesaid died 25th November, 1829, aged 91.

273. Joseph LORD, of Pembroke, South Wales, died 15th June, 1801, aged 57.

274. Sarah, wife of Robert HAFFENDEN, died 25th February, 1754, aged 52. Grieve not dear Sisters, etc. Also above Robert H., died 1 (?5) October, 1779, aged 80. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife, Robert, Elizabeth, Sarah and James. James died 1st November, 1765, aged 2 years. Robert died 24th December, 1782, aged 26. (Amended 2017-02)

275. Richard, son of Robert HAFFENDEN, of this Towne and Elizabeth his wife, who was drowned at Rolvenden, May 21st, 1719, aged 11 years. Robert and Elizabeth Haffenden, father and mother of the above Richard, she died 13th January, 1757, aged 84 years ………………… (under grass).

276. Elizabeth, wife of George JUDGE, late of this parish died 19th November, 1856, aged 81. Left surviving four daughters Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Martha. Ann, daughter of above, died 4th April, 1857, aged 14 years. Sarah died 21st December, 1875, aged 63.

277. Mr. Joseph FAGG of this parish died 28th March, 1777, aged 70. Leaving issue five sons and two daughters. [No names given]. (Amended 2017-02)

278. Susannah, daughter of Joseph and Mary FAGG of this parish died September, 20th, 1748, in the ninth year of her age.

279. John NASH (many years baker of this Town and formerly of Walmer, in this county), died 20th September, 1846, aged 69. Left issue by Elizabeth his first wife, one son and two daughters, viz., Elizabeth, John and Mary. Mary his second wife, died 20th September, 1847, aged 75. John Nash died 1st September, 1870, aged 61.

280. Rebecca APPS, died 2nd February, 1892, aged 21.

281. William COLE of this parish Bricklayer, died 7th March, 1835, aged 49. Lucy his wife died 23rd June, 1862, aged 76.

282. Here lyeth ye bodies of Richard and Alice SETH. Ye said Richard Seth died December, ye 21st 1705, aged 63 years and Alice his wife, died July ye 16th, 1706, aged 63.

283. Margaret HAFFENDEN departed ye life ye 28th of July 1719, aged 79 years. She was ye widow of Robert Haffenden elder of ye parish gent, who is also here buried.

284. Here lyeth ye body of Robert HAFFENDEN, Esq., maior of ye Town and Hundred of Tenterden, who dyed November ye 29th, 1701, in ye 37th yeare of his age. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth, wife of the said Robert Haffenden, who departed this life the 21st of June, 1717, aged (?3)0 years.

285. James BURWASH, died March ye 5th, 1762, in ye 78th year of his age. Hannah, ye wife of James Burwash died January 1st, 1747, in ye 66th year of her age. They had issue two children, John and Hannah.

286. James HAFFENDEN, gent, of this parish, died March ye 24th day, 1709, aged 38.

287. Grace HAFFENDEN, late of this parish, died 13th August, 1770, aged 68. Registers. 20th August, 1770, Grace Haffenden aged 68.

288. John WINTON, late of this parish died 24th June, 1816, aged 81. Elizabeth his wife died 8th November, 1828, aged 87.

289. William BENNETT, late of this parish died 19th March, 1794, aged 36.

290. John WINTON, late of this parish died 25th October, 1859, aged 70. Jane wife of above died - aged - [not filled in].

291. Jane BISHOP, daughter of Edward and Ann Bishop, died 4th January, 1818, aged 17. Ann, her sister and wife of John CHANEY of Cranbrook, died 25th January, 1840, aged 40.

292. George, only son of Edward and Ann BISHOP of this place, Stonemason, died 19th March, 1844, aged 53. Left surviving, by Mary his widow, four sons and two daughters, Stephen, Gregory, Charles, Jane, Edward and Mary. Mary his widow, died 17th August, 1854, aged 64. Also Ellen youngest daughter, died 12th November, 1831, aged 15 months; Sarah second daughter, died 16th January, 1834, aged 6 years; Frank, youngest son, died 13th August, 1840, aged 7 years.

293. Ann, daughter of Samuel and Sarah CLOAKE, of Stone, in Isle of Oxney and wife of Edward BISHOP of this parish Stone- mason, died 25th April, 1825, aged 68. The aforesaid Edward BISHOP, died 5th March, 1832, aged 65. Left issue, one son and three daughters: Mary, Ann, George and Sarah. (Amended 2017-02)

294. William ALLEN, late of this parish died 1st May, 1814, aged 73. Elizabeth his wife, died 2nd February, 1822, aged 69. Leaving issue by Elizabeth his wife two sons and four daughters viz., Elizabeth, Sarah, William, Stephen, Charlotte and Jane. Elizabeth died 25th July, 1781, aged 5 years 8 months. William died 2nd January, 1786, aged 3 years 7 months. Stephen died 28th February, 1787, aged 7 weeks. Charlotte died 5th April, 1788, aged 3 weeks. Left surviving Sarah and Jane. Also in memory of Henry Allen, died at Bath, December, 1778, aged 34.

295. Stephen ALLEN of this parish died January ye 14th, 1763, aged 53. Left issue Stephen, William, Thomas and Henry. Sarah, wife of Stephen Allen died 10th January, 1789, aged 82. Near lieth Thomas, son of Stephen and Sarah Allen, died January ye 24th, 1770, aged 27.

296. Mrs. Sarah WICKEN of this place, died 20th June, 1828, aged 50. Leaving issue one son and one daughter, William and Elizabeth.

297. Frances, wife of Stephen WINDER, died October ye 16th, 1761, aged 30. Erected by her husband.

298. Henry and Ann PARTON. He died 1st May, 1769, aged 25. She died 29th September, 1771, aged 22. James Parton died 10th April, 1776, aged 29.

299. Peter PARTON of this parish, Miller, died 30th June, 1749, aged 31. Left issue three sons and two daughters. Elizabeth, his wife, afterward wife of John HOOKER, died 5th March, 1773, aged 58. By whom she left one daughter, Martha.

300. John HOOKER, late of this parish, Miller, died 29th August, 1792, aged 77. Mary his wife died 2nd November, 1806, aged 77. Martha, his daughter, died 4th May, 1784, aged 27, and is buried near.

301. Peter Parton, late of this parish, Miller, died 1st December, 1818, aged 56. Had issue by Elizabeth his wife, Elizabeth, Ann, Peter, William, Susanna, Jane, John, Mary, James, William-Grisbrook, Henry, Grace and Richard. William died 19th October, 1787, aged 6 months. Susanna died 12th December, 1798, aged 10 years. William-Grisbrook died 22nd march, 1795, aged 8 months. Jane died 5th June, 1817, aged 28 years. Elizabeth, his wife died 2nd February, 1823, aged 64.

302. Thomas WINTON, died 22nd June, 1826, aged 86. Hannah his wife, died 27th July, 1812, aged 64. Left surviving Ann and John.

303. Philip NORRIS, died 8th April, 1828, aged 49. Mary, wife of above died 6th January, 1852, aged 73. George LEWIS, died 23rd January, 1819, aged 33. Ann, wife of above died 2nd January, 1859, aged 74. Left issue three sons and two daughters, viz., Mary Ann, George, Sophia, William and John.

304. Joseph CATT, Yeoman, died 5th June, 1852, aged 77. Frances Catt died 29th July, 1859, aged 84. Had issue four sons and two daughters, viz., Frances, Joseph, James, Thomas, Ann and Stephen. Stephen died 3rd June, 1829, aged 10 years. Frances Catt, died 14th March, 1863. Ann Catt, died 20th February, 1898.

305. Thomas MERCER, died 28th September, 1849, aged 61. Charlotte, wife of above, died 11th July, 1874, aged 85.

306. -ames PARTON of this parish died ………. 1762, in the 52nd year. Leaving no issue. Elizabeth his widow, erected this stone. Registers. 13th March, 1762, James Parton buried.

307. Thomas BRUNGER of this place, Yeoman, died 22nd December, 1817, aged 77. Amy Brunger, second wife of Thomas Brunger of this place, Yeoman, died 25th November, 1815, aged 59. Left issue Thomas, Jane, Charlotte, Martha, Stephen, John and James. John died 12th November, 1830, aged 32. (Amended 2017-02)

308. Thomas EVEREST, died 10th March, 1761, aged 79.  (Amended 2017-02)

309. Lucy, wife of George CURTEIS of this parish, died 8th November, 1856, aged 56.

310. John and Susan WINTON, late of this parish. He died 27th November, 1766, aged 55, she died 1st June, 1787, aged 80. Their issue, John, Thomas and Mary. Mary, wife of Thomas BRUNGER, died 30th November, 1778, aged 29. Left issue, Mary, Susan, Ann, Frances and Elizabeth.

311. Amy BRUNGER, died 15th July, 1853, aged 79. Also Susan KADWELL her sister, died 20th July, 1853, aged 51. (Amended 2017-02)

312. In memory of two sons and two daughters of Thomas and Mary PAINE of this parish, three of which died of malignant fever w…………… in the space of twelve days. Ann ) (…………) [Buried …… Edward ) (…………) [Buried 6th September, aged 2 Leeds ) died (…………) 1770 [Buried 12th September, aged 4 Mary ) (…………) [Buried 19th September, aged 9

313. Mary PAINE died September, 1770.

314. Leeds PAINE died September 1770.

315. Henry TIWSDEN, the elder, died ye 20th April, 1753, aged 83. Also Henry Twisden, grandson of the above died November, 18th, 1807, aged 60, and Mary his widow, died 3rd May, 1828. Memento Mory (sic). Jane, daughter of Stephen ELMSTON, wife of Henry Twisden by whome she left issue surviving five daughters, two sons and one son deceased. She died January ye 27th, 1716, aged 38 years. She in her childhood dutifull was and in her youth both sober and chast and in her middle age void from strife, a faithfully companion and a loving wife. A tender mother of her children, a good example left to imitate her care, etc. Registers. 26th April, 1753, Henry Twisden buried. 2nd February, 1716/7, Jane Twisden buried.

316. Ann, widow of John HARMAN, sister of Henry TWISDEN, died June ye 11th, 1746, aged 74.

317. William HASSELL of this place died 1st June, 1829, aged 77. Ann, his wife died 21st November, 1783, aged 30. Left issue one daughter, Ann.

318. John GILBERT, late of Brown’s Corner Farm in this parish, Yeoman, died 25th November, 1860, aged 79. Ann, wife of above and daughter of William and Ann HAS………..[?Hassell] died 10th May, 1868, aged 86. Leaving issue, four sons and four daughters, viz., Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah, William-Henry, John, Jane, Jeffrey and Stephen.

319. Sarah, wife of Thomas RUSSELL, late of this parish died 7th March, 1791, aged 40.

320. Sarah, second wife of Samuel ESPENETT of this parish died 16th January, 1817, aged 55.

321. Samuel ESPENETT, of this town, died 30th March, 1840, aged 86. William his son died 13th March, 1828, aged 28.

322. Samuel ESPENETT of this parish died 28th April, 1816, aged 23. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife one son, and one daughter. Elizabeth and Samuel.

323. (Small monument with urn). Elizabeth, wife of George COWELL, died 17th April, 1841, aged 25.

324. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel ESPENETT of this parish died 17th June, 1786, aged 33.

325. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas BLACKMORE, died 4th October, 1791, aged 33. Left issue, Elizabeth, Jane, Sarah, Thomas and William. Jane died 7th May, 1797, aged 13. Thomas Blackmore of Pittlesden House ob: 14th November, 1827, Aet 70.

326. (Altar Tomb) on top shield of Arms Quarterly, 1 and 4 ermine, a fess; 2 and 3 a chevron between 3 lions jambs, impaling a chevron between 3 bulls’ heads cabossed [Curteis]. Mr. Walter BRETT, gent, one of the Jurats of this Corporation, died 30th July, 1756, aged 54. Philadelphia, wife of above, died 1st November, 1745, aged 42. Left issue, two daughters, Philadelphia and Elizabeth. Thomas Brett, youngest son of Brett and Sarah ELPHICKE of this parish, died 7th January, 1865, aged 29.

327. Elizabeth Akid BRIGHT, wife of William Bright, of this Town, died 15th February, 1854, aged 63. Above William Bright died 5th March, 1869, aged 52. Their issue were William, William-Thomas, Emma Frances and Frederick. William died 1st May, 1828, in infancy. William-Thomas died 31st August, 1853, aged 24, was buried at Dover. Frederick died 27th December, 1855, aged 22. Emma Frances died 13th June, 1862, aged 31, was buried at Swadhincote. The aforesaid William Bright left surviving a widow and three children, viz., Margaret-Eliza, Emily Elizabeth and Albert Edward.

328. Edward LAMPERT Esq., R.N. died 5th November, 1832, aged 64.

329. Samuel PLUM of this parish died May ye 2nd, 1743, aged 43. Left Martha his widow. Martha plum died 3rd December, 1763, aged 63. (Amended 2017-02)

330. Sarah, daughter of James and Sarah HOWARD and wife of William AVERY, died 23rd May, 1848. Aforesaid William Avery died 2nd June, 1877, aged 75. Leaving a widow, three sons and one daughter, Alfred, Edward, Elizabeth and Howard.

331. James HALL, died 21st September, 1784, aged 58. Philadelphia his wife, died 18th November, 1794, aged 58. Leaving issue, one son James, who died 12th September, 1799, and three daughters.

332. Elizabeth, wife of William JAMES of this parish, gent, died 20th October, 1766, aged 62. Also two of their children, Thomas and Elizabeth. Left issue surviving, Mary, Priscilla and Philadelphia.

333. John MERCER, late of this parish, Yeoman, died 19th July 1806, aged 78. Had issue by Mary his wife, John who died 11th July, 1759, aged 4 years; Sarah, who died 6th May 1799, aged 28. Left surviving Robert, Thomas, Mary, Elizabeth, John, Ann, William and Joseph. Mary his wife, died 11th August, 1809, aged 75. (Amended 2017-02)

334. Elizabeth SILCOCK, late of Tenterden, relict of William Silcock, late of Benenden in Kent. She was daughter to Edward SHARP, gent, of Crutthole in Benenden, by Elizabeth his wife. Had issue, five children. Two only of whom survived her, viz., Henry and Edward. She lived a widow 42 years and deceased April ye 7th Anno, 1716, in the 74th year of her age and was buried April ye 12th following.

335. Henry SILCOCK late of Tenterden, son of William Silcock late of Benenden in Kent, by Elizabeth his wife. He deceased October the 14th Anno, 1720, in the fiftieth year of his age. He died a Batchelor and only one brother survived him viz., Edward.

336. George Frederick VARTY, died 4th May, 1897. Rachel Barbara Varty, died 28th November, 1892. [He was Master of the National School].

337. John THWAITES (late of the parish of Stone, Isle of Oxney), Grazier, died 6th December, 1820, aged 71. Sarah, wife of above, died 31st January, 1848, aged 87. Had issue by Sarah his wife, Sally died 18th August, 1794, aged 8 years; Mary Ann died 5th May, 1797, aged 8. Left surviving Betsy and Charlotte. Two grandchildren of above sons of James and Charlotte, STONHAM, Thomas died 22nd May, 1829, aged 2 years; John Thwaites died 20th February, 1838, aged 17. [On the back]:- Charlotte, wife of James Stonham of the parish of Lympne and late of Stone, Oxney, died 20th December, 1852, aged 62, leaving one son and two daughters viz., James, Charlotte and Adelaide. James Stonham died 25th February, 1868, aged 79.

338. An old headstone with iron spikes along the top:- H.L. /Dorothy the wife/of John BLACKMORE/of New Romney/gent, died July ye 5th/1747, aged 49.

339. (An altar tomb). On top are the BLACKMORE arms impailing -, and an inscription now illegible. [On South Side] Ann Blackmore, wife of John Blackmore gent, died 19th October, 1739, aged 64 years.

340. (An altar tomb). No inscription apparent on top. On south side a slab now broken and lying on the top:- James Blackmore Esq., late of this parish died April 3rd, 1762, aged (?51). He married Margaret, daughter of Thomas MARSH of [?Ash]ford, Surgeon in this county, by whom he had ……… children, Thomas, Margaret and James. [North side] Margaret, widow of the said James Blackmore, died 20th April 1784, aged 66 years. (Amended 2017-02)

341. Jane BISHOP, wife of William Bishop of this Town, Surgeon, died 5th May, 1819, aged 33. Left issue, William, Jane and Thomas. Also the aforesaid Mr. William Bishop, died 15th October, 1837, aged 52. Also Lydia, widow of the above, died 2nd November, 1843, aged 55.

342. Mary MERCER, died 11th M……… 18(?44), aged …….. years. Edward Mercer, died January (?1), 18(?64), aged ……. years. [?Mary mercer buried 3rd July, 1844, aged 89 and Edward Mercer buried 7th January, 1864, aged 100 years, 1 week and 1 day].

343. (Altar tomb). On west end is the Coat of Arms: Quarterly [gu. and erm.] an eagle displayed [or]. (On top):- This Tomb was erected to the memory of Joseph HUSON late of Tenterden, gent, who died June ye 7th, 1738, in the 68th year of his age, by his relation and friend Joseph VINY in testimony of his esteem ……… gratitude, etc. Registers; 7th June, 1765, Joseph Viny buried, 13th June 1738, Mr. Joseph Huson buried. 17th July, 1732, Mr. John Huson buried.

344. H.W. PARRY Esq., Major in the Montgomery Militia, died 7th February, 1798, aged 43.

345. Peter RADLEY, gent, died 24th July, 1779, aged 94. Elizabeth his wife died 25th September, 1794, aged 93. (Amended 2017-02)

346. William RADLEY, gent, late of St. George’s Canterbury, son of Peter and Elizabeth Radley, formerly of this parish, died 5th August, 1812, aged 78. Also Owen JACKSON, nephew of above who in the prime of youth, died 18th March, 1790, aged 20. (Amended 2017-02)

347. John JOHNSON, senior, late of this Corporation, gent, died 23rd February, 1820, aged 85. Also Geny Johnson, his wife, died 31st March, 1796, aged 67. Left issue one son, John.

347a John JOHNSON, died 10th January, 1821, aged (?34). Left surviving by Ann his wife ……… children, Ann, Elizabeth, John, Hope and Edmund John.

348. Ann, wife of John JOHNSON, Junior of this parish, gent, died 10th August, 1786, aged 24. Left issue John and Ann. Ann died 26th January, 1787, aged 1 year and 7 months. Also John Johnson abovesaid, gent, died 18th May, 1824, aged 58.

349. Mr. John JOHNSON junior, died September, 26th, 1734, aged 24 years, 5 months. He left Sarah his wife and John his son, born November ye 10th next after. John Johnson ………. elder, died 27th May 1…….., aged 74. Elizabeth Johnson his wife, died the 18th October, 1765, aged 86 (or 90) [the figures have been recut]. Registers; Mr. John Johnson, aged 75, buried 2nd June, 1737.

350. John BREDEN, late of this parish, Bookseller, died 10th December 1810, aged 75. Ann, wife of above, died 20th January, 1826, aged 82.

351. Richard ELPHICKE of this Corporation, gent, died 26th January, 1788, aged 57. Philadelphia his wife, died 19th January, 1794, aged 62. Left issue one son, Walter.

352. The 17th of May in the year of the Christian Era, 1774, was returned to its original dust, the earthy Tabernacle
of the Rev. Cornelius HANDCOCK, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, aged 84. [He was minister of the Presbyterian "Old Meeting House"].

353. An early 18th century double headed stone quite illegible.

354. Mary, wife of William DAWS of this parish, died 25th July, 1842, aged 68. Above William Daws died 24th November, 1851, aged 80. Harriett his second wife, died 21st February, 1871, at Exeter in her 85th year and is interred there.

355. A vault, on keystone TANNER, 1844.

356. Samuel HARDEN of this parish died 6th July, 1827, aged 79. Hannah, wife of above, died 12th July, 1829, aged 82. Jane, their daughter, died 7th February, 1855, aged 66; Samuel, son of above John and Sarah Harden, died 26th August, 1854, aged 26. (Amended 2017-02)

357. Quartermaster John TITLEY of the Dor……..hire Militia, who died at R[eding] Street Barracks, 13th March, 1800, aged (?55). This stone …….(illegible). Registers. 19th March, 1800, John Titley, aged 55, buried.

358. Ellen, wife of T. RUSSELL of Gray’s Inn Terrace, London. obt 26th January, 1826, aged 27. Above T. Russell died 16th March, 1859, aged 74.

359. (Altar tomb). On top:- Mr. James MUNN of Boresile, Tenterden, died 4th May, 1797, aged 57, leaving the following issue, Ann who died 21st October, 1797, aged 21; James died 18th August 1799, aged 21 and Sarah died 27th February, 1800, aged 20. Also another daughter, Mary, died 20th December, 1782, aged 9 weeks. Ann, his wife died 5th December, 1801, aged 56. Mr. William CHAMBERS died 22nd May, 1841, in 72nd year. Mary, wife of William Chambers, died 14th January, 1849, aged 71. James Munn, son of William and Mary CHAMBERS died January 26th, 1849, aged 28. (North side) Mary Chambers, eldest daughter of above, died 24th June, 1877, aged 80. To the dear memory of my Mother, Martha (Patty) WRIGHT, 7th daughter of William Chambers 1812-1888. (South side) Harriett COPLAND, wife of S.R. Copland, born 29th September, 1817, died 17th August, 1871. (Amended 2017-02)

360. Martha JEFFERY, relict of Richard Jeffrey, late of Tunbridge Wells, died 2nd February, 1809, aged 79.

361. To one son and two daughters of Richard and Martha CLOUTE of this parish. Martha )(15th June, 1799 ) (14 weeks Edward ) Died (27th November, 1810) aged (10 months Ann ) (25th January, 1817 ) (16 years

362. Richard CLOUTE of this parish, gent, 23rd July, 1841, aged 76. Martha his wife, died 4th April, 1849, aged 82. Leaving
issue two sons, Richard-Jeffery and Thomas.

363. Samuel TURNER, gent, of this parish, died 30th January, 1775, aged 79. Catherine his wife, died March 16th, 1781, aged 75. Erected by his nephew John Turner, of Stone, in the Isle of Oxney.

364. John MUNN of this parish, gent, d….. .. 25th, 176… Anne, wife of Jno. Munn of this parish, gent, died 6th July, 1773, in 36th year. They had issue three daughters, Mary, Anne and Sarah. Registers. 30th September, 1763, John Munn buried.

365. Elizabeth, wife of William Strickland of this place. She suddenly expired without a groan 22nd August, 1819, aged 42. Leaving issue a surviving daughter, Elizabeth. William STRICKLAND of this place, died 12th june, 1821, aged 44.

366. Jeanette ELLIS died 15th October, 1884, aged 34. Clara Ellis died 31st October, 1884, aged 23. Caroline Ellis, mother of above, died 16th July, 1892, aged 67. George Ellis, husband of above Charlotte Ellis, died 27th July, 1903, aged 83.

367. Elizabeth Eleanor, wife of the Rev. Joseph WELD, died 17th June, 1873, aged 74. The above Rev. Joseph Weld, A.M. of Westwell House, Tenterden, died 16th May, 1877, aged 81.

368. Eleanor Ida, daughter of Frederick and Eleanor STANBRIDGE, died 10th September, 1878, aged 17. Above Eleanor Stanbridge died 30th December, 1914, aged 78 and Frederick Stanbridge died 17th March, 1917, aged 84.

369. Harriett Emily COLE wife of James Cole of this parish, died in London 11th December, 1876, in 29th year.

370. Mary MADGSHON, wife of Robert Madgshon late of East Lane, Old Kent Road, Newington, died 13th October, 1831, aged 65. Also Henry SWIFT her Father, who lies buried near this place. Likewise Elizabeth and Jane FARLEY, neices of the above Mary Madgshon and of Henry Seift, son of above Henry Swift who died 11th October, 1839, aged 69.

371. William WATERS, died 8th December, 178(?5), aged 85. Elizabeth his wife, died 21st (?) May, 1793, aged 9(?2) years. Also (?3) children …….. Margaret, (?Ann), William. Margaret died ………. 17………Registers. 27th May, 1793, Elizabeth Waters, aged 92.

372. Charles WALKER ………… Surgeon, died ………. July, 1790, aged (?2)4 years. Registers. 7th July, 1790, Charles Walker aged 25, buried.

373, Lydia, wife of Edward TAMKIN (not Lamkin), died 12th February, 1877, aged 33. Left issue one son, Ernest John. Edward Tamkin died 5th May, 1880, aged 38. (Sandra Everhart informs us that the name should be TAMKIN as in 475 & 476 18-03-2007)

374. Edwin William S…..ett, eldest son of R.E. and S. WARRINGTON, born 24th September, 1864, died 15th June, 1875.

375. Edward, son of Edwin Percival and Eliza APPS, died 2nd March, 1878, aged 24. Frederick and Abigial, children of above died in infancy. Rosa their eldest daughter, died 7th June, 1882 aged 26. Above Edwin Perceval Apps died 24th October, 1888, aged 64 and Eliza his wife, died 20th February, 1904, aged 80.

376. Richard BURDEN, of Guildford in Sussex, died 21st September, 1797, aged 59, after a long and painful illness. Jane Burden, wife of Richard Burden, died 29th December, 1805, aged 68.

377. Thomas CHAMBERS, died 28th May, 1816, aged 76. Martha his wife, died 26th June 1826, aged 82. Had issue, six children of whom three survive. (Amended 2017-02)

378. John OSBORNE died (?6th) January, 1789, aged 77 ……James BLACKMORE, of Westwell, in this parish, Esq., in which ………. in that family, 17 years and 9 months.

379. John Murrell died 7th May, 1853, aged 71. Jane his wife, died 11th April, 1852, aged 61. Left issue, two daughters Elizabeth and Esther.

380. James WELLER, died 5th May, 1887, aged 92. Hepzibeth, youngest daughter of Mr. James Weller died 26th June, 1873, after a long and painful illness.

381. Samuel FREEMAN died 26th March, 1877, aged 30. Samuel William, son of Samuel and Emily Freeman, died 2nd July, 1878, aged 51. (Amended 2017-02)

382. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas BRIGHT (late of Tenterden), died 5th January, 1867, aged 61.

383. James Howard, son of James and Sarah Howard of this parish died 8th August, 1806, aged 2 years and 6 months.

384. James HOWARD late of this parish, Tanner, died 25th July, 1826, aged 54. An affectionate husband, father and sincere friend. Sarah, wife of James Howard, died 14th June, 1836, aged 58.

385. Samuel HOWARD died November, 25th, 1841, aged 2 years and 3 months.

386. Sarah, wife of Henry GOODSALL of this parish, died 22nd April, 1852, in 44th year. Henry Goodsall died 15th March, 1895, in 85th year.

387. Mary, daughter of Stephen and Mary, GOODSALL of this parish, after a lingering illness of 16 years, which she bore with the greatest fortitude, died 28th July, 1823, aged 33. Eleanor, daughter of aforesaid Stephen and Mary Goodsall, died 27th September, 1837, aged 32, at whose desire this stone was erected.

388. Stephen GOODSALL, many years Builder of this place, died 28th January, 1855, in 86th year. Mary, wife of Stephen Goodsall, died 24th January, 1844, aged 73.

389. Susan PIGRAM, youngest daughter of William TURK, of Wittersham, died 3rd August, 1786, in 35th year.

390. On 15 April, 1809, died Mr. William PIGRAM of this place, aged (?5)8 years. (Amended 2017-02)

391. Frances, wife of John MARTEN of this parish, Stonemason, died 23rd April, 1778, aged 57. Left issue one daughter, Fanny. John Marten aforesaid, died 18th April, 1814, aged 86. Charlotte his fourth wife, died 31st December, 1828, aged 68.

392. James BRUNGE, senior, died 12th November, 1813, aged 70. Leaving by Mary his wife six children, James, Elizabeth, Thomas, Mary, Ann and John. Mary Brunger his wife, died 30th March, 1825, aged 73.

393. William HYLAND died 27th September, 1878, aged 90, many years President of the United Brothers Society in this Town.

394. (By Western Gate). Robert REED died ye 10th of January, 1737, aged 27. To whose memory, Jane his wife, caused this stone to be erected. Jane, relict of Robert Reed, and wife of William GIBSON of this Town, died ye 15th of April, 1741, aged 27 years. Left issue one daughter, Jane Gibson. Registers. 14th January, 1737, Robert Reed, 20th April, 1741, Jane Gibson buried. [A Mr. William Reed from ye Woolpack was buried 10th May, 1727]. (Amended 2017-02)

395. (A Vault) on keystone, CURTEIS, 1831.

396. Christopher (?CHRISTMAS) …. ?December, 18…Also ………. (illegible. Not traced in Registers).Footstone C.C. (no date).

End of Churchyard.

Stones in the Churchyard Extension near the Railway Station.
397. Richard CASINGHM died 11th November, 1866, aged 72. Mary his wife, died 15th December, 1848, aged 53. Two children Samuel and David died in infancy. Left surviving three sons and four daughters. Also Sarah, 2nd daughter of above died 23rd October, 1875. Hannah Cassingham died 17th March, 1910, in 69th year.

398. Thomas CROUCHER, died 8th February, 1871, aged 81. Eliza his wife, 2nd February, 1871, aged 69.

399. Thomas AUSTEN, late of this parish, died 7th December, 1850, aged 79. Mary his wife, died 11th March, 1848, aged 77. Issue, sixteen children of whom ten surviving, John, William, Mary, Jane, Eliza, Stephen, Bartlet, Harriott, Ann and James. Also of Thomas, Sarah, Richard, George, Henry and Joseph, departed children of above Thomas and Mary Austen.

400. William CUTBUSH died 11th September, 1884, aged 77. Eliza his wife, died 19th April, 1902, aged 92.

401. Amelia, wife of Thomas MARSHALL of this Town, died 11th September, 1870, aged 57. Left surviving John, Amelia, George and Emily. The above Thomas Marshall died 25th August, 1882, aged 71. John their son, died at Raniket, Bengal, 9th February, 1882, aged 37.

402. John RELF died 13th December, 1868, aged 52. A last acknowledgement of a valuable service of many years.

403. Richard, son of George and Elizabeth DENNISS, died 10th March, 1877, aged 29.

404. Mar………. fe of William [EDW]ARDS, died ………..……… Also George their, son who died in North America 27th May, 1865, aged 35. Register. Mary Edwards buried 27th February, 1865, aged 56.

405. Henry ROBERTS died 17th August, 1857, aged 38.

406. Frederick Harvey SMITH, late of Hastings, died 24th March, 1860, aged 28. Charlotte, wife of James HOOK, died 21st December, 1864, aged 56. James Hook died 2nd October, 1877, aged 69.

407. Eli WENBAN died 15th July, 1881, aged 64. Laura his wife, died October, 1872, aged 65. Hannah their daughter, died 1st March, 1851. Interred at St. Mary’s Ticehurst, aged 5 months. Frank their son, died 7th February, 1855, aged 11 months. (Amended 2017-02)

408. Lavinia, wife of George Hopper HUKINS (Watchmaker,etc., of this parish) died 24th August, 1860, aged 38. Also Lavinia Lucretia, daughter of above, died 22nd August, 1858, aged 9 years. [See No. 76].
In Tenterden Cemetery there is a memorial to Ann Frances wife of George H. Hukins, who died 12th March, 1904, aged 73. Also the above George Hopper Hukins who died at Montauban, St. Martin’s Guernsey, on 28th July, 1910, aged 86, and is interred in this grave.(Amended 2017-02)

409. Sophia Matilda SHEPHERD, born 25th July, 1814, died 6th March, 1888, aged 73.

410. Henry KENNETT died 22nd October, 1859, aged 29. Only son of Mr. Henry Kennett of Hambledon, Hants.

411. Charles SHEPHERD, Solicitor of this Town, died 10th September, 1854, aged 47. Sophia Ann, eldest daughter of above, died 11th June, 1887, aged 49.

412. Felix DUNSTER of this parish died 9th August, 1861, aged 78. Mary his wife, died 20th November, 1868, aged 85. Having issue four sons and five daughters, William, Mary, Ann, Sarah, Jane, John, Caroline, George and James. Sarah died 1st May, 1855, aged 45. Charles, son of above William Dunster, died 15th April, 1856, aged 22. James Dunster died 22nd January, 1894, aged 71.

413. Ann FAZAKERLEY, second daughter of the late Felix DUNSTER, died 5th September, 1878, aged 70. Also Caroline Dunster his youngest daughter, died 8th July, 1883, aged 66.

414. Richard CRITTENDEN died 20th August, 1872, aged 68. Elizabeth his wife, died 19th June, 1876, aged 72. George son of above, died 23rd February, 1876. Jane, daughter of above died 19th January, 1880. [No ages].

415. Charles MILSTED late of this Town, Blacksmith, died 3rd May, 1862, aged 70. Also Milisent his wife, died 25th November, 1858, aged 74.

416. George Thomas SEARLE died May 18th, 1858, aged 29. Leaving Mary his wife, by whom this stone was erected.

417. Jasper WHEELER died 1st July, 1857, aged 41.

418. Martha, daughter of Charles and Martha SNOAD of Brook land, in this County, Grazier, died 21st July, 1860, aged 43.

419. John LONGLEY of this parish died 19th February, 1868, aged 52. Tom Longley, son of above, died 19th November, 1865, aged 19. William Longley died 15th May, 1890, aged 47.

420. Albert, son of Frederick and Eleanor STANBRIDGE, died 31st January, 1871, aged 9 months. Arthur Frederick Stanbridge who was interred at Banghurst, Hampshire, died 19th February, 1865, aged 8 months.

421. Samuel MILTON died 20th April, 1879, aged 67. Mary Harriett his wife, died 24th January, 1884, aged 78.

422. Thomas COLEMAN died 7th November, 1887, aged 58 Elizabeth his wife, died 11th December, 1879, aged 54. Leaving three daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Ann.

423. William FUGGLE, many years Baker of this Town, died 19th March, 1889, aged 67. Louisa Jane his wife, died 27th June, 1850, aged 31. Leaving issue three sons and two daughters, William Henry, Alfred, John, Mary Jane and Elizabeth Ann. Also Elizabeth, second wife of above, died 11th march, 1887, aged 60. Leaving issue seven sons and one daughter, Edward, Stephen, Frederic, George, Emma, Sam Sinden, Charles and Albert Richard. The above named William Henry, died 1st October, 1869, aged 27; Alfred died 28th September, 1870, aged 26; Emma died 16th March, 1863, aged 3 years.

424. John LONGLEY died 4th January, 1878, aged 83. Sophia his wife, died 17th November, 1869, aged 60, and four of their children, George Longley died at Malta, 4th October, 1857, aged 25; John Longley, died 8th October, 1857, aged 20; Nathaniel Morphett Longley, died 3rd January, 1875, aged 35. Helen Longley died at Tunbridge, 4th October, 1868, aged 24.

425. Mrs. Sarah CATT of this parish died 18th March, 1866, aged 88. Leaving seven sons and one daughter, James, William, Joseph, Isaac, Harriott, Stephen, Charles and George.

426. Elizabeth Hester, wife of George BUTCHER of this parish died 23rd July 1875, aged 51. George Butcher died 11th August, 1894, aged 72. He is interred in Charlton Cemetery, by Dover. Also George Thomas son of above, died 4th March, 1854, aged 1 year and 5 months.

427. The children of Arthur and Catherine HARROW of Ivy Cottage, Heronden Hall, Mary Catherine died 26th February, 1871, aged 1 year 5 months. Arthur George died 4th March, 1871, aged 5 years 7 months. Jesse Margaret died March, 1872, aged 4 months, 16 days.

428. Sarah, wife of William ROFE of Plomer House, in this parish died 8th June, 1873, aged 77. Above William Rofe died 14th January, 1876, aged 78. Ann Rofe daughter of above, died 21st January, 1901. (no age).

429. Henry SANTER ……….rn February, 11th, 1789, died ……… November ……. 1856, aged [67] years. Elizabeth ……… born …….. 1790, died [June], 1863 [aged 71]. Sa………… Footstone H.S. 1856 E.S. 1863.

430. Arthur, son of John and Mary HOWARD, died 14th December, 1858, aged 2 years and 1 month.(Amended 2017-02)

431. William Jones died 21st November, 1861, aged 64. Elizabeth Jane his wife, died 6th April, 1864, aged 67. Harriot their daughter, died 29th September, 1858, aged 27.(Amended 2017-02)

432. Jeffery GILBERT of St. Michael’s, died 6th October, 1889, aged 67. William Frederick, infant son of above, born 30th November, 1850, died 20th January, 1851. Edwin Charles, second son of above, died 18th October, 1869, aged 17.

433. Charles BUCKMAN died 29th January, 1875, aged 53. Left surviving Mary his wife, two sons and two daughters. Mary his widow, died 21st February, 1899, aged 70.

434. James CATT of this parish, born 7th March, 1811, died at Blackheath Hill, 12th October, 1858.

435. Mary Ann, wife of Henry MILES of Tenterden, died 23rd October, 1883, aged 69. Henry Miles died 10th February, 1885, aged 76.

The following are on the Western side of this Burial Ground:-
436. Edwards ROBERTS died 4th July, 1851, aged 77. Sarah Sarah Roberts his wife, died 19th February, 1853, aged 73. Catherine Roberts died 16th November, 1875,. Aged 52. Mary Ann Roberts died 23rd August, 1883, aged 81.

437. Isaac JARVIS (Nurseryman), died 17th December, 1875, aged 52. William, eldest son of above, died 13th April, 1911, aged 60.

438. William CHECKSFIELD of Leigh Green, Tenterden, died 27th January, 1871, aged 53. William his only son died 8th August, 1885, aged 36.

439. Thomas Edward CHECKSFIELD, died 3rd August, 1853, aged 4 months.(Amended 2017-02)

440. To the children of George and Jane CHECKSFIELD, Charles died 1st January, 1859, aged 8 hours. Alfred Herbert, 16th November, 1872, aged 7 years 11 months. Mary Jane, 28th November, 1872, aged 10 years 6 months. Olive Agnes, 4th December, 1872, aged 5 years 10 months.

441. Thomas CHRISMAS, born 24th June, 1805, died 11 September, 1869. Jane his wife, born 15th December, 1811, died 12th July, 1886. Louisa Delphia daughter of above, born 13th June, 1840, died 11 July, 1854.(Amended 2017-02)

442. (Flat, within rails) William Peel CROUGHTON, Esq., of Heronden, in Tenterden, died 17th June, 1856, aged 38. Mary his wife, died 9th June, 1898, aged 84.

443. Eliza, wife of W. Charles FINTER, died 30th November, 1883, aged 48.

444. Edward CROUCHER died 7th July, 1888, aged 89. Mary his wife, died 27th May, 1874, aged 71.

445. Jesse Henry NEWINGTON, died 18th April, 1904, aged 91. Harriette his wife, died 14th January, 1859, aged 59. Harriette Sophia daughter, of above, died 31st May, 1882, aged 34. Charles Gilbert, eldest son, died 17th November, 1882, aged 36. Sarah Louisa second wife of above Jesse Henry Newington, died 13th December, 1884, (no age).

446. Edward WICKEN, died 1st July, 1879, aged 70. Mary Wicken his wife, 18th June, 1881, aged 67.

447. Eleanor Rees, second daughter of the Rev. Marmaduke WARD, late of Trunch, Norfolk, aged lxxiii years. Sister, of the late Rev. Philip Ward, Vicar of Tenterden 1830-1859. [No date given].

448. Fanny HAVERS died 16th November, 1870, aged 2 years and 8 months.

449. Stephen HOOK of Woodchurch, and late of Smallhythe, Born 10th July, 1834, deed 9th December, 1885. Mary Ann wife of above, died 18th July, 1911, aged 76. Frank Frederick son of above, born 6th February, 1865, died 30th January, 1877.

450. John BURTON died 2nd December, 1859, aged 81. Philadelphia his wife, died 2nd February, 1855, aged 70.

451. Frank WOOD, third son of Thomas and Susan Wood of Tenterden, died 28th November, 1867, aged 25. Mercy, widow of the late Thomas Wood, died 27th September, 1882, aged 80.

452. Susan, wife of Thomas WOOD, of Tenterden, died 9th July, 1870, aged 65. Thomas Wood died 2nd November, 1881, aged 80.

453. Jane, wife of John WOOD of Tenterden, died 17th September, 1870, aged 25.

454. Ann, wife of David MASTERS, died 19th April, 1863, aged 36. Leaving issue, Ellen, Jesse, David and Albert. David Masters, above named son, died 10th November, 1895, aged 34.

455. Amy Miller WOOD died 29th October, 1890, aged 58.

456. William Hubert, son of the Rev. W. BELL, Wesleyan Minister, died 21st January, 1876, aged 8 months and 4 days.

457. William COCK died at Tenterden, 10th May, 1869, aged 66. Also his four children, Harriett-Phoebe aged 7, Sally Chamberlain aged 3, Thomas Henry aged 6 years. All died in 1858. Victoria-Elizabeth aged 20, died 11th February, 1869.

458. Henry CROUCHER died 5th March, 1886, aged 90. Mary his wife, died 25th November, 1860, aged 62. Leaving surviving two sons and four daughters. Henry, Thomas, Betsy, Ann, Harriett and Louisa. His second wife Caroline Elizabeth Amelia Croucher, died 17th March, 1886, aged 65.(Amended 2017-02)

459. Ann, wife of B.O. CROUCHER and fourth daughter of Mr. Henry BRIGHT of Woodchurch, died 22nd December, 1881, age 32. Dear little Ernie, born 25th January, 1888, died 12th October, 1892.

460. Grace GLASSCODINE died 21st November, 1848, aged 56. Left surviving one son and three daughters, viz., Mary, Charlotte, Henry and Susannah.

461. Thomas GOODSALL, butcher, died 25th January, 1861, aged 66. Ann his wife, died 5th November, 1865, aged 75.

462. Thomas SHOESMITH died 22nd October, 1872, aged 68. Mary Ann his wife died 24th October, 1880, aged 68.

463. Philadelphia, wife of John HUGGETT, Nurseryman, of this parish, died 24th November, 1859, aged 60. James their only son, died 22nd May, 1866, aged 37.

464. Stephen SHERWOOD died 21st November, 1880, aged 33. Henry Sherwood died 24th November, 1865, aged 30. Mary TAYLOR, grandmother of above, died 25thFebruary, 1869, aged 97.(Amended 2017-02)

465. Robert CLARKE died 28th August, 1873, aged 39 years. William Clarke died 1st October, 1872, aged 3 years Frederick Clarke died 17th September, 1872, aged 4 years 9 months Ann Clarke died 18th December, 1908, in 75th year George Clarke died 8th January, 1876, aged 4 years 9 months Harry Robert Clarke died 5th June, 1890, 26 years.

466. Jane, wife of Benjamin Thomas GOLDSMITH, died 2nd May, 1886, aged 54. Lewis Rolfe, eldest son of above, died 12th July, 1861, aged 8 years.(Amended 2017-02)

467. Humphrey PARSONS, late of Beckley, died August, 26th, 1874, aged 71. Elizabeth, wife of above, died 19th November, 1884, aged 84.

468. William CHAINEY died 20th March, 1856, aged 24. Left surviving, Mercy his wife and one son, William Frederick Marcy, wife of above died 27th June, 1902, aged 65.

469. William BARNES died 5th March, 1886, aged 42. Hannah Jane, daughter of above, died 14th July, 1884, aged 6.

470. Thomas HAFFENDEN died 14th July, 1883, aged 74. Ann his wife, died 29th October, 1901, aged 82. Elizabeth their daughter, died 6th December, 1882, aged 21.

471. Jane, wife of George LEWIS junior, of Tenterden, died 28th February, 1882, aged 33. James, son of above, died 5th September, 1878, aged 1 year. Lizzie their daughter, died May, 30th, 1882, aged 4 months.

472. William KING died 13th November, 1885, aged 75. Catherine his wife, died 22nd October, 1885, aged 78, leaving three sons and one daughter. Erected by their daughter Harriet of Topeka, Kansas, America.

473. Henry CHECKSFIELD died 12th February, 1898, aged 70. Ann his wife, died 26th January, 1899, in 78th year. Her children shall call her Blessed.

474. William KIRK, late of Tottenham Curt Road, Painter, died 20th June, 1867, aged 44. Mary, wife of above, died 30th September, 1901, in 83rd year.

475. Henry TAMKIN died 23rd June, 1877, aged 54. Sarah Tamkin his wife, died at Mersham, 17th October, 1891, aged 71. Leaving issue Henry Tamkin Verrall, Jane and Frederick James. Also Thomas, Stephen-John, Fanny-Ellen, and Anne, children of Henry and Sarah Tamkin of this Town. Thomas died 29th July, 1849, aged 4 years. Stephen John died 9th August, 1858, aged 4 years 4 months. Fanny Ellen died 19th June, 1866, aged 3 years 6 months. Ann died 14th October, 1866, aged 1 year.

476. Sarah Jane Judith TAMKIN died 15th December, 1881, aged 32. Mary Elizabeth COPPINS died 5th November, 1882, aged 31, and Charles William Tamkin died 30th November, 1889, aged 30.

Inscriptions in the Church.
The following are now on the floor of the Tower and west end of the Nave:-

477. Here lyeth interred the body of Stephen CVRTEIS Esq., Maior of this Towne and Hundred, who died the 12th of August, 1654. Having ……….. sonne named Nathaniel and onely davghter named Elizabeth. Being aged 28 years. Registers. Stephen Curteis Esqre. Major, buryed the 12th day August, 1654.

478. Arms: A chevron between three griffins. Impaling a lion rampant debruised by a chevronel. Here lieth the body of William FINCH Esq., of Leigh Green, in this Parish, who died the 28th of November, 1735, aged 74. Here also lyeth the body of Mrs. Thomasine Finch, sister of the above William Finch ………. March, 1742 [buried 16th March] in the 80th year of her age.

479. Here leith the bodies of William ……. HOPLEY ……….(Stone broken and worn about three lines). Also Elizabeth their daughter. She died October 21st, 1807, aged 19 years. Likewise the aforesaid Jane Hopley, died August 20th, 1810, aged 59 years.

480. Stone with matrix of a brass to a priest and inscription (now lost) c. 1450.

481. Arms: On a fess between three (birds0, two (?roundels) between two fleur de lys. Impaling a chevron between three bulls heads cabossed (Curteis). Crest, a mailed hand holding a fleur de lys. Robert STACE of Tenterden died 23rd April, 1718, aged 77. Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John CURTEIS of Tenterden, died 2nd August, 1739, aged 70. They left issue one son Robert.

482. In memory of Robert STACE of Tenterden, Ob: July 30th, 1774, aged 70. Elizabeth his wife ob: May 2nd, 1783, aged 79. Robert Stace their only son ob: February 15th, 1818, aged 77.

483. Here lyeth ye body of Ann TVCKER, wife of Elhanan TVCKER, of Tenterden, gent, and daughter of John FILE of Wye, Wollen draper, who dyed the 30th Day of August, Anno Dom. 1680, in the 29th year of her age. And left issue one son viz., Andrew. Here lyeth also the boyd of ye above named Andrew Tvcker, who dyed ye 16th day of October, in ye 10th weeke of his age.

484, Arms: A chevron embattled counter embattled between three sea horses. Crest, arm grasping a battle axe. Here lyeth ye body of Capt. Andrew TUCKER of Tenderden in Kent, son of Richard Tucker of Brixham in Devon, gent, who departed this life ye 3rd day of April, Anno Dom. 1680, in the 54th year of his age. Leaving issue two sons and two daughters, viz., Elhanan and Kemuell, Ann and Judeth.

485. Arms: A chevron between three griffins passant. In centre chief point a roundel. Impaling, on a chief dancettee three goats’ heads erased (Downton). Crest, a griffin passant. Here lyeth buryed Edward FINCH Esq., who dyed ye 4th day of May, A.D. 1677. He left issue by Thomasine his wife, daughter of Richard DOWNTON of Sandhurst, in this County, Esq., deceased, Edward, Richard, William and Thomasine. Thomasine ye wife, dyed the 14th Day of December, Anno Dom. 1689, and here buried. Edward ye eldest son of ye said Edward and Thomasine, dyed without issue ye 16th of September, Anno Dom. 1696, and here buryed. [added]. Edward Finch of Leigh Green, only son of the above Richard, died 19th March, 1780, aged 79 years, leaving issue William, Richard, Nicholas and Elizabeth. William Finch of Leigh Green, son of the above Edward, died 30th November, 1794, aged 56 years. Leaving issue Elizabeth, William and Mary.(Amended 2017-02)

486. Sacred to the memory of ……am Henry SHEPHERD, second son of ……… and Lydia Shepherd ………. This County …….. this life on the ….. day of February, 1826, ……. 19 years and 11 months. ………… Edward son of Charles and Sophia Matilda Shepherd ……… this life on ………. day of June, 18-2, aged 6 months, also of Mary Elizabeth ………. (under Church chest).

487. Two brass shields (a) a chevron between 3 lions’ jambs (Austen) (b) the same impaling 3 arrows points down (Hales). Inscription on an inlay of white marble is largely illegible. Here lyeth the body of W……………. this Towne, whoe d…………. mber, 1595, leavinge Elizabeth ………… Edward HALES Esquire, by who …………..nnes Edward, John, Robert, ………….Margaret Mary, E…………….. A-I-a-ll, Martha and Svsan. All ………… Hodie mihi cras tibi.
Note:- This is to William Austen who Married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Hales and was Bailiff of Tenterden in 1585 and 1586. The following entries in the Registers help to elucidate the above inscription. 20th January, 1577/8, William Austen and Elizabeth Hales married. 16th November, 1578, Margerett, daughter of Wylliam Austen jurat bapt. 20th December, 1579, Marie, doughter of Wylliam Austen, jurat bapt. 17th March 1580/1, Elizabeth ditto. 3rd June, 1582, Edward, sonne of so. 22nd December, 1583, Rebecca, daughter, do. 11th Julie, 1585, Sara, doughter of William Austen the Bailie bapt. 21st August, 1586, John, son of Mr. Austen, bailife, bapt. 15th October, 1587, Robert son of William Austen, jurat bapt. 16th February, 1588/9, Abigaiell, doughter, do. 20th February, 1590/1, Samuell, son, do. 24th August, 1594, Martha, daughter, do. 19th October, 1595, Susanna, daughter, do. There is no burial of a William Austen in 1595, but a William Austen is recorded as being buried 22nd February, 1596/7.

488. Two brass shields now lost. Inscription on an inlay of white marble almost illegible. H…………….n eldest ……… of W……………………xxviith day …………. winge ………….. [?Gent], …………..y …………. [?wald] ………..n (liv)ing. Hodie mihi…………..i
Note:- This seems to be to Edward, eldest son of William Austen, who died in 1610.

489. Arms; A chevron embattled counter embattled between 3 seahorses:- Underneath lyeth the body of Mrs. Ann TUCKER widow, who dyed April ye 19th, 1690. Also Mr. Elhanan and Mr. Kemuel Tucker her sons, all of this Parish, the said Elhanan died April ye ………… and Kemuel ye 27th of June, month and year their Mother died. Mrs.Ann Tucker aged about 70 years. Mr. Elhanan 35 years. Mr. Kemuel 29 years. Mrs. Anna BLACKMORE, widow, laid this stone in memory of the above persons.

490 and 491. Matrices of two brass inscriptions now lost.

492. Arms. A chevron between 3 lion’s jambs. Crest. Out of an embattled crown a demi stag:- Here lyeth the body of Robert Austin, gent of this parish, the ………..d son of John Austin of Broadford in Horsemonden, Gent, ……....Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas WELLER of Tunbridge, gent, ………….d of the smallpox, January ye 27th, 1727, ……….d in ye 25th year of his age ……….. monument was placed here …….. gratefull memorial of him ……… his five surviving brothers and one sister [partly under pews].

493. Arms. A griffin segreant between 3 estoiles. Crest, a griffin’s head between two wings charged with estoiles. H.J. Thomas SHORT fil Dan. Nep Tho. qui vixit coelebs ann li mens iv anima Deo red: 3 Id Quint 1706. Henr SNOOKE ex sorore Nepos Avunculo P. Register. 14th August, 1706, Thomas Short, gent, buried. [See Short pedigree p. 90 Vis. Kent, 1619, Harl:Soc:].

494. Arms. A fess between 3 Blackamores’ heads. Impaling a chevron, on a chief 3 mullets. Crest. A Blackamore’s head. Underneath lye the bodies of William BLACKMORE late of this parish, gent, who departed this life August, 5th, 1709, in the 73rd year of his age. Also Frances his wife who dyed June ye 29th, 1699, aged 72 years.

495. Arms. A chevron between 3 lions’ jambs. Crest, out of an embattled crown a stag’s head. Here lyeth interred John AVSTEN Esq., who dyed withovt issue the eleventh day of December, 1655, in the threescore and tenth year of his age. Hee being sonne of William Avsten of Tenterden, Esq., and leaveing Robert Avsten of Bexley in Kent, Esq., his onely brother and Elizabeth, the wife of Samuel SHORT of Tenterden, Esq., his onely sister then live ing.

In the North Chancel.
(which is now known as the "Roberts" Chancel).

496. On the floor. Shield of Arms:- Two chevrons on a chief 3 cinque foils. Impaling Curteis. Crest. Out of a mural crown a demi eagle displayed:- Here lyeth the body of Robert BRODNAX, late of Tenterden, gent, being the youngest sonn of Tho. Brodnax Esq., of Godmersham in ye County of Kent, who was born 5th of November, 1615, and departed this life ye 22nd of February, 1673, being 58 yeare of his age. Who married Elizaebth CURTEIS sole daugher of John Curteis of Woodchurch, gent, the 8th day of August, 1643, who departed this life ye 30th day of April, 1644, being ye 25th yeare of her age, they both lyinge here interred.

497. On west wall over door which led to the Rood loft:- In memory of Joseph GREENLAND who died on the first of April, 1739, aged forty four years and Elizabeth his wife who died the twenty eighth of October, 1744, aged thirty nine years, and was buried in a vault near the Yew Tree at the North East corner of the Churchyard leaving issue two sons, Thomas and Jere, and one daughter Elizabeth who was married to Edward CURTIS and died with-out issue the fifteenth of July, 1758, aged twenty six years and was buried in the same vault. Also Thomas Green-land elder son died the first of March, 1793, aged sixty three years. Surviving issue three sons and one daughter. Registers. 6th March, 1793, buried Thomas Greenland.

498. On north wall. Sacred to the memory of Abraham MERRALLS, Grazier, died 16th of August, 1805, aged 39 years. Had issue by Philadelphia his wife, four sons and two daughters, Abraham died 2nd November, 1792, aged 2 months. John died 19th December, 1796, aged 3 years 4 months. Abraham died 23rd May, 1801, aged 5 years 3 months. Abel died 10th March, 1804, aged 1 year 9 months. Left surviving Ann Parton and Elizabeth Bexhill. Elizabeth Bexhill died 17th March, 1818, aged 17 years 9 months. A.P. Weston died 31st July, 1826, aged 36 years. Philadelphia Simmons died 16th September, 1826, aged 62. years. Abraham Merralls WESTON died 5th October, 1815, aged 3 years 5 months. Betsy Bexhill Merralls Weston died 12th June, 1840, aged 22 years.

499. Over north chancel door:- Vandelure MILLS Esq., died 5th April, 1850, aged 81. Mary Ann his daughter, wife of Capt. H.B. WESTON, died at Calcutta 18th August, 1845. Jane Mills another daughter, died at Tenterden February, 1st, 1862.

500. Over the last:- To the memory of William DYNE, late of this place, gentleman, son of John and Jane Dyne. He died January 27th, 1794, in the 30th year of his age. He married Ann, daughter of Francis and Ann HOPE, by whom he left issue one son, William who died an infant. Ann, wife of Vandeleur Mills and relict of William Dyne, died May the 3rd, 1820.

501. The Whitfeld Monument. Here lyeth interred the bodies of Herbert WHITFELD, late of Tenterden in the County of Kent, Esq., descended of the antient family of ye Whitfelds of Whitfeld, in the County of Northumberland, and when he lived, was Jvstice of the Peace for the Covnty of Kent, and Martha his wife, davhter of Robert SHEPHERD of Peasemarshe, in the County of Sussex, Esq., whoe had issue Raphe, John, Herbert, Anthony, Robert and Elizabeth. The said Martha dyed the 26th of Janvary, 1613, and Herbert the Father, dyed the sixt of Febrvary, 1622. The said Robert married Dorothie, eldest davghter of Sir. Henry SPELMAN of Congham in the Covnty of Norfolk, knight, and by her had issue Herbert, Henry, Raphe and Dorothie. The said John married Mary, davghter of Raphe ATKINSON of Wobarne, in the Covnty of Bvckingham, gent, and by her had issve Martha and Hee, Anthony and Elizabeth dyed after their Mother and in the lyfe of theire Father. Under an arch are kneeling figures of Herbert and Martha. Over the arch is a shield of six quarterings
1. Arg. a plain bend between 2 cotises engrailed sa.
2. Sa. a lion rampant bendy of 10 arg and gu. [Whetley].
3. Per pale az and gu a griffin segreant or [Gyles].
4. Gules a chevron or between 3 cocks arg [Crowe].
5. Gu. a boar arg. [Boare].
6. per pale gu and az a lion ramp. arg, pelettee [Stockett].
Crest. Out of a crown vallery arg. a stag’s head or. These are the arms as given at the Visitation of Kent, 1619 (see Harl. Soc. Vol. XLII). Hanging over is a helmet with a crest.

Below the monument are two shields. That on the left (the shield of Robert Whitfeld) has the above six coats, impaling 12 quarterings (of Spelman):-
1. Sa. twelve plates between two flaunches arg. [Spelman].
2. Gu. a chief erm. [Narburgh].
3. Az. a chevron between 3 leopard’s faces or [Froyk].
4. Sa. two wings in lure with a bordure engrailed arg.
5. Az. 3 sturgeon naiant or, over all fretty gu. [Sturgeon].
6. Arg. on a bend gu 3 martlets or [Danvers].
7. Gu. 2 lion’s passant arg debruised by a bend or [le
8. Or. on a fess az 3 garbs of the first [Vernon of Mottram].
9. Or on a chief gu. 3 bezants [Camoys].
10. Arg. a lion rampant sa. on the shoulder a mullet arg.
11. Gu. a bend or billettee sa [Morrieux].
12. Gu, 2 lion’s passant or [probably intended for Le
The right hand shield that John Whitfeld has the above 6 quarterings impaling az, a cross voided between four lions rampant or. [Atkinson].
On the arch over the figures are nine shields, giving the alliances of Whitfeld of Whitfeld in Northumberland:-
1. Whitfeld impaling arg. a bend engrailed sa. [Ratcliffe].
2. Whitfeld impaling gu. on a chevron arg. between three
garbs or, three scallop shells sa. [Eden].
3. Whitfeld impaling arg. a fess sa. between 3 moles
4. Whitfeld impaling arg. on a mount vert a bull standing
gu. armed or. [Ridley].
5. (The centre shield) Whitfeld differenced with a mullet
or. The other 8 Whitfeld arms in this series of
shields are undifferenced.
6. Whitfeld impaling fretty arg. and gu. a chief az.
7. Whitfeld impaling az. six annulets or. [for Musgrave].
8. Whitfeld impaling arg. a chev. sa. a chief dancettee of
the last. [Thornton].
9. Whitfeld impaling barry arg. and gu. on a canton of
the last a lion passant or. [Lancaster].
On the left hand column are three shields:-
1. Whitfeld as before, but on the bend a mullet or impal-
ing Gyles (as above).
2. Whitfeld (with mullet or.) impaling Crowe.
3. Whitfeld (with mullet or.) impaling erm. on a chief sa.
three pole axes arg. (Shepherd).
On the top of the column the Whitfeld crest.
On the right hand column three shields:-
1. Shepherd, impaling arg. a chev. vert between three crows sa. [possibly intended for Wells or it may be Atesbury].
2. Shepherd, impaling or a chevron dancettee between 3 eagles desplayed sa. [intended for Birchett of Rye, but the tinctures are reversed].
3. Whitfeld impaling Shepherd.
On the top of the column the Shepherd Crest:- On a mount vert a stag courant reguardant ppr. attired ar.
[See Berry’s Kent and Sussex Genealogies for pedigrees of Whitfeld and Shepherd and vol. xix p. 83 of Sussex Arch: Society’s publications for proof of the Northumbrian descent of Whitfeld].

501. The Whitfeld Monument. Here lyeth interred the bodies of Herbert WHITFELD, late of Tenterden in the County of Kent, Esq., descended of the antient family of ye Whitfelds of Whitfeld, in the County of Northumberland, and when he lived, was Jvstice of the Peace for the Covnty of Kent, and Martha his wife, davhter of Robert SHEPHERD of Peasemarshe, in the County of Sussex, Esq., whoe had issue Raphe, John, Herbert, Anthony, Robert and Elizabeth. The said Martha dyed the 26th of Janvary, 1613, and Herbert the Father, dyed the sixt of Febrvary, 1622. The said Robert married Dorothie, eldest davghter of Sir. Henry SPELMAN of Congham in the Covnty of Norfolk, knight, and by her had issue Herbert, Henry, Raphe and Dorothie. The said John married Mary, davghter of Raphe ATKINSON of Wobarne, in the Covnty of Bvckingham, gent, and by her had issve Martha and Hee, Anthony and Elizabeth dyed after their Mother and in the lyfe of theire Father. Under an arch are kneeling figures of Herbert and Martha. Over the arch is a shield of six quarterings
1. Arg. a plain bend between 2 cotises engrailed sa.
2. Sa. a lion rampant bendy of 10 arg and gu. [Whetley].
3. Per pale az and gu a griffin segreant or [Gyles].
4. Gules a chevron or between 3 cocks arg [Crowe].
5. Gu. a boar arg. [Boare].
6. per pale gu and az a lion ramp. arg, pelettee [Stockett].
Crest. Out of a crown vallery arg. a stag’s head or. These are the arms as given at the Visitation of Kent, 1619 (see Harl. Soc. Vol. XLII). Hanging over is a helmet with a crest.

Below the monument are two shields. That on the left (the shield of Robert Whitfeld) has the above six coats, impaling 12 quarterings (of Spelman):-
1. Sa. twelve plates between two flaunches arg. [Spelman].
2. Gu. a chief erm. [Narburgh].
3. Az. a chevron between 3 leopard’s faces or [Froyk].
4. Sa. two wings in lure with a bordure engrailed arg.
5. Az. 3 sturgeon naiant or, over all fretty gu. [Sturgeon].
6. Arg. on a bend gu 3 martlets or [Danvers].
7. Gu. 2 lion’s passant arg debruised by a bend or [le
8. Or. on a fess az 3 garbs of the first [Vernon of Mottram].
9. Or on a chief gu. 3 bezants [Camoys].
10. Arg. a lion rampant sa. on the shoulder a mullet arg.
11. Gu. a bend or billettee sa [Morrieux].
12. Gu, 2 lion’s passant or [probably intended for Le
The right hand shield that John Whitfeld has the above 6 quarterings impaling az, a cross voided between four lions rampant or. [Atkinson].
On the arch over the figures are nine shields, giving the alliances of Whitfeld of Whitfeld in Northumberland:-
1. Whitfeld impaling arg. a bend engrailed sa. [Ratcliffe].
2. Whitfeld impaling gu. on a chevron arg. between three
garbs or, three scallop shells sa. [Eden].
3. Whitfeld impaling arg. a fess sa. between 3 moles
4. Whitfeld impaling arg. on a mount vert a bull standing
gu. armed or. [Ridley].
5. (The centre shield) Whitfeld differenced with a mullet
or. The other 8 Whitfeld arms in this series of
shields are undifferenced.
6. Whitfeld impaling fretty arg. and gu. a chief az.
7. Whitfeld impaling az. six annulets or. [for Musgrave].
8. Whitfeld impaling arg. a chev. sa. a chief dancettee of
the last. [Thornton].
9. Whitfeld impaling barry arg. and gu. on a canton of
the last a lion passant or. [Lancaster].
On the left hand column are three shields:-
1. Whitfeld as before, but on the bend a mullet or impal-
ing Gyles (as above).
2. Whitfeld (with mullet or.) impaling Crowe.
3. Whitfeld (with mullet or.) impaling erm. on a chief sa.
three pole axes arg. (Shepherd).
On the top of the column the Whitfeld crest.
On the right hand column three shields:-
1. Shepherd, impaling arg. a chev. vert between three crows sa. [possibly intended for Wells or it may be Atesbury].
2. Shepherd, impaling or a chevron dancettee between 3 eagles desplayed sa. [intended for Birchett of Rye, but the tinctures are reversed].
3. Whitfeld impaling Shepherd.
On the top of the column the Shepherd Crest:- On a mount vert a stag courant reguardant ppr. attired ar.
[See Berry’s Kent and Sussex Genealogies for pedigrees of Whitfeld and Shepherd and vol. xix p. 83 of Sussex Arch: Society’s publications for proof of the Northumbrian descent of Whitfeld].

In the Chancel.

502. On north wall. Arms:- Quarterly 1 and 4 gu a lion ramp. ar. (Wallace) 2 and 3 gu. a fess chequy ar and az (Lindp say). Crest, out of a ducal coronet an ostrich’s head and neck.
To the memory of the Reverend Matthew WALLACE, son of the Reverend Dr. Wallace of Edinburgh, Vicar of Tenterden. Doctor of Laws. Who was born on 28th October, 1728, at Moffat in Scotland, and died in his Vicarage on 14th November, 1771, aged forty three years and six days. Agreeable manners, great benevolence and excellent parts united to extensive learning, Pastoral fidelity and discourses uncommonly elegant as well as instructive rendered him universally beloved, respected and esteemed in an English Parish even in times during which the National Prejudices that had formerly subsided were again attempted to be highly inflamed between the Northern and Southern Divisions of Great Britain.

503. On the north wall between the arches of the arcade to North Chancel:-
Arms: Quarterly 1st and 4th, a chevron between 3 bulls heads cabossed (Curteis) 2nd and 3rd a fess dancette in chief 3 scallop shells. Impaling Curteis. Crest:- Curteis.
Sacred to the memory of Jeremiah CURTEIS , late of Heronden House in this Parish, Esq., who died 11th June, 1828, in the 76th year of his age. A Jurat of the Corporation, a Deputy Lieutenant and a Justice of the Peace for this County, he discharged the duties of these stations with intelligence, discretion and integrity and for half a century his active exertions were constantly directed to maintain peace and to promote the public welfare. He was a true patriot, a loyal subject and a firm friend. He was the only son of Samuel Curteis, Esq., and Sarah his wife. He married Sarah, youngest daughter of the Reverend Thomas Curteis, D.D., Prebendary of Canterbury and Rector and Vicar of Sevenoaks in this County, who erected this monument in memory of an affectionate and lamented husband. Also of the aforesaid Sarah Curteis- who died 7th December, 1839, in the 80th year of her age.

On the South Wall.
504 Sacred to the memory of the Reverend Philip WARD, M.A., 28 years Vicar of this Parish, who died 16th January, 1859, aged 63. Also Caroline Mary Ward who died 19th February, 1859, aged 23. Also Edmund Nelson Ward who died 7th February, 1832, aged 6 months. Philip Ward, B.N.I., aged 31, died at Pinner, Middlesex, 12th September, 1865.

505. In a vault beneath are the remains of William FINCH, Esq., of Finchden in this Parish, who died 30th November, 1794, in the 57th year of his age. Also those of Elizabeth his widow who died 7th February, 1824, in the 87th year of her age. Also those of their only son William Finch, who died 15th September, 1804, in the 28th year of his age. Also those of their youngest daughter Mary Finch, who died 11th November, 1847, in the 69th year of her age. Also those of their eldest daughter Elizabeth Finch, who died 18th August, 1851, in 79th year.

506. A brass plate:- These choir seats and screens, the Pulpit, the Lectern and the Chancel Screen, were the gist of James Dampier PALMER, of Heronden Hall in this parish, A.D.1899.

In the South Chancel.
507. On the west wall. Above is the Curteis crest, a stag emerging from a burst of trees.
Sacred to the memory of William CURTEIS of Camber- well, in the County of Surrey, Esq., who died June the 20th, 1813, aged 67 years. Also Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heiress of Francis WHITFELD of Bethersden, Esq., who died December 29th, 1795, aged 43 years. They left issue three sons and two daughters, viz., William Whitfeld, Edward, Sarah and Mary Ann. Likewise Mary widow of the above named William Curteis, Esq., she died 21st May, 1830, aged 83 years, leaving no issue. Below is the Curteis coat of Arms with Whitfeld on an escutcheon of pretence. [See the Curteis pedigree in Berry’s Kent Genealogies].

508. On the back of the Organist’s seat are three panels, evidently part of a Whitfeld pew. They each bear a coat of arms.
1. Whitfeld (with a crescent for difference) impaling Shepherd.
2. Whitfeld (with mullet) impaling Shepherd.
3. Whitfeld (with mullet) impaling Spelman.

509. On the east wall of the nave near the pulpit a brass:-
To the glory of God and in memory of the Reverend Samuel Campbell LEPARD, M.A., for 22 years Vicar of this Parish, departed this life on St. Thomas’ Day, 1906. Erected by the Parishioners.

In the South Aisle.
510. Over the arch leading to the South Chancel. Arms. Curteis impaling Beale.
Edward CURTEIS, gent, died 3rd October, 1777, aged 65 years. He married Sarah, third daughter of Richard BEALE, gent, and had issue three sons and two daughters Jeremiah, Richard, William, Sarah, wife of Mr. Thomas JACKSON and Mary, wife of Mr. George JEMMETT. Sarah Jackson died 5th July, 1779, aged 38 years, and was buried in her Father’s vault. She left issue two daughters Sarah and Eleanor, Eleanor died an infant. Sarah, the widow of Edward Curteis, died 20th February, 1791, aged 78 years. Elizabeth, wife of William Curteis, died 29th December, 1795, aged 43 years. She was the surviving daughter and heiress of Mr. Frances WHITFELD of Bethersden. Jane, wife of Jeremiah Curteis, died 1st March, 1796, aged 54 years. She was one of the three daughters and co-heiresses of Mr. Searles GILES, late of Biddenden. Jane, daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Curteis and Jane his wife, died 11th June, 1796, aged 20 years. Edward Jeremiah Curteis, eldest son of Edward Jeremiah Curteis of Windmill Hill, Sussex, and Mary [BARRETT] his wife, died 7th August, 1795, aged 4- years. The said Jeremiah Curteis [of Rye] Esq., died December, 31st, 1806, aged 71 years. He left surviving issue Edward Jeremiah Curteis of Windmill Hill, Sussex, Esq., Martha [MASCALL], Anne [COLLET] and Katherine Sarah [LUNFORD].

511. On south wall. Above is Curteis Arms and Crest. Sacred to the memory of Richard CURTEIS, Esq., who died August, 21st, 1814, aged 76 years. Mary his wife, eldest daughter of Mr. Searles GILES, of Biddenden, who died April 10th, 1806, aged 66. Having issue two sons, who died in their infancy and two daughters, Sarah and Mary. Mary, wife of J.B. PROMFRET, Esq., and daughter of Richard and Mary CURTEIS, died 26th December, 1804, aged 36 years. Leaving five sons and two daughters, John Dewe, Virgil, Richard Curteis, Charles Wilson, Mary Catherine, Harriett and Edward Giles aged 6 weeks. Charles Wilson died March 26th, 1808, aged 9 years. Edward Giles died August 26th, 1812, aged 7 years. John Dewe died 6th March, 1820, aged 30 years. John Butler Pomfret, Esq., died 12th February, 1834, aged 69 years. Mary Catherine died 31st May, 1862, aged 62 (Buried at Ashford). Richard Curteis died 6th May, 1867, aged 70. (Buried at Rye). Harriett Pomfret died 28th July, 1870, aged 68 years. Virgil Pomfret died 18th May, 1875, aged 79 years. Sarah the eldest daughter, married William CROUGHTON, Esq., of London. Having issue two sons and one daughter, Richard Curteis, Samuel and Sarah Curteis. Samuel died 3rd April, 1814, aged 24 years. Richard Curteis Croughton died 22nd April, 1822 aged 34. He married Hester, daughter of Thomas PEEL of Manchaster, Esq., by whom he had issue, William Peel, Ann Curteis, Hester and Sarah Bradshaw. Sarah, wife of William Croughton, died 30th September, 1827, aged 63 years. William Croughton, Esq., died 2nd November, 1827, aged 70 years. [see No. 442].

512. A brass:- In loving memory of John CURTEIS of Woodside, Tenterden, and Gordon Place, St. Pancras, youngest son of Robert Curteis of Ashenden, Tenterden. Born 6th July, 1801, died 22nd March, 1875. A humble Christian who feared God and lived in charity with all men. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Also in loving memory of Elizabeth Fanny, only child of the above John Curteis, for 38 years the beloved wife of John Clarke Crosthwaite McCAUL, a devoted daughter, wife and mother and a faithful friend. Born 4th May, 1832, died 12th March, 1894, leaving five children, John Curteis McCaul, Florence Ella McCaul, Alice Mary McCaul, Madeline Beale McCaul and Ella Mildred McCaul.

513. The Haffenden monument. The inscriptions are on marble ovals and two side panels. There are two shields of arms. (1) checky ar and sa on a bend az 3 mullets (Haffenden), impaling sa, on a chevron between 3 eagles heads erased or, 3 estoiles pierced of the first. (Beale). (2) or a between 3 lions rampant sa (Burridge) impaling Haffenden. Richard HAFFENDEN placed this stone 1785, in grateful remembrance of a provident and indulgent Father, an amiable and lamented Brother, a sincere and valued Friend, and an affectionate and beloved Sister. James, his father died 1783, aged 70. Elizabeth his mother, daughter of Richard BEALE, died 1795, aged 85. Elizabeth his sister, died an infant 1737. James his only brother died 1755, aged 20. John his friend, son of Benjamin BURRIDGE, Rector of Halden, died 1771, aged 33. Sarah his sister, wife of John Burridge, died 1767, aged 33. Richard died 1791, aged 54. Left issue by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John ELMSTONE, Eliza, James, Richard and Sarah. Eliza Haffenden died July 10th, aged 57. James Haffenden died August 2nd, 1838, aged 52. His remains rest in Langford Churchyard, Nottinghamshire. Richard Haffenden died 11th May, 1792, aged 4 years. Sarah Haffenden died 10th May, 1792, aged 1 year and 11 months. Elizabeth his wife, died 17th July, 1795, aged 39.

Left hand panel. James Haffenden, eldest son of Alfred Haffenden, Esq., of Homewood, died August 24th, 1847, aged one month. His remains rest on the north side of the Church. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings Thou has perfected praise. To the memory of Caroline-Sarah Haffenden, the beloved wife of Alfred Haffenden of Homewood, Esq., died September, 10th, 1848, aged 32. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

Right hand panel. Harriet Cecilia Haffenden, youngest daughter of the late James Haffenden, Esq., died March 24th, 1848, aged 27 years. Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Alfred Haffenden, only son of James Haffenden, died at Waplington Manor, 11th January, 1871, aged 46, and was buried on the 19th at Allerthorpe, Yorks.

In the North Aisle.
514. Arms. Quarterly 1 and 4 or a lion ramp. sa. grasping a chess rook (?) in his fore paws. 2 and 3 Quarterly, 1 and 4 Curteis, 2 and 3 per pale sa and gu a griffin statant or. mpaling Arg 3 sheaves of as many arrows ppr banded gu. On a chief az a bee volant or (Peel). Crest, a griffin’s head erased sa, armed gu. Motto, Esse quam videri. In memory of Richard CURTEIS CROUGHTON, Esq., of Heronden, who died 22nd April, 1822, aged 34 years, and of Hester his wife, who died 4th January, 1856, aged 59 years, and of their second daughter Hester, who died 15th April, 1840, aged 19 years, and of their third daughter Sarah Bradshaw, who died 14th March, 1842, aged 20 years, and of their eldest daughter Ann Curteis, who married George WILDE, Esq., of Cheam, Surrey, and died 14th September, 1864, aged 45 years, leaving issue one son Spencer Croughton and one daughter Ann Mary. In memory also of William Peel Croughton, Esq., of Heronden, their only son who died 7th June, 1856, aged 38 years. He married Mary, daughter of Robert PEEL, Esq., of Accrington House, Lancashire, and left issue one child, Hester Ann Curteis, who was born 30th May, 1843. In memory also of the said Mary, wife of the above William Peel Croughton, Esq., who died July 9th, 1898, aged 84 years.

515. Arms. Or 3 eagles heads erased gu. crowned or, impaling per fess az and gu a cross or (Lott). Crest, out of a coronet a (?pelican’s) head. Sacred to the memory of Thomas WESTON, Esq., one of the Jurats of this Corporation, who died June, 24th, 1819, aged 73 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife, eldest daughter of William LOTT, Esq., of Tenterden, died 31st October, 1828, aged 86 years. Had issue Elizabeth Hyland, Harriot, Jane, Thomas and John Tempest. Thomas died November, 11th, 1827, aged 47 years. Leaving three sons and three daughters. Also Jane Pix, wife of John Tempest, died June 9th, 1821, aged 36 years, who left four sons and three daughters. Elizabeth Hyland MANCLARK, widow, died March 4th, 1846, aged 75 years. John Tempest died October 14th, 1848, aged 64 years. Elizabeth, second wife of J. Tempest died November 4th, 1851. Harriot died January 24th, 1855, aged 82 years, whose remains are deposited in the North East corner of the Churchyard. Jane PIDDLESDEN, widow died at New Romney, March 25th, 1863, aged 87 years, and was buried in Mersham, Kent.

516. Sacred to the memory of Dousabel LOTT, fifth and last daughter of the late William LOTT, Esq., of this place, died January 26th, 1831, aged 76 years. Is buried in the north east side of this churchyard.

517. Arms. Arg a cross engrailed between 4 martlets sa. On an escutcheon of pretence barry of six ar and sa a canton erm. [Marshall]. Crest, out of a mural crown a stag’s head couped at the neck.
   Sacred to the memory of William MANTELL, gent, eldest son of Edward Mantell of Mersham in this County, who died 29th December, 1789, aged 38, and of Ann his wife, second daughter and co-heiress of Turner MARSHALL, Esq., of Mersham, who died 7th of January, 1822, aged 65 years. Had issue Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, Charlotte and Edward, who died an infant. Catherine married Thomas Weston, Esq., one of the Jurats of this Corporation, eldest son of Thomas WESTON, Esq., also one of the Jurats of this Corporation. Had issue Catherine, Thomas Tempest who died an infant, Ann, Thomas Tempest, William Mantell who died an infant, Reginald Francis, Eliza Manclark and Edward Mantell. Thomas Weston, Esq., died November 11th, 1827, aged 47 years. Catherine his wife, died march, 31st, 1855, aged 75 years. Edward Mantell their son, died 2th June, 1829, aged 3 years and 5 months. Also of the above named Eliza Manclark Weston who died September 28th, 1866, aged 42 years. Also of Ann Weston who died November, 28th, 1892, aged 78 years.

518. Arms: Gu. 2 bars or. over all a bend ar. charged with 3 Talbots heads erased sa. On an escutcheon of pretence, Quarterly 1 and 4 A bear, in chief 3 mullets (Wilson), 2 and 3 a fess between six martlets arg. Crest, on a garb fessways a bird, close, in the beak an ear of what all ppr. In a vault at the north east corner of the churchyard, are deposited the remains of Robert GODDEN of Finchden, in this Parish, who died 1st July, 1823, aged 58 years. Also Henrietta, wife of the above named Robert Godden, daughter of the late W. Worcester WILSON, D.D., who died 19th June, 1808, aged 41 years. Also of Anna Eliza, their infant daughter, who died 30th March, 1807. Also of Robert Wilson, their eldest son who died 15th May, 1809, aged 15 years. Also of William Thomas their second son, who died 25th April, 1814, aged 19 years. Also of Henrietta their eldest daughter, who died 25th June, 1817, aged 17 years. At Alington in this County, are deposited the remains of Martha their second daughter, who died 28th March, 1858, aged 57 years, also of Frances their youngest daughter, who died 9th April, 1859, aged 54 years. Also of Henry, their youngest son and last survivor, who died 13th October, 1861, aged 64 years. Frances Godden died 7th November, 1825, aged 67. Elizabeth Godden died 9th May, 1838, aged 81 years.

519. Sacred to the memory of Mr. John PIX, late of this Parish, who died 1st February, 1831, aged 74 years. Also of Jane his wife who died December 8th, 1844, aged 87 years.

520. (A brass). To the glory of God and in memory of Lance Corporal Frank William Spain ELLIOTT, son of William and Jane Buxton Elliott. Born in Tenterden, Kent, on the 27th day of September, 1874. Killed in the brave charge of the xxist (Empress of India’s) Lancers, in the Battle of Omdurman on the 2nd day of September, 1898. This glorious victory grained over the Dervishes, delivered the Sudan from the tyranny of the Kalifa and his fanatical followers. Thus this man died leaving his death for an example of a noble courage and a memorial of virtue, not only unto young men, but unto all his nation. This tablet was erected by his fellow Townsmen.

On the Western Walls of the Aisles are large framed Notes of Charities of the Parish of Tenterden.

End of M.I.'s from Tenterden Church

Inscriptions in the Yard of the "Old Meeting House", Ashford Road, Tenterden, Founded in 1662.

At the left side of the Chapel.
521. Thomas VINY died 27th July, 1812, aged 81. Elizabeth his wife, died 28th December, 1813, aged 83.

522. William BLACKMORE, died 16th April, 1814, aged 23.

523. Joseph MERCER died 11th April, 1880, aged 71. George his son, born 29th September, 1856, died 7th June, 1857. Ann his daughter, born 20th September, 1857, died 4th March, 1858. Robert his son, born 1862 died 1862.

524. Ann AVERY, wife of W. Avery, died 14th April, 1837, aged 65. Above William Avery died 19th May, 1847, aged 71.

525. Mary, wife of William HILDER of this parish, died 26th December, 1836, aged 29. Leaving issue Jane and Martha.

526. Joseph GIRSBROOK died 13th February, 1834, aged 60 Ann his wife, died 29th June, 1853, aged 78.

527. Vault. SHOOBRIDGE, 1838.

528. Vault. MACE, 1846.

529. Vault. WINSER, 1846. Suzan GRISBROOK died 16th October, 1846, aged 45. Spes mea in Deo.

530. Vault. WINSER (of) Ratsberry, 1865.

531. Tablet on Wall. William GRISBROOK died 29th April, 1856, aged 54. Joseph Grisbrook died 11th October, 1861, aged 56.

The following are on flat stones to the rear of the Chapel
532. Thomas AVERY born 25th November, 1799, died 23rd February, 1877. Mary Ann his wife, born 27th August, 1801, died 29th September, 1877.

533. Thomas CLOUTE of this parish died 30th April, 1866, aged 71, leaving a widow and one son, Thomas martin Cloute who died 21st August, 1871, aged 31. Sarah, wife of above Thomas Cloute, died 4th May, 1875, aged 72.

534. Jeremiah VINY, born at Woodchurch 9th September, 1770, died at Cranbrook 29th August, 1856. He was the youngest and last surviving of the family of Thomas and Elizabeth Viny, whose remains are deposited on the west side of this chapel. (No. 521).

535. Jane TOWGOOD born 24th May, 1798, died 13th June, 1856. Margaret Towgood sister of above, born 15th March, 1790, died 27th July, 1869. Harriet Towgood sister of above, born 13th July, 1796, died 25th January, 1882.

536. Thomas AVERY, plumber, died 11th May, 1861, aged 40. Leaving a wife and four children, Elizabeth Hodges, Thomas, Alfred Burfoot and Mary Ann. Elizabeth, wife of above, died 10th August, 1893, aged 78.

537. Edward GRISBROOK died 29th January, 1851, aged 42.

538. Peter PARTON of this parish died 13th April, 1856, aged 71, Anne his wife, died 23rd March, 1860, aged 72.

539. Vault. BLACKMORE, 1847.

540. George BUSS died 19th February, 1876, aged 50.

541. William MERCER late of this parish, died 31st October, 1851, aged 77. Mary Mercer died 25th March, 1863, aged 85. Had issue Eliza, who died 29th November, 1839, aged 35. Left surviving William, Joseph, James, Stephen, George and Alfred.

542. Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Edward TALBOT, who was born 19th April, 1778, and died 9 September, 1847. The above Rev. Edward Talbot died 3rd January, 1869, aged 64, for upwards of 40 years minister of this Chapel. Ellin Peach Talbot, widow of above Rev. Edward Talbot, died 5th April, 1899, aged 76.

543. Sarah, wife of John BUTTON, died 15th May, 1862, aged 66. John Button died 12th June, 1864, aged 70. Also their children, Alfred died 25th February, 1829, aged 5. Frank died 30th August, 1846, aged 12. Ann died 25th October, 1846, aged 22. Mary died 6th October, 1854, aged 22.

544. Thomas CHEESMAN died 28th November, 1851, aged 57. Left a widow, three sons and three daughters.

545. Sarah, wife of Henry Peach BUCKLER, died 5th January, 1884, in her 91st year. Henry Peach Buckler died 31st May, 1889, in his 93rd year.

546. A cross. Ellin Maria GRIFFIN died 30th December, 1889 aged 64. Sarah Roberts BUCKLER died 23rd December, 1912.

547. George Geer GODFREY, born 15th November, 1836, died 18th June, 1883.

548. George GODFREY died 7th February, 1876, aged 66. Hannah Godfrey, 2nd wife of above, died 28th May, 1881, aged 69.

549. Ellen, daughter of John Vennell and Mary CAISTER, born 3rd April, 1853, died 15th July following. Mary, wife of J.V. Caister died 30th November, 1882, aged 71. Jane, 3rd daughter of above, died 22nd April, 1884, aged 35.

550. Robert CHAPLIN of Goodshill, in this parish and late of Maidstone, died 7th January, 1854, aged 50, leaving a widow and three sons, Robert-Allwork, Thomas and John.

551. Charles, son of James and Martha SIMS, born 28th September, 1851, died 2nd August, 1854. Also a child who died in infancy. Also Martha Sims died 20th March, 1883, aged 70. The above James Sims died 22nd October, 1897, aged 95. James, son of above, died 12th July, 1907, aged 57. Mary Ann his wife, died 27th June, 1916, aged 67.

552. John AVERY died suddenly December 5th, 1870, in his 61st year. Elizabeth Hook, wife of above, died 12th February, 1881, aged 79.

553. Lydia F.A.V. HIGGINSON, wife of Rev. Edward Higginson of Wakefield, died at Pear Tree Farm, Halden, 8th February, 1856, aged 42.

554. John WICKEN of this parish died 24th February, 1842, aged 81. William Wicken son of John Wicken, bricklayer, of this parish, died 23rd October, 1843, aged 53. Jane, wife of William Wicken, died 15th May, 1883, aged 41, and lies in the Churchyard in this Parish. William and Jane Wicken had issue four children, Frank, Jane, Sarah and Ann. Sarah died 4th May, 1829, aged 5 weeks and 3 days. Ann died 13th September, 1833, aged 2 years and 2 months. William Wicken left surviving a widow and two children Frank and Jane. Elizabeth Wicken died 31st July, 1876, aged 80. Frank Wicken, son of above, died 21st June, 1881, aged 54.

555. Ann MACE died 23rd April, 1868, aged 71.

556. Rosa Rachel, daughter of Samuel and Annette REED of this parish, born 28th April, 1868, aged 12th August, 1869. The above Samuel Reed died 23rd May, 1904, aged 75.

557. Thomas BEAL died 3rd December, 1878, aged 69. Harriett his wife, died 9th September, 1879, aged 67.

558. Edmund HOOK born 23rd June, 1826, died 1st November, 1886. Also Ann, daughter of Thomas AVERY and wife of Edmund Hook born 10th June, 1825, died 17th April, 1904.

559. Frederick, child of Richard and Annie AVERY, died 2nd August, 1876, aged 13. The above Richard Avery died 3rd July, 1886, aged 51. Annie Avery died 5th March, 1887, aged 55.

560. Louisa, wife of Thomas AVERY, died 28th April, 1882, aged 34. Sarah Jane, 2nd Wife of above Thomas Avery, died 17th November, 1910, aged 63.

561. A Vault. HILDER, 1866.

562. Sarah Norley, daughter of William and Harriet MYALAM, late of this Place, died 14th December, 1863, aged 31. Lucy Maylam, late of 5 Oak Place, Tenterden, died 19th January, 1913, aged 86.

563. Charlotte, widow of the late Henry POILE of Beckley Sussex, died 21st September, 1861, aged 32.

564. George AVERY born 10th February, 1833, died 19th February, 1911. Lucy his wife, born 11th December, 1851, died 5th April, 1913.

The following are in the front yard of the Chapel.
565. Harriet, wife of William MAYLAM died 6th March, 1834, aged 32. The above William Maylam died 11th July, 1837, aged 36.

566. Edward WINSER, youngest son of James and Elizabeth Winser of Ratts Berry in this Place, died 2nd August, 1836, aged 19 years 4 months. Emma, daughter of James Winser junior, and Maria his wife, died at Hailsham, Sussex, 2nd December, 1835, aged 6 years 6 months.

567. James SMITH, North Briton from Dundee, lived 54 years in this parish, died 23rd March, 1887, aged 73. Elizabeth MERCER died 31st March, 1858, aged 81. Stephen JUDGE died 17th March, 1857, aged 79.

568. The Rev. Lawrence HOLDEN for 70 years the faithful and beloved Pastor of this Congregation. He was born on 15th March, 1753 and died 19th March, 1844. Esther Ann Holden died 4th September, 1844, aged 75.

End of M.I.'s in the Yard of the "Old Meeting House", Ashford Road, Tenterden

569. Mr. A.H. Taylor states that there was on the west side of the South Porch of the Parish Church a stone "Here lyeth Susanna the wife of John ADAMES, who dyed the 2nd day of August, 1672, aged 56 years".

Index of names and places

Name Index
Adames 569
Allen 27, 294, 295
Apps 229, 230, 280, 375
Assiter 1
Atkinson 501
Austen 84, 85, 86, 186, 399,
       487, 492, 495
Avann 272
Avery 330, 524, 532, 536, 552,
       558, 559, 560, 564
Back 243, 249, 250, 251
Ballard 45, 140, 227
Barnes 230, 469
Barry 142
(Bassett 54)
Bates 112
Bayden 263
Bayley 205, 208
Beale, Beall 54, 265, 510, 
        513, 557
Bell 456
Bennett 289
Bexhill 245,246, 247, 248 (498)
Binham 79
Bishop 291, 292, 293, 341
Blackman 73
Blackmore 325, 338, 339, 340,
       378, 489, 494, 522, 539
Blackwell 78a
Blinks 80, 99
Bourne 81, 82, 83
Bourner 28
Bowles 27
Bozie 74
Brattle 74
Breden 172, 183, 184, 185, 350
Breton 113, 115, 116
Brett 326
Bridgland 200
Bright 327, 382, 459
Brissenden 170
Brodnax 496
Bruner 75, 244, 307, 310, 311,
Buchanan 228
Buckler 545
Buckman 433
Bullock 16
Burden 376
Burridge 218, 513
Burwash 285
Burton 450
Busher 255
Buss 540
Butcher 426
Button 543
Caister 549
Carpenter 207
Cassingham 117, 397
Catt 304, 425, 434
Chainey 468
Chaloner 121
(Chamberlin 112)
Chambers 159, 359, 377
Chaney 291
Chaplin 550
Chapman 39
Checksfield 210, 439, 440, 473
Cheesman 544
Children 196, 197, 199, 200,
Chittenden 213
Chrismas 441
Christmas 396
Clarke 129, 465
Cliff 190, 191
Cloake 293
Cloute 361, 362, 533
Cock 457
Cole 281, 369
Coleman 422
Collet 510
Colvin 30
Cooper 4
Copland 359
Coppins 476
Coveney 6, 7, 108
Cowell 323
Crittenden 414
(Crosthwaite 512)
Croucher 398, 444, 458, 459
Croughton 442, 511, 514

Curteis 53- 58, 60, 65, 66,123,
  125-27, 134a, 142, 155b, 180,
  191, 195, 309, 395, 477, 481,
  497, 503, 507,510-12, 514
Cutbush 400
Daw 5
Daws 354
Denniss 403
Dibley 221, 222
Double 156
Drury 257, 258
Dubois 109
Dunk 244
Dunster 412, 413
Dyne 133, 500
Edwards 404
Elliott 520
Ellis 241, 242, 366
Elmestone, Elmston, Elmstone
       114, 118, 315, 513
Elphicke 326, 351
Espennett 320, 321, 322, 324
Everist 308
Fagg 278
Farley 370
Fazakerley 413
File 483
Finch 478, 485, 505
Finn 160
Finter 443
Fowle 40, 178
Fowler 134b
Freeman 381
Fuggle 18, 87, 423
Fullagar 145
Fuller 88
Furby 119
Gibson 199, 394
Gilbert 61, 62, 63, 68, 70, 318,
Giles 270, 510, 511
Glasscodine 460
Godden 155a, 518
Godfrey 209, 547, 548
Goldsmith 466
Goodsall 15, 133, 386, 387,
    388, 461
Greagsbey 27
Greenland 326, 497
Griffen 141
Griffin 546
Grisbrook 42, 43, 44, (301),
     536, 529, 531, 537
Grist 132
Haffenden 211, 218, 274, 275,
    284, 286, 287, 470, 513
Hales 487
Hall 331
Hammond 128
Handcock 352
Harden 356
Harman 173, 316
Harpole 198
Harrow 427
Hassell 317, 318
Havers 448
Hermitage 14
Higginson 553
Hilder 525, 561
Hogben 127
Holden 568
Holdstock 77
Holland 269
Hook 146, 180, 192, 193, 194,
    202, 406, 449, 558
Hooker 299, 300
Hoole 239, 240, 241
Hope 132, 149, 252,253, 254,
     266, 500
Hopley 479
Hott 16
Hougham 20
Howard 330, 383, 384, 385,430
Huggett 93, 463
Hughes 129
Hukins 76, 408
Huntley 48
Hurd 34
Huson 343
Hyland 393, 515
Infield 161, 165
Isard 105
Jackson 346, 510
James 332Jarvis 52, 437
Jeffery 360
Jell 36, 37, 247, 268
Jemmett 510
Johnson 347, 347a, 348, 349
Jones 220, 431
Judge 111, 276, 567
Kadwell 311
Kennett 410
King 472
Kirk 474
Knight 17, 119
Knollys 42
Kyte 260

Lampert 328
Lansdell 98
(Leeds 312, 314)
Leigh 71, 72, 183
Lepard 509
Lewis 303, 471
Lindredge 203
Longley 153, 174, 419, 424
Lord 273
Lott 175, 515, 516
Luckhurst 214, 216, 217
Lunford 510
Mace 14, 528, 555
Madgshon 370
Manclark 515, 517
Mantell 155, 517
Marsh 340
Marshall 155,195,250,401, 517
Marten, Martin 48, 95, 391
Mascall 510
Masters 454
Maylam 562, 565
McCaul 512
Mead, Meede 143, 144
Mercer 116, 305, 333, 342,
     523, 541, 567
Merralls 40, 41, 168, 169, 498
Miles 435
Millings 28
Mills 133, 499, 500
Milsted 415
Milton 421
Mittell 270
Moon 219, 245
Morphett 63, 64, 137, 150,
   151, 152, 153, 161, 162,
   163, 164, 165, 166
Munk 103
Munn 201, 359, 364
Murrell 12, 379
Nannes 3
Nash 279
Neve 138
Newington 445
(Norley 562)
Norris 303
Osborne 378
Pain, Payne 75, 312, 313, 314
Palmer 506
page 77
Parker 49
Parry 344
Parsons 467
Parton 161, 168, 299, 301,
    306, (498), 538
Peel 511, 514
Pemble 56, 59
Phillpott 171
Phipps 11
Piddlesden 515
Pigram 389, 390
Pix 515, 519
Plum 329
Poile 563
Pomfret 511
Powfield 181
Puxty 270, 271
Radley 345, 346
Rayner 47
Reed 394, 556
Redman 31
Relf 187, 188, 189, 402
Reynolds 78
Richards (?) 404
Richton 228
Roberts 99, 232. 405, 436
Rofe 428
Rolfe 119, 262
Russell 33, 54, 148, 155, 319,
Samson 9, 24, 25, 26, 29
Santer 92, 429
Sawyer 19, 133, 139b, 223
Searle 416
Seth 282
Sharp 120, 123, 334
Sheather 10Shepherd 409, 411, 486, 501
Sherwood 464
Shoesmith 462
Shoobridge 527
Short 493, 495
Silcock 334, 335
Sims 551
Sisley 21
Skeer 182
Skeetes 130
Sladden 225
Smith 67, 89, 90, 109, 406,567
Snoad 418
Snook 493
Southon 107
Spelman 501
Spratfourd 96, 97
Stace 167, 259, 261, 264, 270,
    481, 482
Stanbridge 368, 420
Starnes 50, 51, 52
Steer 14
Stonham 337
Strickland 365
Swift 37
Tabret 224
Talbot 542
Tamkin 373, 475, 476
Tanner 355
Taylor 69, 179, 234, 235, 236,
     237, 238, 241, 270, 464
(Tempest 515, 517)
Thomson 2
Thwaites 337
Tilden 131
Tilmon 121, 122
Timson 223a
Titley 357
Tong 242a
Towgood 535
Trafford 257
Tress 54
Trevillon 204
Tucker 483, 489
Turk 389
Turnbull 224
Turner 270, 363
Twisden 315, 316
Varty 336
(Vennell 549)
(Verrall 475)
Viny 343, 521, 534
Waleis 56
Wallace 502
Walker 123, 124, 139a, 372
Ward 133, 447, 504
Warr 233
Warrington 374
Waters 371
Weld 367
Weller 13, 380, 492
Wenban 407
Weston 154, 155, 498, 499,
    515, 517
Wheeler 417
Whelan 134
White 157, 158, 212
Whitfeld (115, 116), 231, 501,
     507, 510
Wilde 514
Wicken 8, 296, 446, 554
Wightwick 104, 106, 110
Wilmot 54
Wills 32
Wilson 243, 518
Winder 206, 297
Winser 31, 135, 136, 137, 138,
 139a,139b,139c,529, 530, 566
Winton 288, 290, 302, 310
Wood 243, 451, 452, 453, 455
Woodgame 46
Wratten 35, 38
Wright 359
Wybourn 8
Young 22, 23

Place Index
Accrington, Lancs. 514
Alington 518
Allerthorpe, Yorks. 513
Ashford 340, 511
Ashurst, Sussex 243
Aylesford 155
Beckley, Sussex 104d, 563
Benenden 334, 335
Bersted 124
Bethersden 507
Bexley 495
Biddenden 54, 510, 511
Brixham, Devon 484
Camberwell, Surrey 507
Canterbury 115
Cheam, Surrey 514
Cranbrook 291, 534
Dover 327
Eboney 123, 266
Friesland 3Godmersham 496
Goudhurst 200
Grinstead, East Sussex 156
Guildford, East Sussex 128
Hailsham, Sussex 566
Halden, High 179,250, 513,553
Harbledown 113
Hastings 208, 406
Hinxhill 250
Kennington, Surrey 255
London 53
Grays Inn Road 358
Tottenham Court Rd. 474
Lydd 270
Lympne 337
Maidstone 550
Manchester 511
Mayfield, Sussex 245
Mersham 155, 475, 515, 517
Montgomery 344
Newington, Surrey 370
Newton Abbott, Devon 232Norfolk 501
Northumberland 501
Peasemarsh 501
Pembroke 273
Petham 2
Poplar 239
Rolvenden 52, 275
Romney, New 338, 515
Rye 510, 511
Sandhurst 485
Scotland 502, 567
Sevenoaks 503
Staplehurst 227
Stone in Oxney 96, 293, 337
Street, Sussex 243
   Ashenden 53, 512
   Belgar Farm 108
   Birdyle, Boresile 57, 60, 359
   Browne’s Corner Farm 318
   Eastwell House 142
   Finchden 505, 518   Goodshill 550
   Heronden 228, 442, 503, 506
   Homewood 513
   Leigh Green 438, 478, 485
   Plomar House 135, 428
   Ratsberry 529, 566
   Reding Street 16, 67, 357
   Smallhythe 449
   Westwell House 367
   Woodside 53, 512
   Woolpack Inn 129, 244, 394
Ticehurst, Sussex 407
Tottenham, Middlesex 232
Trunch, Norfolk 447
Wakefield, Yorks. 553
Waldron, Sussex 128
Windmill Hill, Sussex 510
Wittersham 389
Wobarne, Bucks. 501
Woodchurch 449, 534
Wrotham 191
Wye 483

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Upper Hardres Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Upper Hardres Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett in 1757. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

In the Chancell, within ye Communion Rails.
1. On a very Handsome Mural Monument, on an Altar Tomb, which stands on 2 Steps – On ye South Side, with this Coat. [Gu. a lion rampt. erm. debruised by a Λ or. HARDRES imp. THORSBY Arg. a chevn. betw. 3 lions rampt. sa.]. Here under lieth ye Body of Thomas Hardres of Upper Hardres Knt. who married Elenor, Daughter and Heir of Henry Thorsby Esquire. By whom he had 4 Sons and 2 Daughters, viz: Richard, Thorsby, Peter, Thomas, Jane and Elisabeth. He departed this Life 17 March 1628(9) in ye 55th Year of his Age.

2. On ye North Side on a very neat Mural Monument of Wh. Marble, with ye annex’d Coat. [Arg. a lion rampant sa. JONES imp. WHITFIELD Arg. a bend cotised engrailed (the cotises only) sa.]. H.S.E. Reverendus Vir David JONES A.M. Origine Cambro – Britannus, Oriundus e Myvod et Brongain in Agro Montgomerensi; sed, Vitâ Cantianus: Fuit enim hujus Ecclesiae Rector, per Annos … itemq per Alios 13 Regiae Scholae Cante. Archididascalus, benè Notus, et Numerosâ bene Literatorum Generosorum Classe faelix. Uxorem duxit Robertam, Johannis WHITFIELD Generosi ex Urbe Cantsi tertiam Filiam, lectissimam Faeminam, et Omni Virtute, praesertim Conjugali, ornatissimam. Sed illa, correpta Febre, obijt prior (Proh Dolor!) 23 Die Octobris, A.D. 1744. Aetatis 75; et Moriens postulavit, ut jaceret hic prope Maritum; ut, qui concordes unà placidam transegerant Vitam, in Morte etiam conjuncti, simul resurgant, et, simul accipiant laetum Euge, a charissimo Jesû (uti speramus) proterendum. David Apoplexiâ tèr prostrates *obijt …. et ovans dilectissimam secutus est Sponsam, saepe recitans hunc Versiculum. Farewell, Dear Wife, Bles’t Saint, Since Thou art gone before, I’ll love Heav’n better to see Thee Once More. Husbands love your Wives. Eph.5. 25. (*I think he died in ye Year 1750 (Aug.20, 1750, Hastd. III. 735) – if so, he was about 76 Years of Age; for, I find, by a Diary of his own writing, that, he enterd into his 60th Year on 22 July 1733. These are his Words – Mens natalis Dies, transijt prorsus inobservatus; ut em penitus e Memoriâ excidit).

3. Underneath is an Ancient flat Stone, on wch. have been (as appears by ye Vacancies), ye Figures in Brass, of a Knt. between 2 Women, near one of wch. were those of 2 Children. The fig. of ye Knt. now only remains, with 1 Coat (a Lyon Rampant). The other Figures, with another Coat, and ye Brass Plate on wch. was ye Inscription, are now lost. Here is another Flat Stone not legible.

4. On a very elegant and sumptuous Monument of Bl. & Wh. Marble, on ye North Side of ye Chancel without ye Rails, on ye Altar Tomb of which lies ye Alablaster Figure, at full Length, of an armed Knight, is ye following Inscription, and Coats.
[In line.
I. ¼ly 1&4). Az. 3 demi lions passt.
2). Az. 3 roses or.
3). Az. 3 bends arg.
In pretence: Arg. 2 bars gu.
*II. (as 1&4 of last) imp.
¼ly 1). Arg. a Λ sa. on a chief gu. 3 demi-lions passt.
2). Gu 3 lions passt. or, on a fesse or 3 slipped trefoils gu.
3). Gu a + engrld. or, in 1st ¼ a molet or, for diffce.
4). Arg. crusilly & 3 cinquefoils sa.
III. as I, without pretence].
(*This Coat (viz: of HAMON of Acryse) is sometimes emblazond thus – Party per Pale – az. & or 3 Demilyons passant. Arg. as at P.63 of this Vol).
This Figure representeth ye Person of Sr. Thomas Hamon Knight hereunder Buried; Who was ye Youngest Son of William Hamon of Acryse in ye County of Kent Esq. He departed this Life in September, and in ye Year of Our Lord God 1634. His First Wife was Elisabeth ye Eldest Daughter, and one of ye Coheirs of Nicholas MARTIN of Athelhamstone, in ye County of Dorset Esq. By whom he had Issue 3 Daughters, Mary, Katherine & Elisabeth. His 2d. Wife was Dorothy ye Eldest Daughter of Thomas WILDE of St. Martin’s in ye said County of Kent Esq. Who also lieth buried in this Chancell. (Qu was not this Dorothy the Widow of Peter GODFREY of Lydd).

5. On ye South Wall, over ye Door into ye South Chancell, on an Elegant Mural Monument – with this Coat. [Gu. a lion rampt. erm. with a molet for diffce. in dexter chief imp. Arg. 2 dolphins(?) embowed or (sic), on a bend gu. 3 lions’ heads erased or. (BARGRAVE) In pretence: Or, on a pale gu. a sword point upward arg. on a chief az. 3 bezants].
P.M.S. Juxta paternos Cineres jacet Thomas HARDRESINS Eques Auratus, Legum (si quis Alter) peritissimus. Curiae, Legumq Decus ac Ornamentum. Domini Regis ad Legem Serviens meritissimus. Vitam transegit sedulam, castigatamq, tam causas strenuè orando, quam pro Tribunali sedens Justitiam Omnibus Aequè distribuendo; et quod in Cumulum per Octodecim Annos, Civitati Cantuariensi a Memorijs fidelissimus extitit. Quem Virum! Cujus Stemmata non unâ fulgebant Provinciâ: Hinc etenim Cantianorum Hardresij, illinc vero Eboracensium Thoresbaea geus inclyta Patiem dederunt, Matremq, illustrem. Quos Parentes! Quam Prolem! Bis Maritus, utroq Conjugio Parens, e Priore, Dorcade BARGRAVIO, de Nunnington, Filium Filiamq suscepit; Carolum, Eleanoramq. Secundis vero Nuptijs cum Philadelphia, de celebri FRANKLINORUM de Maidston Prosapiâ, oriundâ, qunique Filijs anctus, viz: Thomâ, Jacobo, Edmundo, Francisco, et Petro; Filiaq unicâ Janâ. Me prope Lassum (Vim Verbo) Maritus, Pater, Herus, Cansidicus, Judex Optimus, Mori potuit; Londini denatus, hic verò loci albscentem resurgentiûm Auroram expectat Felicem – obijt 18 Die Decembris. Anno Salutis 1681. Aetatis 71.

6. On a Black Flat Stone on ye Floor, with this Coat. [HARDRES as Before imp. Az. a griffin passt. or betw. 3 molets arg.]. Memoriae Sacrum. Here lies inerr’d ye Body of Thomas Hardres Esq. Eldest Son of Sr. Thomas Hardres Knight, The Kings Serjeant at Law. Who died ye 25th of June 1688 in the 37th Year of his Age… Near unto lies buried ye Body of James Hardres Esq. Second Son to ye Said Sr. Thomas Hardres; Who died the 22d. Day of October, in ye Same Year. Aged 36 Years… Resurgemus.

7. On a Grey Stone, in ye Middle of ye Chancell, are ye Brass Figures of St. Peter and St Paul standing on ye Top of a Cross, at ye Bottom of which is the Figure, in Brass also, of a Priest kneeling; out of whose Mouth proceeds a Scroll, with ye following Words. "Clavig. Celor. et Paule Doctor Populorum, intercedere pro Me digner (sic) ad Regem Angelor". Underneath, is this Hic Jacet Magister Johannes STRETE, quondam Rector hujus Ecclesiae: qui obijt VI Die Februaij An.Dni. 1405(6). Cujus Animae propitietur Deus! Amen.

8. In The East Window is to be seen this Coat. [*Or, 3 chevrons gu.]. (*CLARE, Gilbert de Clare, E of Gloucester & Hereford, had a Manor in this Parish – 21. Ed.1 – See Harris – F.143).

In ye Side, or South Chancell.
9. On a Black Flat Stone with this Coat. [HARDRES as Before, wth. a Chevn. added imp. Arg. a Λ engrld. sa. charged with 3 chess rooks arg. betw. 3 rooks sa]. Here lieth interrd ye Body of Sr. Thomas Hardres Bar’t, who departed this Life on ye 23d. Day of February, in ye Year of Our Lord 1688/9 in ye 28th Year of his Age. He married Ursula 2d. Daughter of Sr. William ROOKE, Knt. by whom he had Issue 2 Children, viz: Frances who died in her Infancy, and William, now living. She died on ye 8th Day of January 1707/8 in ye 52d. Year of her Age; And also lies interr’d under this Stone.

10. On a Small Fl. Stone with a Brass Plate. Orate pro Animâ *Georgij HARDRES Armigeri, qui obijt 24 Die Aprilis A.Dni 1485. Cujus Animae propitietur Deus. Amen. (*He married one of the Dau. & H. of …. LUCY).

11. On Another - Ditto, with this Coat. [Hardres as Before imp. Arg. 6 f. de lis gu. & a chief indented or]. Hic Jacet Dorothea HARDRES Filia Domini Johannis PASTON, Militis: Quae obijt VI Die Septembris A.Dni 1533. Cujus Animae propitietur Deus. Amen. (*She was Wife of Sr. Christopher HARDRES, who died A.D. 1536).

12. On a Black Flat Stone. H.S.M. Philippi, Thomae, Jacobi, et Mariae, Trium Filiorum, et Unius e Filiabus, Thomae HARDRES de Civitate Cantuariae Armigeri, et Mariae Uxoris Ejus; Filij Thomae HARDRES Equitis Aurati, et Servientis ad Legem Dni Regis Caroli Secundi, qui obijt 18 Die Decembris 1681, et sepultus jacet in anstrali Parte Sacrarij Hujus Ecclesiae. Philippus obijt 23 Julij 1677. Aetatis suae 10 Septiman. Thomas opprimebatur 23 Septembris 1678. Aetat, suae 11 Septiman. Jacobus natus fuit 14 Sept. 1679 et obijt 28 ejusdem Mensis. Maria obijt 19 Feb. 1681/2. Aet. 16 Septiman.

13. On a Flat Stone inlaid with 2 Figures of Brass. Here lieth Buried The Bodys of Thomas HARDRES and Johan Hardres, ye Sons of Richard Hardres Esq. and Mabel his Wife; Which Thomas was buried ye 3d. of September 1572. And ye said John ye 5th of December 1575. Whose Souls do rest with Christ.

14. On a Flat Stone, with ye annex’d Coat. [¼ly 1). HARDRES as Before.
2). Az. 6 luces (or herrings?) heads upward. arg. (LUCY) (pencil note: Heringod).
3). Vair az. & arg. on a chief arg. 2 molets of 6 points sa. (FITZHERBERT).
4). Sa. 3 luces, heads upward, arg. in chief a molet of 6 pts. for diffce imp. Arg. on a bend gu. 3 lions’ heads erased arg. crowned or (WROTH)].
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mabel HARDRES, Daughter unto Sr. Thomas WRATH Knt. The Late Wife of Richard Hardres Esq. who deceas’d this present Life, ye 8th Day of August, in the Year of Our Lord God 1579. - Thomas, and Thomas, Roger, John, and Peter, Mary and Jane.

15. In The Body, on a Flat Stone. Hereunder lieth Buried the Body of Thomas ATWOOD who died ye 1st of February 1617/8.

16. On Another. Hereunder lieth ye Body of Thomas ATWOOD Esq. of Bersted; baptised ye 11th Day of March, A.D. 1576/7. Buried 13 December 1641. So that he was aged 65 Years, 9 Months, and 2 Days.

17. On Another. Hereunder lieth Buried the Body of Richard ATWOOD of Bersted. He deceas’d ye 23d. Day of August, and was buried ye 25th of August. Anno Domini 1617.

18. Here are some Remains of good Painted Glass in most of ye Windows.

19. The Font appears to be very Ancient.

Church Yard.
20. On an Altar Tomb on ye South Side, with this Coat. [Az. a pelican vulning arg. with a molet for diffce. in dexter chief imp. ¼ly 1&4). Per pale az. & or, 3 demi lions passt. arg.
2&3). Az. 3 roses or].Here lieth interred ye Body of Mildred, Wife of George SHEARMAN, Gent. Who died ye 9th of Feb. A.D. 1675/6. Aged 30 Years. Domine, hic Ure, hic Seca, modo in aeternum parcas. Domine da milii modo Patientiam, et postea Indulgentiam. It is better to suffer for Our Offences here in this World, than in ye World to come. There is no Dying well, without Living well. Chuse which Thou will’t, Life or Death. If Thou livest not well thou cans’t not hope to die well; But, it will be ill with Thee forever. So live to God, that Thou mayst live with God. So live on Earth, as Thou mayst live in Heaven. Let Christ be thy End, and Thou shall’t reign with Christ World without End. Life is not taken from Thee, but is exchanged for a Better. Watch, therefore, good Christians, watch, I say. Let Me Live ye Life of the Righteous, that I may die ye Death of the Righteous; and, that My last End may be like hers.

21. This Church wch. is not large, consists of 2 Chancells, The Body, and a Side Isle toward ye South, and is built of Flints. As is ye Tower, which stands on ye South Side; In it are 3 Bells, with ye following Inscriptions.
1. Samuel KNIGHT Made Me. 1727.
2. Joseph HATCH made Me. 1609.
3. Sum Rose pulsata Mundi Katharina vocata.

22. It is a Rectory, in ye Disposal of Sr. William HARDRES Bart. and is annext to Stelling.

23. The Church was dedicated to St. Peter & St. Paul.

24. The Present Rector is ye Revd. Mr Thomas COBB, A.M. 1757.

25. I have, in My Collection of Roman Coins, a very beautyfull & fresh Golden One, of the *Emperor GRATIAN, turn’d up by the Plough, In this Parish, in a Field adjoining to the Stone Street Road, 1760.
 *a. DN. Gratianus, P.F. Avg.- His Head (wth. a Diadem of Pearls) to the Breast.
b. Victoria Avgg. Gratian & Valentinian sitting, & holding a Globe – over their Heads, a Victory .. at ye Bottom. TR.OB. it Weighs 02dr. 20gr.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ATWOOD 15, 16, 17
HARDRES 1, 6, 9-14, 22
WROTH 14Places
Acrise 4
Athelhamstone, Dorset 4
Bersted 17
Lydd 4
Maidstone 5
St. Martin’s, Kent 4
Stelling 22

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Hunton

A transcription of Vol 6, pages 86 to 121 of Leland. L. Duncan's manuscript notebook, that he copied from the notebook of Miss F. L. Hall, daughter of the Rev J. R. hall sometime Rector - lent to him in Jan 1894. Transcribed and typed up by Margaret Broomfield.

This listing by Leland Duncan, care of Miss Hall is a whole jumble of information ranging from some M.I.'s., Register entries,
Accounts, Family Trees etc., etc.  There are many names mentioned and the following index is an attempt to allow you to locate them. The numbers following each name refer to the 'Sections numbers' that the list has been broken up into.

Name IndexLord Abergaveny 2
Allens 23
Amos 25
Baldock 25
Barton 10
Battely 10, 14
Baysfeld 10
Beale 6, 8
Becston 25
Beeston 13
de Bettryng 10
Bishop 15, 25
Bishoppe 13
Boby 9
Boteler 2
Brandrede 10
Burton 10, 17, 25
Butter 25
Car 25
Chambers 25
Chawkling 25
Clifford 10, 25, 26
Collins 27
Denys 10

Duddy 25
Fage 10, 15, 16, 21, 26
Fane 2, 3, 4, 13, 18, 
Field 27
Foote 23
Fowell 10
Fuller 25
Gabriel 1
Gladstone 11
Gravet 25
Gromebridge 25
Hall 1, 10, 11
Hatley 23
Hattey 25
Hert 10
Higgons 1, 6, 8, 10, 27
Hoby 27
Holliman 25
Hollimond 24
Hony 10
Houbbed 26
Hovenden 23
Humphrey 27
Hunt 13, 24
Jalys 10Jobe 25
Kennard 25
King 25
Knocke 10
Latham 18, 19, 27
Law 25
Liddell 11
Longley 11G:L:M. 17
Masca 10
May 25
Moore 10
Morton 27
Moyce 25
Murray 10
Mychilborne 10
Nichell 10
North 25de Okeborne 10
Pack 25
Parker 10, 25
Paule 7, 10
Penyngton 10
Pickering 25
Plain 25Porteus 10
Proby 25
Pylkynton 10
Pymock 25
Ravis 27
Ridar 4
Roan 9
Scudder 4
Snatt 20, 24
Snatts 21Le de Spencer 2
Taylor 10
Tregonwell 2
Turner 15
Wakelin 25
Webb 17
Webbe 21
West 25Earl of Westmorland 2
Wilson 10, 14
Woods 1, 9
Wooster 19
Wridge 25
Yardley 10, 13

To 'jump' to a particular Section, just click on a number below:-

1  2  3   4   5       8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16  17   18   19   20   21   23   24  25   26   27

Section 1
A letter from Francis C. Hall  to Leland L. Duncan,   Dated Jan. 25th  (no year)


Dear Sir – Thank you for your very kind answer to my inquiries about Gabriel Higgons. I am sending you an M.S. book in which I collected various pieces of information respecting this Church and Parish, and in which you will find perhaps, something that may be of use to you.
   J.W. Higgons was a staunch Churchman, and was turned out of Hunton by the Puritan party. He seems to have had rather a remarkable career, and to have been a restless, dissatisfied sort of man. The particulars about him in my book were gathered from Woods’ "Athena Oxoniensis" and our own parish registers Walkers Sufferings of the Clergy gives a very short account of him. In the entry of Gabriel’s burial Mr. Higgons has made two mistakes – first as to the date either 6th or 7th Sep: - second – he puts Gabriel’s age at 24 – when he really was some months past 25! I have copied the entry as nearly as possible in Mr. Higgons’s handwriting.
   Do you think the Archdeacon of Canterbury/Bishop of Dover/ could help me to any information? If so I should have no difficulty as he is my cousin and a great friend.
   It is very interesting to note the great gaps that occur in the registers during the time of the Rebellion, showing that even quiet Hunton did not escape. I wonder that the Rector was able to stay here so long as he did.
   There is no stone or monument in the church or Churchyard to any Higgons, but that is probably owing, I think, to the disturbed state of things at that time. Also a lot of interesting old stones on the floor of the Church were recovered during its restoration in 1876, when I was too young to take any interest in such matters – so there may have been one to Gabriel.
   There is a great deal in Hunton to interest any one of Antiquarian tastes. Please return my book when you have finished with it, but there is no hurry about it. I can vouch for the authenticity of all information in it. During the time my Father was Rector I had free access to the registers and copied out a great deal that interested me. We always took great interest in the Higgonses.
                                                         Again thanking you – I remain Yours truly Frances C. Hall.
Section 2
Inscriptions on Fane Monuments in Hunton Church.

1. Sir Thomas Fane and Dame Helen. Here resteth in assured hope to rise in Christe Sr. Thomas Fane of Buston, Knight, Lieutenant of Dover Castle and Dame Helen Somersett his wife, who having lived forty years together died both the yeare of our Lord 1606. Mary their sole daughter and heire, wife to Henry Fane of Hadlow Esq., died in childbed of her only sonne Thomas, who died shortly after, whereuppon he wanting issue made Sr. George Fane, Knight, second sonne of Sr. Thomas Fane of Badsell and Dame Mary Baroness Le de Spencer, his heire, who in
dutyfull memory of his deare unkle erected this monument.  

2. (within the Chancel rails)  Francis Fane:-   Here sleepeth in hope the body of Francis FANE grand-child of the Right Honorable Mary Baroness Le Despenser and youngest son of her second son Sr. George Fane of Baston in ye County of Kent, Knight, and of the Lady Anne his wife the only daughter of Sr. Oliver Boteler of Teston in the same County, Knight. He came in to the world the 25th of November 1627 and left it for a better the 19th of December 1651.

3. (Brass in North wall of Chancel)  Lady Anne Fane:-  Neare this place is interred ye body of ye vertuous lady Anne Fane wife unto Sir George Fane of Buston and daughter of Sir Oliver Boteler, She departed this life the 5th of March Ano. Domini 1663 and left her daughter Elizabeth Fane (wife unto John Tregonwell Esq.) her sole Executrix; who in dutyfull comemoration of her most deare Mother caused this monument to be erected. Nostra brevis vita transit cito linguimus cunabula et illico festimamus et Sepulchram.

4. (within the rails on the South side) Thomas Fane:-  Underneath lies interred the Body of Thomas Fane Esq., late of Buston in this Parish. Son and Heir of Sr. George Fane, Kt. only brother to Francis Earl of Westmorland and both the sons of Sr. Thomas Fane of Badsel in this County, Kt. by Mary his wife Baroness le Despencer, sole daughter and Heir of Henry, Lord Abergaveny. He died Septem. ye 5th 1692 in the 66th yeare of his age.  He was Loyal to his Prince and in the worst of times faithfull to his country, vigorously asserting the cause of its religion and laws. When thrice unanimously chosen a Representative in Parliament for the Town of Maidstone against the restless Designs of Popery and Arbitary Power. He was a Charitable Reliever of his poor neighbours and no less a Bountifull and liberal master to his servants, of which he left a very Remarkable Instance at his Death. Tho’ he made celibacy his choice, chiefly for ye sake of contenplation and Retirement, yet his great aim and design was to perpetuate the younger branch of his Ancient and Noble Family, in Pursuance whereof, he by his last will and testament devised his whole estate to Mildmay Fane, youngest son of Vere, late Earl of Westmorland, who from a just sense of his kinsman’s favourable choice and approbation of his and to testify to Posterity his constant gratitude for such a Benefaction, dedicates upon his first enjoyment of it this monument to his memory. Anno Dom: 1711.  Vivat post Funera Virtus
Section 3
Entries in the Registers of Hunton relating to the Fanes of Buston:-
1606. Sir Thomas Fane Knight was buried ye 23rd of October. And his Ladye Elenor Somersett also Lady Fane was layed beside him the 23rd of October.
George the sonne of Sir. George Fane Knight was borne July 11 1622 (being Thursday) and baptized July 27th 1622.
Spencer, ye sonne of Sir. George Fane, Knight July 13 1623.
Ann, the daughter of Sir George Fane
Knight, was baptized September 30 1624. 
George, ye sonne of Sir George Fane, Knight, dyed Aug. 25th 1625 (3) was buryed at Mereworth.
Thomas the sonne of Sir George Fane Knight, was baptized September 7th 1626.
Francis, the sonne of Sir George Fane, Knight, was baptized November 25 1627.
Margaret, ye daughter of Sir George Fane, Knight, November 19 and she died 10 dayes after.
Mary ye daughter of Sr. George Fane Knight, was baptized Octob. 19 1630.Burialls –
Sr. George Fane Knight, July 1 1640.
Mrs. Mary Fane, daughter of Sr. George Fane and Dame Anne, his wife, buried May 4th 1643.
Mr. Spencer Fane, son of the late Sr. George Fane, buried 19th July 1643.
Memorandum that ye honourable Lady Anne Fane of Burston, was buryed March 17th Ano Dom: 1664.
Thomas Fane of Buston Esq., Wednesday in 14th September 1692.  Buried in Linnen
Section 4
Dwellers at Buston since the death of Thomas Fane in 1692 – from Assessments made and entered in Churchwardens books etc., -
1706. the heirs of Thomas Fane Esq.
1710. The Honourable Mildmay Fane Esq.
1715. The Honble. Mrs. Fane.
1716. The honourable John Fane Esq.
1720. William Ridar Esq.
1739. Mrs. Rider.
1742. The Earl of Westmorland
1746. Mr. Scudder.
Section 5
Table showing the Fanes of Buxton and their relationship to the Earls of Westmoreland


Section 6
The Family of the Rev. Theophilus Higgons –
Robert Higgons of Chitton nr. Brill, Bucks
Theophilus – b. 1578. ed. at Free School, Thame, Student of Ch.Ch. 1592. MA 1600. Censor of Ch. Ch. Domestic Chaplain to Bishop of Gloucester. Lecturer at St. Dunstan’s Fleet Street. Pervert to Rome 1607 – Re to Church of England 1610. Rector of Hunton August 1610. 
     m. 1st Margaret – she died 1615. 
     m. 2nd Anne – she died 1645.
                                   I               He died at Maidstone 1659.
 Robert             Alice             Gabriel          Anne      Thomas     Theophilus
b. 1617          b. 1620            b. 1622        b. 1624     b. 1627      b. 1629
             m. John Beale Esq   d. 1647

Section 7
Mr. Anthony Paule, Parson of Hunton was buried Aug. 16 1610.

Section 8
Entries in the Hunton Registers relating to the family of Higgons:-
   Here beganne the Resgister of Theophilus Higgons, Parson of Hunton, Anno Domini 1610, August 23 in vigilia S. Bartholomei – Quam quidem Rectoriam habuit ex collatione Reverendissimi patris D. Rich. Bancrofte, Archief. Cant. ex procuratione vero nobilissimi docissimiq. viri et optimi patroni D. Eduardi Hoby Militis cujas no en in benedictioe –

Margareta uxor Thophili Higgons, Rectorio hujus ecclessaie, Sepulta Aprilis 19th 1615.

Robert Higgons, the sonne of Theophilus Higgons, Rectour of this church, was baptized February 21 1617. [N.S. 1618].

Alice, the daughter of Theophilus Higgons, Rectour of this church was baptized March 31 1620.

Gabriell the sonne of Theophilus Higgons April 23 1622.

Ann, the daughter of Theophilus Higgons Rectr. of this church was baptized Novemb. 19th 1624.

Thomas the sonne of Theophilus Higgons Rectour of Hunton, was baptized Octob. 2 1627.

Theophilus the sonne of Theophilus Higgons Rectour of Hunton was baptized Septemb. 18 1629.

John Beale, and Alice Higgons were married May 22nd 1638.

Anne the wife of Theophilus Higgons Rectour of Hunton was buryed January 9th 1645.

Gabriell Higgons sonne of Theophilus Higgons Rectour of Hunton aged 24 yeares was buried Septemb. 7 1647.

Theophilus Higgons Rector. 

1630. Margaret Paule, widdow, wife lately to Mr. Anthony Paule, Parson of Hunton, August 3rd.
Section 9
See Woods "Athene Oxonienses" page 240 for an account of Mr. Higgons – (see post)??
He wrote the following:-
   "A Scholastic Examination of Man’s Iniquity of Gods Justice" London 1608 (written before he
turned Papist).
   "First Motive to adhere to the Roman Church etc. with an Appendix" printed in 1609 and
   "Apology refuting Sir. E. Boby’s Letter against this first motive" Roan. 1609 and Sermon:-

   Sermon on Ephes 1.2,4,5.6.7. in "Testimony of his Hearty Reunion with the Church of England" London 1611 in 4 to Preached at St. Pauls Cross. 3 March 1610 –
   "Reasons proving the Lawfulness of the oath of Allegiance" London 1611.
   "Mystical Babel or papal Rome – a Treatise on Apocalypse 18-2 in two sermons London 1624 – 4 to –
Section 10
Rectors of Hunton or Huntynton
1315-1357 William Hony
1357-1361 Johannes de Okeborne
1361-1412 Richard de Bettryng
1412-1434 William Jalys
1434-1457 William Hert
1457-1499 Matthew Brandrede
1499-1509 Robert Baysfeld – Abbot of Boxley
1509-1524 Thomas Denys
1524 John Penyngton
1524-1529 Richard Mychilborne alias Masca
1529-1544 John Parker
1544-1566 John Nichell
1566 John Knocke
    -   Alexander Barton – exact date unknown.
1568-1570 Henry Clifford
1570-1575 Thomas Pylkynton
1575-1610 Anthony Paule*  * Those so marked are known to be buried at Hunton.
1610-        Theophilus Higgons ejected about 1647 George Latham ejected 1662
1662-1682 Thomas Yardley
1682-1685 John Battely
1685-1687 James Wilson
1687-1701 Rihcard Burton*
1701-1728 George Fage*
1728-1763 Herbert Taylor
1763-1765 John Fowell
1765-1787 Beilby Porteus, Bishop of Chester and London D.D.
1787-1803 Lord George Murray M.A.
1803-1865 Robert Moore – Canon of Canterbury*
1865- John Robert Hall M.A.
Section 11
Rev. John Robert Hall. died Thursday Sept. 22nd …….at Spitzbrook, Marden, Kent.
Born at Batsford Rectory in 1808. ed. at Westminster School. Mat. Ch: Church. May 1826 was a nephew of Archbishop Longley and had for fellow students Mr. Gladstone, Dena Liddell etc. was cox of the first Ch. Ch. eight. Ordained in 1832. curate of Bourton on the Hill near his father’s rectory. In 1838 was Vicar of St. Mary Mag: 1844 vic of Frodsham. Appted. Chaplain to his uncle Dr. Longley Bp. of Durham he went to Boldon near Newcastle – and on Dr. Longley coming to Canterbury he followed him to Coulsden in Surrey and soon after to Hunton near Maidstone becoming Rural Dean and Hon. Canon of Canterbury. Restored the church and a new rectory built – Retired after 26 years service - He married twice and left a widow and only daughter.
Section 12
A note of such things as belong unto the parish church of Hunton – made 21 April 1611.
Infor A Communion Cuppe of Silver and a cover to it.
Itm. a pewter pott of ii/ pints
Itm. 2 Spitts
Itm. a Communion Table wth. a (Lynnen Cloth
(Green Carpett
Itm. a surplice
Itm. the booke of martyrs
Itm. Erasmus on the New Testament
Item a booke of Canons
Itm. a cheste for Almes wth. 3 locks
Itm. (spade, shovell, mattocke
Itm. an houre glasse
Itm. the Bible and Comon prayer booke
Itm. a book of Statutes
Itm. 2 Register Bookes
Itm. a booke of accompts
Itm. 2 bookes of Statutes Anno 1597 and 1601
Itm. 2 great cushion for the Pulpitt
Itm. a book Intituled Certain Sermons
Section 13
A note of things given to the Parish Church of Hunton by Christian, and well disposed persons in the yeare 1635 and afterwards –  Inprimis 1635 at Easter, the honorable  Ladye the Lady Anne Fane, wife of Sr. George Fane, Knight, gave a fayr communion-table cloth, fringed with silk, a pulpitt cloth, fringed likewise, and a pulpitt-cushion, fayrely wrought with silk –
   Item 1637, at Easter, Tamasin, the wife of Nicholas Bishoppe gave a fayr communion Table-Cloth of Damaske, marked in the middle with these letters W.G.T. [with red silk].
   Memorandum That in ye year of our Lord 1664 the Honorable Ladye, the Ladye Anne Fane of Burston in ye Parish of Hunton, gave unto the said Parish viz: One very fayre sylver Cupp to be used at the holye communion.
   Item – a fayre black hersecloth marked in ye middle with her owne Coate of Armes.
   Item – five pounds of lawfull monyes of England to the Poore of ye said Parish – wch. immediately after her death was faithfully distributed among the said Poore by the hands of Mr. Richard Beeston and John Hunt the Churchwardens pro rempore. Tho: Yardley then Rector. 1664.
Section 14
Memorandum yt. Dr. John Battely formerly Rector of Hunton did on ye 8th of June 1686 give to ye poor of this Parish ye sum of fifteen shillings and four pence which was distributed to ye sd. poor. Byrne Ja. Wilson Rector.
Section 15
A note of Things belonging to the Parish of Hunton taken May ye 12 1716 –
One comunion Table
One Green Cloath
One Diaper Knapkin for the Comunion Table
One Chalice and Patten, silver
One smaller Chalice and Patten guilt with gold for ye use of Private Communion given by Mr. Fage and to be always kept by ye Rector.
One silver flagon given by Mr. Thomas Turner
One Pewter flagon and 2 Pewter Plates
One Surplice
One crimson velvet cushion and cloath for ye Pulpit
One Book of Homilies
One Book of Martyrs
Two Books of Bp. Jewell
One Bible
One Comon Prayer Book
One other Table
Two chests
A Black Cloath for Funerales
One Pewter Bason for the Font
Two silver Plates given by Mr. Thos. Turner
Witness our Hand – Geo. Fage. Rector. Thos. Bishop junr., Churchwarden.
Section 16
Sept. 16 1728. George Fage clerk, Rector of Hunton was buried. 
July 13, 1701. Richard Burton, rector of Hunton buried.
Section 17
From the Registers – 1653
Martha Webb ye wife of Henry Webb and Anne his daughter deceased April 24 1653 – Buried both in one grave 27: Justly deserving this insusinge epithaph and intended once to bee engraven on a tomb stone –
Chapter 1 16:17 verses What Ruth to Naomi once replyd Under this stone is verified Mother and daughter each soe dear Whome God by death hath joyned more neare One house while luieinge them containinge In one grave now their dust remaininge One day they both shall rise together Noe more to die, but live for ever. By G:L:M.
Section 18
From the Registers –
A French youth belonging to ye Honble. ye Lady Fane of Buston was Buried August ye 23 1662.
Ultimo die praedicandi; ministri; moraliker mosisntis Geo: Latham: Postquam compleverit plusquam Annos 13; in
administrationibus: in Ecclesia hugis Hunto seu Huntingdon : Cor. 2.6.9. It is also asserted Isaiah 26.19. thy dead men shall live

Ye cause of ye incompleatnes of this booke for some yeares past was ye passinge of it through soe many hands, both of ministers and others, and ye severall changes of ye times, and not ye willfull neglet of him, who now at last had it in his custody …. He often earnestly descringe ye Parishoners to bring in ye names of such persons who ought to have been Registered; either for marriage, Baptizing or Buriall, and they not soe doeinge ye default must bee infuted unto them; and not to him  But for any such as came and informed him, concerninge ye same; had them set downe without delay or denyall, such as I remembred I registred of my owne word – 
                     [Mr. Latham’s apology for the many omissions in the Registers during the years he was at Hunton –
                              from 1647 to 1662 –
Section 19
Mary Wooster ye faithful housekeeper of ye aforesaid Geo: Latham minister departed this life Jan. 15: 1662 and was buried ye 20th of ye same month; neare ye Chancel doore: it may truly bee said of her, as of that Mary – Luke 10 ye last –
Section 20
1670 Dec 22nd Mr. Wm. Snatt was buryed 1671 

1671 Mr. Thomas Snatt of Sussex was marryed unto Mrs. Amye Snatt the daughter of Nichola Snatt of Hunton June 1 being the feast of Ascention –
Section 21
From the Registers
1674 Mary ye daughter of Parson Webbe of Barmin was buryed July 24th.

1746 On Midsummer Day this year happened the greatest storm of Thunder and Lightening wind and rain yt. was ever known in the memory of man.

1748 At the latter end of this year, Peace was proclaimed between England, France and Spain.

1763 On the nineteenth day of August this year happened a much greater storm of Thunder, Wind, Hail and Rain, than in the year forty six – The Hailstones being six and seven inches round.

1770 Mrs. Eliz: Fage of Maidstone buried 7th Feb.

1751 Here endeth the old style.
Tempora mutantur tandem renovatur et Anno: Scribere disce novo, sed meliore stylo Nos quoy mutemur centrum qui vixerit annos Fit vivendo diu grandior inde puer.
Section 22
Inscriptions on Tombs of the Snatts of Jennings – (South side of Church) –
Mr. Nicholas Snatt – To the memory of hir deare husband Mr. Nicholas Snatte, who deceased Febr. 22nd 1652, Mary his loving wife erected this monument –  To write an epithaph for thee, blest saint Whose life was such that none could justly taint Must use the Scriptures language to rehearse They reall, vertues and come short by verse Of whats’ they due, leaving so good a name? That others yet may imitate the same Who lives that sinnes not? Saith Divinity Who could expect thee faultless then and free? Yet such they care and conscience in the maine Toward God, and man, and keepe thyself from staine A faithfull husband to a loyall wife A tender father and no man of strife And though God sodenly did take thee hence It was but sooner thee to recompence – 
   Mrs. Snatt (same stone) Here lyeth also Interred Mrs. Mary Snatt relict of Nicholas Snatt of Jennings in Hunton Gent: who dyed Octob. 20 1666 Aetatis LII. 
  Amy Snatt (same stone) Here lieth interred the body of Amy Snatt relict of Thomas Snatt of Hunton, Gent. Deceased, and daughter of Nicholas and Mary Snatt of this Parish, who departed this life March the 26 1708. Aetatis sine 57.

William Snatt (adjoining stone)  Here lyeth interred the Body of William Snatt, son of Nich: Snatt of Jennings in Hunton gent, who dyed December 18th 1670, aged 34 years in memory of whome his loving kinsman Thomas Snatt his executor caused this stone to be layed.
   (Also on this same stone) Here lieth also Interred the body of William Snatt son of Thomas Snatt of Jennings in this Parish gent, who departed this life Oct. 17 1701 – In the Twenty-eigth year of his age.
Section 23
Tombstone of Mr. Hovenden of the Clock House (East end of Church):-
Here lyeth the body of Samuel Hovenden of Hunton gentleman, sonne of Richard Hovenden of Cranbroke, who died the 28 of January 1653, aged 78 years – who left issue Mary, Elizabeth, Dorothy – (Mrs. Hovenden – same stone) Heare lyeth the body of Mrs. Anne Hovenden late wife of Mr. Samuel Hovenden deceased the 4 day of September 1646 –

Tombs of the Allens of Stonewall East end of Church –

Here lyeth the Body of Joane Allen the wife of James Allen …………………………

Adjoining stone – Heare lieth the body of James Allen the sonne of John Allen of Hunton desesed the 9th June in the yeare 1648 –

Inscriptions on other stones of note or interest in Hunton Church or Churchyard

Here lyes the Body of Francis Foote Esq who departed this life on the 27th day of June 1730 in the 48th year of his age. Defessus sum ambulando ……………………….

Under this marble are deposited also the Remains of Mary, Daughter of Benjamin Hatley and widow of Francis Foote Esq., who departed this life the 2nd day of June 1770 in the eighty-fourth year of her age. 
Section 24
From the Book of Churchwarden’s accounts at Hunton –

The accompts of Thomas Snatt Churchwarden with Thomas Hollimond of Hunton, the which Thomas Snatt was chosen at Easter 1672 made and given up in ye Presents of those whose names are heere subscribed May 18, 1674


1673 Nov. 2 It. This booke being 7 quier of Duch Royall Paper, Ruling and Bond 
1673 Nov. 2 For Bringing downe the Booke  
1673 Dec. 12 A Dust Baskett for the Clarke 
1673 Dec. 15 To Tho: Hunt for a foxes head 
[There are many such entries].
1673 Mar. 12 A matt for the Pulpett 
1691 Feb. 19 For 4 bell ropes waying 34 - 
1694 A man of words and not of Deads is Like Garding full of wheads –
1693 Nov. 5 Paid for mending of the dial 
1697 March Paid for a new stock and handing ye third bell - 
1697 March Paid for 10 ells of fine bag holland to make a surples
1697 March Paid for making of it 

  0. 0.6



Section 25
Hunton – September ye 20th 1700 collected £4.6.7½ by Richard Burton Rector, by virtue of a Brief for the Redemption of Slaves viz:

Given by Richd. Burton Rector 
do. Burton’s servants - 
Henry Hattey - 
do. Hattey’s servants - 
George Hattey - 
Richd. Jobe - 
Abraham Chambers - 
Mary Hattey - 
Edward Becston - 
do. Becston’s servants - 
Mary Wridge - 
Mrs. North - 
Servants at Buston - 
The widdow Amy Snatt -
do. Snatt’s maid - - 
Thomas Pickering - 
Thomas Proby - 
Francis Hunt - 
Edward Holliman - 
William Gravet - 
Iden Plain - 
Thomas Duddy Senr. – 
John Bishop - 
Thomas Bishops 2 sons - 
Thos. Duddy Junr. Jno. Kennard - 
Goodman Gromebridge - - 
Martin Parker - - 
Wm. Clifton - -
John Fuller - - 
Goodman Butter - - 
Edward Amos - - 
Gabriel Chawkling - - 
John Bishop’s sons - -
Goodman King - 
Goodman Parker -
Goodman Law - 
Edward Holliman Junr. - 
John Baldock - 
Thos. Bishop - 
John Car - 
Pack & Moyce - 
Goodman West - 
Richard Wakelin - 
Anthony Plain - 
Goodman Pymock - 
Goodman May - 

   - 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 3
- 2
- 2½

Section 26

1701 April ye 4 Paid for Bread and Wine 
                       Paid for Bell ropes 
        April ye 12 Paid to Mr. Houbbed the Countty Stock 
1702 Oct. 4 Payd to Mr. Hubbed for the County Stocke [occurs every year]
1704 April 20 Payd to Mr. Fage for the Booke of Homilies 
1705        Payd for on Prayer Booke
        Oct. Payd for vellvet and fringe for ye Pulpit and Desk 
1708 Pd. for a new Register Book
        Pd. Wm. Clifton for ye Ringers on ye 29th of May
        Gunpowder Treason day
        on ye Queens Accession to ye Throne
        and on ye Coronation day 

The Bells caused endless expenses – they seem to have had new ropes
        nearly every year –



Section 27
Notes on the Life of the Rev. Theophilus Higgons M.A. sometime Rector of Hunton Woods’ "Athenae Oxonisnses" p. 240
   The son of Robert Higgons, he was born at Chilton near Brill in Bucks about 1578, was educated at the Free School at Thame in Oxfordshire. Became a Student of Ch: Ch: in 1592 aged 14 or thereabouts. Took his degree in Arts, that of M.A. in 1600, he being then noted as "a young man of pregnant parts and a tolerable Latin Poet" –
   At that time he was "much stained with Puritanism" and was very violent against all such as favoured the Romish see. Became a Censor of Ch: Ch: and was very zealous, cutting down a Maypole because he thought it came out of a Romish Forest.
   Dr. Ravis, Dean of Ch: Ch: being made Bishop of Gloucester, made Higgons his Domestic Chaplain in which post he continued till the Bishop was translated to the see of London. Mr. Higgons was then made Lecturer at St. Dunstan’s Church, Fleet St. He was much followed there for his sweet and eloquent preaching. But "many thought his long prayers and spitting pauses too short, because the Bishops were ever left out for Wranglers and Antichristian Hierarchies" – 
   While here he married clandestinely. His Father and Relatives were much put out at this and blamed him. In consequence of this and the disrespect and neglect it brought him, he left his wife and went into the North of England but soon returned to London and published a small book against what he afterwards strongly seemed to maintain –
   But it all availed nothing, for being very ambitious and not finding preferment suitable, as he thought to his merits, he thereupon and through debts occasioned by his marriage, fell into a deep discontent, and was finally drawn over to Rome. Wrote a pamphlet about it, went to France and spent two years at Douay and at St. Omers, whither his father went to endeavour to fetch him home but  failed to do so –
   He now wrote "His first motive to adhere to the Roman Church" etc., - with an Appendix against Dr. Lawrence Humphrey, Dr. Richard Field and Dr. Thomas Morton etc. – printed in 1609 in Octavo –
   Sir Edward Hoby then wrote to him. he then went to Roan and lived there for some time, but found out not what he expected in "Respect, Preferment and I know not what", but he was at length regained to the English Church by Dr. Thomas Morton Dean of Winchester. He preached a sermon at St. Paul’s Cross, March 3rd 1610 on Ephes 1.2.4. 5.6 & 7 in Testimony of his hearty reunion with the Church of England and humble submission thereunto, Published in London in 1611 in quarto. This recantation sermon he made up on his being regained by Dr. Morton.
   He was made Rector of Hunton 1610 – where his first wife died in 1615 but he soon married again and by his second wife had six children, five of whom survived him –
   Mr. Higgons’s second wife died at Hunton in 1645 and he remaining there in spit of the troublous times and the sequestration of the living, as long as he could, was at last compelled to relinquish Hunton to Mr. George Latham and retired to Maidstone about 1647, when he lodged in the House of one Daniel Collins, in which house he died in 1659 a little while before the Restoration "as Collins told my friend (for his name stands not in the Register there)" and was buried in the cemetery belonging to the Church there, near to the South-East door of the Chancel, but he
has no stone over his grave -

Read More
Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Horton Kirby

Monumental Inscriptions in the Churchyard of Horton Kirby taken November 1889 & July 1890. A complete transcription of Pages 1 to 62 of L.L. Duncan's manuscript notes contained in Volume One of his 
note book for Ash and Horton Kirby lodged in the Library of the Kent Archaeological Society. Work Completed by Frank Bamping 23 July 2000.

Stones in the ground on the South side of the path leading from the South East Gate to the West Gate of the Yard 

A Cross
1. Leonard J. KILLECK died 19 November 1873 aged 4 years. Horace G. Killeck died 24 November 1873 aged 13 months.

2. Maria ALLCHIN, widow of Jesse Allchin of this Parish died 7 June 1878 aged 85.

3. Sophia HICKSON born April 1824 died July 1860 aged 36. Also Jesse ALLCHIN father of the above died 20 January 1864 in his 68th year.

4. F. A. J. died 2 September 1842 aged 15 days.

A wooden cross -
5. Margaret ROSS died 3 September 1881 aged 16 years.

6. Mr William PLUMB of this parish died 31 December 1841 aged 86.

7. Humphry PLUMB died 18 February 1837 aged 86 years.

8. Lydia COLYER died 19 February 1878 aged 86. Also William Colyer husband of the above died 22 April 1882 aged 84 Years. Also Sarah MARTIN daughter of the above died 6 January 1883 aged 62 years.

A Cross -
9. S. D. Born 1843 died 1882.

Altar Tomb -
10. Here lyeth Interred the Body of Mr / Anthony WOOD (late of Chelsham / in the County of Surrey) who departed / this life the 5th day of July 1765 / aged 53 years. / Here lyeth Interred the Body of Mrs / Jane Wood (wife of the above named / Anthony Wood who departed this / life the 31st day of March 1766 / aged 54 years / Also / Interred the Body of Mr James RUSSELL / late of Sandersted in Surrey. Brother / of the above mentioned Mrs Wood / who died October 30th 1779 aged 57 years.

11. Thomas son of Thomas BETTS of this Parish died 3 September 1783 aged 29 years. Also John son of the above said Thomas Betts who died 12 October 1781... ... ... ...

12. Susannah daughter of Thomas and Ann BETTS died September ye (?8) 1771 aged 13 years. Also Elizabeth wife of Thomas Betts, junior, deceased died 22 June 1789 aged 32.

A cross -
13. Robert George PARKER died June 14 1889 aged 57.

A card in a glass case -
14. John DENHOLM husband of Mary Watson Denholm died at 18 New Road, South Darenth, December 20 1888 aged 31.

15. Mr Stephen HARRIS of this parish died 9 April 1762 aged 67. Also Mrs Mary his wife died 12 May 1763 aged 45.

16. John HALL of this Parish died 7 September 1791 aged 42.

17. Ann daughter of Thomas BETTS of this Parish died 5 June 1782

aged 34.

18. Sarah wife of Thomas BETTS of this Parish died November 1745 aged 25. Also Mr Thomas Betts......(rest underground).

19. Thomas BETTS of this Parish, Yeoman, died 10 February 1794 aged 77.

20. Elizabeth wife of John HALL, senior, of this Parish died 17 October 1856 aged 74.

21. Mrs Ann HALL wife of Robert Hall died 25 August 1805 aged 46.

22. Mr Richard ELCOMBE of this Parish died 27 January 1827 aged 83. Also Mrs Elizabeth Elcombe wife of the above died 28 December 1819 aged 71. Also Mary Elcombe daughter of the above died 3 March 1847 aged 69.

23. P. B. ARKETT died 26 September 1872 aged .....

24. Mrs Ann BINGHAM died 25 March 1825 aged 49. Also Sarah wife of Mr Samuel MEOPHAM died 30 June 1781 aged 54. Mr Samuel Meopham died 22 June 1815 aged 72. Elisha son of the above died 8 July 1803 aged 23. Mr Richard Meopham died 12 March 1805 aged 64.

25. Mrs Mary BASSETT relict of Mr John Bassett of East Greenwich, Gentleman, died 15 December 1863 in her 87th year. Also Mrs Mary HALL daughter of the above died 6 September 1863 aged 62. Likewise Mr William Hall, husband of the above died 2 July 1861 aged 50. Also Mrs Eleanor HOPKINS wife of Mr John Hopkins of Cambridge and sister of the above Mary Hall died 28 January 1862 aged 57.

26. Thomas WELCH, miller, of Horton died 24 October 1714 aged 28 years......

27. Jonathan DIXON died 21 January 1770 aged 61.

Altar tomb - on one side -
28. John PENURY of this Parish, Yeoman, died 14 May 1736 aged 52. Also Susanna his wife died 27 August 1765 aged 75.

A wooden cross -
29. William HUNT died 24 January 1879 aged 59.

30. Sabra BULL daughter of William and Sabra Bull of Darenth died 12 November 1828 aged 4 months.

Tombs on the West side of the Porch -

Altar tomb -
31. Robert RUSSELL, senior, died 17 February 1721 aged 46 years. Likewise Lydia his wife died 23 July 1736 aged 60. Also Robert Russell son of the above Robert and Lydia Russell died 21 March 1780 aged 61. Also Mary his widow died 23 June 1786 aged 73.

Altar tomb -
32. Robert RUSSELL, senior, died 2 August 1725 aged 77 years. Also Jane wife of Robert Russell sr. died 21 May 1731 aged 75. Also Robert Judd son of James and Mary Russell died in Infancy. Also Robert son of Robert Russell of Sandersted died 21 January 1789 aged 12 years.

Head stone -
33. George and Lydia infant son and daughter of Robert and Lydia RUSSELL ye son dy'd June 5th 1710, ye daughter May 20th 1711.

Altar tomb In memory of
34. by John RUSSELL formerly of this Parish, West door But late of London, Died May 7th 1814 aged 57 years. Also of Mary late wife of James Russell of this Parish died June 21st 1815 aged 68 years. Also of Robert son of John and Mary Russell late of Dartford who died in his infancy.

Likewise of Robert Russell of Sandersted in the County of Surry died August 8th 1819 aged 78 years. Also of Mrs Lydia LOAT daughter of the above  Mr Robert Russell of Sandersted  Obiit January 26th 1820 in 39th year of her age. Likewise of the above James Russell died September 21st 1820 aged 78 years. Also of James Russell son of the above John and Mary Russell died January 26th 1820 aged 10 years. Likewise of Sarah Russell wife of the above Robert Russell of Sandersted died October 3rd 1829 aged 71 years. And of John Russell (formerly of this Parish) Son of James and Mary Russell died at Langley, Buckinghamshire February 22nd 1851 aged 66 years. And of James Russell of the Court Lodge in this Parish, son of James and Mary Russell died September 7th 1854 aged 71 years. Also of Latitia widow of the above died August 5th 1872 aged 82 years. Left issue 5 sons and 5 daughters viz - Robert, Richard, George, James, John ,Mary. Elizabeth, Jane, Sarah and Catherine.

On the side of the above tomb is - In memory of 
35. James son of James and Ellen Russell of Petham Court who died August 28th 1856 aged 15 months. Also Vincent son of the above who died May 10th 1859 aged 3 weeks. Also Emily daughter of the above who died January 25th 1867 aged 21 months. Also in memory of Elizabeth wife of George Russell of Plumstead who died February 26th 1867 aged 31 years. Also of James Russell who died January 24th 1880 aged 39 years. On the West end is - In memory of / Robert Russell / born November 26th 1812 / died May 2nd 1889 / aged 76.

Stones near the North Wall of the Church - To the East of the Porch -

36. John Scott and Duncan Scott the beloved children of Lieut. Colonel Wm. L. STEWART and Eliza his wife who died at Milton next Gravesend the former on the 26th July 1865 aged 5 months, the latter on 30 November of the same year aged 4 years 6 months.

By the North Transept -

37. Mrs Dorothy MASON died 8 June 1806 aged 75 years. Also Mr George Mason son of the above died 5 October 1808 aged 53 years.

In the angle between the North transept and

the South wall of the chancel -

38. Charles COLYER died 15 August 1815 aged 75 years. Also Sarah his wife died 23 November 1834 aged 63 years.

An altar tomb (situated as the last) - 
39. Henry KNIGHT of this parish, miller, died 1 March 1724 in his 40th year. And Ann his wife died 5 December 1765. Born May 8th 1691. Also Henry, William, Mary and Ursula the sons and daughters of Henry and Anne Knight who died infants.

Tombstones on the North side of the churchyard between the paths leading from the North East and South East gates - beginning at the Church Porch and going Eastwards -

A cross
40. Elizabeth LEWIS died 30 May 1885 aged 49 years.

41. Dixon TREADWELL son of William and Jane Treadwell died 11 September 1843 aged 1 year. Also George died 28 December 1846 aged 16 years.

An altar tomb - (Top)
42. Mrs Mary POPE wife of Mr Jacob Pope of this Parish died 16 April 1748 aged 70. Also the above Mr Jacob Pope died 19 April 1748 aged 65. J.P. an infant of the above. Wm. Pope son of the above obiit June 1760 aet 55. Mary Pope wife of Wm.Pope obit February 1788. Wm. Pope and John Pope sons of Wm. and Mary Pope ob. the former in January 1780 aet 49 and the latter in February 1779 aet 44. Mary Killick and Elizabeth Hainsworth daughters of Wm. and Mary Pope ob. the former in August 1776 aet 29 and the latter in July 1768 at 24. W.P. son of Wm. Pope obit January 1786 aged 29. T.P., J.P., M.P., S.P. & C.P. infants of Wm. Pope. W.K. son of Mary Killick obiit September 1776 at 11 years. Also A. & M. Robins infants. Mary Pope died the 4 of June 1794 aged 57. Josiah Wittner son of Wm. and Elizabeth Wittner died November 25 1794 aged 9 weeks and 4 days. Mary wife of R.B. Pope died July 27 1801 aged 48. On the South Side - Sarah Castle wife of Laurence Castle died August 31 1814 aged 75. Mr Jacob Pope died September 5 1825 aged 92 years.

43. Mr Richard PINK late of this Parish died 4 December 1815 aged 63.

44. Mrs Mary PINK died 11 May 1830 aged 76.

45. Parental tribute to the memory of Margaret daughter of Richard and Mary PINK died 12 March 1795 aged 4 years.

46. An altar tomb - [with a drawing of a coat of arms] Here lyeth the Body of Mr William LANE junior who departed this life October 10th 1729 aged 54 Here also lyes the Body of Joyce wife of William Lane who departed this life February 11th 1737 aged 65 years  On the North side - here also lieth the body of / Margaret wife of John BURCHELL / Linnen Draper of London and / youngest daughter of William and / Joyce Lane died 8th December 1737 / aged 24. On the South side - Here also lies the body of / William son of William and Joyce Lane / who died in his infancy / June 1718.

Head stone - 
47. William LANE senior died September 1st 1705 aged 64. Also Margaret wife of Wm. Lane senior dyed October 10th 1727 aged 76.

48. Richard MUGGERIDGE died 6 November 1767 aged 47. Also Elizabeth Muggeridge wife of the above died 22 February 1786 aged 78.

Altar tomb - on the North side -
49. James HACKET died 7 June 1722 aged 61, also Jane Hacket his wife died 3 April 1725 aged 49. On the Here also lieth ye bo... (stone chipped away) South side wife of John H..... died September ye 8th 17.... years also 2 Infants ...... & Sarah

50. William JOHNSON of East Greenwhich died 2 July 1765 aged 30. Also Elizabeth wife of William Johnson who died 4 June 1760 aged 31. She was daughter of Richard and Elizabeth MUGGERIDGE of this parish.

51. Elizabeth wife of Elias SIMMONDS and daughter of William and Elizabeth JOHNSON died 30 October 1822 aged 63.

52. Elizabeth wife of John J. DIGBY died 22 January 1865 aged 29. Also her sister Sabra BICKNELL died 2 July 1854 aged 19.

53. John DAVIGE of this parish died 22 April 1775 aged 75

54. Elizabeth DAVIDGE died 2 July 1788 aged 66.

55. Henry WELLER of this parish died 16 November 1771 aged 63.

56. Headstone [with a drawing of a coat of arms] - ? Bathurst Hic Jacet Josephus FLETCHER nuper de St. Pauli Cemeterii Armigeri Obiit duodecimo die Octobris Anno Tricesimo secundo aetatis suae Anno Salutis MDCCXXXII 

57. Mr William EVEREST of this parish died 23 August 1836 in his 51st year. Also Maria Everest relict of the above died 29 February 1840 in her 36th year. Erected by her children.

58. Mr William BRABAN of this parish died 19 June 1763 aged 65. Also Joanna Braban his wife died 11 September 1779 aged 68.

59. Mrs Eleanor BRABAN late of Marylebone, Middlesex, died 25 May 1808 aged 58.

60. Mrs Ann CARPENTER died 25 March 1796 aged 43.

61. Mr William BRABAN of this parish died 30 January 1789 aged 69. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above died 28 February 1766 aged 17. Also Mrs Mary Braban wife of the above William Braban died 2 June 1809 aged 83.

62. Mr Joseph MARSHALL late of Pall Mall, London, died 27 July 1795 aged 43.

63. Mrs Sarah MARSHAL wife of Joseph Marshal died 9 January 1823 in 66th year.

A large cross
64. Edward CRESY, architect, elder son of the late Edward Cresy of Holmsdale House in this Parish. He was 23 years an officer of the Metropolitan Board of Works. Died 13 October 1870 aged 45. Also Mary Louis Cresy his widow died 23 March 1888.

65. An altar tomb of red brick bearing coat of arms [drawing] - Here lyeth interred the body of Mr William LANE one of the Youman of the Gret Chamber to King Charles the Forst of Blessed Memory & to King Charles the second whoe departed this Life the 1st of December 1677 Aetatus Sue 62.

Altar tomb - on top -
66. Mrs Elizabeth TURNOR wife of Richard Turnor of Erith gent. deceased and only child of William Lane late of this parish gent. who was one of the Yeomen of the Great Chamber both to /King Charles the First and 2nd. / She died 11 August 1711 / aged 50 / Also Mr William Turnor / their younger son died 2 December 1730 / aged 19 years / Also Mrs Mary TASKER wife of / Mr John Tasker of Dartford / and younger daughter of the said / Richard and Elizabeth Turnor / died 13 December 1744 aged 54 / Also of John Tasker Esq. of / Francks in this parish died July 6th / 1796 aged 76. Also of Anne / relict of the above John Tasker Esq. / died 16 November 1814 aged 75. On the North side - Also of Henry son of Henry / GALE Esq. and Mary his wife died 25 September 1795 aged 14. On the South side - Also of Mary daughter of Henry Gale / Esq. of Franks in this parish / and Mary his wife died July 9th 1794 aged 15 years.

67. Alice DRIVER late wife of Martin Driver of the parish of Dartford and daughter of John and Alice Lane of this parish who died 27 May 1768 aged 62. Also Sarah Lane died 26 August 1770 aged 61.

68. Alice LANE wife of John Lane died 13 December 1750 aged 68. John Lane, wheelwright, of this parish died 26 July 1754 aged 83.

A cross
69. Burchell OUGHTON. Born 11 April 1835 died 8 July 1887. A loving tribute from Pupils and friends to a man greatly beloved.

70. Mr William GRETTILL of this parish died 1 April 1799 aged 73. Also Mrs Ann Grettill wife of the above died 7 November 1803 aged 90.

71. Thomas MILLER of this parish died 4 September 1756 aged 63.

The following are close against the East wall of the churchyard.

72. Amelia wife of Thomas MIDDLETON died 2 November 1885 aged 52.

73. Lilly MIDDLETON died 17 August 1880 aged 17 years 5 months.

74. Thomas MIDDLETON died 15 July 1880 aged 49.

75. Anne wife of Frederick MIDDLETON died 4 December 1881 aged 24.

76. Sarah BROOKER sister of Mary BELL died A.D. 1803 aged 23.

A large granite monument -
77. Margaret wife of A.O. GREIG of Kirby Hall, Horton Kirby, died 30 January 1869 aged 44. Also Alexander Ochterlony Greig born 19 November 1809 died 15 December 1876. Also Margaret Blenheim Ochterlony THORNE daughter of the aforesaid Alexr. & Margaret Greig and wife of Augustus Thorne born 20 February 1847 died 26 February 1879.

78. Elizabeth wife of James PARKINSON died 12 February 1888 aged 56.

79. William BELL for 43 years clerk of this parish who died 20 May 1859 aged 87. Also Mary Bell his wife died 17 March 1834 aged 61. And 3 sons and 3 daughters children of the above.

80. Eliza wife of Samuel KITE of this parish died 18 September 1874 aged 58. Samuel son of the above who was drowned in the river Darenth 15 July 1852 aged 10. Also Caroline infant daughter of Charles and Caroline Kite, R.A. who died at Nusseerabad, Bombay, East Indies, 17 July 1872 aged 3 Months 18 days. Also Samuel Kite died at Wilmington 13 February 1879 aged 71. Erected by the surviving families.

Stones by the East wall of the chancel

81. John BANNISTER, gentleman, many years resident in this parish. Eldest son of Thomas Bannister, gent., formerly of Sittingbourne in this County, died 7 February 1813 aged 76.

82. Charlotte BANNISTER wife of John Bannister of this parish for 36 years died 16 December 1805 aged 60.

A cross
83. Frances HAYES of Bolton 24 years a nurse in the family of W. TRISTRAM of St. Margaret's, Esq., died 26 March 1878 aged 60.

84. John STEDMAN, gent., late of Peckham, Surrey, died 8 August 1827 in his 73rd year. Also Elizabeth his wife died 12 May 1839 aged 82.

85. Jane HALL died 29 June 1872 aged 86. Servant 65 years in the family of John Joseph SKILBECK of Highbury and Pinden. Also Ann MILLER died 27 October 1878 nearly 50 years servant in the above family.

In the North side of the Churchyard beginning at the West and working Eastwards.

By the West Door -

86. Thomas NATT once Clerk of this Parish died 25 April 1704 aged 61.

87. Anne POWER widow of Tyrone Power who perished in the Steamship President in 1841. Born 5 June 1794 died 7 May 1876.

Altar tomb - on the side - 
88. In memory of / Maria wife of Rev George RASHLEIGH, Vicar of this Parish / died 18 November 1858 aged 68 / Also of the Rev George Rashleigh, M.A. / 55 years Vicar of this Parish and also 46 years / Rector of Lower Hardres in this County / who died 19 of February 1874 / in the 90th year of his age. 
   On the end - In memory of / James / youngest son of the / Rev H.B. Rashleigh /and Sara Maria his wife / Born July 29 1864 Died November 7 1870. (George Burvill Rashleigh was a barrister, eldest son of the Rev. Henry Burvill Rashleigh, vicar of Horton Kirby (where several generations were incumbents) - he married in 1882 Ekith Louisa Mary Bligh, born 1853, eldest dau. of the 6th. Earl of Darnley. She died 1904, and he marr. secondly 1907 Isabella Mary dau. of Thos. Fred. Hill Alms of Coombury, Bodmin. He died in 1916. Geoff Copus 12-9-2007)
   On the other end - In memory of / Frances / eldest daughter of the / Rev. Peter Rashleigh / Rector of Southfleet / Died November 5 1859 / aged 77 years.

89. James Charles HALE, M.A., Rector of Castle Camps, Cambs. Born 28 August 1840 died 22 December 1878.

90. Lothair WELLS son of W. & B. Wells died 30 January 1879 aged 3 weeks.

91. Henry FRIEND died 28 September 1878 aged 71.

Flat Cross -
92. Mona, child of Leonard and Katherine Allen SHUTER died 15 June 1887 aged 4½ years.

93. James HENRY died 27 March 1883 aged 23.

94. Edward TYLER died 23 February 1886 aged 52.

Card in a glass case -
95. Alfred BOOKER died 18 June 1889 aged 62.

A cross -
96. Jane Agnes Margaret, youngest daughter of Robert & Margaret HORSBURGH born 14 October 1877 died 6 April 1886.

97. Henry PEARCH died 1 November 1878 aged 34.

From here notes taken 26 July 1890 and some others seen and corrected. L.L.D.

Altar tomb -
98. Mr Charles TATNER died February 19 1808 aged 79. Elizabeth Tatner widow of the above died February 28 1817 aged 73.

Cards in a box -
99. Elizabeth Mary infant daughter of Alexander and Eliza HENDERSON died at South Darenth Sunday August 1 1886 aged 10 months. Robert infant son of the above died March 22 1890 aged 8 months, at South Darenth.

Head cross -
100. Elizabeth Lane MUGGERIDGE born April 7 1829. Died December 27 1868. Also Easter Muggeridge died February 5 1881 aged 55.

Headstone -
101. Ann VINK of this Parish died July 12 1858 aged 32.

Headstone -1
102. Mr John MUGGERIDGE of this Parish died September 27 1850 aged 55. Also Mary his wife died 2 March 1854 aged 54.

Altar tomb - on the top -
103. Lydia wife of William MUGGERIDGE of this Parish and daughter of Robert and Mary RUSSELL of the same place, Yeoman, died 28 September 1791 aged 52. Also William Lane Muggeridge son of William and Ann Muggeridge and grandson of the above died 8 May 1799 aged 9 years. Also the above said William Muggeridge senior died 28 April 1801 aged 61. Also William Muggeridge of this Parish only son of the above died 30 November 1827 aged 63. Also Ann wife of the last named William Muggeridge died 30 November 1847 aged 83. Also George Muggeridge son of the above named William and Ann Muggeridge died January 15 1876 aged 72. On the South side - Here are also the remains of four infant granddaughters of the above last named William Muggeridge viz Emma Wilks, Jane Lane Muggeridge, Mary Muggeridge and Joyce Muggeridge. On the North side - Mary De Bie relict of John De Bie and daughter of the above William and Ann Muggeridge died 11 December 1880 aged 82.

104. Thomas PRICE of this parish died 26 March 1802 aged 23.

105. David William ROGERS died April 1 1885 aged 6 years. Also Lillian Emily Rogers died March 29 1885 aged 1 year.

Altar tomb within iron railings -
106. Thomas WILLIAMS, gent. In his Profession of the Law distinguished by Zeal and Integrity and in his retirement by Piety, Humanity and Friendship. He died 9 December 1800 aged 76. Also Mrs Joyce Williams, relict of the above, died 12 April 1801 aged 89. Also in this Vault are deposited the remains of the Reverend Richard Williams (only surviving brother of the above named Thomas Williams) late of Christs College Cambridge A.M. Many years Vicar of this Parish and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County. In discharging the duties of his Sacred Function he was correct and exemplary, as a Magistrate active and upright. He died 15 September 1801 aged 55. Likewise Mrs Sarah Williams Relict of the above Reverend Richard Williams. She died 1 July 1814 aged 67.

Headstone[with a drawing of a coat of arms]
107. Here lieth the Body of ye Reverend Mr William HOPKINS Late Vicar of this Parish who departed this Life ye 31st day of October 1742 Aged 68 years.

108. Rosa Matilda VINK formerly of this Parish died June 8 1886 aged 57.

109. Mrs Elizabeth ROGERS wife of Mr William Rogers of this Parish died 28 June 1824 aged 57. Also George son of the above died 14 February 1806 aged 2 years.

Card in a case -
110. Frank James husband of Ruth HOWARD died 15 May 1887 aged 34.

111. Alice TREADWELL wife of James Treadwell died at Pinden Farm January 21 1875 aged 52, after a long and painful illness. Also Mary Ann daughter of the above died August 29 1872 aged 3 months.

112. Marion eldest daughter of George and Elizabeth DRUNNOND born October 22 1865 died April 19 1888.

Card in a case -
113. Alfred Edwin SPANNER aged 15 years died May 27 1888. From his loving Mother.

Card -
114. Emily wife of William WHIFFIN died August 12 1889 aged 21 years. Buried August 18.

115. George HUNTLEY died February 7 1889 in his 53rd year.

116. William HUNTLEY died 20 July 1884 aged 79.

117. Hannah HUNTLEY died June 1855 aged 20 years. Also Nevill Huntley died August 12 1843 aged 3 years.

Small stone
18. T.W. 1834.

119. Martin BARRAUD late of this Parish died 28 June 1832 in his 45th year.

Altar tomb -
120. Nicholas RAY late of this Parish died November 6 1826 aged 74. Leaving 5 sons and 3 daughters. Also Hannah Susannah wife of Richard Ray died April 1 1844 aged 64. Joseph NICHOLSON died March 25 1845 aged 74. Also Philip Ray son of Nicholas Ray died March 30 1849 aged 69. Also James Nicholson youngest son of the above died August 12 1848 aged 38. Also Nicholas son of Nicholas Ray died July 3 1853 aged 72. Also James son of Nicholas Ray died August 8 1853 aged 66. Also Richard son of Nicholas Ray died February 22 1856 aged 79. Also Mary relict of Joseph Nicholson died March 16 1857 aged 79. Also John son of Nicholas Ray died March 3 1860 aged 74. Also Frederick Ray eldest son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Ray (late of Franks) died April l9 1867 aged 50. Also Elizabeth Ray widow of Nicholas Ray late of Franks in this Parish died March 30 1868 aged 76. Also Frank youngest son of the late Nicholas Ray of this Parish died March 9 1870 aged 37.

121. Mary wife of Philip RAY of this Parish died January 5 1822 aged 36.

122. William RAY died 30 October 1808 aged 34, leaving Hellen his wife and two children viz William and Hellen.

123. Elizabeth wife of Johs RAY of this Parish died 30 August 1797 aged 48. Left issue one daughter - Mary.

124. Sarah wife of Nicholas RAY of this Parish died March 9 1795 aged 45. Left issue 7 sons and 3 daughters viz William, Richard, Philip, Nicholas, Thomas, John, James, Sally, Mary and Letitia.

125. Emma wife of Richard RAY of Camberwell Green, Surrey, died June 24 1869 aged 33.

126. Frank Maidlow RAY, youngest son of Frank & Harriett Ray died August 17 1870 aged 15 months.

127. Sarah widow of James RAY of this Parish died July 9 1877 in his [sic] 83rd year.

128. Elizabeth wife of Philip RAY of this parish died April 11 1840 aged 53.

129. Margaret Eliza, second daughter of Richard and Dinah Mary NICHOLSON died December 11 1855 aged 12 years.

130. Mary Parfect DIVE died August 18 1848. (No age given)

Large monument with urn on the top -
131. The family vault of Josiah ROLLS, Esquire, Pennis House, Fawkham, Kent. A.D. 1862. On the North side - Josiah Robert Rolls, Esquire, Captain of H.M. 24th & late of H.M. 94th Regiments died at Pennis House, Fawkham, February 22 1862 aged 24. On the West end - Eliza, 2nd daughter of Josiah Rolls, Esq., died March 17 1866 in her 37th year, wife of Edwin Richard BREMBRIDGE, Esquire, of South Darenth who also died on 1 December 1865. On the South side - Helen wife of Josiah Rolls of Pennis House, Fawkham, died 14 January 1870 in her 61st year. Josiah Rolls. esq., died at Athol House, Gravesend, 20 January 1880 aged 78.

Head - 
132. Mary Ann WOOD daughter of John and Ann Wood of Dartford, Kent, died 1 September 1843 in her 19th year. Also John Wood, brother of the above died September 11 1843 in his 16th year. Also Ann Wood wife of John Wood and mother of the above died 11 February 1851 in her 49th year.

Head -
133. Beneath are the Infant Remains of Mary daughter of Captain WEBLEY (of the Royal Navy) died 26 August 1808 aged 5 months and 10 days.

Cross -
134. Richard Allen son of Richard and Mary RUSSELL born June 4 1881 died July 30 1884.

135. William ACCLETON died September 26 1875 aged 63. Also John GREEN died August 19 1862 aged 23. Also William Accleton died August 30 1883 aged 63.

Head Cross
136. Edward CRESY of this Parish - an architect whose quick parts and unwearied industry might have placed him foremost among his fellows but life was to him a sea of troubles yet he found in the ardent and disinterested study of his profession a shield which the stings and arrows of outrageous fortune failed to pierce - he ceased working November 12 1858 aged 66. Also Eliza Cresy wife of the above died January 3 1877 aged 73 years 11 months.

Headstone of white marble
137. Theodore Grant CRESY, surgeon, younger son of Edward Crescy[sic] of this parish. Born at Paris February 25 1830 died at Gravesend February 14 1881.

138. William THOMPSON of South Darenth died September 2 1878 aged 77.

Altar tomb - near the North East gate - 

139 Here lieth interred the Body of  W. KNIGHT of this Parish, Gent. who departed this Life March the 31 1771 aged 77 years Here lieth interred the Body of Mrs Jane Knight wife of William Knight of this Parish, Gent. who departed this Life November the 10 1770 aged 6(?0) years Also of John Knight, gent. Son of the above William and Jane Knight who departed this Life September the 9th 1780 aged 51 years.

140. Thomas BICKNELL died 5 November 1851 aged 77. Mary his wife died February 11 1859 aged 99.

141. Harriet wife of Mark BICKNELL of this Parish died 21 May 1856 aged 49. Also two of their children - William died September 9 1838, Mary died June 27 1849. Also of the above Mark Bicknell died 9 July 1869 aged 62. Also Mark Bicknell died February 20 1859 aged 21. Also Harriet Bicknell died December 3 1868 aged 33.

142. Erected as a token of respect by his fellow-workmen at Dartford Creek Paper Mill. In memory of William MASTERS who died March 13 1871 aged 71. Also his wife Elizabeth died March 17 1871 aged 58.

143. Thomas DOUST of this Parish died 11 October 1813 aged 72. Also Mrs Elizabeth Doust wife of the above died 5 October 1815 aged 74.

144. Henry Joseph TAME born 29 May 1814 died 11 May 1888.

145. Jane wife of Mr Philip SALT of this Parish died August 6 1854 aged 57. Also above Mr Philip Salt died January 26 1859 aged 54.

146. Elizabeth Jane, daughter of James THOMAS and Jane Elizabeth PHILLIPS died November 8 1866 aged 16 months. Also Thomas Edward died August 6 1871 aged 3 years & 5 months.

147. Elizabeth YOUNG died November 9 1860 aged 78. John Young husband of the above died May 26 1862 aged 79. Mary daughter of the above died April 7 1872 aged 47. Also James Young died June 1 1886 aged 70.

148. Valentine H. WILLIAMS of the Home for Little Boys died August 19 1874 aged 51.

149. Thomas FEILDER died 24 April 1771 aged 82. Also Rebecca wife of Thomas Feilder died June 23 1773 aged 80.

150. Here Lieth Interred the Body of Mrs Mary TABOUR wife of Mr Edmond Tabour, Daughter of Thomas and Margaret JESTES who Departed this Life 14th January 1747 (rest under grass)

The end of Horton Kirby Churchyard

  Leland L. Duncan July 1890          

I N D E X of Names and Places
                                                                                                       compiled by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Accleton, 135
Allchin, 2, 3
Arkett, 23
Bannister, 81, 82
Barraud, 119
Bassett, 25
Bell, 76, 79.
Betts, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19
Bicknell, 52, 140, 141.
Bingham, 24
Booker, 95
Braban, 58, 59, 61
Brembridge, 131
Brooker, 76
Burchell, 46
Castle, 42
Carpenter, 60
Colyer, 8, 38
Cresy, 64, 136, 137
Davige, 53, 54
Denholm, 14.
Be Bie, 103
S.D., 9
Digby, 52
Driver, 67
Dixon, 27
Dive, 130
Doust, 143
Drummond, 112
Elcombe, 22

Everest, 57
Fielder, 149
Fletcher, 56
Friend, 91
Gale, 66
Green, 135
Greig, 77
Grettill, 70
Hacket, 49.
Hale, 89
Hall, 16, 20, 21, 25, 85
Hainsworth, 42
Harris, 15
Hayes, 83
Henderson, 99
Henry, 93
Hickson, 3
Hopkins, 25, 107
Horsburgh, 96
Hunt, 29
Howard, 110
Huntley, 115, 116, 117
F.A.J., 4
Jestes, 150
Johnson, 50, 51
Killick, 1, 42
Kite, 80
Knight, 39, 139
Lane, 46, 47, 65, 66, 67, 68
Lewis, 40
Loat, 34Masters, 142
Marshall, 62, 63
Martin, 8
Mason, 37
Meopham, 24
Miller, 71, 85
Middleton, 72, 73, 74, 75
Natt, 86
Nicholson, 120, 129
Oughton, 69
Pearch, 97
Parker, 13
Parkinson, 78
Penury, 28
Phillips, 146
Pink, 43, 44, 45
Plumb, 6, 7
Pope, 42
Power, 87
Price, 104
Rashleigh, 88
Ray, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
   125, 126, 127, 128
Robins, 42
Rogers, 105, 109
Ross, 5.
Russell, 10, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 103, 134
Rolls, 131
Salt, 145Shuter, 92
Skilbeck, 85
Simmonds, 51
Spanner, 113
Stedman, 84
Stewart, 36
Tabour, 150
Tame, 144
Tasker, 66
Tatner, 98
Thorne, 77
Thompson, 138
Treadwell, 41, 111
Tristram, 83
Turnor, 66
Tyler, 94
Vink, 101, 108
T.W., 118
Webley, 133
Wells, 90
Weller, 55
Welch, 26
Wittner, 42
Wilks, 103
Williams, 106, 148
Whiffin, 114
Wood, 10, 132
Young, 147

Places Index
Bolton, 83.
Bombay, 80.
Camberwell Green,Surrey, 125.
Castle Camps, Cambs., 89.
Chelsham, Surrey, 10.
Christ's College, Cambs.,106
Darenth, 30.Dartford, 34, 66, 67, 142.
East Greenwich, 25, 50.
St. Margaret's, 83.
Wilmington, 80.Eirth, 66.
Franks, 66.
Gravesend, 131, 137.
Holmsdale House, 64.
Kirby Hall, 77.Langley, Bucks., 34.
London, 34, 46.
Lower Hardres, 88.
Marylebone, Middx., 59.
Milton Next Gravesend, 36.
Pall Mall, London, 62.
Paris, France, 137.
Pennis House, 
       Fawkham, 131.Petham Court, 34.
Pinden Farm, 111.
Plumstead, 34.
Sanderstead, Surrey, 10, 32, 43.
Sittingbourne, 81.
South Darenth, 14, 99, 131, 138.
Southfleet, 88.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Horsmonden Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Horsmonden Church. Noted by Leland L. Duncan18th August 1922.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s at Horsmonden.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.
                                       Transcribed and typed up by Jeremy Stroud [JGS], checked by Frank & Zena Bamping

Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan (86KB) of location of gravestones in Horsmonden Churchyard

By Chancel Head
1. Here interred the body of Thomas BAKER of this parish yeoman who departed this life 21 May 1723 aged 83 years. Left issue by Susanna his wife one son Thomas.

2. Susanna wife of Isaac LEWIS and widow of Thomas BAKER died 30 November 1759 aged 78 years.
East of South Chapel
3. Sarah OSBORNE wife of Abraham Osborne of this parish, clothier. She died 31 December 1739 aged 54 years.

4. Here ly- - - - body - - - - - in - - - - OSBO - - - - - - an - - - of - - - - -ho - departed th - - - - -e the 17 of August - - - 6 aged 82 years. Neare this place lyeth the body of Anne his furst wife who died December the 7 1702 aged 56 years. A - - - - - - - zabeth his s - - - - - - - - fe who died - - - - - - 1th 1714 aged 6 (?6 -) years. Footstone I:O 1726

By Chancel Head
5. Cross: Alexander son of the Rev Francis and Isabella Anne CROMBIE died 9 January 1873 aged 2 years.

6. Cross: Mary FLEETWOOD daughter of Rev Francis and Isabella Anne CROMBIE 22 January 1873 aged 6 years.
North of Quire
7. Thomas HICKMOT of this parish yeoman 25 December 1711 aged 59 years. Mary the wife of Thomas Hickmot 6 March 1726 aged 73 years. Left issue 8 children.

8. Edward son of Henry MONK and Ann his first wife died July 25 1703 in his 21 year.

9. Henry MUNK of this parish, miller died June 8 1694 aged about 48 years. Also Ann his wife April the 16th 1688 aged about 33. They left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter. (beautifully cut & fresh)

10. John MUNK died February the 23rd 1717 aged 88. Mary the wife of William AYARST of Hawkhurst died September the 15th 1749 aged 70.

11. Here lyeth the bodys of Joseph and Isaac DAY both which died November the 29th 1692 in the 54 and 46 years of their respective ages. We buried lie 2 brethren dear That died in one day and year.

12. Here also lyeth the Body of Richard DAY who died May the 19 Anno Dom 1709 and in the 72 yeare of his age

13. Thomas MONK aged 39. 1717. This stone was erected by Magdalen his wife daughter of Richard GRANT of Bennenden Gentleman
North Side
Fine Altar
14. Here lyeth the daughter of Richard and Alice TYLER the said Richard and Alice lyeth interred in the Church with two sons and one grandson.1717

15. Anthony HICKMOTH the only son of John Hickmoth and Elizabeth his wife who died December the 12 1699 in the 29 year of his age

16. John HICKMOT of Ramshil in this parish Husband of Elizabeth Hickmot and father of Anthony Hickmot He died April 9 1703 in 66 year. Elizabeth daughter of John BARNES wife of John Hickmot of Ramshill And mother of Anthony Hickmot who died in the 70 year of her age November the 11 1710

17. James MANWARING 8 August 1859 aged 46. Mercy his wife 20 September 1870 aged 49. Leaving 2 sons and 2 daughters

18. Elizabeth wife of R.W. HYDE Esq 7 August 1846. An affectionate wife and sincere friend.
North of Nave
19. Susanna TWORT late of Lewes Heath in this parish 1 October 1794 aged 77. Near lieth her father and mother Thomas and Mary Twort

20. Elizabeth TWORT of Lewes Heath of this parish 26 March 1780 aged 73. Near lieth her father and mother Thomas and Mary Twort

21. Low tomb covered with moss. [with reference to 19 & 20 above, possibly tomb of Thos Twort & Mary Twort nee Tanner, Thos T buried at H. 21 March 1724, PR JGS]

22. William TWORT of this parish 10 September 1819 aged 41. Elizabeth his wife 1 November 1858 aged 70

23. Elizabeth wife of John CROUCHER and daughter of John and Sarah BOWLES of this parish 13 February 1810 aged 58

24. Thomas MANWARING of this parish 15 January 1847 aged 80. Mary his wife 4 March 1842 aged 79. Thomas Manwaring their nephew died 1 February 1845 aged 46 lies near this stone

25. John BARTON of this parish 9 June 1792 aged 76. Left issue by Frances his wife 7 daughters Ann, Frances, Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Martha and Margaret. Frances his wife 9 December 1802 aged 81

26. small Here lyeth the body of Annis BOULDS youngest daughter of Robert and Margreth Boulds Junier who departed this life the 8 day of April 1654 being 19 years

27. small Heare lyeth the body of Joane BOULDES eldest daughter of Robert and Margret Boulds Junyer who departed this life the 26 of April 1642 being aged 17 years

28. Thomas BOWLES of Pellardgate in the parish of Pembury 8 June 1754 in his 55th year. Mary his wife 30 December 1785 aged 69

29. John BOWELS of this parish 16 August 1756 aged 58. Leaving a widow and 2 daughters Elizabeth and Sarah. Sarah his wife 16 December 1809 aged 81. Sarah their daughter who after 49 years of virtue and piety resigned her breath 18 January 1804

30. Thomas MANWARING of this parish 27 January 1807 aged 80. Mary his wife 11 November 1809 aged 76. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter Thomas, Henry and Sarah

31. Henry MANWARING of this parish 4 June 1770 aged 73. Also Henry Manwaring January the 10 1780 aged 84

32. Maregret B - - - - - late wife of Robert BOWLES of this parish, Junyer. She departed this life 3 day of October 1647 being aged 46 yeares who had issue 1 sone and 5 daughters

33. William HOOK of this parish 31 December 1781 aged 73. Dorathea his wife December 23 1797 aged 87. Left issue William, Thomas and Elizabeth [see nos 37 & 38 below JGS]

34. Thomas BOWLES January the 27 1723 aged 64 Left issue 2 sons. Thomas and Robert. Mary his wife 3 February 1747 aged 78

35. Thomas BOWLES of this parish, Yeoman son of Thomas Bowles by Mary his wife 16 April 1748 aged 47

36. Brick altar tomb: William BRISSENDEN of this parish 7 April 1792 in 78th. Elizabeth his wife 22.8.1790 in 67th year. Had issue – son 2 daughters John, Mary, Elizabeth. John died November 9 1780 in the Parish of St Geo Hanover Sq London in the 33rd year and left 2 daughters Ann and Mary

37. Frances wife of William HOOK of this parish. November 10 1782 aged 49 years. [1st wife of Wm Hook, nee Foreman d/o Richard F & Mary Twort - PR & PCC will JGS]

38. Thomas HOOK of this parish 6 November 1808 aged 68 Ann his wife 20 February 1836 aged 76 Left issue 4 daughters Elizabeth, Frances, Ann and Dolly [Thos H s/o Wm & Dorothy Hook – PR & PCC will JGS]

39. George HUNTLEY 17 February 1863 aged 48 leaving a widow 5 sons and 5 daughters. Harriett Huntley widow of above 9 February 1878 in 57th year.

40. Colin son of George and Harriet HUNTLEY 31 March 1859 aged 1 year 8 months - on back Harriet Huntley daughter of George and Harriet Huntley 11 February 1862 aged 11 months. Georgiana Huntley daughter of same 23 August 1864 aged 11 months

41. James LARKIN of the School Farm Horsmonden 19 December 1881 aged 66. Selina his wife 11 September 1895 aged 84. Leaving issue 5 sons Frank, James-Barten, Henry, Walter and Samuel-Frederick

42. Mr James LARKIN of the Schoolhouse Farm of this parish 7 January 1846 aged 65

43. cross headstone Lettitia wife of John NEAL 3 May 1872 aged 60. John Neal 19 June 1882 aged 73

44. Harriot daughter of George and Mary LARKIN of this parish 18 February 1844 aged 30

45. George LARKIN of this parish 8 November 1842 aged 71. Mary his wife 19 December 1838 aged 70. Issue 2 sons and 3 daughters George, John, Elizabeth Frances and Lettitia.
[wife Mary nee Twort d/o John T & Priscilla Duddy & prior widow of Richard Ballard of Thurnham; also 2 sons & 3 daughters baptised from 1st marriage – PR & PCC wills JGS]

46. Sarah wife of William LAVENDER of this parish 22 April 1790 aged 53. William Lavender 14 November 1803 aged 71

47. Eleanor wife of William HOADLEY of Horsmonden 29 February 1864 aged 73. William her husband 28 January 1873 aged 74. Left issue 3 daughters Eleanor, Mary and Elizabeth

48. William BULL 5 July 1846 aged 55. Mary his wife 4 March 1837 aged 44. Left surviving 3 sons 2 daughters, John Collins, Edwin-Miles, Frances-Mary, Mary-Jane and Henry

49. Ann 3rd daughter of Thomas and Mercy VINE of this parish 29 May 1829 aged 24

50. Thomas VINE died June 1870 aged 91 Mercy Vine his wife died December 1862 aged 93 Also Jane Vine their daughter died November 1863 aged 56. Sophie Vine their daughter December 1875 aged 72 (no days of months)

51. Samuel BUSS of this parish 1 April 1800 aged 46. Left issue by Mercy his wife 2 sons and 4 daughters Samuel, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah and Susanna

52. Susanna 4th daughter of Samuel and Mercy BUSS of this parish 20 July 1817 aged [under grass]

53. John MORRIS 3 December 1796 aged 73. Mary his wife 1 March 1810 aged 69

54. William MANCKTELOW bricklayer of this parish 21 August 1866 aged 62
West of North Porch
55. Eleanor wife of Thomas TWORT of this parish 2 July 1737 aged 32. Left issue 3 Sons, Thomas, John and Richard. Rebecca 2nd wife of above Thomas Twort died 18 January 1785 aged 76. Thomas Twort 1 February 1794 in 85th year. [1st wife Eleanor nee Barton; youngest son RT is Richard Tyler Twort; Thomas Senr is son of Thos & Mary Twort see nos 19-21 above – PR & PCC wills JGS]
North of Tower
56. Ann Twort TOMPSETT daughter of Joseph and Ann Tompsett of this parish 19 February 1780 aged 10 weeks. Ann wife of above Joseph Tompsett 24 August 1799 aged 52. Joseph Tompsett 14 October 1819 aged 67 [wife Ann nee Twort d/o Wm Twort & Ann Eales; Wm Twort is s/o Thos & Mary T see above – PR & PCC wills JGS]

South of Tower
57. cross Mary HUMPHREY died 28 December 1867 aged 56 Benjamin Humphrey 10 June 1873 aged 69
Southern Yard
58. James RICHARDSON of this parish late of Withyham 25 August 1831 aged 43

59. Daniel RICHARDSON of this parish 10 January 1800 aged 65. Left issue surving Dinah his wife and 3 children Jane, Sarah and Daniel Dinah his wife died 12 August 1821 aged 70

60. altar Benjamin TOMPSETT of this parish youngest son of James and Elizabeth Tompsett of Scragoak in the parish of Wadhurst 27 August 1814 in 58th year, Martha wife of Benjamin Tompsett of this parish 22 June 1846 aged 85

61. Thomas BACKETT of Rams Hill of this parish 12 May 1770 aged 86

62. Rebecca RICHARDSON died of the Smallpox 2 April 1784 aged 52

63. Thomas RICHARDSON of this parish, Yeoman 6 March 1742 aged 79 Elizabeth Richardson died 26 April 1737 aged 71. Left issue one son and 3 daughters Thomas, Elizabeth, Ann and Mary

64. Thomas RICHARDSON of this parish, Yeoman 28 August 1776 aged 87. Sarah his wife 17 May 1779 aged 84. Left issue 4 sons and 3 daughters. Thomas, James Daniel, John, Mary, Sarah and Rebecca. Near lieth Ann their daughter

65. Thomas RICHARDSON of this parish Yeoman. 26 May 1799 aged 67 Mary his wife relict of William LAVENDER late of this parish 29 July 1809 aged 65

66. wood rail   Elizabeth wife of Thomas HARDEN - - - - - - - - - aged 21 years - - - - - - - - - - -

67. Samuel LAMBERT son of Thomas and Mary Ann Lambert of this parish 18 August 1850 aged 8. Mary Ann daughter of above 16 July 1853 aged 12

68. Ellen LAMBERT daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Lambert of this parish 20 February 1837 14months Henry their son died in infancy [otherwise Ellen Foreman Lambert & Henry Foreman Lambert - PR JGS]

69. Mary Ann LAMBERT wife of Thomas Lambert of Rams Hill of this parish died suddenly 19 January 1871 aged 61 [wife Mary Ann nee Masters b.1809 Feb 12 at H. – PR JGS]

70. Thomas LAMBERT of Rams Hill of this parish 31 December 1876 aged 70
[otherwise Thomas Foreman Lambert & is Thomas Foreman b.1806 Nov 4 Marden BB s/o Elizabeth Foreman (who m. Thomas Lambert 1809 Mar 9 Maidstone All Saints) - PR JGS]

71. Cross: David FISHENDEN FOREMAN 27 April 1895 age 71 Stephanna Fishenden Foreman his wife born 6 June 1829 died 26 December 1899
[DFF s/o David Foreman & Rebecca Fishenden; wife Stephana nee Fishenden – PR JGS]

72. Ann MASTER daughter of William and Ann Master of this parish 13 April 1795 aged 9. Daniel Master their son 2 September 1799 aged 17 years

73. John STEVENS deceased May the 1st 1746 aged 81 Left issue one daughter Anne Six Grandchildren three Sons and 3 Daughters

74. Eliza daughter of Nicholas and Ann DADSWELL of this parish 27 August 1825 aged 14. Also 3 sons and 1 daughter died in infancy Thomas died 16 September 1807 John died 2 December 1809 Edward died 1 May 1818 Emmer died 3 January 1821 Also William Dadswell, their son died 31 December 1827 aged 19 years

75. Nicholas DIPROSE January 15 1723 aged 27 years. Left issue one daughter Mary, by Mary his wife

76. George SNOAD formerly of Brenzett of this County and late of this parish 23 May 1851 aged 54. Leaving a widow 5 sons and 4 daughters

77. flat Thomas FISHENDEN died 27 May 1848 aged 72. Hannah his wife 9 March 1849 aged 68

78. Benjamin OLIVE of this parish 2 April 1803 aged 74. Ann his wife 23 August 1787 aged 60 Leaving 3 daughters Anna Maria, Sarah and Mary

79. Sarah OLIVE of this parish 24 September 1801 aged 78

80. Mary OLIVE of this parish 19 July 1799 aged 83

81. Mr John ASHDOWN of this parish 19 December 1802 aged 62. Mrs Alice wife of above 2.1.1803 aged 64

82. John ASHDOWN of this parish 19 December 1780 aged 64 Ann his wife 28 April 1792 aged 85. Left issue one son and two daughters : John, Catherine and Ann

83. Mrs Ann ASHDOWN of this parish 6 January 1803 aged 55

84. John WAGHORN of this parish 10 April 1800 aged 76. Sarah his wife 15 March 1799 aged 66

85. George Charles son of George and Mary TABOR 7 April 1860 aged 4 months

86. Large tomb in rails South Side John AUSTEN Esq son of the aforesaid John Austen Esq of Broadford died – January 180(4?) aged 81. Also Joanna his wife died July 9 1811 aged 72 - Mary AUSTEN daughter of John Austen Esq and Joanna Austen Who died March 1803 aged 43 West End John AUSTEN of Broadford Esq who married Mary the youngest daughter of Stephen SPRINGATE ---------------------- North Side blank -
East End Mary relict of John AUSTEN died October 1759 aged 59 Also Jane Austen eldest daughter of above John and Mary Austen died 6 September 1770 aged 46

87. Elizabeth wife of Samuel ELPHICK 7 July 1813 aged 36 Issue one son Richard

88. Elizabeth wife of Samuel ELPHICK 21 March 1825 aged 43 Also Sophia Philadelphia who died in infancy. Above Samuel Elphick 10 January 1834 aged 62

89. William COLLINS of this parish 11 January 1863 aged 71

90. Thomas LINDREDG of this parish who died in September 1778 aged 55 Hannah Lindredg [no E]
his wife June 5 1806 aged 70 Thomas Lindredg son of above late of parish of Pembury 19 October 1833 aged 73

91. Thomas Twort HOBBS December 29 1801 aged 4 years

92. William Owen FOSTER 12 April 1853 aged 35

93. William BALLARD of this parish 25 June 1807 aged 46. Susanna his wife 24 April 1838 aged 79. Issue 3 sons and 2 daughters John, Richard, James, Susanna and Ann

94. John the eldest son of Stephen and Harriet WATERS of this parish 12 March 1858 aged 22. Thomas Waters 2nd son of Stephen and Amelia Waters (his 2nd wife) 23 September 1857 aged 1 year 18 days Alice 2nd daughter of Stephen and Amelia Waters February 12 1867 aged 37 years other side Harriet wife of Stephen WATERS of this parish 10 June 1850 aged 39. She left 3 sons and 4 daughters John, Elizabeth, Stephen, Harriet, Henry, Jane and Mary Martha. Also above Stephen Waters born July 8 1810 died 21 December 1880. Amelia his wife born 11 October 1830 died January 25 1903

95. Jane 3rd daughter of Stephen and Harriet WATERS born 12 March 1846 died 13 May 1868. Also Katherine 3rd daughter of Stephen and Amelia Waters born 6 December 1866 died 28 February 1868

96. Large altar in rail, tomb of Richard TYLER TWORT Son of Richard and Catherine Twort died 11 August 1850 age 13 months Catherine Twort mother of above died 6 September 1881 aged 69. Richard Tyler Twort husband of above 18 September 1885 aged 74. Frances Twort widow of David Twort and mother of above died 12 June 1862 aged 78. Grace Marguerite Isabel SMITH grandchild of above born 3 August 1882 died 6 May 1883
[widow Frances nee Frances Ann Hook – PR & PCC will JGS]
North Side Richard Tyler TWORT gentleman of this parish 4 May 1805 aged 69 [RTT s/o Thomas T & Eleanor Barton – PR JGS]
East End Elizabeth daughter of Richard Tyler TWORT Gentleman by Elizabeth his wife 25 March 1780 aged 15 [RTT’s wife Elizabeth nee T(h)ompsett – PR JGS]
South Side David TWORT of Haymans Hill In this parish died 10 May 1841 aged 64 Leaving a widow and issue 2 sons and 2 daughters [DT s/o John T & Priscilla Duddy – PR & PCC will JGS]
West End Richard son of Richard Tyler TWORT gentleman by Elizabeth his wife 6 July 1766 aged 1 month

97. To the memory of ---------- blank-------------- also of Elizabeth wife of John LARKIN of the parish of Staplehurst and daughter of James and Mary WALKER of Ticehurst. 26 May 1806 aged 37 Issue 4 sons and 2 daughters. Also 1 son and 1 daughter [? died infants] (under grass)

98. Mary wife of George LARKIN of this parish 11 June 1828 aged 83. Left issue 5 sons and 2 daughters. George, John, William, James, Charles, Philadelphia and Martha. Also above George Larkin 27 December 1833 aged 87 [these are the parents of GL of no 45 above – PR JGS]

99. Mallion LAMBERT of this parish 18 October 1823 aged 64 James their son died in infancy Left surviving a widow and 5 children Mallion, Thomas, Robert, George & Mary. Mary wife of Mallion Lambert 27 December 1839 aged 72

100. Mallion LAMBERT 14 August 1794 aged 64. Left surviving Mary his wife and 3 children. Mallion, Frances and John. Also Ann, Mary, Thomas and Deborah died in infancy. Mary wife of Mallion Lambert 14 May 1820 aged 87

101. Richard BAKER 25 June 1831 aged 59. Frances Baker his wife 25 April 1841 aged 73. Also 2 sons who died in infancy

102. John BALLARD of this parish 11 September 1790 aged 64. John his son died in infancy Left surviving Isaac, Richard and William. Also Ann wife of above John Ballard 23 April 1793 in 64 year
[wife Ann nee Foreman d/o Richard F & Mary Twort – PR & PCC will JGS]

103. William FOREMAN of this parish Yeoman 22 March 1795 in his 60th year. Elizabeth his wife 17 February 1798 aged 60
[wife Elizabeth nee Hook d/o Wm & Dorothy Hook; Wm F s/o Richard F & Mary Twort – PR & PCC wills JGS]

104. Richard FOREMAN of this parish December the 2nd 1741 aged 40. Left issue by Mary his wife 4 sons and 3 daughters John, Richard, Thomas and William Mary, Ann and Frances. Mary his wife 5 August 1759 aged 54. Likewise Richard their 2nd son died 16 December 1749 aged 23
[wife Mary nee Twort d/o Thos Twort & Mary Tanner; RF Senr s/o John & Mary F – PR & PCC wills JGS]

105. Mary wife of Nicholas BARBER late of Loose in this County 9 June 1775 aged 46 Left issue Ann, John, Thomas and Frances [wife Mary nee Foreman d/o Richard F & Mary Twort JGS]

106. John MILLER of Spillmonden in this parish 6 November 1760 aged 56 Also near lie Mary his wife and 4 children James, Samuel, Charles and Ann. Left surviving 2 sons and 1 daughter John, Thomas and Mary

107. John MILLES late of Spellmenden died 23 August 1771 aged 40 his widow Ruth Leigh Milles died January 11 1818 aged 84

108. Thomas MILLES of Combwell in the parish of Goudhurst 19 November 1807 aged 74

109. Edward OSBORNE of this parish Yeoman 30 December 1716 in the 59 year. Also Edward Osborne aged 9 weeks

110. Rose wife of Edward OSBORNE She left issue 5 sons John, Edward, Steven, George and Alexander Obyt October the 17 1700 aged 35 years

111. To the memory of an honest man Edward OSBORNE late of this parish 27 January 1756 aged 63 Margdalen his wife 22 October 1732 aged 30 by whom he left issue 3 sons John, Thomas , George and Rebecca-Magdalen and Ann

112. George OSBORNE late of Marden Fowerth son of Mr Edward Osborne of this parish 19 July 1747 aged 49. Left Elizabeth his wife and issue by her one daughter Mary

113. Henry MANWARING of this parish 9 February 1841 aged 70. Philadelphia his wife 8 August 1820 aged 54. Also 2 of their children died in infancy Left surviving 4 sons and 1 daughter Thomas, Henry, Richard, James and Sarah Henry son of above 25 June 1847 aged 46

114. Margaret PEARSON of this parish 25 March 1788 aged 60

115. John PEARSON of this parish 12 February 1786 aged 88. Elizabeth his wife 23 November 1780 aged 82

116. John PERESON son of John and Elizabeth Pereson of this parish 12 March 1761 aged 28

117. John OSBORNE late of Marden 27 August 1772 aged 54 Left issue by Alice his wife 3 sons and 3 daughters Edward, John George, Mary, Ann and Rebeccah-Magdalen

118. John OSBORNE late of Marden 19 December 1794 aged 43 also Rebecca Magdalen Osborne died 5 September 1795 aged 36

119. Mary wife of Edward OSBORNE of Marden 11 September 1789 aged 37. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter John, Samuel and Rose. Also Edward their son died aged 7 years

120. Edward OSBORNE late of Marden died February 1810 aged 59 left surviving 2 sons and 1 daughter John, Samuel and Rose

121. Iron cross: Elizabeth wife of Henry TWORT 17 February 1888 aged 76

122. Flat stone in rails: Sarah wife of John WAGHORN late of Horsmonden who died 11 April 1845 aged 66. Also the said John Waghorn died November 1856 aged 77. Left issue 2 sons and 2 daughters Sarah, Thomas, William Price and Jane. Also Ann wife of said William Price Waghorn died July 1845 aged 30. Left issue 2 sons and 1 daughter viz William Price, Jane and John-Parton The son John Parton Waghorn died 2 March 1846 aged 7 months. William Price Waghorn died 2 May 1858 aged 44. Jane Waghorn died 21 November 1861 aged 17. Thomas Waghorn 4 January 1882 aged 69 and his wife Rebecca PURNELL died 25 December 12.1904 aged 97

123. George Richard FISHENDEN late of this parish 8 December 1860 aged 72. Left surviving a widow who erected [this memorial] Sarah Fishenden his wife 17 February 1873 aged 67

124. Thomas FISHENDEN 19 July 1868
aged 83. Ann his wife 12 August 1858 aged 68

125. James BRADFORD 29 May 1879
aged 72. Maria his wife 11 April 1886 aged 73
North Eastern Part126. Mary wife of Thomas HAMMOND of Lewes Heath of this parish 11 February 1837 in 70th year. Leaving 4 sons and 3 daughters. Thomas, George, Mary, Hannah, Henry, Harriot and Horace John

127. Thomas HAMMOND of Lewes Heath of this parish 1 May 1843 aged 72

128. Anne daughter of Horace John and Anne Fuggle HAMMOND 5 April 1841 aged 13 mns. Mary Hammond died 8 April 1852 aged 11 wks

129. Anne Fuggle wife of Horace John HAMMOND late of this parish 15 March 1872 aged 60. Horace John Hammond her husband 25 February 1874 aged 63. Leaving 1 son and 1 daughter Horace and Harriett

130. Hannah HAMMOND of this parish died at Goudhurst 29 December 1871 131. Susanna wife of George HAMMOND 7 April 1866 in 66th George Hammond her husband 20 February 1870 in 74th

131.  Susanna wife of George HAMMOND died 7 April 1866 in her 66th year. George Hammond her husband died 20 February 1870 in his 74th year.

132. Elizabeth daughter of John and Ann PARTON, Mill House Maidstone 25 October 1839 aged 14. Glendoria child of William and Sarah PARTON of Broadford of this parish died 8 January 1856 3 years 9 months

133. cross Benjamin BUSS late of this parish died 3 July 1901 aged 74. Mary Matilda his wife died 7 December 1901 aged 76 years.

134. Mary wife of Thomas BUSS of Spelmonden in this parish died 21 September 1850 aged 53 leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters Mary Jane, Frances, Benjamin, Caroline, Thomas and William Watson. Also above Thomas Buss died 16 December 1872 in 76th year.

135. John son of Thomas and Mary BUSS died 4 February 1849 aged 11 years. Frances their daughter died 13 June 1851 aged 26. William Watson their son 30 September 1853 aged 18

136. Frances Maria BUSS died 2 June 1859 aged 17 months. Mary Matilda Buss died 15 June 1859 aged 4 years daughters of Benjamin and Mary Matilda Buss

137. Mary MERCER widow of Edward Mercer of Lamberherst died May the 8 1760 aged 72. Left issue 2 sons John and Thomas

138. John Larkin of this parish died 1 June 1880 aged 73 years. Ann his wife 23 November 1853 aged 38 leaving 2 sons and 1 daughter John, Horace and Frances-Ann

139. Ann wife of John BARBER of this parish died 28 May 1749 aged 72. Left issue 4 sons and 1 daughter John, Thomas, William, Richard and Elizabeth. Above John their son died 28 November 1773 aged 73

140. coped cross Elizabeth wife of Charles CALCUTT of Paynetts, Goudhurst died 8 November 1868 aged 35

141. tomb with flat cross Henry CALCUTT of this parish 27 June 1872 aged 64. Louisa wife of Henry Calcutt died suddenly 21 October 1860 aged 43

142. Robert BAKER died 30 January 1897 aged 73. Ann Baker relict of above died 25 August 1905 aged 81

143. Sarah COLUM died August 27 1708 aged 66

144. Isaac BALLARD of this parish died 22 March 1763 in 66th year. Elizabeth his wife died 31 January 1785 in her 90th year. Had issue 9 children. Near [lieth] Mary their daughter died 3 May 1776 aged 46 years
145. Joseph STYLES died 19 November 1855 aged 52. Frances his wife died 21 April 1861 aged 57. [wife Frances nee Foreman d/o John F & Jemima Maynard – PR & PCC will - JGS]

146. wood rail Henry PIERCE died 15 November 1840 in 82nd year who was an housekeeper in this parish 60 years. Leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters by whose united exertions he was comforted in his last days when parochial relief was withdrawn from him

147. Richard TURNER of Horsmonden died 5 October 1784 aged 50. Mary Pearce relict of Thomas Pearce of Pembury died December 2 1779 aged 85

148. Elizabeth PEIRCE of this parish died 26 December 1805 aged 72

149. Left side blank. On right side : Elizabeth wife of John GRANT yeoman of this parish died January the 9 1751 aged 39

150. Mary wife of Walter BALLARD of this parish died 2 January 1820 aged 63. Above Walter Ballard died 3 June 1822 aged 80 [Mary nee Twort - PR JGS]

151. John LAMBKIN of this parish died 29 August 1859 aged 78. Upwards of 50 years servant in General Goldsmid’s family. Honesty is the best policy

152. Mary wife of William Henry MARTIN died 15 May. 1840 in 26 year. Leaving surviving 1 daughter Mary-Eliza

153. John BURR eldest son of Robert and Ann Burr died 29 December 1899 aged 57

154. Robert BURR of this parish died 2 December 1888 aged 70 years. Ann his wife died 9 March 1900 in 83rd year.

155. George BURR 3rd son of Robert and Ann Burr of this parish died 27 April 1876 aged 24. Annie Burr 2nd daughter of above Robert and Ann Burr died 27 October 1856 aged 13

156. Frederick Edward BURR 5th son of Robert and Ann Burr died 29 May 1896 aged 37

157. Edward Mercer LANSDEEL son of Edward and Mary Ann Lansdeel of this parish died 10 November 1836 aged 18 months

158. William DRURY of this parish died 3 October 1856 aged 71. Ann his wife died 20 January 1867 aged 82. They had issue William, Richard, Elizabeth, Ann, Edward, John, Thomas, Joseph, Henry, Eliza and James

159. William NEAL of this parish died 4 February 1853 aged 46. Left surviving a widow and one daughter Naomi

160. Here lyeth the Body of Sarah Mer---an wife of John MERRIAN of this parish who died the 1-- day of March
1--- ---- and -----?ers [an early stone circa 1700] ?1673 aged -

161. Mary wife of Thomas TAYLOR of this parish died 18 October 1861 aged 37. Thomas Taylor her husband died 16 June 1866 aged 37. Left surviving 2 sons and 1 daughter John, George and Rebecca. Also 2 children died in infancy

162. Rebecca wife of Jessie TAYLOR of this parish died 5 January 1864 aged 57 above Jessie Taylor died 10 October 1867 aged 65

163. Sophi TAYLOR daughter of Jessie and Rebecca Taylor of this parish died 16 June 1841 aged 6. Also Rebecca Taylor daughter of Jessie and Rebecca Taylor of this parish died 7 July 1854 aged 21

164. John BARNES of this parish died 8 April 1752 aged 81. Left issue 2 daughters Elizabeth and Mary

165. Cross Elizabeth Ann died April XXI 1859 in her VI year Mary Jane died April XXIX 1859 in her IX year Julia Emma died May VIII 1859 in her IX year Children of John and Emma BARTLETT

166. John MERCER of the parish of Marden, Yeoman died 18 May 1733 aged 43. Here lyeth also 2 sons and 1 daughter

167. With urn: John DUNCAN M.D. a native of Turriff Aberdeenshire Shire who resided many years greatly respected at Sprivers in Horsmonden where he died 26 October 1855 aged 95

168. D. BASCOMBE Esquire died 28 January 1867 aged 72. Eliza his wife 6 June 1866 aged 57

169. In memory of one son and 2 daughters of John and Sarah BURR of this parish. George died 9 February 1826 aged 5. Sarah died 10 July 1827 aged 15 and Sophia died 12 March 1828 aged 18

170. William RABITT of this parish died 6 January 1826 aged 73. Left a widow and 4 children William, Ruth, Alice and Elizabeth. Alice his widow died 16 February 1830 aged 77

171. Fanny RABBITT daughter of Thomas and Caroline Rabbitt of Goudhurst died 29 April 1875 aged 23

172. John BURR of this parish died 10 May 1860 aged 75. Sarah Burr his wife died 15 December 1856 aged 70

173. flat stone: Fanny 4th daughter of late Mr Joseph NEWINGTON of Spelmonden of this parish died 5 February 1858 in 54th year

174. altar Sacred to the blessed memory of Samuel Wybrants NEWINGTON, Solicitor of Tonbridge in this County who died at Brighton on the 20th November 1846 (or 1840?) aged 29 years erected by his wife

175. Mary SAUNDERS 3rd daughter of William and Elizabeth Saunders of this parish born 11 February 1835 died 4 September 1879. For 13 years the valued nurse in the family of W.A. SMITH Esq of Colebrook Park.
Also Jane Saunders 2nd daughter of above William and Elizabeth Saunders born 23 May 1833 died 20 September 1852

176. William SAUNDERS of this parish died 16 November 1857 aged 58. Left surviving a widow and 5 children Ann, William, Thomas, Mary and Francis. Elizabeth his wife died23 November 1863 aged 65

177. flat stone Thomas BAKER, Yeoman of this parish died 6 March 1763 Aged 19 years [?49].Also Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Nicholas ELDRIDGE Esq of Tonbridge, died 2 November 1790 aged 81. Also of his only son The Reverend Thomas Baker for 50 years curate of Chiddingstone Kent died July 7 1811 aged 77. Also of his grandson David Bristow Baker of London, Merchant died August 15 1815 (or 3) aged 46. Also of his daughter Ann Baker died unmarried February 12 1809 aged 75

178. William KEEN died 17 February 1701 aged 63 (no E at end)

179. Thomas KEENE who departed this life May the 23rd 1697 aged 70

180. John KEENE died May the 10th 1695 aged 70

181. Priscilla wife of John TWORT of this parish died 14 June 1818 aged 78. Above John Twort of Bamden [sic: Bainden; also Baynden – JGS] who died July 1822 aged 88. Left surviving issue 2 sons and 3 daughters David, John, Mary, Rebecca and Elizabeth [wife Priscilla nee Duddy; JT s/o Thos T & Eleanor Barton – PR & PCC will - JGS]

182. Sarah WEAVER late of Brenchley 5 November 1825 aged 52

183. Mr John TWORT of this parish died 23 May 1830 aged 49. Mary wife of John Twort 31 March 1840 aged 68. Left surviving Mary his wife and 2 sons John and William-Welling. Also near Elizabeth Frances their daughter died 7 November 1811 aged 7 months. Also Thomas their son died 29.4.1829 aged 16 [Mr John T s/o John T & Priscilla Duddy, PCC probate 1830 July 13 – JGS]

184. altar. Elizabeth widow of Thomas TWORT of this parish died at Borden 12 August 1853 aged 83. Thomas Twort of this parish died suddenly 8 July 1814 aged 48 [TT s/o John T & Priscilla Duddy – PR & PCC wills - JGS]

185. Joseph NEWINGTON late of Spelmonden in this parish 20 March 1845 aged 73 leaving a widow 1 son and 4 daughters Parnal widow of above 12 January 1847 aged 72. Anne daughter of above died in infancy July 28 1816. Kate youngest daughter of above [&] wife of William SOFTLEY died 3 October 1843 aged 29

186. Mary wife of George ENGLISH of this parish 23 January 1834 aged 78 above George English 10 January 1835 aged 75. Also 2 daughters Harriott died 30 May 1800 aged 10 months Sarah died 24 April 1819 aged 24

187. John WHITE late of Lewis Heath of this parish 21 March 1796 aged 69. Had issue by Jane his wife 4 sons and 2 daughters Richard, Thomas, John, Samuel, Jenny and Elizabeth. Also Jane his wife December 23 1810 aged 76

188. Rebecca wife of --------- S. Stoneham ------ [G]oudhurst ----- November 10 1801 aged 40. Left surviving one son Thomas Carrell

189. Thomas LAMBERT 7 September 1853 aged 82. Elizabeth his wife 7 May 1869 aged 83 leaving 3 sons and 4 daughters

190. George FISHENDEN of this parish May 2(5?) 1805 aged 70 – Elizabeth his wife August 16 1796 aged 61 (or 64). George their son May 20 1792 aged 28

191. Thomas BAKER 29 April 1782 aged 40. Rose his wife 24 March 1782 aged 48. 2 of their children who died in infancy. Left surviving 1 son and 1 daughter John and Mary

192. Edward son of Edward and Phebe Maria PAWLEY of Woodsgate December 27 1824 aged 7 years and 3 months

193. George FISHENDEN 11 September 1756 aged 46. Left issue 5 daughters Rebeccah, Ann, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah

194. Mr Roland COLLINS 3 March 1783 aged 57. Mrs Rebecca Collins died 28 December 1804 aged 73

195. Richard Henry HUGHES Captain of his late Majesty’s 60th Regiment of Foot died in Africa 1816 also Lucy his wife 18 November 1845 aged 67

196. Elizabeth BONIFACE wife of B.B. Boniface of this parish 25 June 1850 aged 65. (? related to last – Stone is similar in every respect & next to it)

197. Hariot FISHENDEN 19 June 1831 aged 46. Richard Fishenden 16 February 1843 aged 81. Jane Fishenden wife of above 31 April 1795 aged 36

198. Edward APPS of this parish 26 May 1851 aged 72 leaving a widow one son and one daughter John and Ann. Ann Apps widow of above Edward Apps 22 July 1855 aged 78

199. William FISHENDEN of this parish 26 April 1811 aged 41. William his son died in infancy. Left surviving a widow and 1 son viz George

200. George ADAMS after a long and painful illness after a short but well spent life at the Parsonage in this parish died 1 February 1830 aged 16 years. He was servant to Henry Curtis SMITH Esq and son of
George and Charity Adams old and valued servants of Sir John Wyldbore SMITH Baronet of the Down House Dorset who dedicates this stone to his memory. Near is Maria MITCHELL a servant in the same family died at the Parsonage 23 March 1814 aged 21

201. Frances daughter of John and Jemima FISHENDEN of this parish 24 December 1835 aged 5. Elizabeth their daughter 12 November 1841 aged 2 years and 11 months [mother Jemima nee Foreman d/o John F & Jemima Maynard, of Marden – PR & PCC wills - JGS]

202. William FISHENDEN of Uxbridge Rd. Ealing [Middlesex] 3 March 1870 aged 28 [s/o John F & Jemima, nee Foreman – PR - JGS]

203. George PEMBLE of Lower Rams Hill of this parish 2 July 1866 aged 51. Left surviving a widow and 2 daughters Jane-Emily And Emily-Clare

204. John FISHENDEN 2 April 1861 aged 60. Leaving a wife 2 sons and 5 daughters. Jemima Fishenden his wife 28 December 1882 aged 82 [wife Jemima nee Foreman d/o John F & Jemima Maynard of Marden – PR & PCC wills – JGS]

205. Jeremiah FISHENDEN of this parish 15 May 1846 aged 79. Left surviving Rebekah his wife 1 son and 2 daughters Elizabeth, John and Rebekah. Rebekah his wife 25 February 1850 aged 84. Thomas son of above Jeremiah and Rebekah Fishenden 25 April 1824 aged 20 [wife Rebekah nee Nicholls; daughter Rebekah m. David Foreman – PR – JGS]

206. cross. To The Reverend William ATTHILL M.A. 11 December 1884 aged 77. Dora his wife 13 May 1886 aged 87. Buried in Brandis?one Church Norfolk

207. cross in enclosure . on West face of base : William Marriott SMITH MARRIOTT on South face : Julia Elizabeth on East face : W.M.S.M. on North face : F.S.M. No dates [LLD]
On pedestal, West face: Frances Lady Smith Marriott 2nd wife of The Reverend Sir William Marriott Smith Marriott Baronet died 30 September 1900 in her 98th year

208a. altar in rails. South side: John Bathurst HODGSKIN of this parish 18 May 1847 aged 64 North side: Ann wife of John Bathurst Hodgskin of this parish 18 April 1817 aged 30 Top: John Hodgskin Esq late of Deptford in Kent 14 December 1827 aged 71. Elizabeth his wife August 11 1844 aged 85. Henrietta Hodgskin daughter of above died July 15 1858 aged 58

Broken stone lying by 208a
208b. Elizabeth wife of Tho.TOMKIN & daughter of John & Elizabeth FISHENDEN died January 30 1755 aged 28. Left issue on--------- Th ----------------

209. cross headstone William Machean WILLIS, Clerk M.A . aged 28 died 21 August 1853

210. Albert PEARETH of Sherenden [Shirrenden] in this parish second son of William Peareth Esq of Lisworth
House County Durham born 28 April 1841 died 19 April 1869

211. cross. Laura HAMILTON infant daughter of the Reverend G. FAITHFULL M.A. died 14 September 1856 aged 7 months

Two Altar tombs in a large iron fenced enclosure.
212. On top, a coat of arms: [left] 3 boars’ heads couped turned to right; [right] an ox, this side in a bordure; crest, a demi griffon holding an arrow. No inscription on top or South side or ends on North side. John COLE Esq late of Sprivers in this parish 27 November 1803 aged 70

213. On top, a coat of arms: 6 pointed stars [3 each top left & bottom right quarters -JGS]; crest: a hand grasping an anchor. Inscription: Alexander COURTHOPE late of Sprivers in this parish Eldest son of John Courthope Esq and Catharine his wife who was daughter of George MAPLESDEN Esq of Cheveney House in the parish of Marden who died 5 December 1779 aged 82. Also Catharine Courthope 2nd daughter of above John and Catharine Courthope 9 February 1782 aged 85. South side Also Anne Courthope youngest daughter of John and Catharine Courthope 8 August 1768 aged 58. North side Peter Coleman COLE of Hale in this parish Gentleman son of Edward Cole Gentleman and Barbara his wife of the parish of Marden 4th daughter of John and Catharine Courthope died 10 September 1765 aged 34

214. Henry BAKER 8 July 1845 aged 71. Elizabeth his wife 30 January 1847 aged 64. Leaving 2 sons and 1 daughter William TWORT, Henry [Twort - JGS] and Elizabeth Twort. Also an infant Great Grandson who died 31 October 1845

215. John OLDALL an officer in the Excise who was born at Cold Aston in County Derby 10 May 1778 and was here Buried 9 May 1803

216. Henry PUTLAND (of the parish of Salehurst in Sussex) 12 July 1848 in 58th . Sarah Putland his wife 29 October 1850 in 54th year.

217. flat stone Mary wife of John BUSS of Hurst Green Sussex 14 November 18680 Aged 61. Mary Elizabeth eldest daughter of John and Mary Buss 19 July 1858 aged 25

218. John READ late of 35 Regent Circus London 3 May 1847 in 87th

219. George TAPSELL 28 December 1840 aged 36

220. Frances daughter of Francis and Ann TAPSELL of this parish 5 May 1830 aged 39

221. Harriot MANKTELOW daughter of Thomas and Ann Manktelow 4 September 1845 aged 15

222. John BALLARD of this parish Black smith died Sunday 10 September 1809 aged 76

223. Thomas LAVENDER son of Thomas and Martha Lavender of Broad-ford Mill in this parish 26 May 1805 aged 5 months

224. Ann wife of Francis TAPSELL of this parish 8 April 1833 aged 68

225. Jane daughter of Francis and Ann TAPSELL of this parish 25 November 1812 aged 5 years 6 months

226. Sarah daughter of Francis and Ann TAPSELL of this parish 17 February 1827 aged 25

227. Mary daughter of Francis and Ann TAPSELL of this parish 20 September 1828 aged 30

228. Elizabeth wife of William WOOLLVEN of Goudhurst and daughter of Francis and Ann TAPSELL of this parish 11 December 1828 aged 29

229.John BOWLES of this parish miller died 11 February - - - - aged 25.
Foot [stone - JGS] J.B. 1807 [presumably John Bowles - JGS]

230. George LANSDELL formerly of Spelmonden in this parish and late of Cranbrook 15 April 1818 aged 47. Left issue by Sarah his wife one son and 2 daughters Stephen-George, Anna and Elizabeth

231. Sarah LANSDELL daughter of George and Sarah Lansdell (late of Spelmonden in this parish) 2 January 1807 aged 13

232. Samuel son of Thomas and Mary ATTREE late of Marsfield in Sussex. He died of the Smallpox October 11 1760 in the 30th year [sic? Maresfield – JGS]

233. William son of Benjamin and Ann PAWLEY of this parish 15 March 1821 aged 15 months. Benjamin 2nd son of above 6 March 1827 aged 9 months

234. Jane daughter of Edward and Mary PAWLEY of this parish 28 September 1826 aged 18. Near on the left lieth Thomas and Sarah Pawley [who] died in infancy

235. Edward PAWLEY late of the Gun Inn in this parish 15 April 1836 aged 74. Left issue 3 sons and 3 daughters Elizabeth, Edward, Benjamin, Mary, Susannah and William. Also Mary his wife 27 February 1855 aged 88

236. Benjamin PAWLEY 20 December 1869 aged 74. Maria his wife 2 March 1872 aged 65

237. Ann wife of Benjamin PAWLEY of Camden Arms, Pembury 26 February 1830 aged 32. Left one daughter Mary Ann. Jane their daughter died 27 November 1829 aged 5 months

238. Mary Ann PAWLEY daughter of Edward and Mary Pawley 26 April 1872 aged 73

239. To 2 sons and 2 daughters of John and Sarah BURR of this parish Henry, Elizabeth, John and Eliza
[who] died in infancy Foot [stone] J.B. 1817

240. Frances daughter of John and Mercy BURR died 26 February 1812 aged 17

241. John BURR 31 January 1844 aged 83. Mercy wife of John Burr 8 July 1819 aged 57. Faithful wife friend & mother

242. Iron cross John FANCETT 24 August 1859 aged 19

243. Elizabeth wife of William HOPPERTON of this parish 22 March 1825 aged 59. Left issue 6 sons and 4 daughters. William Hopperton 7 October 1852 in 63rd year.

244. Jane wife of John LAVENDER of Hawkhurst 1 February 1822 aged 44

245. Richard PARRETT of this parish 21 June 1848 aged 86. Leaving a widow and 1 daughter Philadelphia. Ann Parrett his wife 7 December 1867 age 97

246. Richard VIDLER 12 September 1807 aged 62. Thomas Vidler died 27 December 1807 aged 71. Also Ann ELFICK widow of Etchingham, Sussex died 18 July 1796 aged 78. Also Susanna wife of above Richard Vidler 18 April 1823 aged 80

247. Revd William LIPTROTT A.B. late of Emanuel College Cambridge youngest son of Reverend Bexworth Liptrott formerly of Queens College Oxford After having been Curate of this parish upwards of 19 years paid the great debt of nature 1 May 1792 in 43rd year

248. Thomas USHERWOOD 7 January 1807 aged 25. Left Suzannar (sic) his wife and James his son

249. Henry ALLARD of this parish Wheelwright, 4 April 1813 aged 61. Left widow and 4 sons and 4 daughters. Elizabeth wife of Henry Allard 16 September 1838 aged 83

250. James ALLARD 6 July 1865 aged 69

251. John Akehurst SMITH of Wadhurst 20 April 1818 aged 47. Left a widow and 2 daughters Mary and Frances

252. Thomas MERCER 18 July 1865 aged 71

253. [on front of thick stone – JGS] John FOREMAN 1 December 1853 aged 71. Ann wife of John Foreman 12 April 1831 aged 41. Leaving issue 9 children Sarah, Eliza, Frederick John, Selina, Owen, Ellen, Alfred, William Liberty and Ebenezer On back Mary Ann third wife of John Foreman 17 June 1859 aged 58. Left 2 sons Josiah and Thomas [JF s/o John F & Jemima Maynard; 1st wife of JF Sarah Small buried Marden; 2nd wife of JF Ann Peckham of Wadhurst; 3rd wife of JF Mary Ann Larkin - PRs - JGS]

254. Alfred FOREMAN late of Marden 4 September 1876 aged 56. Leaving a widow 3 sons and 3 daughters page 75 viz Selina, Fanny, Alfred, Frederick, Caroline and Oliver. Caroline wife of above 21 January 1880 aged 59 [AF s/o John F & Ann Peckham; wife Caroline Bird; although Oliver is inscribed on the stone, he was baptised Owen William F – PR – JGS]

255. Thomas TOWNER 8 August 1892 aged 73. Rosamond his wife 6 September 1866 aged 47. Sarah his 2nd wife 24 August 1869 aged 53 [TT s/o Thomas T & Sarah Foreman ( d/o John F & Jemima Maynard) – PR - JGS]

256. David FOREMAN of this parish 13 December 1861 aged 68. Left surviving a widow 3 sons and 6 daughters David, Arthur, George, Eleanor, Emily, Eliza, Mary, Frances and Katherine. Rebecca wife of above David Foreman 9 April 1869 aged 63 [DF s/o John F & Jemima Maynard; wife Rebecca Fishenden d/o Jeremiah & Rebecca Fishenden - PR & PCC wills - JGS]

257. cross. Elizabeth HOLMES aged 78 5 February 1889. Mercy HARDING aged 88 her sister 3 July 1882

258. George KEALY of this parish 18 December 1836 in 75th year. Also George Kealy died 9 February 1847 aged 91

259. cross head. Henry VIDLER Kind husband, affectionate father, faithful servant. Erected by those who miss and mourn him. 9 January 1893 aged 78

260. cross head. Henry WAGHORNE-WHIBLEY 21 April 1868 aged 36

261. Frances Waghorne wife of George WHIBLEY 20 August 1851 aged 50. Leaving a husband, 4 sons and 2 daughters George, James-Wiles, William, Henry-Waghorne, Frances-Margaret, and Jane. George Whibley husband of above 28 March 1871 aged 70. Also [the] following children buried here William born 4 March 1824 died 6 March 1824 Charles born 17 August 1826 died 17 August 1826 David born 23 May 1827 died 31 May 1827

262. David WHIBLEY of this parish 11 January 1823 aged 83. Elizabeth his wife February 11 1837 aged 93. Also their sons and daughters Jude died in her infancy Mary died 14 January 1800 aged 24 Hannah died January 1816 aged 34 Ann died January 1823 aged 43 John died May 4 1826 aged 57 Left issue surviving 3 sons and 2 daughters Richard, Elizabeth, David, Charles and Sarah
In Church
263. In Tower [left part of inscription under pews] --------- The body of John BROWNE --------- Departed this life on the 8th day ----- [1] 651

264. R.D. Died September 25 183? [right side under pew]

265. of George BROWNE 1650  
    (Brian Scott has recently visited the churchyard, Sept 2006, and offers the following reading of the text  HEERE --- [b]VRIED YE BOD[y] [of anne wife] OF GEORG[e] BROWN[e] ----- GENT AND [e]LDES[t] [daughte]R [o]F WALTER D[ob]ELL [of st]REATE IN SUSSE[x] --- WH[o] [depa]RTED THIS MORTALL L[ife] [14th] OF DECEMBER 1650 L[eaving]  [o]NE ONELY SON GEORG[e]    According to Edwards (138 - 139), Anne Dobell of Streat in Sussex married George Browne in 1647 and died in 1650 )

266. - - - - BROWNE son of John Browne Esq of this parish 27 July ---- married the sole daughter & heir of John Langley of Chester Esq & hath issue 2 children John & Mr - - 

267. West End of Nave [sketch of a Coat of arms: 3 lions 1 jambes (i.e. Irions forelegs) John AUSTIN of Grove - - - - - [-hurst – JGS] and John his son of -------------- The father died July the ---- Aet 76 marryed Jane -------r of ATKINS of Brightling. Com------ (probably Comitatus Sussexia) who died March the 2 1628 ------- 2 sons John aforesaid & [who] died young & 3 daughters ------ marryed to Stephen STRINGER ------ Gentleman, Ellen to Edward OSBORN ----out issue & Ann to John HOLMAN of Tenterden Gentleman. ---- Son died September the 21 1704 Issue by Elizabeth his ----- daughter of Thomas WELLER Tonbridge Gentleman 6 sons & one --------er viz John, Francis, --------- William, Robert Stephen, --------- & Elizabeth

268. Ann HOLMAN relict of John Holman late of Tenterden by whom she had issue 1 son & 9 daughters Jane, Frances, Ann, Sarah, Mary Frances, John, Elizabeth, Hannah & Rebecca. She was Youngest daughter of John AUSTEN of Grovehurst in this parish and died 5 February 1742 in [her] 71st year

269. Jane daughter of John HOLMAN of Tenterden by Ann his wife daughter of John AUSTEN of Grovehurst in this parish Gentleman. She died at London 25 June 1705 and in fourteenth year of her age. "memento mori"

270. A brass plate gone. Francis AUSTEN of Grofe hurst in this parish Gentleman one of the sonnes of John Austen who was buried the – day of March 1687 and in the ---- year of his age

271. [sketch] Matrix of a brass of a lady with Jacobean hat
In nave272. Richard TYLER of this parish 29 August 1679 aged 78 and Alice his wife aged 85 Richard Tyler son of the above Richard & Alice died 25 August 1696 aged 68 and also John Tyler 29 November 1712 aged 77 who left issue one son & 7 daughters also Anne daughter of the said John Tyler 25 December 1740 aged 56 Likewise Richard his son 4 October 1741 aged 63

273. Brass before Quire step Under this plat lies buried the Body of Martha BROWNE Page 83 the beloved wife of John Browne Esq She died July the 28 1644

274. On South side before Quire Step. John COURTHOPE late of Sprivers in this parish Esquier died 15 August 1718 aged 54. Catharine his wife daughter of Geoge [sic] MAPLESDEN of Cheveney House in the parish of Marden Esq ------ May 1743 in --------------- Also John their son who died in London 1721 aged 16 years
Coats of Arms in East window of South Chapel[sketches of 4 Coats of arms:275-278]

275. POYNINGS of Spelmarden

276. BESWYK of Spelmarden

277. SMITH of Sydling Bt


[sketches of 4 Coats of arms: 279-282]
279. William Smith MARRIOTT Rector of Horsmonden


281. HOUGHTON of Spelmarden

282. MARRIOTT of Spelmarden 1670

283. [sketch of Coat of arms] Smith MARRIOTT

284. Mural South Chapel Reverend Henry MORLAND MA Rector of this parish 14 August 1821 aged 49 Harriett Frances relict of [the] above whom she survived 31 years daughter & coheiress of the late Reverend Dr MARRIOTT of this parish died 6 January 1852 aged 81

285. Anne daughter of Hugh MARRIOTT Esq formerly of Spelmonden & sister to [the] late Reverend James Marriott LLD many years Rector of Horsmonden. She died at her house in Upper Seymour St, London 5 January 1831 in [her] 83rd [year]

286. From her 3 surviving daughters to Catherine relict of Reverend James MARRIOTT LLD & the last representative of the family of Bosworth of London She died 9 January 1819 in [her] 76th year

287. Reverend James MARRIOTT LLD 24 years rector & patron after a long illness died 31 July 1809 aged 65. Erected by his widow Catharine He was [the] son of Hugh Marriott by his wife Lydia of the PEARSON & UTTON family [of] County Northumberland. The said Hugh derived the estates in this parish from his cousin James Marriott Esq whose family enjoyed Office under the Crown at Hampton Court during the reign of James 1st & who lies interred in Hampton Church

288. another too high up to read

289. on floor Steven & Ann son & daughter of Steven BATE, Rector, & Mary his wife & aged 6 months Obit. Ille (he) 16 April 1695 Obit Illa (her) 27 April 1697

290. The old screen between South aisle & South Chapel has "orate pro bono statu Alecie CAMPCON"

291. in South aisle Bust to John READ inventor of the stomach pump died 3 May 1847 aged 87

292. in North aisle. West end on floor William GIBB of Spilmonden in this parish 5(?) March 1695 in [his] 64th [year] Left issue one only son Henry by Jane his wife both now living. Jane his wife 16 November 1708 in [her] 67th year

293. modern brass to the WILLARDS (Simon – LLD) of Horsmonden who in 1634 emigrated to Boston, Massach. Near where he formed the town of Concord

294. a few more modern brasses
                                                                                                                           18th August 1922 L. Duncan

Index of Names and Places

Name IndexADAMS 200
Akehurst 251
ALLARD 249, 250
APPS 198
AUSTEN 86, 268-270
BAKER 1, 2, 101, 142, 177,
   191, 214
BALLARD 45, 93, 102, 144,
   150, 222
BARBER 105, 139
BARTON 25, 181
BATE 289
Bathurst 208a
BESWYK 276, 278
Bird 254
Bosworth 286
BOWLES 23, 28, 29, 32,
   34, 35, 229
Bristow 177
BROWNE 263, 265, 266,
BURR 153-156, 169, 172,
BUSS 51, 52, 133-136, 217
CALCUTT 140, 141
Carrell 188
COLE 212, 213
Coleman 213
COLLINS 89, 194
COURTHOPE 213, 274

Curtis 200
R.D. 264
DAY 11, 12
Dobell 265
Duddy 45, 181, 183, 184
Eales 56
ELPHICK 87, 88
FISHENDEN 71, 77, 123,
   124, 190, 193, 197, 199,
    201, 202, 204-205, 208b,
FOREMAN 27, 37, 68, 70,
    71, 102-105, 145, 201,
    204, 205, 253-255
Fuggle 128
GIBB 292
Goldsmid 151
GRANT 13, 149
HAMMOND 126-131
HOLMAN 267-269
HOOK 33, 37, 38, 103
HOUGHTON 278, 280
HUNTLEY 39, 40
KEEN 178
KEENE 179, 180
LAMBERT 67-70, 99, 100,
   189LAMBKIN 151
Langley 266
LANSDELL 230, 231
LARKIN 41, 42, 44, 45, 97,
    98, 138, 253
LAVENDER 46,65,223-244
Machean 209
MANWARING 17, 24, 30,
   31, 113
MAPLESDEN 213, 274
MARRIOTT 279-287
Maynard 145, 201, 204,
   253, 255, 256
MERCER 137, 166, 252
MILLES 106, 108
MONK 8, 13
MUNK 9, 10
NEAL 159
NEWINGTON 173, 174, 185
Nicholls 205
OLIVE 78-80
OSBORNE 3,4,109,117-120
PARTON 122, 132
PAWLEY 233-238
PEARSON 114-116, 287
Peckham 253, 254
PEIRCE 147, 148
Price 122PURNELL 122
RABITT 170, 171
READ 218, 291
SAUNDERS 175, 176
Small 253
SMITH 96, 175, 200, 207,
    251, 277, 279
Stoneham 188
T(h)ompsett 96
Tanner 104
TAPSELL 219, 220,
TAYLOR 161-163
TWORT 19-22, 45, 55, 56,
  91, 96, 102, 104-105, 121,
  150, 181, 183, 184, 214
TYLER 96, 272
VIDLER 246, 259
VINE 49, 50
WAGHORN 84, 122,
WAGHORNE 260, 261
WATERS 94, 95
WHIBLEY 260, 261, 262
Wiles 261
Wybrants 174
Wyldbore 200

Places Index
Africa 195
America 293
Bennenden 13
Boston, Massach 293
Brandis?one Church, Norfolk 206
Brenchley 182
Brenzett 76
Brightling Com Sussex 267
Brighton 174
Camden Arms, Pembury
Chester 266
Cheveney House, Marden
   213, 274
Chiddingstone 177
Cold Aston, County Derby
Combwell, Goudhurst 108
Concord, America 293
Cranbrook 230
Deptford 208a
Down House, Dorset 200
Ealing Uxbridge Rd. Ealing,
   Middlesex 201
Emanuel College, Cambridge 247
Etchingham, Sussex 247
Goudhurst 130,171,188,228
Hampton Church 287
Hampton Court 287

Hawkhurst 10,244
   Bamden, Bainden,
       Baynden 181
   Broadford 86, 132
   Broadford Mill 223
   Colebrook Park 175
   Grovehurst 267-269, 270
   Gun Inn 235
   Hale 213
   Haymans Hill 96
   Lewes Heath 19-20,126-7
   Lewis Heath 187
   Lower Rams Hill 203
   Parsonage 200
   Rams Hill 61, 69, 70
   Ramshill 16
   School Farm 41, 42
   Sherenden [Shirrenden]
   Spellmenden 106
   Spelmarden 275, 276,
       281, 282, 285
   Spelmonden 134, 173,
      185, 230, 231
   Spillmonden 106
   Spilmonden 292
   Sprivers 167,212-213,274,
   Sydling 277
   Woodsgate 192
   Withyham 58Hurst Green, Sussex 217
Lamberhurst 137
Lisworth House, County Durham 210
London 177, 269, 286
St Geo Hanover Sq 36
35 Regent Circus 218
Upper Seymour St 285
Loose 105
Maidstone All Saints 70
Marden 70, 117-120, 166, 201, 204, 213, 253, 254
Maresfield,Sussex 232
Mill House, Maidstone 132
Northumberland 287
Paynetts, Goudhurst 140
Pembury 90, 147
Pellardgate 28
Queens College, Oxford 247
Salehurst, Sussex 216
Scragoak, Wadhurst 60
Staplehurst 97
Streate, Sussex 265
Tenterden 267, 268, 269
Thurnham 45
Ticehurst 97
Tonbridge 174, 177, 267
Turriff Aberdeenshire 167
Wadhurst 251, 253General
60th Regiment of Foot 195
Captain 195
General 151
Baronet 200
Blacksmith 222
Brass 271, 273
bricklayer 54
   Curate 177, 247
Rector 279,285-284,287,289
Reverend 5, 6, 177, 206,
   207, 211, 247, 284, 287
Clerk 209
clothier 3
Excise officer 215
housekeeper 146
Inn 235
inventor 291
Merchant 177
miller 9, 229
Smallpox 62, 232
Solicitor 174
stomach pump 291
Wheelwright 249
yeoman 1, 7,35,63,65,103,


L. Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Horsmonden Churchyard

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Higham Churchyard

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Higham Churchyard, noted in July 1922 by Leland L. Duncan. Including Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan (68KB) of location of gravestones in Higham Churchyard.

1. Altar. Armorial drawing. Here lieth the Body of the Reverend Mr Major NOURSE MA, Fellow of St Johns College, Cambridge, late Vicar of this Parish for 21 years who departed this life January ye 18 1759 aged 53 years. Where the wicked cease from ?????? and the weary be at Rest. Here also lieth the Body of Isabella his wife and since wife to Mr Edward TAYLOR Late of Wouldham Hall. She departed this life November the 11 1770 aged 60 years.

2. Altar. Armorial drawing. In sure hopes of a Resurrection to Eternal life Here lyeth Interred ye Body of ye Reverend Mr George SMITH BD lat Fellow of St Johns Colligai Cambridge ye Chaplan General to ye Army and Vicar of ys Parish. A Person equally esteemed for his learn and knowledge and Sound principles of Religious as he was for ye Prudence, Integrity and Christian Conduct of his Life. Lamented by all yt knew him but Especially by his Dear Wife who causd this Tomb to be erected to his memory. Farewell my Bretheren til ye last Trumpet Sounds He died April ye 17 1725 aged 58 years.

3. Jane ye daughter of William STOCKER and Betty TROOD died 26 September 1862 aged 19. Also Fanny Matilda ninth daughter died 25 July 1852 aged 11 months. Also an Infant son. Above Betty Trood died 5 January 1876 aged 68. Emily Sophia GOUGE sixth daughter of above died 3 April 1892 aged 44. Mary GOODSELL second daughter of above died 22 September 1894 aged 64.

4. Mr Thomas TOWNSEND of this Parish Yeoman died 28 June 1765 aged 53. Mrs Mary Townsend his wife died 2 October 1766 aged 58. And two sons of above Thomas and Mary Townsend. Thomas died in infancy. Henry died at age of 5 years. Left issue Sarah and Mary.

5. Henry EDMEADES of this Parish died 25 September 1775 aged 29. Left issue one Son and 2 daughters Henry, Mary and Amy. Mary wife of James STAINES
and late wife of the above Henry Edmeades died 2 March 1750 aged 55.

6. Mary PREBBLE wife of Mr John Prebble of this Parish and daughter of Thomas and Mary TOWNSEND died 25 September 1775 aged 29.

7. Mr Richard PREBBLE son of John and Mary Prebble late of this Parish died 26 January 1821 aged 46.

8. Mrs Ann PREBBLE wife of Mr Thomas Prebble of this Parish died 31 July 1847 aged 75.

9. George BLACKMAN who after 8 years patient suffering died 7 February 1880 aged 56.

10. Catharine wife of Thomas JAMSON of this Parish died 26 August 1806 aged 52. Above Thomas Jamson died 3 November 1828 aged 82.

11. Altar Tomb: Here lyeth the Body of Ann DAVIS of this Parish who died ye 26 day of May 1737 aged 58 years.

12. Top of ruined altar tomb. Mr John CLADOCK of this Parish died May the (?5) 1747 aged 60. ? text.

13. William FRENCH died 9 June 1853 aged 52. Erected by his Employer with whom he was connected upwards 30 years as a tribute of respect etc and particularly for having brought up a large family in the fear of God and in charity with their neighbours. Also Elizabeth RUSSELL wife of Edward Russell former wife of William French of this Parish died 26 July 1873 aged 72. Also George French son of above died 26 May 1850 aged 15.

14. William son of James and Ann FRENCH died 2 August 1840 aged 8. Ann their daughter died 5 July 1852 aged 15. Robert died 11 August 1871 aged 28. Ann French wife of James French died 12 December 1877 aged 71. James French husband and father of above died 28 February 1892 aged 83.

15. James STAINES of this Parish died 22 May 1756 aged 68.

16. Elizabeth wife of James STAINES who dyed June 24 1735 aged 34. Also Ann and Mary STAINS.

17. Philip son of James and Rachel STAINES. He died January ye 24 1733 aged 19 years. Also Ann daughter of James and Elizabeth STAINES died January 23 1733 aged 4 years.

18. Mr James STAINES of this Parish died 7 October 1759 aged (?27) years. He left issue one daughter.

19. George SAUNDERS died 7 February 1881 aged 70. James son of above died 19 February 1886 aged 40. John son of above died 3 September 1847 aged 7 months. Eliza wife of above died 20 September 1901 aged 84.

20. Wood cross. Our dear Mother Emma HOLLARDS died 3 September 1898 aged 67. Father William Hollards died 29 December 1918 aged 96.

21. Cross Phyllis K D PRINCE died 19 November 1915 aged 4½ months. My dear husband Lieutenant G R Dudley Prince RE died at Salonia 24 November 1918.

22. Ruth wife of William PALMER died 21 October 1918 aged 53. William, son, died from wounds in France 18 December 1916 aged 27.

23. John HEATH late of this Parish died 14 March 1844 aged 60. Sarah WEBSTER, daughter of above, died 7 March 1844 aged 29. John Heath son of above died 14 August 1849 aged 38. Hannah Heath died 25 October 1885 in 95th --------.

24. Thomas WALKER born 27 March 1832 died 12 June 1906. Mary his wife born 4 November 1835 died 18 September 1913.

25. Cross John William BURROW 13 years Vicar of this Parish died 20 April 1911 (no age).

26. Wood cross J GREENFIELD aged 67 1894

27. Mary Ann wife of Thomas ELLIOTT of Gravesend died 7 June 1873 aged 37. Above Thomas Elliott died 2 June 1875 aged 39.

28. Hannah wife of Thomas HOMPSTEAD of this parish died 18 October 1874 aged 67. Above Thomas Hompstead died 21 April 1876 aged 68.

29. Benjamin WRIGHT of this Parish died 18 January 1880 aged 79. Sarah his wife died 11 March 1904 aged 100 years.

30. William GODDEN died 27 February 1887 aged 77. Mary Godden his wife died 15 May 1890 in 78th year.

31. Thomas son of Thomas and Hannah HOMPSTEAD of this Parish died 17 December 1850 aged 16 years 9 months. Also Hannah, Maria and Emily died in infancy.

32. Emma wife of Alfred CRITTENDEN died 17 October 1895 aged 62. Amy his second wife died 8 June 1906 aged 77. Alfred Crittenden died 11 March 1916 aged 84.

33. John WEBB died 14 November 1843 aged 66. Mary his wife died 20 August 1859 aged 78. Hannah their daughter died 3 June 1870 aged 65.

34. Joseph HOMPSTEAD died 20 June 1869 aged 70.

35. Rebecca ROSE died 6 January 1907 aged 76. John Rose her husband died 22 April 1916 aged 83.

36. Philip LATTER died 16 July 1906 aged 73.

37. William SMITH died 29 January 1907 aged 80.

38. Ann SMITH wife of Thomas Smith died 13 November 1867 aged 65. Above Thomas Smith died 25 April 1877 aged 79.

39. Thomas NEWMAN died 30 January 1903 aged 69. Frances Emmeline Newman his wife died 7 October 1908 aged 77.

40. Mr William SLAUGHTER of this Parish died 7 February 1780 aged 52. Dorothy his wife died 7 November 1790 aged 75.

41. Open book of stone Thomas DAY died 2 November 1912 aged 59.

42. Wood cross Sylvia M MARTIN 8 years 1902

43. Wood cross Richard STEPHENS aged 77 1914.

44. William SMOOKER died 23 April 1820 aged 65. Ann his wife died 9 January 1820 aged 59. Also William Smooker son of above died 14 October 1820 aged 20. Sarah Smooker granddaughter of above died 24 March 1820 aged 2 years.

45. William CODD of this Parish Yeoman but late of the Parish of Saint Mary Whitchapel Middlesex died 7 November 1810 in 53rd year.

46. John YOUENS died 17 November 1801 aged 36. Jane Youens relict of the above died 28 February 1833 aged 66. Thomas Youens son of above died 13 January 1838 aged 43.

47. Cross William James TAYLOR died 7 February 1900 aged 53.

West side of path to porch
48. Dorothy widow of ????? WADE and former wife of Henry MASTERS. Both of this Parish. Obt July 28 1744 aged 77.

49. In this grave lies ye Bodys of three sisters Ann MASTERS obt 15 November 1732 aged 17 years. Hannah obt 2 April 1732 aged 7 years. Elizabeth obt 24 November 1732. Near ye three lies ye Bodies of 4 Brothers and 1 Sister Henry obt 1723, George ob 1722, Henry obt 1721, Henry obt 1719 and Henrietta ob 1718.

50. Sundial "Lux Esto" Repent. Believe. Hope. Love. Watch and Pray No date or name.

51. Mary wife of Mr William CRUDOCK of this parish died 14 February 1762 aged 24 years. Likewise William their son died in infancy.

52. Altar TOMB: Top William TADMAN Gentleman of this Parish died 6 April 1775 aged 52. Good father and husband. He had issue six sons, William, Edward, Francis, Lance, Richard and Peter, by Sarah his wife who has caused this Tomb to be erected. Also Mrs Sarah Tadman widow died December 6 1787 aged 58. Mr William Tadman son of the above died 13 January 1794 aged 45. Also Lance Tadman Esquire son of above died 1 April 1798 aged 42. Also Mary Grace Tadman died 19 April 1885 in 85th year. North side Mr Edward Tadman of Oakley in this Parish died 12 January 1781 in 28th year. Sarah Tadman daughter of above died in infancy. Ann wife of Mr George QUICK daughter of Peter and Ann Tadman died 13 September 1835 aged 44 and was interred in the Church. Captain Frederick Tadman youngest son of Charles and Mary Tadman died August 4 1863 in 36th year. West end Frederick Tadman died 6 August 182- aged 21. William Tadman died August 30 1835 aged 28. South side Peter son of the above William and Sarah Tadman died 20 August 1826 aged 64. Also Ann Tadman wife of above died November 3 1836 aged 63. Charles Tadman son of above died January 27 1836 aged 37. East end Francis Tadman Esquire Captain in the West Kent Regiment of Militia Obiit January 8 1787 Aetat 32.

53. Mr William BOGHURST of this Parish died 5 Aprill 1720 aged 65. Elizabeth Boghurst his daughter died ye 25 March 1720 aged 2 years and 11 months.

54. Altar TOMB: North side John WADE Esquire died 6 March 1837 in 71st year. Nothing on south, east or west side Top John Wade died 22 February 1777 in 80th year. Mary MARRIOTT his daughter died 24 November 1770 aged 39. James Wade his son died 19 December 1775 aged 48. Martha widow of John (sic) died 16 December 1784 aged 84. Ann PATTINSON daughter of John and Martha died 21 December 1812 aged 79.

55. Tomb at gate Frederick STUNT of this parish died 16 May 1889 aged 64. Catherine Stunt died at Westgate 23 October 1912 aged 85.

56. James Frederick EASDOWN died 25 June 1855 aged 45. Amelia his wife died 22 October 1884 aged 73. Cristiana wife of James Easdown died 25 October 1898 aged 44. Above James Easdown died 4 August 1907 aged 54.

57. Joseph PORTER died 6 October 1862 aged 68. Sarah his wife died 18 March 1881 aged 73.

58. William IDE, HM Customs, died 26 July 1885 aged 45. Also Mary wife of Thomas YOUENS of this Parish died 11 April 1893 aged 82.

59. Ellen BROOKER died 31 October 1898 aged 62. John Brooker her husband died 7 September 1901 aged 70.

60. Alice Jane wife of William THOMPSON Junior of London died 25 January 1885 aged 29. John Anderson THOMPSON brother of above William Thompson died 20 January 1885 aged 25.

61. Amelia Emma wife of George BROOKER of Rede Court, Frindsbury, died 9 July 1911 aged 66. Above George Brooker died 16 February 1913 aged 67.

62. Charles STONEHAM died 22 November 1843 aged 76. Elizabeth his wife died 23 March 1867 aged 98. Thomas son of above died 28 September 1884 aged 84.

63. Olive HASELDEN eldest daughter of John and Jane BROOKER of this Parish died 30 December 1879 aged 52. John Thomas Haselden, husband of above Olive Haselden died 18 December 1889 aged 67.

64. John Benjamin BROOKER died 1 January 1906 aged 35. Benjamin PEARCE uncle of above died 13 March 1908 aged 44. Amelia Brooker died 26 October 1920 aged 75.

65. Richard BROOKER died 12 April 1895 aged 45.

66. Mary Ann wife of George RAYFIELD and second daughter of John and Jane BROOKER of this parish died 22 February 1869 aged 39. Left 6 sons. Edward son of above John and Jane Brooker died 17 July 1878 aged 34. Above Jane Brooker died 24 December 1882 aged 78. Above John Brooker died 12 February 1884 in 83rd year.

67. Ruth wife of William BROOKER yeoman of this Parish died 19 January 1843 aged 76. Above William Brooker died 4 September 1852 aged 87. Sarah MARTIN daughter of above died 9 June 1864 aged 66. Mary wife of Edward WHITE died 29 November 1872 aged 68.

68. Mary YOUENS wife of Thomas Youens Yeoman of this Parish died 27 November 1855 aged 73. Above Thomas Youens died 18 February 1865 aged 78.

69. Emily wife of James NASH died 8 March 1866 aged 42. Above James Nash son of Edward Nash died 15 May 1866 aged 42. Harriot SAVAGE daughter of Edward Nash died 30 December 1868 aged 48.

70. John NASH son of Edward Nash of this Parish died 12 March 1858 aged 30. Jane wife of Charles Frederick Nash of Park Terrace, Clapham Park, Surrey and daughter of Edward Nash died 2 December 1863 aged 30. Above Edward Nash died 27 March 1870 aged 78. Harriot wife of above died 25 April 1872 aged 75. Thomas son of above died 13 July 1881 aged 63.

71. Jane wife of Alfred NASH after a painful illness died 5 August 1894 aged 53. Above Alfred Nash youngest son of late Edward Nash of this Parish died 2 June 1911 aged 75.

72. Walter Edward NASH died 14 January 1905 aged 37.

73. Annie MERRICKS daughter of late Edward NASH died 8 February 1908 aged 69.

74. Tomb Angus Colin MACKAY died 9 March 1914 aged 47. Edith Mary his wife died 22 November 1915 aged 49.

75. William NASH of this Parish died 4 March 1903 aged 80. Rosina his wife died 28 June 1907 aged 81.

76. Samuel GOODING died 17 February 1825 aged 32. John Gooding died 6 October 1827 aged 25.

77. Low tomb Joseph ADAMS Civil Engineer died 9 September 1837 aged 68.

78. Cross William Henry NASH died 5 October 1921 aged 72.

79. Leonard MISKIN of this Parish died October 2 1796 aged 75. Ann his wife died 19 March 1807 aged 77. Richard their son died 4 March 1807 aged 42.

80. Sarah FRENCH wife of Thomas French of this parish died 24 August 1797 aged 48. Left issue 2 sons and 6 daughters.

81. John FRENCH of this Parish Victualler died 23 September 1777 aged 71.

82. Mr Thomas FRENCH died 29 October 1800 aged 72.

83. Macey FRENCH wife of Thomas French died 23 May 1802 aged 52.

84. Curb Mernie died 3 November 1918 aged 4 years. Joyce died 20 October 1920 aged 1 year 9 months. Children of G and F EASDOWN.

85. Sarah wife of John BARNES of this parish died 28 July 1856 aged 44. John Barnes Master Mariner son of above died at Taganrog 13 August 1872 aged 34. John Barnes husband of above died 11 May 1888 in 82nd year.

86. Henry infant son of Robert and Frances COBB died 15 March 1845 aged 7 months.

87. Robert Edward infant son of Robert and Frances COBB died 10 April 1853 aged 1 year 8 months.

88. Cross Robert Lake COBB born 9 June 1817 died 4 February 1893. Frances widow of Robert Lake Cobb born 14 October 1824 died 9 January 1899.

89. Louis husband of Amelia PUCKETT died 8 August 1897 aged 60. Above Amelia Puckett died 20 June 1907 aged 85.

90. William HURDEE died 17 June 1828 aged 77. Mary wife of above died 7 July 1839 aged 74.

91. Elizabeth wife of John TAYLOR of this parish died 1 January 1891 aged 76. Above John Taylor died 12 August 1899 aged 97.

92. Wood cross No. 128479 Act Bombardier EASDOWN H E 52nd A A Company RGA died 27 June 1918. Mary wife of above died 25 October 1920 aged 39 and 43.

93. Matilda wife of William EASDOWN of this parish and daughter of William and Ann BARNS died 25 April 1838 aged 24. Clara Jane daughter of William and Ann Easdown died 12 April 1858 aged 1 year 6 months.

94. William BARNS of this parish died 14 October 1836 in 68th year. Ann wife of above died 6 May 1854 aged 90.

95. Mary Ann wife of Robert BARNES late of Parish of Orsett and daughter of James and Ann SAUNDERS who died in childbed 13 June 1825 aged 26. Also Robert Barnes her infant. Above Robert Barnes died 4 April 1855 aged 62.

96. Matilda wife of Joseph LINDRIDGE died 18 June 1867 aged 45. Matilda Ann daughter of above died 20 October 1867 aged 19. Edwin son of above died 10 September 1879 aged 29. Amelia daughter of above died 24 March 1882 aged 18. Joseph Alexander son of above died 4 November 1890 aged 46. Above Joseph Lindridge died 16 March 1903 aged 81.

97. Alexander STEEL Esquire Native of the Isle of Sky NB died 12 November 1834 aged 74.

98. Mrs Harriott SANGSTER Native of Aberdeen died 13 October 1835 aged 74.

99. Emily SMITH died 12 July 1876 aged 3 years 8 months. Charles George Smith brother of above killed in action near the Dardanelles 4 June 1915 aged 41. Charles Edward Smith father of above died 2 January 1921 aged 72.

100. Mr John SMITH 20 years Clerk of this Parish died 26 November 1841 aged 69. George son of above died 31 August 1825 aged 8. Ann Elizabeth daughter of above died 13 November 1825 aged 3 years 7 months. John son of above died 8 January 1850 aged 38. Susannah Ann wife of above Mr John Smith died 7 February 1854 aged 73.

101. Emily SMITH died 9 December 1891 aged 35. George Smith brother of above died 4 March 1914 aged 60.

102. Joseph Thomas SMITH died 15 May 1879 aged 65. Harriett wife of above died 15 August 1899 aged 82.

103. Two small wooden footstones EA HA No dates.

104. Kate Mildred wife of J B HALL died 17 November 1917 aged 31.

105. William EDMONDS died 14 November 1902 aged 80. Susanna Edmonds his wife died 5 October 1916 aged 84. Ernest Edmonds son of above died 17 April 1902 aged 28 interred in Kalgoorlie Cemetery Australia.

106. William FULLER of this Parish died 19 June 1851 aged 59. Sarah Fuller wife of above died 10 July 1856 aged 61. Erected by Joseph Fuller to his parents.

107. Emily BARNES died 2 April 1814 in 8th year.

108. Mary Ann youngest daughter of William and Sarah FULLER of this Parish died 28 October 1870 aged 38.

109. William FULLER died 28 March 1910 aged 86. Frances his wife died 1854. Elizabeth PARRY wife of above died 1897.

110. Wood cross A HAWKINS aged 90 1921.

111. Wood cross Eliza EVERETT 1921 aged 73.

112. Coped cross William BARNES of this Parish died 19 November 1859 aged 61. Sarah his wife died 12 March 1880 aged 65.

113. Elizabeth wife of James BARNES of this Parish died 1 June 1815 aged 43. Charlotte second wife of above James Barnes died 3 October 1821 aged 39. Above James Barnes died 27 March 1834 aged 69.

114. George TOMLIN died 12 January 1854 aged 24.

115. James TOMLIN died 17 October 1843 aged 53. Sarah Tomlin died 24 May 1855 aged 62.

116. Elizabeth TOMLIN died 20 March 1834 aged 72. William Tomlin died 6 March 1835 aged 75.

117. John TOMLIN died 3 October 1870 aged 55. William Tomlin died 12 December 1840 aged 2 years. James Tomlin died 17 February 1871 aged 30. Mary Tomlin wife of above John Tomlin died 22 August 1884 aged 70.

118. A low brick tomb with heavy stone top. Inscription quite gone. ?c 1800.

119. Wood cross Dorothy TWITCHEN 5½ years 1920.

120. Wood cross STEDMAN James aged 82 years. Amos Harold killed on HMS Natal 30 December 1915 aged 30. Hephzibah aged 74 years.

121. Wood cross Ivy May BROWNING died 18 July 1891 aged 27.

122. Wood cross STEDMAN. Annie Maria aged 24 years. James Thomas aged 28 years. [no dates].

123. Wood cross F and J BUTLER ages 72 and 84 1908 and 1910.

124. Wood cross Julia GASKELL 6 April 1904 [no age].

125. George ROSHER of the Knowle in this Parish died 5 August 1877 aged 45. Ida daughter of above died 27 March 1906. Mary wife of above G Rosher died 3 March 1919.

126. Cross Joseph third son of the Reverend Joseph HINDLE late Vicar of this Parish died 18 August 1892 aged 54.

127. James CRITTENDEN died 2 April 1911 aged 81. Amy daughter of above died in Canada 8 April 1911 aged 34.

128. Phoebe wife of Robert CRITTENDEN died 2 July 1853 aged 50. John son of above died 19 May 1866 aged 32. Above Robert Crittenden died 30 June 1889 aged 96.

129. Maria AYERS died 4 February 1919 aged 66. George her husband died 29 July 1921 aged 74.

130. Hellen wife of Robert ANDERSON Esquire of Sudbury, Suffolk, died 8 January 1839 aged 66. Also her sister Mary Ann BENTLEY of Hermitage in this Parish died 16 August 1842 aged 73. Thomas Bentley Esquire of Hermitage died 24 January 1844 aged 73 brother of the above.

131. Wood rail John FENNER died ---- 1871 aged 6 months.

132. Wood rail George CHAPMAN died 10 December 1868 aged 38. Ann Chapman died 1860 aged 3 years.

133. Edward WHITEBREAD son of Thomas and Ruth Whitebread died 23 October 1869 aged 37. Also his children: Thomas died 5 March 1863 aged 14 months. Hannah died 30 March 1866 aged 5 years 8 months. Mary daughter of above Edward Whitebread died 21 February 1901 aged 35. Martha wife of above died 23 December 1907 aged 75.

134. Thomas WHITEBREAD died 23 January 1860 aged 73. Ruth his wife died 8 February 1869 aged 80. Hannah daughter of above died 20 January 1885 aged 69.

135. Charlotte wife of James WHITEBREAD of this Parish died 25 January 1887 aged 67. Thomas son of above died 15 November 1861 aged 15. George died 9 July 1887 aged 27. Above James Whitebread died 17 March 1900 aged 83.

136. Carolina Margaret WHITEBREAD died 29 September 1889 aged 62. Jane Ruth Whitebread died 27 July 1890 aged 59. Ellen Ruth Whitebread died 29 January 1891 aged 56. Mary Whitebread died 10 July 1891 aged 72.

137. Rosina Jemima WHITEBREAD died 23 July 1874 aged 23. Thomas William Whitebread died 4 March 1890 aged 76. Jemima Whitebread wife of above died 21 October 1893 aged 74.

138. Myrtle daughter of Richard and Frances HATCH of Golf House Higham died 18 March 1918 aged 23.

139. Elizabeth wife of John LATTER of this Parish died 22 November 1855 aged 68. Above John Latter died 23 December 1856 aged 68.

140. Joshua JOHNSON died 28 July 1825 aged 40. Left a wife and 6 children. Thomas Johnson son of above died 5 August 1847 aged 39. Left a wife and 2 children. Jemima wife of above Joshua Johnson died 12 March 1883 aged 98.

141. Joseph GOWER of this Parish died 18 April 1851 aged 56. Deborah his wife died 16 June 1868 aged 68. Mary wife of Joseph Gower son of above died 30 January 1892 aged 51 interred at Hornchurch, Essex. Joseph husband of above Mary Gower died 23 October 1892 aged 58 interred at Hornchurch.

142. Small cross Violet Morton BUDDEN died 21 April 1881 aged 12 days.

143. Small cross Our dear mother Ann TURNER died 9 June 1909 aged 67.

144. John SMITH of Higham died 27 March 1876 aged 50. Elizabeth his wife died after a short and painful illness 31 March 1886 aged 66. William Henry LINDRIDGE son of above died 8 November 1881 aged 30 interred in Highgate Cemetery.

145. John HEAD died 16 June 1868 aged 57. Hannah his wife died 22 December 1871 aged 64.

146. Charles HEARN of this Parish died 30 March 1838 aged 74. Mary his wife died 1 April 1837 aged 74. Joseph their son died 11 March 1851 aged 47.

147. William HEARN of this Parish died 21 April 1871 aged 74.

148. John DANIELS died 13 May 1869 aged 59. Sarah Daniels his wife died 2 January 1918 aged 93.

149. Cross George Cantrell ALLEN DD Vicar of Higham 1912-1921 died 25 April 1921.

150. John Edward WARLTERS died 23 January 1912 aged 62. His third son Raymond Alfred Price Warlters, Assistant Pa?? RN, killed in an air fight off the Kentish Coast 21 April 1917.

151. Martha wife of George BUTCHER of Gads Hill, Higham died 15 September 1875 aged 75. Above George Butcher born 28 January 1802 died 18 July 1898.

152. Cross James HOPE died 8 June 1874 aged 57. Emma his wife died 11 January 1876 aged 54.

153. Cross Robert DARTNALL died 30 March 1914 aged 68.

154. William ASHLEY of this Parish died 19 May 1861 aged 52.

155. George DARTNALL died 17 August 1873 aged 61. Jane his wife died 8 December 1904 aged 85. Robert Dartnall, grandson of above died 18 August 1877 aged 8 months.

156. Elizabeth DARTNALL died 7 February 1893 aged 82. Edward Dartnall died 28 November 1893 aged 94 after 67 years of married life. Sarah Fisher Dartnall born 18 July 1827 died 22 September 1828. Jesse Dartnall died 6 August 1866 aged 23. James Dartnall born 9 April 1831 died 1 August 1869 at Gibberton Gold Fields, Queensland. Henry Dartnall born 10 May 1833 died 11 July 1875 at Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. Edward Dartnall born 9 March 1829 died March 1881 in Australia. Mary Jeeves daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Dartnall died 23 December 1890 aged 43 interred at Ponders End, Middlesex. Jesus mercy. Elizabeth Dartnall died 31 July 1903 aged 53 interred at Ponders End.

157. Thomas OGDEN died 10 April 1909 aged 51.

158. Vitale Domenico De Michele, Higham Hall Born 11 November 1848 died 21st March 1906.Below is a coronet.

159. The remaining stones on the north side of the church are all modern.
29 July 1922 LD

160. In the south Porch over the door. Elizabeth wife of Mr William SLAUGHTER died 16 January 1803 aged 58. Above Mr William Slaughter died 13 September 1813 aged 60. Elizabeth daughter of above and wife of Mr Michael WOOLLETT of this Parish died 9 December 1830 aged 40. Also William and John Woollett two of their children.

161. In north chancel on floor John PREBBLE died 19 December 1811 aged 73. Ann his wife died 4 October 1822 aged 74. Christopher Prebble Esquire born 1791 died 1873 aged 82. Frances Maria MERCER daughter of John Prebble Esquire widow of Colonel E S Mercer Colonel Con??? RM born 1788 died 1879 at Peckham near London. She lies in this vault. Also John WINKWORTH grandson of above John Prebble died 23 January 1813 aged 7 years 2 months.

162. North chancel Another on floor Mary Ann daughter of William and Mary Ann STUNT of this Parish died 2 May 1833 aged 12 years. William Stunt father of above died 10 August 1842 aged 57. Mary Ann Stunt wife of above died 28 October 1861 aged 73.

163. Another William son of William and Mary STUNT died 28 August 1843 aged 24.

164. Mural, north aisle Thomas YOUENS of this Parish died 18 February 1865 aged 78. Mary his wife died 27 November 1855 aged 73.

165. Thomas BENTLEY Esquire of Hermitage in this Parish died 24 January 1844 aged 73. Marianne relict of above died 16 February 1845 aged 63.

South chancel
166. Under wooden step of altar is a fine slab with arms a chev erm below 3 leaves but inscription is hidden.

167. Also slabs are under the choir stalls One to --- HINDLE BD of St Johns College, 45 years Vicar died 1874. Rest hidden. and another to Richard ------- Eccle-------- Vicar ------ Hidden--------
A few other murals.

See registrum for the early ones.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Inside Higham church. Recorded by Pat & Paul Tritton
168. A large board high up on wall of church above door lists George LAKE as churchwarden 1845


Stained Glass window for  the Whitebread family.and Ellen Ruth BLAKE

The stained glass window behind the front door is inscribed for Ellen Ruth BLAKE (nee WHITEBREAD) born 1862, Chequers Street, Higham. Died 1951 Gravesend. Frank Blake her husband, born 1840 Upnor, Kent and died 27 July 1912 Gravesend. Also included are her brothers and sister - Alfred George Whitebread, James Edward and Rosina Jemima plus a niece also Rosina. Frank Blake's sister Kate Whitebread (nee Blake) born 1859 Upnor, died 19 March 1912, is interred somewhere within the Higham graveyard.
   Contributed by Ken Bardley 26th August 2014

I noticed on this page that a new entry has been added concerning the stained glass window behind the front door. There is a text accompanying it, but the actual inscription is missing. I think it would be appropriate to add it.

"To the Glory of God and in loving 
memory of Thomas William Whitebread
and Jemima his wife and their children Rosina Jemima, Alfred George, James Edward, 
Ellen Ruth and her husband Frank Blake, 
also niece and god-child Rosina Helen. erected 1935"

   The text added in 2014 above gives the impression that the window was erected for Ellen Ruth Blake and her husband Frank, even though it is largely for the Whitebread family.
   The window was commissioned by Ellen Ruth Blake, even though she is included in the inscription. Interestingly, the original version of the window did not include the name 'Whitebread' (it read 'in loving memory of Thomas William and Jemima his wife'). This was corrected, possibly while being erected, which is why the framing passes through the names 'William' and 'Jemima', whereas in the original design the framing did not bisect any of the words.
   Also interesting is the fact that Ellen Ruth's eldest brother Thomas William Whitebread (d.1896 and the father of Rosina Helen) was not included on the inscription. We assume this was because there was some sort of 'falling-out' between the two families, possibly over the upbringing of Rosina Helen, but I don't think anyone knows for certain. Thomas William and Jemima Whitebread lived at Dairy Farm, Lower Higham.
   Contributed by Steven Whitebread 3rd November 2015

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ANDERSON 60, 130
BARNES 85,95,107,111-12
BARNS 93, 94
BENTLEY 130, 165
BROOKER 59, 61, 63-67
COBB 86, 87, 88
CRITTENDEN 32, 127-28
DARTNALL 153, 155-56
DAY 41
EASDOWN 56, 84, 92, 93

FRENCH 13, 14, 80-84
FULLER 106, 108, 109
HALL 104
HEAD 145
HEARN 146, 147
HINDLE 126, 166
HOMPSTEAD 28, 31, 34
HOPE 152
IDE 58
LAKE 88, 168
LATTER 36, 139LINDRIDGE 96, 144
MARTIN 42, 67
De Michele 158
NASH 69, 75, 78
PREBBLE 6-8, 161
SAVAGE 69-73
SMITH 2,37-38,99-102,144SMOOKER 44
STAINES 15, 16, 17, 18
STEDMAN 120, 122
STUNT 55, 162, 163
TAYLOR 1, 47, 91
TOMLIN 114-17
WADE 48, 54
WHITEBREAD 133-137, 169
YOUENS 16, 46, 58, 68

Places IndexAberdeen 98
Australia 105, 156
Canada 127
Dardanelles 99
France 22
Gibberton Gold Fields,
    Queensland 156
Gravesend 27
   Higham Hall 158
   Hermitage 130, 165
   Gads Hill 151
   Golf House 138
   Knowle The 125
   Oakley 52
Highgate Cemetery 144

Hornchurch, Essex 141
Isle of Sky NB 97
Kalgoorlie Cemetery 105
Orsett 95
Park Terrace, Clapham
    Park, Surrey 70
Peckham, London 161
Ponders End, Middlesex 156
Rede Court, Frindsbury 61
Salonia 21
St Johns College 166
Sudbury, Suffolk 130
Taganrog 85
Westgate 55
Warrnambool, Victoria,
     Australia 156
Wouldham Hall 1Generalair fight off the Kentish
   Coast 1917  150
Act Bombardier 92
52nd A A Company 
   RGA 92
RE 21
Captain 52
Captain in the West Kent
   Regiment of Militia 52
Chaplan General to ye
   Army 2
Civil Engineer 77
Churchwarden 168
Clerk of this Parish 100
Colonel Con??? RM 161
Gold Fields 156HM Customs 58
HMS Natal 120
Lieutenant 21
Master Mariner 85
Reverend 1, 126
RN Assistant Pa?? 150
Saint Mary Whitchapel
   Middlesex 45
St Johns College, Cambridge 1, 2
Sundial 50
Vicar 149
Victualler 81
Yeoman 4, 45, 67, 68


Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Higham Churchyard

Read More
Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Herne Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Herne Church, noted by Bax & Rice May April 1897. Pages 96 to 106 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield.

Names in churchyard 
No B(ax's)
1. White, Collard, Reynolds, Fairman, Glover, Hutt (1757), Cotton, Hilder 1809 1813, Ewell of Hearn 1700, Sladden (several), Tassell, Cook, Ashbee early in NE part, late in NW part, Claden of Herne Parsonage.

Stones on N side.
2. 1 skull and foliage work Here lieth the body of Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Margaret WHITE, wife of Thomas Vandepeer was born June ye 23rd 1703 and died February 9th 1741. Mary ye daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Vandepeer was born September 9th 1740 and died November 11 1749. Left one son Thomas surviving he was born July 24th 1733.

3. 2 double HS three sculls, bones etc. Here lieth ye body of John WHITE son of Thomas & Margaret White. He departed this life November 27th 1739 aged 34 years.
Here lieth ye body of Thomas White son of Thomas and Margaret White. He departed this life September 14th 1739 aged 23 years.

4. HS In memory of Robert TRITTON of this parish who departed this life April 1 1797 aged 72 years. Also of Mary his wife who died October 22nd 1783 aged 73 years. She left issue by her former husband John Collard three sons and two daughters Thomas, Elizabeth, John, Margaret and Henry, an indulgent wife, a tender mother, hospitable to all her friends and acquaintance.

5. HS 2 sculls, crossbones Here lieth buried the body of Margaret ye wife of Thomas WHITE of this parish who had issue 2 sons and 2 daughters. She departed this life April ye 5th 1725 in ye 45 year of her age.

6. HS 2 sculls, 3 hourglasses (2 laid side ways), bones etc. Here lieth the body of Thomas WHITE of this parish who had issue by *Elizabeth his *[NB Elizabeth is cut over "Margt"] wife 2 sons and 2 daughters viz. Elizabeth, John, Mary and Thomas of whom one daughter Mary surviving and wife of John Collard who died January 10th 1746 aged 73 years.

7. HS 2 sculls, cherub’s between In memory of John COLLARD of this parish who departed this life January 18th 1758 aged 47 years and left issue by Mary his wife 3 sons and 2 daughters viz. Thomas, Elizabeth, Ino…, Margaret and Henry. All ye that pass this way along behold how sudden I was gone. As God to me short time did give take constant care how ye do live.

8. HS In memory of Martha daughter of John and Martha COLLARD of this parish who died October 12th 1787 aged 19 years. Oh! shade revered this frail memorial take: Tis all alas thy sorrowing friends can make this clay cold shrine ye corps enshrouded here this holly hillock bath’d with many a tear, those kindred flowers that on thy bosom grow, fed with the precious dust which lies below ee’n those rude brambles which embrace thy head and this green sod that forms the sacred bed, are richer, dearer, to thy parents heart than all the monuments of proudest art. Also of five other children of the above John and Martha, Robert died March 25th 1773 aged 3 years, Thomas died December 25th 1773 aged 8 months, Margaret died October 21st 1774 aged 3 years, Sarah died July 18th 1783 aged 3 months, James died June 21 1784 aged 2 months.

9. HS cherub’s head and wings, scroll work Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Elizabeth BING widow of the late Mr. John Bing who departed this life the 22 day of April 1756 aged 75 years.

10. HS scull and bones Here lieth the body of John BING of this parish who died the 15th of October 1752 aged 60 years.

11. HS In memory of Frances daughter of William CURLING and Char…… Hilton who died March 2…… aged 9 year

12. Double HS Here lieth ye body of Thomas EGERTON late of this parish. He departed this life ye 11 day of August 1727 in ye 74 year of his age.

13. HS broken at edge [Her]e lieth the body of Elizabeth ye wife of Thomas EGERTON she died August ye ………. 60/9……..

14. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Jane daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth EGERTON who died December ……………………..

15. HS Sacred to the memory of William CURLING HILTON who died June 28th 1824 aged 35 years. Also of Charlotte wife of the above who died January 28th 1873 aged 81 years.

16. Double HS 2 cherub’s heads In memory of Ann ASHBEE wife of William Ashbee of this parish she died 1st February 1773 aged 34 years. Likewise of James their son he died 10 September 1774 aged 9 months. Also of William Ashbee late of Beltinge Farm died April 16th 1812 aged 83 years.

17. HS scull and bones Here lieth the body of Elizabeth wife of Thomas SUTTON of this parish who left issue one son. She died March 25 1729 aged 57 years.

18. HS Head above Here lieth the body of John SUTTON son of Thomas and Elizabeth Sutton who died August the 11 17..3 aged 57 years.

19. To the memory of Job LAWRANCE late of this parish, miller, who departed this life August the 28th 1795 aged 78 years.

20. HS cross in circle (drawing) Charlotte HILTON who died May 19th 1870 aged 21 years. (small caps) Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou are with me.

21. HS of wood not a ?rail In memory of Hanna KENNETT wife of William Kennett who departed this life aged 28 years. She left surviving one child Ann Frances. Afflictions sore long time I bore [8 lines].

22. HS scull and bones – close to N porch Here lieth ye body of Catherine WICKS widdow of Richard Wicks late of this parish who died ye 6th of March 1726/7.

23. Short thick HS like a milestone near E window 1652 CCG

24. Under the East window upon the E wall (outside) Mr. Thomas BELSEY died December 5th 1811 aged 62 years. MB 1839, WB 1839, JM 1842, EB 1878. Vaults in front of this: (a) Elizabeth Belsey died 14th February 1878 aged 79 years. (b) Mary Milles died 14th August 1822 aged 78 years.

25. Tablet at E end of S aisle (outside) probably of cast iron The family vault of Mr. John COLLARD BROOMFIELD erected May 1806.

26. On the S side of the churchyard. Double HS only one side filled 2 cherub’s head and scroll work In memory of Mr. John TASTALL departed this life the 24th December 1784 aged 54 years. He left a widow and one son. (blank).

27. HSS In memory of WHIDETT? family.

28. HS In memory of Thomas FAIRMAN of the parish of Chislett, yeoman died October 30th 1828 aged 78 years. Left surviving three daughters Sarah, Martha and Elizabeth.

29. HS Sacred to the memory of Sarah wife of Thomas FAIRMAN of the parish of Chislet who died December 31 1815 aged 57 years. Left issue surviving 3 daughters Sarah, Martha and Elizabeth.

30. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Isaac CHIDDICK who departed ys life at Sea Street in this parish February 18th 1713.

31. HS In memory of Daniel FAIRMAN of this parish who died October 17th 1792 aged 63 years. He left surviving Sarah his wife and two daughters Martha and Mary.

32. HS In memory of Sarah wife of Daniel FAIRMAN late of this parish who died October 19 1806 aged 72/3? years. She left surviving 2 daughters Martha and Mary.

33. HS 2 sculls and bones, an hourglass between Here lieth ye body of Thomas FAIRMAN who left issue 2 sons by Martha his second wife. He died March 6th/16th 1736 aged 59 years. Also 2 sons and 1 daughter ……………………

34. HS In memory of John HOY who was accidentally killed while on duty at Herne Bay Railway Station 23rd June 1879 aged 40 years. Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt. XXIV.44.

35. HS scull Here lieth the body of Richard REYNOLDS son of Richard Reynolds and Mary his wife of this parish who departed this life March 2 1755 aged 24 years.

36. Double HS Here lies ye body of John REYNOLDS son of Richard and Mary Reynolds departed this life 7th day of September 1743/7 aged 10 years. Also Mary Reynolds daughter of Richard and Mary Reynolds departed this life 5th day of September 1750 aged 17 years.

37. HS ornamental work on top Here lieth interr’d/buried the body of Mary REYNOLDS the wife of Richard? Reynolds of this parish who died November …. 1742 aged 36? years. She left issue 4 sons and 1 daughter viz. Thomas, Richard, Edward, John and Mary. 4 lines more probably poetry.

38. HS apparently obliterated

39. HS Here lye the bodys of Thomas and Elizabeth, son and daughter of Edward and Elizabeth REYNOLD of this parish. Thomas died August 1715 aged 3 years. E…….. died June ye 24th ……………….. years. (much sunk forward).

40. HS 2 sculls Here lieth ye body of Edward REYNOLDS late of this parish who had issue by Elizabeth his wife 5 sons and daughters. He died April 6th 1738/88 aged 58 years.

41. HS Here lieth the body of Mary the wife of Francis FAIRMAN of this parish. She died June ye 2nd 1760 aged 58 years.

42. HS Sacred to the memory of Richard PORT who departed this life July 24th 1797 aged 43 years. Also Mary the wife of Richard Port who died June 1st 1840 aged 85 years.

43. 5 "Glover" stones 1801-1834.

44. HS Cherub’s head and wings (near the West door of church) Here lieth the body of Thomas HUTT late of this parish who departed this life 10 February 1751 aged 58 years. He left issue 1 daughter Mary wife of Ino….. Wilson (a line of small writing).

45. HS (with hourglass) Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth widow of Richard HUTT late of ys parish who died June 1, 1757 aged 58 years. 4 lines of poetry.

46. HS Here lieth the body of John KNOWLES who departed this life April 9 1810 aged 88 years fifty of which he served the office of Clerk of this parish with credit to himself and satisfaction to his superiors. by Mary his first wife he had 4 sons and 1 daughter. John who died in his infancy, William who died 1776 aged 26 years. Mary who died January 1776 aged 25 years. By his second wife he had 1 son William who died July 1806 and buried [5 or 6 more lines faint].

47. Here lyeth ye body of …. love we …. departed …….. life ……. May …. ye year of our Lord 1680 aged 51 yeares. TS.

48. HS In memory of John COTTEW late of this parish, glazier who died December 31 1787 aged 85 years. Also of Ann wife of the above who died June 2, 1762 aged 62 years.

49. HS cherub’s head and wings Here lieth the body of John COTTEW, glazier son of John and Ann Cottew of this parish who departed this life May 22nd 1759 aged 24 years. Weep not for me my friends most dear I am not lost but sleeping here. Also near this place lie his ancestors.

50. HS all caps Beneath reposes the mortal remains of William Davey LE GRAND Esq. eldest son of the late William Le Grand, Esquire of Canterbury born February 13th 1810 died January 29th 1876. "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith".

51. HS North West side of churchyard In memory of Susanna wife of William CAREY of this parish who died 9 January 1815 aged 72 years. Same HS Right hand half In memory of William CAREY late of this parish who died 19 August 1818 aged 76/0 years.

52. HS scull above Here lyeth the body of William EWELL of Herne who died the 29 of October 1769 aged 68 years. NB. This adjoins a tombstone of the same pattern possibly to a relative of the family.

53. HS double cherub’s heads and wings one above the other In memory of Mary wife of John BUSBRIDGE of this parish who departed this life the 16th of April 1776 aged 74 years. 6 lines of poetry. Also the above said John Busbridge who departed this life on the 23 of February 1770?

54. HS Sacred to the memory of Stephen BUSBRIDGE who departed this life February 13th 1846 aged 57 years. Also Ann Maria Busbridge who departed this life December 9th 1838 aged 21 years.

55. HS Sacred to the memory of Caroline daughter of James and Jane TASSELL who died March 29 1839 aged 9 years. Arthur died February 5th 1852. Fanny-Jane died July 26th 1852. Edith died October 5th 1852. Emily died October 5th 1853.

56. Sacred to the memory of Sidney infant son of James and Jane TASSELL who died January 28 1827/37 aged 5 months. Also of Charles H. who died ……………

57. HS (Inscription on back of No. 49 first to Busbridge) To the memory of Thomas BUSBRIDGE late of HM Customs who departed this life at Herne Bay March 4th 1854 in the 77th year of his age.

58. HS Sacred to the memory of James TASSELL, yeoman, of Rhodes Court, Selling formerly of Wye in this County died July 12th aged 67 years. Also Mary, wife of the above died February 15th 1837 aged 65 years.

59. HS Sacred to the memory of Theodore son of James and Mary TASSELL who departed this life September 11th 1826 aged 10/40 years.

60. HS Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth daughter of James and Mary TASSELL of Wye who after a lingering illness born with patience and resignation departed this life the 10/19 of February 1821/4 (more lines).

61. TASSELL stones – difficult to make out – indecipherable.

62. HS with an extraordinary cherub’s head In memory of Mr. Richard COOK late of this parish surgeon who died ye 12th August 1775 aged 52 years. Mary Tassell wife of Mr. Richard Cook who died November 22 1792 aged 90/96/66 years.

63. Another HS apparently to TASSELL much obliterated.

64. HS To the memory of Theodore TRITTON son of Richard and Elizabeth Cook late of this parish. He died at Cold Harbour, Wye December 23 1827 aged 37 years.

65. On the NE side In memory of Edward BROWN of Herne Bay who died February 21st 1847 aged 68. Also of Barbara his widow who died June 25 1856 aged 62 and of six of their children viz. Barbara, Elizabeth, George, Fanny, Sarah and Thomas.

66. HS Sacred to the memory of John BROWN of this parish who died June 9th 1863 aged 88 years. Also Elizabeth late wife of John Brown (Lower Red Lion, Herne Street) who departed this life the …… day of December 1855 aged 75 years. Also two sons of the above, Thomas Brown.

67. HS Sacred to the memory of Richard KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life 3rd of September 1818 aged 63 years. He left surviving his wife three sons and three daughters. Be ye faithful in hopes of a joyful Resurrection.

68. HS Sacred to the memory of Mary KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life 4th of January 1814 aged 18 years. Weep not dear friends nor grieve no more I am not lost but gone before.

69. HS Sacred to the memory of Harriett KENNETT late of this parish who departed this life October the 23rd 1837 aged 32 years. Weep not for me my parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here, my illness was ………… but ……… God (6 lines).

70. HS Sacred to the memory of Jane widow of the late Mr. Richard KENNETT of Beltinge in the parish of Herne who died 21st June 1840 aged 73 years. Left surviving 2 sons and 2 daughters. This heavenly calm within the breast is the dear pledge of glorious rest (2 verses).

71. HS (all caps) W end of churchyard To the memory of Ferdinand Stanley Head BRYDGES, youngest son of the late Sir S. Egerton Brydges Bart. of Denton Court, near Canterbury who departed this life at Herne Bay December 6th 1843 aged 39 years. Also of Mary, relict of the above named Sir S. Egerton Brydges Bart. and daughter of the late Revd. William Robinson Rector of Burfield, Berks, brother to Matthew, first Baron Rokeby who departed this life at Herne Bay November 27 18….. (sunk).

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ASHBEE 1, 16
BING 9, 10
BROWN 65, 66
BUSBRIDGE 53, 54, 57
Claden 1
COLLARD 1, 4, 7, 8, 25
COOK 1, 62
COTTEW 48, 49

CURLING 11, 15
EGERTON 12, 13, 14, 71
EWELL 1, 52
FAIRMAN 1, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 41
CCG 23
Glover 1, 43
Head 71
Hilder 1
HILTON 15, 20
HOY 34
HUTT 1,44, 45
KENNETT 21, 67, 68, 69, 70
REYNOLDS 1, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40
Robinson 71
TS 47
Sladden 1
SUTTON 17, 18
TASSELL 1, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Vandepeer 2
WHITE 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Places IndexBeltinge Farm 16
Beltinge, Herne 70
Berks 71
Burfield, Berks 71
Canterbury 50
Chislet 28, 29
Cold Harbour, Wye 64
Denton Court, near Canterbury 71

Hearn (Herne?) 1
Herne 57
Herne Bay 34, 65, 66, 71
Herne Parsonage 1
Lower Red Lion, Herne Street 66
Rhodes Court, Selling 58
Sea Street, Herne
Wye 58, 60General
accidentally killed 34
Clerk of this parish 46
glazier 48, 49
HM Customs 57
miller 19
Railway Station 34
Rector 71
surgeon 62
yeoman 58

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Harbledown Church & Hospital

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Harbledown Church & Hospital, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

In The Chancell.
1. On a Mont. on ye S. Wall.

[Az. a chevn. arg. 3 molets sa. imp. Az. 3 bars dancy. arg. a cantn. erm.]. To The Memory of Mary, Daughter of Thomas TEDDEMAN Esq. of this Parish, Wife of John ROBERTS of the City of Canterbury, Surgeon, and Mother of Thomas-Teddeman, Mary & Elisabeth. She now enjoys, who merited each Day,/Honours, superiour to what Art can pay./But, Oh, Fair Reader, let this pious Line/Commend her virt’ous Worth, and heighten thine/. She died the 29th Day of May 1736. Aged 25 Years. And Mary her Daughter died Aug. 28 1733. Aged 8 Months. Thomas-Teddiman died to the inexpressible Grief, of his Tender Father, July 1739. aged 8 Years 7 Months.

2. On an Atcheivement, on the N. Wall. [¼ly of 6. 1,3,5). Sa. a plate chargd. wt. 3 bars sa. 2,4,6). Or, a lion’s head raised gu. imp. Gu. a fess betw. 8 billets or.]. Near this Place is interred the Corpse of Charles WHITE, late Rector of St. Nicholas Harbledowne. who died the 19th Day of October. Anno Dni. 1647.

3. On a Monument on the N. Wall. Under this Pew, lies interred the Body of Edward HOWLAND, late of this Parish, who died October 20 1757. Aged 60 Yeares; he left Issue 1 Son surviving. Young William Howland.

4. On a very Ancient Flat Stone are the following Coats; but the Brass Figg. and Inscription are lost. (2 shs. in line). I. Gu. a wyvern arg. *BRENT. *This is the Coat of Roger Brent, who was formerly Possessor of Polres, a Manor in this Parish. – see Harris F.143.

5. BRENT imp. [¼ly 1&4). On a chevn. 3 tablts. courant MARTIN – see Philpot 178. 2&3). 3 covered cups (no tincts.). BUTLER – V.J.T.).

6. On a Flt Stone. Here lyeth the Body of Mrs Katherine TYRWHITT, Daughter of ……./Mary Tyrwhitt, …../County of Lincoln ……/aboute the Age of Sixteene …./1643.

7. On Another Flat Stone. Here lieth interred the Body of Jane, Daughter of Thomas GOOKIN Esq. and by Jane, his Wife, who departed this Life Aprill the 6th 1659.

8. On Another. Here lies interred the Body of Henry HARNETT late of this Parish, who had Issue by Mary his Wife 10 Children, of whom 9 survive. He departed this Life July 20 1714 in the 42d. Year of his Age. Also, here lieth the Body of Mary, Wife of the above Henry HARNETT, who left 6 Children surviving. She died 10 Apr. 1730. Aged 53 Years.

9. There are 2 Other Flat Stones, which are without Inscription, and 2 others which are hid by the Pewes.

10. The Arch which parts the Chancell from the Body, is a round one.

In The Body.
11. Cut on Bricks. Henry BARNETT. Samuel HOPPER. Church Wardens 1707.

12. This Church consists only of the Chancell and Body. The Seeple which is low, stands at the West End, in which hang 3 Bells – thus inscribed.
1. Joseph HATCH made Me, 1613 (as it seems).
2. ………/1670.
3. Sancta Katherina, ora pro Nobis.

13. In The Church Yard, are Headstones, etc. for ALLEN, ELPHICK, GILES, BASELL, HOBDAY, HOLDSTOCK, HOMERSHAM, MOOR, PEARSE, SANKEY, SOUTHEY and WILLIAMS; & 2 ancient Flat Stones, 1 of them broken, and neither of them legible.

14. On the North Side of the Body are the Ruins of an ancient Building, which joynd to it and over a very low Door Way, which led from it into ye Church, is a fair Arch of Roman Tiles; and Another Arch of the same sort of Tiles, in the North Wall of the Chancell, about a Foot or 2, from ye Ground: This last is but a small one.

15. This Church was dedicated to St. Nicholas; it was founded by A.Bp. LANFRANC, who was also The Founder of the adjacent Hospital.

16. It is a Rectory, in the Patronage of The Arch Bishop. The present Rector is The Revd. Mr Henry HALL, 1758.

17. [On a loose slip, inset]. Mem. I have been told that this Church was dedicated to St. Michael and, that, the Hospital, wch. was dedicated to St. Nicholas, stands, in a Different Parish, viz. St Nicholas Harbledown.

Funeral Inscriptions etc. at Harbledown Hospital. (n.d).
In The Chancell.
18. On a Flat Stone. Here lieth The Body of Mr George SHORT, sometime Master of this Hospital, who departed this Life Nov. 25 1641. resurgam.

19. The Windows have been very finely painted. In the North Window, which is still pretty entire, is to be seen the Figure of a Monk kneeling before St. Nicholas, and these Words, "Ad Te ……./Prae Me salve, Nicolae". In the same Window is, also, the Figure of a Bishop (I suppose LANFRANC ye Founder) in a praying Posture. Also, the Figure of The Blessed Virgin, or some Female Saint, with a white Dragon at her Feet, a long Crosslet in her Left Hand, and something, like a Book, in her Right; and, underneath, this Fragment of an Inscription ….."ella Capellan". In a Small Compartment at The Top of the same Window, is The Figure of the Virgin, in a kneeling Posture, beholding Our Saviour’s Ascension, Whose Feet only appear out of a Cloud.

In The Body.
20. On a Flat Stone. Here lyeth Lennard LOVELACE, Reader, 1671.

21. Several other Flat Stones, without Inscription: Two of which have been inlaid with Brasses.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Canterbury 1
Lincolnshire 6
Church Wardens 11
Surgeon 1

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Halstead Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Halstead Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan 4th August 1919. Kindly typed up for the website by Dawn Weeks.

1. Emma Claudiana MAN 10 August 1858 aged 78.

2. Mary CONSTABLE 24 April 1875 aged 69. Philip Constable died May 17 1877 aged 62.

3. Elizabeth DRIFFIELD March 11 1855 aged 36. Margaret sister of above July 19 1868 aged 56.

4. Joseph WHITEHEAD 15 February 1861 aged 81. James son of above 3 January 1857 aged 48. Also Elizabeth wife of Joseph Whitehead December 7 1865 aged 81. Also Jonathan John HENSHAW infant son of Alfred and Rose Henshaw 29 March 1868 aged 8 days.

5. Elizabeth wife of John H W WHITEHEAD formerly of this Parish died 22 October 1862 aged 30.

6. Elizabeth WARD 15 June 1874 aged 82. Henry Ward February 26 1896 aged 82.

7. William WHITEHEAD of Rushmore Hill born 27 June 1827 died December 22 1915. Also Catherine Forbes Whitehead wife of above died 3 June 1903 in 80th year.

8. John BOWEN of this Parish died 22 December 1869 aged 57. Also Ann Bowen wife of above
died 10 July 1879 aged 65. Caroline youngest daughter of above 30 October 1877 aged 20.

9. Under east window John Pelly ATKINS Esquire of Halstead Place, JP for Kent and founder of this cemetery died 29 September 1872 aged 83. Anna his wife only child of John George CHILDREN Esquire FRS died 9 June 1871 aged 72.

10. Mary Ann wife of James BLUNDELL 15 June 1874 in 35th year. Charles John son of above died in infancy. James Blundell died 6 December 1916 in 80th year.

11. Laura Matilda ROSE 27 June 1862 aged 24. George Rose 31 December 1848 aged 3. Anne Maria 13 January 1849 aged 6. These two were interred in one grave in Halstead churchyard. Job 1.21 Sophia Rose died 24 February 1866 aged 17. Laura Eliza wife of Richard Rose died 22 November 1871 aged 62. Also To Father Richard Rose born at Sevenoaks 4 November 1809 died at Sandwich October 30 1881. 40 years resident in this Parish.

In the Old Yard by the side of Halstead Place
12. James son of Richard and Elizabeth MARTEN died 16 November 1835 in 19th year.

13. Charles son of Richard and Elizabeth MARTEN died 26 September 1838 aged 25.

14. Richard MARTEN late of Ferrin Sussex died 9 April 1837 aged 50. Elizabeth wife of above Richard Marten died 11 April 1855 aged 73.

15. The Reverend Edward HEAWOOD late Rector of this Parish died February 19 1847 aged 53.

16. Harry STOEMAN RN obit January 2 1848 aged 64.

17. Here Lieth the Body of William STILE of this Parish who died November the 8th 1736 aged 60 years. Here also Lieth Mary Stile the wife of William Stile who Departed this Life June 20 177 aged 84 years.

18. Timothy WHITEHEAD 30 years Parish Clerk of Halstead who died Advent Sunday December 1 1850 aged 86.

19. One end John son of William and Eliza JEMSON died 15 October 1837 aged 67. Other end William Jemson died 14 June 1831 aged 26 years. John son of the above 15 October 1836 aged 6 years.

20. Elizabeth ADAMS a relation and long respected member of the family of John ATKINS. John P Atkins Esquire of Halstead Place died 18 March 1845 much respected (no age).

21. Thomas son of M J and Mary CHALLIS died 21 October 1853 in 17th year. Sarah daughter of M J and M Challis died 6 April 1851 aged 9 months.

22. Thomas GRAVETT died June 1 1825 aged 85.

23. Thomas GRAVITT Senior died February 8 1802 aged 65.

24. Ja----- -RAVETT ……………………. Parish who departed this life 16 of August 1788 aged 22 years.

25. Mary second wife of John CORNFIELD of this Parish died October 30 1813 aged 71.

26. John CAMFIELD of this Parish died 24 August 1816 aged 76.

27. Mary PARRELL daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Parrell died 29 October 1820 aged 4 months. Also above Charles Parrell died 15 December 1843 aged 52. Also Elizabeth Parrell wife of above Charles Parrell died 2 January 1852 aged 61.

28. Elizabeth wife of Thomas GREENSMITH both of the Parish of Bradly near Ashbourne Derbyshire December 3 1803 aged 75.

29. Thomas GREENSMITH died July 25 1807 aged 87.

30. Foot J E A 1847 J A 1833 S A 1834 To memory of John Edward ATTWOOD formerly of this Parish born 16April 1822 died 21 July 1847. John Attwood of this Parish Grandfather of the above died June 7 1833 aged 72. Sarah his wife died 9 February 1834 aged 64. Also Charles their son died 12 February 1829 aged 22 years.

31. The Reverend Denzil IBBETSON Batchelor of Divinity Rector of this Parish died 14 June 1821 aged 65 years. He was the second son of the Reverend Doctor Ibbetson Archdeacon of St Albans of the family of the Baronets of that name of Denton Park, Yorkshire. See No. 123 of Bromley

32. Broken top of an altar Tomb Here lieth the Body of Thomas HOLT late of this Parish Yeoman Obiit March 16 1742 in the 74th year of his age. Near also lieth the body of Mary wife of the above who died December ye 30 17(?6)0 aged 83 years. Near ……………………… Sarah wife of …………………. and daughter of Ma…………… HAYWARD of Tatsfield in the County of Surrey died September 24 17--. Also ………………………… Died April 7 17(?5)4 aged 35 years. This stone is broken with several pieces and some of the lettering has perished.

The above are all the inscriptions in the Old Yard which is in a disgraceful state of neglect.
4 August 1919 LD

From Reg Roff when the Monuments were in the Old Church.

33. In the Isle near the pulpit Brass to William BURYS arminger quondam dommus de Halsted qui obiit V die Sept 1444.

In North Chancel
34. Sir Thomas WATSON Knight died 30 October 1621.

35. Dame Elizabeth WATSON wife of Sir Thomas Watson of Halsted who died 9 June 1623. Stone layd here by right hon Thomas Earl of Downe grandchild of sayd Dame Elizabeth.

35. At east end mural monument to Sir James ASHE of Twickenham in Middlesex baronet who marryd the daughter of Sir Edmond BOWYER of Richmond Surrey, bart by whom he had one son and 5 daughters of whome only the eldest daughter Martha survived. him who married Jos WINDHAM Esquire 4th son of William Windham of County Norfolk Esquire obijt 8 November 1733 in 60th yeara. On top arms – arg 2 chevs sable impaling or a bend varrey arg and az between 2 cotizes az. Crest on a wreath a cockatrice seiant gules crested and armed or.

37. GREENWOOD adds – a monument for John SARGENT Esquire of Halstead who died 20 September 1792 aged 76. Also for Rosamond his wife who died 5 December 1792 aged 70. Near it another for George Arnold ARNOLD Esquire of Halstead Place who died 18 August 1805 aged 57.

In the great Chancel
38. North side, mural Sacred to memory of Mr Thomas HOLT late wine cooper and citizen of London son of Thomas Holt of this Parish Yeoman (see page 59) he departed this life 15 March 1761 aged 47. On top these arms – arg on a bend engraved sable 3 fleur de lis of the fold. Crest an arm holding a pheon or.

39. On south side a stone with brass to William PETLEY and Alys his wyf the whiche William deceased 8 October 1528.

40. In the middle aisle a large stone with cafss of 13th Century but all letters lost. Philfoot page 45 of Vilare Cantianum supposes it to be the tomb of William DE CHELLESFIELD.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
ATKINS 9, 20
GRAVETT 22, 24
HOLT 32, 38
MARTEN 12, 13, 14
Pelly 9
WHITEHEAD 4, 5, 7, 18
WINDHAM 36Places Index
Bradly near Ashbourne Derbyshire 28
Denton Park, Yorkshire 31
Downe 34
Ferrin, Sussex 14
   Halstead Place 9, 20, 37
   Rushmore Hill 6Norfolk 36
Richmond, Surrey 36
Sandwich 11
Sevenoaks 11
Tatsfield, Surrey 32
Twickenham, Middlesex 35General
Brass 32
Archdeacon of St Albans 31
Rector 15, 30
Reverend 15, 30
Parish Clerk 18
RN 16
wine cooper 38
Yeoman 32, 38

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

A Monumental Inscription in Hadlow Church

A Monumental Inscription in Hadlow Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Frank Bamping.

A transcription of the un-numbered pages at the end of Volume VII of Mr L.L. Duncan's notebook on the Martin Family.


- North side of churchyard.

1    Isaac Martin of this Parish for 50 years Veterinary Surgeon died 29 March 1865 aged 72. Also Mary his wife died 2 October 1865 aged 62. Left Two daughters viz Elizabeth Jane and Louisa.

Index of Names and Places


Name Index
Martin 1

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Kingsnorth Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Kingsnorth Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

1. On an Ancient Altar Tomb, on ye N. Side of The Communion Table, are inlaid ye Brass Figures of an Armed Man & his Wife; under them the Figures of 11 Children, viz, 6 Men & 5 Women with the Following Inscription & Coats. [I. Erm. 2 pales wavy sa. (CLARKE). II. Per pale arg. & sa. 3 chevns. counter-charged (MANEY)]. Humfrey Clarke Esquyer & Margaret his Wyffe were maryed to gyther fforty Nyne Yeres VI Moneths & the sayd Humfrey dyed in hys LXXIX Yeres of hys Age, & had Issue John, John, & Humfrey, Edward, John, & Walter. Johne Margaret, Elizabeth, Jhane & Letyce.

2. In a little Arch over this Tomb, with this Coat, in Brass.[¼ly of 6:
I. Erm. 2 pales wavy (CLARKE).
II. Per fesse gu. & arg. 3 swords erect in fesse countercharged hilts or (quillons, wrongly, gu.) (CLARKE (sic).
III. Or, on a bend vert a cinquefoil or, for diffce.
IV. Arg. on a fesse gu. 3 martlets or, between 6 martlets gu.
V. Arg. a fesse gutté-de-sang betw. 3 water-buckets sa. (arg. sic) (? faded).
VI. Sa. a chevn. betwn. 3 pelicans’ heads erased or (GODFREY).Epitaphium Martyni COLIPEPER Doctoris de Humfredo CLARKE, Armigero, Socro suo qui obijt xiiii Die Januarij A.D. 1579/80. Est, Domini, vixisse din, Domini est, bene, vivere, donum;/Corpore, Mente, bene vixerat ille diu./Est Domini Gazas, Terras, Natos dare, Famam;/Hec dedit huic, et eum, cui dedit eum rapiut,/Ut beat in Celis, et nos nostrosq moneret,/Suae cuncta suum Fata subire Diem.

3. On a Brass Plate, on a very Ancient Flat Stone, on ye Floor. Hic Jacet Dominus Thomas UMFREY, quondam Rector istius Ecclesiae. Cujus Aie ppicietur Deus. Amen.

4. On Another Flat Stone. Underneath this Stone lieth The Remains of Thomas READER, A.M. Rector of this Parish; One of the Sons of James Reader of The Bower in Maidstone, in this County. Gent & Hannah his Wife, Daughter of Stephen STRINGER of Goudherst in this County, Gent. He was a strict Observer of his Duty towards God & Man; and, during the Course of 34 Years Minister, by Acts of Charity & Benevolence, gained the General Love & Esteem of all his Neighbours; & the Money he expended on the Rectorial Premises will ever endear this Memory to his Successors. He died much lamented in the 60th Year of his Age. Jan. 15 1739/40.

5. *North Chancell.    *This Chancell, being much out of Repair, and, the Family who shd. have repaired it being extinct, or incapable, was pull’d down to the Ground. A.D. 1763.

6. On an Ancient Altar Tomb close to the N. Wall, is portraied in a Plate of Brass, the Figure of an Armed Man, with the following Inscription & Coat, in Brass also. [On a fesse 3 roundels]. Hic jacet Willmus PARKER Armiger, Filius Willi Parker quondam Civis et Mceri London. qui obijt XVIII Die Mensis Junij Anno Dni. M.CCCC.XXI – cujus Aie ppicietur Deus. Amen.

7. On An Ancient Board, fix’d to the N. Wall, are following Coats & Inscription. [I. Gu. on a saltire az. (sic) 5 molets or (TAYLOR) imp. Gu. 3 swords in pale arg., hilted or, 1&3 with hilts to dexter, 2 to sinister, in an orle of 10 molets or (CHUTE).
II. (TAYLOR as above) imp. Sa. a cross gu. (sic)].
Underneath this Place lieth buried the Body of John TAYLOR, Gentleman, whose First Wife, was Elisabeth, ye Daughter of Philipe CHUTE Esq. by whom he had Issue 4 Sons & 4 Daughters, yt. is to say, John, Humphrey, Ros…./ & George, Sonnes; Susan Philip…./, E……./ & Mary, Daughters. his Second Wife was Bridget, ye Daughter of Richard /…./ BUCK, Gentleman, by whom he had Issue 2 Sonnes, & 1 Daughter, that is to say, Thomas & John Sonnes, & Elizabeth his Daughter; he always liv’d in the Fear of God peaceably, & faithfully died therin the VIIth Daye of Maye 1616, about the 90th of his Age. for whose Vertuous Remembrance, John, his youngest Sonne whom he had made sole Executor of his Will erected this Monument.

8. On Another Painted Board, on ye N. Wall. Just beneath this Place, about the Distance of 2 Feet from ye Wall lieth buried the Body of Christian ye Wife of Wm. MOORE, by whome he had Issue 1 Sonne & 2 Daughters. She was the Daughter of Edward & Alice WIGHTWICKE; &, whilst She lived, for her singular Love to her Husband & all other virtuous Disposition Shee might well have been a Pattern to all of her Sexe. She dyed, March the 12th 1653/4 to whose Remembrance her said Husband in Token of the Love he bare to her, erected this Monument.

9. On Another. Right before this Place lyeth buried the Body of Richard WELLS who while he lived walked before God & Man, in ye Person of a true honest Man; full of Zeale to all Christian Duties & in Religion a sincere Professor, in the same, most faithfully died unto God the XI Day of Feb. 1618/9 leaving behind him Richard his only Sonne by Sara his wellbeloved Wife wch. Sara, in her faithfull Remembrance, to the said Richard at her own proper Cost has erected this Monument.

10. On a Flat Stone, on ye Floor. Here lieth the Body of Alice Daughter of Nicholas SAWKINS who died April 15 1652. Aetatis suae 13. And the Body of Nicholas, the Sonne of Nicholas Sawkins who died 13 May 1652. Aetatis suae 3. /….s Travail is to an Iun-/These Children came ……./And finding nothing worth their Stay/They brake their Fast & went their Way.

11. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Humphry the Son of Edward WIGHTWICKE who died October the 16th 1627. Aetatis suae 30. As carefull Mothers unto Sleepe will lay/Their Babes, that would too long with Wonton play/ So, to prevent My Youth’s approaching Crimes/Nature, My Nurse, put Me to Bed by Times.

12. On Another. Here lieth buried the Body of Martha the Wife of George WIGHTWICKE, late of this Parish Gent. who departed this Life Dec. 22 1722. Aged 68 Years.

13. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Marye WIGHTWICKE, ye Wife of Humphrey Wightwick Gent. Daughter of Freegift STACE of Tenterden, Gent; who left Seaven Sonnes, George, Humphrey, Freegift, Thomas, Robert, Samuel & John. Hee was buried 1 Nov. …. in ye 42 Year of his Age. Here also lieth Humphrie Wightwicke Gent, Son of the said Marie, who was buried ye 1 of May 16.2, in the 21st Year of his Age. Here also lieth the Body of George Wightwick Gent, Son of the said Marie who left Issue 3 Sonnes, and 5 Daughters. He died Aug. 7 1710 in ye 59 Year of his Age.

14. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Alice late Wife of Edward WIGHTWICKE Gent ….. he had 3 Children, Humphrey ………/.

15. On Another. Here lieth interred the Body of Mary Wife of Humphry WIGHTWICKE, one of the Jurats of the Town and Port of New Romney. Daughter of Edmund MARTON late of the said Place Gent. She left Issue, Mary, Martha, Hester, Humphry, Elizabeth & Richard. She departed this Life, ye 21st of Aprill Anno Domini 1731. Aged 44 Years.

16. On Another. Here lieth Edward the Son of William & Christian MOORE, who died the Fourth of Feb. 1652/3. Aetatis suae ../.

17. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Edward the Son of Nicholas and Martha SAWKINS; who died the 12th Day of August 1653. Aetatis suae 1.

18. On Another. Here lieth the Body of Humphry WIGHTWICKE, Gent. who died March ye 2 1685/6. Aged 63 Years & left 5 Sonnes: George, Thomas, Robert, Samuel and John.

19. This Church consists of the Great, & North Chancell & the Body; in which last there is nothing worth Notice; except, that, in the Middle Window on ye North Side, is still to be seen, a pretty well painted Figure of St. Michael vanquishing ye Dragon.

20. In The Tower, which is at ye West End, hang 5 Musicall Bells, with the following Inscriptions.
   1. Praise The Lord Your King. 1728.
   2. Anthony JARVIS, C.W. S.K. fecit 1727.
   3. John TAYLOR, C.W. S.K. fecit. 1727.
   4. Samuel KNIGHT fecit. 1727.
   5. Thomas READER, Rector. S.K. made Me, 1728.

21. This Church was dedicated to St. Michael.

22. It is a Rectory, in the Gift of …../
The present Rector is the Revd. Philip HAWKINS, A.M. late of Pembroke College in Oxford.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
Freegift 13
MOORE 8, 16
READER 4, 21
SAWKINS 10, 17
TAYLOR 7, 20
WIGHTWICKE 8, 11-15, 18Places
Goudhurst 4
Maidstone The Bower 4
New Romney 15
Tenterden 13
Jurats 15

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Kingston Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Kingston Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756. Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton.

1. On ye North Wall of ye Chancel, is a Small Monument, which has 2 Figures in a kneeling Posture, upon it; and, under them ye Following Inscription. Johannes NETHERSOLE, de Nethersole, Vincenti Filius; Thomae, Johannis, Wilsfordi, Francisci, Gulielmi, Annae, Sarae, et Rebeccae, ex Peregrinâ, Francisci WILSFORDI Filiâ, Pater optimus. Natus A.D. 1546. Denatus 1627. Hic, in *illoquiesceus, expectat Diem ultimum. Tantum est caetera in utrinsq Parentis Honorem adscribenda, si isti tacerent, Lapides hi Loquerentur. Abi, Lector, benè, Itentidem merere de Tuis, Epitapluo ad Encomium, Vel non habens, non carebis. The Latter Part of this Epitaph is very unintelligible, owing, perhaps to its being not properly pointed. There appears to have been formerly a Brazen Plate with ye Arms, wch. now are lost. (on verso of flyleaf: *sc: in Domino, ut puto).

2. On ye South Wall of ye Chancel, on a neat Marble Monument is this Inscription. Hic Sitae sunt Reliquiae/Gilberti BURROUGHS, Scoto:Britanni,/Hujus Ecclesiae, per Annos viginti Sex, Rectoris./Nec non, Regiae Scholae Cantuariensis,/Hypodidascali perdiligutis./Quâ de Provinciâ, quinque post Lustra,/Sexcentos verò Labores ibidem haustos,/Demigravit; ut sibi viveret,/Accedente Senectâ./Cujus ipso in Limine,/Quinto Quinquagesimo Anno,/In Febrim delapsus,/Quod Mortale fuit Morti concessit,/Summo cum Dolore, ac Desiderio,/Omnium, quibus perspecta fuerat/Mirifica Illius adversus Superiores Libertas,/Erga Aequales Comitas, in Alumnos Lenitas,/Qui Illi secondùm Liberos suos ita fuerunt,/Ut paeuè pares essent./Uxorem habuit Margaretam, Filiam unicam/Thomae SEYLIARD, Rectoris de Deal./Morum Suavitatis, Prudentiae, et Oikovouias,/Egregium Exemplar./Dein, Janam, Filiam Tristrami STEVENS, Dulrensis./Ex Hâc, Nullam Prolem; ex Illâ, Tres Filios,/Totidem Filias, suscepit/ Gilbertus, Gulielmus, atque Anna,/Hoc Saxum, Pietatis ergo, posuerunt./Diem obiit 5 Cals. Octob./A.D. MDCCXVIII.

3. On ye North Side of ye Chancel, within ye Communion Rails, on a Marble Monument, neatly odorn’d , is ye Following Inscription. M.S. The Remains of Margaret, ye Wife of Thomas TURNER, of Ileden, Esq. by whom He had Issue, John, Thomas, William, Charles, and Henry: Mary, Martha, & Susanna; all living at ye Time of her Decease: also 2 Sons, and 3 Daughters, More, that all died young. She was humble, virtuous & religious. A Benefactor, and Physician to ye Poor; An excellent Wife, a true Friend, & indulgent Parent. She dyed at Lincoln’s Inn, 4 Aug. 1698. In ye 47th Yeare of her Age, & 26th of her Marriage. Her Body, underneath doth rest; Her Soul, (no Doubt) in Heav’n is bles’t. Gloria, in Excelsis, Deo. Also the said Thomas dyed April 1 1715 in ye 68th Year of his Age; & lies In ye same Vault. On ye Tomb are these Arms.[¼ly of 6: 1,3,5). Sa. a millrind or. 2,4,6). Erm. With THEOBALD in pretence. imp. Gu. 6 cross crosslets fitchy or, 3,2,1 (Theobald). Motto: VIRTVTE ET LABORE. 2 Crests: 1. (TURNER). On a torse, a lion seisant, holding in its dexter forepaw a millrind. 2. (Theobald). On a torse, a bird with wings expanded].
On ye Mont. is ys. Atcheivemt. (no crest). [¼ly of 6, TURNER (as above), with pretence of Theobald imp. Per bend sinister or & gu. on a bend voided & cotised 3 lions passt. all countercharged. Written round edge of shield: (Top side) In Memory of Susanna ye 2d. Wife of Thomas Turner of Ileden Esq. She died at London on the First of April Anno Dni. 1704.

4. An Atcheivement on ye South Wall of ye Chancel within ye Com. Rails.[¼ly: I. Tierced: 1). Az. 3 leopards’ heads or. 2). Arg. 2 flaunches sa. each bearing a leopard’s head or. 3). Erm. a fesse checky az. & or. II. ¼ly of 6: 1). Arg. 2 chevns. betw. 3 martlets sa. 2). Arg. a chevn. sa. betw. 3 bears’ (?) heads couped gu. 3). Arg. 2 chevns. gu. 4). Gu. 3 pickaxes arg. 5). Or, a chevn. sa. 6). Az. a chief erm. III. Tierced: 1). Arg. on a chevn. gu 3 garbs or. 2). Gu. 4 fleurs-de-lis or, 1,2,1. 3). Gu. 3 crescents arg. a aborder erm. IV. ¼ly of 6. 1). Sa. a fret or. 2). Arg. a leopard gu. 3). Sa. a spreadeagle or. 4). Gu. 2 bars arg. on a canton arg. a lion passant sa. 5). Az. 3 swans arg. 6). Arg. a bend az.].
5. Another. [BARRETT of Lee, accg. to NAIRNE’s list sent to PARSONS). [¼ly: 1&4). Or, a chevron sa. bearing 3 lions passt. or, betw. 3 molets sa. 2). Az. on a bend arg. 3 stags’ heads caboshed or. 3). Az. 3 stags trippant or. In pretence: Or, 3 roses gu. imp. Or, 3 roses gu. Crest: On a torse or & sa. a leopard coucht. or, holding in its forepaws a molet sa.
6. On ye South Side of ye Chancel without ye Rails on a Mural Monument of White Marble, is this Inscription. [Az. 3 leopards’ heads or]. Near This Place, lies interrd, ye Body of Vincent DENNE Esq. Serjeant at Law; and Mary his Wife, Daughter of Thomas Denne Esq. deceas’d. By wch. said Mary, He had Issue, 4 Daughters, Dorothy, Mary, Bridget and Honeywood; Which 3 last are all dead. And, ye said Dorothy, ye surviving Sister, who Is ye Widow & Relict of Thomas GINDER Esq. deceas’d, Caused This Monument to be set up, in Mem’ry of her Said Father, and Mother. He departed this Life ye 28 October 1693. Aged 65. She departed this Life ye 19 November 1701. Aged 78. Over it is this Atcheivement.
(Thomas Godfrey. FAUSSETT queries this as CRISPE).[On a lozenge, ¼ly of 6: 1). Az. 3 leopards’ heads or (DENNE). 2). Arg. 2 flaunches sa. each bearing a leopard’s head or (Denne). 3). Erm. a fesse checky or & *sa. (CRISPE). (G. note: Quex). *Parsons has az. 4. Arg. on a chevn. gu. 3 garbs or. 5). Arg. a fesse betw. 3 griffins’ heads erased az. 6). Gu. 3 crescents or, a border erm.].
7. On a Flat Stone wth. a Brass Plate. In ye Chancell. Here lyeth John HASLYN, that was Pson. of Kingstone, 28 Years. He had to Wyfe, Margaret HOGBINN; and, he had Children, by her, Mary, John, Joane, and Alfry. HEE (sic) died A.D. 1600. Die Augusti. 24.

8. On Another Flat Stone, with a Brass Plate. In ye Chancell. Robertus DENNE, charus Pauperibus, caeteris dilectus, Exiguo Vitae/Curriculo rectè et laudatè confecto, Ardente Febri, immaturam/Mortem obijt. Ex Unicâ Uxore, Thomasina, Filios quinque, duasq/Filias, Superstites relinquens, Vicessimo Septimo Die Mensis Martij,/Anno Domini, Millessimo, Quingentessimo, Nonagesimo Quarto. Ann/Aetatis suae agues Quadragessimum Quintum.

9. On a pew, in ye Chancel, this Inscription is cut in ye Wood. HEARE LIETH ALES HASLIN BVRIED IN THIS PLASE WHO MADE A VIRTIVS END ONLY BY GODS GRACE YE ZI OF APRI. 1597.

10. In ye South Wall of ye Chancell, is a very Old Flat Stone under an Arch, which appears to have had brass upon it, wch. is now lost. There are also 3 other Flat Stones in ye Chancell whose Brass is gone.

11. On ye North Wall of ye Body of ye Church is ye Following Inscription, on a very handsome Marble Monument.[3 shields, a large flanked by two small. I.(small). ¼ly of 6, as before (TURNER). ¼g. the impaled coat as before for Thos. Turner. II. (small). Turner. III. (large) as I. imp. ¼ly of 6: 1,3,5). Purp. 2,4,6). Or. 2). charged wth. a bull’s head erased sa. 4&6). With a garb gu. Crest: Turner as before].
12. The Atcheivement for Lady LOMBE which hangs near the Monument. [In a lozenge az. TURNER, the shield surrounded with ornaments gu. & or].
To the Precious Memory of/Thomas TURNER,/Son of John Turner, of Ileden, Esq. and Hannah his Wife,/Daughter of Thomas LOWFIELD, of Surrey, Esq./Whose Duty to God, his Parents, Relations, and Friends/Express’d in a Course of early Piety, & strict Probity,/Made him, sooner than ordinary, ripe for Heaven./Immodicis, brevis est Aetas, et rara Senectus./He was expert in Business;/And, of such sweet and affable Deportment,/As, made him much belov’d in his Life,/And more lamented at his Death; being but 23 Years old./He died at Drapers Hall, London 21 April 1722;/And, lies buried here, in a New Vault.
Hic, si casta Fides, Juvenumve Exempla piorum,/Quid poterat, nondum debuit ille mori./Sed voluit Deus haec; et dignum vivere Terris/Praeripuit; Caelo quòd Magè dignus erat.
The said John Turner had 3 other Children. Elisabeth, since married to Sr. Thomas LOMBE, of London, Merchant. And John, and Susanna, who died Infants. Here also lies ye said John Turner, Who departed this Life ye 13th Day of July 1747. In ye 73d. Year of his age.
The above Sr. Thomas LOMBE departed this Life, The 3d. of January 1738(9) aged 53, and left Issue Two Daughters, Hannah, ye eldest, married to Sr. Robt. CLIFTON, Bt. and Knt. of ye Bath. The Youngest, Mary Turner, married to ye Right Honourable James, EARL OF LAUDERDALE. Dame Elisabeth Lombe, Relict of Sr. Thomas Lombe, and Daughter of ye above John and Hannah Turner, departed this Life ye 18 of November 1753. Aged 52. And both are interred In this Vault.

13. In ye Ile in ye Body of ye Church, lies a Flat Stone; the Brass, on which ye Inscription was engraved, is torn off, and one half of it is lost; what now remains of it, and is preserv’d in ye Parish Chest is as follows. Hic Jacet Dns. Thomas BOTILLER, E… Obijt 12 Die Octobris Anno Dni. Mille …../ At each of ye Corners of this stone is fix’t a Brass Plate, in form of an Escucheon, or Shield; on ye First and Fourth of which, is engraved, an Ox; on ye Second and third, a Sheep; and, under Each, A graczar. There are still ye Brass Figures of a Man, and 8 Children (1 Son and 7 Daughters). The Figure of a Woman is torn off.

14. This Church is Small, but very Neat, and adorn’d with a very handsome Altar Peice, by Thomas BARRET Esq. of Lee in Littlebourne, in this County, who is ye Patron of ye Rectory, wch. is worth abt. 80 Pz. Year, clear.

15. There has formerly been good Painted Glass in ye Windows, as appears from some little of it still remaining. It has a neat Tower, embattled on ye Top, in wch. hang 3 Small Bells.
The First Bell has no Inscription.
The Second – Joseph HATCH made Me. 1610.
The Third – Ave Maria, Gracia Plena, Dns. Tecum.

16. The Church is dedicated to St. Michael (error for Giles). The Revd. Peter INNES A.M. is the present Rector. 1756.

17. Thomas BARRET Esq. is Lord of ye Manor of Kingstone.

18. On the Left Hand of ye Road, as You ascend ye Hill, from the Bridge, in this Parish, to ye Top of ye Downe, towards Ileden, are a great Many Tumuli; most of them very round and fair. I, this Year, 1767, by ye Permission of the Revd. Mr Dejoyas BYRCH, ye Psent. Lord of the Manor, opend no less than 54 of them. As I intend, God willing, to give a separate Account of them & their Contents, it will be sufficient, for ye present only to say, that, I am pretty sure, they are Roman; at least, Roman British; and, that, ye Person’s here deposited, were ye Ancient Inhabitants of this or some of ye Neighbouring Parishes, who had adopted the Roman Customs – certain, however, it is, that, they were not slain in Battle, as some have imagined, but, that they were Peaceable People, of both Sexes, & of different Ages. Those few indeed who had their Arms buried with them, I imagine, had formerly been Soldiers. This Year (viz: 1771) I opened no less than 174 more – by which I am fully convinc’d of my above Opinion.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
DENNE 6, 8
TURNER 3, 11, 12
Ileden 3, 13
Lee in Littlebourne 5, 14
London 12
   Drapers Hall 12
   Lincoln’s Inn 2
Surrey 12
Merchant 12
Serjeant at Law 6

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Kenardington Church

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Kenardington Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan. Transcribed and typed up by Dawn Weeks.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s at Kenardington.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.

Screen forming vestry at North West corner
1. BD CW 1717 (probably Benjamin DOWNE who died 1919. See inscription 6 leaves on.)

2. Brass north wall too men of parish died in Great War 1914-18
          Albert Sydney BRIDGER, ????
          Tom BRIDGER, East Kent
          Albert Reginald BROWN, Leicester
          William John JOY, ???
          James Bridgland PEARSON, Grenadier Guards
          Francis WILLIS, Sussex

3. Brass in chancel To Sydney Brooke LOBB MA Oxon, 27 years Vicar, Rector and patron of Kennardington died at The Rectory 28 April 1900 aged 63. Interred in the grave of his brother Arthur Frederick Lobb near south door of the church.Tablet is erected by his wife Geraldine Irene Lobb.

4. Benefactions of Margaret LOWES? of this parish died 15 July 1557. 4 shillings? out of Plummer Land between the Feast of All Saints and the Feast of the Nativity of our Saviour Christ and 5 shillings? a year out of Smith Farm.
5. Alter tomb east of porch William BARNES died 6 February 1800 aged 73 Also Mary his wife 12 January 1805 aged 72. Elizabeth Wightwich daughter of William and Mary Barnes died 10 January 1779 aged 22.

6. Altar tomb in rails east of haven? William Edward KINGSNORTH of this parish yeoman died 3 October 1818 aged 36. Also Edward his son died 2 April 1818 aged 7. Leaving issue by Mary his wife one son and 3 daughters Adolphus, Frances, Mary and Emma. Mary his wife afterwards wife of Mr Thomas BAYDEN of Brenzette died 10 October 1855 aged 68. Adolphus Kingsnorth of Brook- land died 23 March 1878 aged 60. Harriette his wife died 19 September 1872 aged 61.
North East of church
7. Richard FOORD died February ye 11 1775 aged 79. Mary Foord his wife died 19 August 1768 aged (?)65. Left issue 1 son 1 daughter Stephen and Sarah.

8. Flat in rails David STANDEN died 28 January 1878 aged 60. Maria Jane his wife died 16 March 1898 aged 79.
9. To our dear parents, John Brahof? SWIFT died 9 June 1907 aged 59. Sophia Swift, wife of above died 11 December 1905 aged 48. Thomas Swift, son of above, died 30 November 1898 aged 21. Frances Fanny Swift daughter of above died 5 April 1895 aged 1 year 11 months.

10. Elizabeth CARMAN of this parish died 3 May 1872 Left surviving 1 son and 1 daughter, Thomas and Mary Ann. Thomas Carman died 22 April 1899 aged 59 and Alice his wife died 3 July 1901 aged 59.
East of church
11. Head and altar in rails Stephen eldest son of Stephen and Susannah SAMSON of Newchurch died 26 May 1826 aged 13 years and 6 months.

12. Altar Erected by Frederic SAMSON (of) Smeeth in memory of his sister Elizabeth Samson who was born 30 April 1816 and died 9 July 1875.

13. ??? William EDMEADS???? late of Mereworth died 29 April 1872 aged 78.

14. Coped in rails Joseph KINGSNORTH of this parish, yeoman died 2 August 1867 aged 47. Left widow and 6 children

15. ???? Elizabeth Jane KINGSNORTH died May 9 1872 aged 14.

16. ?? coped in rails ? a child KINGSNORTH no inscription.

17. Coped in rails Elizabeth wife of Thomas KINGSNORTH late of this parish died 12 April 1863 aged 76. Thomas Kingsnorth late of this parish, yeoman, died 10 September 1864 aged 78. Left issue Harriette, Joseph, Alfred and Elizabeth.

18. Low with raised cross Mary Ann wife of Burren BROWN of Appledore died 26 November 1848 aged 47.

19. Low with raised cross Burren BROWN of Appledore died 23 February 1887 aged 90.

20. Low with raised cross Elizabeth second wife of Burren BROWN of Appledore. Died 5 December 1882 aged 78.

21. John DURRANT late of the parish of Appledore died 26 April 1855 aged 71. Left surviving Ann his widow and one son William. Ann his wife died 11 July 1879 aged 89 years and 2 months.

22. William DURRANT of the parish of Woodchurch died 15 October 1857 aged 75. Left surviving Sarah his widow She died 15 March 1861 aged 68.
South of Church
23. William HEASMAN late of Woodchurch died 7 April 1834 aged 73. Hannah his wife died 24 April 1846 aged 87 Issue 1 daughter Hannah.

24. Large head with top gone Footstone BP 1861

25. Thomas Walter GUNTON Rector of this parish for nearly 15 years. Died 14 January 1916 aged 64.

26. To Charles Henry and Martha ?????? his wife daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Kingsnorth of this parish

27. Arthur Frederick LOBB Died 17 March 1898 aged 63.

28. Skerrett HOLMES-WHORWOOD died 30 March 1904 aged 51.
South West by yew
29. Annie wife of Henry BROWNE and youngest daughter of Richard Springett of this parish died at Woodchurch 15 August 1892 aged 25.

30. Mary WILKENS relick (sic) of John Wilkins and daughter of Daniel Hadlar of Kennardington who departed this life 12 June 1767 aged 65 and left nephew and neece viz Henry and Elizabeth Long.

31. Daniel son of John WILKENS by Mary his wife daughter of Daniel Hadlar. He died 18 April 1747 aged 15 years.

32. Old double headed stone, all upper part gone. / MUN…………./ depart ……….. his / life Fe …………8 / 1711 / aged 63 /…………./ …………/…………………ye / ………………..?????/ …………………this / ………………ye 25 / ………………. / ……………..years / Here also lyeth ye body of John MUNK he departed this life the ……. day of (?O…..) ………… 78 years.
In angle by Tower West of Nave
33. Altar in rails Henry KINGSNORTH of this parish died 21 April 1816 aged 75. Having a large family by Elizabeth his wife and left surviving 4 sons and 2 daughters, John, Jacob, Joseph, Edward, Susanna and Elizabeth. Also Elizabeth his wife who died 30 December ……aged 77.
West of Church
34. Thomas MORRIS died 18 August 1730 aged 64. Anne died October ye (?24) 1733 aged ----- (gone).

35. Edward WELLSTED died 20 April 1872 aged 61. Had issue by Eliza his wife 4 sons and 6 daughters, Frederick-Wilton, Stephen, Kate, Edwin, Priscilla, Eliza, Ellen, Emmer, Edward and Charlotte Ditton. Eliza died 31 July 1864 aged 15 years and 5 months. Eliza his wife died 24 June 1896 in 81st year.

36. Mary wife of Thomas NOAKES died January 1 1761 aged 22.

37. Thomas NOAKES died 16 June 1755 aged 60. Margaret his wife died 11 June 1765 aged 61. He left issue by Margaret his wife 5 children, Mary, Margaret Thomas, Robert and Elizabeth.

38. William WELLSTED died 20 January 1884 aged 72. Harriott his wife died October 14 1895 aged 80. Leaving issue Charles, Mary Ann, William, Maria, Edward, Charlotte, Ellen, Samuel and John.
North West
39. Elizabeth wife of Henry KINGSNORTH died November ye 8 1747 aged 32. Henry Kingsnorth died 28 January 1776 aged 65. She left issue by him 5 children Mary, Margaret, Henry, Elizabeth and Susannah.

40. Benjamin so--- Benjamin DOWNE died April 28 1740 aged (?64). Left issue 2 sons and 2 daughters Benjamin, Joseph, Mary and Elizabeth. Mary his wife. She died May 12 --- (gone).

41. Benjamin DOWNE ye elder and Susan his wife. He died November ye 1 1719 aged 73. She died November ye 9 1706 (no age).

42. Benjamin DOWNE died 4 December 1803 aged 65. Mary his wife died 22 December 1801 aged 56 and 4 children who died in infancy.

43. Benjamin DOWNE late of Ashford (Gentleman) died 15 March 1846 aged 76. Elizabeth his wife died 9 June 1854 aged 79. Left issue 2 sons Benjamin and William.

44. John BROWN late of Griffin Farm, Appledore, born 5 October 1833 died 29 October 1909.

45. John BROWN of Bethersden died 13 June 1890 aged 79. Susannah his wife died 1 March 1886 aged 81. Left surviving 2 sons and 3 daughters Ann, John, Frederick, Eliza and Susannah.

46. Samuel BRITTON of this parish died 10 October 1884 aged 62. Lucy his wife died 27 January 1885 aged 60.

47. Robert WELLSTED died 10 October 1868 aged 66. Sarah his wife 1 November 1849 aged 44.

48. John KINGSNORTH died 27 July 1832 aged 63. Ann his wife died 20 October 1826 aged 53. Left surviving 4 daughters Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Susanna and Amelia
By Tower (North side)
49. Elizabeth WICKING died 12 April 1825 aged 79. Left surviving George, Henry and Elizabeth

4 July 1921

Index of Names and Places

Name Index
Barnes 5
Bayden 6
Bridger 2
Britton 46
Brown 2 18 19 20 44 46
Browne 29
Carman 10
Downe 1 40 41 42 43

Durrant 21 22
Edmeads 13
Foord 7
Gunton 25
Hadlar 30 31
Heasman 23
Holmes-Whorwood 28
Joy 2
Kingsnorth 6 14 15 16 17 26 33 39 48Lobb 3 27
Long 30
Lowes 4
Morris 34
Munk 32
Noakes 36 37
Pearson 2
Samson 11 12
Springett 29
Standen 8
Swift 9
Wellsted 35 38 47
Wicking 49
Wightwich 5
Wilkens 30 31
Wilkins 30
Willis 2

Places Index
Appledore 18 19 20 21
Griffin Farm 44
Ashford 43
Bethersden 44
Brenzette 6
Brookland 6

Kenardington 30
Mereworth 13
Newchurch 11
Plummer Land 4
Smeeth 12
Smith Farm 4
Woodchurch 22 23 29General
East Kent Regiment??? 2
Gentleman 43
Grenadier Guards 2
Leicester Regiment??? 2
Rector 3 25
Sussex Regiment??? 2
Vicar 3
Yeoman 6 14 17

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