Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott

Three sulungs and a fourth at Bromhey with a fishery and swine-pastures, 801

Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 135v-136v by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Coenwulf of Mercia and Cuthred of Kent grant to Swithun, minister, for his good service and his money, three sulungs and a fourth one nearby at Bromhey, with the use of a fishery and four swine-pastures (801). A note of Swithun’s bequest of the land to St Andrew’s follows. Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 135v-136v by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Campbell, no. 16. On 135v several words have been underlined in a fainter, brown ink. At 136r there is the annotation ‘bocland’ (‘bookland’) in the right margin, written in a later hand.


135v (select folio number to open facsimile)

+ Regnante et adiuuante nos deo et domino nostro
iesu christo, ego coenuulfus gratia dei rex
merciorum, anno v.o imperii nostri, una cum
fratre meo cuðredo rege scilicet cantua-
riorum, dabo in perpetuam possessionem suiðhune
nostro in commune ministro modicam telluris por-
tionem trium scilicet aratrorum ubi nominatur
aet bromgehaege in prouincia cantię, et unius
aratri adiacentem altera terra quod uocatur aeðiluul-
fing lond adiecto uno piscatorio on tæmise
flumine ubi dicitur fiscnæs, adiectis iiii. denbe-
ris in commune saltu id est on cæster sæta walda,
his locis aet otan sihtre, ⁊ aet crangabyrum,
⁊ aet frecinghyrte, ⁊ aet haeseldenne predicto
uiro uel eius posteris sub perpetua libertate
concedimus cum omnibus ad se pertinentibus rebus


pro eius beneplacabile pecunia simul et deuoti fa-
mulatus sui parientia, ut habeat et posside-
at quam diu uiuat, et post se cui uoluerit re-
linquat in sempiternam possessionem eo uideli-
cet iure si ipse nobis et optimatibus nostris fide-
lis manserit minister, et inconuulsus amicus.
+ Ego coenuulfus rex donationem meam signo
crucis confirmo. + Signum manus cuðredi re-
gis cantuariorum. + Signum manus ceolberhti du-
cis. + Signum manus berhthuni et byrnwaldi
comitum. Hoc item secunda die pascę adfirmant
coram rege cuðredo in urbe cantuariorum archiepiscopus
aeðilheard, ⁊ merciorum abbas daeghelm cum
optimatibus quorum hic scripta sunt nomina.
+ Aeðilheard archiepiscopus. + Daeghelm presbiter
abbas. + Heaberht. + Osuulf. + Egnulf. + Alh-
mund. + Beornheard. + Esne. + Ealdberht. + Haehfrið.
+ Ealdberht. + Osmod. + Wiohthert. + Bealðheth.
Quomodo suiðun hanc terram sibi datam a re-
gibus, concessit sancto andreae post obitum suum.
+ Ego swiðun post obitum meum trado terram
huius libelli pro remedio animę meae
omnibusque sibi pertinentibus sancte andreę in perpetuum.
Et si quis augerit, ęternam uitam tribuat ei deus,


si quis tunc minuere uoluerit, mortem supplicium
cum diabolo in ęternum sit passus.


+ By our reigning and sustaining God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, I will bestow on you by the grace of God King of the Mercians, in the 5th year of our empire, along with my brother Cuthred, King of the Kentishmen, I will give to Swithun our common minister a small portion of the earth, namely, the three plows where he is named Bromhey in the province of Kent, and the land adjoining another one plow, which is called Aeðwulf Land, with the addition of one fishery on the River Thames, where it is called Furs, an addition of 4 in commune saltu id est on cæster sæta walda, in these places at Otan Sihtre, and at Crangabyrum, and at Frecinghyrte, and at Haeselden to the aforesaid man or his posterity, we grant under perpetual freedom with all matters pertaining to him for his good money at the same time also bearing his devout service, that he may possess, and possess as long as he lives, and leave behind him to whomever he wishes to be in perpetual possession by the right, if he himself remain a faithful servant to us and our nobles, and a good friend.

+ I, King Coenwulf, confirm my gift with the sign of the cross.

+ Signed by the hand of Cudred, King of Kent.

+ Signed by the hand of Duke Ceolberht.

+ Sign of the hand of Berthhun and Byrnwald of the community. They also assert this on the second day of Easter before King Cuðred, in the city of Canterbury, Archbishop Aeðilheard, bbot of the Mercians, together with the nobles whose names are here written.

+ Archbishop Aeðilheard.

+ Abbot Daeghelm the presbiter.

+ Heaberht.

+ Osuulf.

+ Egnulf.

+ Alhmund.

+ Beornheard.

+ Esne.

+ Ealdberht.

+ Haehfrið.

+ Ealdberht.

+ Osmod.

+ Wiohthert.

+ Bealðheth.

How Swithun bequethed this land, granted to him by the king, to Saint Andrew’s after his death:

+ I, Swithun, after my death, hand over the land of this book for the relief of my soul and all that belongs to Saint Andrew forever. And if any man should increase, may God grant him eternal life; if any one then wish to diminish, he would suffer death and punishment with the devil forever.

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Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott

The same half a sulung and a marsh in Bromhey, 779

King Ecgberht II of Kent again grants half a sulung and a marsh to Deora in Bromhey (779). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 130r-130v by Jacob Scott (pending review).

King Ecgberht II of Kent again grants half a sulung and a marsh to Deora in Bromhey (779). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 130r-130v by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Campbell, no. 10. The text begins with a red display initial ‘I’ and is marked by a large, black cross in the left margin.


130r (select folio number to open facsimile)

Item de bromgehege;
+ IN nomine domini nostri iesu christi.
Cum quis religiosorum uirorum fideliter deo famu-
lantibus ex temporalibus terrenisque substantiis
donare decreuerit, hoc pro certo christo dona-
tori bonorum omnium redonare constat. Vnde
et ego egcberht rex cantię tibi uenerando
dioran hrofensis ęcclesię antistiti trado di-
midiam partem unius aratri contiguam uidelicet
eiusdem quantitatis terrulam, in regione uo-
cabulo bromieheg, a me antea traditae.

Insuper et adiciam mariscem pertinentem ad aridam


et ad aquę ripam iaenlade habentem quasi
quinquaginta iugerum, et ut in tua sit facul-
tate in perpetuum habendam possidendam traden-
damque cuicunque elegeris hominum, et si quis
tam ausus sit hanc donationem meam infringere
temptauerit, sit anathema maranatha.

Hanc cartulam in sua stabilitate manentem con-
sentientibus religiosis personis et subscriben-
tibus signo crucis christi roboraui quorum nomina
cum propriis infra notentur signaculis. Actum
anno ab incarnatione christi dcclxxix. in ci-
uitate supradicta. + Ego ecgberhtus donator
signum crucis christi impressi. + Signum manus
boba. + Signum manus balthard. + Signum manus
uuealhard. + Signum manus banta. + Signum
manus billnoth. + Signum manus osuulf. + Si-
gnum manus bubba. + Signum manus balthard.


Likewise concerning Bromhey:

+ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When any of the religious men who faithfully serve God decides to donate from temporal and earthly goods, it is certain to give back this for certain to Christ, the donor of all goods. Whence also I, Egberht, King of Kent, in honouring the venerable Dioran, bishop of the church of Rochester, hand over to you one half part of an adjoining plow, namely a small piece of the same size, in the region under the name of Bromhey, which was formerly delivered by me. Moreover, I will also add a marsh that extends to dry land and to the waters bank of about fifty acres, and that it may be in your capacity in perpetuity to possess and deliver over to any man whatever you choose. And if anyone so dare to attempt to break this donation let him be accursed.

This document, which remains in its stable state, with the consent of the religious persons and those who signed it with the sign of the cross of Christ, validated their names with their respective seals below. Enacted in the year from the Incarnation of Christ 779, in the above-mentioned city.

+ I Egbert, the donor, signed with the cross of Christ.

+ Signed by the hand of Boba.

+ Signed by the hand of Balthard.

+ Signed by the hand of Wealhard.

+ Signed by the hand of Banta.

+ Signed by the hand of Billnoth.

+ Signed by the hand of Oswulf.

+ Signed by the hand of Bubba. Signed by the hand of Balthard.

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Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott

Half a sulung and a marsh at Bromhey, Kent, 778

King Ecgberht II of Kent grants to Bishop Deora of Rochester half a sulung and a marsh at Bromhey, Kent (778). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 129r-130r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

King Ecgberht II of Kent grants to Bishop Deora of Rochester half a sulung and a marsh at Bromhey, Kent (778). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 129r-130r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Campbell, no. 9. This was probably copied from the tenth-century, single sheet document, British Library, Cotton Charters, viii. 34. Campbell: ‘This charter seems genuine, although the extant single sheet may be later than the time of grant, and in any event the boundaries are a subsequent addition.’ The text begins with a green initial ‘I’ and is marked by a large, black cross in the left margin. The boundaries are written in Old English, beginning line 2, folio 130r: ‘on eastan’ (‘in the east’).


129r (select folio number to open facsimile)

De bromgehege;

+ IN nomine domini nostri iesu christi. Pietatis bene-
ficium quod quisque fidelium pro christi reuerentia
seruo dei fideliter domino seruienti misericorditer
contulerit, christo hoc conferre dinoscitur.

Nam ipse in fine mundi ad electos suos loquens
dicturus est . Cum uni ex minimis meis feci-
stis, michi fecistis. Iccirco ego egcberhtus rex
cantiae, hanc dominicam sententiam memoriter re-
tinens, et piis operibus deo instigante adimple-
re curabo, tibi dioran hrofensis ęcclesię an-
tistiti aliquam partem terrę iuris mei liben-
ter concedo, id est dimidiam unius aratri par-
tem ubi nominatur bromgeheg, simul et ma-


riscem uocabulo scaga, et ut per omne ab hac die
et deinceps subsequens tempus cum notissimis
terminis omnibusque utilitatibus ad eam rite pertinen-
tibus tuo proprio iuri ęternaliter habendam possiden-
dam tradendamque cuicumque hominum uolueris
hilari concedo animo. Huius autem marisci ter-
minus, est aqua pene undique circumperfusa. Si quis
ergo heredum successorumque meorum contra hanc piam
donationem meam uenire fuerit ausus et teme-
rare eam inuido maliuoloque temptauerit animo,
sit anathema maranatha. Manente hac car-
tula in sua nichilominus stabilitate, quam robora-
re propria manu curaui, et alios idoneos religio-
sosque testes ut id ipsum agerent adhibui, quorum
nomina infra caraxata continentur. Actum anno
dominicę incarnationis dcclxxviii. in ciuitate do-
rouerni. + Ego egcberhtus rex cantię, hanc
donationem meam signo crucis Christi roboraui.
+ Ego iaenberhtus archiepiscopus testis consentiens
subscripsi. + Signum manus escuualdi presbiteri.
+ Signum manus uban. + Signum manus boban.
+ Signum manus uualhard. + Signum manus ubban.
+ Signum manus aldhun. + Signum manus sigired.
+ Signum manus esni. + Signum eaniardi.


Huic uero terrę adiacent pratę ubi dicitur hreodham,
in iiii.or locis. In uno loco xvii. agros, on eastan
clifwara gemære, ⁊ on suðan tucincgnæs,
⁊ on wæstan culinga gemære, ⁊ on norðan.
Et in alio loco xii. agros, on eastan is culinga
gemære, ⁊ on suðan clifwara gemære, ⁊ on
westan, ⁊ on norðan. Et in tertio loco vii.
agros, be eastan is mearcfleot, ⁊ be suðan,
⁊ be westan ⁊ be norðan is clifwara gemære.
Et in quarto loco vi. agros, be eastan is clif-
wara gemære, ⁊ be suðan is culinga gemære,
⁊ be westan is ⁊ be norðan clifwara gemære.


Concerning Bromhey:

+ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The benefit of piety, that each one of the faithful has a reverence for Christ as the merciful servant of God, is determined to confer this on Christ.

For he himself will say at the end of the world, speaking to his chosen ones, "When you did it for one of the least of mine, you did it to me." For this reason I, Egbert, King of Kent, remembering this Sunday sentence, and will take care to fulfill it at the instigation of God's pious works, will willingly grant to you Dioran, bishop of the church of Rochester, some part of the land of my right; so that, from this day forward, one-half of the plow in the part named Bromhey, the same time as the marsh, by the name of Scaga, and as from this day and the following period, with the best known terms and all the interests duly pertaining to it, to your own right, I will for ever permit you to possess and deliver it to whatever people you want with a cheerful mind. But the boundary of this marsh is surrounded by water almost everywhere. If, therefore, any one of my heirs and successors has dared to come against this pious gift, and attempt to violate it with an envious and malevolent spirit, let him be accursed. While this document was nevertheless in its own stability, which I had taken care to strengthen by my own hand, I also summoned other competent and religious witnesses to do the same, whose names are contained in the letter below. Act in the year of our Lord's Incarnation 778 in the city of Canterbury.

+ I, Egbert, King of Kent, have validated my gift with the sign of the cross of Christ.

+ I, Archbishop Jaenbert, a consenting witness, signed.

+ Sign of the hand of Escuwald the priest.

+ Sign of the hand of Uban.

+ Sign of the hand of Boban.

+ Sign of the hand of Walhard.

+ Sign of the hand Ubban.

+ Sign of the hand of Aldhun.

+ Sign by the hand of Sigired.

+ Sign of the hand of Esni.

+ Sign of the hand of Eaniard.

But adjacent to this land, where it is called Hreodham, in four places. In one place 17 fields, on eastan Clifwara gemære, and on south Tucincgnæs, and on West Cooling gemære, and on the north.

And in another place 12 fields, on the east is Cooling gemære, and on the south Clifwara gemære, and on the west, and on the north. And in the third place of 12 fields, by east is Mearcfleot, and by south, and by west, and by north is Clifwara gemære. And in the fourth place fields, by east is Clifwara gemære, and by South is Cooling gemære, and by west and by North is Clifwara gemære.

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Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott Textus Roffensis Jacob Scott

A sulung at Bromhey, 789

King Offa of Mercia grants a sulung at Bromhey to Bishop Wærmund and the church at Rochester (789). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 132r-133r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

King Offa of Mercia grants a sulung at Bromhey to Bishop Wærmund and the church at Rochester (789). Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 132r-133r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Campbell, no. 14. The text begins with a green display initial ‘I’ and is marked by a large, black cross in the left margin.


132r (select folio number to open facsimile)

Item de bromgehege.

+ IN nomine domini nostri iesu christi >saluatoris<. Si ea quę secundum
decreta canonum ac statuta synodalia salu-
briter definiuntur, quamuis sermo solus ad te-
stimonium sufficere possit, at tamen ob incer-
tam futurorum temporum conditionem firmissimis
scripturarum indiciis et cautionem cyrographis


sunt roboranda. Quoniam quidem sepe ex ignorantia, sepe
quod est execrabilius ex improbitate contingit,
ut denegatio rerum uere et recte gestarum
nascatur. Qua propter ego offa rex merciorum tibi
uuaermundo antistiti necnon et ęcclesię quae
sita est in castro quod nominatur hrofescaester
trado terram unius aratri ubi nominatur broom-
geheg cum certissimis terrę huius limitibus,
quę habet ab oriente uuiodafleot, a meridie
uero fons quidam et fossa circumdata, et ex inde
sepis quędam, itemque fossata ab occidente et no-
tis signis designatur, ab aquilone mariscem uo-
cabulo scaga, quam etiam circumfluit iaegnlaad.
Hanc autem terram tibi tradendam et possiden-
dam et ęcclesię usui mancipandam, quam tu iure
gubernas concedo. Si quis uero successorum meorum uel
principum hanc donationem meam immutare
temptauerit, sit anathema maranatha usque
dum dominus ueniat qui iudicaturus est orbem
terrę in aequitate. Hanc cartulam signaculo cru-
cis christi confirmare uolens proprio manu necnon
et alios religiosos adhibui testes quorum nomina
infra adnotentur. Actum anno dominicae incar-
nationis dcclxxxix. in loco ubi dicitur celchyð.


+ Ego offa rex merciorum hanc supradictam do-
nationem meam signo sanctę crucis christi roboraui.
+ Ego iaenberhtus gratia dei archiepiscopus consensi
et subscripsi. + Ego hygeberht archiepiscopus sub-
scripsi. + Ego ceoluulf episcopus subscripsi. + Ego
heardraed episcopus subscripsi. + Ego unuuona
episcopus subscripsi. + Ego cyneberht episcopus subscri-
psi. + Ego ealghearhd episcopus subscripsi.
+ Ego eadgar episcopus subscripsi. + Ego ealgmund
abbas subscripsi. + Ego beonna abbas subscripsi.
+ Signum manus ecgfrithi regis merciorum. + Si-
gnum manus berhtuualdi. + Signum manus ead-
baldi. + Signum manus brordan. + Signum manus
aethilheardi. + Signum manus ceolmundi. + Si-
gnum manus ubban. + Signum manus heaberhti.
+ Signum manus forðredi. + Signum manus uuigcgan.
+ Signum manus ceolheardi.


Likewise concerning Bromhey:

+ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ >savior<. If those things which are beneficially defined according to the decrees of the canons and synodal statutes, although speech alone may be sufficient for evidence, yet, on account of the uncertain future condition of the times, must be strengthened with the most solid evidence of the Scriptures and a bill of crypts[?].

Since, indeed, it often happens from ignorance, that which is more execrable from dishonesty occurs, so that the denial of things truly and rightly may arise. For which reason I shot the king of the Mercians, to you Waermundo the bishop and to the church which is situated in the castle which is named Rochester I hand over the land of one plow where it is named Broomgeheg with certain limits of this land, which has on the east uuiodafleot, on the south a certain spring and ditch surrounded and it is denoted some fences, and likewise ditches on the west and north denoted by signs, from the north marsh by the name of Scaga, which also flows around Iagnlaad.

This land is to be handed over to you, to be possessed, and to be handed over to the use of the church, which you are rightfully governer. But if any of my successors or princes should attempt to change this gift of mine, let him be accursed until he comes as the lord who will judge the world in justice. It was my desire to confirm this document with the seal of the cross of Christ in my own hand, as well as other religious witnesses whose names are to be recorded below. Enacted in the year of our Lord's Incarnation 789 in the place which is called Celchyð.

+ I, Offa, king of Mercia, have validated my gift with the sign of the holy cross of Christ.

+ I, Jaenbert, archbishop by the grace of God, agreed and signed.

+ I, Hygeberht, archbishop, subscribed.

+ I, Ceoluulf, bishop, subscribed.

I, Bishop Heardraed subscribed.

+ I, Bishop Unuuona, subscribed. + I, Bishop Cyneberht subscribed. + I, Bishop Ealghearhd subscribed.

+ I, Bishop Edgar subscribed.

+ I, Abbot Ealgmund, subscribed.

+ I, Abbot Beonna subscribed.

+ Signed by the hand of Egfrith, king of the Mercians.

+ Signed by the hand of Berhtwaldi. Signed by the hand of Eadbald.

+ Signed by the hand of Brordan. Signed by the hand of Aethilheard.

+ Signed by the hand of Ceolmund.

+ Signed by the hand of Ubban.

+ Signed by the hand of Heaberht. Signed by the hand of Forðred.

+ Signed by the hand of Wigcgan. Signed by the hand of Ceolheard.

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