Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Lyminge Church

One Monumental Inscription in the churchyard of Lyminge Church, noted by Leland L. Duncan. Transcribed and typed up by Christine Pantrey. Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756, added 18th March 2008.

The following is as far as possible an exact transcription of Mr L.L. Duncan's field notebook for the M.I.s in the Folkestone area where he seems have stayed during September and October 1891.  His notebook written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site leaves something to be desired. The paper of the notebook has over time become somewhat dirty and aged but is an immensely valuable record of that date.

272. In the chancel floor is a slab: Here Lieth Buryed the Body of Nicholas SAWKINS gent. who being of this Parish Departed this life the 8th day of May 1647 aged 54 yeares. Having issue two sonnes and five daughters.

Lyminge 1st October 1891.

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Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1756, added 18th March 2008

In The Chancell.
1. Within ye Rails are 2 Flat Stones, not legible. Without the Rails are ye 3 Following, ye 2 last of wch. are very imperfect.

2. On The First. Here lieth buried The Body of Nicholas SAWKINS, Gent; who being of This Parish, departed this Life ye 8th Day of May 1647. Aged 54 Years, leaving Issue 2 Sons and 5 Daughters.

3. On The Second. Here lieth Jane ye Daughter of William TILDEN, Wife of Nicholas SAWKINS of Lyminge, Gent; by Whom She had issue 4 Sons. 3 whereof ……/ The 4th whereof William ……./ And 5 Daughters – Jane, Margery, Elisabeth ……./ died June ye 22d. 1640.

4. On The Third. In Memory of ……../Daughter of ……./Har……/late Wife of Charles MARCHE of this Parish Gent. Whose Change from this Life to a better was ye 13rd Day of July 1653. Aged .. Years.

In The Body.
5. Here lieth ye Body of William SAWKINS of ……./Sawkins of Lyminge Gent. Who had Issue by Anne his Wife 5 Sonnes, and ../ Daughters. He deceased ye 23d. Day of October 1655.

6. And, Three Other flat Stones not legible.

7. In the East Window of ye Side Isle is this Coat, wch. is much broken; with a Motto not legible.

[Az. a pall or (sic) (no cross shown behind it) imp. ¼ly:
1&4). Arg. a cross gu. betw. 4 water buckets sa.
2&3). Gu. a fesse betw. 12 billets or. the whole called "Arch Bishop BOUCHIER"].
8. This Coat is also in a Chamber Window, in the Parsonage House at Saltwood. See Vol.2d. P.24.

In The Church Yard, fronting ye West Door of ye Belfry are the following Inscriptions, on 2 Altar Tombs.
9. On ye First. Crest – a Demy-Griffin. [Arg. 3 catherine-wheels sa. a bord. engr. gu. imp. Gu. a spreadeagle crowned or.]. (Griffin note: SCOTT). Here lie interr’d ye Bodies of Thomas Scott, of Longage, In this Parish, Esq. descended from ye Ancient Family of Scott, of Scott’s Hall, in this County. Son of Edward & Mary his Wife, Daughter of Sr. John HONEYWOOD of Eventon (Evington in Elmstead – V.J.T.), Who died ye 4th Day of October Anno 1711. in ye 51st Year of his Age. And, of Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of Richard GRAVES, of Gloucestershire Esq. by Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of John ROBINSON, of Gravesend, Esq. Who likewise died 20 Decr. 1717 in ye 57th Year of her Age. leaving 2 Daughters, Elisabeth and Bridget, who erected This Tomb, in Memory of their most honour’d Parents. 1718.

10. On ye Second. [In a lozenge: Arg. 3 catherine-wheels sa. a bord. engr. gu. (SCOTT)]. (Griffin note: Scott). To ye pious Memory of Mrs Bridget SCOTT, one of ye Daughters of Thomas Scott of Longage (on road from Lymge. to R.Minnis, nr. Sibton – V.J.T.), in this Parish Esq, lineally descended from ye Ancient Family of Scott of Scott’s Hall, in this County, & of Elisabeth his Wife, One of ye Daughters of Richard GRAVES of Gloucestershire Esq. She was born ye 12th Day of July 1697, & died 31st of May 1725. Aged 28. And, as a wise Virgin, being ready, is enterd with ye Bridegroom to ye Marriage. – William TURNER Junr. Esq. and Elisabeth his Wife, only Sister and Heiress of ye sd. Bridget, executors of her last Will & Testament, erected this Monument.
The 2 next Inscriptions are on ye North Side of this Tomb.
The First. Anna Maria, Daughter of William TURNER, Junr. of Canterby. Esq. & Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of Thomas SCOTT of ys. Parish Esq. was born ye 3d. Day of July 1719, and was buried ye 27th Day of August following – Aged 8 Weeks.
The Second. Elisabeth Daughter of William TURNER Junr. of Canterbury Esq. and Elisabeth his Wife, Daughter of Thomas SCOTT of this Parish Esq. was born May 7 1722 and died ye 4th of May 1723. Aged almost 1 Year.

11. The 3 Underwritten Poetical Epitaphs are on 3 Grave Stones in ye Church Yard.
The Young, ye Old one Fate attend./How much, in Life we ought to mend!/It’s full of Trouble, full of Sorrow;/Life is Today – Death is Tomorrow.
Farewell, Dear Wife, we parted be,/Who once was one by God’s Decree./But now Cold Earth must be thy Bed,/’Till Christ do raise Thee from ye Dead.
And, by her great Frugality and Care,/She left to each of them an handsome Share./Dame Downe here lies! as Heaven doth decree!/She now from all her Care and Toil is free.

12. This Living is in ye Patronage of the Revd. Mr. Ralf PRICE – the present Incumbent – Who has, both the Sine Cure Rectory & the Vicarage 1773.

13. The Church is an Handsome Building of Flint Stones; and consists of ye Body, and 1 Side Isle toward ye North. The whole Structure is cover’d with Lead. The Bells, which are 5 in Number, hang in a beautyfull Square Tower, at ye West End, having a Small Spire in ye Middle. The Bells have ye following Inscriptions.
1. John WILNAR made Me. 1631. W.N. (Stahl. 344. Prest. 1 is T. Mears & Son, 1810 now 2).
2. J.B. 1585. In ye Name of God. Amen. T.H.
3. William MARCHE, Robert WOOD, Samuel KNIGHT fecit. 1727. (No. 3 is Wm. Mears, 1785). Now 4.
4. William RIGDEN, Samuel KNIGHT fecit. 1727.
5. Sancta Maria, Ora pro Nobis. (No.5 now W.M. 1785). (Reset by L. & Pack in 1759, & is now No.6).

14. Adjoyning to ye North Side of ye Chancell are ye Ruins of some additional Building. The Windows of the Church were formerly painted, as appears by some broken Remains in most of them.

15. In West Wood, in this Parish (borderg. E. side of Stone St. – V.J.T.), are 2 very plain (plain probly. = clear, conspicuous – V.J.T.) Tumuli – and, on Tetters Lees (in this Parish also) in the Middle of The Road, is another very Plain One. 1756.

Index of Names and Places

Name Index
GRAVES 9, 10
MARCHE 4, 13
Pack 13

SAWKINS 272, 2, 3, 5
SCOTT 9, 10
WOOD 13Places Index
Canterbury 10
Eventon (Evington in Elmstead 9
Gloucestershire 9, 10
Gravesend 9
Longage (on road from
 Lymge. to R.Minnis,
    nr. Sibton 9, 10
Scott’s Hall 10

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