Tithe Apportionment for Elmstone
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Whilst every care has been taken in transcribing information from old records which in themselves are prone to error or
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Some Monumental Inscriptions of Elmstone Church
Some Monumental Inscriptions of Elmstone Church, noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1760.
Kindly typed up for the website by Pat Tritton
In The Chancell.
1. On a very handsome Monument, adorn’d with the following Coats – and a Bust at The Top. [I. Arg. on a fesse engrailed sa. 3 escallops arg. (JAQUES).
II. WHITFEILD (4.31, St. M.Mag.Cantby imp. JAQUES.
III. Gu. on a bend arg. 3 Popinjays, vert. betw. 2 lions rampt. or (PARTRIDGE) imp. JAQUES]. Siste, Viator; et Animo, si potes, immoto Exuvias has Mortis venerandas suspice. hic jacet Robertus Jaques, de Luton in Agro Bedfordiensi, Arm. celeberrimae Londinensis Civitatis Senator; sed, Oliverianis Temporibus Purpuram ac Forum sedulo devitans, Rus, ex Urbe, tanquam ex Vinculis, evolavit. Patriae, tamen, non defuit. quippe, Anno Christi 1669 – Cantij evasit Vice-Comes. Faelicissimus erat Johannae Maritus Unicae Gulmi. FOX, Londinatis, Filiae. ex quâ natae fuerant, Joanna, et Rebecca; aequo, cum Parentibus, Consortio faelices. Illa Uxor Henrici PARTRIDGE, nuper defuncti, Com: Berks Vice-Comitis, A.D. 1670. Haec tandem Uxor Johannis WHITFEILD; quem, quasi suum semper habens, Charissimo Naturae Pignore donavit. Senex semper venerandus. Tam sagaci erat Industriâ ut, Deum, ex Naturae Libro, investigaret; in Re rusticâ, cum primis, pollens, et redivivus Cantij Columella. quem, quasi Loci Genium, dolent nostrates. Cujus Memoriam revocat maestus Agrorum Vultus et Terra vix sudanti Agricolae arridens. Vivet tamen usq, et florebit gratos inter Agricolas, confertas inter Segetes, et per haec culta Novalia, hujus Memoriae; qui obijt 11 Octobris Anno Aetatis 64. Dom. 1671.
2. This Church, which is small, but neat, consists of The Chancell, Body, and a North Isle. The Tower stands at The West End of the North Isle; in it hang 3 Bells, all made by Richard PHELPS – Anno 1712.
3. I cannot find out, to what Saint This Church was dedicated.
4. It is a Vicarage, in the Patronage of The Arch Bishop.
5. The present Vicar is ……….
6. In The Church Yard, are Memorials of BARNE, GIBBS, HORNE, JARVIS and WHITE.
7. In the Great Field, South East of the Church, on ye Right Hand of the Road as You go towards
Index of Names and Places
Names Index
- Accounts
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- Ashford
- Aylesford
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- Eastry
- Erith
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- Fawkham
- Feet of Fines
- Folkestone
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- Foots Cray
- Frindsbury
- Gillingham
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- Hoo
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- Ifield
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- Rainham
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- Records
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- Rochester Cathedral
- Saltwood
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- Stoke
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- Stourmouth
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- Sturry
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- Tithe Commutation Surveys
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- Wrotham